#i was also thinking about adding gold/silver/bronze but wouldn't it be weird
blue-madd · 2 years
Me : I'm not obsessed with this AU, it's only here for a few days
Me 10 months later, still crying about it, making 300 internet researches, on the verge of losing my sanity to make it accurate : ok maybe I'm a little obsessed
#i swear i am so tired but also its so good but i feel like i fucked up an important part that i cant get right bc i like it that way#like it's a vampire AU so obviously i watched all the vamp shows i could find so im good on this point but#some vamp have special eye colors + special powers so i finally started digging into color theory to get it all right & it's wrong#i mean i got most part right like the intensity of the colors & how/if it get passed down to bitten ppl & all#but the significantions don't really match their powers & it'll be fine but there's also too little colors#since they all come from 3 primary colors & i want More original vamps w powers but there can only be one by primary color#& it wouldn't make sense if i made them w secondary or tertiary colors bc they are a mix of other colors so they'd have to get bitten twice#& some kids were already born w secondary colors so it wouldn't make sense it's an important point & I can't take that back#can we please create more colors or some shit bc im about to lose it#thinkin abt makin a black-eyed original vamp but would it make sense since there are vamps w no powers & black = no colors wich = no pwrs??#also white would be a mix of all colors but how tf can i play w that some of these ppl powers are curing vampirism or killin vamps my boi#even tho ppl bitten by special vamps might be immune to other special vamps powers idk#the originals are already immune to each other for sure so there's that anyways#i was also thinking about adding gold/silver/bronze but wouldn't it be weird#+ one of the current originals got yellow eye so it's almost like gold so idk wtf am i doing here#someone help me here. come up w some new primary colors or smth. im about to fuck this all thing up & do it myself#anyways this is how im doing atm#madd#maladaptive daydreaming#paracosm : re;vamp
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