#i wanna be active here again but we'll see i have like 3 other art accounts to try and keep up hngg
badmintonbuddies · 4 years
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dress to impress as they say (but really anon that means a lot to hear. i never thought this blog could have the impact that it did, especially with how rarely i posted even before my year-long hiatus. i still saw the notifs and asks this place still got even when i was gone, it surprised me how people still managed to find this place. your baxter costume is gonna turn out great <3)
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hgwellsmykabering · 3 years
@purlturtle tagged me in a little W13/Bering&Wells questionaire for her website - Thanks for thinking of me, and feel free to post my answers on there with my lilolilyrae ao3 URL, and/or this tumblr here!
How did you get into Warehouse 13/Bering and Wells? What do you love about the show/ship, what woke your interest, what kept it going?
I first watched Warehouse 13 with my family when I was about 13 - I think season 3 had just been released, and there were re-runs of the earlier seasons on TV, I liked it and got the DVDs for my birthday.
I shipped Helena and Myka from the start - and it might be the one and only popular ship that I got into without prior influence from fandom! While I already had a tumblr, I wasn't active in many fandom circles there, and I had never even heard of ao3 yet... But when I discussed the W13 characters and possible relationships with my parents, and my mom was like 'we may not like it, but Pete and Myka as the main characters will end up together, it's always like that' (curse you, season 5, for proving her right), while my dad suggested Pete/Helena and didn't believe me that Helena and Myka were the most shippable... well, I went online, found my first fanfiction, and felt Very vindicated at not being the only one to realize their potential! So really, Bering&Wells got me into fandom.
When did you start writing for them? Do you still write for them, or have you moved to other fandoms/ships? (no worries either way, it's absolutely fair to move on!)
I started writing for them back in 2016 with a College AU that I never quite finished (and don't have the heart to mark 'abandoned' but am honestly not sure whether I'll ever come back to), then only sporadically stayed in the fandom until I found some new Bering&Wells online friends some time last year, and I started writing for the ship again a few months ago.
What do you/did you like about writing for Bering and Wells? What motivates/motivated you to write for them?
Apparently, I have a ship-type of 'Women with a tragic backstory where one had to leave the other for a while', and, well... they just fit that perfectly.
Also, all the lost potential of canon! I do so enjoy fixing that.
What kinds of stories do you or did you write for Bering and Wells? Happy endings or sad endings? Hurt/comfort, plot fics, AUs, kid fics, fix-its, smut, …?
So far it's been short fics, mostly smut, but given that since I started writing for them again this year, I only wrote 3 new fics for the ship so far, I don't think that's much of a pattern yet xD we'll see! I definitely plan to write more.
Have you created or are you still creating other forms of fan art for Bering and Wells/Warehouse 13, like GIFs, videos, paintings? Do you wanna show it off (share a link)?
Photo posts on tumblr! I think I only made the one moodboard for Bering&Wells so far, but I am taking prompts for photo stories, moodboards and manips to all of my ships :)
Do you have a favorite story, or a story you’re proudest of, and would you tell us which it is?
...I'll link the one that isn't smut xD and I did get positive reviews on this!
The Grey of Memories, 1.5k, T, emotional hurt/comfort, no warnings. Tumblr | ao3
From the smut fics, my fav is And You Don't Need To Stay Silent on ao3, 5k, E, emotional loud sex in a newly established relationship
What do you/did you find easy to write for them; what is/was hard or challenging? Do you feel you have a good grip on the two main characters; is one of them more elusive than the other?
Well you see... It's honestly been so long since I last watched much actual W13 canon... So now when I think of the characters, it's all a mash-up of ideas from other people's fics, plus my own specific headcanons - and I honestly don't care to change that. (Insert that text post 'does fic really have to be in character? Is it not enough that I don't need to learn any new names?')
As for writing them to still be recognizable to people with different headcanons, I've found that Helena's old-timey British-ness and tendency to use the pet name 'darling' helps a lot, while I don't have any such tricks for Myka, so I suppose writing HG would be easier there.
What's your writing style? Planner, Pantser, Plantser? Do you work with a beta? Have you ever co-written a story with someone else, and how did that experience go?
I can write one-shots in one go, but for anything longer than about 5k, or if I just don't have the time to finish even a shorter story when I have an idea for it, I note down the outline and go through it later. I don't usually work with betas unless it is a fic written for a gift exchange.
What are your favorite kind of stories/story tropes for Bering and Wells, either to write or to read? What are stories or tropes that you don't like (or can't stand) to write or read for them?
While I'm not usually a fan of kid fics, with Bering&Wells I really enjoy stories that include Christina, especially in a fix-it way, but also in AUs.
For canon compliant fics, I like some good emotional hurt/comfort dealing with trauma - as they are going through a lot in the series, and canon isn't always perfect about dealing with the aftermath.
What are your favorite Bering and Wells stories from other authors/writers? What do you like about these stories?
One of the, if not the first fanfic I ever read is Time After Time by muppetmanda on livejournal, and it is still my favorite! A long timetravel fix-it for (almost) everything, NC-17, getting together.
Other great stories:
Transient by tantedrago on ao3
Warnings: Major Character Death
38k, M, a Ghost!Helena AU
Lots of lovely angst, how Helena and Myka start to interact and get close is beautifully written.
Trapped (aka oh my god, they were roommates) by paddingtonfan69 on ao3
11k, M, deals with the 2020 pandemic
The title says it all! This is a quarantine AU with Myka and Helena as college professors, getting together while stuck in the same appartment and competing for the same job. I love the premise and I adore where the author went with it.
Only for tonight by Numo on ao3
76k, E, bigender H.G.
HG and Myka get together despite many dificulties with each other and the Warehouse regents. I also really love the idea of bigender!HG and how they are written as both genders in different scenes.
(lady I will touch you with my mind) by corchen on ao3
18k, not rated (could be E)
This fic has a wonderful idea for an artefact, and Myka and Helena's feelings and reactions are very well written!
I haven't replied to all of the questions, but if someone else also wants to do the interview for purlturtle's blog, you can find all questions here!
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martin-ftw · 3 years
New Hollow Knight Story!
My first long story and first written piece about Hollow Knight!
This one is inspired from an ask from @arty-cakes and all their art in general,
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as well as many others in the community, including @scribbleshanks , @fly-sky-high-hollow-knight , @payasita​ , @soft-quirrel , @chipper-smol, @mipexch and many many many other fantastic artists that would simply take too long to list out. Just wanted to thank these amazing people before I start. ^^
PS: Unsure what title to give, I'm just gonna use a cliché one until someone gives me a better one lmao
The adventure
"Bury the knight with her broken nail, bury the... pri.. priest?"
"In his tattered gown, Myla"
"Oh, right, right, thanks Clothy"
Chapter 1: Myla and Cloth
The two of them walk out of the mines to the orange, blindingly bright crossroads. Myla sits on top of Cloth, drowsily holding a pickaxe while Cloth is in a combat-ready position, holding out her weapon and traversing through the crossroads.
"This place gives me the creeps, the mines are much more peaceful, I hate orange" said Myla, in a resentful tone.
"Its dangerous around here, we should get up as fast as we can" said Cloth in reassurance.
"I'd throw my pickaxe at them if it wasn't for the blunted head from all the mining" replied Myla, joyfully.
With chuckles and giggles, they ascend the platforms and up the well to Dirtmouth
"Oho, what brings you two up here?" Elderbug, surprised
"Nothing much, we came to see Hornet! Myla's a little sick so we was wanted to check her out and make sure she's fine" replied Cloth as Myla climbs down her club carefully.
"Ah I see, I'm sure she'll be fine! Hornet's in sly's shop, they're probably training with the knight, would like to sit for a while?"
"Hmm sure we ca-"
As Cloth accepted the offer, a loud "-SHAW!" is heard from Sly's basement
Myla, intrigued, "But I wanna see what they're doing! Can we go watch?"
"If you say so, Myla, --Elderbug you wanna come with?" said Cloth, bringing Myla up her head.
"I'm fine, combat's not my cup of tea. You two have fun down there!"
And like that, they wave their goodbyes and part their ways, with the Cloth duo going into Sly's shop.
Chapter 2: The action
Myla and Cloth cheerily descend to the basement, loud metal clangs can be heard even outside the shop
"You're agitated today arent you, little ghost" said Hornet, panting in a parry pose.
The knight shrugged and signed the words "I guess", learning the lesson of not attacking during enemy parries.
As the knight charges up their nail art, Hornet breaks out of parry and uses a spike attack, suspending string-spike balls in the arena. The knight releases a powerful cyclone slash, the one they just learned from Mato, slashing the spiky balls into the corner of the room
Myla let out a "Woah" as the knight approaches Hornet, preparing a dash slash.
The nail hitting was so loud it could be heard from deepnest. Startled by the sound, Cloth hugged Myla closely and they closed their eyes from reflex.
Opening their eyes, Sly is seen in between the knight and hornet, with his nail stopping knight's nail from hitting Hornet. How did he get there so fast?
"Good job knight, nice timing on the art." commented Sly, satisfied.
"Hey that's no fair, you already beat me twice!" exclaimed Hornet, exhausted.
The knight lower their nail, and notice the Myla duo standing next to the ladder.
"Hi", waved the knight, the easiest sign language they know that even Myla would understand.
Hornet sits down and turns her head over, while Sly walks toward the Clyla duo.
"That was awesome!" said Cloth, thrilled.
The ghost smiled, signing "Thanks" to the duo as Myla jumps up and down excitedly.
Regaining her strength in mere seconds, Hornet stands up and swings over, "It'd be better if I won, ghost is way too strong. -What are you two doing here?"
"Ah, right, Myla is a little sick, she's experiencing some memory lost and drowsiness" Cloth says, as Myla eagerly touches the knight's upgraded Coiled nail, intrigued as always.
"I think the infection is creeping into the mines, we should give her some treatment" said Hornet, concerned.
With that, Sly clears off the floor of dust and spikes and the 5 of them ascend the ladder.
Chapter 3:
Chapter 3.1: Lifeblood
The 5 of them come out of the shop to meet Elderbug, the cool dude.
"Oho we got quite the party here, you guys heading down?" said Elderbug joyfully, holding a flower in his hands.
"Yeah, we're gonna give the Mantis bros a visit, Myla needs some lifeblood, she's a little sick." replied Hornet, causally.
"Oh I hope you're well little guy," Elderbug said to Myla, patting Myla's head as she delicately touches the petals of the flower, "Safe journey down there you guys, the crossroads give a stink."
"Thanks Elderbug, we'll be careful. Sly would you like to come with us?"
"Uhh, sure thing! It's been a while since I've visited my buddies", said Sly.
With that, they descend the well into the crossroads.
Chapter 3.2: Mantis village
"Myla, are you okay? Is it the mushrooms or the acid?" Cloth said while the knight looks up in concern.
"No no, I'm fine, just a little sleepy" Myla yawned, adjusting her sit.
"Take a nap then little guy, we'll be there in no time" said Cloth and Hornet, almost in unison
They chuckled, entering the mantis village.
A mantis warrior bows upon seeing the knight, welcoming their entry, the knight politely bows back.
They travel through the village and gets to the bottom of the village, where they meet the Mantis lords. They stand up and bow while the 5 travellers bow back.
"It's been a while, what brings you lots here?", said the tallest mantis.
"If we could, we are here to take some Lifeblood, Myla is a little ill" said Hornet while the knight looks at the sleeping Myla on top of Cloth.
Due to the lack of care, most lifeblood cocoons in Hallownest have died down, remaining only 2 active and reproducing cocoons: The one in Mantis village surviving due to the care from the Mantis tribe; and a man-made cocoon Joni's repose, an artificial breeding center made by the knight with the power of both Joni's blessing and lifeblood core.
"Ah why of course, we wish the little one well!"
As the knight carried Myla and climbed up the wall to the lifeblood cocoon, Hornet proceeded to chat with the Mantis lords.
"How's the deepnest going? Still giving you guys trouble?"
"Ah though there are occasional intruders, they seem to have calmed down after..." She paused, "after your mother ascended" continued the other Mantis lord
"Its okay, I'm over it, the knight gotta do their mission afterall." sighed Hornet.
"Is the little one getting infected? Is she okay?" said the tallest Mantis, shifting the center of attention to alleviate the atmosphere
"Oh, yes, the infection from crossroads are creeping into the mines and Myla is mildly affected. I'm sure she'll be fine with us around" said Cloth, optimistically.
"The crossroads are infected? Since when?" exclaimed one of the lords.
The knight, standing on the ledge of the Lifeblood cocoon, turned down and signed "Dreamers"
"I see, though with the temple being in the center, it's no wonder the place gets flooded. Please wish Elderbug well for us when you return to Dirtmouth."
"Will do!" said Cloth and the knight nodded in agreement.
Time passes while the party chats with the Mantis Lords, especially Sly as he's a newcomer to the village.
"You guys doing good up there?" said Cloth, "Need our help?"
The knight gives them a thumbs-up as they carefully cutopen the Lifeblood seed with their nail, feeding the Lifeblood to Myla.
"She looks sleepy," commented by one of the Mantis, "Does she need a place to sleep? We have a bench in our village protected by one of our senior warriors."
As she says this, the knight waves their tiny hands, holding Myla's pickaxe on one hand and pointing to the blunt unsharpened edges on her pickaxe with the other.
"How observant, little ghost, you want to find the Nailsmith?" Replied Hornet.
Decide the future of the story
Route 4a: All 5 members to Nailsmith
Route 4b: Myla+Cloth rest at Mantis village, Sly+Hornet+Knight to Nailsmith
Route 4c: Myla+Knight rest at Mantis village, Sly+Hornet+Cloth to Nailsmith
Click here to vote for the future! 
I have ideas for all 3 scenarios so just choose to your heart :D
Thanks again to the amazing hollow knight community producing many beautiful art and intriguing fanfic/AUs, curious to see which route wins :D
Edit 1: Spelling mistakes + pronouns
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