#i will also pretend i haven't been sitting in my drafts the past 4 hrs
daewonbh · 10 months
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what's good gamers!? i'm eight and i'm tardy to the party because i have an insane sleep schedule lately. i have links below that will give you a bit more to work with, and under the cut i'll introduce you to my stressed out son, im daewon. give the like button a lil love tap for me and i'll raid your ims so that we can plot.
dossier / memoir / appendix / plots
*˖ ⠀key points.
his mother was an opera singer, renowned for her talent and beauty. daewon idolizes his mother quite a bit. there were whispers that she was killed because she was a noble's mistress, yet his mentality is 'don't care it was the man's fault mom did nothing wrong' ( he has no clue what went on but there will be no im hyejin slander ).
he does not know shit about his father. he could be dead in a ditch, daewon would have no idea. he blames all of his bad traits on him.
for the first six years and some odd months of his life, he was raised by his mother in the beonhwa outskirts. his mother tragically passed in a house fire, leaving him to stay with the neighbor who rescued him until his eventual adoption by the house of magnolia at age 7.
magnolia's third in line ; he has no drive to rise any further in the ranks.
he's been busting his ass for his house since he was young to both rise up to the third spot, and now to maintain his position. he has a weird sense of obligation to the house for doing the bare minimum.
*˖ ⠀personality.
so very smart, but so very dumb. he's just a silly goofy lad.
tries his absolute best to be someone that's kind and approachable. though sometimes when he opens his mouth he's too critical or insensitive that he accidentally comes off as an asshole. (good intentions, terrible execution)
goes through periods of being very high energy and very low energy.. he's never in the middle.
he deals with a lot of conflicting feelings regarding his adoption — he's grateful for his basic needs being met but the amount of expectations that come along with being a child of one of the three houses weighs him down. he misses the freedom of just being daewon, the opera singer's son and not being im daewon, magnolia's third in line.
big on masking, both his mental health and feelings. his public persona is that of someone fairly easy-going, on the chattier side, could be perceived as fun but in a calm way, someone focused heavily on his pursuit for knowledge / those who see who he really is in private are used to dealing with both sides of him. one of being a bit quieter, not feeling like he has to engage as much as he does in public. they're used to him being more impulsive, freely making jokes and letting his feelings slip more often than not.
*˖ ⠀possible connections.
(for older muses) people that knew his mother ; he would love to hear stories about her.
(again, implied for older muses) someone that recognizes him for the stressed out child he is and has that underlying urge to baby him, bonus points if they too, are just a stressed out child.
(second muse inspo :eyes:) a grimy con man trying to claim he's daewon's biological father, so that he can have an in with one of the three houses. bonus points if they're not traditionally handsome so daewon can pull the 'no offense.. but my mom had standards' card.
(second muse inspo) siblings, siblings, siblings. right now daewon's the only magnolia affiliated muse and i crave violence both friendly and cunning sibling plots.
someone that sees daewon sneaking out on a regular and is wondering why he's always vaulting over the fence of the magnolia residence like he's some anime protag late for school.
moon tavern regulars!! he's there occasionally when he wishes to unwind. the lively atmosphere makes him feel right at home.
fellow animal lovers, daewon is a stray feeder, overly attached to animals that aren't his. he would listen to someone talk about their pet for hours — he's also this post for sure.
when daewon was younger, he was saved by one of his neighbors from a house fire. this same neighbor let him stay with their family until he was adopted by the house of magnolia. so any family to this neighbor, or for an older muse, the neighbor themselves.
someone that points out to daewon that he shouldn't feel so obligated that he was given basic necessities, maybe they have a darker view of how house of magnolia takes in these children and how exploitative it can be.
i have more on my actual plots page, these were just some additional ones my brain could come up with. if you've read through all of this, you're legally obligated to love me ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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