#i would occasionally check your blog even when i wasn't scrolling/checking tumblr just to see what you were up to
omo-queer · 9 months
Hey! Just wondering how you've been doing, since next year's right around the corner! I know you said you'd be busy but I thought you might like a lil check-up. I hope you're doing okay in your life, and struggling along edge-wise ;) have a good day!
ah hello!! very glad to see you in my inbox—sorry i didn't get back to you on this one until so much later but i've been pretty much completely off my nsfw tumblr for most of december. mental health and creative stuff got... tricky. but i think things are pretty good going into the new year! probably going to wait a bit before doing any edging/denial longer than 48h again because toward the end it was messing with me in a negative way. december wasn't as bad in terms of absolute horniness bc i was either too busy or not in the right headspace to do all that much edging if i'm honest.
that said, i have gotten off plenty now that it's january, and it feels so good to be back to that. very relaxing to be able to just. come whenever i want. i'll probably be on a little less than i was in october/november but definitely intend to be around more than i was in december. i'll likely start holding from time to time again!
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sukirichi · 3 years
Hello, just gonna drop by with a message for a number of the blogs I follow and I kindly ask you share this because it's been a hassle for me and a few other of my friends too:
If you use the small font toggle on Tumblr posts, especially on relatively long ones and on your masterlist, we ask you please be mindful of those who have trouble reading smaller fonts (i.e. those who have bad eyesight/eye problems/people with learning disorders such as dyslexia.)
We do not speak for everyone but we do know some people have font size preferences when they have dyslexia because it's easier to discern characters that way. For myself specifically, I struggle reading small fonts when written consistently in long paragraphs such as certain responses to asks and occasionally some authors will choose to use the small font toggle for lengthy fics, especially on my desktop.
As for masterlists, if people chose to link parts to a character or a series with numbers such as: "[Character] Soft HCs [1] [2] [3]" when it's condensed to the small font like [Character] Soft HCs [1] [2] [3], it becomes a challenge for readers to click the proper link, moreso on mobile than anything else.
We sincerely ask authors and bloggers to be careful when choosing to use the small font toggle because we sincerely want to support our favourite accounts but we can't when we can't read some/majority of the posts you share. Again, it's okay to use the toggle, we get it, but we would appreciate it if it wasn't the sole of an aesthetic because it doesn't make certain blogs and posts accessible for us.
Thank you <3
hey there, yeah i understand where you and your friends come from, i actually have really bad eyesight too and can’t really read without my glasses :( and yes i understand, i have a dyslexic friend and many friends who have eye strain, we know the struggle 
hmm i know this is a general message for multiple blogs, but i’ll just explain how my posts work. i received a message before that i flood the dash/feed too much with my long ass responses and i wanted to make my posts less of a bother to others
i don’t really want to make my replies shorter in asks so i opted for using small fonts when i know i’m going to ramble for the convenience of my followers but apparently, that’s still not convenient and i don’t really want to draft everything and put the ‘keep reading tab’ every time i reply long then switch to my laptop where the tab is available.
i get like 10 asks or more in a day & it’s troublesome for me to keep drafting everything then get the tab on laptop so yeah, i used small fonts 
my tumblr app isn’t updated tho, so i had to redownload/update it so i can make the keep reading tab work even on mobile. i’ll try and put the tabs on my longer replies from now on :) 
as for the lengthy fics, no worries! i don’t really write fics where the story is in the smaller text, except for the warnings/notes and those are usually aren’t very much anyway
for my masterlists, i’m sorry but i won’t be changing them. i’m not really choosing the small fonts for the “aesthetics” but because i have a long ass masterlist that’s mostly vertical (as you can access from my pinned post and bio, they’re in bullet forms)
it’s hefty for me to scroll down and look for the character i’m linking back to when they’re all big/normally sized. 
it’s for my convenience and i’d like to keep them that way because it saves me a lot of time since i have a lot of fics, but they’re very spaced out with color breaks so readers can access it better 
and yeah no worries! my VERY FEW thirsts are formatted with squirt emojis (check the naoya ones if u wanna see) for proper spacings that makes it easier to access. thanks for the note!
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