#i tried my best. despite english isn't my mother tongue alkjgsklgjsklsjgklgj
mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
You Can Be King Again - Second Chance, First Miracle
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Summary: The end of Paint It White, but it’s actually not shit, and is also emotional algjskGJLSKGJKGLSJSGL--
Word count: Approx. 1340
A/N: Here’s my final part of the Paint It White AU art-trade w/ my buddy @littlestlostsheep​!! This was so much fun to write aaaAAAAAA I HOPE YOU LIKE IT QwQ
Click these links to see the rest of our parts: 1, 2, 3, 4
Just like that, it was all over. 
There was nothing left to do, only to stand still and watch as the world's surroundings turned completely white. However, it wasn't because it was too late. The sudden shimmers of light weren't as cold and sharp as the Pictos' piercing beams – if anything, it was so much warmer and softer, resembling the sun that once glowed in the earth's, now covered, grey atmosphere. Within a blink of an eye, the light disappeared, and not long after, the Pictos' stiff bodies followed. One by one, they all vanished into dust, not making a single sound as their mere existence was wiped out right infront of them. The buildings that towered the tide collapsed along with the army's fall, crashing into the ocean before they were no longer to be seen – only tiny particles of ash remained in their tracks. This sudden victory was never intended to happen, but the weakest link of the war managed to perform the impossible; 
They had won.
The beach that was earlier filled with utter chaos and roars of terror, was now empty and accompanied by deafening silence, confirming the miracle that had just dawned upon humanity. However, spread throughout the sand, lied seven remains of the Pictos'; The same seven who fell in the name of saving earth; The same seven who did everything they could to stop the enemy, even if it meant their immortal lives would somehow get ripped away in the process. They all remained as a horrible reminder for the poor survivors, not moving an inch as their alienated forms refused to melt away. 
It was a terrible sight. 
Eventually, to everyone's relief, the aliens' absence started to affect them, and slowly but surely the countries' true silhouettes became visible again – as if their unfortunate end never happend in the first place.
England didn't find the strength to open his eyes at first, before he could faintly hear a few voices; He could barely register the mix of shouts of joy and cries of relief surrounding him. Despite being nighttime, all he could see was a bright light, that turned out to be the returning appearance of the moon. Next thing he knew, he saw the flickering light spread throughout the stars as he regained his proper vision. It hadn't quite dawned upon him on what had just happend, but once it hit him, it hit him so hard he thought his heart was going to explode. 
The echo in his mind matched the overjoyed cries of his revived comrades;
Alive. I'm alive. I'm still alive.
Like a burst of energy had struck his soul, England almost jumped up to witness the unbelievable sight. Rivals had turned into friends, desperately hugging eachother as they share eachother's tears. His brother, and the man he despised more than anything, noticed him and almost knocked him back onto the ground, they both hugged him so tight. Even in the corner of his eyes, he could see that the almost-sole survivor himself, Germany, had woken up. Judging by the way their gazes met -- his light-blue eyes just as widened as his own green -- both of them hadn't managed to let the borderline dreamlike reality sink in. 
But before he had the chance to mentally congratulate his colleague as he watched Margaret run over to him, England's gaze moved over to search for his own love – only for his blood to run cold as he saw her lying on the sand, her face uncomfortably pale and lifeless.
Without a single thought, he pushed his allies out of the hug, and almost jumped up to his feet so he could run over to her. Panic ran through his veins as he carefully held her, only for the tension to leave his shoulders as he checked her pulse.
Alive. She's alive. She's still alive.
And before he could utter out a single word, he watched as the love of his life slowly flickered her eyes open, only for them to widen the moment they finally reunited with his. 
And that was all it took.
His chest started to tighten, and his vision was covered with tears as realization crashed onto him. 
«Koda..!» he cried, unable to hold back his breaking heart as he pulled her into a passionate embrace. He whimpered out her name over and over again like a broken record, his grip around her only tightened more and more. His tears had no plans on stopping, either. It only worsened when he heard her broken sobs of joy close to his ear. Just when he thought he would never see her again, fate had been kind to them once again by giving him a second chance to live. How this was possible, he didn't know, nor did he care. The only thing that mattered was the fact they were together again. 
And he had no plans on leaving her behind ever again.
They both sat still for minutes on end, mumbling sweet nothings to eachother as they cried into eachother's arms. However, the longer time they spent in that moment, the longer time England got to reflect on what he believed to be his final moments – the more he realized how truly valuable every second was. 
Gently, he pulled away, taking a moment to look at her in faint awe; Still beautiful as always, despite the heartbreaking sobs and tears. He wiped some of it off of her cheeks, softly rubbing his thumbs against them in comfort. Even though he knew those were happy tears, it was always painful to see her cry – especially if it was because of him. 
With a shaky huff, he pulled himself together so he would be able to speak. «..A-Alright.» he started, frowning at the still obvious vulnerablity in his voice. 
«..M-My love, before anything else happens.. th-that could possibly try to kill us all again..!» He could hear her faintly giggle. As much as he wanted to continue, he couldn't help but double-check that the coast truly was clear, as he frantically looked around a bit. Once that insecurity of his was out of the way, he shakily took her hand, leaving several kisses on the back of it before he looked at her in the eye – his face sharpened in desperation.
«W-Will you marry me?»
Neither of them realized how important and significant his sudden question was until the heavy silence fell upon them. What was he thinking? He almost had no idea, himself, his mind was spinning so rapidly. He almost felt dizzy just trying to figure out his own way of thinking. Did he regret saying it? No, not at all! But he knew how incredibly reckless he sounded – how could a true gentleman like himself do such a thing? He doesn't even have a ring! Seeing how Koda stared at him in complete shock almost made him consider to blurt out a poor excuse just to cover up his impromptu proposal. 
But before he could even get a full grip of himself, and what on earth he could possibly say to her, she nodded.
For a moment, England thought he was dreaming. Whether it was his pounding heart, or the new tears in his eyes that caused the lightheadedness, he was convinced that this happy ending was nothing but a simple fairytale inside his mind. But hearing Koda suddenly squeal out of pure joy as she jumped into his arms again, finally convinced him otherwise – and the tears kept flowing. 
With exactly zero shame, he covered her face – which was also full of running tears -- with gentle kisses, letting out relieved sobs inbetween them. He swore he could hear his brother whistle in the background, but he didn't bother to stop his teasing. The only thing on his mind, was who was right infront of him, and three words repeating over and over again:
I love you.
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