#i wanna reply to things but i'm just like............womp
panandinpain0 · 1 year
yooOOO wassup itsame mango- could I req a ron x hermione’s slightly younger ravenclaw brother fic? I just wanna know what you’d think of it 🧍‍♂️ cool ok bye 🏃‍♂️💨
Under the Willow Tree
Oh my god yes- I've been wanting to write more Harry Potter fics so this is wonderful.
Did you have an idea of any plot you want me to follow or something like that?
I'll give you a little snippet here and maybe more later- we love you mango <3
(please let me know if you want more of this because I will gladly oblige)
Requested by: @mailmango
Ron Weasley x Male!Ravenclaw!Granger!Reader
(I'm so excited to write for Ron-)
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There was this willow tree in the courtyard- not the Womping Willow, the violent tree that protected not only a shabby house but also secrets. This willow was planted by Professor Sprout and some of her Muggleborn and Half-Blood friends when she was a student at Hogwarts. She had always loved learning about Muggle plants and helped them plant it, and now it was huge and glorious.
This was (Y/N)'s favorite tree.
So there he sat, books splayed out about him, a quill and paper in his hand. He'd decided to take Ancient Runes this year, his sister Hermione greatly influencing this decision. She had thought it would challenge him in just the way he needed, and she was right.
It was extremely difficult, to say the least.
Brows creased and eyes focused on the parchment he had placed on a book for a smooth surface, (Y/N) tapped his lip with the end of his quill- completely oblivious to the group approaching him.
"Hey (Y/N), heads up!" Hermione shouted, tossing an apple at the distracted boy as she got closer.
Caught off guard, (Y/N) gasped and looked up, only to be hit in the face with an apple.
Hermione and Ron cringed while Harry laughed, the trio sitting around the books on the grass.
"Ow," (Y/N) somewhat joked, picking up the apple and taking a bite.
"Sorry," Hermione chuckled, picking up a book and skimming a paragraph. "Ancient Runes?"
"Yup," (Y/N) responded, popping the 'p'. "Why'd I let you convince me to take this class?"
"Because you'd breeze through all the other electives and you know it," Hermione answered with a smug look on her face, snatching (Y/N)'s parchment to look it over.
"Hey- I was working on that!"
"Ahh, just let her. You need a break anyways," Harry replied, playing with his wand as he observed the students around the courtyard.
"I did this last year, maybe I can help," Hermione added, snatching the quill from his hand and making adjustments.
(Y/N) huffed a dramatic breath before turning to Ron, who'd been silent.
"Hello Ron, how's your day been?" he smiled up at him, seeing as he was still standing.
Ron realized the awkward position and sat down against the tree with (Y/N).
"It's been alright, yours?"
(Y/N) shrugged, "It could be going worse. This Runes paper is the worst part about it so far."
Suddenly Harry perked up, gaze trained on something across the courtyard.
"I'll see you guys later!" He suddenly jumped up and ran off, tucking his wand into the pocket of his billowing cloak.
"Harry? Wait!" Hermione shouted, dropping the parchment and quill and following after him. She continued to shout things but (Y/N) and Ron could no longer make them out.
Shaking his head in amusement (Y/N) picked up the things Hermione had dropped before looking at Ron.
"You aren't going to follow them?"
"Nah, they've been running this way and that all day. I'd rather just stay here." Ron laughed at the end of his response, turning to look into (Y/N)'s eyes.
"What's going on with them, do you think?" (Y/N) questioned, pretending not to notice the limited space between Ron and himself as he returned Ron's stare.
"When is something not going on with them?" Ron bantered back, just now noticing how small the space between them had become. He cleared his throat and turned away, not seeing (Y/N)'s disappointed stare.
Picking up a nearby book Ron tried to make small talk.
"So, Runes, eh? I'm so glad I never took that class..." he trailed off with a nervous chuckle.
"Are we seriously not going to talk about it?" (Y/N) asked sternly, a serious look on his face.
Ron gulped and tried to ignore the heat in his face, avoiding eye contact with (Y/N).
"Talk about what?" he weakly mumbled back.
"The kiss, Ron. Are we seriously not going to talk about how we kissed and we still haven't done anything about it?" he desperately asked, beginning to look a bit sad.
"Well, what do you want to do about it?" Ron asked gently, fearing the rejection he was still so positive was coming- no matter how much (Y/N) seemed to want the same thing as him.
(Y/N) took in a deep breath, looking thoughtful. Then he cleared his throat and turned to Ron with a newfound determination.
"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me? As my date?" He felt like he had to be specific for Ron to get it.
Ron looked shocked, and felt bad that he hadn't been the one to ask.
"Yes, really. Unless you don't want to, which in that case- pretend I never said anything-"
"No- I want to!"
They shared a smile with warm cheeks and racing hearts.
"Does this mean you're my boyfriend?" Ron asked nervously as he looked at the grass, like he was a second year all over again, even though it's been four years since he actually was one.
"I'd love to be, but if you're still unsure we can just see how Hogsmeade goes..." (Y/N) hesitantly replied, tenderly slipping his fingers between Ron's on the grass.
Ron flipped his and over to hold (Y/N)'s hand properly and met his gaze, "I'd like that."
So like I said, just a snippet, but please let me know if you want more!
Hope you enjoyed mango <3
-Author Max <3
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hechose · 8 hours
respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better.
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roleplayer name: andy
roleplayer pronouns: they/them
muse name: armand
preferred communication: discord is mostly preferred, but tumblr dm's are always fine too!
experience: oooh... something like... 15+ years?? across a variety of different platforms.
preferred roleplay type: love a good few paragraphs where all parties get to go in depth rambling about the situations/character feelings/motivations/thoughts/all that jazz. as much as i always enjoy a good funny quick vibe thing, i will always prefer deep diving into character development and explorations stuff, be that of any variety ya know??
pet peeves & dealbreakers: it's,,, rather specific but it's based on past bs so-- i'm particularly offish if someone shows signs of possessive behaviour like. jealousy over writing/talking etc with other people, treating it like you own myself or anyone in the community for that matter. ig i've just... been burned too badly in the past and not noticed before it was way, way too late. i have pretty open eyes to that shit now (thank u therapy for helping me work on my own shit with that), so i'm pretty quick to just shut it down. also a less intense one but, people essentially guilt tripping people with ooc posts.
plot or memes: memes are always a great way to kick shit off, to explore different things and tend to be a good jumping off point for me to feel comfortable approaching people directly to then either, plot in depth, or just vibe it and scream about our characters ya know?? plotting is great, i love being able to delve in and create our own little worlds and aus etc, but i do tend to be a more vibes person when actually writing/threading etc. i like to have an end point/direction with a thread, even if it's only a tiny point to grow and delve into.
long replies or short replies: nice lil mix tbh?? two small paragraphs tends to be as small as i go... long ones have done the 'oops i hit discord message limit four times in one reply womp' so it really just depends
best time to write: usually just... any time during my days off. if i wanna write, i'll write ya know?? however post-work day tends to not be as great of a time coz i'm usually fuckt and exhausted.
are you like your muse?: ahhahahahahahahahhaha.... listen,,, lets just. NOT,,, bc it's big womp womp moments every time i hit Awareness of how and why im so deeply attached to this muse in particular-- sometimes u just have trauma that connects up and how it shaped you matches and how it made you function for such a large part of your life mATCHES,,
tagged by: @operahouses fank yew bb tagging: i've seen so many of u wonderful lot doing this so just, anyone that sees this now and hasn't yet, tag me as the one that tagged u so i can read urs too!! <33
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elliemcintire-blog1 · 7 years
fam while do i only have so little muse tonight rip
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