#i’ve drawn so fucking much over the past week. it’s insane how much goddamn art i have done
rhysismydaddy · 4 years
After Midnight pt. 5 (Feysand)
Woooo it’s done :) Sorry it took an ~insane~ amount of time. Most the time I’m not this shitty with updating fics, but it’s been a really weird, hectic couple of weeks. Thanks for being patient and reading!
Honestly, I don’t know why I’m being so dramatic about this. 
I knew it had to end at some point. I just didn’t expect to feel... regret.
I don’t regret anything that happened that night, or even the fact that I’d vastly overstepped my boundaries and paid for his cousin’s treatment. 
That isn’t where the regret stems. 
It comes from the fact that I left in the first place. 
Six days after we were together, my skin still tingles whenever I think about his touch, the raw possession in his hands that somehow still managed to be gentle. I shiver whenever I think of his mouth on mine, his smile against my lips. 
Leaving him after that hadn’t been easy by any measure, but it would’ve been much harder to do if he had been awake. 
And this way, he knows it was nothing he did. 
Besides be a good listener, and being more compassionate than anyone I’ve ever met, and handsome, and funny. 
Nope, it was none of those reasons. It was because I, a self-admitted idiot, can’t keep my heart from wanting more. From wanting it to be real. 
Like I said, I’m an idiot. 
Even if... even if it sometimes felt like I wasn’t. I mean, there had to be a reason he was so unbelievably patient with me, right? A reason he looked at me with curious, attentive eyes that told me more than words ever could?
Pushing those thoughts away, I remind myself that it’s done. Over. I made my decision. Thinking about how dumb it was wasn’t going to get me anywhere.
And I had places to go. 
It had been such a short time since the last appointment, but so much had changed in my life. All good change, but change nonetheless. 
I’m starting over; reinventing myself. So what if I’m twenty-seven and single and have no idea what I’m doing? 
So what if I can’t stop thinking about Rhys’s smile, or the fact that our last appointment was supposed to be tomorrow?
Sighing, I turn over in bed and pull the covers above my head. No small part of me wishes I had his phone number so I could call him, hear him say my name. 
But I don’t, and it’s for a reason. He doesn’t get personal with clients, and I was just a client to him. 
I have no way of contacting him, of telling him that I regret leaving, and it’s a good thing. 
I repeat the words to myself just before I go to sleep, the lie bitter on my tongue. 
It’s Friday. 
Which, a week ago would’ve meant I would get dressed and go to work, not pay attention to what I was doing at all, and then meet Rhys. But I had rightfully ended things, so I didn’t need to do that. 
And I don’t need to go to work. 
Instead, I force myself to make breakfast and get dressed. Then I clean my entire house top to bottom, go on a run, ate lunch, and balance my checkbook. 
But when the clock reads six, there's no more denying it. I'm bored. And lonely.
So I do what any clinically insane woman would do: I go to the hotel, grabbing my art supplies as I leave. Getting in the car, I laugh as I look at the faded leather bag in my hands. 
It’s been ages since I’d reached for it so thoughtlessly. Once upon a time, this bag had been an extension of my arm, but I hadn’t thought about it since before the breakup. But now... I want to paint. 
And suddenly, I know exactly how I’m spending my evening. 
I drive to the hotel and get my key--for some reason I never cancelled the reservation--then head up to the room, frowning when I think about walking through this doorway with Rhys. 
How do I miss someone I hardly know?
Although, that isn’t really true. It’s only been a little over a month, but I feel like I do know him. I know what makes him laugh, what his favorite food is. I know the feel of his skin, the way his eyes crinkle when he’s annoyed. I know him. 
It doesn’t matter. 
I won’t ever see him again, but maybe... maybe I can give myself something to hold on to. 
I walk into the room, mess with the lights until the room is cast in soft, buttery light, and set up my art station. 
And then, for the first time in years, I paint. 
By the time I’ve finished the small piece, I’m smiling and feeling lighter than I have since... since last Friday. But I’m also hungry, so when I hear a knock on the door, I run over, assuming it’s my room service order. 
It’s not. 
My jaw hits the floor as I look up at Rhysand, who looks just as surprised to see me, even though he’s the one who knocked on my door. 
For a weird moment, we just stare at each other. 
Normally, I’d say something, maybe ask why he’s here, but I’m just so damn happy to see him. 
He’s tall and beautiful and smells like the ocean, and I realize then how much I’ve missed the twinkle in his eye, the curve of his lips. 
His eyes run over me, and then he glances behind me to where the make-shift, wobbly easel I keep in my bag still stands in front of the bed. 
“You’ve been painting.”
I nod. Given the paint-splatters on my hands and clothes, that’s pretty obvious. I have no idea what to say, so I just state the obvious. “You’re here.”
It comes out equal parts question, statement, and accusation. 
“So are you,” he shoots back. 
I have no idea why he’s here, but I know I don’t want him to leave, so I swing the door open wider in silent invitation. 
He takes it and walks in, looking at the rumpled bed and art supplies, then walking over to the easel curiously. 
Then I remember what I painted. 
And suddenly, all thoughts of why he might have come are long gone. All that remains is the blind panic that he’ll see what I’ve done and run for the hills. 
“Wait, don’t!” I shout, hauling ass to stand in front of him with my hands raised like a linebacker. “It’s... you can’t see it.”
Those violet eyes dance as his lips twitch. “Why not?”
“It’s not done.” Not true. Finished it twenty minutes ago. He’s turned me into a filthy liar, and we both know it. 
I shake my head. 
“Feyre, this is cute and all, but you weigh like a hundred pounds. Move, or I will move you.” I narrow my eyes, ready to go down fighting, and he laughs. “Please?”
The word gives me pause, and I know he’s not leaving until he sees it, so I sigh and move aside. 
He sticks out his tongue as he brushes past me, but the smugness leaves his face as he looks down at the small canvas and sees the subject.
It’s him.
It’s the image that’s been in my head for seven days now. The image of him laying in the bed exhausted and ruffled, covers drawn to his waist.
His tan chest is on full display, tattoos stark against the white sheets, and his hair is ruffled. His face--which took me the longest to get right--is peaceful as he sleeps, even though there are laughter lines around his full mouth. 
It’s how he looked when I left him. 
Real-life Rhys looks at the bed, then me. “You painted me.”
His voice is full of light, but I suddenly realize how fucking creepy this is. “Uh, yeah. Sorry?”
He gives me a strange look but changes the subject to something even more uncomfortable without missing a beat. “Is this how I looked when you left?”
I look at the floor, suddenly finding it interesting, but a hand on my chin forces my eyes back to his. 
“Yes.” It’s a whispered admission, but he hears it. 
“I had to,” I defend weakly. 
“No, you didn’t. You chose to.” His hand falls away, and his tone grows a little... irritated? “I’ve been looking for you, by the way. I went to the coffee place you mentioned liking every day this week. I even went to the museum, but they said you quit.”
A smile finds its way on my face as I nod. “I’m going to go back to painting, I think.”
His eyes are soft, even though his jaw is still set. “You can’t paint me any time you want, but I’ll expect commission.”
I roll my eyes, cheeks flushing. Rhysand grows quiet, his eyes searching mine, and I know he’s thinking of the perfect way to phrase whatever he’s about to say. 
“Why are you here, Feyre?”
It’s a simple question. Or at least it should be. But there’s no one answer.
I’m here because I miss him.
I’m here because I wanted to think about our time together, however brief it was. 
I’m here because I wanted to feel like how I do when I’m with him. 
I could tell him any one of these reasons, and they’d be true. But they’d still be a lie, because the real reason I drove here tonight... “I’m here because I was hoping you’d be here, too.”
Rhys smiles, and his hand is back on my face, cupping my cheek this time. “Well that works out well, because that’s why I’m here.”
Disbelief and joy shoot through me, leaving me a little confused. “What?”
“I’m here because I thought you might com here, and I wanted to see you. So I could thank you for what you did.”
It had taken selling an old piece to one of my longest clients, but seeing the expression on his face right now makes the hassle well worth it. 
It’s nice seeing him happy, even if the disappointment in my chest is almost crushing. He’s here to thank me, because of his cousin. 
I open my mouth to speak, but he presses a finger to my lips to shut me up. “I’m not done yet.”
My eye brows fly up, and he smiles. “I’m here to yell at you for leaving me in the middle of the night, with a goddamn note no less.”
Yet again, he cuts me off when I try to speak. “Who tells someone they have feelings for them in a note? Fucking Jane Austen, that’s who. The next time you have compliments and sweet nothings to shower on me, you’re doing it in person.”
My lips twitch under his finger, drawing his gaze. And his voice goes a little deeper as he continues, “I’m here to tell you it was dumb to leave, because I don’t think of you as just a client, either. You’re more to me, even though I tried to fight it.”
Oh my gods. 
“And lastly, I’m here to kiss you until you believe that. I’m here to show you how much you’re not just a client to me. I’m here because I’m desperate for you, and I don’t want to spend another minute denying it to myself.”
Rhysand grows silent, the finger on my lips finally slipping away. “I’m done now.”
I don’t know what to say, really. 
Everything I thought I knew was wrong. And he... I...
I may not have a clue what I want to say, but I at least know what I want to do. 
So I do it. 
I practically jump on him, my hands locking around his neck and bringing his face down to mine so I can kiss him. 
Relief and happiness and a million other emotions course through me as our lips meet, and from the way he kisses me back, he’s feeling them too. 
It’s a frenzy--a wild clash of two people determined to get closer, to take more. 
We hit the floor, but I hardly notice it and I definitely don’t complain, because I’m sprawled on top of him. I’m partially aware that all the paint on my clothes is seeping into his, but neither of us seem to care. 
Rhys pulls back enough to growl, “A note.”
I mumble a reply, but I don’t know if it makes any sense, because his mouth is on my neck and I can’t hold down solid thoughts. 
All I can think is that I want his skin against mine, so I reach and tug his shirt off, then pull him back down to me. My arms are around his shoulders, legs around his waist, and his hips churn against mine in a way that makes us both breathless. 
His hands find the hem of my shirt, then it’s on the floor next to my head and his mouth is on my beast, teasing me until I squirm helplessly underneath him. 
“Rhys, please.”
Ignoring me entirely, he just kisses his way to my other breast, giving it the same treatment. I’m restless and just a little desperate at this point, but he pays it no mind as his mouth moves down my stomach. 
Rough, calloused hands lift my hips, then slide my remaining clothes down my legs, leaving me bare before him. 
The pause gives me enough time to realize we’re still on the floor, but then his mouth finds the apex of my thighs, and I stop caring. 
I moan, hips lifting to give him better access. 
He’s making it clear exactly how much he missed me, because while being with him is usually long and luxurious and sensual, it’s now... ravenous. I feel like I’m being devoured, and I love it.
My body finds release quickly, but Rhys doesn’t stop until I climax again, name falling off my lips in a breathy tone I hardly recognize. 
He prowls back up my body and kisses my mouth, proving everything he said ten minutes ago once again. My legs fall open further as he pauses to remove his jeans and roll a condom on, then a hand on my hip keeps me still as he pushes into me, eyes meeting mine the entire time. 
My head falls back, digging into the carpet, and he kisses my neck as he begins to move. 
My body’s already fatigued and satiated, but it comes alive under his touch, reacting instantly to the indecent roll of his hips. 
“You feel so good,” he groans at my ear, the words doing very little for my sanity. 
If I had the ability to form words, I’d respond. But I don’t, so I stay silent. 
Well, not silent, but I stay murmuring absolute jibberish as his hips move against mine. He speeds up, and I arch against him, loving the way he wraps his arms around me to keep me close. 
His mouth is back on mine, tongue meeting mine in a desperate, heady way that makes me groan. 
Release begins to build once again inside me, and he somehow senses it, reaching between my legs to work the bundle of nerves there. I go over the edge, legs and arms trembling from their hold around him. 
Rhys follows suit, murmuring my name over and over as his motions get a little sloppy, then stop altogether.
Our breathing comes heavy and fast, and for a minute, we just lay there, both of us incapable of doing anything more. 
Once I finally regain the ability to breathe, I mutter, “So, you have feelings for me.”
He grunts in acknowledgement, making me smile. “You have feelings for me, too.”
I don’t feel like grunting, so I say, “I do.”
He sighs, rolling us onto our sides. “Like I said, no self-control.”
“I blame you.”
His violet eyes twinkle as he props himself on an elbow and looks down at me. “Me and my good looks take full responsibility.”
I smile again and realize how happy I am. I’m on the floor and covered in paint, but I’ve never felt more beautiful or important. And it’s because of him. 
“I don’t know how to be in a relationship anymore,” I admit, scared but knowing more than anything that I want to try. 
Rhys shrugs, leaning to press a soft kiss to my lips. “I figure we’ll argue a lot and have really great sex.”
“Works for me.”
“As long as you paint me again. Preferably nude this time.”
I am tired I apologize if I missed stuff editing. Thanks for reading!! Feel free to drop asks in the box :) I have a few I’m working on.
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
A Conversation With My Friend Who Really Wants To Have Sex With Mr. Incredible
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/a-conversation-with-my-friend-who-really-wants-to-have-sex-with-mr-incredible/
A Conversation With My Friend Who Really Wants To Have Sex With Mr. Incredible
Earlier this week, a review by The New Yorker’s Anthony Lane of the Pixar film “Incredibles 2” caught the attention of the internet.
The reason was a paragraph near the end of the article that painted a theoretical picture of two parents taking their children to watch the film only to find the mother comparing Ms. Incredible to Anastasia from “Fifty Shades of Grey” and the father catapulting his popcorn in a state of throbbing cinematic appreciation.
Holy crap, WHAT is with The New Yorker’s review of The Incredibles 2? Gross. pic.twitter.com/2PCVW4BQga
— Amanda Wong (@amandawtwong) June 19, 2018
I, on the other hand, could only think of an old friend of mine, Will Wiesenfeld, who, for as long as I can remember, has badly wanted to have sex with Mr. Incredible, i.e. Bob Parr. This is not a joke. Will really, really loves him some Bob Parr.
i want Bob Parr to fuck me up and down the goddamn block
— ● Will Wiesenfeld ● (@BATHSmusic) May 29, 2018
thinking about bob fuckin parr
— ● Will Wiesenfeld ● (@BATHSmusic) June 12, 2018
i don’t think u understand how hot i think the dad from The Incredibles is. Bob Parr. that’s my dude
— ● Will Wiesenfeld ● (@BATHSmusic) May 7, 2018
like honestly Bob Parr is a dreamboat
— ● Will Wiesenfeld ● (@BATHSmusic) February 15, 2018
Wiesenfeld is a professional electronic musician mostly known by his stage name, Baths. He’s very good; Pitchfork loves him. My editor, Tommy Craggs, did not care about any of that. He wanted to know more about my friend who’d like to boink an animated superhero dad. He asked me to talk to Will. So I did. It turns out that Wiesenfeld’s desire to sleep with the man with perhaps the largest chest-to-hip ratio in the cartoon universe is actually just one part of a larger story about coming to terms with his sexuality through cartoons as a teenager ― and becoming something of a connoisseur of the form as an adult.
Here is our conversation, edited a bit for clarity.  
Will Wiesenfeld: Hey dude!
HuffPost: What’s up, dog?
Not much. How’s it going?
It’s chilling. I can’t believe I’m interviewing you about this.
So you want to fuck Bob Parr. When did that start? When did you first get into Bob Parr?
How long ago did “The Incredibles” come out?
I must have been 15. I wasn’t out. I would have just found out that I was gay, so probably not yet. I don’t know.
When did cartoons become a thing for you in terms of your own sexuality
That was right away. Basically I found out I was gay because of porn, straight-up porn. I just realized that was going on and I had the realization, and I think through looking for that stuff and then always being a fan of Japanese stuff, I came across porny art and muscular art of characters, and so it started off not [with] American cartoons, but Japanese stuff and people’s original characters and buff men. And that would have been a year after I found out I was gay, so probably 16.
this mode of bob parr could get it ✔️ https://t.co/DLno1tbMBH
— ● Will Wiesenfeld ● (@BATHSmusic) January 16, 2016
Why do you think you had that attraction to anime or cartoon characters?
I can tell you almost exactly. Everything about porn ― at least what I was finding ― was intense and kind of aggressive. There’s nothing really loving about it. It was just sex, obviously, and very intense and very upfront.
And almost immediately the first images I saw of this sort of stuff ― of drawn characters and erotic illustrations and stuff ― it was all softer, even though it was really muscular men. A lot of it was really domestic. There were comics that I found that were just couples at home, or illustrations of dudes doing it in an apartment, outside of a pornographic context, just because they were dating or whatever.
And all of that was brand new to me. Just the idea of gayness as normalcy. That was the thing that allowed me to come out after that point. I knew I was gay before finding out about this stuff, but then I was comfortable coming out realizing that there was a route to gayness and queerness that was chill.
And now is it more just a funny thing than anything else?
It’s not actually much of a funny thing. There are funny things that come up. There are illustrations that are insane, where it’s like, “Oh, my God, look at this.” But it’s a super deep hobby of mine. I collect art. I have a running collection of manga in my house and a bunch of illustrations. I’ve paid for commissions of characters and stuff like that. It’s very real and it’s very deep. And I’m into it in a way that’s well beyond a joke thing, you know? I’m truly down with it.
You’ve done a Bob Parr illustration, I know. Have you done other ones besides that?
Yeah, or I paid for a commission of it.
who can i commission some tastefully hot mr incredible art from . mr bob parr
— ● Will Wiesenfeld ● (@BATHSmusic) May 15, 2018
I commissioned this other character from this series called “Legend of Korra,” which is also an American cartoon. His name is Bolin, and I’m super, super into him. I’ve paid for commissions of him in the past. I actually have one that’s pending right now that somebody is doing [laughs].
Twitter/Tumblr: yoPeppy
Here’s the illustration Will got commissioned for himself.
With Bob Parr, what is it about him that attracts you to him?  
It’s a huge mix of things. Physically, he’s exactly my type. Big 40-, 50-something-year-old dudes who are muscular but kind of friendly and approachable ― that’s my shit. So that, combined with all the stuff in “The Incredibles” ― him being a good dad, meaning that it translates to him being a responsible person and, I don’t know, safe? Those things, they’re great. And they are a huge turn-on. And he’s straight, obviously, but you can find comics and illustrations and fan art that people have done that skew it into a fun gay thing, and there’s plenty of it with Mr. Incredible.
I think people would probably think of an attraction to a cartoon character as mostly a physical thing. It’s interesting that what he’s like as a father figure and person wraps up into it.  
I think that’s a thing with a lot of the characters that I’m really into. Bolin also is the same way. He’s much younger, but he’s carefree and positive and all that stuff. I don’t have a thing for villains usually, sometimes I do, but it’s usually a physical thing. But I’ll obsess over a character if they’re almost role model-y. I’m realizing it now in my brain that a lot of my favorite characters are the role model of the series that they’re a part of, or the most rounded and the most mature. ’Cause I think that it’s this weird motivator for myself to try and see myself in that.
“@DisneyPixar: Home sweet, crazy home. pic.twitter.com/LHOOqUXDCo”
Bob Parr could get it god damn 😎😎😎
— ● Will Wiesenfeld ● (@BATHSmusic) February 27, 2015
What do you mean? You want to become that kind of person as you age, or you hope to be that kind of person right now?
Yeah, exactly, something like that. Just inspiration to live honestly, the way that I’m doing, and stay positive. And a big part of it is keeping in shape, ’cause all of these stupid cartoons are buff as hell [laughs]. Just looking at it for too long, it sort of works its way into your brain to try and keep doing that.
So you’re saying that by looking at buff dad cartoon characters, you yourself go, “I gotta hit the gym as well” or something?
Absolutely, it’s fair to put it like that.
What are some of the other top characters for you?
Looking around my room, there’s this character Shiro, who’s one of the main characters from the new “Voltron” series on Netflix. He’s literally the dad of the group, and he’s buff and mild-mannered and he’s just super hot. And then there’s this character Daichi, from this show “Haikyuu.” It’s a whole series about volleyball. It’s a sports anime and it’s way, way, way better than it should be. It’s the most exciting, most intense series I’ve watched in forever. He’s the captain of the volleyball team that the show follows. He’s not the lead character, but he’s the one that’s in charge of that team.
A big note: It’s problematic because his character is 17, and in the first season of that show “Legend of Korra,” that character that I mentioned, Bolin, is 16, and I had no idea watching it. I thought he was 24 or 25. When I found out way later on that in the first season he’s 16 years old, I felt so gross.
Then, yeah, later on in the series I think he’s much older. He ages as the show progresses. I’m attracted to Daichi and Bolin because they act older and more mature than their peers on top of the fact that they’re super buff. All these hundreds of artists out there making fan art of them feel the same way.
There exists this whole deep fandom in Japan of every single one of these characters. There’s this thing called doujin, or doujinshi, and it’s like “fan comic,” and it usually translates to being porny most of the time. But there are doujin that are not and are just narratives that people make up.
But they’re fan comics, and there’s a huge market for it, and there’s conventions. The same way you have, I guess, Comic-Con or Anime Expo in the States. There’s huge, huge conventions in Japan where all these different artists sell all this stuff and the market for it is much, much bigger and much more widespread. And so, when I found out about this show “Haikyuu,” I was like, is there any art of this dude that I’m into? And it was insane how much of it there was. There’s so much, and most of it is not actually sexual. It’ll just be a romance novel or a romance movie or something like that. The plot will just be them being attracted to each other and not knowing what to do with it and at times navigating high school and being on a volleyball team at the same time ― that sort of shit. There are comics that are just full plots of that without sex being involved.
Does the character have to be human or can it also be an animal or something like that for you to be attracted to it?
I think I’m cool with anthropomorphic stuff. I’m basically a fan of buffness, so it’s usually, if I see something where the character is buff and they’re also an animal, I’m like, that’s cool. I can get into it or whatever. But I don’t seek it out, and I kind of don’t obsess over it the way that I typically do with human characters. But lately there is ― you know “Zelda”? The new “Zelda” game?
There is a bird-man in that game that is all of these things that I’m talking about with these mentor characters that I get really into. He’s this big, buff bird that helps you on your adventures, and he’s like a good dad and is fair and relaxed, and it hits all the benchmarks for me. And, for whatever reason, they gave him really beautiful eyes in the game. They give them all this eye makeup and intense ― I don’t know how to describe it. You should just Google the word “Kass,” K-A-S-S, in Zelda.
Yeah, and “Zelda,” and you’ll just see this handsome ―
It makes sense, you know what I mean? Me talking about all the other things I just talked about ― it’s like, “Oh, yeah, this makes sense.”
I feel bad for asking you earlier if it’s just a funny thing, when now that I think about it, it’s obviously something more serious.
Don’t even worry about it. I’ve been involved in the hobby of it for so long that I don’t think there’s any question that somebody could pose that could offend me.  
What did you think of “Incredibles 2”? I forgot to ask.
I liked it a lot. I think Bob Parr was hotter than ever, and I was very, very down with that. But as an actual movie, I think it suffered from pacing issues.
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