#i very much want every single possible member on this abomination of a board. it's funny to me.
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thegreatyin · 6 months ago
Trim your board down jesus
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i have no idea what you're talking about.
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this is obviously how railway was meant to be played.
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lovestructionworld · 7 years ago
“Judgement Day for the Fool” LFM #31 December 8, 2016
Merry Christmas to all of my friends on this eblast! This is an unusual message to receive from me during the "fun" Holiday season. But, as I've said before, I ask for the words and timing from the Holy Spirit. I haven't sent anything in many months. But this is what I'm getting and I'm hearing "Send It". So here it is with fear and trembling.
Prep For The Tour
Have you ever had a thought about who created hell? It wasn't Satan. No! When God created the Universe, He created hell too. This is sobering! The God of creation and love instituted torture in hell...a kind of eternal fire-boarding in a sea of brimstone. Think of the worst possible torture...the tortures that frighten you the most on earth, and they won't compare to hell in intensity and severity.
Why would God create hell? It wasn't just about punishment. I think hell is the absolute antithesis of the measure of love He has for Jesus. After all, hell is in play for one single, solitary reason...not believing in and submitting your all to the absolutely adored, by the Papa/Abba/God, Jesus Christ.
For there to be spiritual Good News (Gospel) fully received, the spiritual bad news (Hell-2nd Heaven) must be recognized as well. I believe this understanding of hell aids in planting the seeds of life deeper into the soul's soil. If "hell" isn't planted, then fear of God isn't sown. And "wisdom" is stunted within the new believer. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom...".
Please be aware, as you read, the following was written through a few tears and earnestness of heart.
I doubt there are any fools subscribed to this eblast. But, when I use the word "You", it is only to point your emotions, senses and spirit to those you know who are unsaved. For hell WILL be there destiny unless somehow Jesus' love and someone's outreach combine for a supernatural awakening to truth. These are the reasons why my first thought, when I meet someone new, usually is, "I wonder if they are saved".
This is serious stuff to me. It was only 3 or 4 months ago that a young man I met a year prior, literally bowed both of his knees to Jesus, through tears, at the bumper of my truck, in a Cracker Barrel parking lot. Within thirty minutes of our first meeting, he had proclaimed to me, "I'm an atheist". Ah! Not for long!! Glory to Jesus!!!
I've met a few Christians over the years who don't believe in hell. It's hard for me to understand this with so much written about in hell in scripture. To be clear, I absolutely believe in hell as much as I believe in the one Trinity...Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To preach one without the other is imbalance and false teaching. Heaven and hell are more tangible and real than this visible universe. Because this universe was formed from the invisible realm of heaven.
Maybe think about salvation as a gift during this Christmas season and consider sharing what you have with others. More on this at the end.
“Judgement Day for the Fool”
Boom!!, crackle!!, crunch!!!. You look down at the dust and fire as you float away from the mangled wreckage that was once your dream car...one of your many masters. There are a "Thousand Ways to Die" and even a television show with the same name, but this was your own personal ending. You passed in a "No Passing" zone and had a head on collision, which will become amazing symbolism and irony in the next few moments when you meet your maker. Done! Terminado! The End!
You see your body still sitting in the car. "Wait a minute. I must be....dead?". You realize your life is over and you are doing something you heard others talk about, but you had made many choices to ignore. You had even made fun of this very scenario of an "afterlife"...floating upward...to the next place. "Whose your Daddy now?" rings ominous in your spiritual ears.
What do the spirit's of unbelieving, "fool-people" (You), think about on the way up to their first experience in the clouds of heaven?. I think they are, trying hard to absorb this new existence and are saying, in one way or another, "uh oh"!. Here you are now, one of them, and you, in your spirit form, take a big apprehensive gulp. Your soul is in shock and awe, overload mode.
The Holy Spirit purposely walks you past these oddly bejeweled gates with your saved friends and family on the other side, who don't notice you, being that they are shielded from pain forever. You've heard of stories where people die and come back, but they have stories of their family meeting them. Not for you. Loneliness grips you. All of the sudden you are standing before God on His ROYAL throne kindly dealing in a righteously angry way with your sin for the final time...the last time...never again...this is it!!! "Vengeance is mine, says The Lord", and the thunderous Words are directed at you, the Fool.
Thoughts of suicide, running from the pain and of what you can see below you in hell are futile, because you are already dead. So no running...no burying your head in the sand...no hiding...no more blind spots...no more denial of truth. Death has cornered you!!!
You thought dealing with the unending supply of bills in the mail was hard. You thought losing your job for the fifth time was too difficult. You thought the abuse from your family member was a abominable. You commented on the "starving kids in Africa, where is this God?" The list goes on and on of pain causers the Trinity allowed in your life, which you thought a real, righteous God wouldn't allow. But now you are experiencing agony unlike anything before...the prospect before you of no hope.
All hope is over with...the end of the rope for a hopeful future is gone...There is no conscious fun awaiting you ever again...No joy either...only severe, unending pain...To try to get you to listen, you had heard someone say, "hell without ceasing" and the automobile accident brought you to it in a blink of an eye.
I cannot imagine someone having to stand there with no more hope and the insanely intense realization that "all this was real after all", but have no cover...no one to turn to. Your spiritual heart pounds harder and faster...OMG I've made fun of the guy with the holes in his hands and pockmarks under his hairline" sitting next to God. Your life was all about you, when it should have been all about the man with all the names...Christ, Morning Star...Emanuel...King of the Jews...Perfect Love........Jesus. You heard many people mention that last name. But without the Holy Spirit's deposit within your heart from your rebellion, to say "Jesus" seemed quirky and weird before your death. And somehow your spirit is blushing at that memory of "God, Jesus and Moses" joke you told way to many times. Reverence meant nothing to you then.
What about that guy every fool thinks is so smart...Stephen Hawking? Yeah the one you listened to and read his books. Let me help you. The more cock sure of your own wisdom...your own accomplishments, your own capabilities...the more severe coming through heaven's vale will be. So now, your own level of arrogance has caused you to feel most ignorant of all. If you were an astronomer and looked at galaxies every day, but had rejected the simple truth of how did this universe happen out of nothing, how smart do you think you'll feel standing before the Creator and His "Great Cloud of Witnesses?. How handy will all your knowledge be then?. It's to late for you. You should have ignored Stephen Hawking, because THE REAL "BIG BANG" sits enthroned before you?
I can promise, you will think you are doing it on your own...recounting every person who presented and witnessed power testimony about Jesus to you. But Holy Spirit is helping you supernaturally remember all the times someone has shared their own faith in the Son with you, so there is no excuse. Instead of being for you, the Holy Spirit will be acting as the Kingdom's Lead Prosecutor and there will be no defense. Some reject Christ passively with thinking there good deeds will be their ticket in. But not you. You flat out rejected Jesus over and over. "No one comes to the Father, except through me".
Then maybe the archangel Gabriel or the Apostle Peter or one of the original 12 sons of Jacob opens the "Lambs Book of Life" to see if your name is in it...It's scrolled through, but quickly closed, Bam!, because your name isn't written there. This court doesn't waste time. There is no death row or appeals. Somehow you already knew your name wasn't there and it was just a formality to the King...Like a court stenographer typing notes...just daily business of Kingdom Court, except this Judge isn't sending you off to safety school or asking for Court Costs. Zero tolerance once you hit this court room. Big opportunity at tolerance...mercy...grace before the crash. Not now. You'll wish you were being sent to the earthly Big House. No No! This abyss prison is dark, indescribably hot, and acutely lonely...a real horror show in which you are starring. And one day the real Freddy will be cast into the abyss with you. Real fear really, really unleashed. Not Hollywood or make believe. All your senses will be perfectly aware as you burn too. After all, the flesh you left behind is buried back on earth. It's not there holding you back from spiritual reality. It's just your soul/spirit now soaking in all the pain. Pain perfected!
Oh, now here it starts...the begging...low voice to start with...eyes cutting back and forth between the thrones of Jesus and God..."Please".......no answer..."Please"...again no answer. You've rarely ever cried about anything because of your pride and your hard heart that you kept walled off from truth and genuine love. Jesus is looking back and forth at you and God with tears in his eyes, because He wanted you in the Kingdom. You hear Him say, "Father, I don't know this man." But now all the rebellion that was in your heart is exposed and tears begin to flow. You'll throw excuse after excuse at them...Father and Son. You'll be vomiting excuses...then still no answer. Your tears will turn to uncontrollable wailing and screaming. "Send me back"..."Send me back"....no answer. "Please........give........me.........another.........chance" gropes out of your mouth between heaves.
How many times a heavenly day does God hear "Send me back" and "Give me another chance", only to not send people back and not give them another chance. Why? Because God wasn't playing a game about your sin. The cross wasn't something that just happened. He planned it for you to submit to. Every drop of blood spilling out onto the ground from the cross was like Chinese water torture to The Father, when that hell was raining down down on His Child Jesus 2000 years ago. And it was all for you. He was in pain for you and His Son way before you are in pain before Him now in the Kingdom Court. And you, day after day, blew The Son off. You blew off all the holy, humble people around you living by example. You ignored the over and over messengers God sent trying to real you in.
Why doesn't He send you back and give you another chance? Because God is ticked now and He has boundaries you crossed. He has this thing about stubborn, stiff-necked fools that kick His Son to the curb and bully His memory. The Fool will defend his own child against a bully, but think God the Father isn't fair for sending him to hell for his treatment of His Son.
Now?....Now Perfect Wrath has His hand on hell's trap door defending Perfect Love...Jesus Christ. What an incredible relationship that will be before all believers for an unending, unceasing pleasurable eternity. But you have no reward. You have no house in heaven fashioned by God personally built for your enjoyment. Your new home is one that won't welcome you, is a sea of grief...pain and fire without ceasing with "No Exit" signs! Only weeping and gnashing of teeth for you forever.
The following are Jesus' own words about hell for those who think I'm too harsh with my description.
"Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28
"Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him up hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 22:13
“And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Matthew 25:46
"And if your hand causes your downfall, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than to have two hands and go to hell—the unquenchable fire,"... Mark 9:43
The Apostle John's Revelation from Jesus on the subject of hell...
"...he will also drink the wine of God’s wrath, which is mixed full strength in the cup of His anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb, and the smoke of their torment will go up forever and ever. There is no rest day or night...
Revelation 14:10-11
Final Thoughts
Remember, always ask Jesus in the moment you are about to witness to an unbeliever, "Jesus, what do you want me to say to this pre-christian". Holy Spirit will pour out what you need in any infinite number of ways that will specifically penetrate the heart of the person with which you are connecting heaven to earth.
May you have anointing from heaven and power from the Holy Spirit fall on your spiritual heart to begin witnessing loving, but undeniable truth to the lost.
Love fully intended
Brian Burke
Founder/Lovestruction for Men
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