#i was a big fan of tooned btw and looking back at it i still think it's a fun show :D
todareistodo · 2 months
think i need to accept the fact that i have a f1 hyperfixation instead of trying to fight it 😭 took me a while to actually seriously get into it but i feel like i can't escape it anymore
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raidenfanclub · 1 year
Here's a list of things I've been obsessed with at one point or another/still am obsessed with
inspired by a post made by my bitc*-as*s-sister @deargodhelpmeaaaaaaaaa
this is like in order of when I was obsessed, going from elementary school to today (late high school)
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There's so many lmao- the ones showed above are like the most impactful interests I've had- I've liked other things, they just didn't rewrite my goofy brain like all these did
ok explanation time
Pokemon- absolutely loved these games as a kid. I gaslit my older sister into thinking pokemon were real when we were really young. Almost my entire elementary school life was defined by this series and I adore all my pokemon plushies.
FNAF- ok so my sister liked it, so then I liked it. Our neighborhood friend and us had a whole club centered around the characters and we kinned assigned ourselves with all the animatronics. I was Mangle/Foxy btw.
Zelda- Probably one of the most influential games of my entire life. I played through so many of them in the later part of my elementary school years and cherished my toon Link plushie. I literally considered myself ThE gIrL lInK and pretended I was him. Breath of the Wild came out when I was deeply obsessed with the games and also when I was having an extremely awful time in my life. Botw may have unironically saved me. This series is a cornerstone to my identity.
Undertale- My sister liked it, so then I did too. Me, her, and her best friend, kin assigned ourselves characters without knowing what kinning was. I was temmie and muffet btw. I loved this game- then hated it because thats what was considered cool. But nowadays I just love it because its truly an amazing game and I dont care about its fandom reputation anymore.
(ima mention mincraft- even tho its not listed- minecraft was another cornerstone of my happiness and identity)
Hatsune Miku (and just vocaloid in general)- another "my sister liked it, so then I did" i liked the characters and the music. Me and my sister went to an event for the Miku expo one time, and it was so much fun. (it was an event where everybody drew miku and itd be scanned for the "Blue Star" music video, i remember it vividly) was an amazing time. I still like some vocaloid songs and love miku. Some of my school friends say I'm the real hatsune miku because I own a miku cosplay lol.
Splatoon- Everybody in middle school knew me as the girl with the squid bag and zelda jacket. I adored splatoon with the release of splatoon 2. I played it with my friends, I played it on my own, I made big deals out of splatfest (to the point where my parents were like "oh its splatfest? that's ur favorite!!) this game also really pushed me into becoming an artist. I would spend hours trying to recreate the artstyle and for like 2 years, all i ever drew was splatoon art. Another cornerstone series like Zelda.
Persona- oh no another cornerstone of my identity series... I look back at these games very critically and nowadays am not a huge fan of the writing choices. But in middle school, when I first played these games- omg they made me a better person because of how much I wanted to be like the protagonists. I wanted to be a reliable friend like them, so I worked really hard to try and become a better person. Despite the problems in the writing, these games really did help me- also they were my introduction to shin megami tensei) I should also note, THE ART! Playing persona encouraged me to shift my cartoony splatoon style into a more semi-realistic anime style like persona. My art improved monumentally from how much I studied Soejima's illustrations. It really inspired me.
Evangelion- I actually read the manga first. I reread it a bunch because covid started up and I had it checked out from the library. We couldnt return them with covid restrictions so I just reread them a bunch. Then I eventually watched the show and just loved it. I got my sister into it a year after I did, and we made a tradition of watching End of Evangelion once a month. Also a major influence on how I view writing and my artstyle.
Shin Megami Tensei- OK ANOTHER CORNERSTONE BUT these games made me realize the depth video games can have. Even though some of the games are really on the noise with their themes- games like Nocturne and Strange Journey blew me away with their creativity. I have so much to say about this series but I will keep it concise and say that this may be my all time favorite series (though its a close contender with Metal Gear)
JoJo- First off, I adore the art so much. But my friend encouraged me and my sister to watch it, we really enjoyed binging the series- and then I read the rest of the manga (SBR MY BELOVED). But i think why i especially love jojo is the friends I made from it, I joined the Fandom wiki community (and although it had its toxicity) I met one of my best friends there and had so much fun drawing things for my online buddies and chatting. Im not on the wiki anymore, but i still talk to some friends from it- and I still really enjoy the series itself PART 9 IS SO FUN SO FAR!!
Monster Hunter- really mh rise, I havent gotten to playing the other games (YET) but me and my sister play thsi game together, its awesome, I love the monsters, I got really good at drawing dragons because I would constantly draw the creatures from this series. I own the mh world artbook and that thing has got to be the best artbook ever- its my bible.
NieR/Drakengard- the same friend who recommended jojo to me recommended nier to me (he's such a real one, absolute bestie) We were gonna play replicant together but he got grounded so he let me experience it on my own. And I adored replicant, it was so fun to play with zero expectation of what it was. the Nier games may have my favorite sort of aesthetic but also I love its characters and its writing. Of course, when I got into Nier I went and played Drakengard also!!! Me and my sister played all these games together (tho she didnt play replicant with me, she just walked in on the most crucial plot points) But we played Drakengard 3 together, (ultimate sister bonding experience) and even though drakengard 3 IS SO FLAWED, we had a lot of fun. The Final Boss (which took me 3 weeks to beat btw) was so much fun for us (i still refight it sometimes) ... We of course played Drakengard 1, we spent $130 to get it actually, played it all (i suffered thru obtaining ending E) and we though it was awesome. Still havent played Drakengard 2 yet, but one day. I love this series for its writing, characters, aesthetics, and being able to discuss it with my evil sister.
Genshin- i dont wanna talk about it. I played it with friends, made me happy to become closer to ppl by playing it. I like some of the characters. ok bye...
Metal Gear Solid- My sister says I had the ultimate character arc by going from being obsessed with Genshin to being a die-hard Metal Gear Fan. I played all the games in late 2022, and it's probably the most brainrot I have ever experienced for a series- absolutely a cornerstone series. Everything about it is just awesome. I could go on for hours. I HAVE GONE ON FOR HOURS (to my poor friends) I literally made my tumblr just to look at metal gear fanart. The games inspired me to finally get better at drawing realism, and some of my most iconic art has come from my fanart for the games. I love my friends in the fanbase too, its awesome. I think about Metal Gear every single day. Never missed a dose of my metal gear fangirlling pills.
Silent Hill- My sister and I were playing sh2 together, then didnt play it for 6 months, and then I played the entire game without her (sorry maddy) Im still going through the 1st game and have the 3rd one in my backlog- but the atmosphere and psycological horror in these games is everything to me. The creature design and lighting choices have inspired my art, and I think about these games all the time. The latter half of sh2 actually terrified me a bit, and horror games dont really scare me.
Resident Evil- I have no idea how I got into the games but I played re4 over winter break this year, and realllly liked it- I adore Leon and I don't care what anybody else claims, HE IS MY MAN. But after re4 I played re2r and re7, and I just love the gameplay and the characters. Even if the games are really goofy and not really scary (I have balls of steel, re7 didnt scare me, but i loved the tension) But i love the goofiness and how campy they are. Me and my sister played re5 together and made a bunch of silly jokes- making resident evil multiplayer was the best decision ever. I can't wait to play the rest of the series.
Trigun- My most recent obsession (although it coincides with my silent hill and resident evil hyperfixations), I had first watched the show like 3 years ago- REALLLY LIKED IT- but didnt finish the anime. And then never touched it until I saw stampede's first episode. I went a watched the 1998 anime and read the manga. I can't describe how much this series has come to mean to me and it literally won't leave my head. I don't like stampede. I love the animation but I just can't. It's a-ok if your a fan, i genuinely see the appeal but you'll only catch me talking about it if its either about peak quality animation or a 3-hour rant about my problems with the writing. THE ORIGINAL SERIES HOWEVER! means the world to me. I reread volume 10 like 6 times and cried eachtime. My friend explains things to me in "trigun" terminology" as a joke when we have personal conversations. I love trigun so much.
Ok there's def more things I really enjoy, like Nijisanji, Ghost-n-pals, Chainsaw man, Death Stranding, Honkai Impact, Sailor Moon,,, the list goes on. But Everything I wrote essays about are my most physically obvious obsessions
Nijisanji actually deserves its own paragraph but im tired lol.
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Request: Okay...I've been waiting for this... Can I please have a big serving of dad Dylan O'Brien, like him gushing about the reader and their son in interviews or bringing them to set when he was on teen wolf?
A/n: When I say this made me laugh and then melt, i mean I freaking LAUGHED and MELTED reading this. Such a cute concept and to start it off with “I’ve been waiting for this”. I’m dying. Thank you so much.
Btw this gif is from my fav teen wolf panel so that’s why I chose it
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“So things have really changed since the last time we saw you,” the host of Young Hollywood started the interview as you looked on, a small smile on your face as you knew what she was hinting at.
“Yeah, I finally got a haircut. Thanks for noticing,” Dylan jokes as he ran a hand through his hair, looking to you before laughing. You chuckled as you watched the host’s face turn toward the camera with a defeated smile. “No, yeah. We had a baby.”
“You had a baby!” She repeated gleefully. “How exciting is that?”
“It’s crazy, but yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without her now; she’s amazing. Even if she acts just like me,” he added with a chuckle.
“How old is she now?”
“Just turned four,” he answered, nodding his head as the host awed. “She’s adorable, it’s ridiculous.”
“What was it like getting to introduce her to your Teen Wolf cast mates?”
Dylan smiled at the memory, excited to share. “It was insane, yeah. I was kind of able to grow up with them, and it was such a crazy moment to introduce my kid to the people that knew me when I was basically still a kid, you know? And who would have ever thought that I, of all people, would be having the first Teen Wolf baby?”
The host giggled, “yeah, my bets would’ve been on Crystal.”
“Right?!” Dylan laughed. “But yeah, we got to let her hang out on set for a while, tried to get her in a few shots, you know.”
“Get that acting exposure,” she played along.
“Yeah, get her started young.”
“So I wanted to ask- her name is Luna Scott. Can you please confirm what all the fans are hoping her name means?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “It’s exactly what everyone thinks. Teen Wolf is a huge part of my life, and my wife’s- she worked as a makeup artist on set, you know, that’s how we met, and so we figured the best way to kind of commemorate that was to give our daughter that namesake. So Luna means moon and Scott is our best friend and brother.” He ended with a shrug.
“How adorable,” she smiled before transitioning to another topic. You couldn’t help but smile, so grateful that your daughter had such an amazing father to love her. Your attention was pulled away from Dylan when you felt your phone vibrate, you brother’s name highlighting the screen.
“Hello,” you answered, walking away from the set.
“Mommy!” A gleeful squeak met your ears. You laughed, loving the excited tone in her voice.
“Hey, sweet girl,” you greeted her. “What are you doing?”
She giggled before asking her own question, “When are you and daddy come home?”
“Real soon,” you assure her. “Not having fun with your uncle?”
“I am!” She exclaimed. “I made a present for daddy.”
Your heart melted hearing her words. She was a big daddy’s girl, and you loved seeing it play out. “Awe, he’s gonna love it.”
“Mommy, you don’t even know what it is!” Luna giggled.
“But I know you, and you make the best presents,” you told her. “I gotta go, okay? We’ll be there to get you soon.”
“Ok, mommy,” she replied. “I love you!”
“I love you, too, Luney Tune!” You smiled, hearing her laugh at the nickname. She had been obsessed with Looney Toons since she was two, so the name only came naturally. You hang up the phone right as Dylan runs to you, almost tackling you in the process. “Oh my gosh!” You exclaim in shock.
“You hung up without letting me say anything?” He asked, genuinely upset.
You roll your eyes and suppress a giggle. “She made you a gift so if you’re ready to go...” you trailed off.
“Then let’s go!” He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you out and to the car, driving straight to your brothers place.
Dylan drove into the driveway, laughing as he pointed out your daughter waving through the window. She turned around, running further into the house as you got out of the car, walking up to the door.
“Daddy! Look!” She yelled as you opened the door. Luna ran to Dylan, a paper flapping around her tiny fist. He bent down to her level as she pushed the paper into his hands.
“You made this yourself?” He asked, excitement in his voice.
She nodded with a proud smile on her face. “Yeah! It’s you and mommy and me and puppy!”
“This is so beautiful, bud. Thank you so much,” he picked her up, hugging her to him. She scrambled out of his arms before running to you, showing you the portrait, the paper held tightly between her fingers on either side.
“It’s gorgeous, Lu,” you told her. “Told you Daddy would love it.”
She smiled shyly and turned back around, her head leaning against Dylan’s shoulder. “Right!” He said as he scooped her up in his arms, standing as she squeeled in excitement. “Why don’t head home and put this masterpiece on the fridge?”
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mhall070 · 5 years
I first played super smash bros in 08, when brawl was new. It belonged to my mom's ex's nephew's friend, me my brother my mom's ex's nephew and his brother all played for countless hrs (funny with the 4 of us it really was super smash BROTHERS). Now I first played smash before I new what smash was so it was really just a fighting game with a bunch of familiar faces to it. My mane was Mr game & watch I only played him because he was visually the most impressive character (being flat and all), my brother played snake because he was a solder the nephew would play sonic and his brother would play rob cuz he looked like wall e.
Unfortenently this fun would not last for I had forgotten all about it in the 3 yrs it was absent from my life. 3 yrs later in the last month of of middle school I did not rediscover smash but it was first introduced to me. It was super smash bros 64 I fell in love instantly with its bizzar game play and mechanics, but most importantly with the characters and settings. The first character I played was jigglypuff because no one else played her and she was the only unlocked character. The connection with jigglypuff and I was strong and would be indefinite because she was so quirky and fun, I enjoyed being a nuance to my friends while having my ass handed to me. Note ssb64 is when I first met my partner so you could say smash is a love story. After a while I new I had to own this game so I asked my mom for super smash bros, yep those were my words, I never specified I wanted ssb64. On my next birth bay I received a videogame as my gift it was super smash bros brawl (in my opinion the most ambitious game in the series). As I played through with my brother we shuffled through an onslaut of options like music choices and modes like saving photos and replays it was amazing, and don't get me started with subspace emissary. The story mode was almost to much fun being so dramatic and hilarious, it really was something to behold. In super smash bros brawl there were a few more characters I found I had a great fondness for. They were Zelda & sheik, falco, marth, and the ice climbers whom I would not learn were from the previous instalment for some time and the newcomers were zero suit samus, Lucas, pit, toon link, and rob. It was also brawl that introduced me to my favorite video game franchises, like metroid, star fox, zelda, and f zero. When we first returned to the fighter select screen a memory from the past suddenly changed the way I looked at this game series. My life was suddenly just like the entangled crossover mess that was the game, it was like meeting an old friernd who had always been there, and it was then I decided super smash bros was the greatest video gaming experience of my life. Not long after completing brawl I discovered super smash bros melee instantly I new I had to own it, so I bought a copy and a GameCube cuz I didnt own one. It took me a stupid long time to unlock every character and stage (melee stages explained). I was surprised to learn that some characters in melee didn't make it to brawl, only one of wich I really fall in love with. Roy was one of many characters that were sadly cut from the next instalment. And I mean clones they were everywhere in melee and all but absent from from brawl. As for other characters I grew especially fond of the ice climbers and their gimmicky play style. Unfortunately super smash bros melee modes were a bit lackluster compared to brawl. Say for adventure mode wich was surprisingly deep, it really made you feel as if you were traversing through the games the characters belong to, unlike subspace emissary. But where I believe super smash bros melee really shines is in its game play and mechanics. It feels like a movie hopping around with explosions and lightning fast movements and it's technical input options that make the competitive scene so alluring (I'm a casual player BTW), unlike brawl wich is slow and sloppy and ssb64 wich in my opinion is worse. All things considered it is perhaps the most well put together game in the series.
Some time later super smash bros for Wii u and 3ds was announced, I was shocked, I believed ssbb was to be the last game in the series. I couldn't believe it, smash for handheld and home it was unreal. The first installment in the series I could truly enjoy the hype for, it was fun aside from being a skeptic of all the leaks that would later turn out to be true. First I shall say I accurately predicted paluteana would be a playable character, second the biggest surprise was definently pac-man (didn't think he'd  be possible), and third I was crushed to learn ice climbers would not make the cut because of the 3ds and I'd resent it for that reason. Not only that but I new the 3ds version would be inferior so I waited for the Wii u version. I stood out side the game store late at midnight to get my copy early. And I played for hrs, my favorite addition to the game had to be 8 player smash I allways wanted more action. I must say the roster of this game is one of if not the strangest with the cutting of semi clones like wolf and Lucas and the return of clones, specifically Dr Mario, of all the melee characters you'd choose to bring back why him over mewtwo, and the inclusion of dlc later. Nonetheless I did receive a few new characters to enjoy in paluteana, villager, the mii fighters, and corrin. Speaking of dlc I was not surprised by the announcement of mewtwo as dlc and I am glad both Roy and Lucas returned and Ryu I new you couldn't represent capcom with just megaman. The other game modes in Wii u and 3ds were interesting to say the least, target blast was fun but I still prefer target smash, master and crazy orders were amazing but hard, smash run was certainly the best thing about the 3ds version oh yah I did get a copy and a 3ds because I didn't have one. Oh and people, smash board isn't comparable to subspace emissary or world of light so, stop comparing them. The inclusion of amiibos really can make the game interesting but ultimately (pun intended) aren't very fun, however that won't stop me from buying all the amiibos I want. Now taking all this into account super smash bros for Wii u and 3ds allthough is flawed is also endlessly entertaining.
Then one day my partner came up to me and said, MERDY (thats my name) there's a new super smash bros game coming out. We watch the teaser and the thoughts just start rolling in, what characters will there be, what stages, what items, what modes, I was ready for all the answers but I would have to wait. I can say before the big "everyone is here" reveal I knew the ice climbers would return I also new there was no way they'd pass up another chance to add a story mode. World of light and spirits for that matter are probably the best thing to happen to smash, it's so complex and in depth it's creative and bewildering, it may not be as enveloped in worlds as adventure mode and we may not be able to enjoy the creative level design Masahiro Sakurai brought to subspace, however world of light has one thing the other two don't, customisation and the choice to play how you want, it's not as linear as adventure mode or subspace, and your fights aren't chosen for you. As for other game modes, I should first say 2 great new additions are video editing and vr mode, anyway you might as well go back and play some of the earlier installments in the franchise because ultimate leaves a little to be desired. Say for smash mode wich has lots of fun and well we can't talk about smash mode or super smash bros ultimate as a hole without mentioning it's shining star. The characters in super smash bros ultimate really make the game, I always dreamt that all the character from past installments would be in one game together. Of course I still had my predictions and surprises, first I accurately foresaw chrom, Simon, king k rool, technically hero (I really predicted erdrick only), and banjo & kazooie. Second I did not suspect, daisy, dark samus, and incineroar, although it was not a surprise ridley's presents in the game is highly appreciated for I am a huge metroid fan, BTW inkling was a no brainer. And I should mention the only new character I really enjoy playing is king k rool. Before the last section I wanna reminisce the things I'll miss about super smash bros. I'll really miss board the platforms, race to the finnish, 3d models of the characters and stages on select screens, event matches, coin launcher, boss battles, master and crazy orders, trophy rush, trophies, smash run, and good online gameplay... oh wait that was never a thing. I must state I'm sorry this story kind of turned into a critique, but super smash is first and foremost an experience and looking back now my life has be influenced by it, learning to grow strong and live big, and I can tell you super smash bros still is both a brotherly and love story for I still play with my brother and partner frequently. As for the future I can't say, ssbu is still growing and I personally believe it'll be Sakurai's last game in the franchise and video games are starting dwidle out of my life. Nonetheless it will be an unforgettable experience and I plan to continue to share it with all the world as it should be, being the largest crossover event in the history of entertainment, how can you even avoid it.
Waluigi for smash!!
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groundramon · 6 years
Hm, you know, the more I think about it, the more I hate everything about Ren and Stimpy and its existence and its effect on popular culture.  I honestly can’t believe how contrary Ren and Stimpy is to pretty much everything I value in a story.  Yes it’s had some good impacts but honestly? I blame it for the reason I can hardly find western animation that interests me.
First off I’m gonna say I’m gonna be harsh here because I have no respect for the creator.  He’s a piece of shit.  However I have nothing against fans and especially not against people who enjoyed it while growing up.  I didn’t watch it as a kid, but I did watch the cartoons (looney toons, tom and jerry, ect) that inspired it and its existence.  So I guess call me a hypocrite for liking those, idk?  But there’s a reason those weren’t originally made for television.
You see, Tom and Jerry and the Looney Toons were designed as pre-movie shorts in theaters.  I don’t know exactly how these shorts worked in regards to making profits, but my point is that their original intended purpose and profit was more akin to a pixar movie than Spongebob.  Television animation is much different than movie animation for a reason.  Movies directly make their profit based on how many people watch the movie.  That’s how profits work.
I don’t know if that’s how television works.  I know advertisers pay more money to have their advertisements during prime time hours or during big events, but I don’t believe that the amount of money they pay changes after the advertisement is aired.  I really don’t know, but based on what I’ve heard, that’s how it works.
That’s why, for years, animated kids shows were primarily long commercials.  Pretty much all 80s and early 90s cartoons were just toy commercials meant to market toys to kids.
Educational TV was one response to this, to create a safe space where kids were not bombarded by constant manipulative advertisements.
However, and I don’t know if this was due to laws like the educational TV movement or if it was just a natural response, there was another countermovement in the form of kids TV shows that didn’t care about marketing toys.  This is where shows like Ren and Stimpy came in and also why they were so influential - things weren’t simply as cut and dry as EVERYTHING being 100% a commercial and nothing else, but it was still pretty uncommon and revolutionary at the time to have a show with so little merchandise surrounding it.  Especially given how the show pushed boundaries in other ways.  Grossout cartoons weren’t a thing back in those days, and heck I don’t even know if censors let the old Tom and Jerry cartoons air reruns due to their violent nature.  Ren and Stimpy had both, and completely abolished previous standards of cartoons.  Not to mention, the fluid art style was radically different from the rigid styles of the past.
Unfortunately for me, personally, I don’t like grossout shows, and I’m not a huge fan of mean-spirited shows.  Now granted, if both parties are pieces of shit, or only the piece of shit party is getting their comeuppance, then I don’t quite mind.  But I wasn’t very fond of episodes where Squidward or Tom were unfairly punished by the normally “innocent” party, who would normally win since they were the “good” guys.  There’s a reason I dropped SpongeBob in season 8 and wasn’t the biggest fan in the few seasons before (and I’ve heard it’s gotten better since then, but the Squidward diaper fetish ep was enough to make me forsake the show forever, sorry.  Still consider myself a fan of the old seasons though, and not even just 1 - 3 bc I grew up liking seasons 4 and 5 too.)  And my opinion on exaggerated art styles depends very much on how well its done and how appealing it is to look at.
I don’t find Ren and Stimpy very appealing to look at, but it’s not bad on a technical level.  The off-model stills make a fluidity of motion, a proper illustration of exaggeration in animation unlike something like SU.  It’s basically the opposite of modern-seasons SU - they’re both off-model, but Ren and Stimpy is ugly to look at while doing it right and SU is tolerable while doing it 100% wrong.  If that makes any sense.
But I’m not a huge fan of the exaggerated, off-model art styles in TV shows.  I wasn’t a fan of Adventure Time’s art style and I’m still not.  I didn’t like early season 1 SU (although to be fair, SU critics give it WAY more credit than it deserves, because it was off model a LOT and not always in a properly exaggerating way).  I just don’t like these “weird” art styles.  SpongeBob starred anthropomorphic sea creatures (well, and a kitchen sponge) so it was easy to come to terms with how they looked.  They were reasonably designed for the world they lived in, and were appealing enough to look at.  Adventure Time’s style is relatively inoffensive but there are other art styles that honestly kinda hurt my eyes.  Like I don’t care if you have a reason for it, idc if it’s okay on a technical level, it’s fuckin Ugly.  That’s another reason I dropped SpongeBob in season 8 btw - all the new characters’ designs hurt my eyes, and I wasn’t even a fan of the revamps of old characters.
In addition to that, again, I said I don’t like grossout shows.  Guess what started popping up absolutely everywhere once Ren and Stimpy showed up?  Not even SpongeBob was safe from it.  (TO BE FAIR, yes there was grossout in the original few seasons, but I feel like I just...wasn’t phased by most of it, or something?  It’s like.  Yeah that’s a picture of a butterfly’s face.  Yeah that’s a hyperrealistic drawing of Squidward.  Nothing made me cringe due to my high levels of empathy because - other than the butterfly, which was quickly patrick and spongebob being silly - it was never grossout towards the characters.  I don’t know, does that make any sense?  It’s like.  Not grossout because grossout is supposed to hurt the characters, and bad grossout often hurts the audience more than the characters but also I just wasn’t grossed out by it so it wasn’t grossout.  If someone WAS grossed out by it then I guess it was bad grossout.  I’m not a hypocrite it just. didn’t faze me as a kid.)
And, apologies if I sound like a capitalist right now, but am I the only one who thinks its actually a good thing when TV shows sell toys?  Like, obviously it shouldn’t come in the way of a good story.  But that’s the thing - it doesn’t inherently come in the way of it.  You market a toy around a story and a good story makes the toy all the more profitable.  Like, look at Digimon.  100% a toy commercial (not good at marketing the toy it was trying to sell, but I digress - that’s another problem entirely) but it’s still beloved by people for its good story and good characters.  There’s NOTHING wrong with that, and in fact I wish it was a more common business model nowadays because that’s the only way I can hope to get 1. a serialized story and 2. enough of a budget for decent animation if I ever apply to a studio with my show ideas.
Ren and Stimpy normalized the idea of both non-serialized stories and non-toy-based cartoons.  Both of which are things contrary to my interests as a consumer, a producer, and as someone who looks at business from a logical perspective.  Non-serialized stories don’t matter, I mean look at SpongeBob, it’s just a personal thing there.  But like...not making shows for toy franchises is kinda?? a bad business strategy??  Why do you think CN plays TTG so much?  It’s because TTG has all the merch and sells all the merch and SU merch and other shows’ merch is superbly hard to come by.  Adventure Time was incredibly popular and well-pushed by the network when it first came out (one of the few things in this I’m saying with absolute certainty, because I was there) and there was quite a bit of merch for it right off the bat.  And as far as I know, it was pretty successful for the first few years.  But now as the show is ending, it’s fallen into obscurity.  AT was CN’s old TTG, just without the quite as ridiculous airing schedule (it was more akin to Nickelodeon and SpongeBob than TTG, if not slightly less than SpongeBob - it was on quite a lot, though).
I’m not saying there isn’t a place for shows like Ren and Stimpy in the world, but like, I can’t BELIEVE how much of the supposedly good things it did aren’t good in my eyes at all.  It’s a personal opinion, but still.  I can’t really think of a single thing Ren and Stimpy did that I liked.  The only good thing I can think of is loosening up censors enough for stuff like SU and other lgbt+ programs to fly by, but even then, all it did was loosen the censors in general - and loosening those censors has made a lot of problems alongside the good.
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