#i wonder if she's doubling down on being cruel to her coworkers now to “soften the blow” when she ends up betraying them
rapidly oscillating between "outis is a wifeguy who misses her wife so so so so bad" and "outis is divorced as hell, broken ass marriage, first lesbian divorcees in the city" based on whatever feels right at the time
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whump-town · 4 years
The Visit
Leaning back in her chair, arms crossed on her chest Jennifer Jaruea is sitting vigil. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is getting into this room without her say so. The image alone is a lot to take in. Their usually stoic, unwavering boss sleeping in a hospital bed. Attached to tubes and wires, breathing labored even with the aid of the oxygen canal running under his nose. By his side, little JJ. Little but fierce. Just let that damned George Foyet show his face. She’ll die before she lets that son of a bitch hurt her boss again.
Not that Emily would ever let that happen. On the other side of the bed, she’s laying sprawled out on a cot. For the last two days, she hasn’t left for more than five hours. Always here the first to get to Hotch when he wakes up. In that time, she’s gone to see Reid. Mostly to get a good check-in on the kid so Hotch would stop worrying something might have developed with the youngest agent’s wounds. 
Everyone’s fine. 
… or getting there.
“Spence--,” JJ wakes from her light sleep to the soft sound of something approaching the door. She sits up immediately, eyes going to Hotch, still asleep, and then Emily who has turned over onto her left side with her back to them. Which leaves the movement to the door and she’s not all that surprised when she sees who the intruders are. 
She moves carefully, hoping to keep Hotch and Emily asleep despite there being so much movement in the room. “What the hell are you two doing in here?” she asks. Reid at least looks sheepish (although, she’s sure that’s only because he’s been caught) but Garcia just shrugs. 
JJ knows Reid isn’t supposed to be out of bed. The doctor’s orders had him strictly bedridden until his second surgery for his knee. It wasn’t meant to be cruel keeping the genius from seeing Hotch but he could mess his knee up if he’s not careful. And Hotch is already moody enough, Reid doesn’t need that coming down on him tenfold if he handicaps himself further by permanently damaging his knee. 
“If he catches you two down here,” JJ starts to threaten, hands moving to her hips. A very dotting mother thing to do and rightfully so. When aren’t Reid and Garcia acting like her troublesome little siblings? “You,” JJ points at Garcia, shaking her head when Garcia feigns innocence points her finger back at her own chest in faux confusion. “Yes, you Penelope Garcia, who he sent home hours ago--”
Garcia opens her mouth to defend herself but JJ shakes her head. 
“Don’t defend yourself to me,” she says. She points behind her to Hotch, “he’s the one you have to worry about.”
Garcia’s mouth shuts as she looks at her boss. Her poor, exhausted liege. He’d hardly managed to talk to her when she was with him earlier. Coherent just enough to worry that she wasn’t sleeping enough if she was here with him. So, obviously, if he catches her here again he’s going to worry.
“And you, Spencer Reid,” JJ crosses her arms on her chest. “What are you thinking?” Her voice softens, all disappointment and exasperation.
Reid wants to be sheepish. He knows he shouldn’t be down here but he’s already made it out of bed and into this wheelchair… the harm is done. There’s no going back now. “Can I go in there,” he asks, pouting. He’s putting on a show, for sure. Hoping to hit JJ in the mothering, naturing parts of her that will twist in his favor. The only problem is they might be overpowered by mothering she’s doing over Hotch. 
JJ looks at the two of them, sighs, and glances back at the sleeping agents. It’s late. There really shouldn’t be any visitors back here and they could get into trouble… but Hotch has been agitated. Obviously worried about Reid and knows damn well that they’ll lie to him about how serious Reid’s knee is if need be. 
“Don’t wake him up,” JJ says, sternly. “I’m going to take Emily home and Dave should be here--” she checks her phone. “Dave will be here in twenty minutes. I want you out of here when he comes, do you understand?”
Both dutifully nod but she highly doubts they listen. 
“He’s not been up for conversation,” JJ warns. She’s done fussing with them but if she’s going to let them do this, it’s only fair she properly warns them. “The nurse came in and upped his morphine so he’s bound to be out of it.” As much as she hates to encourage them, she knows Hotch will be happy to see them. “Just remind him that he’s in the hospital and try to get him to drink the apple juice on the tray. He needs to sleep. No funny business.”
Another round of nods and JJ realizes that she’s about to leave Hotch in the hands of her very troublesome kid coworkers. As much as the idea scares her, she always knows it’s going to do all three of them some good. So, she resigns herself to the idea. She’s helping a groggy Emily along when she sees Garcia stealthily doubling the blankets Hotch is tangled in.
“Penelope!” she whispers.
Garcia keeps going, tucking it along his sides. “He’s cold,” she defends. 
They’re going to kill her. Dear God, they’re going to kill her. 
Reid just… starts to doubt if this was a good idea. He’d seen his mother in the hospital plenty of times. He’s no stranger to this sort of thing. Now he realizes that despite the warnings and despite the updates his teammates gave him, he’d still expected to find Hotch in here. The older man-- doing Hotch things. Having covered every surface with paperwork or reading a book. 
He’d grown up with a mother constantly in out of hospitals and, yet, some small naïve part of him thought Hotch invincible. 
Watching Hotch’s face for any sign of consciousness, Reid slips his hand into his. He grabs blindly for hold, managing a few fingers in his grasp. His boss doesn’t really do touch but Reid would kill for one of his hugs. To stand beside him or just sit across from him on the jet. Hotch is calming. Steady.
Reid’s eyes snap up to the machines above Hotch’s head, nervously glancing to Garcia. She’s noticed it too, the obvious distress the rise in sound is signaling. The hand in Reid’s squeezes and Reid’s eyes move to Hotch’s face. Watching the older man’s eyes move quickly under his eyelids. 
Reid flinches when those eyes fly open, Hotch’s lips parting as he takes in his surroundings. He’s gasping, slightly, eyes scanning around the room. He finds them, looking at both Reid and Garcia for a long moment. Closing his mouth and eyes he breathes in through his nose, using the oxygen canal supplying a steady stream of air. When he opens his eyes he looks right at Reid. “You’re supposed to be upstairs.”
Reid glances at Garcia but that doesn’t divert Hotch’s attention. With the decency to admit when he’s caught, Reid nods his head. He’s glad he’d made the adventure down here. He hasn’t been able to sleep knowing Hotch is down here and that no one will tell him what’s going on. Not transparently, that is. 
For good reason, Reid had found out the moment they stepped foot onto this floor. On his floor, he could hear kids being chased by family members. Grandparents greeting grandchildren with open arms and eager laughter. Yesterday, he’d watched a man be lead down the hall by a toddler. The child’s attention very carefully zeroed in on every step the injured man had taken. He’s heard lovers greeting one another. 
Up there, he’d heard so much life. The ups and downs but the recovery. 
Here on this floor, the lights remain dimmed. No one but the staff walks the halls. The sounds are cardiac monitors and soft hushed voices swallow any slight joys. Even in here. Hotch’s dazed eyes and cold hands…
“How’s your leg,” Hotch asks, softly. His head is turned to Reid, eyes half-lidded but aware. He might not be himself but Reid knows Hotch will be able to tell if he’s lying. Even if it’s just a small lie. 
Garcia comes around his other side and it distracts Hotch for just the briefest second before he turns back to Reid. 
“I’m okay,” Reid promises with a nod. He really is. The doctors think he’ll manage. His youth is working in his favor and with a bit of luck, he might not even need assistance to walk. Which would be kind of cool, really. Canes are neat. 
Hotch narrows his eyes but doesn’t fight him. “Are you in any pain?”
Reid blushes, lowering his head. Right. No one has mentioned this conversation yet. He’s not on anything hard. The doctors were notified the moment he got the ambulance that he couldn’t have any opioids. Dilaudid still manages to control his life. 
“Reid,” Hotch whispers, squeezing Reid’s hand. “I didn’t mean--”
Reid looks up, cutting him off, “I know. I know you didn’t it.”
Hotch’s face softens.
“I’m comfortable, Hotch. I’m okay. Really.”
Hotch looks at him for a moment longer. As if torn between believe Reid and…
Garcia squeezes Hotch’s other hand, smiling when her boss turns to look at her. “I’ve got boy wonders back,” she promises. “He’s okay. Well,” she shrugs, “aside from the amount of jello he’s eating.”
Reid frowns, “the nurse said it was okay! 
“Alright,” Hotch stops that from going any further. Knowing that if he doesn’t say something now, the two of them will go on for ages. “Alright,” he untangles his arm from under the mountain of blankets he’s under. He knows this is Garcia’s doing. He rubs at his eyes, trying to work the sleep from them. Around a yawn he manages, “Reid, eat something more substantial than jello, okay?”
Reid sighs but nods. The jello doesn’t upset his stomach. Besides, it’s got to count for something that the jello comes in green. Certainly, he can argue that would count as “eating his greens”. He doesn’t argue that point. Glancing up, he can see Hotch is struggling to keep pace with them. Something gives him the courage and he softly asks, “ Hotch?”
Tired eyes meet him, Hotch offers only a hum. He’s falling apart right before them. Too tired and still feeling the effects of his wounds to keep up with their energy. Two days isn’t enough to bounce back from nine stab wounds. 
“We’ll catch him, right?”
If he were honest, Hotch would tell him that he has no idea. That, honestly, as much faith as he has in his family-- he doesn’t know what’s going to happen if they can’t. That’s an impossible sort of thing to have to live with. Even worse if they can’t catch Foyet because Hotch can’t afford to blame them for that. They’re all he has. 
No family. 
His only child has been taken away in an unmarked car. 
His ex-wife with him.
His mother is dead. His father too. There’s Sean but his kid brother has never been good for pretty much anything. 
So, he lies. For Reid but mostly for himself. He has to believe they will. “I know you will,” Hotch replies. He glances over at Garcia. They’re the smartest people he knows. Brilliant. If anyone can, they can. 
Dave knocks on the door and all three of their heads turn to him. He knows he’s walking into something heavy but it’s late and all three of the people in front of him should be in bed. “What are you two trouble-makers doing down here,” he asks with a fond shake of his head.
Garcia stands first, dusting her hands down her dress. “Just came to check on the boss,” she promises. 
Hotch smirks at her but remains silent. 
Reid pulls his hand from Hotch’s and looks down at his lap. 
“Get out here,” Rossi prods. “Hotch isn’t as young as he once was. The old man needs some sleep.” 
Garcia frowns and leans down to kiss Hotch’s forehead. “I still think you’re young and spry, sir.” 
Hotch smirks, “thank you, Garcia.” He watches the two of them get going, Reid glances back at him. Hotch has to swallow down against the morphine wrecking his body. He won’t last too much longer. “Reid?”
“It’s going to be okay.”
Reid looks down in his lap. His stomach clenches and he feels like he’s going to be sick. He doesn’t say a word but he’s certain that’s not true at all. “Right,” is all he manages.
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aizawaorkuroo · 4 years
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on the house (chapter 4) - black coffee
Ship: Yagi Toshinori x reader
Rated: Explicit [18+]
Word Count: 6.5k
Summary: After weeks of dancing around it, Toshinori asks you out.
Warnings: Language, smut, overstimulation, oral sex (both M and F receiving) Size kink (kinda), some nasty hard cold brew, Reader has a vagina
AN: Once again, this blog is 18+!! also, this is the longest chapter i’ve written and uhh over half of it is smut so im nervous grewfwsd 
OTH Masterlist
Clear, blue skies hang above Musutafu, a promise of the approaching summer. The birds chirp pleasantly, and the sun weaves its way through leaves that hang onto branches. Normally, you would’ve been happy to update the chalkboard sign that sits outside Sweet Bean. But today the warmth and the people wondering blissfully about appear to be mocking you.
You hadn’t seen Toshinori since he had walked you home from the police station. Since you had invited him to go upstairs to your apartment with you. A painful heat overtakes your blood, and you wince. Had you been too forward? And while he may have chosen to go home, you still thought he was at least interested. Or that he would at least stop by the cafe.
Aiko wisely doesn’t mention the broken piece of chalk your holding when you walk behind the counter. She does send Suga a knowing look, one that you pretend to not see. You spend the next hour fumbling through orders and dropping stirring spoons and espresso cups. It’s only after you burn yourself on the espresso maker that Aiko pulls you into the back, and glares at you with her hands on her hips.
“Y/N. What’s up with you?” You flush under her gaze, looking anywhere but her eyes. It’s embarrassing - no, mortifying - that you got rejected by someone you both knew. And he still plagues your mind. If you didn’t tell Aiko, at least a shred of dignity would remain.
“And don’t you dare tell me nothing’s wrong,” she chimes. “I know something’s up.” Her gaze softens, and she reaches out to gently grab your arm. “You can tell me anything, y’know?”
Your resolve crumbles immediately. The words tumble out of your mouth; the entire time your stomach feels like it’s doing flips. You’re expecting a laugh or a sympathetic pat, but when you glance up, Aiko’s giving you an incredulous look. Her mouth opens, before closing. You squirm as she makes up her mind about what to say. You’re not really sure when Aiko’s opinion became so important, but it feels like her next words will decide your future.
“You are an idiot.”
You freeze. That was not what you had been expecting. Not even in the slightest. But what did she mean? Should you have not invited him up? Was it wrong to get a crush on a customer? One who knew a lot of regulars? Aiko lifts a finger, stopping your brain from falling off the deep end.
“He clearly likes you,” her voice rings out. “It was obvious when I met him, and based on what you said, there’s no way he doesn’t. You’re just overthinking.” You blink at her dumbly, trying to process. Of course it makes sense that you had spent too much time thinking about it. But how could you not?
“And if you’re worried about him not coming in recently. Well, people get busy. And he’s not a regular. Yet.” She offers you a wink, and you smile softly. Your friend’s words did little to ease the tumultuous waves in your stomach, but they were enough for now. Enough for you to focus.
When you return behind the bar, Suga gives you an uncomfortable nod and a thumbs up. You change your mind. This is still mortifying. Being friends with your coworkers is horrible. But by the time the bell rings, and you see a familiar face you feel lighter.
“Sato! Welcome back! How are you?” you call out. He smiles largely and waves excitedly at you.
“I’m pretty good! How’ve ya been?” You chuckle at his enthusiasm but wave for him to come browse the cakes Suga’s displayed. The two of you awe over the selection when the sound of someone clearing their throat brings you back to reality. Behind Sato are a group of girls that look like they’re from his class. You grin, feeling the weight disappearing from your shoulders.
“Sato, are you going to introduce me to your friends?” He flushes lightly at your question before rubbing the back of his neck.
“Right, these are some of my friends from school. Yaoyorozu, Asui, Uraraka, and Hagakure.” He gestures to each one, and an easy warmth settles over you as they offer polite waves. “I let them try some of the last cake I got from here, and they wanted to come.” You can’t stop the giggle that builds in your chest, before nodding your head.
“Of course, of course. Suga’s baked goods are legendary,” you say loudly enough for Suga to hear from the back. “We’ve also got plenty of drinks on and off the menu. Aiko, will you take their orders?” Aiko skips to the register before chattering away about specials, iced vs. hot, and different sizes. You wink at the girls before turning your attention back to Sato. “What are we thinking today?”
He sheepishly shifts on his feet, avoiding your eyes.
“I’m actually gonna have to wait until next time to get the full cake.” You purse your lips before holding your hand out. He flounders for a second before handing you his rewards card. Ah. He’s an item behind. You stamp his card twice, nod, and hand it back.
“Get whatever you want for you and your friends.” He looks at you blankly, before a large grin spreads across his face.
“Aw yeah! Thanks Ms. Y/N! You’re the best!” you shake your head, nose crinkling at his praise.
“I’m really not. Go grab a table, and I’ll bring your order to you.” He grins up at you before gesturing for his friends to follow him. Aiko turns to you, a small smirk gracing her face.
“That was sweet Y/N, but look alive. There are a few surprisingly complicated orders,” she muses. You nod before jumping into action. With your stress gone, the work is easy and familiar. When you drop off their drinks, they thank you excitedly, and you float back behind the counter.
After that, you’re in the zone. All your bumbling ends, and you’re so focused, that you don’t notice when another familiar face enters the Sweet Bean. You don’t notice as Aiko takes his order. It’s only when you turn around and he hunches down to smile at you that you notice.
You blink stupidly at Toshinori, a warmth rushing through you before you take a step back. The weight that had just been absolved doubles down on you. You stutter out a greeting before crossing your arms in mortification.
“Hi,” you murmur, trying to silence the chaotic butterflies within you. A sharp grin pulls at his features.
“I’ve been meaning to come by, but uh, I got a bit busy,” he says rather sheepishly. You can feel Aiko’s aggressive ‘I told you so’ stare on your back. You keep in a groan, knowing that she’ll hold this over you forever.
“Don’t worry about it,” you reassure him. “I uh, missed seeing you.” You squeeze your arms, the admission making you feel dizzy. Toshinori’s blushes deeply, and warmth pools within you.
“Oh, well.” He rubs the back of his head looking awkwardly at the counter before sheepishly making eye contact. “I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner with me.” His gaze is soft, sending shivers up and down your spine. He looks down again. “If you want? Whenever you’re free?” You take a breath trying to center your thoughts.
“Well, I have work tomorrow night,” you respond. You furrow your brows, trying to think of a time you’re free, but Aiko buts in before you can.
“Oh, don’t worry. Suga and I will cover for you. You’re good tomorrow night.” Her smile is almost cruel, but you flush at her help. Suga’s head pokes out of the kitchen, and he nods in confirmation.
“Thanks guys. Aiko, aren’t you supposed to be getting to your night classes soon.” Her eyes widen, and she sets down Toshinori’s coffee before speeding off. You turn back to Toshinori, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Then, tomorrow night? Do you remember where I live? It’s unit 506.” He nods, a smirk tugging on his face.
“I can pick you up, at 7? Is that all right?”
You nod stupidly, unable to contain yourself any longer, a grin blossoming on your face. He backs up, heading towards the door while nodding at you, his face mirroring yours.
You press your lips together in a line to contain a giggle before you hold up his coffee, and a look of realization crosses his face. He steps forward to grab the cup, and you try not to flush too much as his fingers brush against yours.
“What’d you get?” you ask. You don’t mean to sound teasing, but sometimes, these things are out of your control. He flushes and avoids your gaze.
“A black coffee.” You nod and make a noise of approval.
“Sometimes, you wanna get straight to the point. I get it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turns bright red at your words, and you grin.
“Right. Tomorrow, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he mumbles.
He waves at you and backs up again, giving you one last nod before turning around. He passes by the group of students who are all watching with large eyes. They smile as he waves at them. He gives you one last lazy smile before the door closes behind him. Suga slings an arm around your shoulder letting out a small sigh.
“So are Aiko and I gonna get paid overtime?” You groan and lightly punch his stomach.
You flutter around your apartment, cleaning up mindlessly as you distract yourself. You still had thirty minutes to kill until Toshinori was supposed to get here. The butterflies that had started their flight in your stomach floated up and into your veins. You had been ready for an hour already. The night before, you had been so nervous that you picked out an outfit already. Which left you with too much free time now.
You had wanted to stay at Sweet Bean for a little while longer, but Aiko had refused, forcing you to leave. After making sure she knew Present Mic’s order, and that Suga was really okay with staying late, you went home. And now you’re counting down the minutes until it’s 7:00 PM.
You pace around your apartment, before landing in front of the mirror. You eye your reflection and clutch your phone tightly. In an instant, you nervously hit Aiko’s contact.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?” Aiko cautiously asks.
“Aiko,” you hiss. “I don’t know what I was thinking, I can’t do this.” You scrutinize your skin, every flaw standing out.
“Y/N. I told you this already. He likes you!” she chirps. You sigh uncommittedly. “Remember, he asked you out. Not the other way around.” You hum at her words, her voice making you feel calmer. “Don’t worry! Enjoy your date. Suga and I have everything under control,” she says confidently. You hear a crash in the background and Aiko says her goodbyes and hangs up too fast for you to say anything. You stare blankly at your phone before shaking your head. Nothing you could do about that now.
When a soft knock finally resounds through the living room of your apartment, the butterflies you had just corralled take flight again. You jump to open the door, revealing a flustered Toshinori. He looks good, you think to yourself, letting your eyes trail up and down his form. He’s holding his suit jacket over his shoulder, a tie loosely hangs around his neck. His slacks match the dark color of his jacket.
His eyes run appreciatively up and down your figure, making the butterflies slip into your blood. He grins down at you, handing you a small bouquet of flowers that he’s holding with his other hand.
“You look beautiful. Got these for you.” You flush at the gesture and accept them, biting your lip.
“Thanks. You don’t look half bad yourself,” you say softly. “I’ll put these in water, and then we’ll be good to go.”
He patiently waits for you, and it’s not until you’re walking outside with him that you realize you don’t know where you’re going. Looking down at his hand, in a moment of bravery, you reach down and grab it. He smiles at you softly before lightly squeezing.
“Where are we going, Toshinori?” His grin sharpens, and he eyes you gently.
“Just a place I like going. Wanted to share it with you.” You flush but lean into his arm.
He ends up taking you to a small restaurant that’s tucked away in the corner of Musutafu. You’re seated in a booth across from him, and it all just feels fake. Toshinori is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful in ways that make your stomach flip.
When you ask him about the students you saw yesterday, he flushes and is clearly embarrassed, but it's obvious that he cares about them. He gets a soft faraway look in his eyes, one that melts your heart. He asks about Aiko and Suga, and your nose scrunches up at the thought of Aiko messing up Yamada’s weekly order.
You pick at your food, taking a few bites here and there. In all honesty, you’re too nervous to eat. All you can think about is how Toshinori’s hand is resting against yours on the table.
Everything is absolutely perfect. It feels too good to be true like at any second the air around you will collapse and you’ll wake up from this perfect dream.
When the bill comes, you make an attempt to pay, but the look he sends you has you backing down. There’s the promise of something more, something that sets your blood on fire, and makes your thoughts syrupy.
The walk back to your apartment is heavy. You know what you want. You’ve wanted it for a while. It’s just a matter of what he wants. So you end up back where you were, standing on the steps that lead up to your building. You lightly tug at his hair, and a smile forms on his face.
“Do you want to come up? For some coffee?” you murmur. He licks his lips, sending jolts to your core. He nods slowly, letting you pull him into your building. You fumble with your keys, trying to open the door, but all you can think about is how close Toshinori is. When you finally get the door open, you let him in and head straight for the fridge.
“I’ve got some uh, hard cold brew here. If you’re okay trying that. Make yourself at home,” you call over your shoulder. He nods before settling into the couch. You bring over the glasses, trying to ignore the way your hands are shaking. He accepts it graciously, taking a small sip. His face screws up, and you feel laughter bubble up in your chest.
“Yea, it kind of an acquired taste. Got it at a coffee convention. Sorry about that,” you apologize. He shakes his head, and sets his glass on the coffee table in front of him.
“It’s fine. A coffee convention?” he asks, his words dripping in humor. You flush and look away.
“Yes, a coffee convention. It’s a thing. But uh, maybe hard cold brew shouldn’t be a thing,” you reflect. He makes a noise in agreement, but his eyes soften.
“I didn’t mind it. I just think you mentioned something about getting straight to the point yesterday,” he murmurs. You still under his gaze, warmth sweeping through you. He slowly leans forward, head dipping down. His lips are centimeters from yours, but he stops, letting them ghost against yours. His breath fans against you, and you push forward, meeting his lips.
They’re warm and a bit chapped. But you don’t mind, not when his large hands are traveling up and down the planes of your body. They rest on your hips, softly kneading the flesh that’s there. You moan against him, and his tongue slips into your mouth.
In a moment of bravery, you swing a leg to straddle his lap. He grunts, and you pull away from his lips.
“Are you okay?” you ask, getting ready to get up. His hands hold your hips down, and he nods his head.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just an old accident.” You nod and caress the side of his face. He nuzzles into your hand and your thumb strokes his sharp cheekbone.
“Okay, just..let me know if I hurt you.” He grins before leaning to kiss you again. He wraps his arms around you and it’s like he’s everywhere, surrounding you on every side. Your hips stutter against him, and you try to stop the movement, not wanting to hurt him. He groans, and you come to the conclusion maybe you should get off him.
Right before you slide off of him, his large hands drag your core against him. Oh. Oh. Your face heats up as you realize the last noise he made wasn’t out of pain. You let him grind your hips down into him, and you move to pepper kisses all over his face.
He starts to harden under you, and you hide your face against him. A second wave of confidence has you upping the pace and grinding down into him. Another groan rumbles through his chest and into you.
Your movements slow, and he makes a pained noise. You pull away from him and rise on shaking legs. He looks at you, cocking his head to the side in confusion. You roll your eyes before grabbing his wrist and pulling at him.
“C’mon. There’s not a lotta space on the couch,” you complain. He laughs at that and follows you to your bedroom. The two of you are pulling at each other's clothes, creating a trail from the doorframe to your bed. You’re down to your underwear when you fall on the bed. Toshinori’s left in his boxers and his shirt, and he looks away from you, nervously grabbing onto the hem of the shirt. You can see bits of his scar peeking out from under his shirt, and your gaze softens.
“It’s okay,” you murmur. “You don’t have to show me if you don’t want to.” His intense eyes return to you, and they trail up and down your figure. You flush, embarrassed by his attention. While you meant it when you said he didn’t have to take off his shirt, a large part of you wishes he would. As if hearing his thoughts, he pulls his shirt off over his head, revealing his long torso.
You hold in the gasp that’s threatening to leave your lips. Long, angry lines radiate from a central point on his abdomen. They spiral out and mar a large portion of his skin. Your heart lurches, and he looks so tried/ You see the creases on his face deepen, the shadows increase, and the distance in his eyes. He carries a weight, that much you can see.
“If you don’t want to keep going that’s fine,” he mutters. You scoff at his words, reaching up to tug on the long strands that hang next to his face. He bends down at the motion, and you kiss him deeply, trying to pour all of your feelings into the action. When you pull away, his face is dusted with lovely red, and you can now see that it dips down onto the planes of his chest.
You pull him onto the bed, and he unceremoniously falls next to you. You kiss him again before pushing him on his back, letting his legs hand off the bed. You crawl onto the floor, placing yourself in between his legs. Propping himself up on his elbows, he scoots himself forward as you pull at his legs.
Once he’s at the edge of the bed, you reach up to pull off his boxers. His hips rise, letting you pull them down, and his cock spring free. You flush as it stands proudly in front of you. Toshinori’s beet red, but his mouth is open, letting out little pants. You smirk at him before spitting in your hand and tentatively wrapping it around his dick.
He makes the softest, smallest noise, and it goes right to your aching cunt. Your thumb swipes over the leaking head of his cock, and his hips buck ever so slightly. You grin, leaning up to press a chaste kiss to the underside of his length. He groans, and you start to pump him with your hands, letting your head nuzzle against his thigh.
When he looks down at you, he swears, the sight alone could make him cum: your face flushed against his thigh, looking at him so sweetly, while you jack him off. And then something in your eyes shifts and you lick his cock, from the bottom to the head. He lets out a choked moan, and you do it again before you try to take as much of him as you can in your mouth.
His hips barely thrust up again, but you get the message. Your head bobs delicately around his cock, while your hand pumps around the base. Part of you wonders if he’ll fit inside you, but you’ll think about that later. Right now, saliva and precum fall from your mouth to coat his dick. Normally you would’ve been grossed out, but seeing the blissful look on Toshinori’s face distracted you from the lewdness of the situation.
“You feel so good, sweet girl,” he keens. His praise goes straight to your throbbing core, and you squeeze your thighs together in a lame attempt to relieve some of the pressure.
His hips continue to buck underneath you, and you're positive he’s going to cum soon based on the way his abdomen is tense. To your surprise, his hands pull you away from his dick. You lean into his touch, thighs still squeezing together.
“Did I do something wrong?” you ask while trying to catch your breath. He lets out a small laugh and shakes his head.
“No, it felt too good.” He pulls you back on the bed, pressing a searing kiss to your lips. He pulls away, letting his large thumb stroke over your lips. You open your lips ever so slightly, letting him push it in. When you suck around it, he groans and drops his forehead to rest against yours.
“It felt too good, and I don’t wanna cum yet,” he mumbles. Your tongue swirls against his thumb, and you hum. He shakes his head in disbelief before pulling his thumb out of your mouth and pushing you against the bed. He peppers your neck with kisses while warm hands trail up and down your body before landing on your breasts. He squeezes them before lightly pinching your nipples.
“I really like your hands,” you murmur, feeling stupid after saying it. But a warm laugh resounds through the room.
“Well, I really like touching you.” As if to emphasize his point, he pulls at your nipples harshly.
Squirming against his touch, you run your fingers through his hair. His mouth trails down your body, pressing wet kisses everywhere he can. He licks a stripe between the valley of your breasts, making you flush. He tentatively runs his tongue over a nipple, and you stifle a moan. As if sensing your hesitation, he nips at the hardening bud, while a calloused hand continues to pinch and pluck at your other nipple.
Your grip tightens in his hair, and you lightly tug and you arch against him. You murmur his name, and his eyes delight in your flushed state. He switches to suck and nip at your other nipple, letting his fingers pinch the other one. Once he’s satisfied with how flustered you look, he continues on his path. When he reaches the edge of your underwear, you bite your lip nervously.
He kisses your hip reassuringly before he slides the fabric down your legs. His large hands lightly push apart your thighs, and he lets out a groan at your wet, exposed pussy. Embarrassed, your hands leave his hair to hide your face.
“Please don’t be shy.” He kisses the inside of your thigh, his large thumb reassuringly rubbing the skin there. “I’m honored to be here. It’s a privilege I don’t take lightly.”
You peek out behind your hands, thoughts feeling slow and sticky at his words. His gaze is soft and full of affection as he watches you pry your hands away from your face. Something warm and heavy settles deep in the hollow of your chest. Oh. Fuck. You would deal with that later.
You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him. When you let your legs widen, he grins and kisses your thigh again. Tentatively, he runs a calloused finger up and down your slit.
“So wet,” he whispers, hit breath fanning against you. You squeeze your eyes shut as he continues his gentle exploration.
His finger doesn’t stop, but his face nuzzles into the soft flesh of your thigh. “Please open your eyes. I want you to watch.” Your face heats up at his words, but you comply, forcing your eyes to open. A sharp grin graces his face, and he slides his finger up to your clit. You bite your lip in an effort to contain your moan, and he shakes his head again.
“I wanna hear those pretty sounds you make,” he murmurs into your skin. His finger traces delicate patterns on your clit, and a choked moan claws its way out of your throat. He hums in satisfaction, and your hands weave into his hair again.
His fingers trail down away from your clit to tease your dripping hole, and you groan. He presses in his finger slowly, marveling at the way your mouth falls open. He slowly pumps his finger into you, letting his thumb occasionally brush over your clit.
You gently buck your hips into his hand, small sighs leaving your mouth. It’s not nearly enough, but it ignites the need for more.
“Faster,” you moan. He smirks but compiles, pumping his finger faster, letting it curl inside you. You thrust your hips in time, trying to increase the delicious friction.
“Toshinori, more. Please.” You tug lightly at his hair, and he presses another kiss into your thigh. A second, thick finger joins the first, and you groan. His thumb lands on your clit with certainty now, and his fingers pump into you, opening you up. You grind into his hand, a terrifying ledge now in view.
“Do you think you can handle another one?” His question makes your pussy tighten around his fingers, and he grins as you nod in overeagerness. “Use your words,” he says. But your mind is slow like honey, so you just mumble the word ‘please’ until he slips a third, large finger in.
You groan at how full you are with just his fingers. They’re heavy and red hot inside you. His eyes flicker between your blissed-out face and your sopping pussy. His fingers hit just the right spot inside you, and your eyes widen in shock. He hits it again, and again, and again, and then you are catapulted over the edge that was apparently much closer than you thought.
You writhe against his hand, thighs shaking and trying to squeeze together. You tug harshly at his hair, but he doesn't stop. No, he doesn't stop until the white-hot coil is ready to snap again. You try to buck away from him, your cunt feeling oversensitive, but he is relentless. His thumb digs harshly into your clit, and you see white spots in your vision.
Your entire body tenses as you cum again. Your eyes screw shut, as your hips writhe violently, a loud moan leaving your throat against your will. You repeat his name like a chant, unable to say anything else. This would’ve been embarrassing except you felt so good you didn’t care.
He crawls up next to you, propping himself up on an arm. There’s an adoring look on his face as you try to catch your breath. A sense of exhaustion falls over you, but you frown when you realize he hasn’t cum yet.
One of his hands reaches out to caress the side of your face, and you lean into it. When you realize this was the hand that was just inside you, you flush before turning your head to suck at his fingers. He groans, watching as you suck away.
“Are you good to keep going? If you’re tired we can stop,” he mumbles, eyes entranced by your mouth. You release his fingers with a pop before kissing his palm.
“I want to keep going.” He grins at your words before sitting up. Your body is covered in a thin sheen of sweat already, but you mimic his action. His cock looks painfully erect, the head an angry red. He was big. You knew that when you had him in your mouth. Even after stretching you out with his fingers, you knew it would be tight. You reach out to stroke his cock tentatively, and he groans.
“It may be…” you start.
“It may be what?”
“It may be easier if I’m on top, at least for now. You’re really big.” Blush sweeps over his cheeks and dips down across his collar bones. You grin as his brow creases in thought.
“Maybe we shouldn’t-” his concerns are cut off by you rising to your knees and swinging a leg over, letting your pussy rest right against the tip of his dick. You lean forward to press a kiss to his red cheek, and you hold his face between your hands.
“Make no mistake, Toshinori. I want you inside me.” A deeper red blooms on his skin at your words, but his eyes are blown out, and he nods, letting his hands fall to your waist. Your hands leave his face to clutch at your shoulders, and you tentatively drop down.
The stretch of his cock makes your mouth open stupidly. Slowly, you rise up again and sink further down. Toshinori moans loudly, the vibrations traveling through you. He buries his face into your neck as you continue to spear yourself on his cock.
When he’s fully sheathed inside you, you still. He peppers kisses against your neck, your jaw, your face. You feel so blissfully full you almost don’t notice them. He’s everywhere, surrounding you on all sides, inside and out. He’s trembling, you can feel his muscles quaking underneath your fingers. Ever so slowly, you rise on your knees, keening at the way his cockhead drags against you. When you fall back down, his moan sets your blood on fire.
The pace you set isn’t terribly fast, but it feels good. Toshinori’s hands grip your waist tightly, and he looks at you in pure awe. You bounce on his dick, taking in every sound and expression he makes. He gently thrusts up to meet you, making you whine. Having him inside you was almost too much. The air is warm and thick, and so is your blood. Your movements start to feel clumsy, and you try to keep it up as long as you can, but your thighs are starting to burn, and your pace falters.
You tug at his hair and whine. His hands run up the sides of your body before reluctantly forcing you to still.
“Do you think you’re okay with me on top?” You nod at his question, too full and fucked to answer with words. Toshinori gently twists, letting your body hit the bed. Caging you in with his arms, he tentatively rocks into you.
You clench around him and whine. He litters your face with kisses again as he thrusts into you, increasing the pace once you settle. Your arms hang lazily around his neck, and you lift your hips to try and meet his thrusts. You’re so full, so content.
Toshinori shifts to let an arm slide in between you two. Two fingers gently tease your tired clit. He continues thrusting into you as the teasing becomes aggressive, his fingers rolling the sensitive nub.
“Toshinori, I’m close,” you whine. He nods, increasing his pace, trying to push you off the ledge again. When he pinches your poor clit, you tighten around him. Your body locks up, and you scream.
When you cum, you pull him down into you, trying to merge your souls. Everything’s golden and warm. He’s trembling against you as you writhe, and he barely pulls out in time to paint your stomach with his thick cum. Your pussy clenches around air, and it’s only then that you realize your quirk is making you literally glow.
You breathe deeply, trying to regain control, and your head falls against the pillow. Toshinori falls next to you, and he strokes your cheek adoringly. You’re overcome with a tsunami of different emotions. A warmth pricks at the back of your eyes, and to your horror, you can’t stop the tears that force their way out. A large thumb sweeps out to softly brush away the salty drops.
“Oh god, don’t tell me I’m so bad I made you cry.” You let out a laugh and shake your head.
“I just came so hard I almost blacked out. I just…” you wince uncomfortably, but nonetheless continue. “This is so stupid.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, but force yourself to keep talking. “I just don’t want you to break my heart,” you manage to choke out. You take a breath, wanting to say more, but the words stick in your throat.
He kisses along your jaw before pausing, indicating for you to continue. Once you do, he slowly leaves sleepy wet kisses along your neck.
“Well, I mean I barely know you, really, but I want you to have the world instead of having to carry its weight. I don’t know why you’re carrying that type of weight. I truly don’t.“ He freezes against you, pulling away from your neck.
“And I get that me being an absolute moron and talking about it after we just fucked isn’t gonna change that. Especially now that I’m crying like an idiot. I get it, but fuck, I want to be there for you. I mean it when I say I’d give you the world if I could. Fuck, I’d carry it so you could have a moment of peace.”
When you glance at him, he’s looking at you so softly, so tenderly, that your heart swells. He kisses you sweetly, trying to convey a thousand emotions with a single gesture. When he pulls away, you run your fingers through his thick hair.
He shifts to kiss your collarbones, before moving lower. He peppers your body with small, affectionate kisses, stopping when he reaches your stomach. His fingers swipe at his sticky cum before he looks up at you.
“I don’t deserve you,” he murmurs. You flush before tangling your hands with one of his. He continues his exploration of your body, avoiding his cum, but leaving sweet kisses against your skin. When his face ends up between your legs, your stomach flips. You squeeze your thighs together, embarrassed at having him so close to your abused pussy.
“Open up sweet girl. Don’t be shy. I was just down here.” His voice rumbles against you, and your face heats up, but your body reacts to his words.
“Hmmm. Positively soaked.” He squeezes your hand in affection while you take shaky breaths. He trails a finger down your oversensitive slit, and you squirm, trying to either escape or get closer. You can’t tell the difference at this point.
When his finger brushes against your achy clit, your entire body tenses. His finger gently teases your clit, and you rock your hips against him, your overworked cunt already tense. He lowers his mouth against you, letting his tongue replace his finger, and you writhe. He gently unlaces your fingers, guiding your hand to tangle in his hair. Your fingers tense on his scalp, as he moves to grip your waist, holding you down.
His tongue flicks against your bundle of nerves, making you buck against his face. The warmth of his mouth almost burns you. It’s too much, but it feels so good.
“Toshi,” you moan. A laugh rumbles through his chest, the vibrations going straight to your clit. He slides a large finger into your exhausted cunt and you writhe. A calloused pad lightly curls up into a soft spongy spot deep in you, and your thighs quake, a white-hot wave of pleasure flows through you. He works you through your orgasm, tongue never letting up on your clit. When your orgasm passes he doesn’t stop.
In fact, his ministrations intensify as he slips in a second finger to join the first. You tug his hair away from you, trying to pry his torturous mouth away from you.
“Toshi, I can’t. It’s too much,” you whine. He chuckles again before pressing a kiss to your trembling thigh.
“One more. Let me give you one more,” he murmurs into your skin. Your grip on his hair loosens and he leans back in to kiss your clit. His lips form a seal around your clit, and he lightly sucks. His clever fingers pump into you, unrelenting. Your hips buck, and you whine loudly. You’re so close again. When his teeth lightly nip at your poor, abused clit, it’s over. The white-hot feeling in the pit of your stomach explodes. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, and you writhe uncontrollably against Toshinori’s face. He laps dutifully at your pussy, despite your pawing at his face.
When he finally lets your hips go, you're shaking. You weakly tug at him, urging him to crawl back up to you. He relents, and you kiss him deeply, flushing at tasting yourself on his lips. When he pushes himself out of your bed, you lean up, a questioning look in your eyes.
“Bathroom?” he asks.
“Through that door.” You gesture with your head before flopping back down against the bed. When he returns, he’s got a damp cloth and a glass of water. He hands you the cup, which you graciously chug. Your heart flutters lightly as he kneels to wipe your exhausted pussy and clean his cum off you. You breathe deeply, trying to catch your breath. The bed dips next to you as he curls around you.
Your head nestles into his chest, and you play with his hair gently. You twirl one of the long strands that frame his face around your finger, the other palm pressed gently against his chest.
“Hey,” you whisper. He smiles at you kindly.
“Hi,” he whispers back. You bite your lip, overcome with affection.
“Toshinori?” you gently ask. He hums in response, eyes shut as he enjoys your soft touches. You think of the warm, heavy feeling that’s deep in your chest. “I really like you.” One of his eyes opens and blinks at you.
“I really like you too,” he murmurs before pulling you close to him. In his warm embrace, you let your eyes shut, and sleep overtakes your exhausted body.
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