#i want to be a pretty girl
starrysharks · 8 months
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friendship is magic
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applebugg · 2 months
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Vintage perfume bottles
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freebagels · 9 days
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Magical bestie
I like their outfittttt
Zira from 'Pretty Pretty Please I Don't Want To Be A Magical Girl' by @kianamaiart
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sirsketchedoodle · 8 days
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I've been watching these @kianamaiart designs come out and I had to do a new version of my Madoka piece 💙 Aika and Zira are so cute
Lady Devoid is probably next holy crap I love her design btw
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hinamie · 1 month
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bunch of portraits
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musubiki · 1 month
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balor + ponytail (feat my farmer isa)
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vintrage · 1 month
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fire cannot kill a dragon BITCH
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dc-ocs-200x · 1 year
Because sweet Uncle Abel has me absolutely melting, take an idea that I've been hooked on to for the longest time
Athena bounced from her little heels back to her tip toes then back on the heels of her mary jane buckle shoes, looking down at her assigned outfit, black and white all except for a thin line on the collars, sleeve edges, and skirt end which was purple, her given color to represent her sin. She was pleased at the perfect symmetry, being one of the children to be extremely fussy over her looks. She smiled at the thought, the reminder of exactly what she was waiting on.
Raven had occupied himself with a book, and she didn't want to be too clingy. Cain had locked himself into the library 'organizing it' he claimed (though all the kids knew that such matters were much more up their other uncle's forte), which did simply leave Abel who was finishing up with the dishes. She'd been waiting oh-so-patiently for the rushing of water and the clinking of plates and silverware to cease signaling her perfect opportunity to plead for the dark haired caretaker to play with her. Finally hearing said chance, she immediately rushed into the kitchen with a delighted giggle.
"Uncle Abel!" she chirped, keeping her voice sweet even in her excitement, hoping it'd be enough to sway the man into her game, gently clinging to his vest, tugging on it tenderly, "You're done? You're done with the dishes?"
Abel chuckled briefly, placing a hand on the blonde little girl's head, "Yes, darling, I noticed a little pair of purple eyes watching me as I worked, was there something you needed?"
Athena's face flushed gently hearing she'd been caught in her spying, but Abel's non-judgmental tone was enough for her to keep her big, endearing smile, bouncing on her feet again, "I was just wondering, since you're done, if you'd play with me? Please Uncle Abel?"
Abel glanced to the time with a small hum, a gentle smile pulling at his mouth with a nod, "Yes, we have time for a little game," he agreed, "what did you have in mind, little Pride and Joy?"
Athena's eyes absolutely lit up, trying her hardest to suppress her squeal of happiness, though she wasn't quite as quick to stop her excited little bounces, "Dress up! Dress up please! Pretty please Uncle Abel..!"
Seeing the little girl's practically glowing face, Abel smiled a bit more, unable to deny the request, nodding, "Of course little dear," he murmured, "lets go get your box of dress up items," Athena wasn't quick enough to quiet the giggles that spilled from her mouth, eagerly taking Abel's hand to guide him upstairs to her room, once there, she quickly got into her closet.
Finding an item she'd been looking for, she called out, "Close your eyes and bend down, Uncle Abel! Please!" she added. Abel arched a brow gently but did oblige to the little girl's words. Athena skipped over, keeping the item hidden behind her back, despite Abel not being able to see it anyways. Once close enough, she produced the little crown she'd found, she gingerly placed it on his head.
"Now, stand back up, but keep your eyes closed, please!" Abel snorted at her words, but again followed them. Upon rising to his feet, he felt Athena grab his hand and guide him over somewhere, he easily assumed to her little vanity mirror and desk.
"Ok, open them!" she chirped.
Abel did so and smiled once he saw the little crown, chuckling softly, "What's this for, silly girl?"
"Cause..!" Athena chirped, twirling herself almost shyly, "You're the king of my heart!"
Abel smiled softly at that, feeling his heart absolutely melt hearing her words, "Ohh darling, that is so sweet, thank you... but you know what a king needs?"
"Besides a crown?" Athena asked, head tilted.
"Yes, besides a crown," Abel chuckled, "he needs a little princess," he hummed, "let's go find a suitable dress, shall we?"
Athena's face heated up again but Abel wasn't too worried about it, as he could see the utterly elated smile on her expression, he held his hand out to which the little girl eagerly took it, Abel leading her back over to her closet, "Let's see now, what dress would you like, dear?"
"Mmm...." Athena hummed softly, "I want you to pick it, Uncle Abel. I wanna wear your favorite color..!"
Abel chuckled quietly, heart further melting at the little girl's sweet words, he shifted through eventually finding a deep blue dress, "Here we are, do you need help getting it on, princess?"
Athena giggled shyly, starting to fidget with the ends of her long hair, Abel smiled, right as she opened her mouth to timidly assure she could do it, he spoke up, "Oh my, how silly of me," he knelt down, "a little princess shouldn't have to lift a single finger," he cooed gently, "allow me, darling."
Athena's eyes twinkled at this, another meek but clearly joyful giggle leaving her, covering her face lightly. Abel smiled a bit more, extremely glad ge could offer Athena such happiness, "Here little darling, let your king get you dressed up all pretty," he cooed. He gently but quickly swapped the more school uniform type outfit for the extravagant dress, humming afterwards.
"There we are, anything else the princess would like to add before we parade around the 'kingdom'?"
Athena blinked in awe, looking up to Abel, who nodded gently in return. The little one could barely keep back her squeal this time, "A bow? Please?"
Abel hummed softly, "Absolutely," he agreed, looking in the little girl's bow drawer, finding a matching ribbon, tying it into a neat little bow for her to hold her hair up. Athena giggled excitedly, hugging onto Abel afterwards.
"Thank you Uncle Abel! It's perfect!" she squealed.
Abel smiled warmly, "My pleasure, now, shall we let the kingdom knows who their king and princess are," he cooed opening the bedroom door, even bowing a bit like a gentleman for the little one, "after you, princess."
Athena giggled a bit skipping outside the room and once Abel was outside the room she took his hand, eagerly leading him down the stairs and through a few hallways, only pausing at a familiar voice.
"Well, well, well... what have we here?" Cain called, in the doorway of the kitchen.
Athena's eyes twinkled further, skipping up to Cain, dragging Abel along who was trying now not to seem too embarrassed under his older brother's ever taunting gaze. Athena held one poofy corner of her dress, doing a little curtsy.
"Your king and princess decided to take a stroll through the kingdom!"
"Ohhh, I see," Cain hummed doing a deep bow to them both, "What a delight then to see our royalty out and about," he then held a hand out to Athena, "if I may, princess."
Athena couldn't seem to turn off her bashful giggles now but she still presented her hand to Cain's outstretched one. Once he had it, he gently pressed a kiss to her knuckles, rising back up afterwards, doing a smaller bow, "And the king, how lovely of you to get the little princess out. Its always something special when we see her.."
Abel smiled gently, eyes focused down on little Athena who was just glowing with joy now, "Yes, a special event for a special little girl.."
Cain hummed in agreement, "Would the little princess like a glass of warm milk? And perhaps tea for the king?"
Abel hummed softly, pondering a moment, he knew it was getting close to bed time now, but he didn't want Athena to feel as though the game was ending too early, but upon her catching his gaze and nodding eagerly, he nodded as well with a warm smile at her understanding, "Yes, I think that would be a wonderful idea."
Cain had insisted the two sit as he fixed the drinks as an 'ever dutiful assistant' by his own words (Abel knew he'd never stoop to the title servant willingly) but what caught him off guard was how easily Cain played along into the game, honestly having expected his older brother to let his pride or jealousy get the better of him. Still, he'd served the drinks to a perfect T, even ensuring Athena's was in a lidded cup to 'prevent any messes on her beautiful dress'. Athena, now nearly done with the drink was curled up to Abel, still drinking on the liquid to get it gone. Abel rubbed her back and hair soothingly in between sips of tea, humming softly.
Cain finally sat down, "I do hope you intend to give as much attention to Nyx or Raven tomorrow," he commented propping his chin on his knuckles.
Abel hummed softly nodding, intending to make sure all the kids got equal amounts of his attention, "I will," he assured softly, almost in a mumble as if to keep Athena from hearing, "Its just been a while. I thought Pride could use some attention... but I already planned on reading with Raven some tomorrow," he assured. Cain snorted softly in approval.
Athena pulled the cup out with a little pop, yawning afterwards as she looked sleepily up to her Uncle, "Uncle Abel?" she murmured, "Think I'm ready for bed now.."
Abel hummed kissing her forehead gently, "Let's get you in comfy pajamas and tucked in then..." he stood up cradling her gently.
Cain snorted softly, "Good night, Pride and Joy," he hummed standing himself to put the cup in the sink before he headed up himself to tuck Nyx in first. Abel bit his tongue as to not say anything, figuring he'd just let the little fantasy continue up in the little girl's bedroom. He undid the bow and brushed through her hair gently, getting her all comfortable in her purple and white fuzzy pajamas and finally tucked in with her precious toy kitty cat.
Abel pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, "Good night my little princess. Have the sweetest of dreams..." he whispered. Athena let out an utterly content and sleepy sigh, cuddling up into bed, her little eyes fluttering already. Abel hummed heading to the door, shutting the light off as he passed, automatically activating the light sensored night light which displayed a light starry purple onto the ceiling and walls. He went to shut the door and go to tuck Raven in, but as he started to shut it, he heard the smallest voice murmur.
"Good night my king... have.... sweetest dreams.."
Abel smiled, shutting the door gently as Athena drifted off fully.
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bookwyrminspiration · 11 months
i love writing. i also would rather be doing literally anything else
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aphel1on · 5 months
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AURGH auwarghh the autistic parental trauma... the epi was wacky hijinks then dropped this on us out of nowhere... (sobs) laios... laiiiiooooos
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heartscrypt · 6 months
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disney japan let me on your design team i promise i can be so normal
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omi-boshi · 6 months
"you gotta let me go, lovebug." kiyoomi rumbles, attempting to gently wiggle out of your baby's grasp. the lovebug in question only gurgles, happy to have her father's attention on her. it quirks a smile on kiyoomi's face. his amusement is short-lived, however, when the grip on his finger seemingly tightens in response and tightens even more when he wiggles just a tad harder.
his rising panic amuses you to no end.
at the sound of your quiet giggles, kiyoomi tears his gaze away the baby cradled in your arms to look you in the eye.
"a little help would be nice, you know?" he frowns. "our food's gonna be here any minute."
"i would love to but there's nothing i can really do when she's clinging like that, kiyo." you send him the most sympathetic smile you could muster with the laughter still bubbling up your throat. "you know how she gets."
and kiyoomi does—he really does. your daughter got it from you, after all.
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sirsketchedoodle · 7 days
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so uh, I may have been very motivated.
As promised, @kianamaiart 's Lady DeVoid
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lanaknowsitried0 · 6 months
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dc-ocs-200x · 1 year
Trigger Warnings: Threat of corporal punishment, memories of slavery, and a panic attack
The lessons were difficult, what didn't help was Athena was quite behind all the other kids. Raven and Lux had very advance schooling, not something either took much pride in, for very different reasons. Salem had schooling on and off in between their illness. Lucias and Darcey at least had known the basics when they arrived. Even Nyx was ahead of her mainly due to Cain eagerly teaching the youngest girl whenever she could.
Athena, however, had nothing to fall back on. Normally, Abel handled the lessons, especially with the children that were more behind, but with him focusing on inventory of the home so that Cain wouldn't have to, that left the teaching up to the older brother who obviously had much less patience. The lesson focus of the day was math, something Athena really wasn't any good at, having only recently gotten ahold of double digit multiplication which took her to the next step, double digit division, what particularly tripped her up were the ones with remainders.
Her eyes narrowed a little bit in concentration, trying to recall her 'backwards multiplication', as Abel had called it when she worked with single digit division, but upon feeling an intimidating figure looking over her shoulder, she grew more anxious, hand subtly trembling.
Cain watched her, narrowing his eyes seeing Athena not writing anymore, rather just letting her pencil hover over the paper. He tsked gently, "Pride... the sooner you finish this ridiculously easy homework, the sooner we can be done for the day.."
Athena blushed at the patronizing tone, like she didn't already know this, "I-I'm trying Uncle Cain... the numbers are just a little too big.." she mumbled shyly.
Cain scoffed, "This, dear Pride and Joy, is nothing. You'll be dealing with much bigger numbers soon enough," the mere thought brought tears to Athena's eyes in worry. She was struggling with double digits and that was two numbers each, what was a bigger number going to do. Cain narrowed his eyes further.
"Don't you dare start to cry. There's no need for all of that. You're not a baby are you?" Cain asked, brow arched, to which Athena quickly shook her head, "Then don't act like one. Answer the question on the worksheet so we can be done."
Athena gave a whine from the back of her throat, now throughly worked up, her hand shaking harder as her eyes blurred over with tears, making it near impossible for her to even see the numbers.
"Pride..." Cain stated, voice low and warning, the blonde girl's lip started to tremble at the sound of it, "You cry and I'm going to give you a proper reason to. Your little hind-end will have a nice date with my belt. Do you understand?"
Athena's breath hitched at this, arms curling into herself, and before she could quite stop herself, she burst into tears. As soon as she realized her mistake, that she had gone against Cain's instructions, she started to cry out through another sob, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry, I'm sorry!!"
Cain blinked, usually the threat worked, and even if the child started to cry (like Lux, the child he most often had to use the threat with) they never started to apologize like that. Cain might've appreciated it, if it didn't leave an ill feeling in his stomach that he didn't like at all.
"Now, now, no need for all that. Settle down. You're just embarrassing yourself," Cain scolded, trying to encourage Pride to stop crying, albeit poorly. However, this only did the opposite, making the little girl cry harder, breath hitching in her throat as she does. The older caretaker's mistakes quickly catch up with him, having seen all the children suffer a panic attack at least once. He groans in frustration, rubbing his face before kneeling before her. Before he could open his mouth, Athena winced away from him, trying to curl herself as small as she could on the chair and as far away from Cain.
"Oh darling..." he murmured, realizing he wouldn't be of any help, he stood back up, going to the doorway, "Abel... Abel you stuttering, dense meat-muffin, get your lard-ass in here!" with Cain being occupied, he failed to notice his yelling making Athena cry harder, covering her ears tightly.
She so desperately wanted to remind herself that she was somewhere safe now. Threaten as they might, Cain and Abel hadn't ever physically hurt any of the children. Yet she couldn't seem to do it. Her mind screamed at her that she was still a meek little slave, trapped under her master's thumb, just waiting for a punishment for messing up again. And her body ran with what her mind persisted with, refusing to let her breathe very much between the harsh shallow breaths and the sobs, so she was just sure to get in trouble, scaring her more. It all creating a very vicious cycle.
Cain felt his irritation rising more and more, and he despised the fact he was having to yell for his useless brother even more, but anyone could tell you that Abel was the more sympathetic brother. He growled but before he could yell again he spotted Darcey walking past, he almost ignored the boy before an idea struck him.
"Lust, come here."
The red head boy jumped at Cain's voice, but immediately turned, head tilted, "Yes, Uncle?" he hummed.
"Go find that dolt," Cain instructed firmly. Darcey blinked but nodded quickly catching view of Athena's position. As the boy took off towards the stairs, Cain heads back over to Athena, keeping his distance but trying to talk her back down.
In Darcey's haste, he bumped into Raven who stumbled slightly but immediately glared, "Watch where you're going Darcey!"
"Sorry V! J-just have you seen Uncle Abel? Uncle Cain and Thea need him..!"
Raven narrowed his eyes slightly in curiosity before shaking his head, "He's not upstairs, that's for sure," he mumbled. Darcey nodded calling a 'thanks' before taking back off downstairs. Darcey's vague answer left Raven worried, however, not liking the feeling it left in his gut. He took off downstairs to the library. He shuffled in barely having to take in the scene before his blood started boiling some.
"Pride, dear, I need you to look at me. I cannot help you if you're not looking at me," Cain coaxed, irritation edging his words.
"She's not gonna listen when you sound like that," the black haired boy retorted as he made his way over to Athena, kneeling in front of her, "'Thena?" he called gently. He admittedly wasn't sure if it would work or not, but much to his relief, Athena seemed able to hear him even past her wailing, panicked breaths, and her ears still being covered, because she did peek an eye open to him.
Raven frowned a bit seeing her, she was looking at him, but he was confident she didn't see him, "What happened to her?" he asked in a mumble.
Cain bristled slightly despite trying to keep his composer, "No telling. We were doing math one minute and she's like this the next," he shrugged, simplifying the timeline nearly enough to be a lie, one Raven definitely wasn't buying. He figured he'd just have to get answers himself, but there was no way it was happening with Athena in this state.
"I don't think you being here is helping," Envy commented seeing Athena in a position almost like she was trying to get away from the oldest family member.
"Abel can handle it. I just don't want her alone. You, my boy, are a child. No need for you to worry about all this," Cain stated but Raven didn't budge.
"You want Uncle Abel? I'd suggest looking for yourself. Pretty sure he's in the more secret, lower levels. Darcey definitely won't find him anytime soon. No one knows them better than you. I'll sit with her."
Cain mulled over the child's words, before growling and standing up, "You only sit there. Leave the hard work for the adults, hear me?" he warned as he finally relented, standing up. Raven silently nodded. He waited until he heard the library doors shut before he stood up and locking them. He wasn't sure where Abel was actually, so he hoped it would take Cain a while. Long enough for him to do what he needed.
He made his way back over, kneeling in front of the younger sin, "Hey Thena.... can you hear me?" he asked softly.
Athena drew in a hard, shaky breath, choking on it slightly, but she nodded all the same.
"Good... good girl," he praised, glad to see some form of recognition flicker in Athena's purple eyes, "can you move your hands for me..?"
Athena hiccuped somewhat, but after a moment of letting the words sink in, she did as told, instead hugging them to her chest.
"Great, now, can you copy my breathing? Look, deep breath in..." he showed an example of his words. Athena attempted to copy but instead it got caught in her throat followed by another frantic cry, shaking her head.
"I-I-I cannn't! I caaaannnn't! I'm s-sorry, I'm sorry!" she wailed.
"Hey, hey... it's ok.." he paused a moment before leaning up gently blowing on her face, this trick working well enough for Athena to take a sharp, but mostly stable, breath in, releasing it in a softer cry.
Raven hesitated before carefully reaching up to rub her back, thankfully, rather than trying to get away again, Athena relaxed instead, this was encouragement enough for Raven to murmur gently, "Can I hold you?"
Athena hiccupped slightly but nodded, reluctantly holding her arms out to the older child, who carefully shifted her off the chair and onto his lap. Athena immediately buried herself into Raven's shoulder, she hiccupped and sobbed again, eventually mumbling out, "I'm s-sorry..!"
Raven frowned gently, debating with himself whether or not he actually heard what he thought he did, once he was sure, he murmured, "Sorry for what, Thena? You're not doing anything wrong..."
"I-I'm crying..! I-I'm sorry!" she insisted again, "N-not- not trying to be bad..!"
Raven frowned at that, but gently rocked with the blonde girl, "You aren't being bad... there's nothing bad about crying... it's ok," he murmured. Athena clung on tighter, and Raven slowly started to rock with her. This eventually settled Pride's crying, which I'm turn eased Raven.
"There you go," he murmured, moving her hair out of her face, the usually well tended to blonde hair now in a disheveled mess, "there.. now what happened, Thena?" he murmured gently.
Athena hiccupped slightly, looking up to Raven, hesiting a moment, "Uncle Cain and I were doing math a-and I was getting frustrated s-so I had tears in my eyes... Uncle scolded me for it threatening me with his belt if I did start to cry and... it's all so blurry from there... it felt like I was back with my masters and I was going to be beat at any moment.... I'm sorry... I know it was dumb.. I just... got so scared.."
Raven set his jaw slightly before shaking his head gently, "It wasn't anything that you could help... he shouldn't have spoken to you like that.." he assured, still rocking with her. Athena sniffled, hiding herself against Raven.
"Rea?" she murmured after a while, surprising the dark haired boy as he was sure the girl had fallen asleep.
Raven hummed looking down at her, "Yeah Thena?"
"You wouldn't have let him hurt me, right..?" she whimpered.
Raven paused before snorting and shaking his head, "Yeah, I wouldn't have let him... no one can hurt you while I'm around, remember?"
Athena relaxed a bit at that and nodded.
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atompalace-official · 3 months
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Pokémon x Precure 🎀🍰💕 Cure Whip, Sylveon Shortcake style!
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