#i was ''critisizing'' something about eddie (and therefore about buddie) so of course someone had to come out of the woodwork
shaunashipman · 30 days
You move pretty similarly to some crazy buddie shippers. Like hating on a mustache so badly and getting pissed bc you see it because there's no bts of Lou yet is crazyyyy. "disgusting dead caterpillar decaying on his top lip" like are you okay? Like the crew loves the mustache & so does the cast. Let them have fun. Why are you so upset when the cast all look happy and having fun on set with it. I feel like if it was any other cast with the mustache for example Bobby or Kenny, you'd enjoy it. But since it's RG and it makes buddies happy, you're being a buzzkill bc you hate that buddies so much. It just doesn't feel like you're actually a fan of the show but just a fan of Lou & bucktommy. Lou will eventually be spotted on set unless they give them an offscreen breakup which I can't see them doing twice in a row for Buck.
babe are you okay? why are you so pressed about what I'm doing?
show me where, in any of my mustache hating posts, I mention lou. if you go through my blog, you'll find very little posts about lou being/not being on set (no shade to those that are posting, I know y'all are having fun 😘). I'm not worried about lou not being seen on set. it's very unlikely tommy isn't coming back, at least for a little bit, so I'm not stressed. and if he isn't, I'll complain about how it's bad writing for a day or two, then move on.
my hatred of the mustache, is because I fucking hate mustaches. kenny or peter or anyone could have one and I'd still fucking hate it. because I hate mustaches. the only person I even slightly tolerate it on is tom selleck, and even on him it's gross, it's just that he's always had one so he looks weirder without it. you hear that? I hate the mustache on thee mustache man. I stand by "disgusting dead caterpillar decaying on his top lip". it's true. just like it's also true that other people really like the mustache, and find it attractive, and I don't like to unnecessarily rain on other people's parades, so I didn't put my mustache loathing posts in the tags.
and I'm not upset about the videos of the mustache, I'm bored. the cast and crew is having fun, great, glad they are, I'm not. and I'm not commenting on their videos about it, I'm not tagging the cast in my posts, I'm just stating, on my own blog, to my followers and mutuals, that I don't like the mustache and I'm bored of seeing it in the bts. people are welcome to unfollow, and even block if they want. but several of my moots really like the mustache, and post about it, and I don't unfollow them, so I think they'll also be fine with seeing posts about how I don't like it. because we're adults who understand you don't have to agree with every single opinion someone has to be friends with them.
funny how a handful of posts about me disliking the mustache = me not even liking the show. quick question, are you part of eddieblr who thinks the show revolves around him? cause newsflash, I could in fact hate the character of eddie, and RG, and it wouldn't mean I don't love the rest of the show. yeah, I post a lot about bucktommy, they're my shiny new blorbos, fresh out of the package and hardly damaged yet. but I very much love the rest of the show and characters.
so, how about you stop worrying about what other people like or don't like, curate your space, and leave me to be a hater in peace
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