#i want to know all of Riz's Bodhi headcanons please
sleepykalena · 6 years
Which RO character do you have the most trouble with drawing-wise? Most trouble writing-wise? Which do you have the easiest time drawing? writing?
Most Challenging:
Drawing-wise: Bodhi. He has a very interestingly sharp facial structure with large eyes, and normally that’s not a combination that makes sense in my head (since i tend to equate large eyes with baby-like faces [and lbr Riz Ahmed is a total babe, but you know what i mean here])Writing-wise: Chirrut. I have some headcanons in mind, but they’re actually all in relation to Baze (which, given Chirrut’s rather outwardly bright personality depicted in this fandom, is a bit of an uncommon situation). I’m trying to avoid giving Chirrut this sort of “sageness” that’s typical of Asian monks in mainstream media, but in order for me to highlight Chirrut’s strengths through the lens I want, I currently have to rely on how I decide to depict Baze to reach that point.
Easiest to depict:
Drawing-wise: Jyn. I’m just way more familiar with drawing females, plain and simple. XDWriting-wise: Cassian. There’s a train of thought that I feel like Cassian has that makes him easier to write. I lowkey can’t wait to get to the Parka sequel just so I can write the May 4th prompt with his POV in mind, and I’m having a lot of fun trying to think about how Cassian approaches Jyn in The Right Key.
[I’m holding a Crappy Friday AMA! Help cheer me up, please!]
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