#i was watching theres something about amy and i just couldn't stop thinking about her.
matoshi · 2 years
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Here’s a warm up doodle of Amy because I haven’t drawn her in 12 years.
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Dark Lemonade
@ashphoenix06 @honestlyitsjustkennaswriting @emma-wrote @goldenoceanarps @weirdmixofweirdness
TW: Some violence, also gets a liiiiittle dirty(but the super nsfw parts have been cut out for tumblr sake 😂😂)
Mark.....are we ever going to stop driving?"
"Well. You said isolated. His place is as isolated as i could think of"
Alison studied Mark as he drove, glancing behind them where Amy was driving Alison's car every so often
"And youre sure Dark isnt going to be too...put out?"
Mark chuckled 'That asshole is always put out. Part of his charm you could say"
As he drove he thought of the conversation hed had with the ego the week before
"Why here Mark? Why does she need to stay here? I dont even know her"
Mark looked at Darkiplier as his aura slightly crackled around him
"I told you. Her ex has been stalking her, she needs somewhere to stay while her dad is off the ranch. She doesnt need to be alone on that huge place. Amy and i are going out of town. Now get over it. Shes staying"
"So get the police to babysit her. Why should *I* have to" the ego scowled, clearly not giving a shit what would happen to this girl
"Look Dark im not having anything happen to her because you want to be a pretentious ass. Its not like you use all of the five rooms here."
"You and Amy talk as if shes your child. Shes a grown woman"
"Yes. And her ex is an even bigger grown man that is unhinged and wants to do very bad things to her. Shes staying here."
Darkiier glared as his creator, his aura lashing tendrils out every so often as his temper rose. But he knew there was no arguing.
"Fine. But she better stay out of my way"
Mark pulled to a stop in front of the big house in the woods. Alison gaped at the sight of the beautifully crafted home and the big lake behind it
"Holy. Shit.'
Mark laughed out loud "yeah. Good taste huh?"
Alison climbed out of the car and stretched her arms out, her shirt falling off her shoulder a bit, revealing a faded scar. She grabbed what she had in Mark's car and joined him and Amy to walked up the front steps and inside
"Well come in, dont just stand there" Dark said.
He watched Mark and Amy come in as he walked down the stairs and stopped as Alison stepped through the door
He took her in. Reddish brown hair, green eyes, short, not skinny but not what hed call fat. She looked around nervously and then locked eyes with her host for the next couple of weeks.
"Um...hi. Im Alison Calaway" she reached out a hand to shake his as he reached the bottom of the steps. "Its nice to meet you Dark...thank you for letting me be here"
Dark took her hand and felt almost a buzz, aside from his own aura, go through him
"Yes. Mark has told me about you. Glad i could...assist"
Amy looked at her watch "oh. We gotta go if we are going to get to bed and get on the road in the morning.... Alison are you sure youre ok?" She wasnt too sure about leaving her here with HIM all that time
"Amy Ill be fine. Yall go"
She hugged and kissed both Mark and Amy on the cheeks and watched as they climbed in Marks car and drove away.
"So...are you hungry?" Alison jumped as Dark spoke closer to her ear than she thought hed be
"Oh. Um. No. Actually. Im good. I could go for some hot tea though.
"Ah. Perfect. Come with me to the kitchen"
The ego led the way as she tried to figure out this vibe she was getting. Like he reallllly didnt want her there, but was also curious about her.... He was pretty easy on the eyes though so she figured she'd survive
She sat down at the bar as he boiled the water
"So. When you said Mark talked about me....how much did he tell you?" Alison inquired, not sure what to say
"He told me of the ex-boyfriend and why you needed somewhere to stay..... May i ask how it got to that point? If thats not too forward?"
He turned to see her absentmindedly running her fingers over a scar along her collar bone
"Well.. I was with him two years. He didnt like me having friends other than him. Didnt like when i went on the road with my Dad's company and wrestled house shows.."
Darkiplier looked at her "wait...wrestling ?"
Alison ducked her head and laughed
"heh...yeah.... Long story. Dad is practically royalty in the business and i did it for a while. ..but Shane didnt like that. Mostly because i hung out with the guys and trained with them.... So for the sake of the relationship i stayed home. Then he got to where he hated me talking to Mark, Jack...Anyone really. Long story short he attacked me a few times....the last time he almost killed me..... Chase and Jackie saved my life. They had been on the way over to get me and heard me scream. Broke in..... I had to get a lot of stitches that night. And he didnt like being told no. He took off while they were helping me. Cops have been looking for him, hes been sending me letters, showing up at places where im at. But he always takes off when i see him..... Hes gotten bolder and my parents and Mark and everyone didnt want me left alone. So here i am"
Dark studied her for a moment. He could read that she had strength. But she was broken. He couldn't understand why but he felt a tug of protectiveness in his chest at the thought of that asshole trying to track her here... At least those idiotic Septic Egos had done something right. Though letting him get away was pathetic
"Well. Dont worry. If he tries to darken my doorstep, he will surely get more than he bargined for i can assure you"
He brought two mugs over and poured the water over the tea bags. They sat and talked for hours like theyd known each other forever
The next night Alison laid in her bed. It was about 12 am. Shed walked by the lake all morning, theyd gone into town and grabbed lunch and when they came home she had talked with Dark about different interests most of the night. She felt oddly at home here. Suddenly her phone rings
"Now who the hell would be calling me?.."
She hit the answer button, not recognizing the number
"Aliiisoon.... Now why would you go walking around with some goth reject looking...thing where everyone could see?"
She sat bolt upright in bed, all blood draining from her face... Shane
"What the hell....how did you...?"
"Now now alleycat dont worry about how. You know you're mine. Ill always find you. Now answer me"
"Theres nothing to fucking answer Shane. Leave me alone." She scrambled out of bed and down the stairs, checking the locks.
"Ohhh alison. You cant actually think im going to leave you alone. I marked you. Youre mine... Nice house youre in though. Lots of property
She stood in the glow of the moon through the front window, shaking "shane. What do you want. Why are you doing this?"
"Because. I want whats mine"
"Im not yours! I never will be, leave me al-"
The phone was snatched from her hand. Darks aura crackling and whipping around them both, scaring her and amazing her at the same time.
"Look. Either turn yourself in or go die. Your choice..... In fact i will gladly help with one of those options. But you will leave her be Shane"
And with that he threw the phone down and crushed it
She turned and stared at him, in awe of the power oozing from him, shaking from adrenaline.
The aura calmed some as he stepped toward her and ran a finger over her collarbone and shoulders. Tracing the scars that were exposed by the sleeveless sleep shirt she wore. He looked in her eyes brimming with tears and had the sudden urge to hug her and an even stronger NEED to protect her...so he pulled her in. She buried her face in his chest and cried. Feeling helpless and grateful at the same time. The tendrils ran over her back as he held the back of her head with one hand and wrapped the other arm around her.
Finally she stepped back. Wiping her face. "Dark....im sorry. You must think im a completely useless creature... Im just so tired of being his prey"
He studied her face for a moment, then spoke, his voice low, commanding attention as he did
"Youre not his prey anymore. And while i think many of those around me are useless....youre different. And damned if i know why.."
Alison looked at him, curious, but not pushing the matter.
"I dont think ill sleep much." She was mad and scared and exhausted. But she knew what her dreams would hold
Dark put his hand on her shoulder "Well. Im just doing some paper work in my office, i could....put a pillow and blankets on the couch in there for you. You could rest while i work...perhaps that way youd feel more at ease"
Alison smiled at him, grateful for his kindness. "Ok. Yeah, maybe....if i wont be bothering you of course"
He chuckled softly "not at all dear. Come"
Alison watched him work thru half shut eyes. This was the big bad guy everyone spoke of...to her he didnt seem so bad. Intense for sure but....there was just something about him. The quiet way he held himself, he could walk in any room and demand attention without even trying.
"You know. Its not polite to stare at people while they work ali"
She smiled sleepily "sorry. Just thinking"
The ego cocked an eyebrow. "About?"
"Well.." She sat up from her makeshift bed hed made, one strap falling off her shoulder, exposing more of her skin, Dark suddenly felt tense, but tried to ignore it
"I mean. You're supposed to be.. Horrible. A bad guy....and yet.... I feel as if we are old friends having only known you a few days ... I trust you. Though everyone has said not to.... Im supposed to be scared of you and thats just not the case" she said
He smiled gently "Well. When you're on my good side, thats what you get. But most never see that side, only a lucky few
'And why am i one of the lucky ones? " Alison asked
Dark motioned for her to come to him 'Come here....." She got up and stepped across the room, sitting on the corner of his desk as he stood up.
"If im being honest i have no idea why i feel the way i do around you. You seem to make everything....quiet. Calm. I can think clearly for some reason.... I cant quite figure you out Alison"
He was standing directly in front of her now.
She smiled up at him "heh. Good luck with that"
The blackness grew slightly and played around the edge of her face as he stared directly into her eyes "oh don't worry princess. Ill figure you out. I always get what i want"
Alison threw her head back and laughed "hmm. With me you wont.....but like i said. Have fun with that" she went to stand and he blocked her, moving very close to her. "I rather like the effect you have...stay a moment longer?"
He rested his hand on her knee and closed his eyes. Reveling in the slience that filled him. She didnt know what to say...but staring at him with his head leaned back, hair in his face she couldn't help but feel the calm as well. She reached up and brushed the har from his eyes, fingers trailing his cheek. His hand caught hers and held it to his face as he leaned into it.
Alisons heart sped up. Dark could hear it as her cheeks flushed an adorable red. He looked at her intently suddenly not in control of his actions he put his hand to her face and pulled her to him, softly bringing their lips together
She was suprised by his actions. But more suprised at the fact that she trusted him. She leaned into the kiss, grabbed the front of his jacket .
They both were startled by the crash in the front hall. Alison jumped off the desk and took off out the door before he could stop her. Dark shook his head
"That stupid girl...."
But then he heard her yelp.... His aura crackled to life as he rushed out to the front door which was wide open. The window next to it was smashed. Alison was nowhere to be seen
"Ali?? Where the hell are you?" He shouted angrily.
He heard scuffling outside. Curses came flying out of alisons mouth. The Egos eyes darkened as he ran outside and saw her on the ground under her attacker, fighting like a wildcat. He stomped down the steps and across the grass quickly, grabbing him by the back of the neck and neatly tossing him into the side of her car.
He helped Alison up and studied her quickly. Busted lip, scratches on her arms... His anger boiled over and the dark aura he carried around seemed to grow even blacker. In short. He was pissed.
"You stupid asshole. You think you can have her?" The voice came from behind him. Dark turned and stared down Shane.
"You cant. Shes mine and she will always be mine. I dont care what you or any of your other ego friends have to say. Spandex boy and Brody couldn't stop me...what makes you think...
He trailed off as he became accutely aware of the silence that enveloped him. The anger rolling off the Ego in the form of his aura suddenly making him regret coming here
Dark spun on him, grabbing his neck and shoving him against the car. His voice came out as more of a growl
"You listen to me you insignificant toad. I dont know who the HELL you think you are, or what you *think* youre going to accomplish. But taking "ownership" of Alison Calaway isnt it. People say im a bad person. Theyve never seen me be protective of someone, so trust me when i tell you the truth can be SO much worse than youve heard. I will give you a choice. You may turn around and walk out of here, never contacting or even THINKING of that woman again. Or...
He tightened his grip on Shanes throat cutting off his air as the mans bladder let go
"Or my dear boy. I can show you what demonic really means.... Its your choice"
Shane struggled to speak 'o-okay' he whispered
"What's that? I cant hear you" Dark said. Enjoying the terror in the mans eyes
"Okay! Ill go. Ill go. Just please...dont kill me"
Dark dropped him to the ground, the black aura rolling around him, trying to contain himself. Shane scrambled to get to his car
"Ah ah" Dark said. The choice was to WALK away"
He held the keys hes taken from Shanes pocket up, jingling them and smiled evily.
"Th-thats at least ten miles through the woods! Are you insane??"
Darks eyes narrowed "guess you better get started....and hope the wolves arent especially hungry tonight.. Leave"
His aura shot out, eyes flaring. Shane pissed himself again and took off running into the night
Dark's shoulders heaved up and down as he tried to control his breathing, his body shaking with the anger. Trying to keep himself from chasing the man down and ripping his head from his body
Alison approached from behind and touched his shoulder.
"Alison...im sorry you had to see me like that. I can normally control myself...."
She tugged him to turn around and he looked at her. Blood dried on the corner of her mouth, eyes shining with tears. She placed her hand on the side of his face and he noticed her knuckles were busted from fighting back. He leaned into her touch. Her closeness calming the storm raging in his mind...how had it come to this....when had she become his safe place?
Alison tried to control her emotions...she should be terrified right now, especially after that display. But all she wanted was to hold this man. And she didnt understand. She slid one hand behind his neck and pulled his face to hers. Kissing him was less of a want and more of a gnawing need right now. He was suprised but wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. Savoring the taste of her mouth
Alison pulled back slightly, out of breath and Dark leaned his forehead to hers, closed his eyes and smiled. Neither spoke. After a moment she pulled away completely and tugged on his hand
"Cmon. Let's go inside"
They walked into the house. Not knowing what to say to each other.
A week passed. Neither spoke about that night. Not avoiding each other but avoiding the subject. Which annoyed Darkiplier greatly. When had he become..this? Not confronting something? He longed to reach out and brush the hair from her face, touch her some way. But he got the feeling she didnt want to be touched right now.
'Well why would she you fool. After everything that jackass did, did you think shed just fall in your arms and stay there?' He said aloud to himself as he toiled in his office.
His phone buzzed with a text. He checked it to see a message from Alison. After breaking her phone hed taken her to get a new one with a new number that very few people now had.
A: "Hey... You wanna go get some drinks tonight? Im getting tired of being couped up but i dont exactly want to venture out on my own. I know itd be a bit of a drive but.."
He pondered for a moment. He could easily say no. That there was liquor here...but he knew it wasnt about the drinks for Alison. He could tell she was itching to get out. To move somewhere other than the house or the lake. She was becoming a bit like a caged tiger.
D: "Sure. Why not" ..... He had a feeling he might regret this.
Darkiplier stood at the bottom of the stairs, ready to leave. He sighed. What was taking her?
'Ali. Are you coming or-"
The words are lost in his throat as she starts down the steps. Auburn hair gleaming, wearing a black and red dress that fit in all the right places and short heels.
She caught his eyes as she stepoed onto the floor and laughed "yeah. Lets go" Alison suddenly felt as if she were a piece of steak in the lions den and she didnt know why.
Dark just opened the front door for her without a word and motioned for her to go first. Trying to regain composure.
At the bar, they drank, Alison danced alone. She moved like a woman possessed. Dark just watched her intently, a feeling in his chest he couldn't quite describe. It had been a couple of hours when a man came up behind her, trying to dance too close and touch too much. Dark tensed as he saw her spin around and shove him away, then he walked over, catching the end of the trashy things he was saying to her
"Alison... Lets go"
Darkiplier didnt need to shout. Or ask her twice. She gratefully nodded her head, realxing now that she didnt feel cornered.
The whole way home she was quiet. Dozing, feeling the effects of the whiskey shed been downing all night.
When they arrived at the house she got out and walked in. She was barely through the door when Dark called to her. He stepped through the door behind her as she turned
He stared for a moment, then reached his hand out to touch her face...she flinched. She didnt mean to...it was just the thought if anyone touching her....of making her feel anything was anxiety inducing...but at the same time she wanted Dark's touch
His hand stopped mid air and his eyes darkened... He was... Sad? But angry at the same time
"I see..." He murmered. Then walked past her to his office and shut the door.
Alison stood there. Tears began to run down her face. "What the hell is happening to me" she whispered. She looked toward the office door. Wanting so badly to chase him. But tired of chasing things at the same time.
Darkiplier tried to focus on the computer in front of him. Itd been half an hour and hed gotten nothig done. "What the hell is wrong with you? Youre bitching and moaning after this *girl* you barely know. And for what? The feeling she gives you...pathetic" he spoke to himself condescendingly.
"You know. Speaking to yourself is the first sign of madness"
Alisons voice from the doorway made him jump. Not expecting her to be there.
"Can i come in?"
He studied her for a moment. "Yes. Of course, sit"
She walked into the room. Still in her dress but barefoot now. His breath hitched in his throat as she leaned back into the sofa and curled her legs under her,she sat the drink in her hand on the side table. He laughed. Another whiskey?
"Listen. Dark. Thank you for coming over when you did....that guy was..handsy"
He scoffed "Well. Did you think i was going to let him manhandle you? Though im sure you couldve handled it fine if need be. But i have this godforsaken need to protect you. And i still havent figured it out.."
"Dont protect me.... People that protect me get hurt...." She trailed off, thinking of Henrik stitching the cut in Chase's side after he fought with Shane that night. "Im not worth good people getting hurt"
Dark stood up and walked over to stand in front of her, then crouched so he was eye level. "Look. I told you. I think a lot of people are useless, but you arent one of them. You have this passion in you when you speak about people and things you care for. You want so badly to fight everything and feel nothing....and thats not possible. Trust me. Before you waltzed into this house i wouldnt have believed it. I was an asshole to anyone that looked at me sideways. I didnt need anything or anyone.... And then here are. Making me feel things. No my dear. Worthless is not something that should be used to describe you"
He placed a hand on her leg as he spoke, electricity running between them. She jumped but didnt flinch away this time. She stared into his eyes, taking in what hed said.
He cleared his throat and stood up "i believe this is where i tell you, im sorry if i scared you that night he came here. Im sorry if kissing you was out of line.." He grabbed her hand and pulled her to stand up "but i just couldnt help it..."
She smiled and then stared at the floor as she spoke 'you werent out of line.....unexpected maybe. But i kissed you the second time. So should i apologize for that?'
Darkiplier chuckled and put a finger under her chin, lifting her gaze to his "No my dear. Never apologize for letting me taste you... Though you may need to apologize for depriving me "
With that he captured her mouth with his. Slowly as first, then more forcefully. Her hands tangled in his hair, him holding her against him. She pulled back to breathe and his lips went to her neck. 'Dark..." She said breathlessly
"Mmmm" the sound rumbled in his chest as he caressed her back and softly kissed her skin, savoring each taste. The he looked at her and smiled wickedly "you know. Coming down in that dress... Then dancing the way you did. That wasnt very nice of you. Looking like that....moving like that in public. I very nearly pinned you to the wall then and there" his eyes danced as he spoke. Running his hands down her hips and gripping her right at the lower back to pull her closer
She laughed and smiled back at him "well. Maybe i like to torture you. Make you beg for it"
He chuckled "hmm. Me? Beg? Not on your life princess, you couldnt make me actually beg"
She stepped away from him and put one hand on his chest and grinned "oh. Is that a *challenge* i hear? Go sit in your chair over there"
He cocked an eyebrow in her direction but complied, pulling the chair to the front of the desk and sitting. This should be interesting
She turned of the lights with the switch by the door. Then walked over to his computer which was behind him on the desk. She went to a music site and put a song on. One that Dark recognized from the club. One hed watched her move to, his heartbeat quicked as he remembered the sight.
She strolled around back to where shed sat her glass and downed it. Then walked to just out of his easy reach and began to move to the music. Body swaying to the beat. Eyes closed. A little drunk but in control and knowing what she was doing. The moonlight played along her body.
Darkiplier reached to touch her and she swatted his hand away.
"Oh no. Put your hands away....you cant touch unless you ask...beg for it." She said mischeviously. "Your hands cannot touch me. But i...oh i cant touch you"
She stepped closer, bending down, holding his knees as she did and bringing her body up in a way so that her face, then chest were right in front of his face. She turned and bent between his knees before coming back up slowly, grinding against him, his hands clenching. His aura crackling around them with his need. But he would not break. He couldnt. His pride wouldnt let him.
But then. Alison straddled him. Legs on either side and sat in his lap. Still moving her body to the beat of the music, leaning back as she moved her hips. This was dangerous territory. She wanted him to touch her. But she also wanted to hear him ask. Dark, to his benefit was trying to keep his composure, but the hardness beneath her was giving him away.
The music stopped and she sat. Still straddling him and put her arms over his shoulders. She grinned at him
"You gonna break?"
Dark laughed. This little minx. If she thought for one second that he was going to-
All thought flew from his brain as he felt her lips on his neck. Her hand tangled in the back of his hair. She ran her tongue along it and then along his lips. Kissing him lightly 'cmon baby. You know you want it. All you have to do is say it.... Let go of the control for once"
He reached to hold her and she caught each of his wrists and held them down "ah ah darky. Not until you ask nicely" she purred in his ear and she ground against him again. Torturing herself as much as she was him
'Alison.." It came out as a half moan, half warning.
She stood up and let go of his wrists and grinned. "Well. I guess ill just have to go to bed alone then."
As she turned she unzipped her dress and let it fall as she walked across the room. Darkipliers eyes almost came out of his head at the sight of her in her black bra and panties. Now this was just evil....
He crossed the room behind her and slammed the door before she could get to it. She turned to see him staring at her in a way that made her feel very much like a wounded animal in front of a panther. He rolled his head to either side with his eyes closed and then stared her down again, his arm over her shoulder against the door, trapping her there
"Now Alison. You have given me great needs. Id like it very much if youd stop torturing me like this'
A playful smile played over her face "but its fun to see you squirm darlin" she licked her lips.
He stared at her than went to his knees "Fine. Is this what you what? You want me to admit i need you? Well here. I absolutely need you. In many ways. Right now i need you to let me run my hands over you, to taste you, to caress every inch inside and out that i can reach Miss Calaway"
He again reach for her hips and this time she didnt stop him. His kissed her on either side, tongue lightly darting over her stomach. He stood and backed her into the wall. Now it was his turn. He grabbed her by the back of her head and roughly captured her mouth, one hand gripping her ass. He moved to her neck, nipping her as she moaned and held onto his shoulders, one hand gripping his head.
"You know im going to have to punish you for that little one" he growled in her ear before.lightly biting her shoulder. She gasped at the sensation
"And you do not need to try that all the time....not that i dont enjoy you being a little forceful.... Are we clear?" He moved to the other side of her neck, pushing his waist to hers as he kissed
"Yes what kitten?" He stared into her eyes as he said this. Conveying a need for her trust. Then he kissed her deeply before allowing her to answer
"Ye-yes sir?"
That did it. His groaned and grabbed the back of both of her legs and picked her up, her lega going around his waist and slammed her against the door as he kissed her. His tongue and lips exploring her neck and chest as she closed her eyes and let the passion wash over her
Dark stroked her hair as she lay in his arms. They were in his bed. Having made their way up here and finally she fell asleep after one more time. He smiled. She looked innocent but was decidely not.
Her skin was warm against his. Breast pressed against the side of his chest. He studied her sleeping face. Had he really said it... After the last time. Did those words come from his mouth?
He had said he loved her and she had thrown her head back and begged him to say it again. And when he had, louder this time she collapsed into his arms and whispered it back to him.
Where the words came from he didnt know. But they seemed so natural. He kissed her face and heard birds chirping....it was 5am..looks like theyd nap most of the day. But that was perfectly fine.
His phone buzzed on the night stand. He reached with one arm and grabbed it. Seeing a message from Mark
M:hey. Alisons parents are headed back to their place. If you want her go go, she can.
Darkiplier lauged and shot a text back
D:No. I dont think i want her going anywhere. Im going to keep her a little longer ;)
M:......what did you do
D:Now ask yourself. Do you really want the honest answer to that question from me?
M:... No. You know what. Probably not. Ill stop by when we get back to town next week
D:ok. Be sure to call first. Make sure we're decent and all
M: yeah ok.....and please dont allude to that again...ever
Dark laughed and sat his phone back down. Then wrapped around alison and fell into a heavy sleep...the most peaceful hed known in his existence.
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