#i’ve had no time but i’m so so so excited
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Lust, Lies and Legacies
It was instant, that heart-thumping moment when Danny first set eyes on Nial’s new boyfriend. He’d heard about the guy several times from his housemate, alongside a detailed run-through of each of their dates so far. Hell, he’d even seen a couple of pictures on Nial’s cell phone, but nothing could have prepared him for that feeling when he first opened the door to him that one evening after work.
“You must be Danny?” the handsome man asked, standing at the door, waiting to come in. “I’m Ted; Nial’s…” “Yes!” Danny shot back, needing no explanation and immediately stepping back from the threshold to allow the man inside. So breathtakingly tall and naturally broad, Ted breezed by; the scent of his aftershave causing butterflies to flutter in Danny’s stomach. “You know that Nial won’t be back from work for another half an hour or so?” he asked the impossibly good-looking man standing in the hallway with him.
Ted shrugged. “I know,” he nodded. “Nial told me to come over anyway. He said you’d be here to let me in. I usually go to the gym after work but, half an hour isn’t really enough time to get stuck in.”
Danny made the man feel welcome, sitting him down in their lounge area and pouring him some coffee. Like his mother before him, Danny knew how to be hospitable to guests and soon had Ted talking all about himself. He heard about his family and education, his career and even his ex-boyfriends, of which there were surprisingly few. The boy had such kind eyes, Danny thought to himself, getting lost within them. Despite his imposing, giant, muscular build, he spoke so calmly and softly, like the genuinely nice guy he appeared to be.
“Sorry,” Ted chuckled, realising the time as Nial began unlocking the front door behind him. “I’ve just talked at you for the last thirty minutes. I’m not usually this chatty.” It was obvious that he felt quite relaxed in Danny’s company and, perhaps, even a little disappointed that he wouldn’t get the chance to have a second mug of his special coffee.
For Danny, he sighed, realising that Nial would soon do what he did with all his boyfriends and sweep Ted away to his bedroom. He felt a pang of jealousy as he saw Nial embrace him and kiss him gently on the mouth. Nial was as handsome as they came, but it was obvious that Ted was far too sweet for him. There was an innocence and wholesomeness about the man that Danny had fallen for straight away. It broke his heart to imagine him getting mixed up with a guy like Nial.
“What did you think?” Nial asked a few hours later, after Ted had gone home. “He’s gorgeous, isn’t he? A proper hunk! He played football in college, y’know.”
Danny nodded. Ted’s impeccable physique had not evaded his attention. “He’s a really great guy,” he conceded.
“And he’ll fatten up a treat!” Nial continued, smirking as he saw the future mapped out in his head. “You should see how much he can eat!” he swooned. “If I just keep putting him off from going to the gym, I’ll have more than a few extra pounds on him in no time. He’s in that perfect sweet spot after finishing college last year and no longer playing football: the appetite of an athlete, without the exercise. Excess calories can pile up with ease!”
On paper, Danny and his housemate had relatively little in common. That was, apart from their shared appreciation of significantly larger guys. The theory of how Nial operated, seducing his lovers and then tweaking their diets to quietly fatten them up, had excited Danny at first. However, the reality had made him feel more than a little guilty. He’d moved in six months ago and witnessed Nial taking his ex from ‘chubby’ to really quite significantly overweight, before they ended things. And his ex had just been one of several innocent victims Nial had sunk his claws into over the years. Whatever this guy did with these boys, it apparently never failed to work.
“This’ll be the first time you’ll see me fattening a guy from scratch!” Nial grinned, clearly excited by the many weeks and months of work ahead. “You’re going to love it. Those first fifty pounds of blubber are always the sweetest!”
“I’m not sure Ted’s really the right sort of man for that,” Danny began nervously. “He’s so sweet. He doesn’t really deserve…”
Nial simply laughed. “The sweet ones are always the easiest prey!” he shot back. “You’ve seen him. He’s going to look so fucking hot when I push a proper gut out on him. Just imagine that handsome face framed by a delicious double chin!”
Danny mumbled nervously. There was so much he wanted to say to Nial, but given the fact that Nial’s family owned the house they shared, the balance of power didn’t always seem equal. More than once, Nial had threatened to throw him out after a relatively minor disagreement. Cheap rooms in this part of the city were incredibly rare. If he wanted to keep a roof over his head, it wouldn’t do to challenge Nial. And so, if Danny was going to protect Ted in the way he felt compelled to do, he would have to be smarter about it.
There wasn’t anything particularly smart about Danny’s plan. It had been sheer dumb luck that the massive container of diet pills his mother had given up on just so happened to be the exact same shape and size as the appetite enhancers he knew Nial used to ensure his lovers overate. Swapping them had been simple; his scheming unnoticed. However, it meant that when Ted would come over after his work, Danny could at least look him in the eye, knowing that he was trying to do some good for him.
“That looks incredible!” Ted gasped, seeing the immaculately decorated cake Danny had prepared for his sister’s engagement party that weekend. “I had no idea you were so talented!”
Danny blushed. He was quite pleased with how it had turned out, but the way Ted looked at him with such awe made him squirm with embarrassment. Surely Ted would be able to tell how quietly smitten he was by him just from the way he fell to pieces whenever the slightest bit of praise was sent his way. “It’s nothing,” he shrugged.
Ted leaned down and smelt the frosting. “It’s incredible!” he marvelled. “My mouth is literally watering! I’ve just had the most insane sweet tooth for weeks now.”
Danny looked down nervously. He knew how hard Nial had been pushing the sweet treats on Ted. It was no wonder that the guy was getting cravings for sugar. Yet there Ted stood, statuesque and unchanged; unknowingly benefitting from the diet pill’s effect to prevent fat absorption and speed up his youthful metabolism. The other morning, they’d both been embarrassed when Ted was caught strolling out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his lower half. Before that moment, Danny had been convinced that such tight and muscular six packs had only ever existed in the movies.
After Nial had arrived home, Danny returned downstairs to see that a giant slice had been cut out from the cake he had spent all day working on, now resting on a plate in Nial’s hand. Danny had gasped, open mouthed, looking angrily into Nial’s face.
“Relax! It’s just a cake!” Nial shot back irritably.”You can bake another one. I’m taking this one for Ted.”
A few seconds later, Ted came racing into the kitchen, having been presented with the cake slice by Nial and knowing exactly where it had come from. “I’m so sorry!” he called out. “I didn’t realise that Nial was going to cut a slice. I was only telling him how delicious it smelt!”
“It’s fine!” Danny replied calmly back, not wanting to upset the sweet guy. “I said Nial could cut into,” he lied, spotting Nial watching them from behind Ted’s back. “I forgot that one of my sister’s friends is gluten intolerant, so I knew I’d have to remake it.”
“You see, honey. It’s fine,” Nial cooed, rubbing his boyfriend’s large back. “Danny wants you to have that cake. So why don’t you open up and tell him what you think?”
Ted glanced down, picking the fork up from his plate. He looked to Danny one final time to ensure it really was okay, then cut and fed himself a giant section. “Mmm! That is just incredible!” he moaned. “It’s the best cake I’ve ever had!”
Danny really was delighted to hear him say that, even if it meant a long time baking again the next morning, before the party. Perhaps that was why he had always had a thing for chubbier guys in the first place: the idea of bringing them such pleasure, minus the guilt and resistance of a man who was more insistent on keeping in shape.
Victoriously, Nial smirked behind his lover. He really was good at this. So much so that, by the following morning, almost half of the entire cake had been completely consumed.
Arriving back from an all-you-can-eat banquet one evening, Nial was grinning from ear to ear as a bloated Ted was sitting, grumbling as he rubbed his swollen stomach in the living area. Pretty soon afterwards, he drifted off to sleep as Nial played one of his dull reality shows that he was well aware Ted couldn’t stand.
“Look!” Nial whispered as Danny came down for a glass of water, lifting Ted’s shirt up so that the rounded shape of the guy’s stomach could be seen. It was obvious how much the tall man must have eaten to push it out that far, almost to the limits of physics.
Danny nodded, not really knowing why Nial still insisted on showing off like he did. Danny had never encouraged his wicked tactics and had made it quite plain that he didn’t think it was fair. Nevertheless, the guy followed him into the kitchen, overcome with elation and needing to speak to someone.
“Danny, you should have seen him!” Nial marvelled. “It was absolutely grotesque how much he was eating! I was just bringing little dishes back and forth to the table and he mindlessly ate every last one of them. He’s obviously been trained to clear his plate his whole life. He can’t stand wasting food. He’s a proper pig!”
Danny winced at the word. He had never enjoyed hearing Nial use it to describe the man who was obviously so taken with him. “I’ve got my sister coming over tomorrow afternoon. Are you two going to be about?” he asked, trying to change the conversation quickly, just in case he ended up telling Nial what he really thought of his awful manners.
“You’ll have to meet your sister elsewhere,” Nial simply shot back. “It’s Sunday and I have a full day of overeating planned for Ted. I don’t want anyone getting in the way.”
“I thought Ted said you guys were off for a hike tomorrow morning?” Danny asked.
Nial chuckled at that. “I’ll be telling him that I have a migraine in the morning. We won’t be leaving the house.”
“But Ted was really looking forward to taking you up that trail,” Danny protested, always feeling nothing but sympathy for the guy. “It’s where they scattered his family dog’s ashes.”
“As if I want to spend my Sunday hearing stories about some dumb dead dog!!” Nial blasted. “I’ve got an appetite to build. Every day I can get him to eat more and more. Already, he can get down more than a man three times his size. Once I finally destroy the pig’s metabolism, I’m going to witness the most spectacular show on Earth!”
Two weeks later, and still determined to help Ted, Danny crept into Nial’s room to check on the large container he had piled high with diet pills. For over three months, oblivious Ted had been fed one after the other, helping him resist the otherwise inevitable weight gain that would have resulted from the vast quantities he was eating every day. Time and again Danny had witnessed the consumption of overwhelming portions and the decimation of everything Nial was getting in for his lover to consume. Yet, Ted still arrived each and every day looking like none of it was having even the slightest effect on him. With over half the diet pills still in the container, Danny topped it up only very slightly so as not to cause suspicion.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be long now until Nial changed his tactics. Then all of Danny’s work would be lost and Nial would at last have his own way. It was all so inevitable. Pretty soon, Ted was going to have to fend for himself.
“You don’t like Nial all that much, do you?” Ted asked one afternoon during the sweet thirty minutes they had alone together.
“What makes you say that?” Danny asked, surprised by Ted’s bluntness as the guy roamed around the kitchen hoovering up the many stashes of snacks Nial kept in for him.
“It’s just the way you’re so guarded with him,” Ted replied thoughtfully, finally stopping to look at him.
“Is that what Nial thinks?” Danny asked, nervous for both their sakes if it was true that Nial had realised that he didn’t really like him.
“Of course not,” Ted chuckled. “Nial thinks everyone loves him. It’s part of what drew me to him in the first place: that confidence. Now, though, I sometimes feel like he doesn’t even like me. Some days, he can be so short-tempered.”
Danny nodded sympathetically. He’d noticed it too. Nial’s complete failure with Ted over the last six months had made him more irritable than he had ever seen him before. In some ways, he could understand why. Given how many calories Ted was eating in a day and how little cardio he was getting, on paper, the guy should have been piling on the weight like crazy.
“I’ve actually been thinking about moving out,” Danny admitted, checking his watch and seeing that he still had at least fifteen minutes until he needed to worry about Nial getting home and overhearing them. “I’ve been saving so much these last few months, I now have more than enough to get somewhere by myself.”
“Then what’s stopping you?” Ted asked, sensing Danny’s hesitancy. The man was so in-tune with Danny; so sensitive and astute. “Wait! You’re sticking around for my sake?” he asked, dumbfounded.
“No… I just…” Danny mumbled back, feeling suddenly like his every movement would give him away. “I just don’t feel comfortable leaving you here on your own with Nial,” he tried to reason.
“You really distrust him that much?” Ted asked now.
Danny exhaled, wondering how this conversation had gone so badly wrong so incredibly quickly. “Yeah,” he finally nodded, deciding that the truth was better than attempting a lie that Ted would immediately call him out on. “He’s not good enough for you. Not even the smallest bit. You’re so sweet and kind and thoughtful and calm. Any guy who had you should be…””
What happened next caught Danny off-guard more than any other moment in his life so far. The gorgeous Ted moved closer towards him, cupping Danny’s face in those large, masculine hands, before planting a kiss on his lips like no other Danny had ever experienced. It was followed by a rapid succession of others, more frantic, furious and passionate than the last.
Something dreadful and, at the same time, completely wonderfu,l had just happened
Danny had been the one to insist that Nial was not told. He happily relinquished his love as soon as his housemate got in, and disappeared upstairs. It was only later that he heard Nial complaining that Ted had finished with him.
“Good riddance!” Nial called out bitterly. “He couldn’t even put on a single pound in months!”
“Is that really all you care about?” Danny asked, feeling a little impatient at Nial’s one-dimensional complaints.
“Well, I was hardly with him for his scintillating conversation, was I?” Nial spat back, resurrecting his frequent complaints that he’d actually found Ted to be rather boring. “Six months I wasted on that guy… for nothing!”
Danny rolled his eyes and escaped upstairs. With Ted safely out of harm’s way, there was no need for him to hang around anymore. Already, he had found a place online that he liked the look of. Danny was moving out.
“I want to see you,” Ted had messaged Danny over the coming week. “I can’t believe how much I miss our time together each day.”
Danny had smiled broadly, hardly believing that he held such sweet words from Ted in his own hands. As much as he wanted to run straight into Ted’s arms, he knew it would be wiser and more dignified to hold back. Nial was as clever as they came. Any change in Danny’s routine and he would know that something was up. Then he’d unravel it all and make his life absolute hell, without a place to stay and no family in the city to help him out. And, the worst part was, he’d probably deserve it. Danny felt so much shame for what he had done: kissing Ted when he knew he was with someone else; ultimately causing their break-up. A little cooling-off period was definitely necessary if they truly were to make a go of things. It was best to put everything on ice for now and wait until his new apartment was ready to move into. Five more weeks, that was all. FIve more weeks and he would be free.
Nial hadn’t taken the news that he was moving out particularly well. Danny’s rent money helped to fund his disposable income and the news that his cash-flow was about to decrease had left him more than a little pissed off. As well as that, about a week after finishing with Ted, he’d started sleeping with a chubby guy, called James. The boy was nice enough, however Nial had been distraught to see that he’d actually started to drop a few pounds since they’d got together. He simply couldn’t understand it. Why, after all those years of success stories, had secretly fattening a guy become so difficult? As such, frustrated Nial became almost impossible to live with.
The two housemates weren’t really talking to each other the day Danny moved out. Nial went off to work without saying goodbye and returned home to an empty house, without so much as a forwarding address for his now former housemate. Meanwhile, Danny was grinning from ear to ear as he stroked his sparkling kitchen counter and sat himself down on the brand new couch that had arrived only an hour earlier. Tomorrow, Ted was coming over for the first time since that kiss. The buzz and excitement was almost too much to take. At long last, Danny felt like he was having an entirely fresh start.
“Hello there!” came the deep, alluringly sexy voice of Ted as he stood on the threshold, waiting to be invited in. He gazed at Danny, smiling sweetly, then stepped across to kiss him once more. “This has been the longest six weeks of my life!” he whispered, embracing him as the door swung shut behind them.
Danny felt so consumed and safe in that hug, completely swallowed up by the big man’s giant arms. Ted was so much shorter than he was. When he held him, Danny could feel his whole, small body starting to relax, allowing himself to be delicate and fragile once more; that hard exterior he had created to get through the last few weeks of living with Nial, crumbling away. They both breathed in and exhaled with relief, perhaps not realising how deep their affection for one another had been until they were parted like this.
Holding the tall man’s hand, Danny led Ted around the apartment, room by room. The sexy man made all the right noises but he wasn’t really listening. He seemed to simply enjoy being in Danny’s company again and listening to his voice. It was something a guy had never done with Danny before, allowing himself to show how smitten he was and abandoning the ego that most men seemed to have. At the sight of Danny’s new, cosy bedroom, Ted smiled happily and kissed him once more, clearly hoping that this would be where they would spend many a happy night, lying side by side.
Pretty soon they were sitting together on the new couch, kissing yet again. Yet something felt odd about it all. Up close like this, Ted’s face was somehow…different. Danny brushed it aside, thinking that he was imagining it all. However, once their hands started to roam more freely onto each other’s bodies, he could tell for certain that Ted was not quite the man he had once been. Slipping his hand down onto Ted’s torso, Danny could feel that the boy had quietly amassed quite a few extra pounds since their kiss, only six weeks ago. When he looked down, a slight paunch was pressing against the material of Ted’s t-shirt, quite startlingly obvious in this sitting position. He kept quiet and carried on, not wanting to make Ted at all self-conscious, acting like it wasn’t even there. Their kisses were so pleasurable anyway, nothing else mattered.
The pair chatted freely, enjoying not having to worry about anyone bursting in and spoiling their flow. This small, overpriced apartment could be their little piece of heaven; a refuge from everything outside; freedom from everyone who didn’t really matter. Ted got up and helped Danny with some of the remaining flat pack furniture that needed building, laughing as the pair of them couldn’t follow the simple instructions for gazing adoringly into the other’s eyes. How was it that Nial wasn’t completely besotted by this guy? There was such innocence behind those big eyes, his smile so broad and genuine. Even as a teenager, Danny had never felt anything so intense as this.
The pair of them had done well to control themselves up until that point. But as the light faded and Danny pulled out some romantic candles, the temptation to slip into the bedroom became all too much. With their clothes off, it was obvious how Ted had an almost complete absence of any stomach muscles whatsoever; the sides of his once tight waist now fluffy and slightly puffed out; his skin marked by the new, less flattering fit of his underwear. They made love, quite passionately, without any acknowledgement whatsoever of the rather sudden and dramatic weight gain Ted had undergone. Even as the big man thrusted, a fluttering of fresh fat was threatening to steal all of Danny’s attention.
Pleasure, joy and bliss. In that perfect hour, there were only the two of them left on the entire Earth. But as Ted got up to start getting dressed again, Danny had to wonder: just what had happened to him? How could everything Nial had been secretly trying to do to him over months and months, suddenly start happening the very moment that they broke up?
Over the course of the next few days, everything became abundantly clear to Danny. Box by box, carton by carton, Ted had destroyed almost all the meagre supplies in his new kitchen. The man was an eating machine, seeming to uphold the very bad habits that had been trained into him during his time with Nial. He’d head out to the store and return with a full tray of doughnuts that he would then stuff into himself very slowly over the following few hours, alternatively grazing on sweet and then savory snacks. Attempting to count the calories his new lover could consume in a day was near impossible. Danny had little comprehension of how much the guy was quietly eating until he went to the cupboards and noticed how bare they were. Within a further two weeks, the boy’s paunch had swollen up even more, only concealed now when Ted wore his large, warm winter jacket. A more generous bounce and flutter of the stomach began not long afterwards and it became more than apparent how much Ted’s underwear in particular were pinching him.
Although Danny hated to admit his own responsibility, he had to accept that everything that was happening now was entirely of his own making. It was the legacy of those damned diet pills. Whilst they had definitely worked well during the time Ted was taking them, the reality was that by masking the effect of all that overeating, they’d allowed Ted to build up an appetite that was no longer easily quashed. He had been permitted to overeat and indulge in a way that had not produced the slightest consequence for months and months; all whilst quietly enabled and encouraged by a lover who did not have his best interests at heart. Indeed, sometimes, it was really rather strikingly obvious that Ted had unknowingly dated a feeder. He could get aroused alarmingly quickly after a huge boost of sugar and he seemed to think it normal to take a can of whipped cream into the bedroom and squirt it onto Danny’s body before licking every last bit up.
Perhaps Nial had told him how manly and attractive his vast appetite was, for Ted would grin proudly after consuming a particularly large meal and appeared to enjoy the feeling of being so satisfied. He wanted Danny to start baking for him and didn’t seem to think twice about consuming an entire tray of fresh cookies before they had even had the chance to cool down. Despite being the enviable college football star only two years earlier, Ted had seemed to fall into a life of surprisingly lethargic gluttony. After months of speeding up his metabolism, Ted’s whole system had seemingly crashed and he piled on the pounds with almost alarming speed. Once the paunch had properly developed some shape to it, it seemed to become more and more extreme with each passing day. It was firm and shapely, morphing into love handles that wrapped around his middle.
Ted, who had never been an especially vain man, took it all in his stride. He had come to accept how different his life was now that he was out on his own and working every day. He had to hold down a job at City Hall and maintain his relationship, reasoning that he didn’t really have the time to devote to the gym, as he once would have done. As such, he’d have to understand that he’d be carrying a little more weight. And if Ted’s weight was no great deal to Danny, then why should he stress about it?
“Nial always used to say that happy folks always gain a few pounds when they’re in love.” Ted chuckled. He patted his stomach, which had recently become firmer and more tank-like than ever before. “I just happen to be very, very in love,” he teased, kissing Danny sweetly as they snuggled into the couch, ready to watch a movie.
The sex had always been amazing with Ted, but as he got heavier, his body became increasingly homely and cosy to snuggle up with. He was warm and padded, safe and relaxing. Even with the insane amount of money Danny was spending on food each week, he knew that he would never find anyone he would want to be with for the rest of his life, as he felt every single moment with Ted.
Danny didn’t know exactly when the threshold had been passed. There seemed to come a time when people were less accepting of Ted’s post-football career chunk, and more disparaging of the significant extra mass he was carrying all over his body. Thirty pounds people could cope with, but try adding sixty or more, and the overwhelming reaction of others was that of significant disapproval. Perhaps it was when Ted’s chest started to soften, away from the traditional pectoral muscles he had had for so many years.
Danny would take it surprisingly personally when he saw Ted’s friends treating him a little differently, or when his family poked fun. Some days, Ted’s mother could be deliberately frosty with Danny himself, blaming all his baking the increasing difficulties her son was having with his weight.
It appeared to frustrate people how relaxed Ted was about his chubbier physique. The guy was too practical for his own good. When his underwear or pants became too tight, he simply bought new ones. When people were unkind about his weight, he’d only shrug and roll his eyes. “What business is it of theirs?” he’d ask, quite rightly. Some days he did try to eat more sensibly, but he also didn’t lose any sleep on those other days when he had clearly overdone it. Again, Danny had to remind himself that he had no idea what Nial had quietly done during the time they had dated. For all he knew, the guy could have been streaming some hypnotic recording into Ted’s ears as he slept, reinforcing the need to overeat and helping him accept the inevitable changes that would occur as a result. Indeed, despite living with him for over a year, Nial’s actual methods still remained a complete mystery.
It seemed strange to admit, but it was easy to become blind to just how much Ted overate. The giant portions didn’t seem so extreme anymore and the casual snacking was just something Ted did. The guy was so big and tall; of course he was going to need to eat a lot more than most folks. Practically living with Danny now, the cupboards were filled with the things that the big man enjoyed and a large, ugly, reclining chair had appeared in front of the TV where Ted would park himself to play the games console that Nial had been responsible for getting him into.
“Are you really sure about Ted?” asked Danny’s mother one day, noting the way her son’s hard-earned, stylish apartment was beginning to evolve into a space that was clearly inhabited by a fat guy: the smell of stale cheese from the emptied pizza boxes still on the kitchen counter; the generous heap of sugary snacks piled up beside Ted’s chair. “I know he’s a lovely boy, but it’s quite obvious that he’s the type of person who is always going to struggle with his weight.”
Danny bristled with irritation. “Ted could weigh six hundred pounds and I’d still love him,” he answered defiantly.
His mother simply stared at the pile of fresh laundry that Danny was sorting as he tried to ignore her concerns: the new, wavy, withered waistband of Ted’s tortured underwear. “The problem is,” she sighed, “I think that’s exactly where he may end up.”
It had been almost a year since Danny had moved out of Nial’s place, yet the shadow of him loomed within his mind on a daily basis. Danny hated how he had such a wonderful relationship with Ted, yet was still having to keep this dreadful secret about everything that had really happened behind the scenes. If Danny began to explain even one small part of it all, it would be inevitable that his conscience would lead him on to detailing his own despicable part in ultimately crashing Ted’s metabolism; sending him on this journey of seemingly never-ending and remarkably rapid weight gain.
“You’ll never guess who I saw today!” Ted announced, getting in that evening and throwing off his tie.
Danny’s heart sank. He knew the day was coming and every muscle in his body tensed as he watched his lover form Nial’s name with his lips. “What did you say to him?” he asked nervously.
As was usual at this time, Ted went over to the cookie jar and began loading his hand with several treats to take back with him to his chair. “He was surprisingly chatty and friendly,” Ted beamed, pleased that they had all seemingly moved on from the hostility of that break-up.
“Did you tell him about us?” Danny asked, still hoping for a miracle.
“Yeah! And he was absolutely fine about it!” Ted nodded happily, trying to reassure his boyfriend. “He was really pleased for us. In fact, he wants to come over some time and drop off a box of your things he’s found after you moved out.”
Danny spotted the lie straight away. He had checked and double-checked every last inch of that place to ensure that absolutely nothing was left behind.“Did you give him my address?” he asked, trying to conceal the horror in his voice.
Ted nodded. “He said he’d misplaced it, so I wrote it down for him again. He seemed super keen to get back in touch with you.”
Danny nodded, smiling with his mouth despite the whirring of brain cells behind his eyes and the gentle sweat that was creeping over his body. Why had he allowed Ted to go into work in such a tight shirt today? The buttons were so stressed and tortured by the giant stomach, well underway in its construction. Of course such attire would make Ted stand out more in the crowds; it made people stare and look. Folks who may have casually walked by suddenly stopped and studied, recognising someone they used to know… Such a change would have ignited Nial’s curiosity to learn every last detail about what had happened to Ted since their break-up. Perhaps he would want him back? Maybe he thought Danny had done this to him? That this whole thing had been orchestrated since Day One?
Whatever the motives, the feeder would soon be back in all their lives. After all this time, Nial was about to find out everything.
It would have been an easy bet that Nial would arrive the very next morning, well aware that Danny would be working from home and that Ted would be out. Indeed, the guy had made it into the building without calling to be buzzed in, then knocked gently at the door, just like Mrs Lee across the hallway. Suddenly, there he was, right in front of Danny’s eyes, grinning from ear to ear.
“You know…” the guy began, strutting in without an invitation, “...people used to ask me why we were friends. You’re not interesting, particularly clever or funny…”
Danny sighed, feeling like he was only an observer in his own body; powerless to stop whatever move Nial was about to play.
“I told them!” Nial smirked. “I said to them, ‘Danny’s got a lot more about him than you realise!’ I warned them all that there was a devilish streak behind the mundane exterior. And I was absolutely right, wasn’t I?”
“What do you want, Nial?” Danny grunted, still holding the door open in the hope that he could get the guy out as soon as possible.
Nial laughed as he saw a pair of Ted’s pants draped over the back of one of the chairs. He picked them up and whistled in appreciation of their size. “”Fuck me! Look at these!” he laughed. “Looks like old Teddy-Boy has let himself go a bit! When I saw him yesterday, I could hardly believe my eyes. That stomach!” he laughed wickedly. “And the tits are beautiful by the way. I definitely need to congratulate you on those. You’ve clearly been working exceedingly hard to fatten him up.”
Danny quickly shut the door, not wanting anyone to overhear a single word. “I’m not like that!” he shot back. “I’m not like you. I never have been.”
“First of all, you stole my boyfriend from me. So don’t be playing the innocent card here!” Nial suddenly flared up; his patience evaporating. “Secondly, are you really trying to convince yourself that you’re not every bit as twisted as I am? I was thinking about it all night. I bet they hate you, don’t they? His whole family was so stuck up. I bet they despise you now you’ve done this to their little prince. He’s so tall, I bet he’s even heavier than he looks. What is he now? 350lbs? 360?”
Danny didn’t know how to reply. Yet in his silence was everything Nial needed.
“I could tell them all, you know. No one wants a feeder in the family. One phone call and this whole false world you’ve built together would come crashing down.”
“But I haven’t done anything!” Danny argued back, sensing his worst fears coming to life.
“Of course you have! Look at him! He’s a walking, talking human-pig!”
“Don’t call him that!” Danny growled.
“I’ll call him whatever the fuck I like,” Nial hit back defiantly. “He was mine long before you started to sink your claws into him. I’ll do it, y’know. I’ll tell his family everything. Ted is such a mommy’s boy, he’d end it with you the second his mother told him to.”
“Why would anyone believe a single nasty word that came out of your mouth?” Danny argued back, actually raising his voice a little, so palpable was his fury. For over a year he had had to live with the knowledge of the sordid deeds he had played his part in. It was a looming darkness that threatened to destroy the beautiful happiness that he in no way deserved.
“Because it wouldn’t be the words coming out of my mouth that they would be listening to,” Nial smirked back. He pulled out his cell phone and began scrolling back to his and Nial’s messages to each other from over two years ago, when they had first met. Back then, it had been a revelation to discover anyone else who liked their men with a little more weight on them. Danny remembered how captivated he had been by Nial at the time. It felt so freeing to be able to discuss his love of those chubbier physiques as Nial found pictures of fat guys online and sent them over for him to rate.
“He’s cute…” came the tinny recorded tones of Danny on the voice note, “...but he’d be even cuter with another fifty pounds on him.”
Nial grinned and scrolled to the next; another fat guy picture that needed rating.
“That belly is so damn hot! I just want to rub it and feed him doughnuts all through the night!” a long ago, naive Danny had said.
Triumphantly, Nial put his cell phone back in his pocket. He could have gone on for hours playing those voice notes. There would have been hundreds of them; each one more incriminating than the last.
“What do you want?” Danny sighed, knowing when he had been beaten.
Pleased to see Danny cooperating at last, Nial sat himself down and got comfortable. “I want to know how you did it. I put more effort into fattening Ted than anyone else I’ve ever dated. Then you came along and packed over one hundred pounds on him in just over a year.”
“But if I tell you, you’re just going to do it to other guys, and this whole cycle will just go on and on…”
Nial held up his hands and laughed wickedly. “You’ve got me there!” he nodded. “That is exactly what I want. I need to recreate whatever it is you’re doing with every single guy I sleep with.”
Despite his smug appearance, Nial was clearly aware that Danny was more than a little uncomfortable by the idea. Danny had to think fast. He knew that he couldn’t tell Nial about the diet pills, no matter what. He couldn’t sink to Nial’s level and pile on even more guilt than he already felt. Instead, he headed off to the bedroom and quickly scribbled down something that he hoped would get Nial off his back, if only for a short time.
“What’s this?” Nial grunted, presented with a single, folded piece of paper.
“It’s my shake recipe,” Danny explained, having been inspired by the dusty pair of Ted’s dumbbells that lay unused by the couch. “Ted trains with weights and each time he does, I feed him this fake protein shake. It floods his body with calories and builds the appetite like you won’t believe,” he lied.
Nial looked sceptically back at him. “What, and he just continues to drink them? Even with how fat he’s clearly gotten?”
“He trusts me,” Danny shrugged, knowing that his lies were deeply flawed. But what other choice did he have?
At that, Nial smirked and slipped the paper into his back pocket, seemingly satisfied. “It’s always the quiet ones you need to watch out for!” he chuckled, almost proudly at how Danny had turned out to be so seemingly cruel and wicked. “I’ll be keeping a keen eye on you from now on. If these shakes really work as you say they do, Ted is going to keep on getting fat as fuck.”
“He will,” Danny nodded, ready to say anything that would convince Nial that he didn’t need to stick around and press him for further details. “You’ll see. I’m not lying. This recipe really does work!”
Trying to refocus back on Danny’s work after Nial left was completely impossible. In his mind, Danny tried to play out every single scenario of what could happen next. He hadn’t seen the last of Nial; of that he was certain. It was all so frustrating! This sort of drama was not what he wanted in life and he cursed himself for every wrong turn he had ever taken that had brought him here.
When Ted got home, he headed straight over to the refrigerator and began his early snacking, grunting as he parked his increasingly hefty rear in his seat and turning on his games console.
“Dinner won’t be long,” Danny smiled, handing his man a cool beer. Despite all the pleasures he took in looking after Ted so well, he still couldn’t shake the feeling that this was all a ticking time bomb, ready to explode the moment Nial decided to light the match.
Ted and Danny had been on vacation at the time of the proposal. Unbeknownst to Danny, Ted had arranged the whole thing: the amazing tour of the island, followed by a meal at the fanciest restaurant they’d ever been to, where Ted then got down on one knee and popped the question. Of course Dany had said yes straight away. There was no part of him that even questioned his desire to be with the oversized man forever.
Despite the many miles they had travelled to be there, so much of the trip had been consumed by long hours of passion in the bedroom. The food was so readily available and Ted didn’t seem to have the slightest hang up about his weight as he strutted about with his large gut jiggling as he went. He’d dive into the pool, not realising how much of an inelegant splash he created, quietly frustrating those lounging at the side.
Upon their return home, Ted’s pants failed to close and it was obvious that a massive spike in his weight had occurred in only two short weeks. Ted’s complete descent into obesity was cemented as his hips widened and his thighs rocked with fresh lard. The previous solidness of his swollen middle had been replaced by a layer that was significantly softer and plusher. Giant love handles draped over his belt buckle and his back had broadened further as the fat from his chest now carried very heavily under his arms. And those arms of his! So large and wide, pumped full of new softness. Danny felt so safe and secure within them.
“What are the chances of bumping into you two here?” came a voice that Danny had dreaded.
Nial suddenly sprang out at them as they strolled about at a venue they were considering for their wedding. Ted quietly huffed in disappointment. Their romantic day of visiting potential locations had been interrupted in the most unexpected way possible.
“I hear congratulations are in order?” Nial beamed, looking from one to the other. “We’d be delighted to host your wedding here. I’m sure I can offer you very generous rates.”
Both of them were shocked to see that Nial not only worked there, but was actually managing this prestigious venue these days. They awkwardly followed along as Ted’s ex led the way through the building, giving them the big sell. His butt was so tight and handsome in those dress pants; surely Ted must be admiring it with at least a little longing?
“I can just imagine you two having your first dance here; Ted looking all handsome in his suit,” Nial smiled playfully. Was he actually doing it? Was he actually flirting with Ted right in front of Danny?
Ted squirmed awkwardly, heading off to the restroom for a quick break from it all. There was no way on Earth they would be having their wedding here if this was where Nial now worked. This had been Ted’s choice to visit here. Or had it? Now that Danny thought about it, he didn’t really know how it was that the assistant manager had come to call him up in order to arrange this appointment in the first place.
“You absolute fucking liar!” Nial laughed the moment Ted was out of earshot; the pair of them watching the man’s wide rear as he disappeared away and turned sideways in order to get through one of the doors. “Look at him! There’s no way you did that with just those shakes. I saw the pictures of you two on that vacation. You turned my Ted into pure blubber!”
“He’s not yours!” Danny growled, unable to let that one go. “I don’t want to talk about any of this now,” He sighed impatiently. He’d spent all week looking forward to today; a step towards the future, not a prison ship sailing him back into his dubious, murky past.
“There’s barely even four hundred calories in that shake recipe you wrote down. I added it all up and knew straight away that it was a load of bullshit. You’re a liar, as well as a thief!”
“I am not!” Danny argued, turning to walk into the lounge area where it was too filled with listening ears for Nial to continue trying to press this type of conversation.
“You’ve got one week,” Nial simply stated, not even attempting to chase after Danny. “You tell me what you’re doingto make him so fucking fat, or I make sure everyone knows what a kinky little freak you really are.”
Danny didn’t sleep that night. He didn’t sleep the night after either. His mind was whirring with a panicked frenzy, trying to think about how he could escape this pincer grip he felt ensnared by.
Can we talk?” Danny asked his fiance, exhausted by so little sleep that Monday evening.
Ted smiled, patting his knee for Danny to sit with him, just as they usually did. However, this time, everything Danny had to say was far too serious to discuss whilst perching on Ted’s knee. He placed himself on the edge of the couch, clearly setting Ted’s nerves on edge as he spotted the fear and panic in his lover’s eyes. “Did Nial say something on Saturday?” he asked instinctively. “You’ve been so weird since we bumped into him.”
Danny rolled his eyes. If only it had been as simple as a lone snarky comment from a jealous former friend. If only Satruday had been a genuine, coincidental reunion between old housemates and lovers. But Nial was too calculating for that.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” Ted pressed, seeing that Danny would need a little nudging along in this conversation. “Nial said something to you?”
Danny exhaled. He’d practised the wording all afternoon, yet it still didn’t sound right even as it passed through his lips. “Nial seems to have it in his head that your weight gain is my fault.”
Ted chuckled. “And there was me thinking how nice he was not to comment on how fat I’ve gotten since we dated.”
“Oh, he’s noticed alright!” Danny sighed. “He wants to tell your whole family that I’m some sort of feeder.”
Ted frowned; the unusual shift seemingly sucking all joy and humour out of the conversation. He stayed quiet, waiting for Danny to elaborate.
“There’s something that happened long ago that I’ve been keeping from you,” Danny began, feeling his heart beating fast. “When you hear about it, there’s no going back. It’ll ruin everything!”
Poor Ted. He was such a nice boy. Even now he seemed genuinely heartbroken to see Danny so upset. He reached out a hand across to him, wanting to hold his hand in his and comfort him.
Danny took the large palm, but forced himself to look Ted straight in the eye. “You see… I may not be a feeder, but… it is my error that you’re so overweight. It’s all completely my fault…”
Soon afterwards, Ted pulled his hand back. Bit by bit, the entire truth came out; every last sickening detail. He stared at Danny as if seeing him for the very first time; as if he didn’t really know him at all.
Danny was extremely low for the next couple of days and in no mood to see a perky-looking Nial grinning happily at him when he opened his door one early evening. The man was holding a giant cream-filled cake in a large card box and he strolled in once again without a word of invitation. “Is Fat Boy home yet?” he asked with surprising volume.
Danny simply sighed. He didn’t care about Nial’s games anymore and he wasn’t about to give the guy the pleasure of seeing him squirm. “If you’re referring to Ted, no; I don’t know what time he’ll be back,” he replied, checking his watch and seeing that Ted was probably staying out late again, just as he had done for the last couple of nights, without letting Danny know.
“Well, call him up!” Nial insisted. “I want to see his face when I tell him what I’ve got to say.”
Danny felt a surge of anger bubbling up inside of him. Couldn’t Nial see the bedsheets by the couch where Ted had been sleeping the last couple of nights? The guy had always been so consumed by himself, without a thought to the havok that he wreaked all around him; setting his large cake on the kitchen counter as if moving the next piece on his imaginary chess board. Watching him, Danny’s face contorted in frustration as he prepared to unleash his tongue, explaining to Nial exactly how fucked up all these lies had made everything. He took in a huge breath, ready to begin, when the door suddenly opened and in walked Ted, confused to see Nial standing in their living room.
“Ah, there he is!” Nial smiled, sliding over to the big man like a slithering snake. “Danny invited me over to discuss the extra discounts we could offer on your wedding,” he lied.
Behind Nial’s back, Danny simply shook his head. Letting Ted know that this was yet another one of the guy’s lies.
“That’s… “ Ted began sounding surprisingly calm, despite all the horrible things he had now learned about his ex. “We’re actually still undecided on the wedding.”
Feeling glum, Danny held it together in front of Nial. it wasn’t just the wedding that was in peril; his whole relationship felt like it was crumbling. However, with Nial there before them, Ted suddenly strutted over and kissed him sweetly on the head just as he always used to, until recently; perhaps trying to show some sort of united front with their mutual enemy.
“I’m guessing that you brought the cake?” Ted asked, staring down at the large cream-filled dessert that had been placed on the kitchen counter.
“I remembered that this was always your favorite!” Nial beamed back.
Ted nodded, dropping his hand into the box and ripping off a big section to eat there and then. “Absolutely!” he nodded. “I started going crazy for these sorts of treats when we were dating,” he agreed, speaking as he chewed. “That’s probably why I’m so enormous these days,” he pretended to joke, patting his fat tummy as if happy to poke fun at himself.
Inside, Danny squirmed, wondering where all this was possibly leading.
“That is some seriously good cake!,” Ted nodded, licking his fingers and happy to dive his hand back in for more.”
“Perhaps Danny will have to start making you some just like this?” Nial smirked, seeming pleased to see the fat man eating. “I remember he had some good baking skills back when we used to live together.”
“Oh, he does!” Ted chuckled. “Whatever I ask for, he whips up for me in no time.” He reached into the drawer, grabbing himself a fork before pulling out the entire cake to start attacking it alone; that whole, giant cake, without any intention of sharing. “I’m in very good hands.”
Nial looked to Danny, seemingly impressed. No man would start gorging on an entire cake, like Ted currently was, without some serious, sustained overfeeding in the past. The whole process seemed so effortless as well; forkful by forkful, the greedy man was consuming it all without even a glass of water to wash it down.
As he ate, Ted was listing off all the amazing bakes he enjoyed most that Danny made. He spoke about it all with such enthusiasm that his giant, tank-like stomach no longer seemed so misplaced on him. The man removed his work tie, leaned over the counter, making that large gut fall out from the bottom of his stretched shirt, and continued the assault as if it was too exhausting for him to stay entirely upright. The next time he did stand up tall, he brought with him the platter that the former cake had been sitting on, scraping the entirety of the messy remains straight into his gluttonous mouth.
“I’m going to leave you guys to it,” Ted announced afterwards. “I’ll do a couple of minutes of my weights and then head into the shower.” He then turned specifically to Danny. “Honey, do you mind making up one of my protein shakes for when I’ve finished?.”
At that moment, Danny realised exactly what this whole performance had all been about. Just like that, Ted was fixing all the problems that Danny had been facing for months now. Revenge was beneath them both. A war with Nial would quickly get very messy; especially if he was going to start involving Ted’s family. It would be far easier to simply convince the guy that everything Danny had told him about the fake protein shakes was absolutely true: that Danny really was a genuine feeder and nothing more.
“Sure. I’ll have that ready for you shortly,” Danny smiled back, accepting another sweet kiss on his head from the big man before he disappeared into the bedroom and closed the door.
“Well…” Nial breathed, clearly still in shock. “I never imagined in a million years that…”
“I don’t want you coming around here anymore,” Danny jumped in impatiently. With Ted’s exit, he had passed Danny the baton to deal with Nial once and for all; to prove himself. As such, it was not an opportunity that he had any intention of wasting.
Nial seemed taken aback by the assertiveness behind Danny’s voice.
“You’ve seen what you wanted to see. I’m not lying to you about anything. It’s time to go our separate ways. For good,” he stated without a hint of compromise.
“I actually quite enjoy seeing what a handsome chub you’re making. Ted is…”
“Mine,” Danny jumped in, unwilling to indulge Nial’s ramblings. “You had your chance and you squandered it. Jealousy is not a good look on you.”
“I’m not jealous!” Nial growled back, obviously wounded by the suggestion. “I have a whole load of future fatties I could play with whenever I want.”
“Like that hot little barman I saw you making eyes at in your work the other day?” Danny asked knowingly. “I wonder what he would have to say if I told him all the many, many tales I have about you. Shit like that spreads around a workplace like you wouldn’t believe.”
Nial stared him out for a second, before nodding. “Fine,” he spat, trying to portray an air of apathy. “I’ll leave you alone. But I’m not wrong about those protein shakes. You’d get much better results if you…”
“My results speak for themselves,” Danny hit back, opening the front door and pointing for the houseguest to leave. Nial looked as if he wanted to say something in response as he stepped through it, however the door was slammed so quickly and unceremoniously shut afterwards, there wasn’t a hope of stopping it.
Danny rested his head against the door. The blackmail was over. Yet, in its wake was a problem far worse than any other he had ever come across. It hadn’t been the diet pills that had angered Ted. Anyone could see that Danny had, in his own, slightly misguided way, been trying to help the situation. No, it had been the secrets that had disappointed Ted; the fact that this problem had been allowed to grow and fester for so long, until it had become a monster that threatened their whole relationship.
“I take it he’s gone?” came a soft voice as a shirtless Ted stepped out of the bedroom. “Problem solved?” he asked.
“He’s not coming back. No,” Danny replied, gratefully. “I’m sorry you had to eat an entire cake just to get me off the hook,” he tried to joke.
Ted smiled for the first time in days. “I actually quite enjoyed that part,” he chuckled, stepping closer. “You know what I’m like when it comes to cake.”
Danny nodded happily as Ted came close enough to embrace; that enormous, powerful, soft and cuddly body swallowing him up once more. Had he actually been forgiven?
“There is one good thing to come out of all of this,” Ted explained, stepping back slightly. “At least I know you do genuinely enjoy my body these days,” he laughed, grabbing at a huge wedge of his giant stomach.
“Oh…” Danny grinned, gazing at his man with complete awe and lust, “I absolutely do!” he nodded emphatically.
Ted smirked back, suddenly reaching down and sweeping Danny off his feet to hold him in his arms. “Good. Because now we’re getting married, this fat guy is going to be yours for life!” The pair kissed passionately, both relieved to have worked through everything. “And, to celebrate that fact, I’m going to take you into our bedroom and show you exactly what us big boys can do…” he whispered teasingly. “Then you can come out and cook me a nice, big supper, given that I’m going to be building up quite the appetite!”
“I think I can handle that!” Danny winked, kissing his huge, greedy lover once more. Then off they both went into the bedroom, closing that door firmly behind them.
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Tell me I’m the only, only, only, only one - part six

Pairing: Eris x Azriel x reader | WC: 4.2k | warnings: general angst, mentions of dizziness and nausea
Summary: you wake up only to find out you were unconscious much longer than anticipated, leading to multiple needed confrontations
Author’s note: I’ve been a bit MIA lately 😅 just throwing this out in the void before going through my dms/inbox. I’m soooo excited for the next part
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You didn’t need to open your eyes to know how bad your head hurt. It felt impossibly heavy, practically glued to the pillow beneath you. You weren’t entirely sure your neck could hold up its weight anymore. You groaned, not really certain where you were. You combed through the last things you remembered, all of it a blur of blood and exhaustion, none of it clear.
“Do you want to tell me what’s been going on with you?”
A low female voice greeted you, receiving only a grunt in response. Thinking was hard and it only caused the throbbing in your head to worsen. You weren’t entirely sure who was talking to you or why, but you focused all of your energy trying to remember what happened.
All you could remember was blood and pain, a tiredness that you carried in your bones. There was arguing and arrows and Eris. Slowly more and more came back to you until you sat up, wincing at the sudden change, nearly nauseous from the movement.
“Azriel? How’s Azriel?” Your eyes cracked open to find your room around you, albeit slightly cleaner than when you had left it. The still room was a sharp contrast to how you felt inside. Nesta was sitting in a chair next to your bed, a book in her lap, a finger marking her place in it.
She didn’t look happy to see you, nor did she seem to care that you were awake.
“He’ll be fine, thanks to you it would seem.”
You groaned, falling back onto the bed. The suddenness was something you had not learned from when sitting up. Now the room was slightly spinning before you shut your eyes tight, hoping for some reprieve. You rubbed your eyes harshly until you saw stars.
“It would also seem like you almost burnt out saving him.”
Burnt out.
It was something they warned all healers, magic or not. There is a breaking point. A point of no return. It’s happened to many healers over the centuries, especially during times of war, when they don’t quite know their own limits.
Something all healers learn is the whereabouts of their magical limitations, where they need to stop before doing serious damage to themselves. All healers were taught not to place someone else’s life above your own. It’s drilled into your heads, one of the first rules of practicing the healing arts.
But you had done it. You had placed Azriel’s life above your own without even a second thought.
The pained look that was on Eris’s face was enough to keep you from crumbling from that realization.
For hours, you placed Azriel’s healing above yourself. You made the choice over and over again, choosing him over yourself. You made the right call. You would do it again. You could handle a broken bond, but not a dead one.
Maybe this one sided devotion was proof enough you were making the right decision.
“I’m sure you have a better understanding than I do of how stupid and reckless that is, and yet you still did it.” Nesta’s voice wasn’t the happy, soothing voices you usually hear patient’s families spoke with after they wake up. If you heard someone chastising a patient after waking, you’d chew their heads off. Instead, you stayed quiet, just watching Nesta as she continued on.
“For weeks now, I have sat idly by as you spiraled into self-destruction, but I can’t do so anymore.” Her voice cracked with each word, betraying the anger she was trying to inject into each word. “You are my friend, and I care so much about you. I’m worried about you.”
Her concern cracked at your heart. She crumpled into herself, bringing a hand up to her mouth. She looked uncomfortable, like her body had been glued to the chair and was finally unfolding itself from strange positions to find comfort.
“I’m fine, Nesta.” You were groggy, nauseous, and a bit heartbroken, but you’d be fine. Azriel was alive, you were going to be mateless, but you’d be fine.
Her eyebrows pinched together, a look of annoyance crossing over her features. You weren’t sure if it was over your words or interrupting her.
“I haven’t been there for you as I should. I thought you needed space, and now you’re here.” She spat out the last word, but you knew she wasn’t talking about being confined to your room.
“How long was I out?” You had to stop Nesta’s spiraling and get a handle on the situation. Madja wasn’t here to tell you what had happened, but surely you could parse out your state from a few questions Nesta should know the answers to.
“Four days.”
Nesta must be wrong. Surely there was no way you were incapacitated for four whole days. That was ridiculous. But you looked over Nesta, taking in the purple bags beneath her eyes, her hands fisting into the fabric of her wrinkled dress.
She wouldn’t lie about that.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” And you hadn’t. You hadn’t thought of anyone except for Azriel and Eris for several hours, all of your attention on the two males. When you weren’t examining Azriel for his condition, your gaze would end up floating to wherever Eris was.
But now neither of them are here, just you and Nesta.
“You didn’t scare me. I was terrified. I thought you were gone, thought you wouldn’t wake up.”
“Nesta, it wasn’t that bad.”
“Wasn’t that bad?” She repeated your words with a venom that had you recoil, preparing yourself for the strike. “You were wailing in Cassian’s arms in the foyer. You were inconsolable until you passed out. Madja’s been here nearly every hour to check on you.”
Shit. If Madja was making hourly rounds, you were in worse shape than you thought. Hourly rounds meant you must have been practically knocking on death’s door.
“What happened out there? What happened when you were with Azriel and Eris?” Nesta was practically pleading, desperate for some kind of answer. She was like a dog, a scent stuck in her nose until she nosed her way to the truth. You wanted to break, tell her everything.
Until you’re struck by the memory of Eris’s hand, pushing through Azriel’s wings, finding you. How tight his grip was, he warm his skin had been.
“We were ambushed. Azriel took the brunt of it. We healed him and came straight back here.” You absentmindedly rubbed at your wrist
“But you were gone for hours. You should have winnowed back.”
“Eris winnowed us somewhere. He was in bad shape, so I fixed him. How’s Azriel?” You needed to know more about his condition. Nesta said he’d be fine, but did that include any long term effects? How much had your healing helped him?
“He’s resting, but he’ll be fine.” She crossed her arms, her fingers tapping on her arm, not telling you much more than she already had. You were sure this was her punishing you, by leaving you in the dark on Azriel.
“If he wasn’t fine after you nearly killed yourself to save him, I’d resuscitate both of you to kill you myself.” You hadn’t realized you forgot to respond until she chastised you.
“You both were gone for hours. It was supposed to be quick. None of us realized until Rhysand couldn’t get through to either of you.”
You blinked, surprised at that. Eris must have had some form of protection put around the cabin that stopped Rhysand.
“And now you’re telling me next to nothing.”
“I just woke up. I can hardly recall it all myself, okay?” A lie. You remembered all of it clearly. The splintering wood, having to carefully remove the arrowheads, all of the blood gushing from him, Eris’s quick remarks.
“Did you fuck him?” The question was quick and unexpected, and you nearly snapped your neck with how quickly you looked at her.
“Who, Eris?” She didn’t move, didn’t give away any slight movement. Still as a statue as yiur heart began beating faster.
“Yes, Eris. You reek of him these days. I won’t tell the others, but I need to know.” His name on her tongue sent a rush through your body, your jaw ticking in annoyance.
“Yes Nesta, I fucked him while Az was bleeding out.” The barb was quick on your tongue, this conversation raising your heckles and irritating you more than anything. Nesta’s eyes hardened for a flash, a mischievous glint in them before she softened ever so slightly, her voice turning from admonishing to conspiratorial in a manner of seconds.
“Do you think he’s a selfless lover?”
“No.” The response was too quick, too ready on the forefront of your mind, something that didn’t go unnoticed by your friend. “I imagine he’s selfish in every aspect of his life.”
“So you imagine it?”
“Nesta.” Her name was sharp from your mouth, a knife slicing across the room. She took a more defensive stance, approaching your bed. A knowing smirk overtook her features for just a moment before it quickly contorted into one of concern and annoyance.
“Mother’s sake, tell me something, anything.” Nesta was pleading at this point, uncaring at the vulnerability and guilt she was sure was all over her face.
“I can’t.”
“You can tell me anything. Are you in danger?”
“Well, I don’t know! You’re avoiding everyone, you're being self destructive, you’re spending a lot of time with Eris of all fae. What am I supposed to think?” She was pacing now, her footfalls back and forth across your floor, an anxious rhythm that only dug the secret deeper and deeper inside of you.
“Nesta, I can’t tell you.”
“I’m not accepting that.”
“What?” Her concern was shifting into nosiness. You clenched your hands in frustration, nails digging into skin harsh enough to leave marks.
“It’s not good enough.”
Rage was coiling inside of you, a ferocity nipping at your fingertips begging to be let out. You had to swallow down a growl from slipping out, the territorial feeling nearly consuming you.
You had to stall her. Get her out of here before you exploded before her.
“Give me a month to figure things out. I’ll be honest with you then.”
“A week.” You sighed through your nose. Of course Nesta was going to barter with you. Your left hand felt warm. A small trickle of blood was about to stain your sheets, no doubt.
“Two weeks.”
She looked to the window, her face blank as she thought over your offer. She was taking this almost too seriously, as if it were hostage negotiations or preparing for war.
“Fine. Fourteen days from now you’re telling me everything.” She pointed a long finger at you, the agreement weighing the air down. You felt a shift in the room, uncertain of the magical perimeters of your verbal agreement.
You released your hand, grabbing the pillow behind you. You didn’t care about the blood as you held the soft material to your face and screamed.
Members of the Inner Circle trickled in throughout the day, each one wanting to see for themselves you were awake and had all your faculties about you. It was sweet, but by the time you had seen Cassian and his boisterous laugh, your head was pounding so hard it made the soft lights in your room appear blinding.
Feyre had come in a few hours after Cassian, boxes loaded in her arms as she came into your room. You were a bit groggy, having just woken from a nap in the hopes it would tampen your migraine.
It half worked.
“What is all that?”
The boxes shuffled in Feyre’s arms, ringing and tingling with each step.
“Well, I wanted to bring some jewelry to look over for the gala in a few weeks.” You had completely forgotten about it, had forgotten that one of the days you were incapacitated was a scheduled day for you, Feyre, and Mor to go dress shopping.
“Thanks, Fey. Sorry for missing-” she shushed you, not letting you finish your apology. She spread the boxes across your bed, gently lifting the lid of each one to reveal exquisite necklace after exquisite necklace. Each one contained more vibrant jewels, shinier than the last.
The eight boxes practically blinded you with the light coming in. Feyre noticed the squint in your eye and quickly closed the curtains.
“They're gorgeous, but I haven’t even picked a dress.”
“Maybe you could pick a dress after you pick the jewels. Black goes with everything, so..” she trailed off, sitting in the seat next to you, her back straight. She watched you eagerly, her eyes flitting between you and the pile of jewels before you.
“Are you wearing any of these?”
“No - Rhys surprised me with some onyx pearls. Want them on full display.” She reached a hand up to her throat, as if feeling for the necklace. It was pretty easy to figure out exactly what Feyre meant - skin, and lots of it, on display. She was much quicker to adapt to fae views on modesty than you had anticipated.
“Oh, well in that case.” You sat up a bit straighter, moving slowly to avoid as much pain as possible. Each necklace must have been worth a pile of gold marks.
A few of them looked quite similar - chunky gemstones of varying colors set in different metals. One necklace did catch your eye. You kept looking over to it, the other ones looking dull and lifeless in comparison. Deep red stones perfectly set to resemble Night Court jasmines. The dark red nearly looked black until the light hit it, refracting rays of red. The stones branched out, weaving around the neck to create multiple flowers connected by leaves.
You couldn’t stop looking at the necklace, your hand gently rubbing across it.
“Do you like that one?”
Feyre had a knowing look as she watched you, but you didn't turn to see it.
“Yes. I do.”
A few more visitors came and went - Madja (again), Rhysand, Mor. Each one not the shadowsinger you wanted to see. Maybe it was better to wait. Build your strength up a bit before shattering your heart.
Rhysand and Mor could both tell your head wasn’t with them. Rhys accepted it, leaving you to your thoughts, but Mor lingered, her never ending stories an attempt at distracting you. The attempt half worked - at least now only every other thought was about Azriel.
But most of the other ones were about Eris.
Your friends tried to help clear your mind, but all your thoughts whirled and swirled with fire and shadow, bright and vibrant colors immediately snuffed out by the darkness.
Everyone told you Azriel was fine. But where was he? You felt unsettled, unable to truly concentrate without seeing him.
You glanced over to your bedside table, the book on broken mating bonds practically laughing at your turmoil.
You went over what to expect again, trying to see if you can recall all the symptoms and long term side effects of the broken bond, repeating them to yourself like a mantra.
It wasn’t until the next day you saw Azriel. He had gently knocked on the door before coming in, each movement slow and unsure, as if approaching a wild animal.
“I had heard rumors you were awake. Wanted to check for myself.” He stood with the door to his back, as far away as possible from you. One hand on the knob, but his body was angled right at you.
You couldn’t think of anything to say, only stare at him outright.
Azriel looked beautiful, like always, but he carried a tiredness with him. His wings weren’t as high as they usually stood, his shoulders were caved in a bit. His shadows were slithering in every direction, all trying to reach you, but held back by some invisible tether.
He looked miserable.
“If you don’t want me here, I can go.” Azriel’s voice was soft, an echo in the dark woods late at night. A salvation or a new fear.
“Have you visited while I was asleep?” You didn’t want to tell him how much you wanted him here, how much you still thought of him.
So what if you were going to stretch out the last few minutes of your bond.
“Madja wouldn’t let me. She had Cassian and Mor practically guarding the door day and night to ensure I stayed put until completely recovered.” He scoffed as he said it, as if he were nothing more than an animal incapable of decisive thought.
Or they didn’t think he was the coward he had been for the past few weeks. They thought him capable of seeing you.
And yet here he was. Despite his self-loathing, his inability to make a decision, to speak, to do anything his mates need him to.
He wanted to be the male his mates needed.
“I wanted-“ he began, searching the room for his next words, as if they would be written out on your wardrobe or the painting behind your head. He tightened his hand into a fist, the scars nearly turning white as he looked at you head on.
“I wanted to thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. It’s my job.”
“It’s not your job to nearly die saving me.”
“I would have done it for anyone else.” The second the words left your lips, you knew Azriel wouldn’t believe them. He always knew when you were lying somehow, as if the mating bond gave him some unfair advantage to your heart and motivations.
Azriel only nodded, not fighting you on the lie. You watched him suspiciously, watched his chest rising and falling, subconsciously counting his breaths.
“Are you tired?”
He looked anguished, like he carried a deep hunger and no meal was enough to sustain him, let alone nourish him.
“Nesta said you needed more rest.”
“Nesta lies when it suits her.”
An awkward silence settled over the two of you, weighing you down further into the bed. You took a deep breath, propping yourself up on your elbows until you reached a sitting position. You knew what you had to do, what you had to say. It wouldn’t get easier the longer this went on. Azriel moved to your side, moving pillows to give you a proper cushion and to help prop you up.
“We should talk, Az.” He looked over you, the pillows abandoned as all of his attention was focused on you. You held your hands in your lap, wringing them for every ounce of courage they contained to get through this conversation. Your stomach churned with dread, the thread around your heart trying to stop you from saying what you had to.
“When you were injured, because of me, I decided it’s not fair to you or me to keep dragging this out. We should end things.” You looked at your hands, proud you had gotten the words out without stuttering or breaking. You swallowed harshly, your throat dry, but you couldn’t bring yourself to reach for the water on your nightstand.
Quiet surrounded you, a stillness you hadn’t expected from this conversation. There were no shouts or sobs, no frustration sitting in your chest. No relief or songs of praise at being free.
Just silence. Like you had made him incapable of thought or feeling with those words.
“Is that what you want? Or is that what you think I want?” His words startled you, and you finally looked up to find a layer of rage coating his face. He had come closer while you were looking elsewhere, finally being in the room, allowing himself in the narrative.
Finally taking charge.
“Isn’t it? What’s the point in having a mate who doesn’t want you?” Your words had an immediate effect on him, the male before you rubbing his hands on his face. One of his shadows hooks around his fingers, trying to pry them away, to make him seen. Another one swirls his ear, and you can’t discern it, but you hear a light buzzing from it.
He sits in the chair next to your bed before quickly getting back up and grabbing one of your clammy hands.
“I have not been good to you or Eris. This is hard, okay? No one has ever had this happen and I didn’t want either of you hurt.”
You scoffed, trying to pull your hand away, but he held it tighter. The textured grooves of his skin were more prominent as he held you. “Bit late for that.”
“Please. Please, give me more time. Give me a chance. Maybe we can figure something out, some kind of arrangement.” He was desperate, a pleading voice you had never heard from him. Was this how criminals of the Night Court looked to him, pleading at the ends of their lives for just one more chance?
“An arrangement?”
“I don’t know, okay? I’m not sure what to do when I have two mates who I care about who also hate each other and they both currently hate me.” He paused, chest heaving. His hazel eyes looked so lost, so unsure. “Not to mention someone out there knows about us or about us being out there. I haven’t been able to figure it out, haven’t been able to figure any of this out.”
The end of his sentence tapered off into his spymaster voice. A tone full of obsession and getting to the root of things, a dogged voice of determination.
“Please, let me take care of you. If not as your mate, as your friend. I care so deeply about you and you are where all my thoughts have been the past few days.”
“What of Eris?” Azriel used to recoil at the mention of his other mate, his name so foreign on your tongue. Now he showed no change, almost happy to hear it.
“He’s popped in now and then. He’s angry with me for getting hurt.” The mention of it sent you back there. A large, heavy body nearly crushing you in an effort to save you. Hoe you had felt him slump into you, his body giving out, unable to hold himself up any longer.
“Is he upset you shielded me?”
“Eris would be more upset if I shielded him. Autumn males are incredibly proud creatures.”
“As proud as Illyrians?” Your question brought a smirk to his lips, a twitch you knew he couldn’t suppress. You hadn’t seen it in a few weeks, but it felt more like a lifetime since you had a chance to see anything other than impassiveness or pain on his face.
“Almost.” He chuckled, lighthearted and free. A rarity you didn’t take for granted. His smile melted, a more serious, solemn expression overtaking his face. His hazel eyes were a shade full of desperation you knew a little too well.
“Give me time. Please. I’ll handle Eris. Just don’t - don’t reject the bond if you have an ounce of hope this could work. That’s not a sadness I wish to see you carry.”
“Why are you talking to me about this now? You’ve been avoiding this for weeks, Az.”
“I was afraid. I thought if I acknowledged it, I'd be hurting Eris. But I hurt both of you anyway. And I need-” the words die on his tongue, an awkward pause as he searches for the right words without being too vulnerable. “I need to- I needed to.. I don’t know how to do this. To be the male you both need. But I’m here now. I’m here.”
“Are you here because you have to be?”
“No. I want to be here. Let me be here. Let me try.”
Something about him cracked you open inside. In the weeks of this turmoil, the constant push and pull, the uncertainty, Azriel hadn’t looked so open, so vulnerable, so pained. If you spent long enough, you were sure you could map out every regret on his face.
Two roads laid before you. To end it all now, cut off any further heartache. Or you could try, allow Azriel time to figure something out.
He cared for you, you knew that deep inside of you.
With each passing second, your earlier resolve to end things became weaker and weaker, your heart winning the argument with your mind. Perhaps Nesta was right: you were self-destructing. Or was it the mating bond, so loudly swirling in your chest, determined to see itself recognized, even if it meant leading you overboard into frigid waters?
“You may stay. One condition.”
Azriel’s face relaxed, but he still seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, your words only lifting a few pounds off the load.
“You can’t leave at any inconvenient time, can’t just leave or shut me out because things get hard. I am your mate, and if you don’t treat me as an equal, or someone of importance… I’m gone.”
“Of course.” A light tingle gripped you again, less powerful than the magic that had floated around during your deal with Nesta. This time it was more like a light wind disturbing settled dust, spreading it across the both of you. Azriel’s skin almost brightened with the promise, breathing new life into him.
It suited him.
Only, only one taglist: @ssmay123 @scarsandallaz @meritxellao @saltedcoffeescotch @2ooopenbook @wintersquirrel @manicmanuscription @wavegirl @thisishwrworld @tempermentalbookworm @romantasyreader28 @marina468 @i-know-i-can @rcarbo1 @lifesdisasters @tele86 @ireneisbored @yazzzmints @azysmate @bsenpai @curiosandcourioser @elisha-chloe @yasmin-oviedo @that-one-little-soybean @azrielslittledove @stormieandateacup @anon1227 @phoenix666stuff @asahinasstuff @acourtofbatboydreams @anainkandpaper @mother-above @sunshinedayz19 @bibliophilr @famousprincesscollector @calamislunafox @dnfhascorruptedme @blightyblinders @l11lll1th @cabbageisdead @love-over-fears @paintedbyshadows @azzydaddy @kbear8863 @luxlingbabe @the-sweet-psycho @whyucloudingmymind @lets-talk-about-xyz @slytherin-pen @krowiathemythologynerd @ailoda @fourthwing4ever @anehempel
#acotar fanfiction#azriel x reader#azriel#azriel fanfic#azriel x you#acotar writing#azriel x y/n#azriel angst#azriel x eris x reader#azriel x reader x eris#eris vanserra x reader#eris vanserra x y/n#eris x reader#eris vanserra fanfiction#eris x you
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all in — matt sturniolo

Matt’s heart was pounding.
Not the normal kind of pounding, like when he was excited about a new video idea or about to win an argument with his brothers. No, this was the terrifying kind—the kind that made his chest feel too tight, his hands too shaky, his brain too loud.
He wasn’t used to feeling like this.
He was supposed to be the easygoing one, the laid-back guy who didn’t overcomplicate things. Love? That was always something he kept at arm’s length. Too messy, too unpredictable. He had seen too many people get hurt—seen too many relationships fall apart because someone cared too much and the other person not enough.
But with you?
With you, it wasn’t messy. It wasn’t complicated.
It was everything.
Which was why he was currently sitting beside you on your couch, trying not to pass out from nerves, knowing that in about thirty seconds, he was going to say something that would change everything.
He swallowed hard, rubbing his palms against his jeans.
“You good?” you asked, raising a brow.
No. He was not good. He was about to rip his heart out and hand it to you on a silver platter, hoping you wouldn’t throw it back at him.
But he nodded anyway. “Yeah. Fine.”
You gave him a skeptical look, shifting to face him. “You look like you’re about to either throw up or confess a murder.”
He huffed a laugh. “It’s not murder.”
“Okay… so throwing up, then.”
Matt rolled his eyes but took a deep breath. This was it. No backing out now.
“I—” He hesitated, then forced himself to meet your gaze. “I need to tell you something.”
Your expression softened, your full attention on him now. “Okay.”
His heart was racing in his chest, his palms sweaty in anticipation. He was laying it all on the line, leaving nothing between you. He was exposing his heart, hoping that you would take it and hold it gently.
“I don’t think I can do this casual thing anymore,” he admitted, voice quieter than he meant it to be.
Your brows furrowed slightly. “What do you mean?”
Matt exhaled, running a hand through his hair. “I mean… I don’t want to be just your friend. Or your almost something. I don’t want to pretend that what we have is just fun or easy because it’s not. It’s more. You’re more.”
Your lips parted slightly, but you didn’t say anything, so he kept going.
“I’ve spent my whole life thinking relationships had to be complicated, that love was supposed to be this impossible, messy thing that never lasted.” He let out a breathless laugh, shaking his head. “But then I met you. And now I know I can’t just settle for anything less than this. Less than you.”
Matt swore the room was spinning.
And then—
“You’re an idiot,” you murmured.
He blinked. “What—”
Before he could process what was happening, you reached out and grabbed his face, pulling him into a kiss so sudden, so right, that he forgot how to breathe.
It wasn’t fireworks or dramatic music swelling in the background. It wasn’t like the movies, where everything clicked into place in a perfect, cinematic moment.
It was better.
It was warm and soft and real.
When you finally pulled away, you rested your forehead against his, smiling. “You think I don’t want this?”
Matt exhaled shakily, eyes searching yours. “I—”
“I’ve been waiting for you to say something for weeks,” you admitted, laughing softly. “Do you know how hard it was not to kiss you every time you smiled at me?”
Matt blinked. “Wait, what?”
You rolled your eyes. “God, you’re so slow.”
“I’m slow?! You could’ve said something too, you know.”
“But this is so much more fun.”
Matt groaned, dropping his head onto your shoulder, but he couldn’t stop the smile tugging at his lips.
Because for the first time in a long time, he had everything he wanted.
And for once?
Love didn’t feel so complicated after all.
tag list: @stuwniolo, @sturnobsessedwh0re, @matts-myloverboy, @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut, @lizzymacdonald06, @asherrisrandom, @sturniolowhore69, @faith5drpepper, @emely9274, @psychologyloverfr, @lovetaylorrussellgrr, @conspiracy-ash, @helpimateenagerinlove, @ghostlythinggoingaround, @sturmatt, @chris-hallelujah, @goingtojohnkramershouseee, @wurlibydominicfike, @straw8berry, @shadowthesim237, @courta13, @frankdelreyy, @evansturn
#matt Sturniolo#matt Sturniolo fluff#matt sturniolo imagine#matt sturniolo smut#matt sturniolo x reader#matt sturniolo x you#matt x reader#sturniolo#sturniolo fanfic#matthew sturniolo#nick sturniolo#the sturniolo triplets#christopher sturniolo#chris sturniolo#matthew bernard sturniolo#matthew sturniolo imagine#matthew sturniolo smut#matthew sturniolo x reader#sturniolo imagine#sturniolo smut#sturniolo triplets#sturniolo triplets x reader#sturniolo x reader#the sturniolos#nicolas sturniolo
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Unsatisfied apology
Anakin Skywalker x f!reader summary: Anakin wants to make up... includes: not really smut but it's talked about and implied, whiny Anakin, make up sex, fast finishing, no orgasm
Your ex has fucked just about any girl that would let him in hopes of getting over you. As if your friends reminding you constantly wasn’t enough, anyone passing by his room could hear clearly. News flash, it didn’t help him one bit.
Though, the rumor that he still wasn’t over you did feed your ego.
One night, you were mindlessly revising for some tests you had later that week when a knock disturbed you.
“Baby, please open the door. I need to talk to you.” The whiny yet familiar voice still made your heart skip a beat. Or two.
He must be drunk. You thought.
“What?” You huff as you open the door. Not only were you met with a completely sober Anakin, you were met with a crying one too.
Tears streaked down his rosy cheeks, eyes puffy and red. Who knows how long he was crying for.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, voice laced with concern.
“Can we talk?” He sniffles.
“Yeah” You blurted out before you could even think twice.
Opening the door further, you let him in. Ankin takes a seat on your bed and waits for you to join him.
The second you sat down he started ranting about everything.
“Baby I missed you so much…”
“I fucked up really bad, I know.”
“You’re all I ever think about.”
“I’ll never be over you.”
“I’ve been awful since the day we broke up.”
“No other girl compares to you..”
“Please..Give me another chance, my love.”
He pleaded and whined, all while still sobbing. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t considering it. Just one look at those blue eyes was enough to tear down any kind of resistance you’ve built over time.
“Please baby.” He begged. “Nobody is as good to me as you are. I’m so sorry” He whined, staring at you through teary eyes.
“I don’t know Ani..” You sighed, shoulders slumping.
“But you’re thinking about it.” He straightened up, a hint of excitement in his voice. “Please” He breaks off into a sob. “Let me make it up to you.”
With that, he pushes you down on the bed gently, climbing on top of you.
“Ani-” You try to protest, placing your hand on his upper arm. Unfortunately your voice comes out as a desperate whimper more than anything else, only urging him on.
“I’m so sorry for how I treated you baby” He mumbles, slipping your shirt off. He continues mumbling incoherent words that are interrupted by sobs and hiccups as he undresses you.
“Please say you forgive me..” He stares right into your eyes as he palms himself through his pants before slipping them down to free his rock hard cock.
God knows how long that was there.
“O-okay, I forgive you” You mumble, trying not to laugh at how childish he looks.
“You’re just saying that.” He pouts, sobbing again.
The next 5, 6 minutes of your life were the most confusing ones ever.
Anakin is borderline desperate and his movements are jerky and uncoordinated. He's ground against your thigh like a puppy for at least 3 minutes before finally pushing his erection into your warmth.
He is good in bed, but this? If you didn’t know any better you could’ve easily brushed him off as a virgin.
He's whining and whimpering with every shallow thrust, his entire body shaking with the force of his sobs.
Obviously, he did NOT make you finish before he did. He didn’t make you finish at all. The second he spilled inside of you, he collapsed on top of you while breathing heavily.
Upon realizing you were still very much unsatisfied he cried again.
"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry.." He kept mumbling over and over for another 5 minutes through his soft cries.
Shoulders shaking, face going numb as he cuddled you. The tight hold he had on you while crying loosened overtime as he fell asleep.
#star wars#anakin skywalker smut#anakin skywalker x reader#anakin skywalker x you#james kelly#haydenchristensen#hayden christensen#sam monroe#clayton beresford#scott barringer#stephen glass
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summary: Miyori and Jey were in a relationship for three years until she saw him laid up with another girl that wasn’t her and it broke her heart so she decided block him on everything and focus on her career until she gets a text message from him.
This fanfic is 18+! NO MINORS ALLOWED
word count: 5987
smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
Jey Uso x Miyori
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
again mdni you have been warned.
TAGS ⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tag 🏷️@pinkwithhearts @420days @jstarr86 @empressdede @angiedawn02 @biancasreign @li-da-savage @ctinadiva @clubsoft
@bebesobrielo @skyesthebomb @aikosilo @papireigns-05 @punksyeet @paigereeder @magnificentbouquetmusic @lilucey @usoinked @christinabae
@celesteheartsjey @charmed-dreamssss @fearlesschimera @partypoison00 @mselenalovebug @bloodlinesbabe93 @justazzi @xbriexx @luvrsluxe @celesteheartsjey @4milly @luuvprincess @yyaktayak @yana3sworld @prettyfilmz

uceyjucey replied to your story: Mamas where you heading? jonathanfatu replied to your story: see you when you get here sis! trinity_fatu replied to your story: imma come pick you up from the airport text me when you land! aaron_pierre1 replied to your story: tf you finna go see him huh? jaidaparker_wwe: ohhhh it's on sight bitch jazzyV replied to your story: TEXT ME WHEN YOU LAND SO I CAN MAKE SURE YOU DONT GET KIDNAPPED theshaderoom replied to your story: 👀👀 usofan200 replied to your story: finna go see Jey huh?
MIYORI I’ve just arrived in Indianapolis for Friday Night Smackdown! As I stepped off the plane, I had my backpack slung over my shoulder and my suitcase rolling beside me through the airport. I checked my phone and noticed a message from Trinity, along with a bunch of replies to my story, including one from Jaida.
I couldn't help but laugh at her response, realizing that she seemed ready to take action against me all because of Jey, when really, she should have been focused on her work to prevent this situation. I decided to share my location with Jasmine so she could keep an eye on me and ensure I was safe, and I also sent a message to Trinity.
iMessage 💬 Mimi💓: Heyyy Girly I'm made it to Indy Trin💚: I'm glad I'm otw to come get you Mimi💓: I'll be waiting outside for you then Trin💚: does Joshua know? Mimi💓: no he doesn't know I wanted to surprise him at work Trin💚: oh lawd he's going to be all over you by the time you hit that door Mimi💓: no literally also if something happens between me and that bitch Jaida you'll have my back right? Trin💚: wym? Did something happen? Mimi💓: she tryna fight me I'm down for anything tho she's just mad I got one up on her and I feel like that'll ruin the surprise Trin💚: I'll tell Jon to stall Josh for a while so y'all two can fight I bet money on you fr Mimi💓: Period I'm just that girl honestly Trin💚: aight I'll see you when I come get you Mimi💓: kk
While I was waiting for Trinity, I chose to stay in the lobby instead of waiting outside for her. I was aware that Jey had no idea I was in Indianapolis. Having visited the city a few times, I felt comfortable navigating my surroundings. As I waited for Trin, a fan approached me, wearing Jey's merchandise and beaming with excitement.
I gazed up at her, returning her smile as I listened to her words. "Are you Miss Miyori?" she inquired, and I responded with a nod.
"Would it be okay if we took a picture together?" The girl was incredibly sweet and innocent, making it impossible for me to refuse her. I nodded in agreement, rising from my chair and kneeling down to her level to capture a photo.
Her mother captured a few photos of us together, and afterward, I let out a sigh as I noticed the sign she had made for tonight's show.
"Thank you sooo much Miyori!" She said as she gave me a hug.
As I settled back into my seat and began scrolling through my social media, I waved goodbye to her. I was surprised to find that I was recognized by his fans; they appeared to be genuinely kind. However, I couldn't help but notice that some of them had a rather unusual presence online.
I heard a car horn and looked up to see Trin waving at me with a big smile as I was rolling my luggage outside. She quickly parked her car and rushed over, wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug.
Jimmy stepped out of the car and wrapped his arms around me, helping me with my luggage and backpack as we made our way to the backseat.
"Girrrrl it's been so long since I've seen you Mimi!" Trinity exclaimed as she smiled at me.
"I knowww we have to catch up on everything, where's Joshua?" I asked her.
"He's currently at the Marriott Hotel, and he has no idea you're here, right?" I nodded, confirming that he was completely unaware of my presence. "That guy has been making a fool of himself over you during this tour. Did he mention that he and Jaida had a fight because of you?" I was surprised to hear that; he hadn't mentioned any argument with her related to me. It made sense now why she had been acting out a few days ago, saying some wild things.
"He didn't tell me that but it's all good because if she wanna be tough I'll let her be tough." I said while folding my arms around my chest.
Jimmy then entered the car, making his way to the passenger seat and joining in on our conversation.
"Let's pray that he doesn't get you pregnant tonight Mimi." As we drove away from the airport toward the downtown hotel, Jimmy made a joke that had Trinity playfully hitting him on the shoulder, which made me chuckle.
☞ As I settled into my hotel room, I snuggled into the bed, pulling the blanket around me for warmth. I switched on the TV, looking for something to keep me entertained. Just then, my phone chimed beside me, and I glanced at the screen to see a message from Jey. A wave of anxiety washed over me, hoping he wasn't aware that I was here watching him in action.
Joshua🖤 sent a message
Joshua🖤: hey mamas wyd?
I began texting him back.
iMessage 💬 Mimi💓: Hey Papa I'm not doing anything I'm just trying to find something to watch hbu? Joshua🖤: missin you right now Mimi💓: I miss you too don't worry you'll get to see me Joshua🖤: shi hopefully Mimi💓: but you gotta worry about your match for tonight Joshua🖤: hell yeah I know mamas also why Trin and Jon acting all weird today do you know sum that I don't? Mimi💓: nah I don't really know anything about that 🤷🏽♀️ Joshua🖤: you sure? Bc I'm hearing a certain someone is here and they were very happy to see the person Mimi💓: Baby I don't know anything I swear Joshua🖤: aight if I find out that yo' ass lying Mimi💓: whatchu gonna do huh? Joshua🖤: fuck around and find out pretty thang Mimi💓: you so nasty Josh Joshua🖤: nasty for you though and yk you love it Mimi💓: mhm sure do Joshua🖤: I saw what you posted on your story wya? Mimi💓: I'm in Cali rn in a hotel room with Jasmine we finna go shopping in a little bit Joshua🖤: without me? Mimi💓: Omfg you're so cornyyy I told you you'll get to see me soon Joshua🖤: aight aight I'll let you go then I love you Mimi💓: I love you too
He had no idea that I was planning to go shopping with Trinity today before we headed to the stadium for Friday Night Smackdown. I sent Trinity a quick text to let her know I’d be ready soon so that Jey wouldn’t suspect anything about my being here.
I rose from my bed and made my way to my suitcase, searching for some clothes to wear today. I'm excited to finally catch up with my friend Trin; it feels like ages since we last saw each other—about four years, in fact, since I decided to block Jey on everything.
As I selected my clothes, I made my way to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water. I gathered all my favorite scents and body wash, bringing them along with my towel to create a relaxing atmosphere.

uceyjucey replied to your story: without me mamas? trinity_fatu replied to your story: girl hurry up and come open the door before Joshua figure out where I'm at jonathanfatu replied to your story: don't get caught up Mimi jazzyV replied to your story: ouuuu girl you already enjoying yourself theshaderoom replied to your story: Miyori in Indy? 👀👀
I opened the door to find Trinity waiting for me, just as I was putting the finishing touches on my look. I applied some lip gloss, rubbing my lips together to create that satisfying "pop" sound.
"How's he holding up?" I begin to say while grabbing my purse and phone.
"Girl, he keeps on looking at your photos on his phone, he's fine he don't know a thing unless Jon say something to him." Trinity replied while rolling her eyes.
"If he does, we both get to jump him together, deal?" Me and her chuckled at my comment while heading outside the door together.
As Trin and I finished our shopping, we headed over to the food court to grab a bite to eat. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw Jaida standing there, her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.
I gently tapped Trin on the shoulder and gestured towards Jaida, sharing a knowing smirk with her. I had a feeling this was bound to happen.
"Well, well, well if it ain't the slut that took my man." Jaida said as I snickered at her.
"Girl, are you really going to fight me over a nigga that was mine in the first place?" I retorted while folding my arms over my chest.
I noticed her gathering her hair into a ponytail and removing her hoop earrings, signaling that she was serious about what was to come. If she was ready to take that step, I figured I should follow suit. I set my bags down on the ground, tied my hair back, and stretched my neck from side to side, preparing myself for whatever she had in store. I was ready to see what would happen next.
"He was never yours in the first place bitch, I don't know how you can just magically appear in his life again and try to take him away." She attempted to swing at me, but I was quick enough to evade her, pushing her back firmly and nearly making her lose her balance and fall to the ground.
"You sound fucking stupid right now." In that moment, she charged at me, reaching for my hair, but in the heat of the struggle, I instinctively seized hers and brought her down to the floor. Gasps filled the air as I found myself on top of her, forcefully pressing her head against the ground.
In the midst of the struggle, I found myself defending against her attempts to fight back. I could sense that I had the advantage, and as we grappled, we ended up with her on top of me. I instinctively shielded my body and face, trying to protect myself from her blows.
I shoved her away from me as I stood up to adjust my hair, grabbing her hair in the process. I swung my fist at her, landing hit after hit to assert my dominance. Just then, someone intervened and pulled us apart. Jaida was shouting and hurling insults at me, but I simply responded by giving her the finger.
I was able to tidy up my hair while gathering my belongings, including my food. I told Trin that we should leave before things took a turn for the worse and spoiled the surprise. Thankfully, no one recorded what happened between us; it would have completely derailed my plans to see him.
I spent some time in Trin and Jimmy's hotel room, waiting for the moment to head to the stadium for Friday Night Smackdown. I felt a wave of nerves wash over me, particularly because I was uncertain about how Jey would feel about my presence, especially as I made my way backstage to the locker room he shares with Jimmy.
"So basically you whooped her ass at the mall?" Jimmy asked.
"Yeah, sure did, I mean she deserved it talking all of that shit on the gram." I said while touching up my makeup.
"I hope nobody recorded it, because then Josh will just know that you're here and have been lying to him about your whereabouts." He said.
I agreed with a nod, fully aware that if anyone found out, it would ruin the entire surprise. Still, I wasn't too worried; I knew he would find a way to reach me, no matter what.
I couldn't help but wonder what he planned to do about Jaida. I know he's been putting in a lot of effort for me lately, but she's still in the picture. I really need him to make it clear that I'm the one he wants to be with, not her. It just doesn't feel right to me to get back together with someone who's involved with someone else, so I hope he can find a way to end that situation.
If this was going to work out again she had to be gone.
I glanced at the clock and realized it was nearly time for us to leave. Just then, we all heard a familiar knock at the door—Jey's knock. I exchanged looks with Trin and Jim, who both urged me to hide in the bathroom. Without hesitation, I followed their cue.
I shut the door behind me while placing my ear on the door listening to their conversation.
"Is y'all fools ready or what?" Jey asked.
"Yeah, we ready nigga over her rushing us." Trinity replied while grabbing her luggage with all of her attires in it.
That's when he started to smell the room a bit noticing that it smelt like my perfume.
"Why it smell like Mimi been in here? Is y'all hiding something from me that I need to know about?"
"Nigga you trippin out again c'mon before we are late boy."
I cracked the bathroom door just enough to see Jimmy motioning for me to join him. I quickly grabbed my phone and purse, hurrying to catch up with him. It’s amazing how he can always tell what perfume I wear when I’m around him; I honestly thought I was in trouble.
We arranged for Jey and Jimmy to sit together in the car while Trin and I drove separately, ensuring that Jey wouldn’t suspect anything. I settled into the passenger seat, patiently waiting for Trin to load her belongings into the trunk so we could head to the stadium.
I was browsing through my social media, catching up on what everyone was discussing. I noticed Jaida making some comments about getting into a fight at the mall. She didn’t name anyone, but it was clear to me she was referring to me. I couldn’t help but find it a bit funny that she was so eager to confront me over a guy who has been mine from the start.
I heard Trinity coming inside of the car as I looked at her with a smile before chuckling.
"Girl, yo' ass almost got caught." She said.
"Aye at least I ran towards the bathroom before yall could let him in, I can't believe that he could smell my perfume in the room did I put too much on?" I say.
"Maybe..." I pushed her gently as we began driving away towards the placed.
As we made our way to the stadium, I gazed out the window, admiring the stars and the moon illuminating the night sky. It was a beautiful sight that brought back memories of a date with Jey, where we playfully teased each other, each trying to see who would give in first. That night was filled with so much laughter and excitement.
Being in his embrace once more brought me a sense of safety and calm that I never experienced with Aaron. Jey had a way of making me feel cherished and secure, something I truly missed. Despite his mistakes, I could feel that he loved me deeply, and that understanding stayed with me.
My thoughts were being interrupted by Trinity asking me something which caught me off guard showing my attention. "What's up?"
"I said that "miss you" sex finna hit different tonight between the two of you." I rolled my eyes at her knowing that she was right about that, he was going to spilt me in half once he gets his hands on me it's over with.
"That's what happens when you let a man like him crash out over a person like me he needs to understand that I'm the prize that he wants to get." I said.
"Period as you should let him know, that you're the prize, I like this new Mimi she's so exciting and daring." This new aspect of myself feels both thrilling and risky, and I genuinely enjoy it. However, I realize that whenever I'm near that man, all of that confidence tends to fade away.
As we arrived at the location, I stayed in the car, wanting to ensure everything was set before making my move. Once Trinity signaled me, I stepped out, clutching my purse and phone tightly. I made my way into the building, heading straight toward the area where the wrestlers were gathered.
I strolled through the backstage area, observing various wrestlers preparing for the show, each one donning their unique outfits. As I wandered around, I unexpectedly bumped into Roman Jey's cousin.
"Yo! Mimi what's good girl!" Roman said as me and him hugged each other. "What'chu doing here girl?"
"I'm here to watch Jey's match tonight, technically I'm surprising him he doesn't know that I am here right now." I said as he shook his head chuckling at me.
"Man y'all two are something else is yall getting back together? I had seen something between you two on a date?" I nodded my head answering his question telling him how I was making his cousin work for it since he did what he did to me four years ago. "Damn, sounds like ya'll two finna have a good time together then but I gotta finish getting ready so I'll see you around?"
I smiled and embraced him before we went our separate ways. After that, I found my way to Jey and Jimmy's locker room, and I was struck by how beautifully it was decorated, with red and blue LED lights illuminating the space in a way that was truly unique.
I set my purse on the sofa beside me and settled into the leather seat, making myself comfortable. As I glanced up at the TV, I noticed that the show was just about to begin.
☞ Jey's victory over Drew was exhilarating and seeing him all sweaty and catching his breath only intensified my feelings for him. I quickly messaged Jimmy, asking him to hold off on entering the locker room for a moment, so Jey and I could share a special moment together.
iMessage 💬 Mimi💓: Papa Joshua🖤: what's up mamas? Mimi💓: C'mere and come see me Joshua🖤: baby girl how am I supposed to come see you when you all the way in Cali mamas? Mimi💓: I'm not in Cali baby Joshua🖤: 🤨 then wya? Mimi💓: come to the locker room and find out 🙂↕️ Joshua🖤: Mimi don't fucking play with me aight Mimi💓: why would I be playing baby? C'mere Joshua🖤: I'm otw and you better not move a damn inch either Mimi💓: I gotchu baby
I stood by the locker room, eagerly anticipating his arrival, knowing he was sprinting over to see his baby girl. As I waited, a text from Jimmy popped up on my phone, and it had me laughing uncontrollably.
Big Jim 🫡 sent a message
Big Jim🫡: don't get pregnant tonight sis he's been a rapid dog all damn week on this tour
As I responded to him, I heard the door creak open and looked up to find him gazing down at me. A smile spread across my face as I set my phone down on the couch and moved closer to him. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms and legs around his waist, and he gently pressed me against the wall, our lips meeting in a tender kiss.
The kiss was intense and full of longing, his tongue exploring my mouth while his body pressed against mine, radiating warmth. When I attempted to pull away, just as I had before, he drew me back in, craving the connection he felt he had been missing.
"You been playing huh?" He murmured between the kiss.
"I don't know what you talking about baby." I murmured back.
A playful smile crept onto his lips as he broke the kiss, his gaze locked onto mine. I found myself lost in his deep, chocolate-brown eyes, which seemed to peer right into my soul, filled with an undeniable desire.
I looked up at him with a playful smile, my eyes reflecting innocence, as he gently pressed another tender kiss to my lips. After that, he set me back on my feet, his hands resting on my waist, his thumbs softly gliding over my curves.
"Yo' ass been playing hide and seek with my ass, had me thinking you was actually in Cali."
"I wanted to surprise you Papa, I came all the way out here to see you." I said rubbing my hands over his chest.
"Mhmm I can see that mamas, does that mean I get my prize then?" Jey glanced at me with a playful smirk, his hands sliding down to my hips, giving them a firm squeeze as he drew me nearer to him.
The closeness of our noses intensified the electric tension in the air, each moment amplifying the desire between us. It was clear how much he longed to pull me closer and whisk us away to the hotel room.
"Have you been a good boy? For mama?" As I cradled his chin, my voice took on a gentler quality, contrasting with my usual tone. I brushed my thumb lightly against his cheek and let my fingers glide through his hair, giving it a slight tug that elicited a soft groan from him.
"Hell yeah, got me out here crashing out over you little girl acting a damn fool, you gon gimme what's mines." His voice was low and rough, sending a wave of anxiety through me every time he spoke to me in that way.
It caused me to tilt my head at him a little bit while smirking at him, "give you what yours? Do you really deserve it Papa?" His hand gently encircled my throat, drawing me nearer to him.
"I fucking do deserve all of this, who do you take me for little girl?" He lifted me onto his shoulders before I had a chance to say anything, snatching my phone and purse in the process. With one hand, he opened the car door, all while carrying me toward the vehicle.
The people around us were staring at him as if he were crazy, but he paid no attention to their judgment. All that mattered to him was me. Once we reached the car, he opened the back door and climbed in, slamming it shut behind him. Thankfully, the tinted windows provided us with a little privacy, shielding us from prying eyes.
"Take this shit off now." He demanded as I looked at him like he was crazy.
"Are you fucking crazy? We are literally in the garage Joshua anyone could hear us." I said as he tilted his head at me while licking his lips.
"I don't give a damn take these fucking clothes off now, don't make me repeat myself again." I decided to challenge his patience as I reclined with my arms crossed, gazing intently at him. He chuckled softly, fully aware of his own sexual frustration, while I reveled in the playful mind games I was orchestrating.
He gave a single nod, and in that moment, I realized he was about to unleash his fury on me.
(SMUT WARNING) - CAR SEX MIYORI AND JEY Jey had Miyori locked in by his thighs as he was French kissing her pussy swirling his tongue around her clit causing her to squirm devouring her like his life depended on it knowing how badly his missed this he couldn't wait.
She was squirming all over the place trying to keep quiet so that no one could hear her soft moans coming out from her lips but Jey didn't like it not one bit he wanted to hear her moan his name.
"Let me hear you baby girl, don't hide those moans from me." He groaned out in the open gazing up at her.
He was pulling onto her folds slowly before going back inside lapping his tongue into her empty hole that was aching for his tongue to be on.
His tongue was perfectly darting and twirling around over her moist cunt hearing her soft moans that he loved to her from her pretty lips.
He was giving her slow, steady laps around her clit sucking her swollen clit off the bone causing her to pull back from him only for him to pull her right back in where he wanted her to be.
Miyori found herself clenching in and out every single time his tongue would touch her clit it was having on edge right now, she had her eyes rolling in the back of her head letting her body relax at his touch.
Jey slowly sticked two fingers inside her wet cunt curling them up just perfectly hitting her g-spot in every way he could causing her to clench around his fingers.
"Mhmm, keep doing that shit mamas."
"Josh...ouuu shit." Miyori moaned while gazing down at him seeing him go crazy on her clit.
His fingers were pumping in and out of her as she felt a deep pit go down her stomach but knowing how he was he wasn't going to let her cum not just yet.
That's when he pulled his fingers out of her causing her whine out of annoyance giving him a glare he knows how much she hates edging on. "Joshuaaa what the fuck." Jey had pulled her onto his lap stroking his dick up and down seeing pre-cum coming out from the tip.
"C'mon and ride this dick for me Ma." Jey said.
Miyori grabbed his thick length with her tiny hands as she stretched behind her, slowly placing him into her wet cunt, she gradually lowered herself onto him. Suddenly within in seconds he drove his cock within her warmth, causing a soft moan to escape her lips.
"Mhmm, C'mon you got it mamas." Jey had wrapped his arms around her waist watching her slowly bounce on his dick up and down feeling his whole entire length stretch her out.
She wrapped her arms around his neck slamming her hips down on him moaning his name like no other.
"Joshuaa, fuckk." She moaned softly.
He placed his lips onto hers as they both began tongue kissing each other the kiss was nasty, and slow while her pussy was swallowing him whole letting their tongues fight it out for dominance.
Jey hands slither down onto her thick ass cheeks gripping on both of them guiding her movements while whacking one of her ass cheeks.
The car began to shake making squeaks here and there as she continued to throw her ass in circles on his thick cock it had her seeing stars at this point the way his dick was messing up her insides.
"Ouuu, dadddy, you've been working so hard for mama." She murmured between the kiss earning another slap on the ass.
Her hands tangled up into his curls yanking on them causing a groan to escape his lips knowing how badly he liked that shit from her.
"Hell yeah I'm doing this for you mamas, fuck this pussy is so good fo' me." He grips onto her ass cheeks so tightly feeling his nails digging into her ass continuing to guide her movements.
With every single push his dick was kissing her cervix so good to point where her milky substances started coating up his dick making it so easy for him just to slide in and out her like a water slide.
Miyori's thighs began burning at the sensation riding him harder as she pulled away from the kiss throwing her head back in pleasure letting him have access to her neck that was available trailing kisses down her jawline towards her neck sucking on it marking what belong to him in the first place.
"Daddy, ouuu, daddy."
"What's up ma? Daddy is right here baby girl, You love me huh?" He growled as she nodded her head knowing that she loved him deeply nobody else but him.
Jey had wrapped his strong arms around her keeping her in place so that she wouldn't go nowhere began thrusting his hips from the bottom.
Their bodies collided with each other hearing nothing but skins slapping against each other along with the windows fogging up she could write her name on it despite it being tinted. He felt her pussy clenching around him while she held onto him tightly sucking on his neck leaving traces of hickies on his neck.
Jey had her where she needed to be like always.
"Oh my Goddd, Joshuaaa you're fucking me so good." Miyori mewled out.
"Tell me that you love me ma, tell daddy that you belong to him and only him."
She couldn't even get the words out of her mouth by the way he was fucking her senselessly feeling the tip of his dick hit her soul so badly causing him to smirk at the sight of her. "Got nothing to say huh? This dick got you looking stupid huh mamas?" He was talking his shit while being deep and deep inside of her.
His hips continuously hit her g-spot sharper and deeper as she let out a cry while her orgasm had washed over her feeling herself juices flowing out of her like a water fall along with her body shaking underneath him.
He was whispering nasty and vulgar words Into her ear praising her in every way he could to let it be known that she was his and he was hers nobody couldn't stop them from being together.
Miyori had tears falling down her eyes due the sensitivity that she was feeling at the moment after her intense orgasm that she just had while he was pounding deeply into her sensitive cunt continuously.
"T-too M-muchh, too F-fucking m-muchh." She whimpered as Jey kissed her on the cheek.
"Take this fucking dick like a big girl Ma, gimme yo' body mamas relax." He cooed at her.
"I-I C-can't.." Jey was losing himself being inside of her warmth with his strokes getting more sloppier and forceful by the second felt his dick twitching inside of her. "Fuck I'm finna nut, you gon' let me nut in you mamas?"
She managed to smirk gazing into his eyes, "do you think you deserve to nut in this pussy daddy?" She was testing his patience at this point he was done playing this game with her he knew where he stand with her.
He wrapped his hand around her throat fucking her insides relentlessly seeing her eyes roll in the back of her skull and the other hand gripping onto her ass.
"This my pussy right? Imma fucking nut in it whenever or wherever I fucking want Mimi you're mine." He growled.
He fucked her like no other person matters in the world not even Jaida he didn't care who heard them or who didn't it was just her and him together.
That's when he dipped his hips filling her to the brim with his warms seeds as he drained thick ropes after ropes inside of his nut buried deep inside of her, it almost felt like he was drowning in her. They both swallowed each other's moans.
He pulled out from her while holding her close to his body never letting her go as they stay like that for a moment catching each other's breaths.
As I stepped back from him, our eyes locked, and I could sense the sincerity in his gaze about wanting to begin anew, free from any distractions. My fingers found their way into his hair, giving it a gentle tug as I leaned in, allowing our kiss to unfold softly and slowly.
As his hands glided over my curves, we became enveloped in a kiss that felt unlike any we had shared before. This moment was infused with deeper significance, as if he were searching for a piece of himself that he found in me.
"I missed you so much Ma, fuck." Jey murmured between the kiss.
"I missed you too baby." I murmured back.
He pressed against my back, drawing me nearer to him, holding on tightly. The cool breeze brushed against our skin, and in that moment, we felt an even deeper bond between us.
We gently separated, savoring the moment as I smiled at him, and he returned the gesture, proudly displaying his grills.
"You done playing this game or what? Because I fucking earned it." He says.
I gently held his chin, my thumb softly gliding over his cheek. "what about Jaida? I need to know where she stands in all of this, if not then imma just have to keep playing this earning game with you." He rolled his eyes at me while smacking his lips.
"We are done me and her are over with after the day she slapped me I just knew where that relationship was heading I want you Mimi I fucking earned it." He leaned in forward placing a soft kiss on my lips.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "you sure? Because I don't need someone texting me saying "hey girly" like I'll be pissed."
"Yes I'm positive I didn't do all of this hard work and playing games with yo' ass just to do allat I want us to work it out together Mimi."
I enjoyed playing with him, knowing it would challenge his patience, even though he truly loves it and would go to great lengths for me. "I'll think about it." I teased hearing him sighing deeply as I chuckled at him. "I'm playing baby, I'm playing you know you got me wrapped around your fingers."
"Damn right I do, can I take you out tonight?" I immediately nodded my head to the idea.


uceyjucey, miyorisworld, jazzyV, jaidaparker_wwe, and others liked the post.
TheShadeRoom: Looks like Jey Uso and #MiyoriJordan are back together after posting each other on their stories what's next for them? Stay Tuned In. jaidaparker_wwe: stupid ass bitch imma get you next time hoe miyorisworld: @ jaidaparker_wwe: it won't be a next time hon im praying for you tho 🫶🏽 jazzyV: yessss they're finally back together usofan203: WE ARE SO UPPPP jeyusofannnz: good I'm glad I started to get bored of him and Jaida anyways romanreigns: finally knocked some sense into his head jonathanfatu: FINALLY DID HE GET U PREGNANT? uceyjucey: @ jonathanfatu don't pmo... trinity_fatu: let's keep it that way aaron_pierre1: what the actual fuck
Read all comments.



uceyjucey, jazzyV, jonathanfatu, and others liked your post.
miyorisworld: I got one up on you hoes 😘 uceyjucey: so fucking gorgeous mamas 😩😩 miyorisworld: @ uceyjucey all yours Papa 💋 trinity_fatu: so beautiful girl jonathanfatu: did he get you knocked up? miyorisworld: @ trinity_fatu come get yo damn husband like neow aaron_pierre1: you can't be serious right? he'll just cheat on you again uceyjucey: @ aaron_pierre1 why you worrying bout it? She ain't with you she's with me now jaidaparker_wwe: she doesn't have shit on me miyorisworld: @ jaidaparker_wwe: apparently i do hon jazzyV: PERIOD rikishi: my daughter in law ❤️ miyorisworld: @ rikishi heyyy pops 🫶🏽
A/n: the drama between the exes are getting more interesting yall think something is going to happen between Jey and Aaron?
But I hope yall enjoy this chapter lmk in the comments below ⬇️
#jey uso#black fanfic writer#black writers#black oc#wwelove#black reader#jey x oc black#jey uso fanfiction#wwe fanfiction#jey uso smut#Spotify
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I was listening to "Be Mean" by DNCE and it immediately made me think of Art being submissive and needy having a degradation kink.
Please write Artrick Stanford Era where Patrick comes to visit Art from tour! Patrick is relentlessly teasing Art and it's driving Art crazy but Art is so pathetic and turned on by it that he begs Patrick to be mean to him and fuck his brains out.
this song is actually so good thank you for introducing it to my lifeeeeee. i took a few liberties but I hope you love it anon :)
bonus points if you saw my aave post and can figure out where I wanted to write Art be fucking
cw: nsfw(18+), dom/sub, bdsm overtones, spitting, slapping, all the things
Patrick had visited Art a handful of times during his time at Stanford. Not as much as Art would have liked (considering Patrick split his time between Art and Tashi every visit). The last time Patrick visited he was telling Art his latest sexescapde with Tashi.
“yeah man she wanted me to tie her up and everything. so fucking hot, didn’t know she’d be into bdsm,” Patrick grins, the memory replaying in his head.
Art is always flustered when Patrick talks about sex. Not because Art is a virgin or anything, quite the opposite actually. Maybe it’s because he’s imagining Tashi and Patrick doing those things in his head.
The thought of Patrick tying Tashi up and doing whatever he wanted to her? More realistically, whatever she instructed he could do to her? That was really fucking hot, Art could feel his lower region peak interest. He started thinking about if Patrick could tie him up and actually do whatever he wanted to Art…
Art clears his throat coming back to reality. Patrick is staring at him amused, like he can read Art’s thoughts. “wait what’s bdsm?” Art asks.
“it’s like— you know the rihanna song? S&M? ‘chains and whips excite me’?”
Art nods, he’d heard that song the radio a few times and may have downloaded it on his mp3 player. “yeah i’ve heard it before, so what’s the bd part then?”
“that part means bondage and dominance? bondage and discipline? im not a 100% sure. you seem very curious maybe you should look into it,” Patrick smirks.
Art’s cheeks are red and he opens his mouth to say something but decides not to. Patrick leans in closer so he can whisper in Art’s ear, “I dunno you seem pretty easy to dominate, maybe you’d be into it.”
So Art had been thinking about it ever since. He did look into it and there are parts he’d think he’d be into. Being dominated wasn’t something he got to experience often with girls and Patrick was the only guy he’s ever slept with.
Being tied up to be used at someone’s else’s disposal? Yeah that made his cock very hard. But he’s only slept with Patrick once and they never talked about it again, he wasn’t sure if he should bring it up when Patrick comes to visit him again today.
Later that day once Patrick arrives, they headed to the dining hall to grab some food. They sit at the bar type area with high top chairs. Patrick pulls Art’s chair closer to his right before Art sits down.
“so are you gonna tell me what’s up or are you gonna keep looking at me like that?” Patrick asks turning his head to the side to look directly at Art.
Art furrows his eye brows looking up from his plate of food, “what are you talking about?”
“since I got here you’ve been like on edge, what’s up?” Patrick crosses his arms in front of his chest.
Art rolls his eyes trying his best to not think about Patrick dominating him in the bedroom because it’s all he’s been thinking about all day. But Patrick has always been able to read him, so he has to put on his best acting performance.
He scoffs, “nothing is wrong man, I’m just happy you’re here that’s all.” Art is searching Patrick’s face to see if he believes him.
Patrick studies Art face for a second, his eyes scan across the blond’s face. He notices the super faint pink tint on Art’s cheeks and the way Art is avoiding making eye contact. He also notices the few blond curls poking out of his snapback, which Patrick didn’t realize this before but Art in a snapback is definitely doing it for him.
Suddenly he throws one arm around Art’s neck pulling him to be face to face with Patrick, “you fucking slut, honestly im proud of you. you should be opening up your horizons your in college, id be doing the same thing if I was you.”
Art is so confused right now, mainly by how his cock stirred when Patrick called him a slut. “im not doing anything, what’re you talking about?”
“you slept with someone right? did all your bdsm fantasies? that’s great why didn’t you tell me?” Patrick smiles.
Art is about to deny it but he knows that if he does Patrick might figure out what he’s actually thinking. He nods, “no yeah you’re right. I was nervous to tell you about it.”
Patrick blinks for a second. He realizes that he got it wrong, Art is lying. He’s not sure why though but he’s going to play along until he finds out. He retracts his arm and sits back down in his stool fully. “so what’d you guys do then?”
Fuck Art should’ve been coming up with a story in his head as soon as he said it, now Patrick is going to ask questions he doesn’t know the answer to because they never happened.
“um y-yeah she just like tied me up and—“
Art gets cut off by Patrick saying, “i knew you’d be the one getting tied up, you’re just so submissive man.”
Art scoffs, “okay well why are we even talking about this here in public let’s just go back to my room and watch a movie or something.”
Patrick continues asking question when they get back to Art’s room. “what was her name?” “what did she look like?” “more tits or more ass?” “how’d you meet her?” Art couldn’t fucking keep up, he couldn’t keep his story straight and that when Patrick knew he got him.
“you fucking liar.” Patrick says backing Art against a wall.
“what? im not lying about anything. she was real and she was here and—“
Art is cut off by Patrick again, “bullshit you know what I think?” He asks standing very close to Art their noses almost touching.
“i’m sure you’re gonna tell me,” Art says trying to keep his breathing and his cock under control. He’s not doing a great job at either.
Patrick smirks leaning in to whisper right by Art’s ear, “i think you want me to fuck you…again.” He moves his hand down to groping Art’s erection. His grasp is firm when he says, “and i think this time you don’t want me to hold back.”
Art’s eyes slipped closed and he bit his lip trying to stifle the moan on the top of his tongue. He doesn’t do a good job at that either.
“is that what you want?” Patrick asks as he slips his hand inside Art’s shorts and boxers. He cups Art’s tip where all the pre-cum had built up, using it to make his hand glide easily up and down Art’s shaft. “fuck, you’re so wet for me already. but I wanna hear you say it. is that what you want?”
Art nods, “ah fuck,” but the pleasure of Patrick stroking him is on the forefront of his mind. He lets his forehead rest on Patrick’s shoulder.
“can you use your words for me baby? wanna hear you say it. tell me what you want me to do to you.”
Art’s eyes are rolling is the back of head as he whines against Patrick’s shoulder. He has a feeling that not answering the question may result in consequences or even worse, Patrick might stop touching him. He nods before opening his mouth to say, “i— i want you to fuck me, don’t want you hold back, want you to be mean to me.”
Patrick smirks stilling his movements, “guess you’re not as dumb of a slut as I thought. didn’t think you were gonna answer me. and I don’t think you’re gonna need it but we should have a safe word anyway just in case.”
Art had read about this when he was doing his bdsm research, “um I think, maybe pineapple?”
Patrick lets out a laugh, “okay,” he takes his hand out of Art’s shorts before going to his bag. He had packed a few things he wanted to try with Tashi but he’s never been one to waste an opportunity. “I want you to take off all your clothes, lie down on your bed, and I’m gonna use these,” he pulls out two pairs of black fuzzy handcuffs.
Art strips so fast he might’ve gotten whiplash. It was crazy that his dreams were coming true. He’s wanted this for some time now and he was itching with anticipation.
Art lays down on his bed. He’s laying on some pillows so his back is slightly elevated. He’s so hard all he wants to do is touch himself—
“no touching,” Patrick tsks washing over to the bed. He takes each of Art’s wrists, handcuffing one to each side of the headboard.
Art was a vision. He was already so hard, his tip was leaking precum against his tummy. His face was flushed and his eyes were a little glossed over, “wow you look, really fucking pretty like this. all laid out for me. desperate, just waiting for me to use you however I please.” Patrick said as he traced slowly down Art’s torso with his finger.
He moved his gaze back up to Art’s nipples. He pinched one and took the other into his mouth.
“ah—“ Art gasps. No one’s ever touched him there, he didn’t think it’d feel that good.
Patrick does a small little lick to each nipple before kissing his way down Art’s torso. He purposefully skips over Art’s cock.
Patrick takes a step back to pull his shirt and his jeans off, “hm should I suck you off baby?” He questions as he steps out of his boxers and stroked himself a few times.
Art nods. Patrick tsks as he pinches Art’s nipple, “what did I say about using your words?”
“oh fuck oh fuck okay okay i- i- want you to suck me off, please please” Art whines, his body keening towards where Patrick is pinching him.
Patrick lets go, satisfied with Art’s answer, “good boy, but if you don’t answer me when I speak to you again, i won’t be so nice.”
He lays down on his stomach in between Art’s legs. He acts as if he’s going to lick up the side of Art’s shaft but inside bring his tongue to lick a fat stripe up Art’s tightness.
This takes Art by surprise and he moans out, “jesus fuck, Patrick.”
He teases the outside with his tongue before pushing inside. Art is taken aback by how good it feel, attempting to fuck himself back against Patrick’s tongue.
Patrick allows it. He needs Art to loosen up a bit before he can add any fingers. Patrick sits up holding two fingers in front of Art’s mouth, “suck, and this is all the lube you’re getting so make it good.”
Art opens his mouth sucking on Patrick’s fingers like there’s no tomorrow. Licking and sucking, sucking and licking, until he feels like he’s covered Patrick’s fingers in a good amount of spit.
Patrick pulls his fingers out and presses one finger inside Art’s hole. He grabs Art’s curls to pull him in for a kiss, it’s a mess of teeth and tongue. Patrick has now worked Art up to three fingers before he pulls his fingers out.
He wipes his hand on the bed, “now I’m gonna fuck your mouth for a little bit okay? remember there’s no lube so you better make my cock nice and wet so i can fuck you properly okay?”
Art nods biting his lip. He’s never had his mouth fucked, sure he’s sucked Patrick’s dick before but this would be different. He just doesn’t want to die of suffocation, Patrick’s dick is pretty big.
But he nods nonetheless, “oh— okay yeah i will, make it wet.”
“and hey you can just pinch me if you need me to stop at anytime.”
Art nods.
Patrick stands on the bed, Art’s chest is between his legs. He kneels down, moving one leg to be next to Art’s head. He grabs Art’s hair once again as he starts feeding his dick inside Art’s mouth slowly. Inch by inch. Once he hits the back of Art’s throat he lets out a low groan, “fuck baby, you were made to take my cock fuck.
He steadied himself before he starts fucking into Art’s throat, “taking me so fucking well, you’d let me use any of your holes to get off huh? fucking cockslut.”
The gurgling and choking sounds coming from Art are really turning Patrick on. He can hear all the spit building up in Art’s mouth so he pulls out. His dick is nice and wet, “did such a good job baby,” Patrick smiles, “now I can fuck you nice and good.”
Patrick stands up on the bed to move back to his original spot between Art’s legs. This time he lines himself up with Art’s hole before he pushes in.
Now it’s Art’s turn to let out a low groan as Patrick bottoms out, “ah oh fuck—“
“you are so fucking tight jesus, gripping the fuck out of my cock,” Patrick grunts as he grabs Art’s hips and starts picking up the pace.
“this is what you wanted right baby? wanted me to fuck you? and what else?”
Art whines, “yes Patrick fuck, wanted you to fuck me.”
Patrick grabs Art’s face forcing them to make eye contact, “and what the fuck else did you ask me to do you huh? or are you just such a dumb fucking cockslut you can’t remember. as soon as you get some dick in you you can’t think straight anymore?”
Art is so fucking hard, he wants to cum so fucking bad. And Patrick is saying all the right things it’s hard to focus. Fuck. What did he say? Why can’t he remember? Oh. He remembers, “be mean to me,” he chokes out between Patrick’s bruising thrusts.
“there you go, maybe not a dumb slut, but you’re definitely still a slut for my cock,” He smirks, “open your fucking mouth.” Art opens his mouth with no questions asked and Patrick spits in it.
Now alot of people would find that disgusting and Patrick was going out on a limb he had no idea if Art would like it. But judging by Art reacted, Patrick thinks his guess was right.
Art feels very disrespected and degraded and he’s never been more turned on his life. Maybe that’s why the next words that come out of his mouth are, “hit me, fuck, slap me, need it.”
Patrick slows down his thrusts for a second, unsure if he should, but he doesn’t want to ask and ruin what they have going on right now so he does it.
It’s light and short and not hard enough. “harder Patrick please,” Art begs, tears threatening to escape from his eyes.
Patrick didn’t have to be told twice, so he slaps Art again. Keeping his hand firm and following through on his swing. Fuck. Art’s going to cum. He hasn’t even touched himself but between Patrick fucking him, slapping him, and overall degrading him he can’t help it.
“‘m gonna cum, Patrick please, gonna cum, can I cum please?” He finishes all over his tummy.
Patrick already knew Art was close so he wasn’t holding back anymore and he let go, “yes fuck baby, you can cum. gonna cum inside you fuck, gonna fill you up.”
Patrick cleans them both up and uncuffs both of Art’s wrists.
“how do your wrists feel? or better yet how does your face feel?,” Patrick smirks and he’s pretty proud of himself. Making someone cum untouched was always on his bucket list.
Art is half asleep on his bed when he mumbles out, “‘m good, feel good.”
Patrick smiles before he takes Art’s blanket and uses it to tuck Art in. He feels pretty proud of himself for putting Art to sleep as well. He gets dressed to head out and get them some food. He already knows Art will be hungry when he wakes up.
#anon ask#challengers#patrick zweig#art donaldson#artrick#art donaldson x patrick zweig#challengers 2024#artrick smut
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007 | Richmond Inc.
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⇚ 006
♠ summary: Lorence navigates the high-stakes world of elite private security under her enigmatic boss, Terry Richmond. But when Terry’s watchful gaze turns unexpectedly intimate, the tension between them ignites—blurring the lines. This ones fluffy 🧸.
♠ pairing: Terry Richmond (Aaron Pierre - Rebel Ridge) X Lorence Cole (Black Fem OC)
♠ word-count: ~3.2K
⌖ - Monte Carlo, Monaco
I’ve never flown private before, nor have I ever been on such a lively flight. The champagne flows freely, and the chatter is so loud I crank my headphones to maximum volume just to drown it out. The last time I was aboard a plane, I was tossing back flutes of champagne to numb the sting of losing my job. Weeks later, I’m flying private at an elevated position—my new reality. Unlike my more seasoned colleagues, I’m more unnerved than excited.
I check the ETA on one of the screens and go over the expected hotel arrival time, counting down the hours until the big race is over and I can finally relax. I take out my tablet, reviewing my plans for what feels like the hundredth time, searching for any holes in my outline. I replay the live feeds at an accelerated speed, scanning for anything that could derail my emergency plans.
Cassandra smiles, placing a flute of champagne in front of me.
She folds her arms, giving me a knowing look.
“Please tell me you're talking to someone handsome and not reviewing your plans again.”
“I’m talking to someone handsome,” I reply, telling her what she wants to hear. She sighs, satisfied.
“Emergencies almost never happen, and you’ve planned for so many types—it’ll be fine.”
“Well, partying isn't going to help my nerves,” I explain.
“You’re almost as bad as Terry.” She powers off my tablet and takes the open seat beside me.
“Now I’m insulted.”
She giggles, leaning in conspiratorially.
“Also, never suggest staggered flights for operatives again. Your extra effort is already making you unpopular with the weaker links.”
“Unpopular? As if I have the boss’s ear or give a flying fuck.”
“That’s the spirit.” She nudges me playfully. “It wasn’t the majority, but Emerson tried to stir up trouble. Richmond shut it down quickly. That weasel is always looking for a win. Must’ve heard there’s no warmth between you and Terry.”
“The blind know that.”
“Good thing my mouth isn't big. Cause that suit try-on definitely was more Dubai heat than Antarctica frigid.”
I give her a warning look, but she only squeaks, enjoying my discomfort.
“I’m glad you're amused.”
Emerson approaches with a drink in hand and that cavalier smile. He’s one of the company’s top ten most attractive male directors—probably the best-looking among the single ones.
“Emerson.” Cassandra acknowledges him, but his attention shifts to me.
“Lorence, why don’t you come mingle with the rest of us?”
I blink, caught off guard. The only colleague I’m on a first-name basis with is Cassandra. I’ve known Joel long enough to consider him more of a friend.
“I’m a nervous flyer. I’m fine here with my headphones and Gordon.”
“Cassandra didn’t tell you we use first names?”
“Not everyone. It’s Cole's choice.” Cassandra interjects quickly, sensing my discomfort. “Cole, what would you like to be called?”
“Cole it is.” Emerson forces a smile. “You make your friends call you Cole?”
“I didn't realize the two of you were friends.” Cassandra leans in with a smirk.
“I’m friends with all of my colleagues.”
“Hmm.” Cassandra’s brow raises with condescension.
“Well, Cole, we’ll chat once we touchdown.” Emerson flashes another smile before returning to the back of the plane.
“What was that?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.
“Emerson and I may or may not have had a few rendezvous. It also may have ended badly.” she shrugs.
I’m not surprised.
“How did it end badly - hypothetically?” I ask.
“I felt like he was trying to use me to get on Terry’s good side, and when that didn’t work, suddenly Terry and I were too close. Blah, blah, blah. I know how much he makes, and it is NOT enough to afford me full time. So I went cold. Hypothetically.”
Cassandra shrugs, completely unbothered.
“Don’t hmm me. We’re all gorgeous—you’re the only one who hasn't dipped in the office pot.”
We spend the rest of the flight gossiping about who’s been with who, and I’m astounded by the level of secrecy and professionalism. Five office flings had gone entirely under my radar. When the party dies down I turn back on my music and relax dozing off a little. I’ve memorized my routes down to the detail and the timing windows play in my subconscious in a loop.
When the party dies down, I finally drift off, my subconscious looping the timing windows of my routes. Twenty minutes until clearance, an hour until our clients are safe. I wake with the sun warming the Mediterranean coastline below.
The weight of my responsibilities dampens any excitement. The drive to our accommodations is short, and I snap photos for my parents. The group dinner is the last thing I want to attend, but the chefs' live show and five-star cuisine prove to be a welcome distraction. Afterward, I slip away to the terrace with a glass of wine in hand.
“Still going over the routes?” Richmond’s voice cuts through the night air. I know it’s him by the shift in energy.
“Yeah” I respond.
“If you don't trust yourself—and you should—you should trust the agents on the ground, the drivers, the armed agents, helicopters, and tech. And if you don't trust all that, there's still the local PD, Fire, EMS... and human nature. After that, it's an act of God, and none of us can contend with that.”
I exhale slowly.
“I just don’t want anything to go wrong.”
“When something goes wrong tomorrow, it won’t be because of you.”
“When. It's inevitable.” His confidence is oddly reassuring, though I know better than to assign sentimentality to Richmond. “One of our clients could get wasted, fall over and break their nose, or have food poisoning, require medical attention or be robbed by hookers they’ve hired or local thieves. Something happens here every single year. Transport’s never been an issue and no one has approached it like you have” he says.
I nod, sighing deeply. “That’s some peace of mind.”
“It’s not flattery, it's the truth,” he responds.
“Has to be, flattery seems highly unlikely” I confess. “Maybe now I understand why you’re always so uptight - this is a lot on someone’s shoulders” I sigh looking back down into the city. I swear he snickers but by the time the lights flicker on above us signaling night is here it's gone from his expression.
“I’m the last person you need to worry about,” he says. Looking him over I concur - he’s probably experienced things my nightmares would have trouble conceiving of.
“So if it isn't stress then what is it? Just your natural disposition?” I ask looking away just in case his face shows disapproval.
“I can never tell if you're joking” he responds unappreciative of my sarcasm. The feeling is mutual, I can never read him either. There are too many things at play, this sizzling tension between us born of disdain, or misunderstanding, or the unbalanced power dynamic. His resistance to letting his guard down. Smiling, small talk, pleasantries or being kind. The silence lingers mostly because none of my responses are safe and could put us back at odds. “I’m not uptight,” he says finally.
“Pigs fly. Now we’re both lying” I remark.
“I’m not uptight, I’m what my position requires of me as the lead, founder and CEO” he explains.
“Look, I'd better get some rest. I'm a mess of nerves and we already don’t get along well” I sigh, not wanting to get into it with him. He smirks this time.
“You’ll toss and turn all night if you head in now. Why don’t you change into something more comfortable and meet me in the lobby in ten?” he says, stopping me in my tracks. He looks harmless when he smiles. It withdraws into his usual disposition and when I turn Emerson is walking up behind me.
“Ok” I agree and he nods giving me a half smile that I know Emerson sees. I wonder if it’s to get my blood out of shark infested waters.
“Emerson” I nod, taking leave. I slip my heels back on once I'm off of the grassy terrace and head in. There’s a sprinkling of people, less than half of those who were at dinner. I head to my room and look myself over. I curse Cassandra when all of the outfits I have packed are transitional, appropriate for the beach, boat, dinner and anything else that may arise in a place like this. Blowing out a deep breath I opt for a black maxi dress. I grab a small purse and fill it with necessities. My reflection is date worthy, not following your boss around appropriate. I tie a scarf around my purse just in case it gets cool. When I arrive in the lobby Richmond is checking his watch and stands up like I've stood him up. He’s changed too into something more relaxed.
“Sorry I’m late” I tell him once I've crossed the room. His eyes scan over me, his tense demeanour has returned. “Am I dressed okay?” I ask.
“Fine” he nods. “I just thought we’d take a walk, go over your routes in person, put your mind at ease, tire the body, help you rest” he explains and it is such a simple approach I wonder why I haven't thought of it.
“I can walk in this” I nod and he leads the way. We walk alongside each other. It takes us about ten minutes to make it to the primary route we decided on. “Cassandra said, always look better than you need to while in Monaco” I tell him when the silence has stretched too long.
“That’s what that bill was about” he mutters to himself shaking his head. “I dont think you and Cassandra have the same objectives”
“I don't follow”
“Cassandra likes causing a stir and hooking big fish” he says without condescension or condemnation in his tone as we walk. “Wherever we go” he adds, making a left. I see he’s memorized the route as well as I have.
“I bet she’s a great decoy” I think out loud.
“She is,” he nods, leading us onto the main road. It’s brighter along this path, I smell food and hear music and chatter which is a good sign. We pass souvenir shops, restaurants, boutiques and tourists. There’s so much to see, it's distracting and I don't remember the last time I was in Europe so carefree. I take pictures of postcards and restaurants and send them to my parents. My mom will tell me what to try and my dad will tell me what cheesy thing they want.
“So, are you and your parents very close?” Richmond asks and I realize he has a birds eye view into my phone and no boundaries.
“Yeah” I nod. “They love to travel and my mom runs a food blog” I explain my actions.
“I’ve seen the food blog - she’s very good,” he remarks. Of course he has.
“She’d be happy to hear that” I say with a smile.
“How’d she get into it?” he asks.
“She had an empty nest, she put everything on hold to be a mom and wife. She retired early and I told her to go. It was like we both went to college together. She’s always been great but since it started she’s really happy.” I reflect feeling calmer at the thought of my folks.
“We have contacts and so many unused vouchers, tickets, everything. You should ask Cassandra and use them up. Go with them too.” he says giving unconventional advice for a boss.
“Are your parents still around?” I ask and he tenses.
“My mom passed. Pops is still around. He’s married to Cassandra’s mom” Richmond says and it's a shock at first then it makes sense. “I was sure she told you.”
“She didn’t and I’m sorry about your mom” I respond he nods.
“It was a long time ago,” he says. We approach a live band and he guides me in front of him. “Hold your purse close, it's a distraction for pickpockets” he explains, keeping me close until we’re out the crowd. We’re lower down now and closer to the water at one of the intersections I thought would have the most trouble. I assess it quickly before relaxing into my decisions.
“So is this what you recommend before a big gig?” I ask.
“No, I don't advise you to walk around at night in a foreign country,” he says.
“Now it's you who needs faith. We go through too much training to not be fine anywhere in the world that isn't war torn.” I remind him crossing the road.
“If the richest men in the world need protection, what makes you think you're above danger?” he asks.
“I don’t think I’m above anything, I just dont think danger is likely.”
“You’re naive,” he comments.
“You're a pessimist” I respond.
“Realist. Men jeopardise their livelihoods and lives all around the world for women and sometimes men. Being alone at night is an unnecessary risk” he says, sounding like my father. When we make it to the beach the sound of the ocean is calming.
“Can we stay awhile?” I ask and he nods. I step onto the sand. My dress is too long so I take down my hair and use my hair tie to hike it up to my knees. There’s a breeze in the air but after all that walking it's not too chilly. My nerves are worlds better. I find a spot and sit down, feeling safe. I close my eyes and block out everything aside from the sound of the waves crashing and crackling sea foam. The air shifts and I catch Richmonds cologne as he sits beside me. I can feel his eyes on me but I keep mine closed. He probably thinks I’m crazy, maybe even too trusting given our history but I don't open my eyes until I'm ready. When I do his eyes are on me.
“Jameson told me you dont value your life” he says and I scoff.
“You can't care too much about yours if you joined the military” I shoot back.
“My father was decorated, he had me in mixed martial arts since I was five. I can take care of myself”
“So we have daddy to thank for this personality” I jest and he shakes his head instead of silencing me with a look.
“You really don't like it” he says, looking up at the sky.
“No I don’t, this is the most normal you’ve ever been with me since we met” I tell him.
“I’ve tried but you’re always running”
“Why were you so mean that first day?” I ask.
“It’s complicated,” he says, hardening.
“More complicated than using my trauma as a test?” I ask and he sighs.
“That wasn't my idea to push you and yes, that complicated” he affirms. “I was in a bad state, looked my worst and I found out my new recruit Lorence Cole is a woman,” he explains.
“That’s a sexist admission”
“No. You’re my type Lorence. Cassandra knew that and didn’t tell me ahead of time. I was upset with her to make a point and short with you” he confesses and the way my cheeks burn im thankful for the nights forgiving lighting. Not was, not one of my preferences, you’re present tense my type.
“The next time your type walks in, try being kind. Most women don't like being barked at, frowned at, scolded. Do I need to continue?” I ask.
“I get the picture” he nods. Then there’s laughter down the beach and I see people laughing around a photograph.
“We should go see” I suggest getting up. I pat the sand off my dress and we make our way over to see caricature artists seated.
“Come on, beautiful couple,” One of the women artists say.
“I don't want to” Richmond says motioning for me to sit alone.
“Not my boyfriend's bodyguard” I tell the woman in french and she smiles. Mischief lights in her eyes and I smile bracing for the worst.
“First time in Monaco?” she asks with a thick accent.
“Welcome! here for the races?” she asks.
“Yeah, a few friends wanted to check it out” I explain using my cover story and she continues drawing.
“Are you famous?” she asks.
“No” I laugh.
“Then why bodyguard?” she asks.
“He’s a friend who didn't want me out walking alone” I explain in french and she nods complimenting my speaking ability. I sit for another ten minutes and she stands finished. They count me down and when I get the photo I have to stop myself from laughing. I fold the photo immediately as the other artists cackle and pray Richmond hasn't seen it. If he didn't speak French too I’m sure he’d think I put her up to it. We leave the beach heading back on the path back to the accommodation when Richmond snatches it from my hand as I let my dress back down. He gets a full look of the photo of me looking like an angel in caricature form while he looks like an angry muscle man with ears so big they span to the margins. I giggle and he gives me a look of warning handing the drawing back. I’m surprised he doesn't rip it into pieces.
“Aside from the ears it's an accurate depiction of how scary your scowl is” I joke.
“Good to know” he mutters, the streets are more lively now and the party crowds are out. Leading the way gets too challenging. Richmond holds his hand back and I take it following him through the crows he can see over. He's a gentle guide parting the crowd for me with his size. My brain starts to run away with the information I’ve learned aided by the hand holding and a replay of the past few weeks. My realization shouldn't be as charming as it is. Richmond the decorated veteran and impeccably polished CEO has a crush … on me? He’s not to be played with, tall, handsome, well off ….. My boss. My thoughts hit a roadblock there. The uphill trek starts to become a battle and he crosses the street finding a cab stand. His French is impeccable as he orders us a cab barely fitting in the small European car with me. I get my hand back and find myself missing the contact. The ride back to the accommodation is short. When RIchmond and I clear the lobby he’s right I’m no longer worried about tomorrow or my work. This elevator ride is far less tense than last trip.
“Thanks for walking me through my route” I tell him as he walks me from the elevator to my door.
“No problem” he nods. “Last call is at noon if you want to see the parade and the royals otherwise you can leave at two” he reminds me of the schedule. I check my watch and see I have a lot of beauty rest to catch up on.
“Sounds good.” I nod heading in my room. I stop turning to face him. “Why don’t we start fresh tomorrow? My type is nice” I tell him and he gives me his first genuine smile.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Cole”
“Good night Richmond.” I smile, shutting the door. I call Sin thankful for time differences and we talk for an hour about what it all means before I fall asleep.
Authors note: thanks for reading loves. things are heading up and these interactions are getting more and more fun to write. Are we here for the new developments?
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dated february 28
——— ౨ৎ ⊹ ࣪ ˖
this has been the most uneventful and boring and stupid week of my life.
I’ve been sick since saturday with the flu and while it is for the most part gone it’s still there faintly.
but at least I get to be babied by percy. or really that’s until I start complaining and complaining and then he ignores me. I pull his hair and that gets him talking. kinda like a children’s toy !
I think he’s been doing something differently because he’s looked extra nice this week. maybe he’s pregnant and that’s why he’s glowing. he told me once that female seahorses get the males pregnant because they have a pouch which can carry the eggs.
I asked him once if he’d like to be seahorses with me so I could get him pregnant. he said “no thank you” but offered to impregnate me instead. unsurprisingly, I said “no thank you” and to wait until we’re older. that made him happy so I was happy too.
but I seriously think he’s doing something though. or maybe it’s just because summer is on the horizon. I can’t wait until it’s hot outside and I get to see him shirtless every day. though I do during winter too anyways…
on that thought, I do everyday. but you get the point, it’s still nice.
he convinced mr. d to let him take a week long trip to see his family. which I’m happy for him because I know he misses them. but I’m going to miss him too! maybe even more! :(
but luckily I’ve prepared myself for this moment! I took a couple of his clothes back to my cabin so he can’t find them so when he leaves, his clothes will still smell like him so I can wear them. and cry in my bed maybe possibly probably.
percy asked me not to cry while he leaves but it’s hard not to because we’re together 99% of our lives and when he’s gone it’s kinda boring.
and it’s sad because I’ll miss him.
but I won’t think about this until the time comes.
today I made a playlist for us. it’s songs I like that remind me of percy and some of him and me both. I almost let him help me find the perfect songs but I knew he’d end up making it just a bunch of led zeppelin songs so I decided against that idea.
but I did make him sit through the entire playlist and rate each song. he said it was a 10/10 playlist because I made it. I guess that’s progress!
percy told me he was going to make a playlist himself for me so I’m kinda excited to see what he’s putting on it. and kind of nervous you never know with him.
he’s kind of suffocating me right now. he passed out after we shared a bowl of ice cream but I presume that any minute he’ll be up and bouncing off the walls. by then I would become sleepy. that’s a later problem though…
for right now I’ll just enjoy watching his peaceful state. I like watching him sleep it’s nice. he’s very pretty and I like his hair. and his eyes, sea green is my favorite color. but his eyes are closed right now. I’ll take a look later.
I think I should go to sleep before he wakes up so well actually get around to sleeping tonight because most nights we don’t sleep and stay up until, like, three in the morning and that’s usually when he crashes.
then we miss breakfast and he cooks me something for brunch. today he made me heart shaped pancakes and they even had chocolate chips!!!!!! I gave him a large kiss in return. he asked for more since he had even taken it upon himself to add powdered sugar. I told him tonight.
and that idiot remembered. so as he asked, I granted.
but I just keep talking….. I should rest my eyes and my wrist before it falls off.
xoxo, sweet girl <3

#✩ — sweet girl’s internal monologue#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#pjo series#pjo fandom#pjo#percy jackson x reader#percy jackson x y/n#percy jackson x you
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Spoilers follow for Severance season two episode seven, “Chikhai Bardo.”
No, “Chikhai Bardo” isn’t a bottle episode. Instead, Severance gave us something even better: answers. Tragic but legitimate answers. The latest episode confirms Gemma (Dichen Lachman) is alive and being held against her will on one of Lumon’s severed floors, having gotten there, as we see through flashbacks, after being marked by one of the company’s doctors (Robby Benson) at a fertility clinic. The episode bounces around the highs and lows of Mark (Adam Scott) and Gemma’s relationship — their meet-cute at a university blood donation drive, their surprisingly enjoyable dinners with Devon and Ricken, her miscarriage — interspersed with scenes of Gemma’s captive life following a car crash implied to be staged by the company. Inside Lumon, Gemma’s life is overseen by a nurse (Sandra Bernhard), who marches her through a rotation of severed doors and into rooms where her various Innies are forced to endure scenarios with Benson’s doctor that range from the annoying to the traumatic.
When Gemma’s mad dash of an escape plan — knocking the doctor unconscious and briefly reembodying Ms. Casey on another severed floor — fails at episode’s end, she seemingly resigns herself to a prisoner’s existence without parole. Lachman believes her character still has hope of being released and reuniting with her husband when the experiment concludes. “But they’re always changing the rules of the game for her,” she says. “They just keep moving the goalposts.”
As someone of the belief that Gemma was brain-dead and living as a subconscious entity, it was lovely to see her alive despite the awful circumstances surrounding her existence. When I read season one, I had that theory too. I didn’t quite understand what was happening. I was like, Has her brain been affected and they’re trying to rebuild her?
Did you know Gemma would get her own stand-alone episode when you first started filming Severance? I definitely wasn’t aware in season one that this would happen. As the scripts for season two started coming in, I was like, Oh, okay. I’m not in this episode, and I’m not in the next one. Did I do something wrong? Then Dan Erickson talked me through how it was going to play out. It was really exciting. At the same time, I felt a lot of pressure. I didn’t want to let the fans down. This is obviously something they’ve been waiting for. I was really scared.
What scared you the most?Having to jump between lighter and darker moments, and the scope of it was so large. Knowing we’d have a very limited time to do it and then doing the flashbacks on film. I know Jessica Lee Gagné, the director, had always envisioned using film and it was her goal. When I started my career, we used to shoot on film all the time, but then digital became the preferred medium because it never ends and there’s more freedom. With film, there’s only so much; you could run out in the middle of a scene. You don’t want to make a mistake because it’s an actual, physical thing an image is getting printed onto.
The big connection we get this episode is when Lumon’s doctor spots Gemma at a fertility clinic before her car accident. His eyes linger on her for a beat, but Gemma and Mark don’t clock him in the waiting area. Oh, you got that?
Not the first time!I’m so glad.
Can you tell me a bit about how this scene was staged?Jessica has been integral to setting the tone and mood of Severance. She’s phenomenally talented and has such a unique eye, but she’s really good at doing things subtly. That scene had a lot of technical stuff. One of the great things about that moment is that even though the shots, framing, and camerawork are really technical — more than I’ve ever done in my entire life on any show — it always goes back to how they can keep it real and grounded among all of that chaos. There was a lot of stuff they had to do and capture so the audience could have that little moment, which is so subtle, so I’m impressed you picked up on it. I just remember focusing on what Gemma was feeling and us talking about the mood and temperament.
Given what we learn about this doctor throughout the episode, what did you infer about the motivations behind Gemma’s staged death? Did this man target her specifically because of a weird infatuation, or is a fertility clinic just an ideal location for Lumon to scope out potential subjects? That fertility clinic is a place where they have access to people’s biometric data. I suppose it’s the perfect place to zone in on a target. The whole world they live in is filled with Lumon employees, businesses, and stuff like that. I have my own fan theories, but I think what you said — a place where they’re getting people’s blood and their DNA — is probably the best theory.
The other person Gemma interacts with is Sandra Bernhard’s nurse. How would you define their relationship? Are there any sympathies there? In my mind, her nurse has been there for a while. Sandra brought an incredible warmth to that role, even in playing a captor. She brought almost a motherly feeling to it even though it’s still very cold, controlled, and oppressive down there. Maybe it’s just her eyes. Or maybe she was working on something with the character that I wasn’t aware of, but their dynamic is really interesting. I think she has compassion for Gemma. She’s just doing her job, but there’s a humanity to her.
Inside those rooms, Gemma’s Innies are forced to play out different scenarios: A dental patient getting work done, a passenger in a crashing airplane, and a wife at Christmas forced to write thank-you notes. The doctor inquired if Gemma felt “despair” after leaving any of them. How do you view what this experiment is trying to accomplish? I think it’s leaning into something that’s happening within our culture, which is that we don’t want to experience anything unpleasant. To some degree, I totally understand. In season one, you have the birthing center. That’s one of the most painful things you could experience in your whole life — I would know. What if you could delegate that experience to someone so you didn’t have to go through the pain? Even though, as a human being, there’s some ownership of that. Going through it and having a connection to the child is so beautiful. But we kind of want to get on a prescription of not having to suffer. If you think of it from a pharmaceutical point of view, it’s like, “We’re just taking it up a notch. You hate going to the dentist? We’ve got you. We’ll send somebody else, but you’ll still be going to the dentist.” Or having the fear of flying. I know Dan loathes writing thank-you notes — not because he’s ungrateful but because sometimes it’s so hard to figure out what to say to express your gratitude. I’ve done this before when I’ve worked on a movie: I’ve written 80 thank-you notes to all the crew members and they all start sounding the same. You lose your creativity, and you’re struggling to figure out a way to say “thank you” in a different way so that if someone reads someone else’s card, they’re not like, Oh, this isn’t personal. It says the same thing.
So you don’t view this technology as being strictly malicious in intent? Yeah. It could go further, of course. That’s the thing with technology: The intention is always to make someone’s life a little bit easier. Then it becomes integrated into our life. Everything is a double-edged sword. It’s our job as human beings to try and find the balance. We’re in a world where we have AI and robots. We’re creating a world where we don’t even need to exist, in a way. What’s really cool about the show is it gets people to ask themselves about their relationship to technology or their relationship to having contrast in their life. You don’t get to experience pleasure, joy, or something that tastes really amazing if you don’t get the sad moments, too. When you’re severed, you don’t have contrast. The weekend isn’t as good because you’re perpetually experiencing only the good things. Those good feelings just become feelings and are not special anymore.
You get one of the best lines of the season when Gemma is being examined by that doctor after visiting some of the rooms: “Can you please just talk like a normal person?” She’s saying what viewers are thinking, and it made me laugh.The whole language is a bit culty. They have their own way of communicating. The words they use are so bizarre. I tried reading that line in many different ways and played with intensity. It was stretching me as an artist. I’ve never had the opportunity to explore and collaborate as much as I did on this show. I could have said “Can you please just talk like a normal person?” 15 or 16 times, maybe more, and every time it would’ve been a little different.
Did you get the sense Gemma had tried to escape before? There’s this comment Mr. Drummond gives the doctor midway through the episode about how she once tried to break his fingers. It struck me as very fight-or-flight. Yes. I picked up on that same line when I was reading the script. Jessica and I talked about it a lot. I think every now and then, Gemma has been like, Screw it. I’m going to go for it. I don’t care if I have to hit him over the head or break his hand. Then there are days where she feels like it’s pointless, but then she’ll get pushed and pushed harder and she’ll try again. She’ll never be able to escape. Her tolerance level will go back to baseline, and it’ll build up and she’ll try again.
We’ve seen how people involved in the severance program can be driven to madness; Helly tries to kill herself in the first season. Where does Gemma find the strength to continue on in this prison of a life? Based on the scenes she has with the doctor just before she hits him over the head, I feel like there’s been some promises made: “Oh, you just have to do this and that”; “Look, it’s for your own good”; “Now you just have to get through this.”
How many takes did you get to whack Robby with a chair? Was it oddly satisfying?You know what? That’s something we didn’t do as many times as some of the other scenes. It wasn’t too complicated. Robby is such an amazing person. He was lying on the floor for hours, just so dedicated to this role he was playing. The man is a machine. I felt really bad. I’m like, “Oh, Robby, I’m sorry.” It was just about getting the chair at the right angle so that we could sell it, because obviously I couldn’t hit him over the head.
At one point, Gemma directly asks the doctor what will happen when her Innie “sees all of the rooms.” What do you think will happen?Gemma thinks that when she’s done, she’ll get out of there and be free. That’s what she wants. Ultimately, toward the end, she resigns herself to being there. When she comes out of the elevator, knowing her escape plan didn’t work, she feels so broken. Well, that’s it. I’m never going to get out of here. That’s why she has to be picked up off the floor by Sandra’s character. In my head, when she’s tried to escape previously, she’s probably fought them all on the way out. Like, What am I doing back here? But when she falls to the floor into a puddle, calling Mark’s name, it’s just like, I can’t anymore. There’s nothing else I can do.
You previously portrayed a multiverse-programmed character in Dollhouse, which shares a few creative parallels to Severance. Your work in Altered Carbon also explored how consciousness can be “resleeved” into different bodies. What makes you excel at portraying so many distinctive personas in one human? Maybe I willed it into my life because I love exploring these concepts, I love science fiction, and I absolutely feel like it’s somewhere where my creativity thrives. I feel so blessed that I’ve gotten to do it in different eras. Altered Carbon is hundreds of years in the future, where severance technology has completely changed the way people live and given them the ability to live forever. Dollhouse is more contemporary. Severance is this timeless era. It’s quite strange and weird.
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Ahh hiii i really enjoy reading your work so much, i hope your doing well and not overworking yourself!
could I request ukitake one shot or hc’s perchance? :)
She was a punk ᢉ𐭩 Jushiro Ukitake X reader



𓂃۶ৎ a/n: OMG tysm for enjoying my stuff moot!! I was so glad to see this request bc I’ve been thinking about writing a jushiro fic for a while ^_^
𓂃۶ৎ context: You were going to have your concert soon for your rock concert. Shunsui brings up the idea of bringing Jushiro, whose eyes lock on you the moment he saw you. Captivated by you and your music.
𓂃۶ৎ warnings: F! reader, inspired by Nana Osaki,cursing, alcohol, hard rock/punk singer, smoking, modern AU.
“Should you really be smoking, Y/N?” Shunsui said as he blew out the cigarette in your mouth, using his fingers. You gave him a quick glare before taking the cigarette out of your mouth.
“Oh come on Shunsui.. You know I like to light one up before one of my concerts.” You let go of the serious face you had, then grinning at Shunsui carefree.
You always liked to smoke a cigarette before performing, it really eased your nerves.. even though you were pretty well known and have performed in front of many people many times, you still get that anxiety.
“Oh come on, what is there to stress about? Everyone loves that lovely face of yours.. and of course your voice.” Shunsui cooed, you could smell the alcohol from his breath, causing you to step back.
“What do you want Shunsui, you’re even more flirty than ever whenever you want something.” You crossed your arms over your chest, looking up and down at him. And judging from the look of his face now, you were right. He really was looking for something to ask.
“You caught me,” He chuckled as he walked closer to you, then wrapping his arm around your shoulder, “I know you’re going to perform soon.. I wanted to know if me and my buddies could come.. you know, free of charge?”
You weren’t exactly the closest to any of Shunsui’s friends, you were always distant from others, even to Shunsui. So for him to ask this favor from you was somewhat a lot. You knew you could sing well, but it was something still embarrassing for others in your life to see you perform.
You let out a big sigh, looking at Shunsui with deadly eyes. “You owe me a pack of cigarettes, as well drinks.” He grinned at you hard, chuckling as he hit your back with his hand softly, “You got it rockstar.”
“Yo! Y/N over here!” You turned around quickly when hearing Shunsui call out to you, you were once again a nervous wreck for your own show. “Shunsui..” You quickly went over to him, hugging him for support.
His body stiffened up at first but soon relaxed, hugging you back, understanding why you were so nervous. “You’re a very confusing woman y’know that? One second you’re all bossy then the next you’re-” You hit his chest hard with your fist, backing away.
“S-See..” He smiled in pain before collecting himself, “Anyways.. These are my buddies. They’re all going to root for you, aren’t we boys?” Shunsui moved aside, revealing two stunning men.
One had long black hair, a slender body, tall, a mean mug face, but he was dressed almost too formal for your show. Then the other one.. he was a real cutie, is what you thought. He had long white hair, a perfectly sculpted face with the most gorgeous green eyes you have ever seen, he looked like a real softie too, definitely your type.
“Of course! I’m Jushiro Ukitake, I’m honored to meet such a celebrity like you. I’m quite excited about your show!” Jushiro put his hand out to you, introducing himself to you. You were a bit hesitant at first, but you definitely weren’t going to not shake his hand.
You introduced yourself, flashing him a bright and genuine smile, “Thank you for coming to my show, it means a lot for Shunsui’s friends to support me.” You then turned to the black haired man, smiling at him.
“Thank you for coming, ..?” You paused your sentence, wanting him to introduce himself to you.
“Kuchiki Byakuya, and of course. Kyoraku thought I needed to relax more so I am here. I’m looking forward to your show.” You nodded your head at him, turning your eyes back to Shunsui.
“I’ll get security to escort you three, I have to get out there so, wish me luck all of you!” You were just about to leave to go on stage, you could hear the crowd chanting your name, excited to see their favorite artist live.
“You’re going to do amazing! We’ll be cheering for you ms Y/N!” You heard Jushiro yell out to you, giving you more support. You turned your head, giving him a cheeky smile as well with a thumbs up.
“I’ll be sure to give you a great performance, just for you. Ukitake.” You gave him a playful wink before leaving the three men backstage. You left Jushiro in a daze, he stared at the same spot you were last in before security came to escort them.
“What was that all about Jushiro? Don’t tell me you already fell for Y/N.” Shunsui teased Jushiro as the group of men walked to their spots, having a amazing view of you.
“What? No it’s not like that! really. I was just.. a bit shocked by how beautiful she is.” His cheeks flushed with a deep shade of crimson. He could feel the heat on his cheeks rising up, feeling embarrassed.
“Uhuhhh, well I wouldn’t blame you. She is quite the looker.” Shunsui said as him, Ukitake and Byakuya watched as the smoke cleared up, revealing yourself to the crowd.
You were holding your guitar in your hands, To Jushiro, You certainly looked like the coolest person in the world right now. He could feel the music in his body as you played the first chord.
His lips parted from each other slightly, amazed by how well you played the guitar, the crowd was screaming for you and he couldn’t blame them, you were truly amazing and talented. He was getting pushed around slightly, but he could care less right now.
His attention was all on you, on how your lips mouthed the words of your song, how your body danced with the music, how your hair was messed up slightly by your dancing but it almost looked intentional, to make you look wild but beautiful.
How could someone make punk rock sound so angelic? How can someone look good while even slightly sweating? These are questions that only you could answer, because he is getting his answers right in front of him, watching you perform.
You were too focused to make eye contact with any of your fans, that was until you noticed Jushiros flabbergasted face. His eyes looked glossy from the lights around you, his white hair was almost glowing, his attention was all on you. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
As you sang, you slowly walked over to him.
“Send you my love on a wire, lift you up every time..” Jushiro didn’t know what to do when he slowly saw you coming towards him, watching you reach over the stage to him, creasing his face as you sang those lyrics to him.
He melted into your touch, wanting to feel it more. Sadness grew in him when feeling you pull away, but as you pulled away. You continued to make eye contact with him, never turning away from his gaze.
He was not only shocked by your beauty, but by your singing. Even though your music was more on the hard core side, to Jushiro.. you sounded like angel’s whispering into his ears. He couldn’t get enough of it.
Jushiro never once left his eyes away from you, his eyes were all on you and only you. His heart raced rapidly the more he listened closely to your voice, watching you closer than ever before.
“She’s.. got to be a blessing from the lord.” Jushiro said, not noticing that he said those words out loud.
Shunsui turned over, knowing his best friend fell hard for you. It was like love at first sight.. He grinned, not saying anything. Shunsui could see the genuine love in his eyes, the way his eyes followed you, his lips now looked glossy.
Shunsui was definitely going to make Jushiro pay up, for introducing him to you.
“Thank you so much everyone! Thank you all for coming, head home safely.” You said your goodbyes, ending your show. You were just about to leave to go backstage until you heard the crowd once again, chanting your name.
You turned, shocked by the crowd tonight. You just noticed just how big the crowd was. This was probably the biggest crowd you’ve ever performed in front of, and they all loved you.
But none of them loved you as much as Jushiro did right now.
Then something was thrown at you.
A flower.
More and more flowers were thrown at you, roses, tulips, daisies, sunflowers, all kinds of flowers were thrown at you. You were a bit stunned at the moment, shocked.
Even now, Jushiro couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The flowers thrown at you only added more to your beauty. They were thrown at you in slow motion to him, it was like a scene out of a movie.
“That was quite a performance, Y/N.” Shunsui said as he entered the backstage area with Byakuya and Jushiro.
“I agree, you were amazing! I never knew music could sound like that, You were just.. so captivating on the stage.” Jushiros words slowly went quiet when realizing just what he was saying, and from the look on your face.
Your face was all flushed up, hair a bit messy, panting lightly and soft, lips now a bit dry but still kissable to Jushiros eyes.
“Thank you, Ukitake..” You shyly replied back, bringing a flower to your face—one of the ones you grabbed from the stage— covering your flushed face.
Shunsui noticed the tension in the room, grinning as he pulled Byakuya aside, about to say something, “You don’t need to tell me, I already know. Let’s leave them alone.” Byakuya said. Shunsui nodded, without saying goodbye he left, he didn’t want to say goodbye because he thought he would interrupt you and Jushiro.
“Listen.. I know we just met. But I can’t help but have this burning feeling in my heart, I believe.. it’s burning for you.” Jushiro lightly tapped the side of his cheek, blushing from what he said, thinking that they were corny.
“What I’m really trying to say is, uhm’ He fanned himself, pulling his shirt to let the cool air inside his shirt, then looking away from your figure ‘I want to take you out.. like.. a date?” Jushiro’s gaze then turned to you again, waiting for your answer.
He thought it was silly of him to ask you out this early, But he didn’t want to waste any time with you, he was dedicated to make you his one day, he knew you were the one, he’s never felt such a feeling towards anyone until he met you, this burning feeling in his heart was immediately caused by you, from the moment he made contact with you.
But how were things going to work out for you? You did want to take his offer, but imagine what your fans will do if they find out you were out on a date with someone? Would they become toxic towards you, a love life while having a music career isn’t really the best matchup.
But were you going to risk it?
“Ukitake.. listen. You’re a great guy and I so badly want to take your offer. But what would happen if you got into some trouble for being seen with me?”
“Then I’ll deal with it!”
You’ve never heard someone answer something so quickly, with no hesitation, making you a bit confused.
“I fully understand your concern, but please. I am a man, I will go beyond, protecting myself and hopefully.. protect you, if you give me the chance?” Jushiros words particularly shot a arrow at your heart, there was only loyalty, love and truthfulness behind his words.
“Wait- Are you really.. sure?” A bit concerned still.
“Of course I am, I’m one-hundred percent sure about this.” Jushiro grabbed your hand with his, holding onto them gently but firmly, wanting you to know that you shouldn’t worry and that he really has no problem with the risks he will have to face.
‘When do you wanna plan this date?”
“How was the studio honey?” You came home, plopping down on the couch, tired from how much you sang.
“It was okayy..” Your voice was muffled due to your face being squished by the couch cushion. Jushiro smiled lightly, glad to have you back home.
“Come on, you’re going to fall asleep on the couch again if you continue to lay there.” Jushiro said as he picked you up so effortlessly, bringing you to the room you both share together.
“I was comfortable though..” you said, whining. But your whining did not affect Jushiro, not even the slightest. He actually kind of found it funny and cute when you whined about the littlest things.
“I know I know, but you would be more comfortable in bed with me.” He laid you on the bed lightly and carefully. Then he crawled onto the empty spot next to you.
He spooned your body, making sure you two were as close as possible. Wanting to feel your heartbeat with his.
“Wait.. I need to actually get ready for-”
Jushiro softly pressed his lips against yours, shutting you up. The kiss was filled with such lovec passion and warmth. As he pulled away, he had pleading eyes.
“Stay in bed with me a while longer, I enjoy these moments with you..”
#bleach fanfiction#bleach fic#bleach x reader#bleach smut#bleach x you#bleach#ukitake jushiro x reader#jushiro x reader#kyoraku shunsui x reader#shunsui x reader#anime x reader#anime x you#anime x y/n#truelotus#kyoraku smut
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pairings: drew starkey x actress!reader
warnings: actress!reader taking place of margot robbie in the barbie movie
word count: 1.9k
Your heart fluttered with nerves as you smoothed down your dress in the back seat of your Uber. It was a pink silky dress that clung to your curves, accentuating your skin tone beautifully.
You had recently been invited to the Variety set for a segment called Actors on Actors, and it felt like your career was skyrocketing over the past year. Last year, you won your first Grammy, for Best Actress in a Leading Role for your portrayal of Stereotypical Barbie in the Barbie movie. And now, here you were, doing an interview with the great Drew Starkey, someone who seemed so far removed from your own humble beginnings.
“We’re here, Miss Y/L/N,” your driver pointed out politely. You had been so wrapped up in your thoughts that you hadn’t realized he’d been waiting for you to exit the car for the last two minutes.
“Right,” you chuckled, offering him an apologetic smile before taking the final steps to prepare yourself for the anxiety-inducing environment—another quick adjustment of your dress, lip gloss smeared onto your lips, and a toss of your hair.
When you forced a smile this time, you dialed it up to perfection—the smile that could only be produced from fear of constant scrutiny. “Thank you.” You beamed, accepting his help as he guided you out of the car.
You watched as he drove away, almost wishing you were him—escaping from your fears, the terror of being put on a screen that would magnify all your imperfections.
You were ushered into the warm studio before you could fully process the motions of your body. The exterior was dull, a stark contrast to the bright, welcoming interior. “You’ll be needed on set in about 15 minutes! Drew’s already here… oh, he’s so handsome, isn’t he?”
You zoned out the wide-eyed assistant. Normally, you would’ve made an effort to at least pretend you were interested in what someone was saying, offering the occasional noncommittal hum or nod. But under pressure, you were never great at multitasking, which felt ironic given your profession of pretending to have it all together.
Soon enough, you were whisked onto the set of the interview. The first thing you noticed was a broad-shouldered man, his presence larger than his already tall frame. You took in the room—two velvet armchairs sitting atop a grey carpeted floor, a decorated black table nestled between them. The set was simple, designed to ensure that viewers’ attention would be on the two actors, not distracted by anything flashy in the background.
But your eyes wandered upon seeing those sharp blue eyes meet yours across the room. His lips tugged into a small smirk as he registered your presence.
Your heels clicked against the floor, sinking into the plush carpet beneath your shoes as you made your way toward him. You summoned up all the charm and confidence you had, giving Drew a saccharine smile and extending your manicured hand.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m Drew,” he greeted, his large, rough hand meeting yours in a soft shake. You only had a moment to admire the sheer size and power of his hand before he withdrew it to his side.
A small blush crept up your cheeks, hopefully hidden behind the foundation meticulously applied earlier in the day. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve been looking forward to this,” you admitted, your eyes flitting up to meet his. The dark lashes framing your gaze locked with his, an unspoken energy buzzing in the air between you.
Drew’s smirk softened, his blue eyes flickering with curiosity. “Likewise. You were incredible in Barbie,” he said, his tone warm but with an underlying admiration.
Your lips curved into a modest smile. “Thank you, that role meant a lot to me,” you replied, your voice quiet, reflective. “But I have to say, I’ve been hearing so much about your new project, Queer—I’m really excited to see it.”
Drew chuckled softly, a light blush creeping up his neck. “It’s definitely been a wild ride,” he admitted. He was about to expand on his opinion before the film crew instructed the duo to take their seats.
Drew gestured for you to take a seat first, nodding towards the area. You sank into the red armchair, crossing your legs, inadvertently making the hem of your dress rise. You watched as Drew settled into the chair across from you, giving you the chance to fully inspect him.
He was dressed in a matching navy pinstripe suit with a cream undershirt. His legs stretched long in front of him, posture relaxed, but his eyes were intensely fixed on you as if studying your every movement.
He rested his chin against the palm of his hand, his blue eyes never moving from your figure. “So, finally face to face with the exceptional Y/N Y/L/N.” He began, readjusting his position in the chair.
You breathily laughed “Wow what an introduction.” You smiled softly, your eyes flickering from his eyes, darting down to his lips and then back up again. “It’s hard to believe honestly. I’ve admired you and your work for so long. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this moment longer than I realised.”
“I just call it like I see it.” Drew’s smile grew warmer, his eyes flickering with an unknown spark. “But you know I was just thinking the same thing. It feels like we’ve both been running in separate circles, but somehow, here we are.”
You cocked your head to the side, the smile never leaving your face. You crossed your legs over the other and leaned slightly forward “Well if we’re giving out title, I guess I should return the favour. The incredibly talented Drew Starkey.”
He chuckled, running a hand through his hair before shaking his head lightly. “Hard to compete with Barbie herself.”
“Well you could pass as Ken.” You retorted, your eyes lighting up. He had this way of making you feel at ease, even though there was a whole camera crew filming you, watching you every move all you could think about was this beautiful man in front of you who made you laugh at every turn.
Drew laughed, the sound deep and genuine “I’m not sure I’ve got the abs for it.” He joked.
Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you fought back a grin “I think you’d be just fine.” The words escaped before you had permitted them, bringing the second and certainly not the last blush of the day.
His eyes light up with amusement. The ait between you two holding quiet electricity–the kind that settled in stolen glances and unspoken thoughts.
“So,” you continued, shifting the topic before the heat in your cheeks betrayed you again. “Tell me about Queer, I haven’t managed to watch it yet but I’ve heard it’s one of your most challenging roles yet.”
Drew nodded, his expression turning thoughtful “Yeah, it’s… different from anything I’ve done before, a period piece. The story is raw, really personal and significant. It follows this guy, Lee,in the ‘50s as he struggles with identity, his relationships. It’s messy and heartbreaking, but also really beautiful.”
You listened intentionally, caught up in the way his voice softened as he spoke and the passion in his eyes. “That sounds incredible. I think films that really shed light on hard topics are lovely. It’s what the key to acting is, it's truly storytelling. Especially for those who weren’t able to tell their own story.”
Drew nodded and the shine in his eyes confirmed that he admired your words. “I couldn’t have said it better.”
A few moments of prolonged eye contact lingered between the two of you, only broken by being signalled to speak.
“So, Miss Barbie. Tell me how that was like.”
You interlaced your fingers on your lap, gathering your thoughts to translate your thoughts in the best way. “Every role that I have the privilege to bring to life is an honour. But Barbie really spoke to me. As many other girls, I played with barbies growing up.” You laughed elatedly, recalling your memories. “ Barbie just seemed so… perfect, she was something that I looked up to. Even if I didn’t look like her it was so encouraging to see all of her careers and journeys. There are countless things that I loved while making this movie but it was truly inspiring to have so many strong and individual women in one space. The movie explores topics of patriarchy and male superiorism, something I'm sure every woman has unfortunately experienced before in their life. But then it shows how women come together, it isn’t a hateful jealous relationship, like how it is constantly portrayed in the media but it was true sisterhood. And god don’t even get me started on America’s speech or ‘What was I made for’, I’ll just start bawling.”
“Right,” Drew started, “I remember when I watched Barbie with my sisters the look of… feeling so totally understood was astounding from them, it hurt that this was something they could relate to. But it’s so powerful and impressive how you represented women all around the world, validating feelings they may have been harbouring.”
You met his gaze, your fingers absently tracing shapes in your dress. “Yeah,” you murmured, holding the weight of his words for a moment longer before letting out a light-hearted sigh. “Wow, that got deep fast.”
Drew tilted his head, scratching the back of his head with a smile “I guess you bring it out of me.”
You shook your head lightly at his antics “So, tell me something shallow about you. Balance things out.”
He chuckled, leaning back “Alright, um… I have an embarrassingly extensive collection of sneakers. I don’t even wear most of them, but I keep buying more.”
You gasped dramatically “Drew Starkey, a sneakerhead? Who would have guessed.”
He held up his hands “I contain multitudes.”
“Alright, my turn. I have an unhealthy addiction to lipgloss. If I leave my apartment without at least three in my bag, I go crazy fighting out what I’m missing.”
You felt Drew’s gaze flick to your lips, his smirk lazy but unreadable. “I noticed. Looks good on you.”
Your breath hitched slightly before you played it off with an eye roll “Very smooth, Starkey.”
He grinned, “I try.”
The crew began moving around the set, adjusting the cameras, but you barely noticed. The energy between you two was magnetic—effortless. It wasn’t just scripted conversation or polite industry chatter. It was real. And if you weren’t careful, it could become something even more dangerous.
But right now, you weren’t sure you minded.
#drew starkey#drew starkey x reader#drew starkey fanfiction#drew starkey fic#drew starkey imagine#drew starkey x female reader#ˏˋ°•*⁀➷𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐘'𝐒 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃
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Unscripted Venture
Pairing: Rafayel x MC
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Rafayel has been away from MC for a few days and she decides to give him a surprise visit – it ends with sex. MC is not named and Rafayel calls her his canon petnames (cutie & miss bodyguard)
In other words, my attempt at trying to make sense of what we hear in Promised Wildfire, and what happens after it ends (spoiler - sex)
Word Count: 5.3k
Tags/Warnings: smut, fluff, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, squirting, safe sex
Read on Ao3 or under the cut 👇
It had been longer than a week since Rafayel had left Linkon. He got dragged from one exhibition to another while I had to go on the hunt for wanderers with almost no break which made it really hard for us to see each other. The moment I found some free time in my schedule I jumped on a plane to visit Rafayel. Now, I was standing in front of his door, my hand raised as I hesitated to knock.
“Really, Thomas? Another last-minute event?” Rafayel’s voice came from the other side of the door. “Well, duh. Of course I can't make it. I gotta return to Linkon tomorrow. Smell you later.”
I smiled as I listened to him whine to Thomas about work. I took a deep breath as he closed the call, straightened my hair and knocked on his door. I eagerly listened as his footsteps came closer and closer when finally Rafayel opened the door.
His expression changed from annoyed to surprised and then to happy in mere seconds. “Cutie, what are you doing here?”
I jumped into his arms just as he opened them. “I’ve missed you too much so I came to see you!”
He pulled me into a hug and lifted me up, taking my feet off the ground. I had wrapped my arms around his neck and held onto him as he twirled me around. “Are we trying for a new, romantic escapade here?” He asked when he finally stopped.
I held his face in between my hands and gave him a big kiss. “Did you like it?”
“This was the perfect surprise,” he said as he closed the door with his foot and carried me to the living room. “How did you know where I was staying?”
“I convinced Thomas to tell me,” I said with a smile as he sat down with me on his lap.
“How did you manage that? Don’t tell me – ah, I’m gonna have to go to that event tomorrow, aren’t I?” He said with a pout.
I settled on his lap with my legs on either side of his hips and brushed his bangs back. “I will come with you though… we can hide somewhere when you get bored of people, and have a little fun of our own,” I said, my voice getting deeper.
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow. “I guess we can figure that out later — right now, I want to enjoy having you here with me,” he squeezed me tighter and left a kiss to my cheek. “I’m so excited that you're here – you have no idea. It’s almost like butterflies are about to burst from my chest.” He held my hand and brought it down on his heart.
I could feel how fast his heartbeat was. Suddenly the air in the room changed. I felt myself blush when our eyes met, the rainbow colour of his iris was getting swallowed by his dark pupils the longer we gazed at each other. I felt myself leaning in for his lips like I was being pulled by some unseen force.
It started with small kisses on his lips, our breathing getting heavier by the second. I made my way down to his jaw and pushed open collar of his neck. I admired the view of his collarbone before I went down to lick and suck on his skin.
I felt Rafayel’s muscles tense under my touch and he let out a sigh. “Was this sneak attack also part of your surprise?”
I answered him as I left another kiss on his skin, pushing open his collar and making my way lower on his chest.
He grabbed my chin and lifted my head, making me look into his eyes, “your kiss couldn’t stop the butterflies from flying out of my heart,” he leaned in closer to my face, “but this is how you do it,” he whispered just before I felt the touch of his soft lips on mine.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my fingers in the soft strands of his hair as I felt his tongue search for an entrance on my lips. I opened my mouth, allowing him to deepen our kiss and bring us ever closer. I needed to touch him more, it wasn’t enough. My hands wandered back down to his chest, slipping under his shirt. My fingers caressed his chest, lightly stroking over his nipples as I delighted in the moans that escaped his mouth.
Rafayel’s hands were on my back, stroking up and down at first before he slowly slid them down, pressing hard enough on my skin that I could feel his warmth over my clothes. I could feel myself getting wet just from this, a warm and tingly feeling spreading from my belly to my body. I settled myself nicely on his lap, feeling his hard member right under my sex. Rafayel’s hands settled on my ass and squeezed the soft flesh just as I slowly started to grind on his lap.
“Miss Bodyguard,” he said with a sigh, taking off his lips away from my skin to talk, “you’ve given me quite a surprise. How should I repay you?”
“Kiss me,” I breathed out as his lips travelled down to my jaw.
“Sure, I can kiss you,” he whispered as he turned us around and pushed me down on my back. “Let’s start with just above your eyes…” he planted a kiss, adjusting our position to pull me in his embrace fully, “your nose,” he kissed the tip of my nose, making me giggle, “ears.” This time instead of a kiss, I felt him suck and breathe on my ear.
“Ah, Rafayel…”
I felt his chuckle on my skin before he moved back to my lips again, “and lips too…” he said pulling me into a deep kiss just as another moan escaped my lips. “I’ll make sure to say hello to each of them… it’s been so long, I’ve missed you”
My hands travelled on his back, stroking and making their way to his hair as the sound of our sloppy kisses filled the quiet room. “I missed you, too,” I whispered when I had a moment to breathe.
He kissed me again and again. It felt like my lips were the only things that could sate his thirst and he was a man parched, lost in a desert. I was feeling dizzy and warm, breathing in his familiar scent, squeezing him because I never wanted to let go. He slowed down after a while and slowly raised up.
“Rafayel,” I protested to the loss of his warmth.
He chuckled and stroked my cheek with his knuckles. “Don’t move. I want to savour this moment.” He gave me a soft kiss. “I’m always scared that you're just a figment of my imagination.” I watched his intense gaze as his eyes travelled my body before settling on my face. He looked down at me like I was a mirage, cupped my cheek like he wanted to make sure I was real.
I leaned my head into his touch as my hands travelled up over his arms, settling on his shirt collar before I pulled him closer. “Mm, why don’t you touch me,” I whispered as I switched our position and settled on his lap before I bent down to lick on his ear, “and find out.”
“Well, you're real,” he giggled, turning his head to find my lips as his arms wrapped me tighter, “and warm. It’s like I'm being enveloped in a pool of water.”
He pulled me into a deep kiss, his mouth moving to my jaw and neck, leaving a wet trail as they went. I felt his head nuzzle my cheek, his soft hair tickling my skin. The more I felt his touch the more colourful the world got. Linkon was so cold and grey without him. “Don’t, go away, again,” I said in a desperate voice. I never wanted to be apart from him.
“I don’t wanna let you go,” he wrapped his arms around my body tighter like he was making his point, “I could hold you like this forever.”
“Oh – really?” I asked with a mischievous smile. My hands stroked down his body as I swiftly pulled his loose tie away from his neck.
“What are you…” he started, a grunt escaping his lips just as I tied up his wrists. “When I said I wouldn’t let go, I wasn’t giving you permission to tie me up, and… you did it with my own tie, no less,” he said, giving me a cheeky smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
“This is your punishment for not coming home sooner.” I wrapped the tie around his wrists one more time and leaned in for a kiss as I pushed his arms over his head. “Now, you cannot go anywhere.”
“Fine, fiiine,” he chuckled, adding with a sultry lick of his lips, “punish me however you want, cutie.”
I barely held onto the moan that threatened to escape my lips with the look he was giving me. It was hard to focus on tying him up under his intense gaze. His eyes were like the endless ocean, ready to devour me. I was on top of him, I had his hands bound and yet, I still didn’t feel like I was the one in control. I knew I would fold with just a single word from his lips as long as he looked at me like that.
I swallowed and wrapped the tie to the armrest. He let out an exaggerated groan as I secured the knot. “Ouch… an artist’s wrists are precious, you know, but you're very, very cute right now. I don’t mind being tied up by you.”
I felt my face blush at his compliment, and loosened the knot, worried it was too tight. I slid my hands over his arms, feeling his skin under my fingers and cupped his face before I leaned in for a kiss. He responded to my kiss, pulling on his bounds and groaned.
I chuckled at his struggle as my mouth left a wet trail of kisses on his skin up to his ear. "You look very cute when you're tied up, too," I breathed out before I sucked on his earlobe.
He moaned and bit his bottom lip as I continued to tease him. He turned his head, looking for my lips as I went back to kissing him. "This shirt is too tight," he said, breathing heavily. "Can you help me unbutton it?”
"Anything for you." I nuzzled my cheek on his face as my fingers found the buttons on his shirt. I kissed my way down as I opened his shirt, making sure to press my palm on his bare chest, feeling every inch of his hot skin.
“It’s still too tight… keep unbuttoning it," he commanded just as I finished opening the last button, my hand dancing on his lower stomach.
"I think we've reached the end of the shirt," I teased, my hand going down only slightly to stroke him over his trousers.
"You know what to do next then, don't you?"
"I don't think I do," I said as I leaned in to kiss his cheek. "You'll need to be more specific."
"Take that naughty hand," he kissed me, "and unbuckle my belt."
I moaned as his words sent a shiver down my body, my hands getting to work on his belt.
"Good girl, now keep unbuttoning."
I quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers, my palm flattening over his boxers, feeling how hard he was. I stroked him over the fabric, my fingers dancing on his stomach, threatening to slip under the waistband.
"Mm, not yet,” Rafayel gave me a warning.
“How are you gonna stop me?” I asked with a smirk as I my hand contained to stroke him over his boxers. ”I hold the power now,” I said as I leaned in to capture his lips, my hands stroking over the bare skin of his chest.
My hands moved up to his hair as we deepened our kiss. I could feel his hips buck at my body the more I touched and grinded on him. My mouth moved from his lips to his jaw and then to his neck. Moans and groans escaped both our lips as I made my way down to his nipples, giving attention to both of them before going further down. My hands followed my lips, feeling as much of his skin as I can. One of them moved further down, feeling his hard cock and stroking it over the fabric again. I continued to kiss my way down. I let my mouth soak his underwear, feeling his hot and hard cock under my tongue while I looked up at Rafayel.
"Getting straight to the point, huh...?" he groaned.
"I'm not breaking any rules," I breathed onto his skin before I kissed right under his naval, feeling his muscles tense up at the slightest of my touch, I saw him throw his head back just as my lips touched the waistband of his boxers.
"We've only been separated for a few days and you somehow managed to become so bold," Rafayel said with a strained voice, “then, does this mean I can also be a little bold..." he whispered to my ear as his mouth trailed wet kisses to my jaw, "and spice things up?"
I was too dazed to realize he had broken free. In one smooth motion he had me in his grasp. “Hey! How did you break free?”
He chuckled and got up with me on his lap. “That's something I can't tell you,” he said as he made his way to the bedroom and gently placed me on the bed. He straddled me and moved his mouth closer to my ear, "a slippery fish like me, can't be caught so easily." He whispered before he sucked on my earlobe.
I moaned at his words as he swiftly bound my hands to the headboard. I could feel his hot breath on my skin and it was setting me on fire. "Rafayel, pleasee..."
He chuckled. "Please what, cutie? Let you go or don't let you go?"
I blushed. "I..." I looked up at him with my best pouty look. "Please, I want to touch you. I can't do that if my hands are bound, can I?”
Another delightful chuckle escaped his lips, making my heart skip a beat at the sound. "At this point, begging or running away won't help."
I pulled on my restraints, partly to get away partly because of how turned on I was under his touch as he planted kisses from my cheek to my lips. “Is it too tight? Are you comfortable?”
“Yes,” I moaned. I wanted to lift my hand and cup his face but my hands were tied. “Don’t worry, keep going.”
He left a kiss to my lips and made his way down slowly. His hands moving up and down on my torso, slipping under my shirt and finally making their way to my breasts. “Ah, Rafayel,” his name escaped my lips as he lightly brushed his finger over my pebbled nipple.
“Mm, enjoying my touch this much, cutie?” he said as he cupped both of my breasts, thumbs stroking over my nipples. “They’re so hard already.”
“That’s because it’s cold in here.”
He chuckled. “It’ll be hot in here soon enough,” he left kisses to my neck, making his way down to the top of the soft flesh of my tits, ”then what will be your excuse?”
I felt blood rush to my face as he continued his exploration. He sucked the skin into his mouth, letting it go with a pop sound then licked and kissed the sensitive skin. One of his hands covered the breast he was just sucking as he moved his focus to the other. He pushed the stubborn hem of my shirt up with annoyance and pulled my bra down, revealing both of my tits to his gaze.
“I only touched this and you're already flushed,” he said with a deep voice, thumb caressing my nipple as he bent down to suck on the other.
“Rafayel…” I whined as his mouth moved to suck on the skin between my tits. I felt his chuckle on my skin as he ignored my whining — which turned into a moan every time he sucked and licked my skin —and made his way to my stomach.
He looked up at me as he made it to the waistband of my skirt. “What is it, cutie?” He left a few kisses that made me tremble, the look he gave me after every kiss sending waves of pleasure through my body.
“I want to touch you,” I said with a whimper as he stroked my legs ever so lightly.
“I'm not done painting a masterpiece on your body, Miss Bodyguard. It is my blank canvas,” he left a wet kiss on my inner thigh before he sucked in the flesh to leave a hickey and then licked the sensitive skin, “and only I get to admire it.”
“I wanna see your beautiful painting,” I pleaded as I gave him my best puppy-eyed look.
“But it’s not finished yet.” He moved his attention to my other leg. “I wanna leave my mark here,” he sucked in my skin and let it go with a pop, “and there… yes everywhere…” he made his way higher on my inner thigh, getting closer and closer to my heat with every touch of his lips, leaving a hickey everywhere his mouth has touched.
“It’s unfair,” I tried my luck again.
He chuckled and rested his head against my thigh as he continued leaving lazy kisses. “What?”
“I want to ‘paint’ on you, too.”
“Alright, I guess you’ve been a good girl so far,” he reached up and untied my hands, “and I need your hands free to take this shirt off.”
I chuckled as I raised my hands and let him take the shirt off of me. “Rafayel!” I was surprised as he picked me up and turned us over, placing me on his lap this time.
“I willingly surrender myself to you. Do with me as you wish.”
I settled myself on his lap, grinding only a little to feel how hard he is under me before I pushed his shirt off his shoulders and threw it to the other side of the room. I placed my hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat right under my palm. His ears and cheeks were flushed, same with mine, when I leaned in for a kiss. My hand moved down on his stomach, feeling his abdomen before slipping beneath his underwear to feel his hardness.
“…you're greedy, aren’t you?”
“Can never have enough of you,” I said as I pushed him on his back.
“Aw, where did it hurt?” I asked going along with his exaggerated pain, “here?” I kissed his jaw. “Or here?” I sucked on his neck, earning a moan from him then kissed the sensitive skin.
“Mm, cutie, making me surrender isn’t enough,” he breathed, “you also wanna leave your mark on me?”
I looked up at him as I kissed down his chest. “Yes. People should know you're mine,” I said with a hoarse voice before I sucked on his skin, earning another moan.
“Alright, then… don’t miss a single spot…”
I smiled and got to work on worshipping his body. I kissed his chest, licking and lightly sucking both his nipples, feeling the way his heart skips a beat with every touch of my lips. My hands made their way down his stomach, feeling his muscles tense with my touch until I've reached his trousers. I slipped my fingers under the waistband of his underwear, pushing it down as he lifted his hips.
“Don’t you think this is a little bit unfair?” Rafayel said playfully as I moved up on his body.
“What?” I was kissing his neck.
He wrapped his arms around me, his hands finding the clasp of my bra, “I’m all naked now and you still have so many clothing that’s blocking the view of my masterpiece.”
“Why don’t you take them off then?” I whispered before I sucked on his ear.
He groaned as he wrapped his arms tighter, pulling me flush with his body, turning us around in one smooth motion. He pushed the straps of my bra down before taking it off and throwing it to the other side of the room. He leaned in for a kiss, licking my lips with his tongue, urging me to open my mouth. I let him deepen the kiss as I felt his warm hands slid down my body.
He slipped his fingers under the waistband of my skirt and pushed it down, adding it to the mess of clothes around the room. I wrapped my arms around his neck, grinding my hips on his lap as his fingers started to stroke my sex over the thin fabric of my panties.
He hooked one finger to the strap on the side, pulling lightly and letting it snap to my skin, earning a moan from me. “Mm, this is cute. Did you get it for me?” he said, his mouth moving in between kissing my lips to sucking on my skin.
“Yes,” I breathed, “do you like it?”
“Very much,” he said as his fingers continued their strokes, “you're so wet for me.”
“I want you, Rafayel. I need you,” I whimpered.
He groaned, pushing my panties to the side, feeling my clit without a barrier for the first time. “Not yet,” he said before he kissed his way down my body and settled his head between my thighs.
“Oh, Rafa–“ I tried to say his name just as I felt his tongue on my clit. He sucked on the sensitive bud before licking stripes on my cunt. I raised my head to see just as he looked up at me, sending a wave of pleasure to my clit.
He alternated between flicking on my clit and drawing shapes, every so often stimulating me so much that I couldn’t help but pull on his hair. I felt his fingers stroke the side of my pussy lips, making my legs tremble with pleasure just as he pushed a finger inside. He pushed it as deep as he can, waited, then pulled out before pushing it again as I threw my head back. He slowly started to pump his finger in and out as he continued licking my clit.
He stopped again, making me moan in protest and slowly pushed two fingers inside this time. The sound of my wet cunt filled the room as he pumped his fingers. He reached his free hand and cupped my tit before pinching my nipple just as he curled his fingers inside of me. It was too much for me as I felt my body twitch and tremble with pleasure and came squirting on his face. He continued licking my clit and fucking me with his fingers even though I squirmed to get out his hold.
“Rafayel, enough, please,” I said in between my heavy breaths as my cunt twitched with over-stimulation.
He left a kiss to my lower abdomen with a chuckle before picking up a discarded shirt. He wiped his face and threw it away again, then dropped himself next to me on the bed. I turned to my side and placed my hand on his face, my thumb caressing his cheek. He was so beautiful. I leaned in to capture his lips, my hand sliding down on his body, finding his painfully hard cock. I gave him a few slow strokes as we continued to kiss. He tensed and moaned when I pressed on the sensitive spot on his tip.
“I’m gonna, spill in your hands, if you keep this up, cutie,” he said with a strained voice.
I slowly pushed him on his back and got on top, my cunt settling right over his cock. “Mm, we can't have that, can we?” I leaned in and sucked his earlobe before I whispered in his ear, “you're only allowed to cum inside me.”
His hands grabbed my hips and pressed my heat on him harder with a groan. “Get the condom from my pocket,” he said with a commanding voice.
I tried to reach it but he was holding me so tight as he rutted against me, it was impossible. “You need to loosen your hold a bit for that,” I chuckled.
“Ah, fiiine, be quick,” he said with a pout and loosened his arms just about enough for me to reach into his trousers on the floor and find the condoms.
“Got them–“ he pulled me down as soon as he could, taking the condom from my hands. He ripped the package open with his mouth and slid it on himself with ease before lifting my hips, “Rafayel, slow down,” I said with a chuckle.
“No,” he growled and turned us around in one smooth motion, “I can't wait anymore,” he started kissing my neck as he took his cock in hand and started rubbing it up and down on my pussy, “and you love teasing me too much.”
“Who’s teasing who now?” I whined as he continued to rub his cock on my cunt, tapping it on my clit, making me twitch and moan.
He let out a low chuckle as he aligned himself with my entrance, his lips moved up to my jaw, cheeks, finally arriving on my lips as he slowly pushed himself in. He stopped for a moment as he let me adjust to his size before pulling back and pushing in deeper.
“How do you feel?” He asked as he sucked my lower lip into his mouth.
“Good.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hand buried in his hair.
“Do you need a little help here?” He said with a mischievous tone and started to draw circles on my clit as he started to move his hips slowly.
“Ah, Rafayel…”
“Oh, you like that, yeah?” He increased the speed of his movements.
“Yes,” I breathed with blissed out head. It was such a great feeling to feel so full of him. I felt stimulated every time his hips slapped mine, as his cock slid in and out. I loved being so close to him, connected in every way we could, feeling how hot he got, how much he sweated, feeling both our juices mix and be as one.
I pulled his hand that was circling my clit and brought it to my mouth. “Come closer,” I said as I sucked on his fingers and pulled him down. It wasn’t enough, I needed to be closer to him.
He growled to the sight in front of him and stopped his movement with a deep thrust. I whined to the loss of his body heat as he raised up. He had an intense look on his face now, like he wanted to devour me whole. “Your wish,” he picked up my legs and placed them on his shoulders before he folded me like paper, “is my command.”
“Ahhh,” a moan escaped my mouth. “So deep, so full,” I babbled as he pressed his lips to mine.
He moved his hips just the way I liked it, his cock hitting that spot inside my walls again and again, bringing me closer to my high. One of his hands moved down to cup my tits as he continued leaving kisses on my lips. I pulled on his hair when he pinched my nipples, making him growl and bite my lip. His lips left wet kisses on my skin as they went down on my body, pulling the nipple he just pinched into his mouth. He lifted his head as he looked into my eyes and sucked, his hand finding my free breast. He pinched the other nipple before his lips switched to sucking on that one, all the while the movement of his hips never stopped.
I could feel myself gushing more and more with his every movement. My walls squeezed his cock every time he pinched, sucked and circled my nipples. The pressure was building in my belly. “Rafayel… I'm gonna, cum.”
“Me too,” he raised up and picked up the pace of his thrusts before he leaned down again, “let’s do it together.” He pulled me into a kiss, his lips travelling to my ear. He licked and sucked on my earlobe, and breathed out, “cum with me, cutie.”
I felt the trembling in my legs first just before the dam broke and I felt my whole-body spasm. “Rafayel,” I screamed his name, pulled on his hair and felt my walls squeeze his cock as if they wanted to milk every last drop of his seed.
He pounded his hips one last time and stopped, his head falling on to my neck as I felt the throbbing of his cock inside me. He moved his hips, slowly, pulling back and pushing in again, each time I felt him throb once again. “Ah, cutie, that was…” he lost his train of thought and started to pepper my neck, my jaw, my cheek –anywhere his lips could reach with kisses, making me giggle.
He tried to pull out, before I wrapped my arms and legs around him and pulled him closer to me. “No, don’t go.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he chuckled and pressed a kiss to my cheek, “but let me re-adjust. I don’t want to crush you.”
“Crush me, I don’t care. I want to feel your weight on me.”
“Alright, then,” he said and let his weight down on my body.
I felt the air escape from my lungs and I tapped his shoulders with urgency. “On second thought, you should re-adjust.”
He let out a laugh as he raised up. He pulled out his softening cock, removed the condom and tied it into a knot before throwing it to the floor and dropped down next to me. I planted a kiss to his cheek before I settled inside his arms. My fingers drew circles on his chest absent-mindedly as I felt his warm fingers do the same on my arms.
“This is perfect,” Rafayel said as he left a kiss to my damp forehead, “I'm so glad you came here.”
“Me too,” I let out a deep sigh and kissed his jaw. I held his chin in my hand and squeezed. “You're not allowed to go away for this long without me, again.”
He held me tighter in his arms. “Does that mean I can say the same about your trips too, Miss Bodyguard?”
I felt my face get hot. “It’s… not the same.”
“Double standards,” he said with a pout.
I raised my head with my arms planted either side of his face and left a kiss to his lips. “Stop pouting.”
“No. You can leave when you want but I'm not allowed to do the same.”
I left a kiss to his cheek, another one on his nose, another on the side of his eyes. He was still pouting even though his cheeks were getting red. “Okay,” I said with defeat. “How about this? When one of us is away for too long, the other is allowed to visit them and keep them all to themselves as long as they want.”
He finally smiled to that. “Deal.”
“You know this means you're not allowed to go anywhere until tomorrow night…”
“I do, this is gonna be a long night for us, cutie,” Rafayel said with a sultry voice as he got on top and once again, pulling me into a passionate kiss.
My first fic for LaDS fandom, I hope you've enjoyed it!
#lads rafayel#l&ds rafayel#rafayel#love and deepspace rafayel#rafayel x mc#l&ds rafayel x mc#lads rafayel x mc#love and deepspace rafayel x mc#mywriting#rafayel smut#rafayel fanfiction#rafayel fanfic
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Tis The Damn Season | ArthurTV

In which Arthur is your best friend.
Get on the plane. Fly. See your friends. See your ex. Forget why you broke up. Get back on the plane. Fly. Reopen the wound. Repeat.
Moving away to pursue your dreams felt like breaking free. Unbridled opportunity, a new city, separation from the family and friends who don’t quite get you. Ending a relationship around the same time as the move was weirdly liberating and ultimately inevitable. James, your partner, was happy to stay put and had no real desire to move on from the small town in which you grew up.
One of your good friends, Arthur, had experienced the highs and lows of leaving it all behind.
“Let me know when you’re home, and I’ll come over to debrief. The small town fatigue hits hard.” He grinned, embracing you in a huge hug at Heathrow Airport.
Two weeks later, here you were. The flight had gotten in around 8pm, jumping in a taxi and immediately heading straight for your flat. By 9pm, you found yourself laying on top of the duvet, candles lit across the room and a vinyl playing quietly in the background.
The sound of a key turning in the lock echoed throughout the flat, followed by rustling and a quiet “hi mate”. A few moments later, Arthur entered through the doorway and crossed the room to side beside you.
“I had a feeling I might find you like this.” Arthur put down the tote bag he was carrying, laying down next to you.
“What gave it away?” Your voice monotone, lacking any real emotion.
“The photos of James on your story. You looked a little too happy.” Arthur lay staring at the ceiling, not wanting to say too much.
“I think he has a way of pulling me back in,” you let out a sigh, eyes fixated on a mark on the ceiling. “It’s just nice to have someone know you so well… like I forget what it’s like to not have this urge to fill the silence or to make myself exciting to someone else.”
Silence fell over the room, Arthur allowing you the space to vent.
“It’s just fucked, Arthur. God forbid I have a desire to move away and better my life. I mean, look at me. I have a great, fulfilling career. Incredible friends. Am I not worth changing for? He’s acting as if I’m babe for the weekend.” Your voice trembled, eyes watering.
“Do you want an actual answer to that? Or would you prefer to vent?” Arthur asked cautiously.
“Both.” You finally shifted to look at Arthur.
“For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always made space for him in your dreams. You’ve had a goal, a plan on how to get there and so far, you’ve done everything you’ve set your mind to. Some people are just content with what’s in front of them… James is one of them.” Arthur smiled softly.
“I just don’t understand. I don’t see him for months, we see each other again and it sounds like he’s reconsidered and is ready to move. Only for him to turn me down all over again.” Your hands made their way to your face, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“That doesn’t mean you’re not worth it or you’re not enough to move for. It’s just an indicator that he’s not your forever person. The right person will be sure about you… they won’t have to reconsider. They’ll know.” God, Arthur was annoying when he was right.
“You’re probably right.” You sat up against the frame of the bed. “Please tell me you brought wine with you.”
Arthur followed suit, standing up to retrieve his bag. “Of course I did! I have some picky bits too.” He pulled two bottles of wine out of his bag, before holding up an array of snacks.
“You are a man after my own heart, Mr TV.” You gave him a small grin, rising to your feet.
“Shall we go commiserate on the couch? There’s a new episode of 90 Day Fiancé out.” Arthur handed you the wine, throwing an arm over your shoulder and directing you through to the living area. “Just out of curiosity.. do you think you’ll be dating anytime soon? George asked me to put in a good word.”
You laughed, jabbing the man lightly. “For George, I’m free any day of the week.”
Author’s note:
Won’t lie friends - this is based on my life at the minute oops. I am in my sad girl Taylor Swift era at the moment 🥲
Working on a Will fic! Please send through any requests 🫶
Deliberately did not pick a small town as I am not British hehe pls imagine for yourself xx
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Do you mind posting more photos of your bookbinding project of “Bleed for Me”? 🥺 I’m so curious what it looks like
ahh hi anon!! 🥺💖 I was so excited to get this - I would LOVE to chat more about fic binding! and sorry this took a minute to answer, bleed for me had been one of my earlier binds, and while I’m definitely still proud, I’ve also grown a bit - so I decided to re-do it! 💕 and have the new finished bind + some descriptions below | fic here!


I did the same design for the front and back, just with red holo htv (heat transfer vinyl) instead of dark red matte, and I made a dust jacket this time as well!


I also used faux leather! and did custom heart & star/moon charms for the bookmark ribbon 🌙


the dust jacket is also dual-sided! 🥀


last time I did scrapbook paper for the end pages, and this time I designed custom pages - roses again, with fic quotes on the front and back


and then here’s images of the typeset! you download the fic from ao3, and then format. I chose a gothic font for the chapter titles & drop cap, and then used illustrations of castles for the chapter headers. when you’re done, you print it out into signatures, and sew them together - you can see my stitches in some of the photos!





more images, showing dividers & drop caps!


I also added the bonus boba chapter, using different castle images! 💕

I definitely made some mistakes still on this, but it was a lot of fun to see what I learned! An example is last time - I used way too much heat on the covers (you can’t see it too much in the photos but irl the glue seeps around the designs!) - I did a lot better this time!!! I also made the margins smaller, and didn’t paint the edges red this time. The paint got flaky, I’ve heard people use ink, so I am going to try that next time!
thank you again for asking! If you’d like to see any details or have questions please let me know!! 💖
#thank you for asking!!!#that truly means a lot 💖#this rebind is almost a year after the original! cool to think I’ve been learning that long 💕#fic binding#fan fic binding#din djarin x reader#jess binds
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2 bunnies for the price of 1?
eeep I’m so excited for this one! @ixtaek asked for this, too, so I’ll answer it for both of you here if you don’t mind
The plot is that Ravio and Legend accidentally touch Twi’s shadow crystal at the same time and both get turned into bunnies. They then have to navigate Legend’s absurdly cluttered collection of items to find a moon pearl and change back. But there are eight other overly-curious Heroes in the house to avoid …
Most important part to me: Ravio is a purple bun with a little striped scarf
Have a little snippet!
No. No. No.
This couldn’t be happening.
“Aww, I didn’t know Legend had pets!” Wind crouched in front of the rabbits. Ravio’s nose twitched, like he was seriously considering coming closer to Wind. Legend thumped his hind legs in warning. “You’re even grumpy like the Vet. I think I’ve seen critters like you before on an island once. But they were all out in the sunshine or in nests underground, not a dusty junk room like this.”
Junk room? Legend thumped again. None of this was junk, it was his stuff. He would never collect junk.
Wind just giggled.
“Come here, I’ll take you outside where it’s nice. I could use a favor from Legend, anyway.”
Wind came at them with open arms. Legend squeaked and pressed himself farther into the corner, but it was useless. Wind scooped him and Ravio up and held them close.
Legend kicked and squirmed. At Legend’s current size, Wind’s grip was as hard as a moblin’s. Ravio made a churring noise that sounded too much like laughter.
“Oh, stop it. I’m nice, I promise.”
#lovely iolitemoth#lovely ixtaek#sprite writes#ask game#writer ask game#wip wednesday#lu legend#lu ravio#lu wind#linked universe#lu fanfic
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How Lewis Hamilton Finally Got His Ferrari Red
On Valentine’s Day, Lewis Hamilton enters a sprawling studio space in northwest London and intently stares at the magnificent creature standing off in the distance.
“Sh-t,” says Hamilton to no one in particular. “I’m nervous.”
Soon enough, however, the seven-time Formula One world champion overcomes his anxiety and is standing face-to-face with a shiny black stallion named Aroma. He pets his nose, massages his neck, generally spreads his hands all over Aroma’s thick coat. He is doing his allergies, the source of his initial fear, no favors. But Hamilton, a literal knight, is enamored, peppering the horse master with questions. Where’s Aroma from? (Portugal.) Can he sleep lying down? (Yes.) How much does he weigh? (About 1,300 lb. Only a few hundred less than Hamilton’s race car.)
He’s throwing health caution to the wind in order to commemorate his much ballyhooed move from Mercedes, where he won six of his seven F1 driver titles, to the venerated Scuderia Ferrari HP race team: a photo of himself positioned in front of an actual black horse standing on his hind legs, mimicking the Italian automaker’s famous logo. Like Hamilton, Aroma—who is retired but still does the occasional photo shoot—has an impressive resume, including appearances in Robin Hood and Maleficent, ads for Hermès and Burberry, and a Dua Lipa video; he is joined by Theo, a stunt horse you might recognize from Bridgerton, among other things. “This is going to be such an iconic picture,” says Hamilton while trying on outfits for the shoot. “Super timeless.”
That depends, of course, on what comes after. At 40, Hamilton is aiming to not only win a record eighth F1 driver title—cementing his status as the greatest F1 driver to ever live and ending the longest-ever championship drought for the most storied race team on the planet—but also fulfill a lifelong dream. His move to Ferrari, announced before the 2024 season, was shocking worldwide front-page news: he had suited up for Mercedes for more than a decade, helped build a more diverse workforce there, and hoped to someday acquire an ownership stake in the team. It seemed he would ride into the sunset with the Silver Arrows.
Hamilton had other ideas. “You can’t stand still for too long,” Hamilton tells TIME, in his first in-depth interview about his decision to leave Mercedes for Ferrari. “I needed to throw myself into something uncomfortable again. Honestly, I thought all my firsts were done. Your first car, your first crash, your first date, first day of school. The excitement I got by the idea of, ‘This is my first time in the red suit, the first time in the Ferrari.’ Wow. Honestly, I’ve never been so excited.”
During the 2024 F1 season, Hamilton, out of respect for Mercedes—with whom he was still under contract and racing—didn’t talk much about the switch. The situation was awkward and unprecedented. (Picture LeBron James suiting up for the Los Angeles Lakers knowing he’d be playing the following year for a rival, like the Boston Celtics. Exactly. It would never happen.) All sides appear to have handled it as professionally as possible: Hamilton ended a 945-day losing streak by winning his hometown race, at Silverstone in Britain, in July before winning again in Belgium three weeks later. Meanwhile Carlos Sainz, the Ferrari driver whom Hamilton is replacing this year, helped Scuderia finish second in the constructor, or team, standings, just a few points behind 2024 champion McLaren.
Hamilton’s road to the title record won’t be easy. Some critics have questioned Ferrari’s strategy of signing an aging driver, whose best days could very well be in the rearview. They’ve wondered whether Ferrari’s more interested in marketing than winning—Hamilton is still F1’s most popular driver, by a mile, as well as an internationally known cultural figure with a hand in fashion, film, and business. (He’s co-chairing the Met Gala in May alongside Colman Domingo, Pharrell Williams, A$AP Rocky, and Anna Wintour; LeBron James is honorary chair.) Plus, a slew of younger drivers like reigning four-time champion Red Bull’s Max Verstappen, 27; McLaren’s Lando Norris, 25; and Hamilton’s new Ferrari teammate, Charles LeClerc, 27, could keep him off the top of the podium.
“The old man is a state of mind,” says Hamilton. “Of course your body ages. But I’m never going to be an old man.”
The 2025 F1 campaign, which kicks off in Australia on March 16, comes laced with intrigue. Hamilton sits at the epicenter. Ferrari is religion in Italy; when the team wins an F1 race, the bells of the Church of St. Blaise in Maranello, the small city near Bologna that houses Ferrari headquarters, ring in celebration. So Hamilton’s quest to end Ferrari’s agony, while breaking the individual title record set by Michael Schumacher—who won five straight titles with Ferrari from 2000 to 2004—will be appointment theater. Meanwhile, Hamilton is co-producing, along with Jerry Bruckheimer and others, an F1 movie, aptly called F1, that is almost literally a Brad Pitt vehicle. The film, which comes out in June, plus a competitive race for the championship, could deliver a jolt to the sport’s popularity, especially in the U.S., where F1 has boomed but flattened out a bit, given Verstappen’s predictable dominance.
A Hamilton championship in red, in the twilight of his racing life, would be nothing less than one of the greatest mic-drop moments in sports history. “I don’t know if I can find an adjective to describe that,” says American racing legend Mario Andretti, the 1978 F1 champion who raced for Ferrari in the early ’70s. “Nothing is missing in his career. But oh man, how better can you describe your career after that? Oh my God, he’d be the king of all kings.”
Two weeks before the stallion photo shoot, Hamilton is striking golf balls into a simulator at an indoor club on the banks of the Thames. (He has a pronounced slice.) He doesn’t golf much these days, but Hamilton being Hamilton—a man who has taken full advantage of this sport’s jet-setting ways to become one of the world’s most prominent collectors of influential people—he last played a round with actor Tom Holland, a.k.a. Spider-Man. His other golf partners have included Samuel L. Jackson and Kelly Slater, the surfing GOAT. He was once supposed to play with another GOAT, Michael Jordan, but when Hamilton got to the course, he says, Jordan “didn’t end up being there.”
As we’re taking swings, I ask Hamilton if he’s checked out TGL, the indoor golf competition founded by Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy that just launched its first season in the U.S. He hasn’t. I explain some of the particulars—it’s a team league, ESPN is showing it on weeknights—before it sounds familiar. But Hamilton is involved with so many projects—movies, art, fashion lines, the Denver Broncos, a pet-food company, a plant-based burger chain with Leonardo DiCaprio—that he can’t quite remember whether he poured some money into this new outfit. “I might have,” he says, with a laugh. (He did.)
Hamilton takes a break from golf, reclines on a couch, and orders a latte before sharing the story of how he arrived at this moment. It began a long time ago, when he was a kid growing up in public housing north of London. His first Ferrari memories have stuck with him. He would drive Schumacher’s car in racing video games. The Ferrari replica featured in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off—the 1961 250 GT California Spyder—is still, to this day, Hamilton’s favorite. “That’s the ultimate retirement car,” he says. “I can just see myself with Roscoe, him with a scarf and goggles in the seat next to me, driving down the PCH.” (Roscoe, Hamilton’s pet bulldog—who, like his owner, is vegan—has an Instagram account with 1.1 million followers.)
McLaren signed Hamilton to a driver’s deal in 1998, when he was 13. In 2006, Hamilton won the championship in what is now known as Formula Two. “I did have the bit of red on my helmet,” he says. During that F2 season, and the one prior in F3, Hamilton raced for team principal Frédéric Vasseur, whose management style and ability to recruit top engineering talent to his lower-level operation impressed the young driver. Hamilton figured Vasseur would be a F1 leader one day.
Hamilton won his first F1 championship in 2008, his second season with McLaren. He competed there for four more seasons before jumping, in 2013, to Mercedes, a middling team that Hamilton lifted to championship heights. Through it all, Hamilton maintained cordial relations with Ferrari leadership. He’d walk past the Ferrari garage at races, say “ciao” to the mechanics, and hear them say “vieni Ferrari” (come to Ferrari). Around 2018, Hamilton met with Ferrari chairman John Elkann. Both sides expressed a desire to see Hamilton in red. But by the end of the 2020 season, Hamilton had four straight championships with Mercedes. He had no reason to jump ship. “If I’m really honest, I had accepted the fact that I’m probably not going to drive for Ferrari,” says Hamilton. “I was OK with that.”
After the 2021 season, Hamilton nearly walked away from racing. He—and millions of his fans—felt his record eighth driver title was stolen from him, when during the final race of the year, in Abu Dhabi, an official’s controversial decision allowed Verstappen to overtake Hamilton in the last lap and clinch his first title. Hamilton ultimately refused to quit without a fight, but he failed to win a single race as Verstappen cruised to another pair of championships. Hamilton signed a two-year extension with Mercedes in the summer of 2023, but the deal allowed him an option to leave after one year.
Meanwhile, true to Hamilton’s prediction, his de facto coach in the minors, Vasseur, took over an F1 team in 2016. Before the 2023 season, he was hired for a new team-principal gig—at Ferrari. Vasseur got wind of the loophole in Hamilton’s new deal—“He told me at one stage,” says Vasseur. “Good news”—and aimed to sign an agreement with Hamilton before the 2024 season. He wanted his drivers under contract last year, LeClerc and Sainz, to be free of whispers regarding their status. So while Hamilton was at his home in Colorado in December 2023, he got a call from Vasseur asking him to join Ferrari starting in 2025. “I remember getting off the phone and, like, almost shaking,” says Hamilton, who’s now almost shaking while recalling the moment. “I was like, Oh God!”
He told a friend who was with him about the call; they both sat in silence on a bathroom floor in shock. “I was like, Holy sh-t,” says Hamilton. “I literally just signed with Mercedes.” Breaking up with a team that felt like family was far from a no-brainer. And he didn’t have much time to decide. “It was a lot to take in, and my emotions were really high,” says Hamilton. “So I honestly had to go for a walk.” He left the house for an hour to decompress.
Hamilton then spent a few days meditating. He was leaning toward Ferrari. “My eyes felt really calm and present,” he says. “This is the right thing for me.” When he’d switched from McLaren to Mercedes all those years ago, he solicited too much advice. Here, he confided in just a few family members and trusted friends. “One cannot discount the Ferrari influence on the sport, especially through the eyes of a child,” says Mellody Hobson, co-CEO of Ariel Investments and the former chair of the Starbucks board, who’s very close to Hamilton. During negotiations, after every phone call with Ferrari, he’d jump around like a little kid.
“We’re in a time of reimagining the future, reimagining what really dreaming is about,” says Hamilton. “I’m going to Ferrari, man, and that’s the biggest dream.”
Not everyone is so thrilled. The day after he informed Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff of his decision was Hamilton’s annual paintball outing with his race-team mechanics. When he arrived, he was too nervous to get out of his car. “These are guys I’ve been with so many years,” says Hamilton. He eventually stood on top of a table to address his decision. His squad appeared understanding and supportive. But they let him have it in paintball. “They lit me up, hard,” says Hamilton. “It was so painful.” At one point, he was hiding behind a barrel shooting at the other team when he was struck from behind. A member of his own squadron had nailed him. “Freaking guy,” says Hamilton.
They laughed about it afterward and managed to get through the season. “There is no bad blood,” says Hamilton. “Absolutely not. We won so many championships.” (Mercedes declined to comment for this story.) Andrea Kimi Antonelli, an 18-year-old from Bologna, will take Hamilton’s place in the Mercedes lineup. “They have all the ingredients to win world championships, and they will win more world championships,” says Hamilton of Mercedes. “I have no doubt.”
In a book published in November—Inside Mercedes F1: Life in the Fast Lane—Wolff says Hamilton’s move “helps us because it avoids the moment where we need to tell the sport’s most iconic driver that we want to stop … We’re in a sport where cognitive sharpness is extremely important, and I believe everyone has a shelf life.” The comments caused a stir, and Wolff clarified that Hamilton is still “very sharp.”
Hamilton insists Wolff’s remark doesn’t bother him. He points to athletes like Tom Brady and LeBron James who’ve achieved success into their 40s. “Don’t ever compare me to anybody else,” says Hamilton. “I’m the first and only Black driver that’s ever been in this sport. I’m built different. I’ve been through a lot. I’ve had my own journey. You can’t compare me to another 40-year-old, past or present, Formula One driver in history. Because they are nothing like me. I’m hungry, driven, don’t have a wife and kids. I’m focused on one thing, and that’s winning. That’s my No. 1 priority.”
He also dismisses criticism from the broader racing community. Former F1 team owner Eddie Jordan said in a December podcast that it was “absolutely suicidal” for Ferrari to drop Sainz from its roster, given the strong working relationship between him and LeClerc. (Sainz will now race for Williams.) “I’ve always welcomed the negativity,” says Hamilton. “I never, ever reply to any of the older, ultimately, white men who have commented on my career and what they think I should be doing. How you show up, how you present yourself, how you perform slowly dispels that.”
Others, including former Ferrari driver Jacky Ickx, have suggested that Ferrari has signed Hamilton primarily for his commercial value. “I think it’s really unfair to Lewis, some of the comments saying, ‘This is a marketing operation,’” says Elkann, the Ferrari chairman. “Truth said, Lewis doesn’t need that. Ferrari doesn’t need that. What we need to do is win championships and do great things on the track. If that happens, what we can do outside of the track, in some ways, takes care of itself. There’s unlimited possibilities.”
The pressure, internal and external, Hamilton faces is immense. No F1 team owns more constructor titles than Ferrari, but they last won in 2008. Ferrari also owns the driver record, with 15, but the last Ferrari driver to win an individual crown was Kimi Raikkonen, in 2007. Ferrari fans are so passionate that they go by their own name, the tifosi. At the Ferrari museum, not far from the team’s 9.3 million-sq.-ft. campus in Maranello, Italy, pilgrims often start crying, or propose marriage, in the Hall of Victories, which showcases the team’s championship cars and more than 100 trophies.
One night in early February, at the Ristorante Montana, which displays a trove of Ferrari memorabilia in its dining room, Andrea Puttini, a seller of building materials from Naples, is outside enjoying a smoke. “In Italy, we say it’s not important if you speak bad or speak good about something,” says Puttini. “The importance is that you are talking about this. And Hamilton, just for being here, he lets us talk all over the world about Ferrari.”
Hamilton connected with as many of his new co-workers as possible during his first visit to Maranello in January, shaking hands until his arm was pulsating. “The amount of ciaos and grazies and piaceres I was saying, aye aye aye,” he says. After his first test run, he went out to greet the supporters lining a bridge that overlooks Ferrari’s private racetrack. A few weeks later, a fan decked out in a red Ferrari shirt and cowboy hat cut down a tree to allow the tifosi a better look at a Hamilton practice.
Hamilton first spotted himself in a Ferrari suit while in, of all places, the loo; he was washing his hands and looked up into the mirror. “I’m in red, I’m like, Whoa!” he says. He paused for a moment to take in the reflection. He liked what he saw. “The suit looked so good on me,” says Hamilton, laughing. “I’m like, Damn.” When seated in a Ferrari race car for the first time, he closed his eyes when the engine started and smiled. “The vibrations are different,” he says. He let them course through his body. “You just wonder how that feels,” Hamilton says. Now he knows. “It’s a really, really special moment.”
Still, Hamilton is well aware that Italian sports fans have not always been so welcoming of Black athletes like himself. He competed in karting races there in his younger days, starting at around 12, and experienced racist abuse, just as he had in England. He prefers not to go into details. “I don’t want to dwell,” he says. But he’s heard the racist chants directed at Black soccer players in particular. “I’m not going to lie, it definitely crossed my mind when I was thinking about my decision,” he says. “Like in so many things, it’s often such a small group of people that set that trend for many. I don’t think that it’s going to be a problem.”
Ferrari’s diversity—or lack thereof—was Hamilton’s more pressing concern. In the wake of George Floyd’s 2020 murder, as part of the worldwide sports protest movement against racial injustice, Hamilton started the Hamilton Commission to offer recommendations for more Black representation in U.K. motorsports. Mercedes launched its own diversity initiative in the months that followed and began hiring personnel from underrepresented groups, including Black engineers. “I did think, Oh my God, I’ve finally got a more diverse working environment that we’ve built over time,” says Hamilton. “And now I’m going back to the beginning of my time with Mercedes, where it wasn’t diverse.”
Along with every other F1 team, Ferrari signed a Diversity and Inclusion charter in November. While the new Trump Administration has made a point of attacking diversity—the President has signed a series of executive orders targeting diversity, equity, and inclusion programs—Hamilton, for one, remains locked in. “I’m not going to change what he does, or the government does. All I can do is try to make sure that in my space, in my environment, I’m trying to elevate people,” he says. “There’s going to be forces along the way that don’t want that, for whatever reason I can’t fathom. That doesn’t stop me. It is a fight that we’ll just keep fighting.” Hamilton is confident that Ferrari is committed to inclusion.
Vasseur, Hamilton’s new boss, agrees that it’s important, though as he fiddles with a binder clip in an office at Ferrari headquarters, where trade secrets are so closely guarded visitors must place stickers over their mobile-phone cameras (red ones, of course), he suggests that it may not be his top goal. “It’s not politically correct, but first is performance,” he says. “I’m keen to go into the direction of diversity and so on. We are doing our best effort. We are trying to push in this direction, but I want to build up the best team.”
I show Vasseur, who hails from France, a photo I found online: it’s him and Hamilton some 20 years ago, celebrating a win. He shows me some photos on his own phone, of his children, who are now grown, with Hamilton. He’s enjoying the walk down memory lane. But, he says, “We can’t be sentimental.”
Switching teams is difficult for any driver. The steering wheel, the cockpit, the terminology, they’re all different. “I’m literally learning a completely new book,” says Hamilton. F1 regulations allow limited practice time in the new car. He’s made strides in his Italian, thanks to lessons, but he’s by no means fluent. It took Hamilton more than four months to win a race in his first season with Mercedes. What gives Vasseur confidence that Hamilton will accelerate that learning curve?
“I could reply like a book and give you something that you want to write,” Vasseur replies. “But at the end of the day, at this part of the season, the feeling, the first time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, will be nothing compared to race one in Australia. You will forget about everything that happened before. It’s all about pure performance.”
While Hamilton swears his devotion to Ferrari, his schedule has remained plenty full. A Fashion Week and red-carpet regular, he has his own production company, a Dior line, and other enterprises. He says he’s in the preliminary stages of developing scripts for a comedy—it doesn’t involve racing—and a film pertaining to pets. (That’s all he’ll offer.) But the biggest thing on the horizon, besides of course the 24 Grand Prix races in the season, is the upcoming F1 movie.
Tom Cruise had first connected Hamilton with director Joseph Kosinski because Hamilton was interested in an acting role in Top Gun: Maverick. Kosinski was ready to bring him on board, but Hamilton was still fighting for championships with Mercedes and couldn’t afford the time commitment. Cruise screened the movie, which grossed $1.5 billion worldwide upon its 2022 release, for Hamilton in London. “I was crying a bit inside,” Hamilton says. “Ah, that could have been me!”
So when Kosinski called Hamilton about his F1 project, Hamilton jumped at the chance to be a producer. Early in the process, he took Pitt, who plays a veteran F1 driver in the film, for a drive around a track near Los Angeles. “He gave Brad the scare of a lifetime in a lap,” says Kosinski. “Brad was clawing at the windows, begging to get out.” Hamilton was also part of the casting process and offered instructive feedback. “The notes are so detailed,” says Bruckheimer. “‘When you’re going into that next turn, you have the car in second gear, it should be in third. I can hear it. I can hear the sound of it.’” He pushed for Hans Zimmer, composer of The Lion King, Gladiator, Dune, and other hits, to score it. His close relationship with F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali, a former Ferrari team principal, helped the filmmakers gain access to F1 tracks and races to shoot scenes. “He opened all those doors for us into that world,” says Kosinski. “We would not have been able to do this without him.”
Hamilton is predicting box-office success. “It’s going to blow away anything that’s ever been done in Formula One before,” Hamilton says. The Netflix behind-the-scenes docuseries, Formula 1: Drive to Survive, has been properly credited for expanding F1’s popularity, especially in the U.S. Hamilton believes this movie will compel viewers from all different backgrounds to become fans, or even pursue a career in F1. “Netflix has been huge,” he says. “This is going to be even bigger, on more of a global scale.” While F1 might not count as art-house fare—“I don’t think we set out for it to be, like, an Oscar-winning movie,” says Hamilton—he’s promising a memorable experience. “The goal is to make people feel good, to bring people in, to inspire people,” he says. “We want you to leave the cinema and be like, ‘Wow, that was freaking wicked.’”
But even with his creative juices flowing, he’s as energized as ever to drive. In other words, unlike Aroma, whose presence does not seem to have triggered Hamilton’s allergies at all, he has no plans to slow down. “What I can tell you is, retirement is nowhere on my radar,” says Hamilton. “I could be here until I’m 50, who knows.”
Hamilton believes that he and LeClerc are the strongest team pairing in the sport and that Verstappen is “absolutely” beatable. “I know exactly where the North Star is,” says Hamilton. “I know where I need to go. I know how to get there. It’s far, and it’s going to be tough to get there, but I know I’ve got all the ingredients, all the people, an amazing team around me. So it’s how much you want it. And I can’t express to you how much I want it.”
#lewis hamilton#f1#formula 1#fic ref#fic ref 2025#not a race#2025 not a race#pre-season#pre-season 2025#brad pitt#(note to self: time magazine article to go with march 2025 cover)
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