#i used to not get how serenading is sweet buT NOW LAWD SOMEONE SING TO ME PL
WWVD if they were vampires? I'm sorry if that one's weird ^^;
N: That one bourgeois vampire that throws lavish parties for his supernatural counterparts and puts on a grand entrance as he walks down the stairs announcing his presence. He does not hide his face with his cape for he wants you to see the light shine directly on those beloved canines of his. His cape will be recently dry cleaned and underneath would be a white, ruffled long-sleeved shirt with suspenders. His wait staff is comprised of compelled humans clearly not on vervain, yet he doesn’t harm them or let others harm them. He wears a fancy day ring to protect him from burning in the sun and has several backups just in case he loses one. If you end up falling in love with Count N, he will never turn you even if you beg because although he drinks peoples’ blood for a living, he wouldn’t wish this lifestyle on anyone else. “I have arrived! Oh, Dracula…I didn’t invite you, but you’re here so I guess you can stay. But excuse me, it looks like Count Orlok is trying to eat my wait staff.”
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Leo: That one vampire to actually live in a desolate location and not within a community infested with humans. He’s also the one to be embroiled in rumors that he eats small children and throws adults over cliffs after he yanks out their organs. And because of that, when those weak ass teenagers show up because they wanted to “test the rumors”, he makes them shit themselves further increasing his already horrid reputation. But then of course, you his love interest, bumps into him at the grocery store buying wood glue for his coffin and a book on how to skin a pig. Turns out he wears normal clothes all day every day, is really sweet, and despite his cold heart he actually wants kids someday. He only kills those who try to stab him with a stake every now and then. Now, Count Leo won’t turn you into a vampire, but if you begged to be with him forever he’d briefly consider it. He has a problem with breaking your neck. “Ignore those sounds you hear coming from my basement. Those damn vampire hunters…Tea?”
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Ken: The vampire that sings every chance he gets. When he’s about to suck blood he sings, about to drink alcohol he sings, about to kill a vampire hunter he sings, about to fly or jump or whatever he does to move around he sings. It’s like he’s in his own vampire musical because it’s the only way he’s been able to survive all these hundreds of years. Picture it. He’s in his fancy suit and tie strolling down the street jumping from lamp post to lamp post because he senses trouble ahead. A low and behold he turns the corner and sees a nasty human littering. He’ll jump in front of them, do a little dance, hit the highest not he can, and then suck that person’s blood before compelling them to be a upstanding citizen. Next thing you know he has another musical hit entitled, “My coffin is cleaner.” Now if you happen to fall in love with Count Ken…well, prepared to be serenaded, too. And if you can’t sing, well you have a whole lifetime to get good at it. “I see you! You can’t ruuunnnn! You can’t hideeeee. *does a somersault* All that litter at your side.”
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Ravi: You’d hardly see this bitch ass vampire. He’d spend most of his time in his coffin barely coming out unless necessary. Why? Well he’s got vamp-wifi, access to all available vamp-channels, a bloodspresso machine, y'know his vamp cave…well coffin is fully stocked. It’s like a bunker that’s located way deep down in a crypt, with all the necessities. Plus all he really wants to do is sleep. He is old! And the only reason he has all that shit is because he compelled his female neighbor next door to let him lay down a wire that steals her cable. At the end of the day, Count Ravi likes to stay to himself; however, if you mess with him then he’ll mess with you. He only seeks companionship every 100 years allowing the genetic pools to reconfigure themselves. Now if you happen to fall in love with him well, he’ll just have to get a bigger coffin and steal more electricity to power it up. “I wish they would stop making movies about vampires. I don’t sparkle! The only part they ever get right is that we’re handsome.”
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HongBin: The one vampire…that was turned accidentally because someone was trying to save his life. And like all new vampires he can’t get his shit together. He still wants to immerse himself within the general population because he still wants to find love. But it’s hard because he wants to eat every damn body and the urges are crazy. So he clearly doesn’t understand the term low-profile and that’s evident when he invites you to his house one evening. You literally drop everything because this bitch ass nugu vampire is hanging from the damn ceiling talking about “Welcome,” in that low voice of his, outstretching his arms like that’s supposed to make you feel more welcomed. LIKE WHAT HE’S DOING IS NORMAL. And when you run in terror he’ll cry his vampire eyes out and drink himself crazy. And then now he has to go out and locate you and compel you to forget and then that will only happen if you haven’t already consumed vervain at this point. LAWD. Now once Count HongBin gets used to the whole vampire thing and if he falls in love, then he’ll turn you if you asked because he doesn’t want to be forever alone. “I thought that if I just told the truth about me you’d understand. I’m a monster! A handsome, undead monster!”
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Hyuk: The pimp of all vampires. He’s got hoes in different area codes. A combination of vampires, humans, witches, sirens. Bitches came up out the water just to be with him. But you see, when he’s not sleeping in his mansion in his king sized bed, fooling around with his supernatural counterparts, he’s out on the streets acting as a vampire vigilante knocking out the worst of the worst. He loves immersing himself within the human population, hanging out at bars, going to restaurants to watch sports, he’s just that guy. And he’s also the guy the local police have been trying to track down for years because of all the random dead bodies lying in the streets that are adorned with ritualistic tattoos that history books claim to signify vampire hunters. Now, Count Hyuk is the type to turn you if you asked him to without hesitation, but he’ll most likely end up with another supernatural creature, turning them into a hybrid of sorts. “No sheriff, I’m just as concerned as every one else. We have a monster in our midst and they must be stopped!”
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Don’t know what happened here lol. But thanks for asking!-Admin Cheezy ^_^
-->An Unexpected Casualty
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