#i truly do not think i'll hear from them in a hot minute
potionio · 2 months
i have a friend who i truly adore, i consider them family, i'd kill for them
the way i don't expect to ever speak to them on the weekdays beyond the ONE day a week we speak bcs they're so fucking ABSOLUTE HORSESHIT at responding to people is actually so real at the same time lmao
i know they loven care for me but fuck did i have to REALLY learn to not take it personally the past 4 years, because they're not doing it out of malice? they're just so fucking busy and when they're not they just- are scattered around a buncha friend groups
and im the one the furthest away in a whole different time zones
makes sense
DOES IT STILL HURT? Absolutely, but yknow, they're there when it matters and that's something im ok w LMAO
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roosterforme · 5 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 4 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: As you and Bradley start to blur the line between professional and personal correspondence, you feel yourself falling for him even more. He has charmed your students as well as you, and you decide to continue taking a chance on him.
Warnings: Fluff, language, Bradley sounding hot
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley spent an hour bundling up all of his letters to your students, getting them ready to be sent back to California. Sure, he wanted to impress you, but he also couldn't deny that he was attached to hearing from Oliver, Violet, Jayden and everyone else. And according to you, they were just as happy to hear from him.
Without giving it a second thought, Bradley went all in with your personal email address. An account where he assumed you could say and send anything you wanted to. One that nobody else was monitoring. His thoughts strayed constantly over the past few hours to what that might mean. What did you deem too personal for your school account?
You told him you were single, and you made it seem like you were into him. You said he gave you butterflies, and now he desperately wanted to see this thing through. When he closed his eyes, he could picture the photos of your smiling face, and he felt a little dizzy. He wanted you to tell him everything. He wanted you to wait for him so he could take you on a date. Or several. He wanted to know what your lips tasted like.
It sounded like your ex was a real tool if he didn't appreciate what you did and how hard you worked. You taught eighteen kids enough about aviation that they asked Bradley some pertinent questions and brought up information that was relevant to his job. He was impressed as hell, and he thought he could be better than what you had before. He already knew without a shadow of a doubt that you were better than Vanessa. It was obvious.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw."
He turned toward the voice calling his name as soon as he dropped the package with your name on it off at the mail center. "Hey," he called out to the mechanic who let him take those photos for your class a few weeks ago. He read his jumpsuit again just to be sure. "What's up, Marty?"
He jerked his thumb toward the main deck and said, "I just got around to unpacking some new engine components. You still writing to those kids?"
"I'm about to do some repairs if you want to take some more pictures or a video for them."
Bradley had been planning on stalking his inbox for the rest of the day in the hopes that you'd write back and comment on his brief missive telling you he wanted the conversation to go further, but this seemed better than driving himself crazy. He could practically picture you and your kids flipping through some photos and watching a cool video he managed to snag for you. "Yeah, Marty. Let me grab my phone, and I'll meet you out in the shop."
After you read the email from Bradley where he called you Gorgeous, you were up most of the night. First, you screeched and almost spilled hot tea all over yourself as you rushed to set your mug down on the coffee table so you could giggle and kick your feet in the air. Then you read and reread the short email for about five minutes, curled up in a little ball with your phone right in front of your face. Then you sprawled along your couch and let yourself imagine what he might be like in person.
It was too early to get your hopes up about ever getting that far, but you couldn't seem to stop yourself from thinking about it. You hummed softly, because in your daydream, he lived in San Diego and asked you out on a date, and he was a perfect gentleman until you didn't want him to be any longer. You didn't even consider what reality might hold, because you were sure you wouldn't like it as much.
But for now, he was on board with going further. Your expectations of things included chatting about your likes and dislikes as well as learning more about him. "I'd like to take it further," you read softly, trying to imagine it in a masculine voice. But what did that sentence mean for him? You sat up on the couch. Surely he wasn't going to turn into a pig and start sending you anything too raunchy. Right?
You swiped out of your email inbox and looked at the photo of him standing in front of his jet and moaned. It was actually your mind heading for the gutter as you wondered what it would feel like to be wrapped up in his big arms. What it would be like to tug the zipper of his flight suit down slowly, enjoying the feel of the pull between your thumb and index finger.
It was like the fictional leading man in a romance novel came to life and told you that he thought you were pretty and that he liked your students. You flopped back down on the couch and screeched into the pillow so as not to alarm your neighbors. You needed to respond, but you didn't know what to say since you were probably past the point of playing it cool. You chewed on your lip while you typed and then deleted several versions before sending him something that you thought was okay.
I'd like to take it further, too. I don't usually do this kind of thing (oh, who am I kidding... I never do this kind of thing), but there's just something about you that made me feel like it was worth the risk. I hope I'm not being too bold if I say that I found the photos you sent me quite distracting. However, it's not just your looks that made me share my personal email address with you. I like the way you give me butterflies. There's something sweet that comes through in your writing, and I want to get to know you better. On that note, if you feel so inclined, please tell me three things I should know about you.
Yours Truly,
Your favorite pen pal
Once again, you had written back to him so quickly, it should have been embarrassing, but you had nothing to lose here. You tossed out the bait, and he took it in the most spectacular fashion. You didn't want to miss an opportunity like this, even if he did seem too good to be true.
But he still hadn't written back when you got to work the next morning. The ping of the email alert on your phone made you reach for it immediately, but it was just a reminder to pay your bills on time. As you unlocked your classroom door and flipped the lights on, you considered that maybe your message was a little bit boring. After all, you were the one to bring your personal account into play. Perhaps he was expecting you to reply with some sort of dirty picture. Your cheeks burned with mixed embarrassment. You wanted to take it further, but you didn't know how. You just knew that you wanted to keep him engaged without compromising yourself.
You tucked your bag and your phone away in your desk drawer and pulled out your lesson plans for the day. You'd start things off with language arts and then work your way through math and science before your kids had art class. There was no reason you had to think about Bradley at all right now; he could just wait until later with his big hands and his thick thighs and his mustache and cute smile.
Just before your students were due to arrive, you opened your laptop and logged in to see which parents had emailed you with questions or concerns about their child. You froze when you saw an email that was sent a few minutes ago from Bradley with the subject line A visit to the mechanic's shop. When you opened it up, you found that he had attached a video and a handful of photos. 
You were a little bit annoyed that he didn't respond to the message you sent from your other account where you asked him to tell you about himself, but that melted away as soon as you clicked on the video. His face flashed up on your computer screen, and all of the features you'd shamelessly memorized were right there in front of you. Cute smile, tidy mustache, brown eyes, wavy hair. But then you heard his voice.
"Hey. I just thought I'd take all nineteen of my favorite pen pals on a little tour around the mechanic shop aboard the Theodore Roosevelt. Sound good?"
You slammed your computer shut and moaned, thighs pressed tight together as your heart hammered. He was too much. It was just a video. He wasn't even really here, but he was an absolute assault on your senses. He called you gorgeous, but meanwhile it was hard to look directly at him for fear that you'd burst out into a fit of giggles. You shook your tingling hands out and slowly opened your computer again.
"Bradley Bradshaw. How are you this hot?" you whispered at the video paused on your screen. His face was frozen mostly in profile as he looked to the side, and for the first time, you saw some long scars on his cheek and neck. "Oh." They weren't new, rather giving the appearance that they had faded over time. You wondered how pronounced they would feel beneath your fingers. Would he let you touch them? Let you drag your lips across them while your hands found their way to his tousled hair?
After taking a few deep breaths, you let the video play again. Another man joined Bradley on the screen, and he was holding up a long, metal rod.
"This is my friend Marty. He's been a mechanic in the Navy for twenty-six years, and he specializes in aircraft repairs. He knows more about my Super Hornet than I do, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. So I'm just going to stand here and hold my phone still while we watch Marty do his thing."
The rest of the video was fascinating. It was still interesting the second time when you watched it with your class instead of doing your language arts lesson. The kids sat at rapt attention, eating up that little introduction that Bradley gave just as you had. He didn't talk to them like a bunch of little kids who didn't understand anything, which you loved. He and Marty explained what they were doing without making it too juvenile. Then when the video ended, your kids started raising their hands with question after question.
"You know what to do," you told them, holding out a dry erase marker for Jackie to take. She wrote down the list of questions that everyone had for Bradley while you tapped through the photos, once again imagining how warm and rough his hands would feel wrapped around your own instead of an intake manifold.
The impromptu aviation lesson lasted for two hours until your kids left for art class, and now you were a little concerned about all of the additional, more personal questions you had for Bradley besides the ones your class came up with. You wanted to know how old he was and where his scars came from. You wanted to know where he lived now, but you were too afraid of the answer. According to one of the notes he wrote back to Violet, he went to the University of Virginia. He even sounded like he was from the east coast.
You sat at your desk alone, digging your snack out of your drawer along with your phone. There was a new email. You smiled as you realized he must have sent it to you just after he emailed the video he took for your whole class to watch. The opening greeting once again had you kicking your feet beneath your desk, snack forgotten. 
Hey, Gorgeous,
I'm still having a hard time believing that you want to get to know me better. Full disclosure, I'm a little nervous you'll get bored talking to me. I don't have much family, and I know it's cliche, but flying really is my passion. I spend a lot of my time on aircraft carriers which makes it hard to maintain relationships and friendships with people on dry land. 
Talking to my nineteen new pen pals has been the most exciting part of my deployment. But you're right... you're my favorite one. I could tell from the first letter that wasn't even specifically meant for me that you were funny and sweet. And then I saw what you look like, and I kept going back to the photo for another look. You're just as gorgeous as you are funny and sweet.
Three things you should know about me? One, I'm afraid of spiders. Like so afraid of them that I might have a crisis on my hands if you tell me you have a beloved pet tarantula or something. Two, I loved taking piano lessons so much when I was a kid, I actually still take them. (Now I'm sitting here wondering why I'm telling you embarrassing shit.) My next door neighbor is a retired music teacher, and when I'm home, I trade yard work for piano lessons. Everyone wins. Third, I like giving Gorgeous teachers butterflies. That's a new one, but I thought you should know about it.
I'm giving you some homework, hope you don't mind. I want you to send me a picture of one of those San Diego sunsets where the sky somehow looks both blue and orange at the same time. If you happen to be in the photo, I'm not going to complain. I would also love to hear three things I should know about you. 
Please tell your kids they have mail on the way. I hope to hear back from them. And you.
Yours Truly,
Oh. This crush was even worse than you thought.
After days of running drills, Bradley was finally grounded because of a bad storm that was closing in, and he was given a few hours off. He stood out on deck, letting the first drops of hard rain hit his face. He was hoping to get a nice sunset photo to send to you, but the past few days had been terribly cloudy. And now he felt like he was being torn in three directions as his flight suit got wet: he was sweaty, hungry and curious. As a result, he couldn't decide if he should hit the shower, the mess hall or the lounge first.
He reasoned that he'd best appreciate an email from you if he was cleaned up and well fed. If you'd had time to write back to him, it would top off his night in the sweetest way possible. So he took a shower and unfortunately had to eat cabbage rolls for dinner. He chuckled to himself as he walked toward the lounge, picturing a bunch of fourth graders eating dinner in the mess hall and ranking the foods. They would probably love that, actually.
As Bradley logged in and watched his email inbox appear on one of the lounge computers, he muttered, "Hell yes." There was a new message from you, and he couldn't click on it fast enough. Before he started reading, the attached photo caught his attention, and he grunted softly. Fuck. 
There you were, on a stretch of beach in Coronado, not even a mile from his house with the sun setting behind you. Your features were in shadow, but your smile was a little shy and very pretty. You looked so soft, standing there on the windswept sand in denim shorts and an oversized sweatshirt with Mira Mesa Elementary printed on the front, and all he wanted to do was touch you. He could already imagine a picnic dinner on that beach, snuggling up with you as cooler temperatures moved in. Enjoying the blues and oranges until the sky got so dark, he'd lead you back to his house with your fingers laced with his.
I'm turning in my homework. I hope I get a passing grade. I'm not usually the student, so I'm a little out of practice. A Naval officer from Top Gun took this photo for me. Apparently aviators just like you are all over the beaches in Coronado.
I have some good news for you. While I'm not actually afraid of spiders, I promise I don't have a beloved pet tarantula. And I'm sorry, but the idea of you still taking piano lessons made me giggle for a solid minute. The mental image is just that adorable. 
You always seem to know what to say to make my butterflies go crazy, and that's just through the written word. As an educator, I always stress the importance of honesty to my students. So let me just say that honestly, I'm not going to get bored talking to you. I also can't lie about the fact that I watched the video you sent several times just to hear your voice. (Now I'm the one embarrassing herself.) And I really can't see how you would have a hard time maintaining a relationship while you're away. Maybe your previous partners didn't appreciate how rare it is to find someone who is willing to put in some effort. Or maybe they didn't find your arachnophobia oddly endearing. But I kind of do.
Three things you should know about me: 1. I graduated from college with a 4.0 GPA. 2. Sometimes I fall asleep during movies, especially if I'm snuggled up on my own couch. 3. I have a crush on you.
Hitting send before I can change my mind.
Bradley couldn't help the smile teasing at his lips as he tucked his hands behind his head and read your last few sentences again. He always wanted to continue talking to you, so maybe it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that you wouldn't grow bored with this. Maybe you'd care more about him than going out on dates, unlike Vanessa. He wasn't going to wait before responding to your email. What was the point? You were into him, and he was definitely into you.
"We got mail!" you announced, holding up the package that was waiting for you in the school office when you refilled your travel coffee mug on your way to your classroom. Your students erupted into delighted conversation.
"Is it from Lieutenant Bradshaw?" asked Jayden.
"Of course it is," Violet told him. "It must be. He's our pen pal after all."
"Did he send us more notes?" Oliver asked, practically bouncing out of his seat in anticipation.
"He did!" you confirmed as you tore into the package and enlisted Harrison to help you hand the individual notes to their recipients. The room went silent as soon as they all started reading, and then one after the next, the kids started to get out their notebooks to start their responses.
You felt warm all over. Bradley was on your mind a lot, and you didn't really want him going anywhere. You watched the video he sent again last night before you went to sleep, and you dreamed about a strong man with a sexy voice curled up behind you in bed. You knew you had a new email from him, but you were waiting until you could sit quietly during your lunch break to read it.
At some point, you were going to have to taper off the aviation curriculum and focus on other things, but you just didn't want to have to do that yet. Not when your class was so engaged. Not when it made you feel connected to a man thousands of miles away who you had feelings for in spite of the fact that you never met him in person. In spite of the fact that you were too afraid to ask him where he lived.
After you eventually walked your kids down to the lunchroom, you were free to read your email from Bradley in peace. But the more you thought about opening it, you started to get nervous. You already admitted you were interested in him, so there was really no going back. If he hadn't sent you something similar, you were going to have to crawl under a rock, but you got your phone out as you took a deep breath and started reading.
Hey, Gorgeous,
Now wait right there. I have some concerns. I'm going to address them in order, so please bear with me. First of all, you didn't just pass your homework assignment, you got an A+. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset in my life, and yet it was barely noticeable next to you. But here's my main issue. I can't have another aviator taking sunset photos of you and sweeping you off your feet. How about you just stay off that beach in Coronado for the time being? Give a guy a chance here?
I couldn't agree more about the importance of being honest. Honestly, I'm letting out the breath I've been holding, worried that you were going to send me a photo of you with your pet tarantula. And honestly, smart women really do it for me, so any time you want to bring up that 4.0 GPA, I'm going to need a minute. And honestly, nothing sounds better than watching a movie with you on your couch right now. Can't stop thinking about it, actually. 
Please, tell me in an overabundance of detail, what you would do if I promised I would take you out to dinner but then changed my mind and told you that I was tired from work and wanted to spend a quiet evening on my couch with some takeout instead.
You have a crush on me? Gorgeous girl, all I can think about is the couple days of leave I'm going to have once this aircraft carrier finally docks back in San Diego. Where you are. You and my eighteen other pen pals. I think I have a thing for fourth grade teachers. Or maybe it's just you. I can't wait to hear from you again.
Yours Truly,
Okay. Some admissions have been made. Little bits of feelings have been established. She has seen him and heard his voice, and I think we're ready to keep taking things further. Maybe a phone call? Maybe another photo or two? We also can't leave the fourth graders hanging. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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eufezco · 1 year
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SUMMARY – when Joel's keeping you company while you're showering, he sees something he wasn't supposed to.
english isn't my first language <3 // this is pure SMUT
A/N – omg it's been so long but i literally have no inspiration so if anyone has any request... also, i've been writing for the walking dead, especially daryl, but that's still in my drafts because i don't know if there's anyone interested in that. ANYWAYS, i hope this isn't so bad
He didn't mind. He truly didn't care. He was sitting on the toilet, bent forward, with his elbows on his knees and one of his legs shaking out of impatience. It was true that he'd rather be doing other things but with a bit of luck you'd be done soon and he'd leave. Although he didn't have much to do either, he was sure they needed some last-minute people to patrol.
He had been sitting on that toilet every night for at least thirty minutes every time you took a shower. Since you lacked music, you needed some other type of distraction and Joel wasn't the best for it but it was your only option.
"What was the last movie you saw?"
"I don't know. I can't remember."
"I'm sure you do remember, you are just too lazy to think. For me, it was Spiderman, my brother took me to the movies but I don't remember enjoying it. What was yours?"
"I think it was Catch Me If You Can."
"Never heard of that."
Of course not, he said to himself. The sound of falling water made your voice sound fainter so he had to readjust his position to hear you better. His back was now against the toilet, he ran his hands over his face. It was starting to get a little hot inside the bathroom as well. Joel looked in your direction, trying to understand what you were saying but quickly looked away. Joel closed his eyes tightly and then opened them wide again without knowing what to do. When he leaned back and looked in your direction, he expected nothing, only the curtain that was hiding you, but instead, he found a perfect view of your round and wet ass.
Joel swallowed nervously and shook his head, trying to erase that image from his mind, but it was so perfect and the water slid so easily down it. No, no, no, fuck he mumbled, massaging his temples. The way his teeth would sink into your skin there, and they would mark your soft skin just right.
"Are you okay?" You peeked your head through the curtain. Your brow furrowed as you saw him looking away.
He nodded.
"Can you pass me the bathrobe, then?"
Fuck, you were doing this on purpose, he thought. He stood from the toilet and you waited behind the curtains. You went out of the shower wrapped in the robe.
"I'll leave so you can change." He announced. His eyes briefly looked away and moved down to your breasts covered by your bathrobe, he could see how hard your nipples were and how the drops of water slid down your cleavage. You raised your eyebrows and Joel never looked you in the face again. He tried to get out of the bathroom, ashamed enough already, when you blocked his way with your body.
"I saw you looking at me, Joel. You won't get away so easily."
He didn't know what to say. Should he apologize? Should he leave anyway? He'd been looking after you practically since this started, since you two met in the woods, the least he could do was apologize for looking at you in such an inappropriate way.
"When was the last time you saw a naked woman?"
Your question caught him off guard. Joel shook his head and took his eyes off you, knowing beforehand what you were about to do. The bathrobe slipped off your shoulders and Joel closed his eyes, not even daring to look at your reflection in the mirror. You couldn't be doing this to him, he was not like the boys you'd been hanging out in Jackson.
"Look at me."
He shook his head. You told him again and this time his eyes laid on yours. You flashed him a smile, how innocent sweet Joel.
"I want you to look at my body, Joel."
Joel called your name, shaking his head again and swallowing nervously.
"I know you want to do it, I saw how you looked at me before. I want you too, but this isn't going to work if you can't even look at me."
His eyes shyly moved from yours to your breasts. He took a glance and closed his eyes. You smiled victorious. You guided one of his hands to caress one side of your body. Joel dared to look at the path his hand was making through your body, how soft the skin of your waist felt against his rough fingers.
You led his hand to cup one of your tits. Your nipple immediately became hard on contact with his palm and your pussy was already clenching around nothing. You'd dreamed so many times about how would his touch feel, and he was barely applying any pressure, nor squeezing it or pinching your nipple, he was just holding your tit in his hand.
Your hand pinched his chin and made him look up at you. His eyes were bright, darker than you'd ever seen them before, and his pupils were big. You fluttered your lashes, inocently and your thumb caressed his lips. You came close enough to his mouth for your breaths to become one, you could feel his beard tickling your lips. You ran your tongue over his lips and he leaned in for a kiss, his lips were so soft and gentle against yours compared to the thick hair of his beard.
You pushed his shoulders and made him sit on the toilet again. His cock was so hard and ready for you, already leaking precum against the fabric of his underwear. He was still unsure about this, not because he didn't want to do it but because you were so beautiful and he was an old man that doubled your age, and his cock was so hard and already throbbing against his stomach, it was almost embarrassing.
Joel put both of his hands on your hips when you placed one of your legs on each side of his body. You wrapped your fingers around his hard cock, giving it a couple of strokes and getting multiple groans from him. You could feel him twitching between your fingers. He was big, some black hairs like the ones on his head decorated the base of his cock and a prominent vein ran down its length, but the most important thing was, that he was thick. You could barely take it all in one hand, and you knew the stretch was going to be perfect.
You lined up his cock at your entrance, allowing only his tip to go inside you, and then you gently lowered yourself. One of your hands moved down to your clit and rub it to get used to the sensation of Joel filling you. He gave you all the time you needed but you were tight and he could feel his cock jumping inside you. Every time your fingers rubbed your clit your cunt clenched and squeezed him even harder.
"You good?" Joel asked, caressing one of your cheeks with the back of his hand. You nodded. "You sure? Oh, fuck-" He moaned when you started rolling your hips against his. Your movements were very delicate as your fingers continued working on your bundle of nerves, helping you to get even wetter and making it easy for you to take him. Joel could feel you dripping down the inside of his legs.
"Yeah, that's a good girl, fuck-" His eyes were locked on where you two connected although he could only see how his cock had completely disappeared inside your pussy. He was enjoying the way your tiny fingers played with your clit.
"Still good?" He asked again and you nodded. You suddenly stopped the movement of your hips against his and he was afraid that you'd hurt yourself. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders, getting a firm grip there to help you lift your hips from his lap. You pulled him out of you, his cock glistening with your juices, and then you dropped yourself back down onto his cock.
A sharp moan came out of Joel's throat and his fingers sank into the flesh of your ass. You repeated that again and again, finally getting used to Joel's width and to the sting of him going inside you deeper and deeper each time. Your hands moved from his shoulder to his face, cupping both of his cheeks and guiding his lips to yours, the sounds that escaped your mouths became one. His hands massaged your breasts shamelessly this time, his palms rubbed your nipples while you leaned your head back, giving him perfect access to your neck.
"I can't- I can't anymore." You cried out, your movements becoming more and more sloppy.
"It's okay. You did well." He gasped, his hands on your hips slowly guiding your movements, giving you enough time to recompose. Joel helped you to wrap your legs around his body, so that when he stood up from the toilet, he could move you with him, his dick still balls deep inside you.
Joel sat you on the sink and he splayed your legs completely open. You sat up on your elbows, looking through your eyelashes as he was admiring how your pussy sucked him. His dick slid inside you easily, his thrusts were stronger than you thought they would be and they made your whole body shake with them. Your throat felt dry and the burn in the pit of your stomach felt warmer and warmer. You dug your nails into his shoulders and pulled him to you, chest to chest.
Your hips rolled involuntarily against his, and you nodded to everything he muttered at you through gritted teeth. Yes, you were a good girl. Yes, you were his good girl. Yes, your pussy belonged to him. Yes, you were about to cum. Yes, you wanted his cum, and yes, you wanted it inside. And who was he to deny you your wishes? With a groan coming straight from his chest and your legs shaking and closing around his body, you both came seconds apart.
Joel stayed inside you, his head resting on your shoulder as you played with the hair on the back of his neck. You giggled. "Look at the shy one."
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Neighbors With Benefits: Part 8 (Joel Miller x f!reader)
Part of the #hotdolfsummerchallenge @hellishjoel
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Words: 3000
Warning: angst
You were smitten. Head over heels. Everything felt perfect. The only stressor in the back of your mind were the lies you continued to tell your parents about your whereabouts. It wasn’t enough to become the focal point of your thoughts. That night you laid with Joel without a care in the world.
“I could do this every day,” you spoke in a sleepy, quiet voice. You laid naked, back pressed into his bare chest as Joel cuddled his body around you.
“Maybe we could make it a habit then,” he whispered into your ear from behind. His arm snaked over the top of yours and your fingers linked together.
The night was peaceful and you didn't remember waking up even once overnight at Joel’s house. That next morning you were walking on air. After prepping him a coffee and accompanying him to the door, Joel gave you a kiss that screamed, ‘I miss you and I'm not even away from you yet’.
When your phone chimed in your pocket, he looked intrigued and so you pulled it out. A new email, highlighted by a red number one at the bottom of your phone, caught your eye.
“Email.” It was about one of the applications you had filled out a few towns away. A smile formed on your face as you lip-read their desire to interview you. “Bee Cave wants me to interview with them.”
“That's amazing, baby.” Joel leaned in, pulling you to him by the back of your head. Your lips touched again and it was several seconds before he let you go. “What's there like ten residents in Bee Cave?” He teased, “Sounds like a safe enough town.”
“Mm hmm. And it's only twenty minutes away.”
“Perfect.” He kissed you again.
“Hey, Joel!” Your eyes widened and you parted from him, practically pushing back off his chest, when you heard your father’s voice.
Joel’s eyebrows raised and he soft-closed the door while addressing him.
You leaned an ear to the door as you heard your father extend an invitation to a picnic your parents were having that weekend. When Joel accepted you smiled to yourself, though you couldn't deny your heart rate had increased.
What would my father do if he found me here? You truly didn't know the answer.
“Do you play golf?” Your father asked next.
“Here and there,” Joel responded.
“We need a fourth guy Friday,” he went on. “Only doing the back nine, not eighteen. Thinking about happy hour time after work.”
“Oh, uh..” Joel cleared his throat, “I think I could play, yeah. I get out of work at three.”
“How’s about four-thirty? You know the course in town, right?”
“Yup.” He paused, “It's been a while since I've played.”
“Not to worry, we really just play for some fresh, a little exercise and a couple of beers.”
“Sounds good.”
The discussion ended with your father excusing himself to go to work and Joel claiming he forgot something inside. When the door reopened, Joel’s eyebrows were raised and he shut it quickly before leaning his back against it.
“Did I just hear you make golfing plans with my father?”
“You did.” He nodded and smiles spread on both of your faces simultaneously.
“Good opportunity to tell him about us,” you teased, closing the gap between you and resting both of your hands on his broad chest. Your lips pressed against his and Joel's head leaned back against the door.
“I don't think the best time would be when he has a golf club in his hand.”
You snickered against him and pulled back so you were face-to-face. “I guess I'll make plans with the real Holly Friday night then. Since you have a hot date with my dad.”
“I could use the company afterwards.”
“Mmm..” you leaned back in and kissed him a little firmer. Arousal surged through your body when his tongue massaged yours. When Joel suddenly picked you up so you were seated in hands, your lips parted from his and you wrapped your arms instinctively around the back of his neck.
“All this sneaking around and almost getting caught turns me on,” he admitted, speaking quietly despite the two of you being alone. Joel's lips pecked yours.
“Me too,” you admitted pecking his lips another few times in a row. Your legs wrapped firmly around the outsides of his hips. “Maybe we should do something about it.”
“Mmm..” he hummed the response, beginning to walk with you still in his arms down toward the bedroom. “I have seven minutes.”
You kissed him as he walked blindly with his eyes closed now. “I'll make them all count.”
The rest of the day you spent running errands, grocery shopping for your parents and buying a new outfit for your upcoming interview. The world felt like it was at your fingertips; a new beginning - both professionally and personally.
As you swept through the grocery store, a thought crossed your mind. You whipped out your phone and texted Joel: Can I cook for you tonight?
Only a minute or so went by before he replied: I ain't gonna deny that.
You smiled. What would you like?
The three dots on your screen disappeared a few times before Joel's response of ‘anything’ came in. You assured him that nothing would be a challenge, and so he suggested chicken cutlets and baked potatoes. That was easy enough.
You sighed to yourself. Even the thought of cooking for Joel made you feel on top of the world; and you couldn't wait to get to it.
When you cruised into the driveway your hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as you saw your mother talking with someone at the line where your yard met Joel’s.
Who is that? You wondered, knowing full well that your mother was likely to call you over so they could be introduced.
The woman wore her dark hair in a high bun with a hand band on to keep her hair back. She wore a flowery yellow summer dress with spaghetti straps that flowed down to a pair of brown flip flops.
When your mother waved you over you threw the car in park, killed the engine and wandered over to where the two women were speaking.
"Cecille, this is my daughter, (Y/N) . I don't know that you've met." She smiled, "She just graduated from college and just got back about a week ago."
"Hello." Cecille extended an arm in your direction with a smile, "Cecille Miller."
At the revelation of her name you felt your entire body grow heavy. A rush of butterflies traveled up your torso and you felt like you could throw up when your hands linked in a formal handshake. “Nice to meet you."
You swallowed hard, knowing your face was heated. Cecille Miller. This was Joel's soon-to-be ex-wife. How would you ever be able to look the woman in the eye? You took a deep breath and felt instant relief when your hand left hers.
"It's nice to see you," your mother went on, touching Cecille’s shoulder gently, "I'm not going to delve into your business but we're having a picnic Saturday and you're more than welcome to come on over.”
“Thank you.” She gave a nod but didn't elaborate one way or another if she intended to attend.
She can't… You were practically hyperventilating. Cecille was this gorgeous woman who suddenly made you feel like a child in comparison. You felt inferior and it triggered your flight complex.
Your eyes moved back and forth at the two of them feeling a bit third-wheelish. The phone suddenly buzzed in the pocket of your jeans and that was your out.
"Excuse me," you managed a closed-mouth smile and glanced at the screen, seeing Joel's number with an accompanied text message that read: Can't wait for those chicken cutlets.
Your face grew hot again and as bad as you wanted to write back you shoved the phone back down into your pocket. When your eyes rose both women were staring at her, forcing you to clear your throat and then smile nervously.
"She goes all out for picnics," you attempted to carry on a normal part of the conversation. "
"Oh, I might have you and Dad put up a volleyball net for me tonight," your mother explained.
"No problem." You continued to put on a fake smile as your phone went off again. You raised your eyebrows. "Well, it was nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Cecille gave a wave as you managed to wiggle your way out of the conversation. Much to your relief, your mother didn't attempt to call your back. As you took the steps up into the house you pulled the phone out of your pocket and began typing back to Joel.
You were beginning to wonder what your boundaries were, if you even had them anymore. Most women would have turned to run in the opposite direction after meeting the estranged wife of the man they were carrying on with - who also lived next door.
You glanced around the house noting your father wasn't home yet, before taking the stairs to your room. Out the window you could tell your mom and Cecille were wrapping up their conversation. It was then you noticed her blue BMW in the driveway next door.
Upon taking a composed breath, you decided to call Joel.
“Hey, you.” His voice was cheery and you almost didn't want to say what you called for, but you knew you had to.
“Hey.. um..” you took a deep breath.
“What's wrong?” Joel’s tone changed immediately.
“I, umm.. well.. my mom is talking with Cecille in our yard right now. She just introduced me and-”
“Is she your.. wife?”
“Ex,” Joel corrected. “She's..”
“In my yard,” you finished when he didn't continue.
There was silence on the other end. “I guess chicken cutlets will have to wait, huh?” You felt your chest tighten. You had no idea what Cecille’s presence meant.
“No,” Joel said right away. “I don't know.. what she's there for.”
“Why don't we reschedule.” It cut you to say that to him.
“No,” Joel said again and you heard him curse under his breath. “I'm on my way home from work now. Just.. I'll call you.. okay?”
Tears fell from your eyes without warning. You hesitated a moment.
You cleared your throat. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
“Please. It's.. we aren't together.”
“I know.” You held it together but knew you wouldn't be able to get paragraphs of words out. Your heart was aching even if it was over. Cecille being in your yard talking to your mother was completely unexpected and it left your mind and emotions trying to play catch up.
“I'll call you as soon as I figure out what's going on, and why she's here.”
You took a deep breath. “Is there a chance that you and her would get back together?”
“No,” he responded right away. “No, there's not.”
“I'll take care of it. Please just.. trust me,” Joel added a second time, “Please.”
“I trust you,” you said back. You meant it. You did trust Joel. Still, it didn't stop you from having that same heavy, sinking feeling in your chest.
Your eyes lifted as you watched Cecille wander back over next door and enter the house. In that one moment, your whole world felt off kilter.
“I'll call you tonight.”
The call ended and, as dramatic as it felt, your world felt temporarily cracked. You slunk down to the ground in a seated position with your back against the wall and let your face rest in your hands.
As much as you told yourself that it was all fine, the reality was that Joel’s wife was in the house next door - the house that you fantasized about making your own, the house where you made love constantly, the house where you kissed Joel goodbye that morning as you fantasized about your future with him. The reality was, at least for the time being, that Cecille and Joel co-owned that house together. Not you.
“Hey, honey!” Your mom called up from the first floor, “I'm thinking about making chicken cutlets. Will you be home for dinner?”
You quietly sobbed harder into your hands before finally sniffing in and manning up a response. “Sounds good!” Your voice didn't crack, but no sooner than when the last syllable left your mouth the tears began to fall again.
You were in too deep, too fast; and this sudden curveball left your emotions running rampant. “Fuck.”
Joel white-knuckled it the whole ride home. He wasn't about to call his ex-wife. She was the last person he wanted to speak to. However, he had an earful to give her for just dropping in and her leisure without warning.
This better not fuck things up. On the surface, Joel knew it looked bad. How could (Y/N) feel secure with Cecille just randomly dropping into his life?
“Fuck!” Joel slammed his palm on the steering wheel of his truck and finally sped his way down the driveway. His eyes landed on the window to your bedroom and then he rushed inside the front door of his home.
When he entered, Cecille rounded out of the kitchen to come face-to-face with him.
“What're you doing here?” Joel asked bluntly.
A half-smile tipped up the order of their lips. “Hi, Joel.”
“You have no right to be here.”
“My name is on the paperwork, too, ya know.”
“I pay all the bills and we agreed,” he hissed through his teeth. “You can't just drop in here whenever you want.”
“My sister is selling her house.”
“So, I'm just in between right now.”
“That's not my business.” Joel shook his head. “You need to leave.”
“Legally, you can't make me. I'll give you money if you'd like.”
“I'd like you to leave.”
“I need to pack up some things.” She began to March down the hall.
Joel trailed her into the bedroom. “And then you can get the fuck out.”
“Joel.” Cecille shook her head.
“You can't be here.”
“I can-”
“No, you really can't be here.” Joel slammed his hand down on top of his dresser, causing a bottle of his cologne to fall sideways. Cecille paused. She looked him up and down, a more serious expression in her face.
She then looked away and began go pace the length of the room with her arms folded across his chest. It was almost methodical.
“You were the one that begged me to work it out before we bought this house.” She ran her fingers over indents in the wall behind the headboard. “Something's changed.” Cecille shook her head.
“You need to go. I'll pay for a hotel,” Joel added.
Cecille walked up to him with her hands on her hips and looked him intently in the eye. A few seconds went by before she concluded, “You're seeing somebody.”
@pedropascal111 @axshadows @mybritishstyle @untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @goodvibesonly421 @cosmic006533-blog @ashleyfilm @maybetomorrowgirl @rebeccawinters @cuteanimalmama @writlingerz
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tokkiwrites · 1 year
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ㅡ in which tangerine shows his bride how much he truly loves her. ( this was a request. thank you so much! )
tags: established rs, afab reader, rough sex w breeding kink ig, dom tan, sub & shy reader, use of y/n, p in v (unprotected!!)
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the special day came and went by so fast, but not a moment passed without tangerine thinking how lucky he is to have y/n in his life; the fact he could hold her forever -- she promised him eternal love and he didn't want more in this world than to make her happy. even so, looking at his now bride, exceptionally beautiful and innocent, with her teary doe eyes whilst he said "i do" ... he couldn't wait to dig right into her tonight.
the guests left, not before showering the newlyweds in congratulations, hugs, and happy tears -- was tangerine starting to get impatient? maybe, but he sensed y/n felt the same. while they've had sex before tonight was more special, y/n gave him everything, and he was going to take it giving in exchange what he had to offer: his heart and good dick every night until death does them apart.
his train of thoughts is put to a halt when he hears y/n softly giggling, grabbing him by his bicep "finally some alone time."
tangerine smiles under his mustache, tilting y/n's chin up and placing a kiss on her reddened lips. "Let's go to our room, doll. don't wanna waste a single moment." she can't help but blush at his words, knowing what he meant. don't get her wrong. She absolutely loved it when Tan was straightforward, and even after so many nights together, she always seemed to turn into a shy mess.
tangerine scoops her up from the ground, scurrying to their hotel room just a few minutes away. opening the door with his elbow, he spins inside the suite, settling y/n down again. he didn't say anything, only closed the door and stared his now wife, who looked like an untainted flower -- he couldn't wait to pick.
"You're makin' me feel like i have something on my face when you stare so much." y/n jokes, pokin tangerines chest with her manicured fingers."You're so gorgeous, baby." he sighs, closing in on her and grabbing her by the waist. "I'm so lucky you're mine."
y/n can't help but flush, shying away and bury her face in tangerines neck. "And I'll be yours from now on, tan." he chuckles before helping her off the ground again and settling her on the bed, this pulling a soft laugh from y/n's lips. "Your makeup looks so pretty, but I'd enjoy ruining it just about now."
y/n turns more red, if that's even possible. "You can ruin it.." she mutters.
"What's that, baby?"
nothing. she swallows thick, a hot sensation running over her body. even if they were married now, this feels like the first time something was about to happen.
"Need you to speak up, darlin'..." he stops to trace his fingers across her cheeks before roughly grabbing them, making y/n look up at him. "C'mon, you know i hate it when i have to ask twice."
"i said.. you could ruin it-- my makeup." Tangerine coos before he moves his hand from y/n's face to her throat, gently pressing on the sides. "That's a good girl. was it so hard?" he asks, almost mockingly.
there's a short pause before tangerine speaks again. "Want me to undress you, baby? or do you want me to fuck you in that pretty dress you've got on?"
y/n presses her legs together, the hotness from her body growing in waves that washed over. tangerine notices and decides to position himself between her legs, pressing against her wet panties with his knee. he already had her squirming, the thoughts in her head all jumbled. "doll--" he paused before tightening his grip around her neck "i asked you something."
"u-ndress me..please."
tangerine hums, taking his time whilst he undressed them both, y/n's body buzzing in anticipation as he saw the immense bulge in tangerines boxers. she saw it many times but it never stopped shocking her on how big it was.
tangerines calloused palms traveled across y/n's torso, tracing her curves so perfectly. her already messy hair and burning body invited him to climb over her slightly, pressing one of his thumbs on her lips. "open."
she does as she's told, parting her lips and letting tangerines finger slip in.
"wider." he demands, pushing in another digit, traveling well past her tongue and into the back of her throat, hitting it and making y/n gag.
he smiles proudly, thrusting his fingers into her mouth, slicking them up before removing them, leaving y/n gasping for air. "Good girl."
he motions her on her back before lining his fingers with her dripping core. "m gonna work you out a little, baby, yeah? then make you take my cock."
the slick and wet noises fill the room as tangerine pushes his fingers inside y/n, causing her to buck her hips agains his hand, head turning to the side trying to hide her embarrassment. those two fingers worked into her, turning the girl into a incoherent mess, that familiar feeling building up inside her core.
"gotta come, baby? can't have you do that, need you to feel my cock buried deep inside of that pretty pussy of yours first."
his tainted words make y/n even more delirious, soft pants parting from her agape mouth. "p-please, tan-"
"im gonna fill you up so good, love." he leans down and rasps into her ear "make you unable to walk from how good I'll fuck you."
his fingers slip out of her, the feeling of emptiness being short lived as tangerine pushes inside of her full force, making y/n take his cock all in one go.
"that's my good g-girl-" he groans in utmost pleasure, roughly hitting just the right spot over and over. he pulls out almost completely before snapping his hips forward, causing y/n to moan louder, breath hitching as his cock brushed against her walls.
"gonna come all over my cock, baby, huh?"
"p-lease, tan-" she cries out, gripping him by his broad shoulders, his thrust quickening. "I wa-nt you to c-ome, darlin'- shit!" he frowns, closing his eyes as he tightly grips y/n by her thighs "fuck, baby, I'm gonn-a cum, I'm gonna fill you u-up-"
with one last snap of his hips, he sends them both into heaven and back, as they each finish, tangerine letting his seed pool inside of y/n, her mind now hazy.
they both breathe heavily, before tangerine falls over y/n, wrapping his arms around her frame, placing one peck on her lips.
"I love you so much, doll." y/n smiles, her vision still blurry, then replies with the words that still make butterflies fill tangerines stomach."I love you."
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⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾‎  토끼's NOTE : AS PROMISED sorry for any grammatical errors  !!! this has 1.2k words. also, thank you so much for the amazing request!! i know I've been not so active, but i have SHIT RECEPTION FOR NOW.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
to celebrate this blog's monthsary, i have a lil gift for y'all :D hoping y'all love it, and hoping i'll see you guys more on my blog! cheers (✿◕‿◕✿)
celebrating your monthsary with them
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miles morales 1610
oh, to say he'd been anxious for this day was an understatement; he was both happy, excited, nervous, kinda sick in his stomach as he realizes it's been around 30 whole days since you agreed to be with him. 30 whole days. usually, from what he's heard and seen, not a lot of high school romances go on after 14 days, 21 if they really wanted to push it--and to see that you still loved him the same way he loved you, even as he constantly falls for you more and more everyday... man, oh man, do you put butterflies in his stomach.
he went all out this time and stayed up the whole night painting something for you. i like to think miles hasn't traditionally painted on canvas and with paintbrushes for a hot minute, so he kinda was stumped when he realized that he would have to refresh himself on how to do it; but it was for you, so of course, he'd make it perfect and made it scream: 'i'm in love with you, please, never forget that my love for you is here. it'll only get better from here on out as long as i'm with you'.
when he handed the painting to you, he looked disheveled and tired, but he smiled widely as he handed it to you. he used graffiti on some parts because he knows how passionate you are about it just as he is--that's another reason he wanted to be with you in the first place, you understood him and love him and his passions as well. he painted all your favorite things on it, scenes of his favorite memories with you, as if the photos themselves were placed on the painting... he thought of you the whole time he made this.
"happy monthsary, love. sorry, i know i sound so corny right now... but i just really, really love you and... and i wanna keep loving you, every day, week, month, year--every lifetime after this."
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miles morales 42
like his counterpart, he would have been a little skeptical at how long you've been with him--how come you haven't gotten tired of being with the same boy every day? how do you still find room in your heart to think of him as someone special? how come you still light up his world every single time he looks at you, sees you smile, and feels you hold on to him? ...you've got him questioning how long he can keep being in this paradise with you and being so damn smitten with you in every way possible.
he hasn't felt such a warm and meaningful connection with someone he truly adores for the longest time–and he wants to let you know you are the most important person in his life apart from his mom and uncle aaron.
i think he'd take you out on a date, and that'd be a total shocker to you since usually, miles hates going out when it's not discussed between you two in advanced; but this time is different, this time marks the beginning of a new month for you two, a new beginning in your relationship as you continue to be with him despite how difficult he can get.
he shows up at your doorstep with lilacs wrapped in a pretty bouquet, and looking at you with such soft eyes and an adoring smile on his face, he mutters a thank you for being with him for this long; for remaining humble and kind towards him even if he can be a handful all the time.
"happy monthsary, mi cielo. i might sound like a total dork right now, but... i love you. and i keep finding myself falling for you over and over and over again whenever i see you, hear you, and feel you close to me. i promise, i will never make you feel lonely or sad, so long as you'll let me. because... i really love you."
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gwen stacy
you have given gwen so much relief over the time that you were there for her before you two got together, and albeit she was extremely nervous and anxious about being your girlfriend and opening her heart up again to someone near and dear to her heart, she truly cherishes you and is beyond grateful that you never changed her or forced her to bury that fear just to feel like everything's okay.
she will admit that she often feels scared and that breaking up would be good for the both of you, but she also feels like she wouldn't be the same without you. you've changed her life for the better in so many ways, she doesn't really wanna leave you, instead, she wants to protect you and make sure you're safe–but actually, you end up doing that for her, too.
she's eternally grateful for you since, in your own ordinary, little ways–without even knowing it sometimes–you save gwen time and time again from her own insecurities and self-doubt; and as you stay with her for a whole month, never once neglecting her or her needs, she feels more reassured that you do love her, that she is doing okay, and that you wouldn't just leave her out of the blue.
she'd show her appreciation by sitting with you under the stars in a spot in the park or by a more secluded area only you two know about and just... admire you as you're admiring the stars, and eventually her when you feel her gaze on you.
"i don't know what i did to deserve you coming into my life, i know i messed up a lot in the past, but... maybe the universe is kinder to me this time. maybe i can love without having to think anything bad'll happen, and... i always want that person to receive all my love to be you, and only you."
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pavitr prabhakar
he'd actually keep count of all the days you two have been together; like, every day you are with him is never erased from his mind. i think pav would have amazing memory, and actually, there's never a day that went by for the past month that didn't have you two in it. be it the good and the bad, the calm and the chaotic, you two are always together, and he can recall each and every thing, great and small, that made him feel happy with you.
though he says being spider man is easy for him, loving you is much easier. it comes to him like how breathing comes to him, it feels natural, not forced, and like it was always meant to happen for him to feel like he's really living, that he's alive.
your love gives him more of a reason to keep trying as spider man as pavitr, even though you had only been with him for a month, he can picture living every day for the rest of his life with you. i think what he'd do to express that would be through him whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he holds you close as you two are bonding at his place or yours--just in each others' company.
"i can't believe i'm literally the coolest guy in all of mumbattan, but i'm dating the one person who makes me feel like all of this is worthwhile; that it all means something to be... me, and it's to be with you. thank you, love, for being my purpose. you'll always be my purpose every day."
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hobie brown
now hobie doesn't like labels, but... he is quite a sentimental guy, believe it or not. when he realized today was the exact day you two agreed to be reciprocate each others' feelings, he felt a little tingly about it, a little warm, a little fuzzy, a little... well, a whole lot actually, a whole lot brighter about what's to come in the future.
hobie wants you to know, even though he tries to express it so many times over the 30-ish days you two have been together, that he loves you not only for how you look, how you smile, how you fight, how you speak, how you laugh, how you do everything... but also how you've grown on him, how you've practically become his everything.
he's a very chill and low-key guy, but he really wants you to know that even without a label, you're not just "somebody" to him. so, he's been collecting small mementos of scraps from battles, sanded them down, and polished them to look prettier and... made you a promise bracelet.
"now, i know i said i don't believe in consistency, but you're the sole exception, love. this bracelet i made for you, it... it means more than what words will allow. it'll hold all the promises i've ever made you and will continue to make, and every time i'll see it on you, you'd best believe i'll make them all come true. such as this one i'm about to make right now: to love you forever and ever, in an inconsistently consistent way, just the way you love it."
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miguel o'hara
he didn't realize it had been a whole month since he admitted to you that you've been the only one he's loved for the longest time. it actually scares him a little, how no universe has collapsed ever since you agreed to date him, almost as if... this was supposed to happen; he was allowed to love you.
the thought of you loving him also scares him a bit, knowing that he can be scary and intimidating a lot of the time, he hopes you never felt the urge to hide from him or leave him be; he hates to admit this, but he can't be himself when you're not around. you have provided him with so much relief from all the pain and sorrow he's experienced for the longest time, and to lose you would... it would be like losing everything he's worked so hard to keep.
your love is worthwhile to him, a warm, nurturing, humble kind of love that he is scared to lose. you try to reassure him all the time that he deserves it, and he still struggles to believe you, but seeing as how you've kept loving him for a whole month and never left him once... he wants to thank you for it.
he doesn't exactly have a fancy gesture for it, other than create a whole ass ring for you that acts like his watch. he wants you to know that with this ring, he is just one call away. he wishes he gave this to you the moment you said yes to him, but better late than never, no? he can feel himself crumbling as he fumbles over his words, just kinda hoping that... you'll kiss him to shut him up and spare him from the embarrassment.
"um... sorry that i... i never really gave this to you before, b-but i'm here to give it now. it's a ring i made, it works like the watch, but it's way more compact, and, uh... you can call me on it anytime if you need me. i'm just one call away, if you need anything... i'll be here waiting for you. waiting for you to, to... to call me because... i want you to need me to help you, because... because i truly love you and would dedicate my everything to you."
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spider noir
he'd wake up at the crack of dawn to prepare you a whole day of pampering and affection, because he's also kept the details of this day down to the last letter in the front of his mind, every day.
peter is very intricate about how he wants everything you experience today to have at least some semblance of how he feels about you. he never thought you'd stay with him for this long, he's dreamed of loving you for a lifetime, and now... maybe it'll come true, he can show you all the love he's held back for so long in fear you'd leave him not long after he confessed to you.
he'd buy you flowers of all kinds, he'd open doors for you, pull back your chair when you're going to sit, and... just do all sorts of little gestures of love for you to make sure you're not only happy, comfortable, and safe--but that you feel that what he does for you is a choice for him; a choice for him that he will always choose because he wants you.
he'd try his hardest with aunt may to cook you up a wonderful candlelit dinner, and when aunt may leaves you two alone to talk and reminisce such happy memories and a successful relationship so far... he realizes just how much of a little boy he feels when he looks into your eyes; a full-on blush coming on form the tips of his ears down to where his collarbone starts and a goofy grin plastered on his face as he tries to tell you all that he's longed to tell you.
"...thank you, my dearest, for... for bearing with me. it's no easy task to love a man when his name is peter benjamin parker, trust me, i'm very aware of how hard it is. i hope you... i hope you know just how much i adore you, every single day, you are all that fills my mind. i want to give you the happiest life, the best kind of life i can offer you as your lover. so please... if you'll have me for many more months, years, even... i'll show you just how much love a man like me can carry for the most perfect person in the world, who's sitting across me right now and watching me blush as red as a tomato and grin like the happiest guy in the world, which i am right now."
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tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @fiannee @maxoloqy @luvstarrstruck @pixqlsin @zalayni @q2ie @thee-fantastic-mrfox @solecitoszn @yuridopted0 @fictarian @jrrantss
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 6 months
“let me love you!” “i’ll never hurt you.” “you’re easy to love.”
from the prompt list with Billy please 💗
(in my head this time it's reader that needs to be told this because she is insecure, i see a lot of hurt/comfort fics about billy being comforted and while i absolutely love those, i feel like the idea of reader being the one that needs to be taken care of not is not explored enough in the Billy fandom 🤍)
am I projecting ? - yes absolutely
Thank you for this request! Literally loved writing this! I hope you like how it turned out :) I'm pretty sure this is gender neutral but if it isn't please let me know
Is this billy? no. Do I care? no. I love writing billy as a fluffy man and if you don't like that, that's okay <3
This week has been rough, honestly things have been rough for a while now but this week has been the worst of the worst.
All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and stay swallowed by the blankets. You didn't want to deal with anything or anyone anymore for a hot minute. And as you drive home you can feel the waves of emotions finally starting to wash over, you when you pull into your driveway your vision starts to blur. You slowly trudge up to your front door and immediately start to undress before crawling into your bed, ready to sleep the day away.
You fell asleep without even noticing. You slept through the seven phone calls Billy left you, you slept through Billy unlocking your door with the spare key you gave him, and you slept through him calling for you as he wanders into your home.
"Babe??? I'm starting to actually worry here!" He yells out before reaching your bedroom. He is about to yell your name again but he freezes seeing you buried under all of your blankets. "Fuck babe..." He kicks off his boots and crawls next to you in bed.
"Baby...come on wake up for me sweetheart" he whispers to you as he moves your hair out of your face gently. You slowly open your eyes and smile once you're greeted by the sight of his bright blue eyes. "Hi baby" you greet him sleepily and snuggle into his chest slightly.
Normally this would melt his heart, however, this time his heart fills with worry. To anyone else, they may have missed how your eyes seemed dull, or they would've shrugged it off as you being tired but he knows better than that, he knows you better then he knows himself.
"Want to fill me in here? What happened today?" Asking this question broke down your walls again and tears started filling your eyes before you could stop it. "I--well it was um..." You clear your throat trying to stop the feeling of it closing in on itself.
"Do you think I'm hard to love?" once those words were out in the atmosphere you squeezed your eyes tightly in hopes that if Billy did hear you that you closing your eyes tight enough would make you disappear. Billy did hear you though, he heard you loud and clear and that broke his heart in two.
"You're easy to love." He says matter of factly, leaving no room to argue. "Let me love you, Let me prove that what you said is so wrong." His brows furrow as anger started to flow through his veins. Who said this to them? Who put those thoughts into their beautiful mind? How long have they been thinking this? As these questions started to flow through his mind more anger started to flow through his veins.
You shake your head not wanting to think about this anymore. "I'm just so tired. I'm tired of feeling hurt, of getting hurt, of being let down. It's been such a shitty week. Been such a long, exhausting week." You ramble on before Billy makes you stop. "I'll never hurt you." Billy says in nearly a whimper. The thought of hurting you in any way destroys his soul and if he ever did hurt you he truly believes he wouldn't be able to live with himself.
"I'd never hurt you. Anyone that has hurt you are the worst, most stupidest group of people to ever live let alone breath. I don't know if you know this, if you realize this, but I...god I really love you and that isn't easy for me. If I ever hurt you I'm done for."
Your eyes filled with tears for a whole different reason. You've never seen Billy so vulnerable, you've never felt so loved before either. From how you were laying on his chest you leaned up and kissed his chin softly. "I love you too Billy, more than you'll ever know" He smiled softly and kissed your head as you rest your head on his chest one more time before falling back to sleep. As you sleep Billy starts to play with your hair and continues to whisper how much he loves you.
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hollybell51 · 1 year
here me out. Adam Warlock and sex pollen.
It's ok - one
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Part two
Adam Warlock x AFAB!Reader
Marvel Cinematic Universe, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 (outside canon)
Word count: 4.6K
Summary: foreign flora has an unexpected effect on your human physiology.
Content: sex pollen and associated DUBCON, fuck-or-die, smut, maybe very slight perviness (but I don't think it's creepy or really triggering), Adam being down bad, SMUT. Gratuitous smut. Non-explicit masturbation, handjobs (kinda), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, Adam's a virgin, reader isn't, bit on angst, unresolved, there will be part 2. Maybe some out of character-ness, but it's hard cause he only had like 10 minutes screen time so what I've written is based on my own interpretation and what I've read since I watched the movie
Notes: I hear you anon! I actually haven't done sex pollen before, though I always found it kinda fun, so this was new to me. I actually wrote a part 2 which I'll post with this, and that's much of the same xx. Also sorry I haven't done anything in ages, I've been super under the weather and busy so I haven't really had time lmao. Anyways, have fun with this!
“Hey, did you get through those notes?” Your voice echoed in the stillness of the forest, seeming to bounce off the lush petals of the giant flowers towering overhead. The local flora was all supersized, bigger than anything Adam had ever seen, and filtered the harsh light of the planet’s nearest star in sickly sweet hues of pinks, greens, yellows and even blue. 
“Breathable atmosphere, mostly docile wildlife. Predators are nocturnal.”
“Ok, just… How much longer are we gonna be out here?” 
Adam turned, letting the machete you’d armed him with – “bush bashing. Gotta learn those life skills, huh?” – hang by his side. You were panting, face flushed and beaded with sweat as you planted your hands on your hips and frowned at him. Even like this, speckled with bright yellow and orange pollen and clearly uncomfortable, Adam couldn’t ignore the odd swooping sensation in his gut. It was like someone was constantly pulling a rug from under his feet. 
He checked the time displayed on the tablet. “Two hours. Maybe less. Are you ok?” 
You groaned, but nodded and walked the few paces to stand beside him. “Goddamn flower dumped its load all over me. You sure this shit is breathable?” 
The atmosphere. Right, you were joking about the humidity. “If you don’t mind a bit of a steam,” he tried, smiling at the short bark of laughter the remark conjured. 
You tapped his machete-holding hand, jerking your head towards the wall of fleshy greenery. “Nice. Let’s just get this over with.” 
Adam simply nodded. The falling feeling had been replaced by something warm and sticky, the simple touch and your laugh flowing like syrup to sit low inside him. It had been like this for a while now, since he’d started really talking to you, spending time with you, noticing things about you. Like your hair, now dusted with fiery plant spores and stuck to your forehead, and how it caught the lights of Knowhere just right when you sat down beside him to eat. Or the little wrinkles around your eyes and mouth when you smiled – really smiled. The High Evolutionary had disliked wrinkles and other physical signs of ageing, viewed them as imperfect and a blight on existence. Adam could have stared at yours all day. 
“Can I see that?” 
Again, Adam stopped and turned. You were craning at the tablet, your hand absently running around the collar of your suit. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Just… It’s really hot. Do you feel that?” 
Adam shrugged. Temperature wasn’t a huge concern to him, but you looked truly uncomfortable now. “Humidity can often make it feel hotter than it is.” 
“I know, but…” You grimaced, pulling your collar down further and wriggling your shoulders. “I feel really hot. Worse than before.” 
Adam frowned. He knew humans were often sensitive to their environment, much more so than was practical, but you seemed more affected than you should be. There were places on Earth hotter than the current reading, you’d told him that, so why were you–?
The comm on his wrist buzzed, Rocket’s voice crackling across the emergency frequency. “Warlock? You copy?” 
“Yeah,” Adam replied, still watching you. You were taking a semi-restrained drink from your flask, no doubt aware that it had to last the whole trek and back. 
“Is (Y/N) with you?” 
“Yeah, why?” As he watched, you held the back of your hand up to your forehead, then your cheek, then your neck. The suit still seemed to be bothering you. 
“Are you on the ground?” 
“You need to get out of there.” 
Adam didn’t think he was imagining the urgency in the raccoon’s voice, distorted as it was over the distance. He was in an entirely different corner of the galaxy, after all. “Why? What’s wrong?” 
A pause, then, “The flowers, they’re… uh, they’re kinda…” 
“They are very powerful aphrodisiacs!” Ah, Kraglin, just as worried-sounding as Rocket. “They can be harmful to humans!” 
Your other hand had joined the first on your face, but it didn’t seem to be doing a lot. You’d managed to get the zipper on your suit down, the neck pulled down to expose your shoulders and collar bones, the skin there just as flushed as your face. 
Rocket groaned, but Kraglin either didn’t notice or didn’t care. “Aphrodisiacs,” he repeated. “If she breathes the pollen her body temperature will rise until she develops a fever, and if she doesn’t have sex she could die.” 
His entire (relatively short) life, Adam’s mother – and pretty much everyone else – had been more than generous in pointing out that he was lacking, that he was slower than he should be, that he was not up to the same speed as they were. It was because he’d left the cocoon early, he knew that, but he’d never really felt that much slower. Maybe a little, but he’d always understood where he’d gone wrong and why. This was totally different. For the first time, Adam felt like he was lagging behind. 
“What?” he asked again. “What do you mean if she doesn’t have sex she’ll die?” 
“Makes ya horny, genius. Means what exactly that. Fuck or die.” Rocket took over, clearing his throat. “I’m reading off the notes, bit further down. It’s small, so you might have missed it. It says it works normal for most species, but humans are more fragile so…” 
Yes, that made sense. Adam couldn’t remember that in what he’d read, but he’d also been distracted by your legs slung across his and the little wrinkle that had appeared between your brows as you’d carefully packed your bag, sliding everything perfectly into place. He’d wanted to just reach across and run his thumb over the line, smooth it away forever. 
Now, that same bag thudded as it hit the ground and you frantically fanned yourself, eyes closed. There was no telling if you’d heard the conversation, but Adam didn’t want to waste time finding out. 
“Ok, I’ll, uh, get her back to the ship.” 
“She ok?” 
He paused for a moment, then settled on, “yeah, she’ll be fine.” 
“You got this, golden boy.” The radio crackled and fell silent, and that was that. What a great help. 
“(Y/N)?” he ventured, picking up your pack. “Did you get all that?” 
You nodded, wriggling to get the zipper further undone. Your back was beaded with sweat, and in any other circumstance, maybe Adam would have let himself dwell more on the soft contours of your spine, the roll of your shoulder blades, the harsh line of your bra strap in contrast to your smooth skin. 
“I’m really… It’s so hot, holy shit. Why’s it gotta be so hot?” 
“I think that’s the fever bit. Come on, we should get back.” 
You drew a sharp breath when his hand met your back, your whole body tensing. 
Adam withdrew at light speed. “Sorry, I didn’t–” 
“No,” you cut him off, “no, it’s fine. I’m fine.” 
It couldn’t have been more than half an hour since you’d set out, but it felt like a long time to get back. You were slower, for one, stumbling and muttering apologies whenever you became disorientated – which was often – and wriggling like your clothes were full of insects. Your breath came heavy, your skin becoming more and more flushed as you drew closer to the ship, and you looked so uncomfortable it made something twist inside Adam. 
“I heard it,” you panted, stepping clumsily over a root. “What Kraglin said.” 
“Oh,” was all Adam could think of. 
“You don’t— You shouldn’t— You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
“Hey, no, it’s ok. You’ll be ok.” 
“I’m– fuck, Adam.” 
“You’ll be ok, (Y/N). We can sort this out.” 
“I don’t wanna force you to do anything–” 
How cruel could the Universe be? Adam wondered as he patted your shoulder – then regretted it when you stumbled. You were the first person he’d really wanted anything with, the first person he’d thought about and imagined and, dare he say it, fantasised about, and now you were worried you were going to somehow hurt him or make him do something he didn’t want to. It was sweet, bitterly so, and ironic enough to feel like a punch in the stomach. If anyone should be worried, it should be him. After all, how were you ever going to look at him the same way after this? How was he going to look at himself the same way?
“I’m so…” You broke off as you emerged into the clearing where the ship was parked, a sob – relief or something else, Adam couldn’t tell – torn from you. 
Your legs were shaking now, your skin so hot Adam could feel it through the material of your suit. He helped you quickly aboard, avoiding your eyes as you peeled the suit from your shoulders and pushed yourself against the cool wall. The pollen still lay over your hair and clothes, insultingly cheerful and innocent. 
He sighed. “We should get rid of that.” 
“The suit. It’s got pollen all over it.” 
“Oh, right.” You said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, peeling the material from your body without a second thought. Well. Adam hadn’t expected that. Trying not to watch as you sunk down to the floor, he shoved the offending clothing into the disposal to be dealt with later. 
“You should probably take a shower. There’s pollen in your hair and… on you.” 
You nodded, legs pressed firmly together, arms spread over the cool surface at your back. “Yeah, sure, I… Can you… Fuck, Adam, I’m sorry I—” 
“It’s ok, (Y/N), don’t worry.” It felt like a ridiculous thing to say, but seemed to help a little. “What do you need me to do?” 
“I need…” You trailed off in a low whimper, your legs shaking now. You didn’t even seem to notice you were in nothing but your underwear. “I…” 
Again, that twisting feeling. “Do you want me to come with you?” 
“Yes.” The word fell from your lips with a relieved sigh, your head tipping back. 
So Adam went with you, helping you into the tiny decontamination spray shower, trying to avoid touching you as much as possible – not for lack of trying on your part. You seemed to gravitate towards him, pressing your body into his hands wherever they lay, leaning hard against him. Your breath was still laboured, your face still pink, but it seemed less painful now that you had direction and were free of the suit. You’d stopped wriggling, anyway. 
You sighed as you sank down to the floor, your fingers vice-like around Adam’s. His free hand found the taps easily, turning on a cool jet and directing it to the pollen in your hair. It flowed down your neck and shoulders, an orange river spiralling into the drain. 
“I’m sorry,” you said for what must have been the millionth time, your own free hand pressed between your legs, tension radiating from every line of your body. “I’m so sorry, Adam.” 
“Hey, no, don’t be. It’s going to be ok.” He crouched, ignoring the water as he reached across to lay a hand on your forehead. You practically whined at the contact, your fingers tangling even harder with his, skin hot despite the cold water. 
“(Y/N)?” he said softly. 
“Rocket, uh… Rocket said the pollen’s an aphrodisiac.” 
“Yeah, I – fuck – I know. Trust me.” 
“He said it works, um, strongly on humans.” Adam paused, heart pounding. Why did it have to be you, of all people? And why him? “If you don’t,” he continued, “you know… The fever might get high enough to kill you.”
“Oh fuck, come on!” Water sprayed where your foot slapped the shower floor, your voice echoing. 
Adam had never felt worse about anything. “I’m sorry, I should have checked the notes first, I didn’t even consider–” 
You didn’t seem to care. “So now I’m gonna overheat and die?” 
“Unless you have sex. With someone.”
Your head thudded on the wall, a sob flopping wetly from your throat. “Fuck this. Does it have to be with someone? Will it work if I just… do it myself?” 
“Uh, actually, I don’t know. Maybe.” He paused, unsure, then, “Do you want to try?” 
“Yeah, yeah I—” You took a shuddering breath, blinking through the water dripping over your face. “Yeah.” 
Adam nodded, standing. “I’ll… I’ll be around. If you need anything.” 
“Thanks.” It was barely a whisper, so wretched it made his heart hurt. You released his hand, and he turned quickly to leave you alone, your relieved moan following him out the door. Adam didn’t like this, not at all. You weren’t quiet, though he supposed that wasn’t your fault, and he hated, really hated the heat your moans and gasped curses sparked in him. It was wrong, so wrong, and he should not be here. But he couldn’t leave you. 
“Fuck, fuck oh my God–” you cried eventually, a wet thud echoing through the wall. “Oh my– fuck fucking fuck!” 
Adam listened carefully, unsure whether or not he should…
“I don’t…” You broke off in a sob, genuine fear lacing your voice. “Fuck.” 
“(Y/N)?” He stepped back into the shower, pausing only for a moment to take in the mess that was you. Your hand was still between your legs, thighs spread wide, panties crumpled in a wet bundle in the corner and your bra pulled halfway down your torso. In any other situation, it would have been the hottest thing Adam had ever seen. 
“I can’t… It didn’t work, I’m still so hot, why am I so goddamn hot?” 
Adam cursed as he crouched beside you, taking your free hand only a little gingerly. He cursed fate and circumstance, himself for not reading the notes properly, Rocket and Kraglin for not miraculously having a cure, and you for still looking so fucking beautiful while you were quite literally dying. He swore that if – when – he and you got out of this, he was going to burn that whole jungle. 
“We’ll fix this,” he assured you, gently rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. 
You sighed at the contact, shifting closer. 
He frowned. “Is that…?” 
“Feels better when you touch me,” you murmured. 
That was going to haunt his dreams, he just knew it. This whole ordeal was going to haunt him, and probably not in the way it should have. He already knew he’d be seeing your shoulders silky with the water, your back slicked with sweat and the smooth curve of your thigh for months, let alone everything else. Wrong wrong wrong wrong, he reminded himself. 
“Do you…” He stopped. It was absurd. It was wrong. It was not something he’d ever live down. 
Your eyes were open, overly bright and dark with want, searching his face like he held all the answers. You were still so flushed, hair plastered to your forehead and dark with the water, lips parted and so, so pink. 
“Do you want to have sex with me?” 
“Yes.” The syllable was torn from you, ragged and desperate, followed quickly by another sob. You shook your head. “I don’t want to pressure you, don’t wanna make you do something you don’t want to.” 
He could have laughed. How were you still so focussed on that of all things? It brought that syrupy feeling back, only now it was darker, hotter, and tinged with guilt. 
“It’s ok,” he said softly. “(Y/N), it’s ok. Don’t worry.” He carefully moved his hand to your face, pushing the wet hair off your forehead. 
You leaned into it as you had before, your eyes closed. “Then yeah, I… Fuck, Adam, I want you so bad. You have no idea how much I want you.” 
It wasn’t you. Not really. He did his best to ignore the spread of the tingling warmth, his own want, as he helped you to your feet and did his best to dry you – again, as gently as he could. You just let him, casting your bra away when he paused at it, still struggling to stand and trying your best to get as close to him as you could.
Vaguely, Adam wondered how the hell this would actually work. He hadn’t had a lot of experience with much of anything before he met you and the other Guardians, let alone sex, and he had no idea if you had either. He somehow doubted you were in the same position as he was – you were gorgeous, after all, and so friendly it was a wonder he hadn’t ended up head over heels for you sooner. 
He really wished this wasn’t happening. He wished you really did want him, that he’d worked up the guts to ask Quill about Gamora and how that had gone before he’d taken off, then told you about his feelings properly. If he’d gotten that far, he was sure you’d have shown him how it went with the same patience and care you’d shown him everything, and he’d have liked to have taken his time. He’d have liked to kiss you, touch your pretty hands and hold you close, feel you all over and let you take the lead, tell you about the things he thought about you and everything you did to him. 
But it was happening, and you were probably not going to want to talk to him after it had run its course. At least you’d be alive.
You’d stumbled to a bed – one of the standard fold-out ones – beside him, and now he sat you down on its edge. You hadn’t released your hold, pulling him down with you, hands flying straight to the fastening of his own damn suit. 
“Is this ok?” you breathed, practically vibrating with anticipation. Your hands were flitting everywhere; his hair, his neck, along his jaw, his face, his own hands. You were very clearly trying very hard to make yourself slow down, wait, and Adam’s heart melted. 
“Yeah,” he said, “it’s all ok. You do what you need to.” 
A sigh of relief, a soft “thank you,” and then you were clambering into his lap and peeling his clothes off like it was nothing, your lips hot and hard against his. Adam hadn’t kissed anyone before, but he’d seen enough movies – most of them with you – to know that this wasn’t how it usually went. There was little technique or rhythm, more your tongue licking into his mouth, teeth occasionally knocking against his, so forceful he wondered if it was hurting you. 
You’d completely stripped him remarkably fast, and now your hands explored his shoulders and arms, trailing goosebumps down his chest and stomach. You fit perfectly over him, and he allowed himself to run his own hands up your back, down again, over your hips, finally settling in the curve of your waist. How often had he wondered what it would be like to hold you there? 
You moaned, the heat at your centre slick and wet against his own rapidly hardening dick. And now you were moving, too, grinding against him like your life depended on it and why had nobody told Adam it could feel like this? 
You’d broken the kiss, your lips swollen and even redder than they’d been before, your hands now in his hair, fingers tugging ever so gently. Adam had to stifle his own little sound of pleasure, bending his head to kiss at your neck and those collar bones he could look at forever. You gasped a “yes” when his tongue darted out to taste the skin, the faint tang of sweat mingling with the sweetness of the water that had dripped there from your still-damp hair. 
Your fingers tightened in his own hair, the delicious pull sending more heat straight down. You directed his head in that direction, too, arching your back until his mouth found the soft mound of your breast and he licked, then on a whim, sucked. 
“Oh, yes, Adam–” you panted, your movements becoming even more frantic. 
“Oh, that’s– that’s so good.” 
Did you know what you were doing to him? Adam supposed you didn’t, sucking again at a different spot, licking it, placing a kiss there, moving on. Rinse and repeat. 
Then your hands disappeared from his hair – that was a shame, but this wasn’t about him – and the next moment your fingers were wrapped around his cock and you were stroking it better than he ever had, your palm a million times softer than his, sliding easily with your own slick. 
“Can I?” you were asking. “Please, Adam, can I?” 
You could do whatever you wanted, Adam didn’t care. If he’d thought about it, he’d have realised that he actually liked the idea of you having your way with him, using him for your own pleasure, taking what you needed from him. But he didn’t think about it, he was too caught up in the smell and taste of your skin, the little sounds you were making, the wonderful movement of your hand. 
“Yes,” he breathed, “yes, go ahead, (Y/N). Please, just– just go ahead.” 
You were moving, rising on those wonderful thighs and your hand was moving too, something hot and slick rubbing over the head of his dick and then holy shit Adam’s mind went blank. If he’d thought you felt hot before, it was nothing compared to this. He groaned in unison with you as you sank down, taking him fully and gripping his shoulders, your breath fanning his face. You fit perfectly around him, squeezing spongy and smooth, and nothing could have prepared him for it. 
You braced yourself on his shoulders, rising off him – for a second he wondered if that was it, if you were pulling away – before you sank back down. You did it again, then again, and again and again until the only sounds in the room were your breaths mingling with his, your unrestrained little moans and his own half-stifled ones, the slap of your skin on his. 
Adam held you close, hands still anchored to your waist, transfixed by the silken heat of you and the brush of your chest against his, the bounce of your breasts and solidity of your body on top of his. 
“Feels so fucking good,” you panted. “No idea, so fucking – shit – good–”
“(Y/N),” he choked, unable to form a single coherent thought. 
“You’re so good, Adam oh my God.” 
Something was building in his stomach, he could feel it. The warm syrupiness was gone, something hotter and harder and so tight coiling in its place, growing with each moan and sigh and whispered curse from you. It was so much, almost too much, and half of his brain wanted you to stop right there. But the other half, the half that created those late-night daydreams, real dreams, half-formed ideas and scenes in his mind… That half wanted you to go harder, slam your hips down faster and say it again, tell him he felt good, he was doing well. 
“Making me feel so fucking good,” you murmured, as if you’d read his mind. “You’re so… ah, fuck, Adam, I’m so close–” 
Close to what? he wondered vaguely, but the praise was spinning that coil faster, faster, tighter and faster until– 
“Adam, oh, Adam—!” 
It snapped, electric and white hot and rolling up his spine like a damn shockwave. He could hear you crying his name, your movements slowing and your body spasming around his. He’d cum before, of course he had, but never like this. That had been small and so quick he hadn’t even realised what was happening until he was spilling into his hand or the bedsheets, confined to his dick, never spreading through his whole body and never with that glorious buildup. This was something else entirely. 
After what felt like an age, Adam’s mind returned to his body. You were shaking, collapsed against his chest, your arms wrapped around his shoulders and his around your waist, your face pressed into his hair, his own nestled in the junction of your neck and shoulder. You fit so perfectly against him. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, his voice husky even to his own ears. 
You didn’t lift your head, but he felt you nod. 
“Are you sure? You’re shaking.” 
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I’m fine. I feel better, actually. How about you?” 
Adam just nodded, unwilling to move. He could feel himself softening inside you, but didn’t want to lose the warmth and the feeling that he was yours, that he was fully with you. But… “Do you want me to stay?” 
No response, then a deep sigh. “Yes,” you whispered. 
Adam ignored the butterflies and the spark of hope that conjured, opting instead for practicality. He could feel the rapidly cooling sweat on his own back, the coldness of your damp hair, the mess of spend around the place where your body swallowed his. 
“I’m going to clean you up,” he said softly, “then I’ll come back. Alright?” 
Slowly, reluctantly, he lifted you off himself and set you down further back on the bed. You whined at the loss of contact, curling in on yourself and shivering. But you weren’t so hot anymore, the flush had been replaced by what he could only describe as a glow and the overly bright look had vanished from your eyes. You really did look better. 
After a moment’s hesitation, Adam rose and turned away, making for the cabinet where the medpacks and other supplies were kept. You wanted him to stay. You’d told him he felt good. You’d held him afterwards, let him hold you, and had made no move to make him leave. If anything, you’d looked disappointed when he’d broken the contact. But still, you weren’t yourself. 
He paused, a horrible thought crossing his mind. Was he going to end up like Quill? Hopelessly chasing a woman who didn’t feel the same way about him? He hoped not, he’d seen how miserable the man was. But you weren’t hard the way Gamora was -- as much as Adam knew her, anyway, which wasn't much. You were soft and open, and you did care about him, he was sure of it. At least you had. 
Shaking his head, Adam returned to the room with a damp cloth in hand. 
“(Y/N)?” he asked softly, pausing at the door. No answer. 
You were where he’d left you, he saw as he stepped around it, still curled up on your side. Your eyes were closed, the rise and fall of your ribs deep and even. Asleep. The surge of tenderness surprised him, strong enough that he was sure he’d been swamped by an actual wave. You really were beautiful, even damp and naked, lips swollen and hair mussed. 
He was careful not to wake you as he brushed the hair off your face, wiped away the worst of the mess, and then pulled a blanket over you. He wondered briefly if he should stay with you, slide down beside you and wrap his arms around your waist, warm you with his body heat and be there to tell you it was all alright when you woke up. 
You shifted, heaving a deep breath and adjusting your position minutely, and that decided it. Adam couldn’t disturb you, as much as he wanted to, and there was still your suit and discarded underwear, not to mention the original task. On an impulse, he bent and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before turning, scooping his own clothes off the floor and making for the shower. 
493 notes · View notes
gardensgatekeeper · 10 months
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 846
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, fingering, swearing, penetrative sex, dirty talk. Really just all the things.
Tbh forgot I wrote this and now I'm having terrible Jake thoughts. Enjoy ;)
When you got the call that you had been booked as the official hairstylist for Greta Van Fleet on their upcoming tour, you thought you were dreaming, ready to wake up and resume life as normal at any moment. You had been a fan of their music for a couple of years and were a little nervous to meet them the first time, but all of them were so kind and welcoming. Fast forward a few weeks and you’re truly having the time of your life. Though you would say you’ve grown close with all of the guys from the time they’ve spent in your chair, you and Jake ended up becoming the closest, as his wild and unruly hair has earned him much more time in your care. Though your relationship has been mostly platonic, you couldn’t ignore his occasional wandering glances or the way his hand sometimes brushed a little too close to your hips when you spin the chair to set him free.
Or tonight, when you accidentally tripped on the hair dryer cord and fell right over in his lap. “Fuck I’m sorry.” You rushed, trying to quickly get out of his personal space. He let out a silent grunt and only then did you realize where your hands were. Your face had to be red as a tomato as you stared at him in total embarrassment. “Shit Jake I-“ You began. “S’okay sweetheart, just give me a minute will ya?” He softly requested, closing his eyes. You nodded, though realizing he couldn’t see your response with eyes closed. Since he was pretty much done, you decided to clean up your station a bit to save yourself a few minutes after the show. As you were wrapping the cord around a flat iron, you felt two hands grab your hips, a gasp leaving your lips. There, behind you, Jake stood, staring at your reflection in the mirror you stood in front of. “Darling, I thought I would be able to handle this little situation, but that’s proving to be a challenge when I know you’re right here looking like a sight for sore eyes.” His hot breath whispered against your neck. “Jake.” was all you could manage to get out. “Tell me to stop at any time and I will. You’re in complete control, but right now I want nothing more than to bend you over this counter and take you completely.” He slowly traced his hand from your neck, ghosting over your nipple, before resting at the top of the waistband of your leggings. Instead of words, all you could do in response was let out a heavy sigh “And I think you want that too, huh?” “Fuck Jake. Yeah, yeah I want it. Please don’t stop.” You were ashamed at how quickly you gave yourself up to his mercy. Not wasting any time, especially since call time was in 15 minutes, his hands made their way to your core that was already slick with desire. “All of this, just for me?” Though your eyes were closed, you could sense the smirk in his tone, but you didn’t care. You grabbed his hand and pushed him closer, needing some sort of relief. “Just be patient, I'll get you there doll.” You whimpered as his fingers went to work, curling in you, finding the one spot that made your knees buckle. He chuckled at the effect he had on you, continuing for a few more minutes until you felt the warm feeling building in your core. You latched onto his arm, “Jake I’m gonna-“ But just as you thought you were about to find release, he removed his fingers, making you gasp from the empty feeling. He moved at lightning speed to remove your leggings and bend you over the counter before you felt his hard cock teasing your entrance. “Please jake, stop teasi-“ You couldn’t even finish your sentence as he rammed into you with no warning, a yelp coming from your lips. “Gonna need you to keep quiet so nobody hears, think you can do that for me?” He leaned down, whispering in your ear. “Yeah, yeah” You breathed out in between his unforgiving thrusts. Soon enough, you were beginning to see white spots again as your release was approaching. “Are you almost there? I can feel you clenching around my cock. Feels so heavenly." His words went straight to your core and you had to bite your lip to keep yourself from screaming out for the whole venue to hear. He spilled into you soon after as the two of you paused to collect yourselves. “God that was-“ you breathed out. “Yeah” He chuckled, slowly pulling out and re-adjusting himself. As you did the same, you let out a frustrated sigh as his hair was a complete tangled mess yet again. He chuckled at your demeanor, “Does that mean I have to get back in the chair again?” He grinned. “Jake, you’re gonna be the death of me.” You said with your hands on your hips. “Touché darling.”
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t6fs · 26 days
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It waits at the window. You do not know who, or what, it is.
It hears your approach, those shaky and curious footsteps. Two bright eyes stare at it, wide with shock and sharp with curiosity. You are met with bared teeth and a growl so deep you cannot even hear it. This is followed by a pause, and a deep embarrassment.
It shrinks back, slightly.
"I don't... who..."
Its ears swivel, as a stand in for looking around. Whatever this thing is, it is blind.
"You are not who I am here for... I... hm..."
It moves in an almost insectoid way, all angles.
“Who are you..? What are you, I’ve never-“
"I'm... I need..."
You pause as it continues to speak, stepping closer. A cleared throat.
"Nevermind. Let me bite you."
A step closer, hackles raised.
"Please. I'll tend to it after, if you want, but..."
It doesn't finish the thought.
It will pull you closer, allow you to expose some skin. Its hands will be gentle, will not move to any place you do not allow them. When you are ready, it will open its jaws and sink its teeth into your flesh. It will be careful not to break bone, but it will destroy skin and damage muscle. It will swallow what it takes, and it will get blood on the floor. It will hurt. By the Mercies, it will hurt. It will be grateful, though. It will tend to you, if you wish. It will leave after, unless you offer it more.
There’s a moment of uncertainty. You can feel yourself getting ready to tell it to leave. But then you stop, thinking. It won’t be the best data, considering the starved man(?)’s variable biology, but…
“O-okay. Just… come into the light a bit more, please?”
You roll your sleeve, offering up your upper arm. You tentatively rests a hand on its shoulder. It can feel the tremors in your hand, but you stand strong despite your fear.
Its teeth bite through your pale flesh with ease, and.
And the world goes white, far brighter than this cave called London has ever been.
It is sickening.
It is light.
The taste that meets your lips is not that of meat.
It is not the taste of flesh.
It is hot, too hot, it is blackened metal and sharp chemical burns.
What fills your mouth is not blood, blood does not burn this way.
Blood does not cut through you with surgical precision, it does not dissect you from the tongue out.
The flavour of muscle and iron does not cut into your psyche with utter precision, carving you into minutes and seconds.
Beverley tastes of law and starfire and with every piece of him you swallow what that law is becomes more clear.
It wants to know you.
You are on an autopsy table, cut into ribbons as something clinical and seeking caresses the lining of your stomach and you cannot move.
You cannot move.
You cannot move.
You, Kheghlakhbe` Yïkhem-Lok'a`wï`, are a being atemporal.
You have not been touched by time for time immaterial.
There is no part of what remains that still truly exists, and for an immaterial moment, the time that ticks within his form peels back the curtain of perception.
You are nothing in the room with him.
Nothing, made tangible, made sharp.
The space between two seconds inverted cuts his flesh, and he, in return, cuts you back.
For a moment, you may as well be two children meeting on a beach, and you are asking him in words he cannot understand to throw the ball back. You have six fingers.
One second passes, for the first time in 13 minutes.
In ten thousand years.
Since the birth of the universe.
Since the death of a star.
Darkness comes too slowly. You cannot tell if he screamed, but he weeps softly into your shoulder now. Your breaths, and his sobs, are perfectly in sync with the chimes of the clocks inside his home.
You leave cobalt blood on his shirt. You and he will not remember who gave who the stitches after. Calcified time forms in the places where the time and truth within you both touch.
Something for him to keep.
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darksaiyangoku · 7 months
RWBY Winter Tales
Witch of the Shadows
Blake walked along the path with her familiar, a shadow cat named Fergus. In the City of Vale, there were rumours of a Demon Knight that would appear during the blizzard and slay any unsuspecting travellers. She couldn't stand monsters like that and she agreed to hunt it down in exchange for a weekend at the Library of Forbidden Tomes. There was a treasure kept inside that was far more valubale than any gold in Remnant. Blake shivered violently as she stumbled in the snow.
Fergus; Are you sure you can handle yourself in this weather, my lady?
Blake: O-Of c-c-course. I-I-I'm perfectly f-f-fine.
For several more minutes, the two of them kept trudging along and all the while, the snow became thicker. Blake started to feel her feet soak with each step and it was making her uncomfortable. Unfortunately, she didn't know any fire spells to warm herself up. Fergus shook his head, disappointed in his mistress' lack of forsight.
Fergus: Tsk tsk tsk.
Blake: S-Shut up. A-Anyway, are we in the r-right area yet?
Fergus: We need to go further left. According the citizens of Vale, the Demon Knight's stronghold should be right over here. *runs*
Blake: What the- Fergus, get back here!
Blake tried to run after her familiar, but the deep snow was restricting her movement. She was struggling to keep up and the snowfall was becoming heavy, obscuring her vision. Suddenly, she tripped over what felt like a loose branch and ended up falling down a steep hill.
Blake: Agh!! Ow! *rubbing her head* Damn it! *turns around* Huh?
Blake was flabbergasted. In front of her was a small, decrepit stone house and on the windows were torn flags of a forked Imp. This couldn't possibly be the home of a demon, could it? Blake tried her best to stand up and, grabbing her wand, carefully walked inside.
It wasn't what she had expected at all. The inside of the house looked like a common living room. There was a table, a few broken chairs and a bookshelf. Sitting on a dusty bench was a young man stroking away at Fergus, who trilled delightfully. He had blonde hair, deep sapphire eyes and wore torn white tunic. His most distinguished feature, however, were his horns. He was a demon. Blake shook her head. She couldn't just attack him. Fergus didn't appear to be in any danger and he didn't look like he was a knight either.
Blake: Um, hello?
Demon boy: Huh? Oh. Hello there, witch. I didn't hear you come in. Why is it that you've come here?
Blake: Um... well, I... *lowers wand* I was sent to investigate the reports of a Demon Knight who was attacking unsuspecting travellers. I-I hate to ask, but do you know anything about it?
Demon boy: *shakes head* No, I don't. I was exiled from the Demon Knights 3 months ago.
Blake: Oh... I'm sorry.
Demon boy: It's okay. To be honest, they were a bunch of dicks anyway. By the way, is this your cait familiar?
Blake: Yeah, his name's Fergus. *snaps fingers* Return to me.
Fergus disappeared in a puff of black smoke.
Blake: Anyway, I know you're not a member of the Demon Knights anymore. But did you at least hear anything about the attacks?
Demon boy; Hmmm, if it was attacks on humans, I think I might know one in particular. His name is Cardin and he's... well, infamous is putting it lightly.
Blake: Why exactly is he infamous?
Demon boy: Put it this way, even among demons, he's quite brutal. No one escapes an encounter with him intact. He truly is a monster.
Blake: I see. *grips wand* I hate to ask, but would you help me in finding him?
Demon boy: Well, my combat skills are a little rusty. *stands up* But if you need my help, then I will gladly lend you my services.
Blake: Thank you, Mr...?
Jaune: Jaune Arc. *smiles*
Blake didn't know why, but seeing him smile made her heart flutter a little.
Jaune: Now then, *stands up* why don't you sit down and I'll get some dinner ready.
Blake: O-Oh no no no no, I couldn't possibly-
Jaune: Don't be silly, you just came in from the cold. A hot meal will do you some good. The kitchen's not perfect, but I can whip up something real nice. Do you like tuna?
Blake: YES! I mean- uh, tuna is good.
Jaune: Two tuna steaks with asparagus and mashed potatoes coming right up. *goes into the kitchen*
Blake's stomach grumbled as she heard the sound of pots, pans and the sizzling of the fish. Drool dripped from her mouth as the buttery scent touched her nose. She smiled excitedly. Maybe she had finally found the one.
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emlovesstates · 2 months
Gov X New York needs more love
So I'm gonna give it some with some incorrect quotes he he he
New York : I committed all 7 deadly sins in 30 minutes.
Gov: Wow, I've gotta hear this.
New York : I was angry and envious of my neighbor so I lazily seduced his wife and ate all his groceries and didn't share.
Gov: You forgot pride.
New York : No, I'm pretty proud of this.
Gov: I’m doing what I can to jog your memory.
New York : It’s jogging, I guess. Its tiddies are jiggling a little.
Gov: Nice.
Gov: It doesn’t have a bone.
New York : Then why is it called a boner?
Gov: I’m in love with you.
New York : We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Gov: I know.
New York : Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
*At a speed dating event*
Gov: Oh wow, people are really shallow.
New York : Consider it a background check. For example: Do you have a death certificate?
Gov: *Checks their pulse* Sorry, not yet.
New York : Good, I'm not fucking a ghost again.
Gov: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
New York : I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Gov: I want you back...
New York : 3 words, 8 letters. Say it, and I'm yours.
Gov: I got food?
New York : ...you know me so well.
Gov: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free: pouring river water in your socks!
New York : Why would I do that?
Gov: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free!
Gov: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
New York : This is a lie.
New York : I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Gov: Do you love me?
New York : We’re literally married.
Gov: Yeah, but as friends or—(this gives off the same energy from yesterday's video)
New York : Did you win? Or just not die?
New York : Either way, hooray.
Gov: ...Is "no" a valid answer?
New York : The hooray is redacted and you frighten me.
New York : English is CRAZY. Oregano is both a spaghetti leaf topping and a form of paper art!
Gov: What is this "paper art" you speak of?
New York : That shit where you make cranes and stuff out of folded paper!
Gov: ... New York .
Gov: Our relationship is strictly professional.
New York , sitting on Gov’s lap: Absolutely. Only on business.
New York : So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to Gov and not do the thing,
New York : Well there’s a clear right answer here.
New York : *proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke*
New York : I owe you one.
Gov: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
New York : I feel like doing something stupid.
Gov: I’m stupid, do me.
New York : Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Gov: It was autocorrect.
New York : Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Gov: Yes.
Gov: *Locks New York in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
New York : What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?
England: I have your boyfriend
New York : What? I don't have a boyfriend...
England: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face?
New York : Oh my god, you have Gov
Gov: You use humor to deflect your trauma.
New York : Awww, thanks-
Gov: That’s not a good thing.
New York : All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Gov: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
New York : Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Gov, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
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sickficideas · 1 year
endearing bastard || suegiku sickfic
ao3! 2.9k - please refer to the tags in the link for content + warnings! sicktember 2023, day 10: “The only place we’re going is to the pharmacy”
“Tecchou,” Jouno starts with a heavy sigh.
Every sign he’s observed in the first five minutes of meeting Tecchou this morning has pointed to proof that his fellow Hunting Dog has come to work with some kind of illness. Unsteady breaths, gurgling from his stomach, groans quiet enough for only Jouno to hear.
“Yes?” Tecchou starts. They’re both an hour early. Completely unnecessarily, really. Jouno started showing up five minutes early to their meetings, and out of pettiness, Tecchou being showing up ten minutes before him. And now, they’ve done it so many times that they’ve reached an hour.
“Go home. You’re sick,” Jouno grumbles. He really doesn’t want to argue with him. Tecchou is stubborn and difficult to reason with. It’s hard to get a lot of things through that thick skull of his.
"But we have to report to the captain today," Tecchou murmurs. So he’s not denying that he’s sick. That’s good, he thinks, but it might be bad that he’s sick enough to know he can’t hide it from Jouno.
"I'll report to him. The only place you're going to is the pharmacy."
Jouno lands a hand on Tecchou’s arm and snakes it down to his wrist before he starts pulling him in the direction of the exit from where they stand in one of the halls on the first floor of the building. Tecchou’s arm is warm. The heat is already radiating through the sleeve.
Tecchou only makes it a few steps before he stubbornly plants his feet on the floor. Stubbornness aside, he’s physically much stronger than Jouno. Jouno couldn’t deadweight carry someone like Tecchou even if his life depended on it.
"Do you really think you're in any condition to work today? Be serious," Jouno huffs. He'd really like to get that through Tecchou's thick skull, but he doesn't seem to understand it at all. He uses his teeth to pull off his glove, and brings his hand back up to Tecchou's forehead, gently pressing his palm against his skin. He's much warmer there as opposed to his arm. If he had to guess, that's at least a hundred-and-one fever, and the way his stomach is gurgling isn't a good sign either.
"But you've come to work sick before, Jouno," Tecchou eventually says, his voice a little softer than normal.
Jouno groans. He should have known that argument was coming. He slides his glove back on. "So you think that because I do it, that it's okay for you to? If I jumped off a cliff, would you?"
"Depending on the circumstance -"
"Oh my god, shut up. We're taking you to the pharmacy. End of story," Jouno huffs, his hand snaking back down to find Tecchou's. This time, he interlocks their fingers, and starts to pull him back down the hall. "And then you're going to stay at home and rest."
“What about the captain?” Tecchou mumbles, not sounding very on board with this plan, but at least he’s following Jouno.
“I’ll call Teruko and fill her in. You call a cab.”
And so, they do just that. Tecchou stands outside as he calls a cab, and Jouno asks his phone to call Teruko, who responds just as annoyed as he would expect her to. He assures her that no, it’s no disrespect to captain Fukuchi, that Tecchou is truly ill and Jouno is simply escorting him home.
“Are you taking him home to his place? Or yours?” Teruko asks, just as Jouno was planning on hanging up.
He pauses. He feels his ear start to get hot, wondering if maybe she’s onto something. “Why does that matter?”
“Just curious,” she says rather mischievously. “Bye-bye, Jouno.”
“Bye, Teruko,” he grumbles with uncertainty as he steps out of the building, hearing the taxi cab approach from the distance.
“Why do you need to come with me?” Tecchou asks as Jouno steps in line beside him.
“Because I don’t trust you to take care of yourself,” Jouno says, and for some reason, that stops any additional questions from Tecchou. The two of them climb in the taxi cab, and Jouno requests they be taken near the shopping district near where their apartments are, to the nearest pharmacy. The driver apparently nods, quietly pointed out to Jouno by Tecchou.
Tecchou is quiet for most of that ride, but the gurgling sounds of his stomach don’t seem to be getting any better. They coincide with the irregular nature of his breathing, and that makes it clear enough that Tecchou is nauseous. Jouno wonders if he’s had anything to eat, or if this is a symptom of his illness. Probably the latter.
“Flu?” Jouno asks.
“Not sure,” Tecchou says quietly, almost embarrassed, but he seems to recognize that Jouno will not take silence for an answer. “Maybe.”
“How long have you been sick for?” Jouno asks him.
“Two…two or three days, maybe,” Tecchou says.
“And it’s worse today?” Jouno asks. He hasn't seen him the last few days. Tecchou had a few days off while Jouno was working with Tachihara on a Port Mafia related matter.
“Yes,” Tecchou admits.
Jouno doesn’t understand him. Maybe it’s because of how being ill messes with his senses, but he would never want to endure multiple says of being ill without seeing a doctor, or taking some kind of medication. Tecchou is really far too stubborn for his own good.
“If it’s a flu, we’ll get you some flu medication and see how it goes. If you feel worse tomorrow I’m taking you to the doctor,” Jouno says sternly, making sure that Tecchou knows his intentions from the beginning.
“Okay,” Tecchou answers dejectedly.
It’s quiet for the rest of that ride, until they reach the pharmacy in the city.
Jouno and Tecchou enter inside, and Jouno realizes too late they’ve forgotten to change out of their outfits judging by the whispers of police, military and other such things from the staff and patrons. Jouno doesn’t mind too much, it often gains him more respect on account of his disability, but Tecchou doesn’t like using his status to his advantage.
They walk a few steps forward, and before Jouno can ask Tecchou to lead him to where he needs to be, he stops behind him.
"Do you think there's a restroom here?" Tecchou asks quietly.
"Probably in the back,” Jouno says before Tecchou’s footsteps trail away, and he realizes he’s on his own. He doesn’t like doing things like this. There are certain things that his hearing is incredibly helpful for, and this is not one of them. He’s certainly more suited for combat and investigative work, not navigating a pharmacy.
He doesn’t like asking for help, but he’ll do it for Tecchou.
He follows the sounds of the register - the drawers opening and closing, beeps from scanning items, and heavy foot traffic, and he stands himself at the front as the last patron exits the store.
“Excuse me,” he says sternly. “I’m looking for a good flu medication.”
A woman starts to speak. “Oh, yes, sir. There’s a few options down in the isle behind - “
“I’m blind,” he tells her before she can give any further directions.
“Oh! I’m so sorry. I’ll go find one for you, sir,” she says, stepping out from behind the register.
“That’s fine. I’ll wait here,” he says as she scurries off to one of the many isles behind him. He starts to hear whispers from some others behind the counter, comments about a blind soldier, and things he would rather tune out. Jouno can usually count on Tecchou to argue back, even when it's not his place to. He can hear him in his head. You have no right to say things like that. Please mind your own business.
He smiles to himself. He’s ridiculous, really.
He hears Tecchou’s footsteps get closer. His stride is very distinct. He carries himself well, but even today, Jouno can tell he's getting sluggish. He tries to listen for other signs, but the scurried footsteps of the cashier return, and she steps behind the cashier.
“Here you are, sir. Is this for you? Or - ”
“Thank you. It’s not for me. I can have him read the instructions himself,” Jouno says, gesturing with his head toward Tecchou as the woman scans the medication.
They're out of the pharmacy before long and Tecchou leans against the outside of the building after he finishes his call for a cab.
“Did you ask someone for help?” Tecchou asks. He sounds surprised.
“Don’t act like I can’t do it myself. It would have just taken me longer," Jouno insists. He'd like to not admit that it would have been virtually impossible to pick out a medication without already being familiar with how each and every container is shaped, and how the pills sound in the bottles. He only recognizes what's in his own collection at home.
Tecchou almost responds, but he's interrupted by a quiet groan, and stifles a near silent burp into his fist.
"Did you throw up?" Jouno asks him, realizing he missed something. "In the bathroom?"
"Mhm," he mumbles.
Jouno sighs. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Tecchou is quiet for a few moments, like he's confused. "I just told you."
"I know that. Just…" Jouno sighs again. He finds himself doing that incredibly often around Tecchou. Jouno, personally, hates throwing up. He doesn't understand how Tecchou shrugs it off to easily. "Tecchou, you can't come to work when you're feeling this bad. It's not good for you or anyone else."
"Okay?" Jouno raises a brow.
"I won't do it again," Tecchou elaborates. "I just didn't want to disappoint you."
"Tecchou, you're not…" Jouno groans. He wonders if there's any point convincing him otherwise. "Let's go home. You should rest."
Tecchou confuses him. He’s so weirdly competitive, but then in moments like these, he shows that weakness. That he’s only trying to compete with Jouno to prove himself, for some odd reason.
“I can go home by myself. It doesn’t make sense to trouble you," Tecchou insists.
“Don’t be stupid. I'm telling the driver to take you to my place and I’ll take care of you,” Jouno says as if it’s the only viable option.
“Why?” Tecchou asks.
“What do you mean, why?” Jouno thinks he's more confused than Tecchou is.
“Why do you want to? What difference does it make?” Tecchou asks. It sounds like a genuine question. Like he’s confused about it.
“You’ve done it for me,” Jouno says. "And, I…you know."
He can practically hear Tecchou tilt his head.
"Ugh, don't make me say it," Jouno grumbles.
"I can't read your mind, Jouno," Tecchou reminds him. He almost sounds like he’s teasing. He’s getting harder and harder to read, these days.
"I care about you, idiot," Jouno huffs, feeling his ears heat up before he turns his head away, making sure Tecchou won’t be able to see his reddening face. "Where's that damn cab?"
Tecchou is quiet after that, and the short taxi ride back, too.
They make it to Jouno's apartment without incident.
He holds his key card up to the door handle and he lets the two of them inside. Jouno won’t mind a little day off, and he’s sure Tecchou could use it, too, especially while he’s unwell.
“You can change. I’m sure I have something that fits you in my closet. Just hang up your uniform on the coat rack, and don’t forget it like you did last time,” Jouno says as he wanders off to his bedroom. He’s pretty certain that he has some of Tecchou’s clothes in his closet. He remembers finding unfamiliar clothing in his laundry the other week.
He finds one of his old shirts and a pair of sweatpants just as Tecchou shuffles into the bedroom, and Jouno tosses them over to him as he sits down on the bed. Jouno’s still deciding on what he wants to wear, but he doesn’t hear Tecchou making any effort to get changed.
"Jouno," Tecchou starts.
"What is it?" Jouno sighs. He hopes he doesn’t have a complaint about the outfit choice. It’s not like they’re going somewhere.
"I'm sorry," Tecchou says quietly.
Jouno lowers his arms and turns around. “If any of this were actually a problem for me, I would have ignored you at headquarters and made you deal with it yourself, Tecchou.”
Tecchou doesn’t have anything to say to that. He’s concerned about his behavior. Maybe his fever is just throwing him off kilter or something, or maybe Jouno just hasn’t seen how he acts when he’s not feeling well. He busies himself with hanging up his own uniform, not caring much that he’s changing right in front of Tecchou. He’s seen him do it before.
“Are you changed?” Jouno asks as he slips a shirt on. He hears Tecchou hum something sounding like a yes. “Read the instructions on the medication. You should go ahead and take a dose.”
“Can I wait a minute?” Tecchou asks.
“Why?” Jouno huffs. He pauses for a second, before he realizes the sounds coming from Tecchou’s stomach are a bit too wild for his liking. “Are you about to throw up?”
“I think so,” he murmurs.
“Well then get to the bathroom, you idiot,” Jouno sighs, not bothering with his sweatpants in that moment, taking Tecchou’s wrist and leading him to the bathroom.
Tecchou gets ahead of him with a pained groan as he drops onto his knees in front of the toilet, and before Jouno can even kneel down beside him, he hears him gag and choke before he brings up a mouthful or two of vomit, splashing into the toiler water below. Jouno hates that sound, and normally he wouldn’t stay with anyone through something like this - it’s far too much auditory stimulation for someone like him, but he feels guilty leaving Tecchou alone when he’s feeling so unwell.
He has a pretty strong stomach most of the time. He can drink without suffering hangovers, he can eat those ridiculous food combinations without having to deal with so much as a tummyache, and he never seems to deal with headaches or migraines like Jouno does. He’s not used to feeling miserable like this. He doesn’t show it easily, but Jouno can hear the little whines and whimpers from the back of his throat, moans of discomfort as he lets the drool pooling in his mouth drip into the toilet.
“Maybe this is what you get for eating crap all of the time,” Jouno teases as he rubs his back, a little unnerved by how warm his skin is feeling.
Jouno thinks that he really doesn’t feel good. He doubts it has anything to do with Tecchou’s strange diet habits, because he’s running a fever and he doesn’t even have the energy to put up with Jouno’s teasing. He tries to hide a burp by closing his mouth but it’s accompanied by a gag that he can’t hold back, and he throws up again. He sighs to himself and Jouno feels him lean forward and lay his head down on the toilet seat.
“Hey,” he starts, sneaking a hand under his shirt as he leans against him to rub circles into his slightly bloated tummy. “You shouldn’t lay there. Let’s go to bed.”
“I don’t want to get up,” Tecchou murmurs quietly, spitting out a wad of saliva.
“I’ll help you,” Jouno insists. He can’t carry Tecchou, he’s sure of that, but the least he can do is provide him some support. “Do you think you’re done for now?”
“Mhm,” Tecchou murmurs. “Can you…can you keep a trash bin by your bed?”
“I can do that,” Jouno agrees. That tells him Tecchou must not feel much better after that. Maybe he’ll really have to take him to the doctor sooner rather than later. He hates that he feels like this.
Tecchou groans as he forces himself up off the floor, evidently much more fatigued and weak than he was initially letting on. Jouno’s glad he managed to convince him to come here, he doesn’t want to think about what would have happened if he stayed at work.
Jouno takes his arm and leads him back to his bedroom, and the latter crawls into bed and under the covers without needing to be told, thankfully. Maybe he’ll give him some time for his stomach to settle before he makes him take any medication. It doesn’t make sense to do that while he’s feeling so nauseous.
Jouno sets the trash bin on the nightstand beside where Tecchou has claimed a spot, and climbs into bed beside him with a deep sigh. His hand snakes around until he finds the hem of Tecchou’s shirt, and he lays it over his tummy, continuing to rub gentle circles into his warm skin.
"I can still hear your stomach gurgling," Jouno tells him quietly. "Do you still feel nauseous?"
Tecchou hums something, but that's all Jouno hears. That’s impressive, Jouno can usually tell what he’s saying no matter what.
"What was that?" Jouno asks.
Tecchou's quiet, now. Jouno almost says it again, before he hears a quiet snore. Tecchou has always been quick to fall asleep, and especially now.
“I’ll take you to the doctor if you don’t feel any better after your nap,” Jouno says, sinking his head into his pillow, scooting a little closer to Tecchou, keeping his hand where it is. He hopes he can soothe him a little, even while he’s falling asleep. “Sleep well, Tecchou.”
Tecchou snores in response, and Jouno’s annoyed by the way the corners of his own lips start to turn upward.
Stupid endearing bastard.
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xerith-42 · 9 months
I decided to watch Void Paradox
I'm about five minutes into the first episode and I'm still not entirely sure if this is a good idea or not, but Laurance has already spoken like three lines of dialogue and I felt my heart wrench at just one of them, so clearly I'm in too deep now.
This post serves as my live tweeting/mental break down that I am currently having as we speak. It is very incomprehensible because it is literally just my thoughts as they happen, and given how much I have to say, I'll probably make proper posts out of a lot of these points once I finish the series.
This mess is just giving you a taste of the madness I truly posses.
I am only three minutes in before I have to pause and feel the urge to scream about how bad the dialogue in Aphmau series can be. Like this series is fairly okay, especially based on the standard set by her other shows but man... something is just not working here. The whole thing feels very clunky and while I can get the gist of what Jess is going for, the execution of said gist is leaving a lot to be desired.
[Laurance shows up]
nevermind Laurance is on screen and fully voice acted everything is better
Literally nobody talk to me I need to scream about Laurance Zvahl because he is EVERYTHING in this series. The way he very softly says Aph's name when he sees her, the immediate instinct to hug her because he's so relieved to see her, the fact that you can hear the smile in his voice the minute he registers that she's there and alive!! AUGH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
And I literally screamed when he revealed that he was transported to this AU right at the end of season 1. Oh my Irene, I screamed. I collapsed. I was truly defeated by a single line of dialogue. I don't know where this series is going to go but I am here for it. And the fact that he knows Garroth did it and hid it from her???
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I can't overstate how genuinely healing it is to hear Laurance fully voice acted. I know Sebastian Todd is retired from voice acting, but when he retired, he took down all his posts, including what I considered to be a comfort video. That video of him reading iconic Laurance lines from before he was in mcd/lines he just didn't act? That video was my everything when I was trying to hold onto this version of the character I knew I loved who was different to what Jess made him. When that video got taken down it was a major cowabummer bc there's so little properly voice acted Laurance content that isn't mcd Season 3 or My Street stuff (and I can't stand My Street like 80% of the time)
Hearing his voice, hearing him get to be properly expressive, it's just doing things to me man. I missed this character a lot. I've mostly been enjoying him through fan content or my own work. It's nice to say I enjoy a piece of canon content involving him, at least so far.
Still not sure how I feel about literally anything else. The whole relationship between Aph and Tommy feels very... weird. She describes herself as "basically his mother" after she's left with him, and treats him like it in the opening scene. But then when he's mocking her for being attracted to Laurance (so relatable), it seems really weird for a [checks wiki] 14 year old kid to be calling out his mom for finding someone hot. Feels a lot more like sibling dialogue to me? Which I guess they could be seen as siblings, but the series explicitly stated that she views it like motherhood??? But I don't think Jess is even thinking that deeply about it, I just over analyze her work for fun at this point.
Okay what the actual fuck is going on with the inside of this house???
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Why is the color scheme purple and yellow? And not in any kind of flattering way which is possible with opposite colors, it just has both of them. The wallpaper changes when you get into the living room except not entirely on the windows, and in an earlier scene it looked like it wasn't even put onto all of the walls. And the wood that she used as supports just does not compliment either of these colors as they are. Just make it all purple, you know you want to Jess.
Also is the texture on the table and the glass the same??? I don't know a damn thing about modding or making texture/data packs for minecraft but that just seems. odd.
Laurance: mentions the nether Me: [screams just a little]
Tommy: shows up and gives a random ass lore dump Aph: Kay thanks go back to your room
"I don't know what I can do to help."
"Just be there for me. I just need someone to ground me right now."
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I literally want to shake Laurance around like a rag doll and give him a stupid kiss on his stupid fucking face UGH why can't I be normal about this block man and his stupid feelings?!?! The way his voice breaks as despair sets in?? The fact that he's no doubt pieced together that Garroth probably stole the amulet and plans to use it to hurt Aph and he can't do anything about it?? I'm literally losing it.
How did I not watch this series before.
Literally about to cry over him just calling Aph "M'lady" out of pure instinct. He didn't consciously do that. He just misses her that much.
oh no spooky evil alternate Laurance or whatever--
MAN I'm so happy I decided to watch this series. This was probably a mistake though :)
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The Silver Dragon (27/?)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Original Female Character
Word Count: 2708
Story Summary: Lady Arianwyn Targaryen, the Lady of Runestone, was seeded by her father, the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen, in an act of unbridled hatred, and borne of her mother, the late Lady Rhea Royce, as a desperate grasp at revenge.
Ignored by her father, and alone following the death of her mother, she is raised in King’s Landing alongside her cousin, Prince Aemond Targaryen. As they grow, the two find themselves indelibly bonded. But their lives are far from the fairy tales they read, and as tensions in the family rise, they find their paths may diverge.
Will they be pulled apart when the dragons dance?
Chapter Summary: Together in bed, Aemond & Aria exchange new vows and old secrets.
Warnings: Adult content, minors DNI
Series Masterlist
Taglist: @thelittleswanao3 @trap-house-homiecide @50svibes @literishdegree99 @dc-marvel-girl96 @henriettadreaming @multiple-fandoms-girl @gyuxmilk @somemydayy @kittykylax @whore-of-many-hot-men
(Please let me know if your tag isn't working, and I'll do my best to correct it! And if you would like to be added to the list, just shoot me an ask!)
Pillow Talk
Aemond, as he came down from his release, moved to bring his mouth to Arianwyn’s still-wet folds, but she kept her arms tight around his shoulders, holding him level with her eyes.
“Just lay with me for a while,” she murmured, still breathless from her own climax.
He could not deny her, not after she spent their entire coupling singing his praises and listing his virtues. He didn’t think he would ever recover from hearing her voice, rasping with pleasure, telling him he was perfect.
So, he dropped to the mattress beside her, laying on his side to face her, and began twisting one of her wonderful silver curls in his fingers.
They laid like that for many long minutes, until Aemond had finished arranging her hair around her head in a gleaming white halo. For a moment, she stared up at him happily, cradling his cheek as he admired his handiwork. But then a shadow passed over her eyes.
“You lied to me,” she whispered, gently circling his sapphire eye with her finger. “In your letters. You did not tell me how bad it was.”
He dropped his smile and leaned into her touch, laying his hand around her waist. “As did you. You did not tell me that he threatened you, and all of Runestone.”
Arianwyn withdrew her hand, glancing down at his bare chest and frowning. “If I had, you would have taken Vhagar to Dragonstone and killed them all. I did not want a civil war on my hands.”
“And if I had told you how miserable I was,” Aemond spat, anger rising in his voice, “you would have gotten yourself killed trying to escape, and I would have slaughtered them all the same.”
A fire burned in his eye, that seemed to set even the sapphire ablaze.
He meant every word.
Arianwyn found herself speechless, and almost afraid.
He had made threats before, when they were children. To cut off her husband’s head and feed it to Emrys if he was ever cruel to her. It had provided her comfort on a night she was consumed by sadness. But then, she had thought it a joke.
This was not a joke.
Aemond now rode the largest dragon in the world, and was as fearsome a warrior as the realm had ever seen. If he truly wished it, he could reduce Dragonstone, and all those who lived there, to a crumbling pile of ash.
The Queen had been right – Aemond had changed.
It was only at that moment that Arianwyn saw it.
The kind and gentle boy she grew up with was still there, she had seen that well. When he ran to her in the training yard. When he took her back to her old rooms – which he had kept perfect intact. When he asked her to read to him, and almost kissed her. And on their wedding night, when he had kissed her, and confessed his love.
But there lay a new fury in Aemond. A thirst for vengeance. A darkness.
That was the “One-Eyed Prince.”
The man who had so effortlessly and decisively bested a knight of the Kingsguard. The man who had followed her out of the Throne Room after Vaemond’s murder and sworn to reduce the world to ash to keep her safe. The man who had taunted his bastard nephews, threatening the peace between the Greens and the Blacks. The man who had raised his sword to Daemon’s neck to defend his wife.
Despite the seed of fear in her chest, Arianwyn loved him, too.
She leaned back into him, pressing a soft kiss to his scowling lips. “Then it is good that we lied.”
“Mmm,” he growled as he kissed her back, dominant and possessive.
Arianwyn waited until the tension in his muscles had faded before pulling away. “But we must now promise to always tell each other the truth from this moment on, agreed?”
The corner of his good eye twitched, as if surprised that she would even ask. “You are my wife, Aria.”
“And you are my husband,” she said, clutching his jaw. “I love you, and I trust you. But I need to hear you say it. Please.”
She did not know why she needed to hear it so badly. It could be that she was just desperate to ensure he never again had to suffer alone. Maybe she just needed certainty that no matter what happened, she had someone she could rely upon for the truth. Or perhaps, she simply wanted a leash on the beast, to prevent him from ever releasing that darkness upon the world.
Whatever the reason, relief washed over her like a great wave when Aemond at last replied.
“I swear by the Father than I shall never lie to you,” he said, voice reverent but strained, “but that I shall only ever tell you the truth. Should I ever betray this oath, may I be condemned to the deepest of the seven hells.”
With a smile on her face, Arianwyn swore the same.
“Now that I have sworn to you, again,” Aemond said with a mischievous grin as he lifted himself on his arms to hover over his wife. “Are there any truths in particular you would like me to tell?”
Every trace of trepidation he had about her strange request disappeared when she bit her lip as she thought. His stomach tightened, and with that one tiny movement, she had him growing hard. It was torture to wait for her to speak, and not simply bury himself within her once more.
“How did you know?” she asked, tracing her fingers teasingly down his chest until she took hold of him, quickly stroking him to full hardness.
“Know what?” he groaned as he began to thrust into her hand.
“How to make me feel so good?” she kissed him as he moaned. “I don’t imagine most girls enjoy their wedding night as much as I did.”
Aemond froze, and immediately reached down to remove her hand. All pleasure was gone from his face, and his cock began to soften.
Arianwyn looked up to him, distraught. “I’m so sorry,” she said, “I didn’t mean to say anything wrong.”
He leaned back to sit on his knees, and Arianwyn sat with him, though she kept her distance. It was quite obvious that he did not want to be touched.
“Don’t apologize,” he said, though he did not sound entirely sincere. “It’s just… not a fond memory.”
When he only sat there in silence, refusing to meet her gaze, she edged toward him. “Aemond, you’re worrying me.”
He looked at her then, and there was indeed fear in his eye. But also, shyness and shame. It only worried Arianwyn further.
“You really don’t know? Aegon never told you?” he asked incredulously.
She scoffed. “Well, I obviously have no idea what you’re talking about, so no.”
Aemond blinked and turned away from her, taking several deep breaths to steady himself. “Aegon took me to the Street of Silk on my thirteenth nameday.”
It made sense. While young Ladies were expected to remain intact for their husbands, it was encouraged that young Lords – and Princes – enjoy all that Westeros had to offer. Both before and after they were wed. Aegon lived by this belief, so it was entirely like him to try and rope his younger brother into it as well.
But Arianwyn had thought Aemond to be… she didn’t quite know the word for it, but different. He was always so sweet and thoughtful, the idea of him spending his nights in a pleasure house seemed entirely wrong.
The mental image of him with his head between the legs of some faceless woman as she gave him precise instructions to bring her pleasure had Arianwyn’s stomach churning. “So, the whores taught you – ”
“No!” he practically shouted, reaching out a hand as if to grab her arm. But he did not touch her, maintaining the barrier that he had put up. “And there was only ever the one… whore.”
Arianwyn just stared at him, unsure what to do or say. He had always been soothed by just her presence, sometimes her touch. But now, it seemed as though he could not stand to even look at her.
“Nothing actually happened, really. I couldn’t…” he rolled his eyes, and gestured to his limp member in lieu of actually saying it out loud. “She – the whore – tried to… provoke me. She didn’t want to face Aegon’s anger should she ‘fail.’ But none of it worked. Still, she just kept going. I finally just pretended to cum so she would leave.”
From what she had seen and felt when he came with her, she could not believe that any experienced whore would not be able to tell when a man was pretending. But by the relief of Aemond’s face as he told the tale, it had done the trick.
“Then I just sat in the parlor and waited. I watched the other whores and their clients,” he let out a dark laugh as he fumbled with the sheets. “I actually wanted to try and enjoy it. I thought there was something wrong with me. But still, nothing.”
“The whore apparently gave Aegon quite a detailed report. He started mocking me about how ‘long’ I took,” he sneered, pulling his fists apart so fast that the sheet he held tore.
Arianwyn did remember several taunts of that nature, though she hadn’t understood their meaning at the time. Looking at the ripped sheet he still clung to, she leaned forward again, and this time, Aemond let her take his hand.
“I only got him to shut up by playing along. Whenever he asked me to return to the brothel with him, I made some excuse. But he would only accept it if I made him promise to tell me every detail.” He ground his teeth, “And he did.”
In the silence that fell, Arianwyn traced the Rune of peace on the back of his hand. He watched her finger move, and felt his heart lighten when she looked to smile up at him.
“So, it was a whore that taught you. The famous whore, Prince Aegon,” she laughed.
Thankfully, Aemond laughed with her, though not as heartily as she would have hoped.
“I suppose you could say that,” he sighed, pulling her on to his lap. “Though some of my more successful methods have simply been my trying everything in my power to get you to squeal.”
She laid a single, kiss at the apex of his jaw. “So, you had never… done anything before last night?”
“Well, not with anyone else, no,” he answered, returning her kiss and thanking all the gods when he began to grow hard again.
But she leaned back, her face painted with confusion. “What do you mean?”
Gods, she was so deliciously innocent. Aemond reached between them to begin stroking her clit as he whispered in her ear. “I never desired any woman, not for a long time. Not until, one day, when I was thinking of you. Your beautiful eyes, your gorgeous hair, and your sweet lips.”
He punctuated his words with a biting kiss, before guiding her hand to his length. “I touched myself, like this, until I came. All the while, imagining what it would be like to kiss you.”
She shuddered in his grasp as he slipped two fingers inside her, wasting no time in brushing against that wonderfully soft spot within her. Her hand slowed, but he made up for it by rolling his hips frantically.
“You are the only woman I have ever wanted, Aria,” he purred. “The only woman who could ever bring me to this.”
He captured her lips once more as he pulled his fingers from within her and laid her on her back. Though she whined at the loss of the sensation, and again when he pulled himself out of her grasp, her protests quickly quieted when he began to push against her entrance.
“You are who I choose,” he groaned as he coated himself in her slick to prepare himself. “You are who I love.”
Just when he was about to sink into her, she laid a hand on his chest, stopping him. “Wait.”
“Aria,” he groaned. It took all his restraint to hold his hips back.
But she tipped his chin towards her, forcing him to look at the sly twinkle in her eyes. “Is there anything you’ve learned that you have not shown me yet?”
How could someone be so innocent, yet so wicked?
Aemond could only growl as he flipped her onto her stomach and seized her hips, pulling her up to rest on her hands and knees atop the bed. Then, with a single rough thrust, buried himself to the hilt.
The heavenly feeling of her would always take his breath away. As he knelt on the bed, holding her to him with her ass pressed against his hips, he was so overcome that he had to still himself to keep from cumming then and there.
Arianwyn’s mouth fell open in delightful surprise. Her initial disappointment at being denied the view of his beautiful face faded quickly when she felt him filling her fuller and deeper than he had before. The sensation of being stretched was overwhelming.
At last confident that he could restrain himself, he began to thrust, gradually building speed. He pounded into her so intensely that her arms buckled, and he had to reach forward to raise her back up.
She was already so close, dancing on the precipice of release, expecting each thrust to be the one to pull her over, but never quite reaching its height. Desperate, she pulled his hand from her him and guided it to her clit, hoping the additional stimulation would bring relief.
But though Aemond valiantly tormented the swollen bud, she remained still hovering over her edge.
“I love you so much, Aria,” Aemond panted as he pounded into her faster and faster. “I want to give you everything – gold, jewels, a library larger than the Citadel itself.”
She smiled at his words, so wide that her cheeks burned. “I will give you whatever you want, Aemond. Just ask it of me.”
He fell forward, pressing his forehead against the back of her neck and yelling wordlessly as he emptied himself deep within her. When his cock finally stopped twitching, he whispered into her ear, “I want you to bear my children.”
Arianwyn whined as she felt him slow, and her own release slipped further and further away. Thankfully Aemond came down from his high quickly. Though he remained inside her, not wanting any of his seed to escape, he continued working her clit.
But still, nothing. The pressure building within her began to turn to pain, and she nearly cried. “Aemond!”
To see her like this made his chest tighten with guilt. What had he done wrong?
“Tell me what you need Aria,” he asked anxiously.
With one hand still propping her up, she reached back for him with the other. “I need to see you.”
His hand stilled when he realized what she meant. For so long, he had thought his face could only elicit horror and disgust in others.
But not Arianwyn. Never her.
Ever so carefully, as to not pull himself from her, Aemond lifted her from the bed and turned her back around to face him. As soon as she was settled on his lap, she gripped the sides of his face and nodded.
He began moving his hand again, rubbing circles around her clit hard and fast.
That was all she needed. To look into his eye and see him smile. Her walls fluttered around him as she finally came, clinging so tightly to his shoulders that she left angry red marks when she finally tumbled back on the bed.
He fell next to her, eye already closed as he drifted closer and closer to sleep.
Looking on his peaceful face, Arianwyn sheepishly bit her lip. “Aemond, there’s something I need to tell you, if we’re being truthful.”
“What is it, my love?” He asked sleepily.
“About the children…”
Next Chapter
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couldbebetterforsure · 3 months
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I said I would redo my thoughts on all of Ryuseitai's songs post one day. Well that day is today!!! My thoughts on the ones I already talked about haven't changed much but I'll still put them down here. And I can finally talk about all the songs from the TRIP album! By the way, I got the limited edition version of that album 😊 It's nice to have a poster of my beloved sentai idols~!!!
Anyways, main takeaway you'll get from my post is RYUSEITAI NEVER MISSES!!!!!
Once again, the only songs I'll list are the ones featuring Ryuseitai as a whole and their solos, I won't discuss the shuffle songs here since those aren't specifically Ryuseitai songs. And there's no real order or ranking to this list, like I have my preferences among them but I sincerely love ALL of Ryuseitai's songs and just wanna lovemail~!!!
Yumenosaki Ryuseitai Uta: Dakara FIGHTING! ✊ (FIGHTING!) FIGHTING! ✊ (FIGHTING!) Still a great song that gives you a good intro of who Ryuseitai is as a group and a general sense of each member's personality. I really enjoyed hearing everyone saying (or making an attempt to say in Midori's case) their catchphrase. Ryuseitai's in universe first and oldest song from the early days of the unit's formation. Now that Yumenosaki's Ryuseitai is closed I would love to see what the updated version of this song will be! My theory is that whenever Meteor Impact receives its anime adaptation that's likely when we'll find out what the new version of the song is.
The Unrivaled Meteor Ranger: Absolutely catchy classic! The way I was ready to end it all with how many times it took me to full combo this song on hard mode in the English version of Music....And then full combo it first try in Japanese Music 😂😂😂 The boys sound absolutely fantastic during the chorus of the song in particular I adore how their voices blend together! It really makes me feel like I'm right there in the crowd watching Ryuseitai put on a fantastic performance. I think this was the second Ryuseitai song I ever heard back in the years before I properly got into Enstars.
Goshiki no Shooting Star: Shooting Star! Shooting Star! Kagayake! Seigi koso...Shinjitsu to! Shinjiteru! Inochigake! Mamorinuke! Doro ni mamire nagara mo!!!
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I mentioned this in the original post but yeah, once again, this song does such a good job of showing how much of a kick Chiaki's vocals give to lines. He has the deepest voice among Ryuseitai and you can easily pick him out in a group. And his voice gives lines the extra oomph needed to make them work well!
Super Nova Revolu5tar: The opening build up before the boys start singing is still so damn classic, I never get enough of it! And yeah Ryuseitai's vocals as a whole are really on display in this song. Their voices merge together so gorgeously in the chorus. I love the part that goes from violins to guitar as the boys talk it's beautiful! The whole last minute and a half of the song is gorgeous and I won't budge on that. Just.....MAN those violins and guitars in this song!!!!
Ryuusei Hanabi: This incredible masterpiece of a bop is a fave among fans, even if they aren't RyuseitaiPs. AND IT IS DESERVED! HA HA HA HA HA HA SOIYA! HA HA HA HA HA HA WASSHOI!
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The more traditional Japanese instruments, the chants, the beat. I don't know what the music team was on when they created this song but it is absolute perfection from start to finish! By the way I finally managed to full combo this song like a month ago! Success!!!! And yeah this was the very first Ryuseitai song I ever heard years back before I got into Enstars. And what a phenomenal intro to my beloved idol power rangers~!
Growing Starry Days: I always smile when listening to this song because it is truly soft and loving and happy sounding. And I maintain my hot take that Ryuseitai needs more soft sounding songs, they do them so well whenever they get them! This song is the one that does the best job of getting across what I said earlier about Chiaki's voice giving lines an extra kick. He adds a special something to them that really makes them work.
Unlimited Power: Ryusetai throughout this song: Thank you everyone for all your love and support! 😊 Me, sobbing hysterically as my heart is overwhelmed with love: No...Thank YOU....It really is so damn sweet that this song is a thank you to the fans, I really feel the love and gratitude drip from every word they sing. And that part when they do their mini roll call (except for Kanata with his puka puka-ing) is still cute!
Meteor Scramble: Who was the person who said "hey let's work every Ryusetai member's name into the lyrics in a fitting way?" I hope they got paid extra for that, because it was a genius decision! Chiaki (ichi ichi akirametecha), Kanata (negau kanata e ikenai), Tetora (tachimukatte toraburu o), Midori (saa let me dream), Shinobu (manazashi no bun). I enjoy the high pace energy of the song, and I ESPECIALLY love the guitar solo section! And it's adorable watching the boys do air guitar in that part of the MV.
Suisei Halation: I'm just gonna copy everything I said last time about this song, because it's still so true. I fucking love this song, it feels like such a 80s-90s sounding anime opening in all the best ways! The beat once the chorus hits is so high pace, it's so much fun to listen to and just as much to play in the rhythm game. I can picture waking up to watch an anime with this opening on TV whenever I listen to it. My favorite part is when the boys all take one line each from the beginning of the chorus, it has a cool feel to it! And gosh that part in the MV when Chiaki very briefly looks stressed/sad guts me so bad considering what Comet Show was about as a story. Which, by the way, I hear that Comet Show is apparently disliked??? Like, c'mon, it has such good drama and angst and really builds up the conflict of what Ryuseitai goes through in this half of the story! Like I came out of Comet Show eager to read the other stories and see how tings get resolved!
Heart Heat Beat: I still feel like this song is a hidden gem of Ryuseitai's discography, I rarely hear anyone speak of it but it has such a fun and adorable feel to it. I am so happy it was added to the TRIP album, I hope that gave this song more attention and love because it is sooooo deserved! This is another one of Ryuseitai's softer songs, though it has a fair amount of pep to it. Like you wanna bounce along to the song with it's light, airy feel. And yeah, Midori's powerful sounding "ikou yo" is still stuck in my brain, I love when Midori gives more strength to his lines!
Nekketsu Ryusei Ninpouchou: That classic video game sounding opening is still perfect! This song makes me feel like I'm on a roller coaster, and I mean that in the best way. Like the beginning part of the chorus in particular has this wavy feel to it that I enjoy. This song never loses the energy, even when it chooses to slow down for bits. And yeah, I still love how Shinobu sounds here, his voice is great in this song. Still bitter that his card was the only one I couldn't get from this event. Sorry Shinobu, honey, but 3.5 million is just too much......
Colors Arise: Once again just copying everything I said last time about this song. Another song that sounds like an anime opening in all the best ways! The guitar sounds absolutely fantastic in this song and really gets me so pumped up. I think my favorite part is when the song suddenly sounds like a completely different song a little over two minutes in before swinging back to the main chorus. It's such a fun change that manages to not feel awkward. You know the first time I listened to this song and watched the MV I came out thinking "MAN I really wanna watch one of Ryuseitai's shows!" In universe Ryuseitai fans continue to be the luckiest fuckers ever.
Relax Paradise: RELAX~! ☺️ Like I said in the original post, the first time I listened to the MV version of the song I didn't click with it. But I gave it a few minutes and tried again and that's when I really started to embrace it. Yeah, Midori, you're right I DO wanna cast off my stress and worries and relax in a jungle filled with friendly fluffy animals! So happy that Happy Elements finally freed this song from their dungeon with the TRIP album! Hearing the full version helped me to fully embrace the bubbly, relaxing atmosphere. It's nice seeing the boys goof off and have silly fun together instead of being sentai idols again!
Seishun Emergency: Wooo, get a chance! Woooo, make a chance! Don't give up! Don't give up! Be my girl! Yuzurenai battle!!! Ryuseitai and Knights do such a great job of giving this song an energetic and lively feel! I still can't believe this song is unpopular in the fanbase. A wacky romcom-esque song about two rivals who love the same girl but slowly end up thinking of each other as friends as well? Priceless as a concept and fun as a song! Literally the only negative I have about this song is that I can never full combo it because it constantly lags for a second like halfway through, breaking my combo every time....
Hamutaro Tottoko Uta: CRINGE IS DEAD, LET'S GET YOU GUYS SOME WHIMSY AND JOY!!!! How can this song be disliked, it is so cute and fun, and the marching beat makes you wanna clap or tap your feet along with it. I mean, c'mon....It's fucking Hamtaro!!!!! I know Midori lost his fucking mind when he first learned about this. I wanna know who in the team thought of the idea of "Ryuseitai and Ra*bits working together to cover the Hamtaro theme song". Who was the galaxy brained employee who suggested this? I wanna shake their hand! Daiiiisuki na no waaaaaaaa~! Hiiiiimawari no taneeeeeee~!!!!
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Always Hero: BURNING HEART!!! JUSTICE BLAZE!!! 🔥🔥🔥 I still maintain that while the song itself isn't cute I came out of it thinking Chiaki is such a cutie pie! The song suits his hero persona perfectly, a very Chiaki-like song!
Marine Blue Rendezvous: Puka puka~ Love the slow feel of this song, I feel like I can sleep to this song. Kanata's gentle singing slowly lulling me into a peaceful relaxing nap~ 😊
Mahiru no Zanzou: Some of Midori's best singing is in this song. It has such a melancholy feel to it and there's so much emotion at its heart. Perfectly fitting Midori, especially his feelings about himself and his place in Ryuseitai in the early half of his time with him. Also, no joke, I actually teared up listening to this song the first time. I mean it, maybe it's just because it was like 2AM but I was actually laying on my bed like
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Iron Heart Tiger: This song has such a high pace energy to it that doesn't let you rest and I love that. And yeah, as I said in the original post, Tetora's vocals don't get enough love, he sounds so damn good and has only improved over time!
Shippuu Jinrai Shinobi Michi: This truly is such a Shinobu-esque song, perfecly suiting him for his first solo! I still adore the high pace, bouncy feel it has and how it goes from one end to the other when it comes to general speed. Like I feel as though I am watching a ninja in action while listening to this song.
Bokura no Stella: Stella, Stella~! Stella, Stella~!
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Kanata, thank you for coming through and giving Ryuseitai another softer style song. This song has such a gentle, elegant feel to it and was a beauty in every way. The music, the lyrics, the costumes, the MV...all sheer perfection from beginning to end~! I still can't get over that one lyric that's like "it's like we've been connected since before we were born". Like man, what a beautiful way to describe the bond between Ryuseitai. Five people who came together by chance and grew to love each other so much, to grow a bond between them so powerful it feels as though their souls have been entwined since forever, before they even existed. The strings in this song are so gorgeous!
New Daybreak: My actual reaction after I listened to this song in full and watched the MV for the first time
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I loved how in the MV at the beginning everyone's movements were in time with the ticking of the clock. This is another song that feels like a classic sentai style anime opening, and I adore the power behind it. Fitting when you know it was worked on by people who ACTUALLY create songs for tokusatsu style shows! I especially loved how the juniors are the ones who take a more lead role in this song. I mean all of Ryuseitai are there and there's a lot of trading going on in terms of focus but it is essentially Tetora, Midori, and Shinobu are taking charge for this song. And I adore how that is in part representative of what the whole "all five members of Ryuseitai are leaders" thing is about. The juniors wanted to be equal to their seniors, especially wanting Chiaki to stop burdening himself, both in terms of work and dealing with drama/pressure/negativity. So this shows how the juniors are capable enough to take charge themselves once in a while!
Unmei Power Energy!: If this song doesn't get more people to respect Tetora's vocals, I don't know what will. This is honestly some of his best singing on display, he sounds absolutely phenomenal in this song! I adore his energy (fitting for the title)!
Green to the Sky: The way Midori sounds so happy and energetic in this sound compared to how soft and sadder he sounded in his first solo....The way this is a perfect way to show off how much he has grown during his time with Ryuseitai, how his love for them and their love for him helped him to grow and change 😭😭😭 I love how this song shows Midori's growth through its upbeat energy and the power and quick pace of Midori's words~!
Seisei Doudou Ouenka: A bouncy and fun song for my dearest Shinobu~!!! It has a different type of energy from his first solo but it still has a fun energy that makes you wanna get up and cheer him on the whole time! Like yeah, Shinobu!!!! GANBARRE!!!!! FURE FURE!!!!
Kokoro de Pittari Ai ni Naru: I still love how everyone and their mother was thrown off by this title for Chiaki's solo and to this day no one knows for sure how exactly to discuss what it means. But my gosh this song is soooo fucking cute! Chiaki, baby, why are you the cutest being in the world? How dare you be such a gumdrop?! I kid, I love cute boy Chiaki so much, I hope we get more and more of it! I just love how loving and sweet he sounds, like it has classic Chiaki energy to it but it still feels like he's showing off something different all the same.
Happy Drops: Kanata's song has a bubbly energy to it, and I am happy it matches the energetic feel the rest of Ryuseitai are giving off in their own solos. Like I seriously couldn't stop bouncing around in my chair when I was listening to this song for the first time, I loved hearing how energetic and bouncy Kanata was!
And DONE! That's my thoughts on every single Ryuseitai song released to date! I guess I'll reblog this post to add more thoughts as more songs are released over time. But yeah, Ryuseitai are the kings of releasing bangers after bangers, there's not a single bad song in their discography~!
By the way, I mentioned this before but I wanna say it again. I love how every member's center song (Suisei Halation, Relax Paradise, Colors Arise, Bokura no Stella, and Nekketsu Ryusei Ninpouchou) all give off different feels and energies, basically showcasing how unique and different the member being focused on is. Meanwhile everyone's second solos are very similar in feel in terms of being energetic and happy sounding. It's unique: the center songs AKA the group songs are the ones showing off how unique and different every member of Ryuseitai is while it's the solo songs showing off how at heart they are all the same, all part of the same team.
But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed my thoughts~!
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