#i will rewrite this in the future but honestly it won't be until scarvi dlc is out
jellyappl3 · 2 years
"Home" - Pokemon
Characters: Geeta, Original Character (Karyo)
Summary: Karyo comes home for summer vacation, ready to relax. Unfortunately for them, Geeta also happens to be home at the moment.
Words: 647
AO3 (Fic below cut)
A/N: Trying to figure out the dyanmic between one of my ScarVi OCs & Geeta, so here this is. Also hcing there's other sports at the academy and no one can stop me. Takes place at the end of the school year before the games.
When Karyo entered the door, they weren't expecting to see the Top Champion; however, luckily for Karyo, Geeta appeared to be asleep on the couch, hands placed neatly in her lap and laptop beside her.
The two rarely ran into each other at home—Geeta busy with League business and Karyo, school—but Karyo didn’t mind the quietness. It beat Geeta’s inquisitive nature when she was around. If they were lucky, they could sneak through the living room without waking up Geeta, and finally, relax for a bit.
Karyo didn’t make it two steps in before Geeta woke up.
“I heard you won’t be playing baseball next year.”
And thus began the Top Champion’s questioning much to Karyo’s dismay.
“Mmm, not as interested anymore,” Karyo replied, shrugging. An obvious lie; they loved the sport to death, but the pressure was just too much, killing the joy they felt when playing. Geeta wouldn’t understand if they told the truth. “How do you even know?”
“As chairwoman of the school board and your legal guardian, it would eventually reach my ears,” Geeta said, standing up and slowly walking toward Karyo. “You’re talented though, Karyo. It would be a shame to see your potential go to waste.”
Yep, definitely wouldn’t understand. To Karyo, it felt as if Geeta placed great importance on talent, and for that, she was no different than others in Karyo’s life. Well, maybe it was slightly different because she wanted everyone to shine, but either way, Karyo wasn’t a fan of it.
“I trust you will keep up your studies though, yes?”
“Yeah, I will,” Karyo said with a nod and turned to leave towards the kitchen. Arceus be damned, they were going to try and end the conversation as soon as possible.
Please don’t follow me. Please don’t follow me, Karyo thought to themself. As they grabbed a plate and a knife from the cupboards, they, unfortunately, heard Geeta’s footsteps behind them.
“Speaking of school, how was the new staff?” Geeta asked. “Spare no details.”
“Are you really using me to evaluate the teachers?” Karyo let out a sigh as they grabbed an apple off the counter and began cutting it. “Can you even afford to fire any of them?”
It was a fair point even if Karyo knew they wouldn't get an answer. The entire staff had been replaced fairly recently; no one seemed to know why, and those that did were tight-lipped about it.
“Hearing straight from a student is a valuable insight. Your weekly overview of the classes is a better reflection than occasional evaluations by myself or Director Clavell.”
It frustrated Karyo that she was right, but they still weren’t going to give a detailed report; this wasn’t their job after all. Not to mention, the school year was over for now, and Karyo wanted to just forget about it for a bit.
Karyo shrugged. “Having them for a full year now, I guess they’re not bad.”
Geeta raised an eyebrow. “I see. And what class did you feel was the most challenging?”
“Nope, not answering anymore.” Karyo turned to place the knife in the sink.
“Will you indulge me a little? I wish to make sure,” Geeta paused briefly, deciding to choose her words carefully, “…certain events do not transpire again.”
“And I don’t wanna think about school anymore for these few months.” Karyo picked up their plate and began walking towards their room. “If that’s all, I’m gonna go stare at the ceiling now.”
Geeta let out a sigh. There was no point in trying to press Karyo further when they actually stated their mind. “What do you want for dinner since I’m home?”
Karyo pondered it briefly before speaking, “Sushi. Okay bye now.”
As Karyo headed to their room, they hoped this would be the last interaction of the day until dinner, and thankfully this time, it was.
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