#i wasn't joking for the della hair part
ria030lama Β· 4 years
Hi! Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers (nonnegotiable) SPREAD POSITIVITY! πŸ’ŒπŸ˜˜
Oh no that's a tough one πŸ˜… but I guess I can find 5 things I like about myself (I hope personality counts)
Okay so!
I like my eyes. They are big and honey brown color and I have natural big lashes so that's good
My sense of humor. People say I'm pretty dang funny and I can agree with them lmao
I would have said my hair but right now they are so badly cut (quarantine + a bad hairdresser) because I did bangs and I didn't go to a hair salon but we called a friend that's a "hairdresser" and did me bangs. And also ruin the rest of my hair. but other than their today state I would say my hair bcs they are naturally curled in the bottom and light brown. When they're long they are pretty nice! (Also! Rn my hair are almost exactly like Della's! They are in her length, I have bangs that sometimes (like every end of the day) they go to one side and bcs they are short they do a small curl like hers do.)
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm stuck ._. what else? Does my fashion sense work? Not that I'm always looking for what the fashion pros said but I can dress myself pretty good and in my own style. I'm art hoe, soft girl and e girl and I dress pretty good at all these styles
Oh my god I have nothing else πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ can I do four? Wait lemme think, lemme think πŸ€” my art skillsssss???? I don't know if it counts (I've said that quite a lot) but it's not on me but it's inside me aka my brain and it's also my passion sooooo yee! My art skills. It's not only what I post in here and I don't think I post quality stuff that actually represent my skills but with 2021 that came around I've gotten better! Luke idk way better than before! And I'm happy :D
K THAT'S ALL πŸ˜‚ thank God it's over I stopped having a stock of "I like this about me" after the second one πŸ˜‚ but for real now having stuff you like about yourself is important to remind yourself when you're blue that you have a lot of good things on you and inside you! And if you don't still then that's okay, you will find 5 things in the way! Like look at me I wanted to give up after I wrote the second one but I found 3 more in the way! You can do this too
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fly-pow-bye Β· 4 years
DuckTales 2017 - "New Gods on the Block!"
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Megan Gonzalez, Christian Magalhaes, Ben Siemon, Bob Snow
Written by: Megan Gonzalez
Storyboard by: Sam King, Kathryn Marusik, Stephan Park
Directed by: Jason Zurek
Does this episode have the right stuff?
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Scrooge and company have reached the Helmet of Hengis Khan, which is currently being guarded by a bunch of giant silkworms! Just take my word for it. However, Scrooge is ready, and knows that his nephews and honorary niece are up to the task to take on those mere worms. He's got Huey, the planner, Dewey and Webby are good as the distraction, and Louie is just good at doing something greedy like snatching the helmet while the silkworms are distracted. They lock hands together, a universal showing that they are an inseparable team, and Dewey does one of his classic one-liners to start this amazing fight scene.
In fact, the fight scene was so amazing, it just couldn't be animated.
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Instead, we suddenly cut to the kids walking through the door of the Manor, where we learn that the fight scene would have amazing for the silkworms rather than the Ducks, as they have apparently failed. Outside of a few lines suggesting that Huey's inability to predict the unpredictable was a major factor in it, they don't go much further than the mission was a failure. They didn't seem to get any battle damage from them at the very least. I'm obviously not expecting blood, but I would think their hair would be a little messed up.
While Della couldn't predict that this mission would be a failure, as she had confetti cannons and a giant banner ready for what she assumed would be their triumphant return, she does tells her kids exactly what happens when Scrooge fails, something she should know from participating in countless adventures with him. First comes the wallowing, then the anger, then he just shakes it off and comes up with a new plan. Webby decides to add to that; each failure is just a reason for the team to grow. Scrooge tells Webby that is a great idea: he should grow the team by getting better, more experienced people to join it!
In other words, after trusting Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby ever since they proved themselves in the first episode, this one failed mission that didn't even get a scratch on their clothing gives Scrooge a reason to abandon them for a different team. On one hand, a team of non-children would be better for Scrooge's PR, but on the other hand, this just feels like an overreaction to make this plot work. Della seems to agree; she tells the kids that they would be able to handle whatever is going to barge through that door. No, she did not put it that way, but she may as well have.
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In comes Zeus, Selene, and Storkules, a trio of gods from the Greek pantheon. The moon goddess Selene and the demi-god Storkules have successful taken the now former god of lightning/king of the gods Zeus's godly wreath, and now he's merely just a powerless jerk rather than a jerk that can smite people. As Selene says, he hasn't done anything good since locking up the Titans, a reference to the original myths, so it was coming to him.
Why are they here? Because they now need a god who can take his place in the Olympus pantheon, and they each have their own idea that happens to currently be in the Mansion. Storkules thinks it should be Donald, Selene thinks it should be Della, and Zeus thinks it should be himself. I can't help but think Storkules and Selene are not even trying to hide who their true loves are among the mortals. Nobody tell Penny.
As the children mope about how the gods surely wouldn't choose them if even Scrooge couldn't, Della decides to reject it and say her kids and kids' friend deserve it instead. What Della would do if she had the powers of Olympus will forever remain a mystery. Selene is convinced because, while they're children, they're still less immature than her father, who still threatens to smite people with lightning despite not having any powers anymore. I still like this slightly more accurate to the original myths version of Zeus.
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As the children mope about how the gods surely wouldn't choose them if even Scrooge couldn't, Della decides to reject it and say her kids and kids' friend deserve it instead. What Della would do if she had the powers of Olympus will forever remain a mystery. Selene is convinced because, while they're children, they're still less immature than her father, who still threatens to smite people with lightning despite not having any powers anymore. I still like this slightly more accurate to the original myths version of Zeus.
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Storkules wasn't there to see this plan change, as his candidate for godhood was still in the houseboat preparing his houseboat. After Donald takes out the garbage, Storkules bursts through the door and gives his friend of friends the biggest hug, and is impressed that he even prepared a celebratory feast as if he knew what Storkules was about to offer him.
Much like Della, what Donald would do if she had the powers of Olympus will forever remain a mystery, because he's got bigger plans on this day. That celebratory feast was actually him preparing for a big date with the only person who can stand his singing.
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Don't worry, Storkules takes his friend of friends going on a date with someone else very well. Maybe a bit too well, and it's not just to Donald's chagrin, as he decides to do a labor worthy of being among the twelve he did that one time: make the perfect wedding feast! Anyone who knows this character will know where this is going.
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It's also pretty predictable where the other half of the episode is going, even if I did think at least one of them would have done better than the others. Selene decides to give Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby each a chance to prove their worth on being in the pantheon. They each decide on an ability similar to the ones in the myths, they get a little test run at a random location, and, if they fail, Selene can just clap or snap her fingers and everything reverts back to normal. Even if she didn't reveal the last one, it would be just too good this early on if we had any victors here.
Louie wants to be the God of Fortune, so he gets the Louie Touch, which he instantly trademarks despite being a clear knockoff of a certain king's. This is most likely because he never really heard of the tales of King Midas's golden touch, as he ends up turning the entire park he was put in into gold. This includes a dog. Not a dog-person, a dog much like in real life.
Huey wants to be the God of Intuition, so he gets the power of prophecy, similar to Cassandra minus the "nobody believing him" problem. In fact, he has the opposite problem; Huey doesn't seem to catch the hint that telling the misfortunes that are going to happen to people aren't going to make people happy. It doesn't help that his powers are causing his brain to expand.
Webby wants to be the Goddess of Friendship Sunshine Get-A-Long Time, so she ends up being able to control the weather. Oddly enough, controlling the weather was one of Zeus's specialties in the original myths, so this should give her the biggest chance out of all of them since this is supposed to be "who is going to replace Zeus." Unfortunately, just giving the boardwalk a sunny day and getting Glomgold off of a kiddie ride he had been hogging doesn't cause everyone to hug, so she ends up striking everything with lightning in the end. With Webby becoming mad with power in the span of a minute, I don't wonder how Zeus ended up the way he did.
Dewey apparently wants to be the God of Dance, and tries to woo the judge with a dance. Even if he didn't manage to torment a random location to the point where it would have to be reversed by a moon goddess's snap, the lack of any god powers disqualifies him as well. I know it can barely be seen in that screenshot, but that reaction from Selene makes this whole scene even funnier.
It's not like these abilities aren't fitting, but it's such a foregone conclusion that they were going to fail these tests spectacularly that it just felt predictable.
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While these trials are happening, Zeus decides to call up one of his more notorious brothers: Hades, god of the underworld. Despite only showing up as an unknown number, which would make sense even if Zeus was calling from a cell phone of his own rather than Scrooge's house phone, he picks up to hear the voice of the guy that trapped him in a world surrounded by bones. He's not too happy about his situation, needless to say.
Following in the footsteps of not following the Disney version of the Greek pantheon besides Hercules being treated as a 100% god, Hades is more like a goth who doesn't really care about anything. He doesn't go with Zeus's idea of causing an undead rebellion, reminding Zeus that he's too busy keeping the Titans locked up, which gives Zeus a different idea. Hades won't be involved with this idea, as, other than revealing that one of the few things that delights him now is Zeus being powerless, he decides not to do anything else. Despite this, it's neat to see this amount of world-building with the pantheon, and it makes me wonder if we'll see him again.
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Being failures at being Scrooge's teammates and Greek gods, we get another mope scene. Scrooge actually calls this his "special ops" team, which makes me think that Scrooge actually wanted a different team for different situations, and it seems like they're hinting at an ending that would cast Scrooge in a better light: he was just planning a B team. Such a shame that doesn't really come up anywhere else.
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I think the other plot is better, with Hercules acting like the unwanted friend getting in the way of Donald and Daisy's date, and it eventually falls apart. Even with Storkules in the background holding a tied up Cupid, a part of one of his earlier plans, one can really feel Donald's pain as he floats in a garbage-filled pool. This feeling of pain is even shown in-universe, as the normally oblivious Storkules decides to get some help.
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Sadly, he goes to his father, Zeus, completely devastated that he had forsaken his best friend, and asks what he could do to help out two people in love. Zeus tells a story about how Hera fell in love with him after he defeated the titans, and that if Storkules can defeat one of them, maybe they'll be impressed. He laments that it's too bad there's no god with god-like strength that can unleash one of them.
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To make a long story short, Storkules hits the ground, a titan comes out, Scrooge and the rest come out to see this madness, and the titans ends up eating Donald right in front of Daisy's eyes. I love this line that reveals, among other things, that Donald is still okay:
Storkules: (keeping the titan from eating Daisy) Don't worry, we can salvage this!
Daisy: You killed my boyfriend!
Donald: "My boyfriend"? (reveals to be in the Titans see-through stomach, still indigested) Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
It reminds me of that scene in Coco. I can't spoil it, but there's a similar line there that also made me smile.
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Della and Scrooge are climbing up the titan, Shadow of the Colossus style, where they talk about the other plot. This is their way to get the plots to converge, and it’s a good idea. In fact, while this goes against the idea that Scrooge was merely trying to expand his team rather than remove his kin from it, Scrooge getting confronted with his negligence while trying to deal with an even bigger problem is a pretty powerful moment.
The stakes are set pretty high, as the titan manages to turn pretty much everyone except for Daisy and the kids into dinner. Even Selene, the one that could reverse problems with the snap of her finger and the character that was pretty much treated as the Queen of the Gods until now, as Hera is only mentioned, manages to get caught in the titan's grasp, dropping the godly crown on the ground as she joins the rest of the party in this titan's stomach. Considering all of this eating of his fellow gods and mortals, maybe this titan is meant to be Cronus. He even manages to do what Cronus wanted to do in the original myths.
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Whether or not that generic titan is Cronus or not, that victory doesn't last too long, as we get this really cool scene where Daisy manages to startle the titan with her own roar, and, using that as a distraction, Webby takes the crown, splits it up, and gives herself and her friends the god powers they wanted. While I wasn't that much of a fan of this plot, I can safely say it ends really well. Not only does Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby prove themselves as helpers of Scrooge, but kids worthy of have the powers of Greek myth. The latter doesn't last, of course, but still, it's great.
In the end, everything seems to work out just fine, and I really do mean everything, as the other plot also ends very well. While I don't want to ruin the moment, I'll say this: I find it very funny that Zeus ended up helping with Storkules' problem in the end, even if it wasn't his intention.
How does it stack up?
At first, I was a little miffed on this episode; I just don't think Scrooge would just throw away his team just because they failed miserably on one mission, especially in an episode after he trusted them so much, and especially after the episode after the one where he outright recruited one of them to go through his deadly danger dungeon. However, this episode has plenty of ways for me to forgive that: the scenes with Donald and Daisy, the cool god powers in the end, and Zeus being Zeus all throughout.
Still, this ended up being just merely in the middle for me.
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Next, we get to see an Scrooge adventure with young Della for the first time outside of the IDW comics!
← The Split Sword of Swanstantine! πŸ¦† The First Adventure! β†’
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elejah-wonderland Β· 6 years
Another Love
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Fanfiction one shot
TVD AU ending
a/n: something from my fanfiction treasure chest. It's my alternative tvd end ending with S6.
@rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @elejahforever @captainshurley @hides2000 @goddessofthunder112
Paris, France
Caroline sat down at her desk and wrote this in her diary-
'The boy wants the girl to love him. The girl, that takes him as he is with all his faults, all his virtues and doesn't want to change him, but grow together. And the girl wants the boy to love her taking her with all her faults and virtues, not wanting to change her. There is no mistery to the thing of love. It is simple. But the path of finding one's true love is not an easy one and often paved with thorns, a long winding road. But there is an end to the yellow brick road, at least for Elena and Elijah, Bonnie and Damon, and me and Stefan.'
Caroline now looked out of the Hotel room to the Eiffel Tower dreamily.
"Close your eyes and click with your shoes and you will find your way home!"- Bonnie heard a voice from a distance. She felt a light finger brush over her cheek and she opened her eyes uttering-
"The one and only."- he said adding-"Morning."
Bonnie smiled at him stretching her arms a bit, then sitting up.
They were in the Boarding House in a room that Bonnie occupied while staying at the Boarding House in the fake world.
"How are we here again?"- she asked with a slight panic in her voice.
"You mother, don't ask me how, undid the Traveller's magic and there is no more a border and MF is free for all demons, vampires and other crazies to get in again."-Damon explained.
"How long was I asleep?"- she then asked.
"A day or two, the ritual kinda drained you."-Damon said.
Bonnie now remembered them returning to Withmore, making out, dropping on the bed heavily involved in getting their clothes off as she felt faint and sick, blacking out.
"Sorry I blacked out on you!"- Bonnie said.
"Hey, no big. You've been to hell and back twice, you needed your beauty sleep"-Damon joked a little.
"Really? Are you telling me that I was getting ugly?!"-Bonnie didn'appreciate the remark.
"Kai's ugly head reared out at times"-Damon then said-"I wanted my Bon back, just her."
Damon now moved closer to her and traced her face with his fingers gently. He had his BonBon back once again, her sweet meek look in her eyes when she beamed love at him. He kissed her. Bonnie felt the deep loving and passionate motion of his lips she now eagerly responded to. So much went off and they both now didn't want to think about all that had happened months ago. They let themselves float away in their own world.
At Withmore, Caroline put her phone down, as Stefan sat down at the table passing her a mug with blood coffee.
"What's up?"- he asked as he could see amazment on his girlfriend's face.
"I just got a text from Elena. She is in Rome with Elijah!?!"-Caroline informed Stefan, who didn't look surprised.
"Do you know something I don't?!"-Caroline questioned.
"Elena has always had a thing for Elijah"-Stefan then said.
"When??"-Caroline looked at him clueless.
Stefan now retold her two major instances where Elena showed that Elijah mattered more to her than just a random guy coming to Mystic Falls.
"Oh, I know that she asked Bonnie to save him!"
"But you didn't see how cut she was about it and the way her heart ached for him!"-Stefan then added.
"She never said anything!!"-Caroline said.
"He had also left her an apology letter when he left after they ruined Esther's ritual"- Stefan added.
Caroline looked pissed off, because Elena didn't share any of it with her.
"There is more isn't there?!"-Caroline now saw that Stefan had something else to share. "They didn't? Did they?"
"He kissed her. That's it!"-Stefan said.
"I can't believe this?!! I told her everything about Klaus and she kept everything about Elijah to her self!! But she told you???!!! It looks like you are her bff and we are just some random girls she went to school with!"
Stefan felt slightly regretful for sharing it with Caroline as it turned out Elena kept the whole Elijah thing from her friends and yet she shared everything with him.
"I seriously don't get her. OMG, the whole Damon thing was not really much!"-Caroline concluded.
"Everything was messed up."-Stefan remarked-"She left to New York. He left New Orleans. They met and- well, now they are travelling the world."
"Yeah, I guess it was. Elena and Elijah, who would have thought?!"
Stefan's phone buzzed and he looked at the message from Damon -"Bonnie is awake and well."
He relayed the message to Caroline, who was happy to hear her friend was fine.
"I have to go to my classes"-Caroline then stood up realizing what the time was-"see you later?"
"Yes."-Stefan said pulling her towards him kissing her passionately.
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He was Elena's bff, and Caroline was the one who showed him how quietly another love can enter his heart and feel the thrill of love once again.
In Rome, Italy
Elena and Elijah walked the streets of Rome coming to a point where a very well known Roman landmark was called Bocca della Verita or Mouth of Truth, a sculpture thought to be a part of a fountain, portraing an ancient god of the river Tiber.
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"In the Middle Ages one believed that if you told a lie with one's hand in the mouth of the sculpture it would be bitten off."- Elijah explained.
"I know"- Elena said- "Roman Holiday was one of my mom's favourite black and white movies."
Pop culture wasn't Elijah's forte, so Elena told him of the movie with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.
"All right- shall we play the game then?!"- he said smiling somewhat cheekily.
"What truth would you like to know?! Plus you can always compel it out of me?!"- she teased.
"True. Although it is not really my style. And I hope we will not go back to our first meeting."
"Ok. Since it is a game- you are just a guy and I am just a girl who met recently and try to find out the truth about one another"- Elena said.
"Agreed."-Elijah said- "ask me anything you want!"
"Anything?? Hm... Did I make you feel again?"
The Original looked her straight in the eyes surprised she came up with that question.
He put the hand in the Sculputure's mouth. And took it out waving with it showing off that it was perfectly.
"So it is the truth."- Elena's eyes gleamed happily- "ok, now it is your turn."
"Question- Am I your one true love?"
Elena looked him in the eyes and put the hand in the Mouth of the sculputure. She thought that she would make it suspenseful as it was a game after all. She now opened her eyes as if something was about to grab her and said in a slight horror-
Before she could say anything more he pulled her hand out and it was perfectly all right.
"You got scared."- Elena teased him about his reaction.
"It's a stupid game." -Elijah huffed a bit. .
"It is- but I think you know the answer-and not because the Mouth didn't bite my hand off." Elena looked at the Original warmly.
"I do."- Elijah said taking hold of her by her hands. Her eyes, her heartbeat were the most genuine tellers of how she felt about him.
He now put his hands on her waist pulling her into a kiss.
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In the Boarding House, Mystic Falls
Bonnie got out of the shower. She dried herself off and put her clothes on. She combed her wet hair and called out for Damon. There was no answer, so she went to look for him downstairs.
"Damon?"- she called out.
"In the kitchen."- he shouted.
Bonnie got to the kitchen. Damon was finishing the gumbo.
She came up to him complimenting the good smell of the food. She gave him a peck as he held up the pan to take it over to the table.
"I hope you like my gumbo."- he said- "I know you hated the pancakes."
Bonnie sat down at the table and retorted- "I didn't really hate your pancakes."
Damon sat down as well- "I know, you were just frustrated about being stuck with me."
Bonnie now tried the dish and said that it was a very good one.
"Just good."- Damon teased.
"Nine out of ten. Your vampire taste buds must be off...need a bit more salt"- Bonnie said chuckling and then added- "by the way, I would love to be stuck with you wherever."
"You do, ha?"
"I do."- Bonnie smiled back at him.
"I got the newspapers, if you would like to do the crossword, maybe."- Damon showed her the papers.
"I think that you and I can find something more fun to do than solving crossword puzzles."- Bonnie's eyes beamed at her boyfriend- "I am perfectly rested now."
"Yeah-whatever magical emergency there is in the world, they would have to wait, I agree with you. Let some other witch save the world. So, you don't mind if we lock up the doors and stay stuck in the Boarding House for a while."
"I don't mind at all."- Bonnie smiled.
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Another love can be the one true love that you are not even aware one day comes knocking at your door. Open it and invite it in.
I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
But it's so cold and I don't know where
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
But all my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
Bonnie and Damon, Stefan and Caroline, Elena and Elijah found that drying their eyes over crying for another love cleansed their hearts opening them for their genuinely great love for one another, living happily ever after.
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