#i'd gladly sit behind him in that last photo so i could look at that leather clad ass all day
peaceloveelvis 1 year
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Polly Bennett just made my day with these photos of Austin! 馃グ
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sunflowerim 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 35
the next day
"So, let's recall everything we learnt today," Louis mumbled with mouthful of crisps. Zayn stifled a laughter and elbowed Liam in the ribs to stop him from laughing.
They were hanging out in Louis' apartment, waiting for Harry and Niall's arrival.
"Yes, Lou," Zayn replied, keeping his face as straight as possible. "We are not to tell Harry anything embarrassing about you, and if possible not tell him anything at all."
"Not question him too much," Liam continued. "And what's the other one--"
"To remember that you two aren't dating," Zayn supplied. "It's-"
"--totally platonic," they said in unison, making Louis choke on the crisps.
"Please I'm begging you," Louis said after gulping down some water, "don't embarrass me."
Louis would have probably liked to continue on the subject but the bell rang cutting him off. With a last look at Zayn and Liam on the kitchen counter, he made his way towards the door.
Louis' jaw visibly dropped after opening the door. Harry was smiling down at him, dimples popping out. He wore a floral shirt with half the buttons undone, revealing the bird tattoos in his chest and a fedora atop his head, his soft curls hanging loosely under it and Louis had the sudden urge to run his hands through the curls.
Even Harry's eyes widened when he saw Louis, who was wearing a grey t-shirt underneath a denim jacket and had rolled up his sleeves in a way that made Harry's stomach flutter. It was Louis' hair that made Harry smile. He'd given it a ruffled appearance that made it look like he just got out of bed but still looked so damn gorgeous.
They must have been staring at each other for quite some time, because Niall coughed really loudly, breaking the staring contest.
"If you two are finished, can we proceed?"
"Hey, Niall, come in," Louis said, opening the door wider to let them in.
Niall smiled and entered the apartment, crossed Louis and suddenly came back and hugged Louis. Louis, startled at the gesture, awkwardly patted Niall's back.
"Thanks Lou, thanks for doing this. This is so much better than what I'd imagined."
"Nothing," said Niall letting go of Louis and winking at Harry.
Niall walked over to Zayn and Liam, Louis and Harry following behind. After a set of introductions, which involved Niall laughing too much at Harry's expense and Zayn accidentally spilling water on the counter. Liam just did a facepalm and helped Zayn clear up the mess, knowing better than to join the laughter in front of Louis right now.
After what felt like an eternity, they finally left the apartment.
Harry was driving and Niall, Zayn and Liam quickly got into the backseat, leaving the passenger seat empty for Louis. If they were expecting to create some Tension between Louis and Harry with this, then they were mistaken. They didn't know how close Louis and Harry had gotten over the weeks and how comfortable they were with each other. Harry drove swiftly, while Louis blasted music on the speakers and in an hour a very chaotic party arrived at the club.
They made their way amidst the crowd and were led towards the booth Niall had booked for them. Niall slid in first around the circular table, Liam and Zayn joining him on his left, once again, leaving the right side for Louis and Harry. Harry slid in beside Niall, Louis following him.
Thanks to the dim light not many could see the group and they could create as much chaos as they wanted to.
The drinks kept coming in and after 5 rounds, everyone was really drunk, except for Harry, who had to drive everyone home.
Soon enough, Niall spotted a lit up photo booth at one end of the club and dragged all of them aside for pictures.
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Suddenly the DJ started playing Beyonce and all of them almost jumped to the floor, taking up the space under the disco light and dancing their hearts out.
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Louis and Harry were so lost in each other that they didn't realise when they had moved from the rest of them Harry slowly pulling Louis towards the edge of the dance floor.
Harry found drunk Louis very adorable, the otherwise composed Louis kept leaning towards him all the while attempting some bizarre dance moves.
The track changed and a slow song reached their ears. Harry held Louis by the waist and began to sway them softly while Louis wrapped his hands around Harry's neck and giggled.
"Yes?" Harry asked softly.
"Do you like men?"
Harry laughed at the question, wondering how many times Louis had resisted the urge to ask this when he was sober.
"As a matter of fact I do. Thanks to you."
"Me? What did I do?"
"For making me realise I like men. I had never looked at anyone like that before you know. Was always set up with women. Didn't feel a thing for them either."
Louis moved a bit closer and rested his head on Harry's chest. "Does that mean you like me?"
Harry wondered how much of this conversation Louis would remember once he's sober and after a brief pause said, "I do, Lou."
"Well that's good because I do too."
Louis looked up at Harry, and balancing himself on his tippy toes, leaned up for a kiss. Harry smiled and ducked his face, resulting in Louis' lips ending up on Harry's head.
Louis' eyes were glassy and he looked confusedly at Harry who just replied, "you're drunk Lou, I don't want you to do something you'll regret when you wake up sober."
Harry wasn't sure how much of it went through Louis' head, and Louis simply rested his face on Harry's chest again hugging him tighter.
Harry didn't know how long they stood like that, moving in harmony with the music, oblivious to everything around them, when Louis leaned heavily on him, his legs giving away. Harry held Louis tightly and noticed that Louis was on the verge of passing out. He slung one of Louis' arms around his shoulder and held him by his waist, leading him to their table where Zayn was in deep conversation with Niall. From what Harry could make out, Niall kept talking about golf and Zayn about ufc and the two of them were too drunk to realise they were talking about complete different things, but still seemed to understand each other. Harry dropped Louis on the seat and looked around for Liam. It was about time they left. His searching eyes soon found Liam sitting on a stool at the bar talking to someone else. He didn't have Liam's number so he turned and asked Zayn to call him. Liam picked up the call but in the loud noise neither of them could hear a thing.
Luckily, Liam turned around to look at their booth and Harry frantically waved his hands gesturing him to come over.
As Liam made his way over with great difficulty, Harry asked, "ok how drunk are you?"
"Not much I guess."
"Ok I need help. Niall and Zayn are drunk but I guess they can stand on their feet, and Louis needs a bit of support. So I'll guide Louis to the car and you bring the two of them. I'll drop all of you off."
"Sure. By the way, Zayn and I were planning on staying with Louis anyway, so you don't have to go multiple places."
"Ok perfect. Let's go now."
With some difficulty and some help Harry and Liam managed to get everyone in the car. Zayn had volunteered to carry Louis to the car which ended up in both of them falling head first into the ground.
Soon, Harry was pulling up the car in front of Louis' apartment. He half carried, half dragged Louis up the stairs, wishing Louis lived in the ground floor. Once in a while loud thuds could be heard behind him followed by burst of laughter and he assumed Zayn or Niall must have slipped and fallen.
Harry reached Louis' door and retrieved the key from the hidden spot and went inside. He helped Louis to the bathroom and turned, "You freshen up, I'll get some water." Harry went up to Louis' bedside drawers and pulled out a t-shirt and a sweatpants and handed them to Louis. Louis still seemed to be in some sort of daze but he nodded and went in.
Harry came outside and saw Niall asleep on the couch and Zayn talking animatedly to Niall's dropping head. Liam had settled himself on the bed beside Louis' bookshelf and seemed to be gradually dozing off.
He grabbed three bottles from the fridge, dropping one beside Liam and another at the coffee table. He slowly nudged Niall. "Ni, don't fall asleep, we gotta go."
"Hmphhh, goodnight."
"No Niall, not here."
Harry tried to pull him off the couch but it was of no avail.
Deciding to get back to Niall later, he made his way to the bedroom with the last bottle.
Louis was nowhere to be seen and the bathroom door lay ajar.
"Lou are you done?"
No response.
Harry careful crossed over to the bathroom and found Louis sitting under the shower, fully dressed, playing with two rubber ducks, presumably of the twins'.
Harry smiled to himself and went over, and carefully sat on the edge of the bathtub. "Planning on sleeping here are we?"
The water seemed to have made Louis a tiny bit more stable. He nodded and said, "too tired to stand."
"Here, let me help you."
Harry grabbed a towel and turned off the shower and gently dried Louis' hair and then helped him stand up
"We need to get you changed."
Louis stretched out his hand beckoning Harry to do it for him. Harry thanked the fact that Louis was too pissed to notice that Harry had gone red in the face. Harry helped Louis out of the wet t-shirt and in the fresh one. Louis looked down at his drenched jeans and up again at Harry, as if waiting for instructions.
"Uh yeah, about that, I'll just-- I'll just turn and you change into these fresh sweats and if you feel like you're falling, just, i don't know, grab my hand okay?"
Louis giggled again and Harry turned around, taking deep breaths and trying to calm his racing heart. His heart contracted in his chest as he heard Louis change out of his jeans and throw it in the bathtub.
After a few seconds, Louis poked Harry in his arm and Harry turned around to see Louis smiling with a dreamy look in his eyes and still swaying on his feet. He held out his hand for Louis, who gladly obliged and led him towards the bed.
Harry made Louis sit on the bed and drink some of the water he'd brought and then pushed him backwards on the bed, pulling the blanket over him. Harry turned around to leave and noticed that Louis hadn't left his hand at all. He looked from their joined hands to Louis face and Louis slightly tugged him closer. Louis could barely keep his eyes open but still looked into Harry's eyes, smile playing on his lips, as if wordlessly telling Harry, that he wanted him to stay and Harry was just too whipped to refuse Louis anything. Harry didn't bother to change but slowly slipped inside the blanket with Louis, caressing his face. Louis shifted a bit closer and put his head on Harry's chest, hugging him around the stomach and fell asleep in a second. Harry was getting tired too. He hugged Louis tight, kissed the chocolate brown mop of hair under his chin and drifted off to sleep.
Louis woke up with a start and almost screamed when he realised he was sleeping in Harry's arms. He looked down and was relieved to find that both of them were clothed. The events of the night were slowly coming back to him and he felt a wave of embarrassment when he thought about his own behaviour, but at the same time his heart felt warm as he remembered Harry taking care of him through it all. He remembered Harry helping him change into fresh clothes and mentally decided that he'd never be able to face Harry again.
With as much stealth as he could manage, he slid off Harry, hoping not to wake him up; but too late. Harry was already stirring in his sleep and was rubbing one of eyes slowly. He slowly blinked his eyes open to find a panic stricken Louis next to him and heaved out a small laugh.
"Good morning Lou. Don't stress, nothing happened last night."
"I mean you tried to kiss me--"
"-but I didn't let it happen, don't worry."
"Oh ok."
"You sound disappointed," Harry chuckled.
"Uh no absolutely not. It would have been weird," Louis replied as nonchalantly as he could.
"Would it really be that bad?" Harry asked, his emerald eyes boring into Louis' ocean blue ones.
Louis could feel the tension thicken in the air and his throat suddenly felt groggy.
"I- I need water."
Harry chuckled again and grabbed the bottle from the bedside table.
"Chill Lou, I'm messing with you. I'll just freshen up and then go check on Niall okay."
Harry re-emerged after 5 minutes and moved towards the door, gesturing Louis to freshen up as well.
Outside, Zayn and Niall were sleeping on the couch just like he'd left them last night but Liam was nowhere to be seen.
Harry slowly woke them up and sat on the couch with them.
Niall complained about Harry's voice being too loud and Zayn covered his eyes quickly because the room was too bright for him.
Zayn walked over to the kitchen and started making tea, making a lot of noise in the process as he accidentally kept dropping stuff. Louis came out of his room and went to help Zayn, his head pounding.
"Zayn what the fuck happened last night?" Louis whispered so that Harry or Niall couldn't hear them.
"I don't know mate, the drinks were too strong I guess. My head hurts."
"Mine too. Harry says, I tried kissing him last night."
"Shh, keep it low. Yeah, and he didn't let it happen because I was too drunk."
"Bloody gentleman that one. Got all of us home safely. I'm telling you Lou, marry him."
"Piss off."
Together they carried a tray of tea cups and sugar to the coffee table and over a hot cup of coffee, Harry recounted all the stuff the others had been up to. The stories earned loud laughs from Niall who seemed to have gotten over his hangover easily. Louis still felt a bit flustered about it all.
"Where's Liam?" Harry asked after a while.
"Ah, he's never hungover. I'll not be surprised if he went to the studio first thing in the morning," Zayn replied.
"Harry, I think we should leave now," Niall chimed in.
"Yeah, Lou, I'd better be off too," Zayn added.
"Hmm, and I need to collect Cliffy from the dog sitter too. He must be missing me."
And in a few minutes, all of them set out for different destinations, promising to make plans again.
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shadowserenity28 3 years
Campfire ~Malleus x GN!MC~
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You were in the woods behind the botanical garden and chopped firewood. Tonight, you would have a nice evening at the campfire at Ramshackle dorm with your newfound friends from the Night Raven College....
...at least, that was the plan.
As it turned out, nobody - not a SINGLE soul - had time or were in the mood to come. The people from Heartslabyul were eagerly prepairing for an Unbirthday party the next day, Savannaclaw simply didn't want to come and Octanivelle was busy with the Mostro Lounge. Not even Kalim from Scarabia, who was usually all in for anything that was fun, could come because he and Jamil were suddenly called home because of some family business. You didn't make the effort of asking anyone from Pomefiore or Ignihyde, the first because they don't like making themselves dirty (except for Epel, perhaps, but since Vil was so strict, you didn't want to risk it) and the second because you didn't even know anyone from that dorm.
The only person you could still ask would be the Diasomnia dorm leader, Malleus. He didn't give you his name at first, so you referred to him as Tsunotarou. However, you only ever met him a few times in front of Ramshackle dorm and you didn't want to make him feel like he was just some sort of last resort. Then again, he was overjoyed when you invited him to the VDC. There was a chance that he wouldn't turn you down.
Making up your mind, you grabbed the chopped wood and brought it back to Ramshackle dorm, where you already set up a fireflace with three thick logs serving as benches. Then you went to the mirror that would take you to Diasomnia dorm. It was like a dark castle, befitting the Witch of thorns. You walked through the halls, hoping to find the dorm lounge.
"Looking for someone?" A voice from above suddenly said, causing you to jump. A little boy with black and pink hair then stood before you. "Hey, Lilia." You greeted the vice dorm leader. "Is Tsuno - I mean is Malleus there?"
"Sure. He's in the lounge. Come, I'll take you to him." Grateful that Lilia would lead the way, you followed him. Lilia wouldn't just let anyone see Malleus, but he knew that he had found a liking to you, which is why he didn't try to stop you.
The lounge was decorated in lime green, silver and black, much like everything in this dorm. It was nearly empty, only a few students in the back playing chess. Malleus sat alone on the couch and read a book. "Hey, Malleus! You have a guest." Lilia said and pushed you in his direction. Malleus looked up from his book and at you. "Ah, it's you." He said and smiled. "Did you decide to pay me a visit now that you know my true identity?"
You giggled. "To me, you'll stay Tsunotarou." You teased, causing Malleus to chuckle. "I'm gonna start a campfire this evening. Wanna come?"
Malleus looked at you, puzzled, and then asked: "What's a campfire?" If you had something to drink, you would've spit it out. "You don't know what that is? Have you never gone camping before?" You asked in shock. Malleus shook his head. You couldn't put a finger on it, but you believed that you just saw sorrow in his eyes. Lilia then explained that Malleus had spent his entire life in his castle.
"Oh, in that case, I gotta explain." You said with a sheepish smile. "Well, a campfire is basically like a fireplace, but outside. You sit around it and grill bread on a stick, sausages or marshmallows. We sing songs and laugh and simply have a good time."
"Sounds fun!" Lilia said, overjoyed on the inside that Malleus got invited to something. "Well, since you came all the way here to invite me, I'll gladly come." Malleus said. You jumped up in joy, relieved that you didn't need to spend the night all by yourself. "Wonderful! See you at dawn. Lilia, feel free to come too, if you want." You said and then rushed out.
After you left, Malleus couldn't stop himself from grinning. He got invited to something. You had invited him again, even though you knew his true identity now. It didn't seem to bother you in the least. "They really are something else, now aren't they." Malleus mumbled and shook his head with a smile. "You two would make a cute couple, you know?" Lilia teased. Malleus gave him an irritated look, but then picked up his book and continued reading.
At dawn, you had everything prepared for the campfire. The sticks and the dough for the bread on a stick were ready, your guitar leaned on one of the logs and the fire was already burning. While waiting for your company, you took the guitar and played a few accords. It's been a while since you last played. After going through all accords you remembered, you started playing some of your favourite songs and sang along.
Lost in the song, you didn't notice Malleus and Lilia arriving. Lilia wanted to announce their arrival, but Malleus held him back. He wanted to listen to your voice a little longer, afraid you wouldn't dare to sing in front of him. When you finished your song, the two clapped loudly. You startled and turned around. When you realized who was clapping, you smiled. The two walked over and sat down on the logs.
"You're really good, MC." Lilia said. "Have you considered joining the light music club? We're a little short on members, you know."
You giggled and put the guitar aside. "I'll think about it." Then you took the dough and wrapped some of it around the tips of the sticks. "In for some bread on a stick?" You asked the faes and handed a stick to each of them. They both accepted, but you had to stop Lilia from trying to eat the dough raw.
"You have to bake it over the fire first. Like this!" You explained and held your own stick over the campfire. Malleus silently followed your instructions, while Lilia was a little more chatty. Before you knew it, the three of you nibbled on your bread. "That's good." Malleus said as he carefully bit chunks out of the bread. "Do you do this often?"
"Yeah. On summer vacation, we always go camping for three weeks and we make a campfire every evening." You said, smiling in nostalgia. "We should do that more often, don't you think?"
Malleus nodded. "I'd like that." You looked at each other and got lost in your eyes for a moment. His eyes were such a bright green, like emeralds. "Gosh, get a room, you two!" Lilia blurted out, reminding you two of his presence. Malleus looked confused, while you giggled embarrassed.
You then took your guitar and played some of your favourite songs from your world. Malleus closed his eyes and listened to your lovely voice. He didn't know the song, but he eventually found himself bobbing in tact to the music. When Malleus opened his eyes to glance at you, he saw Lilia swaying from side to side.
You played every song you could remember from your world, even some in other languages neither Malleus or Lilia understood. When you finished your last song, Lilia took out his phone. "We should take a photo to remember this!" He said and slid over to you. "Malleus, come over here!"
"Sure." Malleus said and sat down next you, on the opposite side of Lilia, who held his phone up to fit the three of you into the frame. Then, he snapped the picture. "That looks good." Lilia said and showed them the picture. "I'll send it to you later."
The three of you continued to chat and tell stories to each other late into the night. Eventually, you fell asleep on Malleus' lap. Lilia giggled. "They look cute when they're asleep, don't you agree?" He said. Malleus felt his cheeks grow hot. Why did he get fluttered so easily as soon as you are even mentioned? "I should probably.... take them to bed." He mumbled and carefully took you into his arms. "Yup, do that. I'll clean up here." Lilia said and extinguished the fire. Now that the warmth of the flames was gone, it was rather chilly. It didn't bother Malleus, but he didn't want you to catch a cold, so he hurried inside the Ramshackle dorm.
Once he had found your room, he carefully put you on the bed and pulled the blanket over you. Just as he was about to leave, you grabbed his hand and pulled it closer to you. Malleus tried to carefully free his hand, but your grip was surprisingly strong for a human. Not wanting to wake you from your slumber, he decided to just give in and settle down next to you. Unconsciously, you realized a body next to you and instinctively snuggled against him. Malleus blushed as he carefully folded his arm around you, his heart beating so fast he feared it might wake you up.
"Tsuno...tarou..." you mumbled in your sleep and clutched onto his vest tighter. Malleus looked at your sleeping face, wondering if you were awake, after all. But you just breathed evenly and snuggled up against his broad chest. Your peaceful figure made Malleus sleepy as well qnd before he knew it, his eyes fluttered shut.
Lilia eventually wondered what took Malleus so long and went investigating. When he found the two of you in your bed, he giggled in delight. "Looks like the dragon is leaving his nest at last!" He murmured to himself and carefully closed the door.
"Sleep well, my little lovebirds."
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andieperrie18 5 years
Night at the Opera (R.Taylor x Opera singer reader) (prt.1)
PROMPT: Freddie's has twin who is an opera singer. And she meets her brother's band on her surprise arrival.
Freddie has a sister, a twin to be exact that they have been supportive of each other since they were kids. Y/n Bulsara loved her brother dearly and Freddie in vice versa. They are the first fan of each other when they achieve their dreams.
Freddie and Y/n both have the same dream and that is to sing and they are total fan of operas when their family first took to one in London. The male loved the idea of singing one day in a stage but he didn't want to be stuck in one genre but for Y/n she wanted the spotlight, singing a note higher that her own voice, the orchestra singing to her very voice and the crowd astounded by her voice that will send them to the heavens.
"All the shines of the thousand spotlights~
All the stars we steal from the night sky will---"
A knock from her room door woke her from her focus as she founds Freddie walking to the side of her bed, plopping to her left as he places an arm around her.
"Hows your lyrics coming up?"
"It's coming up pretty well, for me I guess." Her voiced slowly dropped to a whisper at the end.
"Come on now darling sister, you can't be thinking negatively at the moment. Mum, Dad and I we'll be there at your audition, if it makes you feel better, I'll be the first to applaud you." The male encouraged as she stared at him, her heart clenching from the huge amount of emotions the gesture is generating within her.
"You really think I could do this?" She tries to reassure.
Another wide smile glowed upon her brother's face before he placed a loving kiss on her forehead.
"Y/n buttercup, you will be the English Nightingale of London."
And the title was now forever etched to her heart. Y/n got her big break when she sang her first piece she had written for her brother in her first live audition opera where contestants like her will already have the biggest audience in the industry of music. And with her song, she sang to the world how her brother always been the best and the most hardworking person in the world despite his dislike to his own race. She sang, and sang that even her parents didn't even know that she could reach. She sung and sung her heart out that every lyrics hits Freddie to tears that had him screaming "WE LOVE YOU BUTTERCUP!! SO PROUD OF YOU" after the performance. And he kept his promise to be the first one to applaud followed by her parents then the whole audience, asking for an encore along the way. Although the whole performance is pure acappella with a few brilliant insertions of the conductor, she succeeds. Y/n landed a lot of projects and signing the week after. At first she didn't like it as she would be driven away from her home, her family's comfort but with another pep talk from her twin and her supported parents and other siblings, she went on her career.
As the year pass, the girl with a big drea, grew up to be a woman of vision. Every year the bigger her crowd grew, either the twice or thrice than her first one. Along her maturity, her creativity grew as well. Creating song after song that never fails to hit the very hearts of her audience. Her secret, she writes about her family.
"Y/n dearie, beta would be very happy to see you come home early! Oh he also said that he will bring friends as well!!" Your mother chirped through the phone as you could only smie in delight, you have been on tour from all around Europe for five years.
Y/n M/n Bulsara became Y/n Night, the English Nightingale of London.
Though Y/n told your handler that she'd rather prefer her real name, she just went along but always introduce herself in her real in parties. Her open mindedness and quick maturity from a girl to a woman didn't allow any bad critiques, comments and backstab to stain her good nature.
She always remember her father's word as it kept her standing on the top till the day.
"Good Words. Good Thoughts. Good Deeds." She would mumble to herself at all time when she comes to a party or before she comes to the stage to do her thing.
"I miss him so much mom, I miss you, dad and Kash. I can finally see your faces again." Y/n whimpers, as she thought of the long years of longing for the people she loved. How alone she felt.
"We all do buttercup. We all do and now your coming home! And I am so thankful Mr. Groban for allowing you to rest for a year!"
The call ended with her father switching with her mother, him crying through the call of how much he missed his darling buttercup. Y/n cried in so much joy that night, that she was getting antsy to leave her hotel room and hop in to her flight to London.
Now, she actually has one last show before her break begins and that is in London which was a perfect moment to have her family watch how much she has grown as an operatic singer. Cyrus Groban her handler and the conductor who had discovered her had always been kind and the old man would gladly and humble accept any request from her as he already saw her as his own child.
Roger Taylor sat beside Kashmira in the dining table with an attempt of flirting here. The table littered with conversations, Mary's father eyeing Freddie across him ever since he witness his mouth say quite informal words toward her daughter. It went for quite awhile until Freddie's mother began about their origin, about Freddie being born in Zanzibar. She began to distributing the photo album that contain all memoirs of the Bulsaras. Freddie left the table as he isn't really talking about his origin. Roger could tell that as he watched the said man from across the room trying to drown the conversation as he sings.
"Mrs. Bulsara, I was wondering but I kept seeing this girl with Freddie every once in a while in each pictures? Who is she?" Mary said, attempting to fix the rather awkward situation even the male across them had immediately smiled at the topic that was about unfold. To her luck, the mood did lift when Freddie's young sister Kash spoke in a rather lively tone.
"OH-oh! That's Y/n!! Our eldest sister and his twin. They were really inseparable back when we were kids!!"
Roger finally had a turn to photo album, he did notice the constant appearance of the girl y/n in each picture that has Freddie on it. The two would either had an arm on each other, or hugging. He found it quite adorable how the girl would have Freddie lock in her arms.
"She's hugger isn't she. You're looking rather choke up here mate." The drummer cracked earning a few laughs from the company.
"Y/n always had the best hugs." Kash muttered, looking rather sad at the end. Freddie walked behind her sister, placing hands on her shoulder for comfort as Kash held his hand in return from the gesture.
"I remember we would sing together while playing piano. She would always hit the highest note like it was nothing." Freddie told them while rubbing her sister's shoulder.
"She sings?" Brian smiled, his heart warmed with the way the siblings speak of their other sibling.
"In an Opera, she's really great. I am one day hoping I get to see her sing again on a stage."
Mary stared at her man as she marvel's the sparkle in his eyes as she he speaks of her twin sister like she was the best person in the world.
Roger, Deacy and Brian had never seen their lead vocalist be so compasionate about a person unless its Mary. The way he tells them about how he would bond with her sent smiles to their lips.
"Where is she?" Roger asked as he eyed a photo of Y/n where she is standing on a stage, singing with a smile.
"She's touring around Europe."
"WOW! She's a big time singer."
"You could say that." Kash answered. "She probably call us tonight.
Bomi and Jer left the table to get more photos, the table was drowning on and on about the child hood the Bulsara twins had.
" You all must really miss her." John muffled in his palm, staring at Freddie mainly. "We do."
Roger smiled at him as he was now rather intrigued with the existence of this second sibling.
"Ahh, I'd give anything to see buttercup again. I'd give her the biggest bear hug!!!"
**"Why don't you give it to me now then?" **
A female voice made everyone sitting by the table turn to its owner, except for Freddie who was stunned at the sudden familiar voice.
They eyed the female from the far entrance of the dining room. She had long (h/c) hair that cascaded down her shoulders with grace. Wearing a bohemian dress under white fur coat, her body perfectly shaped through the fabric and lastly a pair of beige open toe stilletos. Roger was eyeing her, not even bothering to blink at the moment. This person wasn't a girl like the ones in the photo anymore, this is a woman. Her chin up, as if she was some royalty.
Kash, was the first to react, removing herself from Roger's side and tackling the woman in a hug.
Freddie slowly spun to meet the gaze of his beloved sister. And ten strides across him stood his twin, his blurred like water as she stared at the beautiful woman across him.
"Hello Freddie." She smiled.
Waiting not a moment longer, the Parsini male strided towards his twin within seconds. His arms enveloping her waist and hers around her shoulders.
Roger had his eyes on Y/n the whole time, barely even allowing himself to look anywhere. It seems that her arrival lifted the spirits of the people in that celebration, that it had completely tampered mood of their parents.
Mary, oh how the girl fell in love with her personality the moment she saw her speaking to her father, in complete sign language. She could see the sparkle in her father's eyes as he conversed with this woman and seeing the delight in her face made Freddie smile.
"When did you learn to sign language, Y/n? You seem a bit awfully good with it?" Brian opened as he had answered everyone's question in their minds.
"Oh I learned it when I was ten. I practically father to get me into classes as it always intrigued me on how people do it in the telly." Y/n answered, her voice flow like silk in the blonde males head from across her. Roger loved it, he can only imagine how his name would sound like in her voice.
"I have a reason to believe that one's a lie." Freddie pour a glass of water on Y/n's glass as she sent him a face.
"It's true!"
"Well yes darling, thats the second reason. But mum knew the real reason you did it. Don't you mother?"
Jer smiled at the question, her eyes lingering to her daughter.
"I went to her school one day to fetch her, I was waiting for her to come outside until her teacher came towards me and asked if I was her mother and if I could come with her."
Every ears and eyes around the room were trained on the mother.
"They led me to the school library where I found buttercup 'talking' to two kids about her age in the moving language. The teacher we quite curious to how she learned sign language just a few weeks after the foreign exchange students who had speaking disorder just came in. They told me that she's been attempting to talk to them since day one but because of their problem, they can't converse rather well."
Y/n smiled at the memory of her childhood as her father caressed her hand in pure delight. Kash rested beside her with her arm around her figure.
"You learned it for your friends? Wow, thats a very great thing to do." Deacy complimented earning a thankful nod from the female.
"Yeah, I did. Jean and Pedro have been my friends for quite awhile now and we still do. They finally got their disorder cured as they were to speak again after we graduated at uni. The two are working with me now."
"Your sister says you are an Opera singer. How's that career going for you?" Roger finally had the chance to speak, he almost jolted when she met his eyes, the way they glowed made his do aswell.
"Yes, yes I do. Oh! Which reminds me about my last tour. I would like to invite all off you to my last Opera performance for the year."
Freddie's face curled with the term last. Y/n saw this, she took his hand and smiled wider and brighter.
"Last, because I'll be on a year and half break." This returned him to his positive state but twice higher.
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