#i will say im enjoying dragon's rising a little more on the second watch
laziarteest · 10 months
Will I ever not be distracted by the flashback to young Lloyd in Dragons Rising where the voice is technically wrong U-U
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wwaddless · 3 months
Whose your favorite turtles and why?
omg hi!!! sooo like you have asked me a very detailed question, dear anon. get ready for like an essay haha
im going to go in backwards order of release in terms of the different iterations and then do like an overall :3 (not including comics i haven't read those :(( )
started with mutant mayhem/tales of the tmnt:
honestly don't have a real favorite for this one, they're all sooooo silly and i adored the teenage vibe they got. considering they just kinda let the actors go at it, lines-wise, they feel so authentic teenager (i would also know, considering i was mid-high school when it came out last year). however! if i did have to pick a favorite for this version it would probably be donnie. i LOVE the glasses design and how he seems to be more computer smart then building things smart. a lot of donnies tend to be incredibly advanced for their age (which i do love and enjoy, donnie is soso silly <3) so it was cool seeing a donnie that probably just does programming and who knows how to set up TVs and stuff. like realistically he also put all the electronics in the lair, since that is a classic donnie move, but i find joy in the idea that he's just a fucking nerd that makes video games for fun.
this might change when the series comes out. honestly i can find something i love about each of them cause i really think they were all so well written!
rise of the tmnt:
okay so rise was my introduction to the series and has a very special place in my heart. the people who actually got me into the series told me that donnie would be my favorite character and guess what! they were right lmao. however, leo is an incredibly close second. i think the donnie & leo dynamic of rise is overall my favorite dynamic across the entire franchise!
anyways donnie! i think my favorite trait of his is how blunt he is. in middle school i was also super blunt, so that's just a fun little trait i relate to. (especially since donnie is 14 in the series). i also think he tends to have the best plot lines in episodes. having his own villains that aren't really shared with his brothers (the purple dragons) is so cool and just shows off how smart and strong donnie is as a character, something that's kind of downplayed when all 4 of them are together. also father donnie owns my heart <3<3 (which is in reference to his plot lines with shelldon)
also his design slaps. i LOVE making him a softshell so he has to create his own battle-shell. i personally like the idea that protecting his shell, or trying to make his shell more like his brothers, is what got him into engineering (does it count as engineering?). the goggles are stunning, the tech-bo is GENUIS!!!!!!
tdlr: love rise donnie. he is my boy <3
"WOAH!" i hear you say. nobody likes the bayverse movies! they look weird and the plots aren't good!
WRONG! i say to that! i much enjoyed the bayverse movies. i loved the designs. y'all can pry the bayverse movies from my cold dead hands.
anyways, i actually don't have that much to say, it's been a minute since i watched the movies haha. donnie and raph though live in my head rent free (starting to notice a pattern...). raph is probably actually my favorite, i really enjoyed the balance between family loving and angsty teenager that they did. he's the "nobody can hurt my family BUT ME" and honestly? i love that for raph. good for you buddy <3
i think 2012 is my third favorite iteration overall. i'm not sure what's second (probably 03) but rise is solid first and 2012 is solid third.
my favorite turtle is 112% leo. not just for the transfem headcanon, though that might be a factor haha. i just think leo was written really well. he's balancing being the leader, being the best, and also just wanting to be a kid and i think they did good for the time. like, y'all remember when leo was going to sacrifice himself in season ONE (1). shit is crazy!! he just wants everyone to be happy and safe, and if that means taking things into his own hands he WILL, and it was a great way to show how leo was meant to be the leader of the team.
on the opposite side of that, he's also super nerdy. he loves his silly space show, leo creates the live mazes & mutants game and makes everyone dress up! like yeah, he's an amazing leader and holding too much for his age, but he's also just a silly guy.
anyways yeah, leo is amazing in 2012. i love him soso much <3.
TMNT 2007:
eyyyy that one movie that has one of the best depictions of the raph and leo dynamic ever.
surprisingly, my favorite is neither raph nor leo. it's actually mikey!! yippee mikey appearance. i know he doesn't get a whole bunch of screentime in the movie, but he was amazing in every part he was. mikey being a "costumed" character for birthday parties? still being a wicked ass skateboarder? DRIVING? he's so cool!!! and like despite everything he still tries to be positive and uplifting, which is such a core mikey-trait. idk, i just love him <3
cowabunga carl 4ever frfr
ahhh, the one i'm currently in the middle of watching (i haven't touched it in like two months but i've been busy alright lol)
i think my favorite turtle kind of changes between seasons, which makes sense because 03 i feel like focuses on one character for an over-arching plotline for a bit and then moves to a different character for a different arc.
overall, though, my favorite is probably raph. he's just so loving and caring in the version. like even though he picks on his brothers or argues with them it's still really easy to tell that he loves his brothers a lot and would do anything for them. also, he rides a motorbike which is rad as fuck. also also, donnie twin <3. also also also, raph is just like really funny in this version? i think raph and mikey make me laugh the most, and one of those characters is unexpected (raph).
the 1990s movies:
gonna be so honest, i don't remember these movies well enough to say which one is my favorite. it's probably mikey or leo though.
(i've only watched like 5 episodes of 1987 so i don't have an opinion on that one)
no one is going to be surprised by this, but overall, my favorite turtle is donnie. there's just a lot of different ways you can go with his character and support/smart characters have just kind of always been my favorite when it comes to TV shows.
if i was to rank them it would be:
Donnie, Leo, Raph, Mikey
which hurts my soul a little bit because mikey does NOT deserve to be at the bottom of the list :(( mikey just tends to be the hardest for me to connect with and therefore he goes to the bottom. mikey i'm so sorry, please forgive me </3
anyways! i hope this isn't too long for you anon and i hoped you enjoyed my tangent. i love these turtles and have so many, but so few, thoughts.
have a donnie to go :3
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ichorai · 4 years
cellmates ; one ; j.wy
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pairing ; jung wooyoung x reader
summary ; stuck in jail after stealing a necklace off the princess, what happens when your new cellmate with an impossible escape plan comes along?
words ; 3.1k
warnings / includes ; medieval au, blood and grime and death and everything in between rip, wooyoung being handsome despite being in a filthy cell djkdfj, wooyoung being a smartass, reader being petrified half the time lol, future suggestive / mature content, cellmates to (future) lovers !!
a/n ; i’ve been meaning to write a medieval au for the longest time bcs im an absolute sucker for them and i finally got around to writing part one !!! pls be patient for part two !! i hope yall enjoy :3 
cellmates masterlist.
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The jail cell was cold. You shivered violently, breath misting in front of you as you blew out a tired sigh. They had stripped you of all your clothes except a thin beige tank top (that had actually once been white), and ripped tights. Dried blood matted your hair to your forehead, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care at the moment. It was too damn cold.
You found yourself wishing that you hadn’t stolen that necklace off of the innocent little princess. The silver glinting against her pale collarbones were just too enticing, the angry grumble of your stomach far too loud. That much silver would’ve cost a fortune; you wouldn’t have had to worry about food for years. Unfortunately, the guard caught you before you had time to make your escape, by effectively knocking a heavy baton over your head. 
And the result of your desperate endeavor? A small, icy jail cell in the farthest and darkest corner of the dungeons. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen the sun.
A life sentence for attempting to ‘harm’ the princess. Oh please, all you really wanted was to go to bed without your belly twisting painfully in hunger. At least they weren’t barbaric enough to hang you for that.
The thought had tremors running up your spine. Or perhaps it was the cold.
A dim amber light appeared from the corner of your eyes, echoing footsteps gradually getting louder with each thump. Was it dinner time already? You hadn’t even eaten yesterday’s yet.
The same guard you’d seen just about a thousand times by now appeared in front of the frigid metal bars, melting candle in hand. Grizzly beard blanketing his chin and jaw, faint scar mark running over his left cheekbone, and slanted eyes the color of the princess’ silver necklace. A daily reminder of your worst mistake, it would seem. 
He muttered something unintelligible before shoving a tray through the narrow slot, wintry water sloshing about in the small wooden cup with the same chunk of stale bread on the side that always tasted like metal.
How delicious. The cold had numbed you to the point where hunger was the least of your problems. 
You remembered when you had first gotten here, croaking out a wispy ‘thank you’ to the guard whenever he had given you your food, hoping that he’d take sympathy and give you a bit more, or maybe even get you a blanket. You were foolish back then, you thought solemnly, curling up tighter and burying your face in between your knees. 
Perhaps one of the worst things possible about being in jail was that you had absolutely nothing to do. Sometimes you would try to exercise to keep your blood running through your body and make sure your muscles hadn’t frozen over, but exhaustion constantly hung above you like a stormy cloud. More oftenly, you would make up fantastical stories including dragons and elves and faeries. But after hundreds (or maybe it was just around twenty, but who was counting?) of different stories, your creativity would run short and you would find yourself pausing mid-story, trailing off into a disappointing end of ‘and they lived till they died’.
Turns out you weren’t going to be bored alone, at least. 
You had been in a fitful slumber when you heard the footsteps approach. That was strange, usually there’d only be the one guard to deliver your measly dinner.
Curious eyes grew wide when you took sight of two guards holding up an unconscious man, the toes of his worn leather boots dragging against the damp stones of the dungeon ground. 
What you wouldn’t give for a nice pair of leather boots. Your toes twitched in your worn socks at the thought.
They began stripping him of his clothes, much like they had done to you in the beginning, grunts of exertion leaving them in misty huffs. They left shortly after, grumbling about being ‘fuckin’ cold’. As if they had any right to complain.
In the dim light of the candles, you could barely make out what the new prisoner looked like. He was slumped up against one of the icy stone walls, dark hair tied into a short ponytail. A low groan escaped the man, foot twitching as he slowly aroused from unconsciousness. 
“Fuck,” His voice came out hoarse and raspy. He pushed against the floor to prop himself up at a better angle. More curses left his lips in a rapid flurry. You watched in timid fascination as he raised a pale hand to dab against his forehead, hissing when he pulled away with crimson staining his skin.
Looking upwards, he finally caught your curious gaze. 
The two of you stared at one another for a second before he huffed, reaching up to his head once more. This time, his fingers didn’t only pull away with blood, but with a thin hair pin that glinted against the candle’s small flame.
You hadn’t noticed that your mouth was hanging slightly open when he struggled to his feet, limbs shaking with effort and cold.
And he started picking the lock, stopping every minute or so to blow his breath onto his quickly numbing fingers.
After less than ten minutes, the frozen bars swung open with a rusty creak. 
At that point, you yourself had gotten up, eyes widening. You shuffled closer to your own locked bars. It was as if the man had forgotten you were there, flinching when he turned and saw you pressed up against your cell.
“Don’t leave me here,” You whispered, starting to feel the familiar feeling of desperation clawing at your throat.
For a second, he looked conflicted. A hard, determined film passed over his eyes and he tore his gaze away.
“Sorry,” Was all he said. 
And he left, just as quickly as he had come.
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Strings of foul curses left his mouth once he was dragged back. And this time, he was far bloodier than before. He barely looked like the same person.
You had to hold in a breath as they threw his limp body back into the cell, one of them spitting at his feet. Grimacing, you looked away and scowled.
Perhaps if he had let you out as well, the both of you would’ve been able to escape.
Ten minutes after the guards had left, the man across from you reached behind his back to pull something out. He didn’t have another hair pin, did he? Would he let you out this time?
Probably not, you thought bitterly.
The object he pulled out was small and round, a shiny red ball that seemed to glisten beneath the candlelight.
It made a resonating thud against the stone of the cell, echoing down the halls. 
And he did it again. And again. And three, four, ten times more.
“Please stop,” You found yourself saying, a headache brewing behind your temple. But your voice was too soft, drowned out by the incessant bouncing of his rubber ball.
Downing what was left in the damp wooden, you mustered the courage to croakily shriek, “Stop! Please, stop!” 
Startled by your sudden noise, he hadn’t been able to catch the ball’s last bounce, and crimson streaked past as it hit the wall behind him, ricocheting past the jail bars and out into the hallway. You watched silently as it rolled away, until it was far out of your sight.
“Bitch,” You heard him mutter under his breath.
You felt the hairs on the back of your neck rise as you sneered at him, “You’re a fool, you know. Thinking you could escape a place like this.”
“Oh, yeah?” His eyebrows raised while he shuffled closer, pressing his pale face against the cold bars. Now that he was out of the shadows, you managed to get a proper look of his face. He was all bone and skin, dark hair grown a little too long, hazel eyes glinting along with the dim flames. “At least I managed to get out of my cell. That’s probably more than you’ve ever done.”
If he was trying to pick a fight with you, it wouldn’t work.
“What’s the point, anyways? There’s only so much out there for people like us.”
“People like us… ?”
Your eyes darted to him, and you immediately averted your gaze. It’d been a long time since anyone had properly looked at you. Perhaps under all the blood and grime, he’d actually be quite handsome.
“Commoners, peasants. We grow up stupid, work until our fingers bleed, and then die from a disease because we don’t have the money for a healer.”
A low rumble that could pass as a laugh worked its way out of him, “You’re telling me you would rather stay locked up in here than back outside? You don’t want to feel the sun on your face, the taste of sweet fruits, the warmth of another human being?”
“Of course I do,” You retorted. “I’m just saying that it’s pointless.”
The man’s eyes narrowed, “How long have you been here?”
“Too long to keep track.”
At this point, you couldn’t really tell whether it was refreshing to talk to someone after so long, or just plain annoying. He stayed silent for a moment, before speaking up once more. 
“What got you here?”
You huffed. There was no harm in telling him, right?
“I ripped a priceless necklace off of the princess because I was hungry.”
It was as if his volume tripled when he yelped, “You’re Y/N L/N?!”
How he had that much energy after getting beaten up twice, was still a mystery to you.
“The one and only.” You wrapped your arms tighter around yourself. It seemed that you were quite famous in the outside world. 
“That’s amazing,” He breathed out, eyes wide as he leaned further into the bars. “My name’s Wooyoung. I’m your new cellmate.”
Your eyes flickered to his once more. If you were going to be stuck here with him, might as well get to know him a little better.
“I’m not your cellmate,” You deadpanned, despite Wooyoung’s disappointed pout. “You’d need to be in the same cell as me to be my cellmate.”
One of his shoulders lifted in a half-shrug.
“So why are you here?” Part of you was afraid of what he was going to say. He didn’t really seem to strike you as someone who’d do anything seriously terrible… right?
“I… I just threw one or two punches at the crown prince, is all. And maybe a kick to the groin. And gave him a couple broken ribs.” He laughed a little at that last part, as if the memory amused him. 
“You what?”
Scoffing, Wooyoung flicked his hair out of his eyes, “I think you heard me perfectly clear, sweetheart.”
A strange feeling blossomed in your stomach. You shuffled a bit closer to your own bars, until the light hit your face. 
“Was it worth it?”
Wooyoung paused at the unexpected question.
“Yeah, I would do it again. A million times over.” It was the first time he looked away, a distant glaze over his eyes. “He was touching a servant girl and she was begging him to stop. But he didn’t. So I intervened.”
A palpable silence laid over the two of you, thick and heavy.
“Good,” Was all you said. “I’m going to sleep.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s morning.”
You ignored him. Time didn’t matter anymore, not to you. Soon enough, he’d stop caring as well.
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Hours and days melted into weeks and months, along with the frost on the bars and the icicles hanging off the ceilings.
At least it wasn’t cold anymore. Everything was wet. 
“Okay… would you rather live knowing how you die or live forever?” Wooyoung asked in queer tone, laying down on the ground with his bare back pressed against the damp stone.
You bit into a chunk of stale bread, pausing to chew around the hard crust before swallowing, “No one wants to live forever.”
“Rich people do,” He murmured, flipping over onto his stomach to do some push-ups.
You averted your eyes. He was right; if you were rich, you would’ve probably chosen the latter option too.
“I’ll choose to live forever when I get out of this goddamn cell. But for now, we’re sticking with knowing how I die,” The raven-haired man huffed out through each strenuous push-up. He’s been getting weaker and weaker by the day, living off of nothing but crispy bread and metallic water and the occasional measly slice of dry apple.
“You’re not getting out,” You scoffed. “We’re not getting out. Why do you keep saying that we will?”
Wooyoung falls flat onto his stomach, blowing his hair away from his eyes in frustration, “And why do you keep saying that we won’t? Do you really think we’re going to die here?”
Throwing your hands up into the air, mouth full and bread crumbs rimming your lips, you nodded vehemently, “Yes! Look around us, Wooyoung. How on Earth would you plan on getting out? I’ve been trying for forever before you came around. I’m still here.”
“Yeah, but that was back when I wasn’t here. Now I am.”
“That’s absolutely great, genius. But guess what? We’re still stuck here!”
Wooyoung scowled at your salty remark. He crawled closer to the bars looking down the hallway to make sure no guards were near. 
Glancing back to you, he whisper-yelled, “I have a plan.” 
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“That’s a stupid plan,” You sneered, deadpanning.
The man across from you rolled his eyes, “It’s the only one we’ve got.”
“You do know they’ll find out eventually, right? We can’t just go back to our normal lives.”
“Then let’s run away.” His gaze bore into you as you felt yourself flush heavily. “You and me. We can sneak our way onto a fishing boat, sail off to someplace… not here.”
A shiver ran up your arms, gooseflesh prickling your skin, “Stop.” You mumbled. “Don’t get my hopes up.”
Wooyoung grasped the bars tightly, knuckles turning white, “Y/N, listen to me. We can do it. I swear, I’ll get you out of here.”
It was stupid, you knew it was. But you couldn’t help the small spark of hope flare in the middle of your chest, heart pumping just a tad quicker at his words. Hope was an intoxicating drug; you either get sucked into some sort of deluded fantasy, or live without the illusions of false happiness. 
However, The words left you before you even had a chance to hesitate. “You promise?”
“I swear on my next slice of dried apple.” He said, eyes twinkling with excitement behind the shaggy, overgrown hair. 
“Okay.” You breathed out, somewhat satisfied. The dull ache in your spine was ignored as you slumped against the stone wall, closing your eyes and imagining what outside was like. All you could recall about outside was how terrible it was. Of course, not as bad as being in here, but not much to look forward to.
Cracking an eye open, you glanced to Wooyoung, who had curled up into himself in the corner of his cell, slightly obscured by the shadows. 
Life outside seemed better when you imagined yourself with Wooyoung.
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“Remember the plan?”
Wooyoung snorted, rolling his eyes, “How many times have you asked me that now?”
You scowled, “Just making sure you won’t mess anything up. Can you really guarantee you’re strong enough to knock him out?” 
Biting down on his lip, he shrugged in a nonchalant manner, “I’ll try my best. And if that’s not enough, well… it was nice meeting you.”
The two of you waited in tense silence for a couple minutes, the expected thudding of boots coming down to give the two of you your meals for the day. The familiar grey eyes of the guard swept over the two of you, bending down your cell first to shove the tray through the narrow slot like he had hundreds of times before. 
Then, he turned to Wooyoung.
“What’s on the menu today, sir?” 
Stormy eyes narrowed, the guard’s nose wrinkled in distaste, “Th’ same shit you eat every day.” His gravelly voice rumbled, clearly not used to prisoners being able to talk, much less form coherent sentences. “It’s what criminals like you deserve.”
A gasp of mock-offense left Wooyoung in the most dramatic manner possible, “Why, if stopping a rapist from raping is worse than being a killer and killing, then I must be the worst criminal alive.”
“You better shut your mouth before I get half the mind to carve your tongue out for you.” The guard spat, nearing closer towards the bars menacingly, one hand on the hilt of his sword. He wasn’t below leaving a prisoner bleeding and tongueless. 
Wooyoung did nothing but raise an eyebrow, “Oh, come now! I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of kills. Especially when you swore an oath to protect a murderous king!”
Your eyes widened slightly; you had no idea he would go as far as to claim treason. 
The guard, however, cackled the ugliest laugh you’d ever heard. “You seem really not to like your tongue, boy. Only, for that comment, they’ll be taking your head along with it.”
It all happened so quickly, you wouldn’t even have the time to scream if you wanted to. 
Just as the guard leaned closer tauntingly, nose almost brushing against the rusty metal bars, Wooyoung grabbed the front of the guard’s steel collar, yanking him forward into the metal columns with all of his might.
A sickening crack echoed across the stone. 
It happened again, and again, and three more times after that. Wooyoung was panting, eyes wild.
“Is he dead?” You craned your neck to try to get a good look, but it was too dark to make out much of anything. 
“No. He’ll wake up with a nasty concussion in a couple hours, give or take.” 
“Where’d you learn how to do that?” You asked, heart pounding far too loudly in your ribcage. The faint sound of jingling almost had you bursting into tears of joy. He had the keys.
A small, non-committal hum emitted from Wooyoung’s cell. “You learn from dreaming about all the different ways you could’ve done that to the crown prince. And thankfully, I got the chance.” Suddenly, Wooyoung appeared in front of your cell, a ring of small keys hanging from his pointer finger, the widest grin spread across his face. “Told you I’d get you out, didn’t I?”
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Alrught so Modern soulmate AU bending is still a thing because I want it to be, sit down.
Soulmate AU: lock and key.
Everyone is born with either a lock or a key somewhere on them. The most common placements are the neck or the wrist. Some can be on their thigh, ankle, or even their waist.
Sokka has a key around both wrists
Suki has a key around her left wrist and a lock on her right
And Zuko has two locks on a single chain around his waist just above his hip bones.
Modern AU: looking for roommates.
Zuko put some 'looking for roommates' posters around town and gets a call from two people Sokka and Suki. He decides to meet up with them at his Uncle's tea shop (which I'm calling 'Dragon Insomniac' because I want it to be a 24hr teashop).
Now, onto the story:
"Zuko, you told them to meet up at 4 , its still 3" his Uncle said as he set down his nephew's cup of tea.
"I kno that Uncle, I just wanted to be ready for them" he fidgeted in his seat for a moment and readjusted the sleeves on his shirt out of habit.
"An extra hour of preparation before discussing roommates?" Iroh chuckled when Zuko nodded "alright, enjoy the tea, I'll show them to your table when they get here"
Zuko hummed a response as his Uncle walked off. Taking a drink of his tea he went over what he planned on saying to the duo when they managed to get to the shop.
Lost in thought he didnt even notice it had been a half an hour already, and only managed to resurface when he heard the little bell go off and two people walk in, a tall man with an undercut and his hair pulled back into a ponytail and a woman with shoulder length hair with the top half pulled back into a braid going down the back of her head. The man had a blue jacket on while the girl simply wore a green turtleneck sweater.
"Didn't expect us to come in at the same time, wonder which one he is" the man said while looking around
"Lets ask the man at the counter, I think he said his uncle owned the place" the woman pointed out
Ah, thats them. Interesting. Zuko let out a sigh and tried to swallow his sudden anxiety. He watched as his uncle directed the duo over to him and they both kind of stared at him for a second, turned to look st eachother and then back at him. Most people have that reaction due to his scar so he didnt find it unusual. He made a small wave and took a sip of his tea.
The two walked over and took their seats "Zuko?" The man asked as he sat down
"The one and only" he smirked a little "Suki and Sokka I presume?"
They nodded "yeah, so uhm, we actually know eachother from high-school" Suki motioned between her and Sokka
"Oh?" That was a little unexpected
"Yeah, I didnt know you meant this Suki when you told me her name, we haven't seen eachother in years!" Sokka chimed in
"Is the fact you two have a past together a deal breaker with being roommates?" Zuko rose his brow
"Oh not at all! It's a pleasant surprise to be honest" Suki chirped "we were two of the very few non-benders in the school"
"Oh? That's a relief to be honest. Last time I roomed with another bender they broke my gaming console" Zuko laughed
After they went over the agreements and signed some papers they all hopped into their cars and the duo followed Zuko to the apartment complex. Zuko gave them a mini tour and showed them his animals, that being a bearded dragon named Druk and two cats named Mushi and Lee
Before the end of the day Zuko handed them both keys to the apartment and sent them on their way to pack up, telling them he'd have their rooms ready by the next morning.
And he did, he had the rooms ready and organized with beds made (he totally went out and bought them both really nice bedsets in the colors they wore that day.) Laundry hampers, little bedside tables and a desk in both rooms, knowing through text conversations that Suki blogged and Sokka drew and carved.
Sokka was the first to arrive, having spent most of the night meticulously packing his items into boxes. "Wow, this is different than yesterday? Did you have this packed away?"
Zuko let out a snort "no, I went out and got the blankets and hampers after you two left, my Uncle had the rest of it in storage, I steamed the beds though so you don't have to worry about any dust or what have you."
Sokka raised a brow "you went all out huh?"
"Just being hospitable, I hope you like the bed set, I'll go start lunch, you down for burgers?"
"Hell yeah I'm down for burgers"
Zuko chuckled "alright, Ill get them started, when Suki gets here let me know."
Later on Suki arrived and she was just in time for lunch. Walking in and slipping off her shoes to set them on the small shoe rack Zuko set up, she sniffed the air "oooohhh whats that smell!"
"Zuko! Suki's here!" Sokka called
"Yeah! I could here that! Thank you though!" And with that said Zuko rounded the corner and made a little wave "Im making Burgers, do you want wheat buns, white buns or Brioche buns?"
"Brioche please, I like the apron" she giggled
He flushed "it was a gift from my uncle" the apron simply read 'look at these hot buns on the chef' and Zuko didnt want to get a new apron because he was afraid of hurting his Uncle's feelings
"He sure has a good sense of humor" she laughed
The rest of the day went smoothly and they all eventually went to bed around 11 that night. The next two weeks Zuko was busy working doubles at the teashop, Suki was busy working as a bouncer at Kyoshi Rise and Sokka was busy doing commissions and working at his dads flower shop, so it was kind of a blur.
The Saturday after the busy two weeks they all had off. Suki and Sokka were sleeping in while Zuko was taking the time to do some morning yoga, donning a pair of black yoga shorts and a red crop top as he did his stretches. The soul chain and locks hanging around his waist now visible to anyone who might see him. Though he was sure his roommates wouldn't be waking up any time soon.
Little did he know Sokka was leaned against the doorway to the kitchen watching his flexible roommate do yoga while sipping on a mug of coffee. "So thats where your soulmate thing is?"
"Ack!" Zuko lost his balance and collapsed on his mat "you twat! You could have waited until I was in a more stable stretch! Ow that really hurt" he rubbed his backside "and yeah, thats where my soul locks are"
"Locks? As in plural? I have two keys, Suki has a lock and key"
"Oh? Thats uh... interesting?"
"Whats interesting and what was that bang?" Suki yawned as she walked out of her bedroom
"Oh just the fact that we all happen to have two soulmates" Zuko said in a grumpy tone "and that bang was me falling because this jerk scared me while I was doing yo-"
"Woah, you're kinda hot" Suki blurted and turned red "sorry, ive just never seen you in a crop top. You're uh, well built" she cleared her throat awkwardly
Zuko froze and turned beet red "uh, thank you? I kick box and do yoga and that's about it" he then stood and stretched his arms above his head "anyways, do you guys want waffles for- agh! What are you doing?" He jumped back when Suki reached out to one of his locks
"Shush, one of your locks has a similar pattern my key I wanna try something" She brought her left wrist up to the lock "hey, what'd'y'know, it actually matches" she smiled but brought her hand back to her side "I guess I'm one of your soulmates huh?"
Zuko blinked at her and then looked to Sokka and then back to Suki "why didn't you unlock it then?"
She laughed "well if you have multiple soulmates you have to have both unlock at the same time, thats why me and Sokka lost touch after sch- Sokka come here real quick"
"Oh my gods" Zuko mumbled under his breath as Sokka came closer and brought his right hand up and smirked
"Would you look at that, weve been under the same rook for a total of two weeks and never noticed." The duo then looked at Zuko "would you be okay with us unlocking them?"
He nodded and watched them unlock his soul locks simultaneously and watched sokka unlock Suki's. His face was probably the same shade as his shirt when the chain sealed around his waist as a sort of tattoo instead of an actual chain.
"Well, this has been an interesting morning. But I have to restate my question, who wants waffles for breakfast?"
>should I continue this? I'm tempted, but im gonna end it here for now<
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leftenant-sinani · 4 years
Tales from Grudgewill - Love of Our Lord  Chapter 1
For some time now... i was thinking that maybe i should send my newest piece  here. “Love of Our Lord”. Its basically a story about Lord Valnin (Not Uy-Mal Dzerma but Trildyn, because its alternate universe) dealing with his most recent problems like diplomacy, plague or love. The universe ive created is called “Grudgewill”, a fantasy universe based on Elder Scrolls, WarCraft, Dragon Age and perhaps a little on Warhammer Fantasy. I will send details about it later, but for now.. heres this little FanFiction ive made. This is just first chapter, i have second ready and im working on the third one, its going to be a long way. And i want to thank @avengercommander and @witharsenicsauce for inspiring me to do this, for helping me with writing and also for being very good friends, i cannot thank them enough for either. Anyway, i hope you will like it. ;)
Note : Almost all of the Valnin's lovers are characters taken from other games, most importantly Mass Effect : Andromeda and XCOM 2 : War of The Chosen, you can Google them, so you will know how they at least look like, for the Trio of Masters, Google up XCOM 2 Chosen. As for the Valnin himself, just Google up a Dark Elf from Elder Scrolls series, if you want some picture in particular, he would look like this most probably : cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/494/335/large/shamine-king-portrait-practice-adana-02-da.jpg?1552379572, Art by Shamine King And i know this is a huge crossover thing, and in my official lore this will not be a thing, but hey, i started this story when i was drunk and i want to finish it, so i don't care anymore. smileyface  Also, please excuse the grammar mistakes, english is not my first language, but i am trying my best.
Chapter I : First Things First
Lord Valnin was in difficult situation right now. He had no idea what to do first. The two other rulers of Icestand required his help with the plague in their regions, half of his army was demoralized because of this undead menace that was coming from the South, and there was also this most difficult choice, he would have to make... to choose one of his loyal companions, who would share their life with him until the very end of all things, despite the sad fact most of them will not live as long as Valnin. The Lord dropped into his  chair, thinking about what to do, but all he wanted, was peace and quiet for at least a day or two. His blood red eyes focused on the rise of sun, its beams already touching Valnin's light blue skin. "Sometimes... I wish I didn't accept Watcher's offer. It surely would be easier than having to rule a kingdom" He said quietly to himself, so no one would hear him. As he continued to watch the dawn, his mind came with an idea after a minute. "First things first, I have to deal with this little love problem. After all, it's the closest problem I have here" He told himself quietly again. But then he frowned a little, as he was thinking about who to take. He couldn't think of who to choose. After all, he loved them all equally. He knew that having six lovers would be a bit crazy, but after all, no one was stopping him from doing so, unless one of them would disagree. "Hmm... It is an insane idea, Valnin, but you know you just cannot choose between them, you would then feel bad for the rest" He said with a bit of a louder tone this time. He then realized it, and stayed quiet for at least ten seconds, hoping that no one heard has him. Silence. He sighed a sigh of relief. He then felt odd, as he realized that he was pretty paranoid about all this. "Being a ruler will kill you one day, Trildyn" He told himself again in quiet tone.
It was a normal day in Third Kindgom of Icestand. Valnin's experts, soldiers and servants were doing their standard routines, and all the work he had was tons of paperwork again. It wasn't really easy for his mental health, since he had a lot of problems of his own, and yet, he still had to deal with things in his own kingdom, in kingdoms of his co-rulers  and also with things from other provinces and most of all, the Emerald Empire. It surely wasn't boring but more like irritating. Doing all the same things all over again despite the fact they should've been done already can be really mind-bothering. It took almost three quarters of the day to get all the formal things done. The Lord was sitting in his throne, his palm on his left cheek, enjoying the peace he finally got for the rest of the day. He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about what he should do now that everyday's work has been done. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice of his runner who just got here "Your lordship, i hate to interrupt you, but Lord Arput II and Lord Voltor-Kal requested your presence in three days in Second Kingdom's capital". Valnin's face then shaped into annoyed expression, he sighed "Very well, tell them i'll be there, my servant". The runner bowed, and was on his way again. The Lord shifted in his throne again as he wanted to continue to think, but he couldn't. Something was keeping him from it. He got up, straightening his long black hair and then he thought about that he could visit one of his companions. But who? That was the question...
Captain of the Royal Security, Jaal Ama Darav, was just preparing to get out of his armor and head to his quarters, when suddenly someone knocked on the door. "Stars, what is it now?" He said under his breath. He cleared his throat and said just loudly enough so the person behind the door could hear him "Come in". He then checked his desk if he didn't forget anything while he heard the door open "I sincerely hope this is important. I had a long day, and I want to-" He stopped in the mid of his talk when he looked at the person who just came in. It was Lord Valnin, kindly smiling, his red eyes barely recognizable in the dim lights. "Oh, my Lord, I apologize, I didn't know that it was you" Jaal said with concerned voice. The Lord continued to smile, then he calmly said "Don't be so worried, Jaal. I just wanted to check up on you, my dearest Captain". The Angaran man blushed slightly, making his pink-white cheeks a little bit blue even though it couldn't really be seen in the dark ambience of his large office. "So how was your day, Jaal?" The Lord asked. The Captain slightly hesitated to tell him his honest thoughts, but in the end, he knew that there was something between him and Valnin, at least he felt that way and also the fact that Angara are more open with their feelings than most races made him say it, starting with a sigh "I... had a difficult day, my Lord. The new recruits we've got from the Empire? It is very difficult to work with them. If I would call them uneducated roekaar, it would be an understatement". Valnin felt that Jaal was feeling frustrated, but he couldn't help himself but to ask "Excuse me, but... uneducated what?". Jaal looked at Valnin with his blue almost cat-like eyes "Roekaar. It means stubborn people in free translation". Valnin nodded his head in understanding. "Well, you know what they say, you cannot trust n'wahs, the outlanders" Valnin said. The Captain just slowly nodded in agreement "Indeed, m'lord". Then there was a moment of silence between them, as they couldn't find subject to talk about. The silence has been broken when Jaal asked his Lord "Lord Valnin... I know this might be an inappropriate question, but is there-" He stopped, as he started to hesitate again. He just couldn't straight ask his own Lord if he cares about him as his lover. Valnin raises a brow "Yes?". Jaal looked at him for a second, then nervously looked away as the words were stuck in his throat. The Lord slowly came to him, putting his bare blue hand on Jaal's wide shoulder and while he was looking into his eyes, he said "Jaal, if there is anything on your heart, just tell me. I know it is kind of difficult to talk like that in front of your own ruler, but in the end, we are all just living beings". His words sounded so powerful when he was so close, almost like it was some kind of curse. The Angaran's eyes met with Lord's, returning him the confidence he needed to say it. "I just feel like there is something between us, my Lord. You gave me a few hints in the past, but I didn't think much of it. And recently, you were giving me lots of those odd looks and hints, it almost felt you like me, but in a way of a lover". As Valnin was processing what Jaal said, he just smiled "Tell me then, do you feel something towards me, my loyal subject?". And again, the Captain didn't have a slightest idea of what to say. The eye contact was still going, though. Nervous glare meeting the calm one. Jaal's imagination was going wild of what could happen in next few moments if he would be completely honest with him, alas his Angaran nature wasn't making it easy for him, he couldn't hold it anymore. "My lord... you are the most interesting and also most odd being I have ever known" he said in nervous but still voice as Valnin was smiling at him with his one brow slightly up. "You are an inspiration for me. For your men. For your whole kingdom" He continued with less and less nervousness in his voice. "I also find your race very fascinating. The wonderful scent of your hair. Your smooth blue skin. Your intriguing eyes, they can be both intimidating and pleasant to look at. They are like glittering..." He stopped as he was thinking for few seconds. "...I believe humans call it rubies" He said with sincere smile which revealed his almost-white teeth. The Lord was pleasantly surprised by all those words, his face bright with expression of smile so large, that it almost looked like his mouth was going to rip. "Oh, dearest Jaal, you have no idea how much i am flattered right now. I have to admit, you are very good with words, Captain" Valnin said with that never-ceasing smile. Jaal blushed slightly again, and gave him a warm smile back "Not as good as you are when it comes to politics, your Lordship". They shared their smiles once again, but then Jaal kindly asked "So how is it really, my Lord? Do you feel the same towards me as i do towards you?". The Lord went for it, and kissed Jaal ever so softly on his right cheek which left the Angaran man just standing there wide-eyed. "There's your answer, my dearest Jaal" Valnin said quietly, but loudly enough so Jaal would hear him. The Captain could not find any words to react with. "Good night, Jaal" The Lord said, and before Jaal could wish him back, he was gone. "... Good night, taoshay" Jaal said to himself even though he wanted his Lord to hear it, but who knows, maybe he did, elves have very good ears after all.
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years
Hi my angel that I love tons 💟💜💟. I would like to request, in the same scenario or whatever form you will do, fluff no.4 and smut no.10 with Shinee Taemin. Omg, can't wait to read you ❤️ If you are not inspired, just forget about it. ❤️❤️❤️ Here you go, I request it twice! 😂💟💟💟
I have no idea where this piece of pure smut came from! But damn, I love me some dominant Taemin! Here you go my Little Dragon, hope you enjoy it
Just Desserts
Characters: Taemin (SHINee) x Reader
Warnings: Pure unadulterate smut basically PWP, fluffiness, soft Taemin is nice too
Wod Count: 4196 ( okay this was supposed to be a drabble, but…
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Lee Tae-Min. The name struck a frenzied chord in every fangirl’s heart. Just the mention of the name would set girls and even guys in a mass hysteria if they thought he was nearby. But, you couldn’t blame them, I mean really, have you ever seen that man? Tall and lithe, built yet slender, eyes that could hypnotize you with a mere glance. And that voice! Oh my, the voice of a siren, sensual and luring, taking you to the verge of your sweet demise without a care. 
And he was all yours. Every inch of him belonged to you and only you. 
Taemin hardly ever got a break from his hectic schedule of touring, shows, guest appearances. You knew that it came along with dating him, but sometimes, just sometimes you wished you had more time with him. He had already been gone for over two months and you were starting to go insane with missing him. The nights were getting very lonely when he wasn’t there to keep you warm. The housefelt emptywith just you to occupy it. 
By the middle of month three you had had enough and began figuring out a way to see him, even if it was just for a night. Sitting down at your dinner table you took pen to paper and started planning. It was going to take several of your mutual friends to pull it off, but in the end it would be worth it. Three and a half hours later, you had a very well thought out plan written A few phone calls and texts later, everything was set into motion.
“Taemin, sorry to call so late. Were you busy?” Kai asked over the phone. Of course he knew he wasn’t busy, it was well past ten at night. 
“No. What’s up? Everything okay?” nooone called him this late unless it was one of two things. A schedule change or a drunken friend telling him they missed him. But Kai sounded very sober. “Kai? What’s wrong?”
“Well, it’s just that Y/N was in a minor accident today. She didn��t want to call you and worry you, but they won’t release her from the hospital until the are assured that she will have someone with her twenty fours straight for two days. I called Jimin, Sungwoon, and even tried Hyuna, but everyone is either overseas or packed with schedules. I was able to go check on her, but I couldn’t stay.” Taemin’s heart began racing the more Kai spoke. His Y/N, the love of his life had been hurt and she was afraid to tell him. 
“Is she okay? Is it anything serious?” he asked, a tremble becoming evident in his voice. “They wouldn’t tell me much, except that she had a slight concussion. I told them you were busy and couldn’t be there until tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know. Do not tell her I called you.” Kai, felt bad for lying to his best friend, but he knew the struggles of maintaining a relationship when you were busy, and how much he missed seeing his girlfriend.
“I’ll be leaving here in a few. Just let me call and reschedule my guest spot for tomorrow.” Taemin thanked his friend then hung up. He immediately dialed his manager to express his remorse for having to cancel at the last minute.
“It’s okay Tae, you go take care of Y/N, she needs you right now. I’ll take care of everything on this end.” She hung up, a small grin crossing her face. She had already taken care of things yesterday when you had called her to help.Thankfully she was a good friend to you both and agreed to help you out. 
Taemin packed his bags quickly, not concerning himself with making sure everything was neat. Once he had all his things packed and ready to go, he was out the door and into a cab to the airport. He called Kai with his flight details, then called a few other friends to pick him up when he arrived. Jimin and Timoteo were to pick him up and take him to the house you two shared. Then he was planning on driving straight to the hospital to be with you. When he landed, he sighed deeply, he really did miss being home, but not under these circumstances. “Thanks for getting me. I’m sorry its so late and such short notice” he said to Timeteo. Jimin smiled and turned to face Taemin, “Hey, Y/N is like a sister to us. Anything we can do to help, you know you can count on us.” He patted Taemin’s shoulder in an effort to calm him down. “She’ll be okay. Tae. Don’t worry.” He simply nodded and laid his head back against the headrest.
They arrived in no time, Taemin thanking his friends before grabbing his luggage. They said goodbyes then left Taemin standing on his front porch, his key about to enter the lock. He was to tired to notice that it was already unlocked, or that the lights were still on. Instead, he hurried inside, only to be met by you. You were sitting on the couch, one of his dress shirts the only thing covering your body. You had a candlelit dinner on the table with a glass of wine chilling. 
“What in the hell is going on? I thought” his words trailed off as he watched you rise from your place on the couch.
“Im sorry Tae, baby. but you needed a break and I needed to see you.” You stood in your place, trying to gauge his expression. “I needed a break? Do you realize how worried I was? How all our friends were worried? I cancelled an appearance to rush home, and your sitting here like nothing happened?” His voice was a few octaves higher, and his face was turning a dark shade of red. You new he would be upset, bur you were prepared to tell him everything.
“Tae, everything was already handled. Even your guest spot was rescheduled yesterday. Everyone you talked to was in on this.” he froze in his place. “Everyone? Even my manager? Y/N, what were you thinking? I’m so angry with you right now, I can’t even see straight!” his fist were balling up tightly and you had to diffuse the situation before it got worse. Giving him your softest smile you slowly walked up to him, placing your hand against his flushed cheek.
“You’re a big teddy bear, don’t even try to act mean. You wouldn’t hurt a fly, and you won’t stay mad at me for long.” You leaned in, planting a teasing kiss to his lips. He knew you were right, and to be honest he was glad to be home with you since he was beginning to miss you terribly. His eyes fell to your hips then down to your legs that were covered barely by his dress shirt. He was mesmerized by the way your hips swayed, the hem of the shirt riding up just so to expose the bottom of your silk and lace panties. Suddenly he was very thirsty, and cleared his throat before speaking. “I can’t believe you were this conniving, just to get me home” he followed you into the dining room, pulling out your chair before taking his own seat. “You had all this ready in time for me to get here?” He eyed the food set before him. All of his favorites just for him. 
“Tae, babe. After dinner, I’m your dessert.” you cooed lightly from across the table.His head shot up, his chopsticks fell with a clank onto the plate, and he quickly swallowed his food in one vey loud gulp. 
“Wh-what did you say?” He was watching as you rose from your seat and went to the kitchen. You returned with a bowl full of strawberries and whipped cream. With a devilish grin, you repeat yourself. “I said I was the dessert tonight.” you set the bowl down and dipped your finger in the whipped cream. Without taking your eyes off of him, you brought your finger to your mouth, parting your lips just enough to slip your tongue out and lick the cream off. Then you placed your lips around your finger and sucked gently as you drew it back out. 
Taemin’s own tongue darted out to lick his lips as he watched every move you made, a low moan escaping his lungs as he felt himself growing harder by the second. This was pure torture, and he was loving every tiny minute of it. “Can I just skip dinner??” he asked, not so innocently. You simply shook your head and pointed to his plate. “You haven’t had a good home cooked meal in a while, so please eat. Besides, dessert will still be waiting when we’re finished.”
Reluctantly, Taemin returned to is meal. You shared small talk about what he had been doing while he was away, you hanging on every word with a smile on your lips. When your plates were cleared and the bottle of wine was empty, Taemin helped clear the table. A wicked grin spread across his face, his eyes turning dark with desire, “Time for dessert now?” he asked. You laughed softly, turning your eyes to the strawberries and cream on the table. “Are you still hungry?” Nodding, he made his way to the table and picked up the two bowls and motioned for you to follow him. He led you to your shared bedroom, climbed onto the bed, and set the two bowls down in front of him. You joined, sitting across from him, and took a juicy red strawberry from the bowl. Dipping it slowly into the cream, you brought it to your lips and bit down into it. Red juice ran down your lips and onto your chin. Taemin leaned over the bowl, wiping the juice away with his finger and brought it to his mouth. Licking the juice off, he then leaned in closer, using his tongue to lick the remaining juice from the corner of your mouth. 
Your lips tasted sweet and inviting. He trailed his tongue along the crease of your parted lips, kissing them tenderly as his eyes focused on yours. Swallowing hard, you returned the kiss with more fervor. His plump soft lips melded with yours, the kiss deepening quickly. You had to remind yourself that you wanted to tease him, breaking away from him slowly. “We need to finish these first.” you stated, your voice already husky with need and want. He looked down at the bowl, his eyebrow arching as an idea hit him. Using two fingers, he scooped up some cream up, then placed them to your neck, trailing a white line down the side of your neck. “Oops, I think I need to get that off of you.” Hismouth was on your neck before you had to to react. His lips were hot, his mouth warm as he licked the trail of cream down your neck. A shiver ran down your spine as he sucked the last bit off of your sensitive skin. A low moan escaped you, driving Taemin on. Leaning back, he moved the berries to the nightstand, leaving only the cream between your bodies. You watched as he repeated his actions of scooping up some cream and marking you with it. First he placed some on your lips, kissing it away, before placing more to your jawline. You instinctively tilted your head, granting him access to lick it off. All while doing this, he was getting more cream and running his fingers over various parts of your face and chest. 
“You taste delicious, Y/N.”  he muttered against your flesh, kissing and licking the cool cream from the swell of your breasts. “Mmhmm” was your only reply. It must have been the way you hummed in response that made something spark within him, because you were immediately being pushed backwards until you were lying on the bed. As soon as you were down, Taemin began drawing white lines down your arms, neck and chest. “Don’t you dare move, princess. I’ve got to get you cleaned up first, before you get this all over the sheets.” his voice had dropped an octave, becoming deeper and darker. He moved the remaining bowl aside, then brought himself closer to you. Leaning over your body, he started with your neck, his tongue and lips never leaving your skin as he lapped and sucked every last drop of cream off. 
“If you don’t mind, I believe this shirt is getting in the way.” He began unbuttoning his shirt, taking his sweet time to tease you. Once it was fully undone, he pushed both side apart, exposing your breasts to his gaze. “So beautiful.” he whispered as he dipped his head to take a hardened nipple in his mouth. Your back arched off the mattress as your hands fisted into the sheets beneath you. Taking your other breast in his hand, he pinched your other nipple between two fingers, causing you to moan even louder. Suddenly you were bereft on any contact. You lifted your head slightly to see where he had gone. When you saw him, the usually sweet Taemin was replaced by a needy darker version. His eyes were hooded with hunger, his face displayed a devilish smirk. He had the bowl of cream in one hand, his long fingers dipping deep within the white softness. You laid your head back as his fingers ran down between your breasts and towards your stomach. He stopped when he reached the waist of your white panties. Instantly his mouth was on you, following the trail he had left. You could feel the exciting mixture of heat and coolness as he moved down your body, leaving now trace of white in his wake. 
“I could eat you alive right now, you taste so damn delectable”  he growled low in his chest. 
You have never seen this side of him before. You always had amzing sex, but he was always gentle and tender with you. THis side of him, this hungry dark side of Taemin, excites you. Not knowing what he was going to do made your body shudder with anticipation. You jumped in surprise when you felt teeth nipping at your already buzzing skin. It was just painful enough to still feel amazing as he left bite marks across your lower stomach, just about your still clothed sex. Your fingers found their way to his head, fisting locks of black hair between your fingers.Your breathing was becoming more rapid, which seemed to turn Taemin on even more. The bites became a bit harder, his mouth soothing the tender spots each time. Once more, you felt a sudden rush of cold air on your bar skin, you exhaled slowly, not expecting what was to come next. You felt his hands take the fabric of your panties in his fingers, then was in shock as the fabric was torn in half. “I want to taste how sweet you are, princess. Now don’t you dare move unless I tell you to, understand?” he spoke low and deep, and all you could do was nod in response. “That’s my good girl. So willing to please me.” his voice carried a hint of laughter as he removed the remnants of your panties down your legs. Placing his hands on either of your legs, he spread them apart, leaving you bared to him. His eyes stared at your body, laid out like a meal before him. IT was almost overwhelming to him, how much he loved you. He would never be able to put into words what you did to him. But he was damned determined to show you tonight. 
“Now, remember, you’re my dessert tonight. I’m going to savor every last bit and you’re never going to forget this evening. So, princess, get ready to have your body devoured.” Your breath hitched, anticipation shooting through every fiber of your being. 
Taking the last bit of cream, Taemin drew a heart over your sex, placing a large drop onto your clit. With his hands holding your legs apart, his head dipped between them, tracing the shape with his tongue. At last, there was the last little bit, and he latched his lips around your clit, sucking the cream off. You squirmed under him, you body a writhing mess as he continued to suckle and lick and that little bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck, Tae!” you breathed out, his hands holding your legs tighter as he delved his tongue inside you, his fingers circling your clitat the same time. He hummed against your folds, sending another wave of shivers throughout you. You inhaled sharply as he slid a finger inside you, hooking it until he found that one spot. You could feel yourself already nearing an orgasm, but you held it at bay, not wanting to miss anything he had planned for you. A second finger dipped inside you, then he scissored them to stretch your walls as he quicken the pace that he was pumping his fingers in and out of you. 
“Is my girl getting close? Oh no, babygirl, you aren’t aloud to cum yet. I’m nowhere near done with my dessert.” he ran a long stripe up between your no glistening folds, finding your swollen clit and pulling it between his teeth. 
You could feel the knot tightening in your gut, ready to snap any second. You begged him to let you cum but he continued to refuse you your release. “Shit! Tae, please! I-I can’t hold back anymore!” you screamed out, all the while your entire body was aching for more. He lifted his head to look at you through his bangs. He licked his lips that were coated with a tasty mixture of cream and your juices. He groaned at the sensation between his own legs. He was achingly hard and he pressed his hips into the mattress searching for some friction. He wanted, no he needed, to be inside you. Needed to feel your wall stretch around him as he entered you only to feel them tighten back around his full length. 
You were a panting mess as he granted to a moment to catch your breath. “I’m going to fuck you now. I’m not going to hold back, and I’m not going to stop until you are begging and screaming my name.” His words lit a fire deep within you, a fire that craved everything he could offer to do to you. Resting on his knees, he lifted your body up until you were in a sitting position. He tore the shirt off your arms and threw it to the side. You were now fully naked for his eyes yet you felt no embarrassment or shame. His eyes met yours, and you were lost in his gaze. They were dark and almost sinister, hungry and burning straight into your soul. Lifting you up, he lined the head of his cock with your slick opening and lowered you onto him. YOu felt yourself stretching ten closing around him as he filled you with a hard thrust. Gripping your waist, he held you steady as he pumped into you hard and fast. TOy arms wrapped around his neck, holding yourself close to his heated chest, the heat searing into you. He fell forward, bringing you back to the bed, then lifted one of your legs to his waist. THis angle allowed him to drive deeper inside you, filling you completely. 
His eyes never left you, watching you as you inched closer to your building orgasm. YOu head fell back and your body arched, forcing your hips down to meet his thrusts. Deep guttural growls filled the room, mixing with your heavy breaths. He teeth sunk into you shoulder as he muffled a moan. It was deliciously painful, and you craved more. You drove your nails into his arms, desperate to pull him down to you. Something flashed in his eyes before he crashed his lips to yours in a forceful kiss. His hips rocked into you, hard and fast, the pace never relenting. 
“So fucking good for me!” He growled before biting your shoulder again. You couldn’t help the small scream that came out as you held him to you. This dark, dominant Taemin was in control, and he wasn’t going to grant you a moment of respice. Lifting himself to his knees, he grabbed you legs and pulled you to him. Lifting your ass off the bed, he dug his strong fingers into your flesh, hard enough you knew there would be bruises in the morning. Yoru breasts bounced as you were rocked back and forth. Your hands searched for something, anything, to ground yourself. The force of him fucking into you, pushed you forward, causing your arms to give out and your upper body to lay into the mattress. Fingers did one again into your hips, holding you still as he relentlessly pounded into you. 
Suddenly, without warning, you were left without contact. A cold wave of air washed over you. Your eyes flew open in wonder searching for him. He was smilin down at you with the wicked grin again, reaching for your waist then easily flipping you over onto your stomach. There was a sting as his hand smacked your ass, hard. The sensation was instantly replaced with a soothing rub before another sting can again. You screamed into the sheets, tears starting to form behind your lids at the sweet torture he was giving you. 
“On all fours, now!” he barked out the order. You quickly obliged, you arms and legs shaking as they held you up. Without any warning, he was thrusting into you again. 
He leaned over your back, one of his hands grabbing your hand. He led it between your legs, guiding your fingers to you swollen clit. He made you rub small circles, massaging your already overstimulated bundle. He whispered into your ear, “Don’t stop until I tell you to, or else you’ll be in trouble.”
You obeyed his command as he rose back up. He splayed one hand on your back to push you down more, while the other hand grabbed your hair, wrapping it around his fingers before giving it a firm tug. Your head lifted up as the other hand encircled your throat. 
“You ready to cum for me? Fuck, I want to watch you come undone for me.” You didn’t think he could fuck into you any harder or faster than he already was, but tonight was full of surprises. 
You could feel your thighs beginning to quiver, reaching the point where they would no longer be able to keep you up. The rhythm of his thrusts began to fault, his fingers closing around your throat with a bit of pressure. 
“I’m close, Tae! Please let me cum!” You begged. With one more forceful thrust, you were coming unhinged. Wave after wave rushed thought your body as you came around his cock.  White hot heat flooded you as you screamed his name, your voice echoing off the walls. 
He stilled his movements and you could feel his release as he came inside you. His cock twitching as his cum filled you. He fell forward, the weight of his body forcing you to fall fully onto the bed. His sweat coated body pressed against you as his hot breath fanned over your neck. You both laid there, panting, as the remnants of orgasms washed over you both. Tae rolled over, bringing your body to his as he snuggled into your back.
“Damn, babe. I- I don’t know what came over me. I hope I didn’t hurt you.” he searched your body for any remaining marks he may have left.
“I told you I was dessert, but I didn’t know you were that hungry” you laughed as your turn to face him. The dominant Taemin was gone from his eyes, and it its place was the kind loving Tae. He searched your expression for any signs of discomfort, sighing when he found none. He placed a tender kiss to your lips, relishing in the way you responded. 
“I love you, Y/N. I hope you know I would never do anything to hurt you.” 
“ I know Tae, and you didn’t. Actually, I kind of like that side of you. It dangerous yet exciting. I’m surprised I haven’t see it until now.” Yor swiped a damp strand of hair from his forehead, relaxing your body into his embrace. 
“I never knew that side of me existed.” he said innocently. As you both came down from your highs, you felt your lids becoming heavy and sleep was tugging at your exhausted and sated body. 
“Sleep now princess. I love you.” he whispered as you began drifting off. 
“I love you too, Taeminie.” were the last words you said before falling asleep, secure in his arms. His heartbeat lulling you with a rhythmic beat.
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rask-the-rogue · 7 years
Writing idea: Young Rask meets current Rask and they have a chat.
((Ok first of all thank you so much for the prompt.  This is amazing and I don’t know where it came from but I’m really grateful, as this was fun to write and different from my usual fare.  Not sure if this is totally canon or not– but then, I sorta figure that’s the point. I hope you enjoy!))
If I’m going to be honest, chronomancy has never made an ounce of sense to me, and it probably never will.  I avoid it wherever possible, but you know how dragons are.  They get some idea into their skulls and there’s no convincing them otherwise.  Chromie is no different, and any dragon that chooses a gnome as their mortal form is even less to be trusted, and even more stubborn.
There’s certainly a long story to how we ended up smack in the middle of Old Town thirty years in the past, but I couldn’t tell it to you even if I wanted to waste the time, because I have literally no idea.  According to Chromie, it was my fault, but I gently reminded her that she was the time-traveling, ageless mystical creature, not me, and that also this whole rigmarole was her idea, not mine.
Okay, maybe our discussion wasn’t so much ‘gentle’ as loud, and wasn’t so much a ‘discussion’ as it was an argument.  In the middle of my protest, I realized that I could feel eyes on us, and quickly remembered that as fun as time-traveling was, the area around us was still very much real and potentially dangerous.
As if by some instinct, I looked first toward the crates piled in the small inlet of Cut-Throat Alley, and my eyes landed on a pair that were just as brown and just as surprised as my own.  The little face flitted away from the crevice in half a second, but I knew what I’d seen– and almost without conscious permission, I was moving toward the crates, Chromie briefly distracted with her magical hourglass device.
The thing about these crates is that they’re an easily defensible hiding spot, but not very easily escaped from.  I’m still small enough to wedge my torso into the crevice between two of them, and my fingers close around the little wrist before the small dagger clenched in it can slice me, hauling the boy out into the open as he howls in protest.  Something inside me is protesting, too– it all feels too strange, like I’m acting in a play whose lines have been half forgotten.
“Oi– quit yer squrimin’,” I tell the child, who’s no more than ten for certain, skinny as a rail and so dirt-stained his brown skin is a shade darker than my own.  “I ain’t lookin’ ta hurt ya– relax, relax!”  He swings a leg for my crotch, and when I dodge that he sinks his teeth into the bracer of the arm that has a hold of him.  He looks up at me in surprise when I laugh– not a mean laugh, mind, but a genuine laugh of surprise.
We’ve caught Chromie’s attention by now, and by the sound of her voice I’m sure she’s giving me the stink eye.  “Hey!  No interfering with the locals!  Do you want to be stuck in this timeline forever?  I don’t think so!”
“Ah, fuck off,” I mumble.
“Fuck off!” The child in my grasp says, at the same moment.  I laugh again– and he sinks his teeth into the inner part of my elbow, which definitely hurts.
“Look,” I tell him through gritted teeth, modulating my voice so it’s not as sharp as the pain, “You stop bitin’, I’ll give you a gold. How ‘bout that?”“Rask,” Chromie warns from behind me.  Both me and the boy look at her.  She puffs out a sigh, blowing a lock of hair that’d fallen in her face.  “Oh, perfect.  Of course.  Look– you’re messing around with dangerous stuff, you know.”
“He’s a nine year old kid, Chromie,” I retort dryly.
The kid kicks my shin.  “I’m TEN!”
“He’s a ten year old kid,” I amend, with a wince, re-positioning my hold on the runt.  “Jus’ wanna have a brief conversation, how’s that?”
Chromie squints at me.  I squint back.   She snorts, figuring out that I’ve already figured it out, turning back to her device.  “You’ve got two minutes.  No spoilers!”
I turn my attention back to the kid, placing him on the ground and putting a firm hand on his shoulder.  “Relax.  Look,” I reach behind his ear, pulling it back with a gold piece in my fingers. He blinks at me, then snatches it away as quickly as he can.  His dagger’s still out in his hand, but at least he’s not swinging it at my face.  I keep my eye on it all the same.
“Cheap trick,” He drawls, jutting out his chin as he shoves the coin deep into a pocket of his grimy clothes.
“Aye,” I return with a grin, “It is.  Yer name’s Rask, ain’t it?”  His eyes narrow with suspicion; he doesn’t answer, but he doesn’t need to.  “Look, Rask,” I tell myself, “I’m here ta give ya a bit of a break, alright?  Only got a minute, but ‘s a minute where ain’t no one’s gonna hurt ya.”“Ya grabbed me,” He retorts, sidling back a step.  I let him, seating myself against the dilapidated stoop of the shop at the mouth of the alley– the one that only half-heartedly tries to pretend it’s not selling drugs and poison both.
“Sure did.  I knew talkin’ you outta there would’a taken damn near an hour.”  He gives me an odd look– I don’t blame him– but the pocketknife, too, is slid away into his trouser pocket.
“Fine,” he tells me, gesturing to show he’s defenseless, now.  I smile, knowing he’s not, really.  “Is that gnome yer boss?”
I glance at Chromie; she’s dutifully ignoring us.  “Fer now, I s’ppose.” I drop my voice conspiratorially, smirking at the lad.  “She’s bein’ a right pain in my ass, draggin’ me all over tha place, but I gotta say ‘m glad she’s dragged us ‘ere.”
Rask arches his eyebrow at me (I know he’s quite proud of his ability to do that), glancing around the dirty walls and cobbled streets.  “Why th’ feck’re ya glad ta be in this shithole?”
“‘Cause it means I get ta talk ta you, ‘a course.”  I prod him gently in the chest, and don’t reprimand him for his language.
His eyes are still vaguely suspicious, but he can’t hide the swell of curiosity my words invoke.  “Me?  Why?”
“Well– ‘cause yer a real important lad ta me, y’know.  An’ I reckon you’ll be real important ta people when ya get a bit older.”  Chromie makes a frustrated groaning noise; I ignore it.  “So long ‘s you stay fightin’ tha good fight.”
He’s still eying me narrowly, but he’s drifted a step closer.  “Yeah?  Is that what you did?” His gaze drops to eye the leather pauldron on my shoulder, and leather breastplate, a hand reaching out to touch the unobtrusive, but finely done, tooling around the edge.
I don’t make any move to dislodge his touch, of course.  “Sure is.  Not an easy thing ta do, but…” I eye him over again, from his matted hair to his bare, dirty feet, “It’s worth it, in tha end.”
An odd whirring, humming sound starts up from where Chromie’s standing.  “Time’s up!” She chirps, suddenly in a much more chipper mood.  She tends to be like that.  “Come on– I’m going to have to do a little work to smooth out the wrinkles you’ve caused, Raskolnikov.”
Rask looks up at me, confusion on his face at the name.  The last thing I want to do is stand up and leave him there, alone, in the grimy alley; he needs a bath, and a warm meal, and someone to keep him safe and out of danger.  That last one, especially, he needs so badly it makes my teeth hurt.  But I rise all the same, and don’t let any of that show on my face as I give him a cheerful wink.  “It’ll be alright,” I tell myself.  “Stay gold, eh?”  I can’t help flipping him another gold coin, which he catches in numb fingers, staring at me in surprise and confusion.
I drag my gaze to Chromie, who’s watching us with pursed lips.  “…Let ‘im keep tha money, aye?”  I say, quietly, as I draw up next to her.  She sighs, but I know her heart tends to be softer than the other dragons.  She chose a gnome, after all.
“Fine,” She relents, twisting a few dials on her contraption that I don’t pretend to understand.  Gold light surrounds the two of us; I look back to Rask, his little brown form warped and wavering thanks to the golden magic.  “Now let’s get going.  And no more interfering– you keep your tricksy hands off my Chronomancer.”
“No promises,” I retort as the boy’s figure flicks and disappears to the golden whirl, folded under the sands of time and lost to me in everything but memory.
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kellerybird · 8 years
Tagged by @wearethenewknights Sorry I took so long to do this I’m just garbage ahah
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi : Coke all the fuckin way get that Pepsi shit outta my facE
2. Disney or Dreamworks : Mmmm both have their strengths. I love dreamworks’s attention to detail but Disney has some killer songs yanno
3. Coffee or Tea : generally if given the option I’ll have tea rather than coffee, when I drink coffee it needs lots of cream and sugar and idk it’s just a pain I can drink tea without any sweeteners
4. Books or Movies : I suppose movies since I can do other things while watching them. I don’t have much time for reading now with my job and art.
5. Windows or Mac : *windows start up noise*
6. DC or Marvel : Meeeegh i guess Marvel? Their movies are better than DC’s imo, I don’t really care for either’s comics (oddly enough given I make my own comics)
7. Xbox or Playstation : i think GTA V is on the Xbox so I’m gonna say Xbox. I’m not much of a gamer so I don’t really have a preference (nintendoooooooo)
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect : Dragon Effect: Mass Age (again not a gamer tho I feel I’d like dragon age more? It just seems more up my alley than mass effect from what I’ve seen on tumbrle)
9. Night Owl or Early Rise : I’ve never been a morning person I’ve always stayed up late and slept late as far back as I can remember. I tend to be more productive at night anyway
10. Cards or Chess : dear gods this is gonna make me sound so old and weird but I actually like dominoes?? I’d always play dominoes when my grandparents came over. My mom and I did play solitaire a lot together tho 

11. Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate!!! Unless we’re talking about vanilla bean ice cream, that’s a different story entirely
12. Vans or Converse : I like converse tbh. I had vans as a kid and they were ok, I just feel converse can be worn with more clothing options??
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar : What The frick frack, tic tac, nick knack, paddy whack, snick snack, back pack, crick crack, flick flack, click clack are these
14. Fluff or Angst : Fluff
15. Beach or Forest : mmmm I think right now my preference is the beach, I kinda live in a forestry area and it’s not a great one lemme tell you
16. Dogs or Cats : cats!! I’ve never been a huge dog person
17. Clear Skies or Rain : Clear skies!! Or even cloudy, I love clouds. I’m so sick of rain we had rain for like a month and a half
18. Cooking or Eating Out : ironically I like eating out at places where you can cook your own food
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food : I’m starting to like/actually be able to eat spicy food and ohmygoodness my white ass has been missing out on fantastic food
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas : Halloween!! The one holiday I actually enjoy that I don’t think is ridiculous like Valentine’s Day (when it’s probably one of the more ridiculous holidays out there)
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot : Cold because warming up is easier than cooling off after a certain point.
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? : Flight 

23. Animation or Live Action: animation
24. Paragon or Renegade : *x-files theme music*
25. Baths or Showers : showers. The last time I took a bath I had a panic attack
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man : Neither really. I don’t particularly care for either one
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi : fantasy!!!
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they : “constant sunshine makes a desert” “nevertheless, she persisted” “you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink”
29. YouTube or Netflix : Netflix because it doesn’t have ads lmao
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson : Given I’ve only had time to read two Percy Jackson books I have to go with Harry Potter by default here
31. When You Feel Accomplished : when I go to sleep not feeling like a piece of decomposing garbage
32. Star Wars or Star Trek : mmmm i dont really have a strong opinion on either one right now
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books : hardback, Im always worried I’ll ruin paperback covers by accidentally tearing them off
34. Handwriting or Typing : typing because my handwriting sucks if I don’t concentrate on making it legible
35. Velvet or Satin : satin I guess? Velvet has always felt weird to me idk it’s a weird texture imo
36. Video Games or Movies : movies, you generally don’t die if you stop paying attention for five seconds
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon ? Be a dragon, then I could just sit in my room and hoard webcomics and cute fictional boys and no one can question me without getting eaten
38. Sunrise or sunset : I like sunsets if there are clouds out, it makes the sky more interesting and colorful I think
39. What’s your favourite song ? Right now it’s the ending song from the Little Witch Academia tv series
40. Horror Movies yes or no : ABSOLUTELY THR FUCK NOT
41. Long hair or short hair : I tend to keep my hair short lately, but I tend to like longer hair on others
42. Opera or Theatre : Theatre, I’ve never been to/had any real exposure to opera outside other media
43. Violin or piano? : for listening to I like both, for playing I’d like to learn the piano
New question! 44. What’s one thing you know you’d eat the entire package of if someone left it alone with you? For me it’s definitely baklava~
As always my optional tag victims are @kirschteins-delivery-service @moe-moe-wesson @destinationfarstar @cissf and @erupan
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