#i used to think changmin and i wouldn't get along either but my perceptions of him have
gyeheoni · 3 years
Get to Know Me Tag!
Tagged by @catboydongheon and @a-drawingpanda​ ! (thank you both so much for the tag ^~^ ! lovelies 🥺💗💗💗 !) 
What day is your birthday? ... a day ... 
What is your favorite color? rose quartz, serenity, and lilac ^~^ 
What’s your lucky number? huh ... none ig ? ;0 
Do you have any pets? does a younger brother count ... no lol 
How tall are you? 163cm :0 woozi height ^^
How many pairs of shoes do you own? like ... 2 lmao 
Favorite song? hhh never have just one but rn it’s the whole sour album annnd blue hour by txt ^^
Favorite movie? don’t watch movies enough to have one either fjkhgdfkjg
Who would be your ideal partner? ??? who wrote these ... juhaknyeon 
Do you want children? lmao no
Have you ever got in trouble with the law? no ...? 
Baths or showers? showers ^^
What color socks are you wearing? it’s summer <3 no socks season 
What type of music do you like? mostly pop music :0 but some r&b and a bunch of other stuff too :]]
How many pillows do you sleep with? 4 lol (technically six but...) 
What position do you usually sleep in? on my side usually >.< and only on one half of the bed haha
What do you typically have for breakfast? never wake up early enough for breakfast so ... 
Have you ever tried archery? yes at science camp ^^
Favorite fruit? *hoyoung voice* strawberries and ... watermelon (and mangoes and grapes too ^^) 
Favorite swear word? i don’t really curse so T-T 
Do you have any scars? :// i guess 
Are you a good liar? probably not, even tho i do it often 
What is your personality type? ISFP-T
What is your favorite type of girls? odd question, but all of them u.u obviously  
Are you an innie or an outie? innie LMAO
Left or right handed? right 
Favorite food? pasta ! annnd uh ... this one hk cafe specialty item that would take too long to describe 
Favorite foreign food? ?????? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk but i have tried a lot of different asian foods (since that’s primarily what i have everyday) so ?? fjgdkfjgh
Are you a clean or messy person? depends on how i’m feeling fjghdfjkhgdkj
Most used phrase? probably ‘so true’ / ‘too true’ i h8 what the internet has rendered my vocabulary down to lmao 
How long does it take for you to get ready? also depends on how i’m feeling could be 5 mins could be an hour 
Do you talk to yourself? yes helps physically vocalizing some of my feelings sometimes rip .... 
Do you sing to yourself? oh a lot jfkgdfg choir kid things ....
Are you a good singer? prob avg ? i tried out for chamber choir in hs and got in and also get compliments here and there but tbh i lack a lot of technical skills / talent i think at best i just have a good ear for pitch matching 
Biggest Fear? [insert a long essay about insecurities etc.] idk bugs ? 
Are you a gossip? depends on context ! some things i’m nosy about and some things i am not 
Do you like long or short hair? on me ? personally long hair ^^ 
Favorite school subject? biology is neat ^^ i also really liked digital art although i lack creativity lol
Extrovert or Introvert? i’m an introvert at the end of the day, my social battery is tinie ... 
What makes you nervous? everything ? ig LOL perks of overthinking too much and having anx13ty <333 
Who was your first real crush? oh there was this boy who lived two floors down from my apartment and he came knocking on my door asking to hang out ;;;; and we played basketball and went down to the creek by the nature trail and splashed each other with water ... didn’t end well lmao but it sounds nice like that doesn’t it ? 
How many piercings do you have? two ;0
How fast can you run? in peak PE days i could do a mile in eight minutes but now running a block makes me want to pass out so LMAO
What color is your hair? technically black hair is not a thing so reeeeally dark brown almost black at my roots and reddish brown bc i dyed my hair <3 really wanna redye my hair tho ;;;;;;;;;;;;; 
What color are your eyes? dark brown <3 
What makes you angry? i don’t get angry often actually ;;;; i have a lot of patience rather than angry i can get frustrated when smth i tried really hard at doesn’t work out or if people are being inconsiderate i tend to overthink a lot, so when other people are careless about their actions that makes me a bit upset 
Do you like your own name? not really ? it doesn’t hold any meaning but as a name it’s just a name :// nothing good or bad ig 
Do you want a boy a girl for a child? what is this the 20th century .... 
What are your strengths? oh boy wish i knew / had any 
What are your weaknesses? oh boy what isn’t 
Color of your bedspread? it’s white with blue ink drawings <333 pretty and my aes ^^
Color of your room? like a dark biege <333 neutral tones my beloved <333 
thank you both again for tagging me !!! many hearts <333 prob won’t tag anyone >.< no fun maybe but idk who to tag :,3
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