#i’ll try to fix it tomorrow 😓
lost-monkey · 3 years
Chapter 1
Page 31
First chapter done! It’s been a rough one to be completely honest. Making it through the first month of 2022 has been very difficult, but we did it. Woke up this morning to the heat coming on, they replaced a part that had broken I guess, so now it’s officially back!! All my neighbors that had gone somewhere else while they were fixing it (I don’t have that luxury 😓) are all back. I’ve never been happier to be hearing noisy neighbors haha it feels normal again!
It’s still weird knowing I’m 30, but it feels fine. I’m excited to become wiser and aged, it’s just the natural thing to do. I’m still me, the anime loving girl who sometimes says unexpected things. My coworker friend from work messaged me that she misses me, I miss her too, just not the work haha. Going back to work tomorrow, but it’ll be nice seeing everyone again.
Unfortunately a coworker got fired since I’ve been away, it sucks. Stupid work drama caused it because people can’t just get along. I’ll miss him, he was fun a lot of the time even when he was a pain he always laughed.
Did laundry today and sang mcr in the shower lol. I finally feel so much more carefree. Let’s hope February is a better month- it’s gotta be. My mom wants to try out more restaurants and go out together more every once in a while like we did for my birthday, so I hope we can do more of that!
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