#i wan dieeee
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Plz help I think my heart is going to explode 🥲💓💞
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Half formed thoughts:
The second Reva said Anakin Skywalker is alive I knew she was gonna dieeee. I mean I know she has to die bc ANH anyway, but I’m pretty sure the Anakin Skywalker information is privileged.
I don’t think the show should have included that, it feels narratively lazy. Reva should have left it at Vader and Obi Wan should have been like ??? Then they would have drawn out the reveal. But ofc we don’t live in an age where slow reveals happen, do we?
Case in point, having the Grand Inquisitor die so fast and so stupidly is a let down in and out of itself. Don’t get me wrong, bad guys eating themselves is A+++ as a plot, but this felt too quick and unearned. She should have picked up one of the lesser goons and offed him for threatening to tattle or something.
I liked the “undercover at a meth lab” thing, lol. One of the scenes I never thought I’d see in Star Wars, haha. Also Jedi charlatans are good stuff, worldbuilding-wise. Clone war vet was GUH.
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pwease do jellie bean i don wan you to dieeee

real photo of me^
I’m okay
Stress or anxiety makes heart rate sky rocket making me almost pass out allot
yes I will not deny it’s not necessary normal
and I should probably say something about that
I’m currently just trying to work up the courage to say “hey mom something isn’t right with my body” which is super hard
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. Imma gunna find tru luv, AND YU CANT STOP MREEH!!11 >=O in fact, i's so dedicated to tru luuv that muurder and ending the wooorld just to be with my one tru luv iz a small chore~ humhumm YunoGasai dun diddly already did the above =3= phoey, i's outclassed, darn! (TRULOV) is the sacred promise "Togeether, Foreever, No matter what". Every other visage of "loove" is a mirage, a lie, deceit, fiilthy deefacing! A FORGERY! A KNOCK-OFF! (R0MANCE) is the action of, proving TRULOV, through saacrifice, paain, triaals, and other efforty ways (DEVOTION) is the action of, turning your back on frieeends, faamily, career, belieefs, the entire humaan raace, moorals... Just to pursue your goal. i'z devoted to romaanticaally being tru luv :3 can't devote to two things >w> so ima be devoted to one person.. cum (inside) and get me? o3o [err:memstreamleak] hushy wushy bluushy wordies! ... woofies? cooties! ... cuties?.. foxie foooffs ^owo^ iunno, cute words n whispers in your ear? >w> ... iunno, tentacleees are so snuggly~ <3 You can tie a rope to me and make me yours forever~ I can be Yo-your toy~ The yo yo... is a cuute toy that always comes back <3 and is on a leash anyway~ Nya. d-devotion .A. ... luuuv, looyalty, faithfuulness, fideelity, commitmeent, allegiance, deedicatioon, devoutness... roomaancee... blaaa *glomps chu* I moaaan and blush like an anime girl ._. .. probably >_> I'ma Tad'a crazy to make me that much more fun~! ... or mabi there'z a method to mi madnezz, MUAHAAHEHEA if yu is superficial baka that cares about anything outside of "loyalty" or "personality", dieeee!! in gazolinee11! ima burn yee11! luv defiler!!1 [file:raep] raep is sadz, yu steel virginiityy, and it's not yurss, nuu, put it back where chu found it D: buuut, ther'z a gud kinda raep.. luuv raeep! it'z when you raep (force) yur beloved into pleaasure~ It starts with a heaartbeat, thy visage is so stunning, my heaart revs up~ I ride the heaart rhytm, Jooy, Ecstaasy, A smiile, so innoocent, yet so twisteed~ In awe of you, getting drunk off just desiiring you~ What a wonderful feeling... I'll make you have it too! STOP! SNUGGLE TIEM! *glomps* Hai ther. We're all snuuggled up now o: ! I'ma juust ... put my one of my legs between yours.. Yeesh ish comfyyy... Yu dun mind pushing my leg a bit further in, right~ Right up to the thiiighs~ Myeshh, chu thighs shall warm my thighs too..~ D'aww, izzat too intimate for yuuu~ Too baaaad, I'll raaaeep yuuuh~ And Imma kiss yuuuh, and gently teease yuuh, rub at chu baaack~ hold chu clooose~! D'aww, murr, purr, our two crootches are pressed firmly on one-other, I can feel your exciitement, and you can feel miinee~ Lemme sink into your neeeck, cuz you're so melty and sweet, I hava-ta-have a tastee~ *nomlick* Dun mind if I fidget some, ruub mahself on chuuu... and since we's a tighta snuggie, rub my privaaates against yuh privaatees some more~ D'aww, I'll get you so steeamy, and moaaany, and squiirmy, and poouuty~ It'd make for the beeest snuugles evaar! And I'll keep teaasing you over and over, for hoours, you'll quiiver, and shiiver~ Spread out some, and clamp slightly tightly on me~ Latch on, cliiing~ chu heaart opens up, and chu desiire meh mooore~! <3 You want relief? Too bad, None yet~! I'll keep you like this, keep you drunk on this luuusty desiire... 'till you go maaad~! And we'll do this every day and every night~! Togeether, just the two of us~! Foreeeeeeever! And then we-l... ooh what chu doing, is chu raepin meh for release? cyoot, chu ish raepin' meh. =w= *moaan*bluush*spluurt* Purr murr n stuff of fluff! Dear gosh this is so steamy @w@ So letz handcuff me to you, and you to me, destroy the key, so we can never be apart, ever~! D'aww, did you get all steamed up? For a twenty-one yeeah' oold? Well das' cyoot, you wanna mahe my luv antenna peek out of the tent so you can rub sum luv on it? >w> Mhm *nod* I'm sure it's pretty receptive, fully able to give and receive luv~! Obvioously, luv meaans bein together forever, just us~ No one-night stand booolsheyt! Ofcooourse I's sluuutty, duh! How else would I be able to consumaate my looveer's love every day @w@ you'll be so aching for mooore~! <3 Buuut I'm sluuuty juuuust for yooou~! Assuming you can make and keep the TruLuvPromise >w> Uhh... I'z LooveSmeexual! If ther'z luv, I'd pleasure it till it cuums a hundred times~! <3 If yu has a love rod, Ima rub it so geentlyy.. >//< .. A cuunny? I'ma make it soo weet~ x//x I'd do aanythinng I have to, to pleease my looveer... And I'd deeeply enjoy iittt, hn~! <3 Hoold you on the edge, for hoours... And make yu peek over and over~! <3 <3 <3 [lefinale] I uuuh.. I wrote a boook! Yezzz, that's what it is! TITLE: me wan tru luv URL: http://pastebin.com/raw/hg3dCbev oh were you perhaps hoping I can be with you together forever? you can! ask to your hearts content o u o I want TRUE LOOVE DAMMIT, I WANT IT TO LAST FOREEVERRR!!!! IM YANDERE AF. MY HEART SHRIEKS FOR A YANDERE
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Okay but now I reeeeeeeeaally want a padawan!Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn pre-Phantom Menace animated series with JAT. Or just a series with padawan!Obi-Wan
My heart rate went up so fast when I heard James Arnold Taylor as padawan!Obi-Wan
#We desperately need more content with them.#I would dieeee#obi wan kenobi#qui gon jinn#the phantom menace#star wars#prequels#James Arnold Taylor#my post
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