#i was too lazy to mask vitya skating
vcepsis · 7 years
Hey so uh I don’t know wtf I’m doing but @mypoorfaves posted this prompt a while ago about sick Yuuri and I decided to run with it. This is the first time I’ve ever posted a fic on Tumblr (it’s more like a drabble I guess?) About 1k. Hope you enjoy! (Also I hope the read more button works???)
Victor never considered himself a particularly patient man. There were some things he was more willing to wait for than others: for Makkachin to give him the ball while playing fetch, for Yurio to stop yelling at him, for certain cute Japanese boys to flirt with him.
One thing Victor found, however, was that he had little to no patience for tardiness during practice.
So here he was, waiting for Yuuri to get to the rink, who was already a full twenty minutes late. Victor had gotten tired of waiting in the locker room and had strapped on his own skates, stepping on the ice. After a few lazy warm ups, careful to avoid Yurio and Yakov’s side of the rink, he skated over to where he let his jacket. Huffing in annoyance, Victor pulled out his phone. No messages, no missed calls.
It was coming up on thirty minutes. Victor had about had enough. He found Yuuri’s name in his phone and hit call.
It rang for just long enough for Victor to start feeling worried, but then he heard it click.
“Hello?” The voice on the other end was groggy and hard to hear. Victor sighed, trying to keep his frustration at bay.
“Good morning, Yuuri,” he said, trying to sound cheerful and not at all irritated.
“Victor…?” Yuuri sounded confused, voice rough.
“Yes, it’s Victor. Your husband, the love of your life, and your coach. You know, for skating. At the rink.”
There was a beat of silence before it seemed to click for Yuuri. “Oh my God, Victor, I’m so sorry, what time is it? I’ll be—” Whatever else he was planning to say dissolved into a harsh coughing fit. Victor winced at the sound of it.
“Yuuri, are you alright?” Victor’s annoyance was quickly replaced with concern.
“I’m fine,” Yuuri said, but his voice cracked halfway through and did nothing to convince Victor. “I’ll be there soon.”
Victor frowned. Judging by what he could hear, Yuuri was most definitely not fine. Had he been sick last night and Victor didn’t notice?
“Are you sick? You don’t sound well.” Victor tried not to sound too worried, knowing it would effect it would have on Yuuri.
“No, I'm—” A short beat of silence, then a muffled sneeze, as if Yuuri had held the phone away from his face. “I’m fine,” he croaked, sniffling.
Victor sighed. “You know, Yuuri, for some reason, I’m not convinced.” He heard Yuuri start to protest, but he swiftly cut him off. “You’re staying home today. I’ll be there soon.”
“That’s really not necessary,” Yuuri complained.
“Your coach says it is,” Victor replied. “I expect to come home and find you in bed!”
Yuuri couldn’t help but laugh, which turned into more coughing. “Alright. I’ll see you soon.”
When Victor came home, he did, in fact, find Yuuri in bed. It seemed Yuuri had taken his instructions one step further, as he was fast asleep. His glasses were still on his face, knocked a bit askew in his sleep, phone just outside of his grasp. Victor couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the sight.
The blankets were scattered around Yuuri in a disheveled mess. Victor crossed the room to the bed, trying to straighten them out without disturbing Yuuri.
It didn’t work. Yuuri stirred, turning to face him.
“Victor…?” Yuuri’s voice was hoarse, and he turned away to cough harshly into the blankets. Victor rubbed his back, his concern from earlier returning with a vengeance at the wet sound of it.
“That sounds awful, Yuuri,” Victor said, frowning. “How long have you been sick?”
For a moment, it almost looked like Yuuri was going to protest. But his expression crumbled and he looked away. “I started to feel bad yesterday, but I thought I could just sleep it off…”
“Yesterday?!” Yuuri had been sick for a full day without saying anything? Without Victor noticing? “Why didn’t you tell me? Did you skate like this yesterday?”
Yuuri flinched at the urgency in Victor’s voice. “I didn’t feel this bad yesterday…”
Guilt twisted in Victor’s gut. Logically, he knew this wasn’t his fault, but he still felt responsible for not taking better care of his student. “Well, let’s at least get you situated here.” The blankets were still a twisted mess around Yuuri, which didn’t look comfortable. Victor leaned Yuuri back into the pillows, and started to arrange the blankets around him.
“No, Victor, don’t get too close, you might get sick!” Yuuri tried to scoot away from Victor, but Victor caught his arms before he could get too far.
“Don’t worry about me, love,” Victor said soothingly, brushing the hair away from Yuuri’s face. He frowned when he felt the warmth there. Yuuri jerked away, ripping out of Victor’s grasp.
“B-but what if you get sick? And it’s so close to competition time! Where’s my mask? Oh God, it’s too late for that now…” Yuuri held his head in his hands, his breath coming quicker and quicker.
“Hey, whoa now.” Victor could see the panic attack from a mile away. As gently as he could, he grasped Yuuri’s arms and pulled them away from his face. “I’ve been sick before, ok? I can handle it if it happens.” Yuuri raised his head, breaths beginning to even out, but not before his almost-panic attack triggered another awful sounding coughing fit.
Victor ran his hand through Yuuri’s hair until it passed. Yuuri blinked tears away from his eyes, clearing his throat. “Sorry…” Yuuri’s voice was barely audible.
“No need to apologize, my love.” Victor leaned Yuuri back into the pillows again, this time successfully sorting out the blankets and making sure Yuuri was comfortable. “I’m going to go out to get you something for that cough. In the mean time, get some rest.” He placed a soft kiss to Yuuri’s warm forehead. Victor would have to make sure to keep an eye on that in the next few hours.
Yuuri finally submitted, sinking back into the bed. He looked too pale, and exhausted, eyes fluttering shut.
Victor placed another kiss to Yuuri’s forehead before pulling back. “I love you,” he said softly.
“Mm, I love you too, Vitya,” Yuuri murmured sleepily, and Victor’s heart melted.
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