#i thought it'd be nice to have it and maybe put it in a masterpost later ;)
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burning-sol · 1 year ago
Wait wait wait, hang on, lemme write some more comments on my thoughts about this. Since there's some things that I would like to note.
I think regardless of if you plan to release it publically, it would still be nice to have this information put into a masterpost. That's my first point that should be taken away from this if nothing else. There could be a number of things that happen that would result in this information being lost and never to see the light of day again, and so I think it'd be good to keep it on hand.
Keeping in mind the note about the Suckening being recently privated.. This isn't to say Charlie is neccesarily asking for a leak or wants a leak, but it HAS been kept public. I think there's a reasonable margin to say that while even if it's not the most tasteful thing to do, I wouldn't say it's downright bad. There is no Patreon posts about Convergence, and no indication that Charlie would at any point be posting these old notes.
Extending from that point, we have no idea how much the old notes are even going to be revelant to the reboot. A lot of things can change between now and when the reboot comes out (if at all). So if there's a worry about that, honestly, it's sort of just up in the air, very ambiguous. We can't tell how much impact these notes would have.
If it were notes for any recent campaign, that would be a different matter, but Convergence is both an older campaign as well as not even that well known in comparison to the other campaigns. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but while Convergence is definitely more popular than sayy Mythborne for instance, from my time in the fandom it doesn't have the same amount of impact as something like Fated or Riptide or Blood in the Bayou. Not to mention that in the case of Fated or Convergence, there is less fans coming in than there is fans aging out and moving on. This is to say, the impact of a 'leak' would probably be more down low (unless this causes a resurgence of fans but, again, it's an old campaign), also taking into consideration that JRWIblr is sort of a different ecosystem compared to JRWItwt. If this were a leak on Twitter, I think things could very easily spiral into something unsatisfactory, but JRWIblr is a pretty tightknit community I think.
You would have control on how this information is distributed. Obviously people can act in bad faith or just accidentally leak things without intending to, but there are measures you can implement like having people ask directly for the notes or setting up a form of some kind before you give access to a person that gives more control over who sees any given information. Again, there's still room for things to go wrong, but if you put everything into a single doc for instance then you can always put settings in place to quickly revoke access to it if needed.
Listen, we are so desperate, PLEASE do it for me. Convergence notes, you know it me, let me in.
I'm sure there's more points to be made, but that's what comes to mind at the moment. That all being said, there really is no telling what could happen if this is posted. But may I note that I have seen things technically been 'leaked' before that didn't end up having any impact, like it never being widespread at all. I'm just.. Convergence fans, we need a win. I don't doubt the Convergence reboot will happen, but that is probably very far away and all of us are poor starving victorian children. We're so sad.
Non-Published Convergence Lore.
alright. So me and @speromint know of a site that charlie uses to store his dm tools for a long time now. It has a bunch of unseen, juicy Convergence lore that is publically posted that is not in circulation on both tumblr and twitter.
We know this would be benificial for fic writers for the lore of Yggdrasil and other things, alongisde unrevealed character dynamics and a MAJOR lorepoint for Kasper that was never revealed algonside Strangle Macock lore that changes everything about the character we know.
Condi saying that its paid members for the patreon goal and we're over two thousand members away from getting this content meaning it feels like we'll never even get it- content which might even be scrapped if we even GET a reboot. Alongside a lot of people unsubbing from the patreon recenrly.
In addition to this, Em and I know that Charlie has been on recently for The Suckening, due to myself having seen unprivated character notes and session notes for sesson 4 of The Suckening when going to read back to theorise with Em on our forbidden Convergence knowledge.
This Suckening lore is now private, meaning Charlie has been on recently and most likely knows the lore for Convergence is not private. As well as convergence pages being liked by random people and not catagorised, meaning there's probably a bunch of stuff privated for it as well.
If the poll is at least 80% yes by The Wednesday coming, I'll post a link to Charlie's website and also make a masterpost of all the information the two of us found
please reblog to spread across jrwiblr, as I want a wide scope of what people think.
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kochei0 · 4 years ago
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> Gradalis < Characters Part #1
Gradalis is a french Webtoon, published on webtoon FRANCE.
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eryiss · 5 years ago
Fraxus Week 2020: Day 6 - Tarot
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Summary: After a crappy post-college first year, Laxus jumped at the opportunity to leave town for a week for a road trip with his friends. He intended it just to be a week away with his friends, but when he meets an unfamiliar stranger, the vacation turns into something much more. [Fraxus Multichapter]
This is the sixth part of my Fraxus Week admissions, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​. This year I’ve made the prompts into a single multi-chapter fic. You can see all the chapters in the Masterpost linked below. Hope you enjoy.
You can read this on Fanfiction, Archive of our Own, and under the cut. Read the other chapters from this masterlist.
Chapter Six – A Carnival Reading
Bickslow had claimed it was an accident, but Laxus called bullshit. To Laxus, this seemed as though it was Bickslow and Evergreen's way of giving their new relationship their blessing. But Laxus didn't particularly care, because he had woken up sharing a relatively small bed with Freed, arm wrapped around the man's waist while pulling him close, and the man nuzzled into his chest as he slept. And, although Laxus had no intention on trying, he couldn't think of a better thing to wake up to.
With a soft smile, he shuffled slightly and pulled Freed closer. The sleeping man hummed and moved his head, revealing a small smile on his face.
This was rather a charmed life, and Laxus could get used to it.
But that was wishful thinking. They'd had their first sober kiss only a day prior, and it had exhilarated Laxus to a point no other relationships had. After that, they'd spent some time atop the RV's roof, Laxus looking up at the stars while Freed continued his book. That too had been exhilarating in a way Laxus couldn't put into words. After that, they'd eaten with Bickslow and Evergreen, spoken about how they were something of a couple but hadn't yet put a label on it, but they certainly weren't platonic.
Their friends had been supportive of that. They knew both men weren't the most emotionally vulnerable people, it seemed.
And now Laxus had woken up in the small double bed at the back of the RV, with Freed in his arms. Seeing as the man was sleeping softly, Laxus leant down and pressed his lips against the crown of Freed's head, smiling down at him.
"That was adorable," Evergreen's voice cut through the silence, and made Laxus' head snap up. He didn't think she was awake. "I didn't know you had it in you to be sweet."
"Shut up," Laxus groaned, voice a tired croak. He quickly glanced through the rest of the RV and his eyes settled on Bickslow, who was curled up awkwardly in the passenger side seat snoring and drooling onto the pillow he was spooning. He was glad that only Evergreen had seen that, as Bickslow would have gone into an overly dramatic meltdown. Which would have woken Freed up and ended the situation.
Huh. Laxus really meant it when he said he cared more for Freed than his dignity.
"I won't say anything more," Evergreen said with a smile. It was annoyingly kind. "I just think its nice. Besides, after you fell asleep we took loads of pictures," Laxus glared at her, and she laughed. "I'm joking. Well, I think so. I fell asleep before Bix so you might want to check."
"Thanks for the warning," Laxus said softly, perhaps sarcastically.
"Well, I'm only really being nice because I have something else I need to tell you," Evergreen said with a small trace of guilt in her tone. "I found that we're pretty close to a well-reviewed circus carnival, and I mentioned it to Bickslow. As you can guess, we're spending the day there."
"Why d'you need to butter me up for that?" Laxus said, not aware that he was running his hands through Freed's soft hair.
"Well, Bickslow made it pretty clear that we'd be leaving the two of you alone," Evergreen sighed. "Essentially, we're forcing you on your first date. Which might be a tad annoying to your plan of not putting labels on what you are."
Laxus glanced down at the sleeping man in the bed with him, and smiled softly. While they were taking things as they came, it certainly wasn't a bad thing that they would be spending the day together.
"I'm sure we can handle it," Laxus said softly.
"You're a hero," Evergreen laughed quietly. "Well, since you're awake now, I'm going to go for a little morning walk. See you later; oh, and keep up the kisses because it's adorable."
If he weren't wrapped around Freed, he might have thrown the pillow at the woman's retreating figure. Instead he did his best to raise his middle finger at the woman without moving Freed to a point where he would awaken. Evergreen let out a quiet laugh as she left the RV, leaving Laxus as the only person awake in the truck. As he was essentially alone, he looked down at the man wrapped up against him.
Freed really was a man of many faces, all damn appealing. Right now, his contented sleeping expression was pretty damned cute. But the night before, on the roof of the RV, he had been more handsome than any man Laxus had laid eyes on. Even the smug and cocky expression he had given Laxus when challenging him to a race at the waterpark had been hot.
It was really quite unfair that he got to be that attractive in that many ways.
"Urgh," Freed murmured quietly, and Laxus looked down at him with an expression of quiet contentment.
"Morning," He greeted.
"Morning," Freed parroted, eyes fluttering open softly. He smiled when he made eye contact with Laxus. "Well you're rather cuddly, aren't you?" Freed chuckled, but cushioned the tease with a soft kiss against Laxus' jaw.
"People always get shocked by that," Laxus commented quietly. "I've never understood why."
"Oh I fully expected you to enjoy hugging, why else would you have a body like this," Freed chuckled, moving slightly so his head was level with Laxus'. "I just expected that being in the presence of the human embodiment of annoying gossip might make you a little hesitant."
"With another guy, maybe," Laxus said the words before he could think. Was that too far for their relationship?
"You're charming too," Freed replied with a soft chuckle. "I thought that was going to be my thing."
"I gotta keep you on yer toes somehow," Laxus said with a grin. "Speaking of, Ever warned me that Bix's been plotting and apparently they're taking us to some carnival or something, and they're gonna ditch us and basically put us on a date together. You okay with that?"
"Of course," Freed nodded a little, and his nose gently traced Laxus'. "Spending time alone with you is quickly becoming a pastime of mine that I love, so you can safely assume I'll enjoy any dates we might go on. Forced on us or otherwise."
"I'm glad," Laxus smiled, jutting his chin forward so he could press his lips against Freed's in a chaste kiss. It sent a shock through him. "And I'll get to kick your ass at carnival games."
"Rather cocky attitude there, Laxus," Freed chuckled. "Misplaced, too."
"You said something similar when you challenged me to the water park race," Laxus grinned. "And remind me, who's got their lock screen as a picture of them on a waterslide screaming like they're about to piss themself."
"True, but in a carnival, you can't repeatedly push me into water and trip me up just to get your way," Freed said with a good-natured smile.
"You're really underestimating how much I like winning," Laxus grinned. "But if your so confident, we can make a bet."
"You truly are a competitive man, Mr Dreyar. I like it," Freed chuckled. "How about the loser pays for our first real date, and the winner choses what the date is."
"Sounds fun," Laxus smiled, leaning down, and pressing their lips together.
It was a slow and somewhat sloppy kiss, and both men melted into it without any difficulty. Laxus brought up one of his hands to cup Freed's cheek, smiling as the man in his arms pushed further into the embrace. Even in his half-awake state, Laxus felt a thrilling rush of excitement flow through him. Freed really did have some kind of effect on him that he couldn't describe, nor did he care to try. Because that moment was perfect.
Well, it would have been perfect. But then they heard the sound of Bickslow's phone taking a picture, followed by a loud cackling.
"I feel this is what Bickslow's mind must be like."
At Freed's comment, Laxus let out an undignified snort. The two men were walking side by side in the carnival, looking forward at the large and flashy spectacle before them. Multiple stalls lined a long pathway leading towards a circus tent, of which Bickslow was dragging Evergreen towards. Past the tent were large attractions and rides, each blurting out energetic music. It was somewhat overwhelming, but was helped by the fact the mass crowds had yet to arrive.
"I always thought it'd be a nightclub," Laxus commented, grinning. "A really loud and tacky one."
"I can see that," Freed agreed, and Laxus felt a chill run down his spine as Freed's hand grazed his own. "I haven't been to a carnival like this in years. The town I grew up in used to host one once a year."
"You used to enjoy it?" Laxus asked, looking down at the other man with a smile.
"Not exactly," Freed said with a chuckle. "It only started when I was a teenager, and I deemed myself too educated and adult to enjoy myself. So I mostly spent them in my bedroom reading, and wishing death on the people who turned the music up so loud that I could hear it half a mile away."
"So you were an edgy teenager huh?" Laxus asked with a teasing grin. "You know if you had a goth phase then you have to show me pictures so I can laugh at ya."
"Fortunately, I didn't," Freed said with a smile. "But the same goes for you. If you've any embarrassing childhood photos then it's required I see them."
"That's fair, I guess," Laxus nodded. "But don't think I didn't see what you just did. I asked for goth pics, you asked for embarrassing pics. So if I show you anything embarrassing, you gotta compensate."
"I had hoped you hadn't noticed that" Freed chuckled good naturedly.
The two continued walking down the row of stalls, eyeing the food vendors. It was a little after when they usually ate lunch, and they had decided that they'd get something to eat before playing any of the games or visiting any other attractions. That way there were nothing to distract them from the bet they had made, and neither man could blame their losses on being hungry. Laxus paled a little when Freed suggested that, as feigning weakness from hunger had been an option if he lost at a game he should have won.
After eventually settling on a food vendor with sweet smelling meat wafting from their stall, they had a quick meal and further discussed the rules of their gamble. They would both play every game available in a clockwise pattern, and would work with a points system. In the event of a draw, they would flip a coin.
The first game they played was an archery range, which was relatively simple. Laxus had gone first, claiming he had earned that by winning their race at the water park. He had done okay, managing to hit the target with each of his arrows, though with a wide range of points. He ended up with sixteen over his four arrows, which was a serviceable score. But the look on Freed's face told Laxus that the man was confident that he could win.
He did.
He got eighteen points, and even Laxus could see that there was a lot less luck in Freed's performance. Laxus would have focused on that, had he not been distracted by the confident posture, determined expression and flexing arms as he pulled the string back and took aim.
"That was," Laxus began when Freed returned with a satisfied expression. "Kinda hot, honestly."
"I'm glad you think so," Freed said, and his voice was just slightly deeper than normal. He leant forward so that their faces were almost touching, but stopped just short. "Consider it a consolation prize, as I'm winning."
The smug expression on the man's face drove Laxus almost as crazy as his teasing had. And he could do was let out a muttered 'asshole' before following in his footsteps.
They continued making their way through the games at a leisurely pace, playing each of them and teasing each other as they did so. They fell into a quick pattern where the winner of the individual game would flaunt their victory in a flirtatious and teasing way, and the loser would have to stand there and take it. Laxus felt a rush every time, because the ease at which he could be his competitive self with the other man shocked him. The fact Freed was just as confident in himself was an added bonus.
None of his past attempts at relationships had been like this. In fact, he had been so busy trying not to show the more flawed side of himself that he often forgot to be himself. With Freed, it felt like the inverse of that.
After the archery game, they had moved onto a game where they had a minute to score as many points with a basketball hoop. They had been relatively evenly matched, but Laxus' high school year as a basketball player gave him an edge. He gloated his victory by rolling up his sleeve and flexing his bicep, with a teasing 'these ain't just to look at' aimed at Freed. He didn't miss the other man's smirk at the movement.
Next was a game wherein you threw darts at balloons, and each balloon you popped had a certain score inside of it. They had five darts each, and Laxus managed to win that too. He had wrapped an arm around Freed's shoulders and made a gloating show about how he had won two games in a row, and Freed had not.
The next game had them both aiming water pistols at moving targets. The person who inflated their target's balloon fasted would win, and Freed proved to have better aim. Rather than gloating, he had twisted his water gun to the side so that a cold splash of water hit Laxus on the side.
"I'm gonna get you back for that," Laxus promised, grinning.
"Why," Freed feigned innocence. "I thought you might need some cooling off. Losing that badly got you rather heated."
"So, you thought I looked hot, huh?" Laxus said, crossing his arms.
"No," Freed said, not shying from Laxus' gaze. "I thought you looked warm. You looking hot is a… continuing issue."
Laxus grinned at the compliment, but shunted his own water gun to the side so a stream of water hit the other man. Freed let out a small noise of protest, but laughed it off as the owner of the stall asked them both to move along for the next customers. Laxus wrapped an arm around Freed's shoulders as they walked, and murmured into his ear.
"You looked pretty hot yourself," He said with a grin.
"I'm aware," Freed snarked back, and Laxus laughed with a grinned.
This was new as well, the ease of flirtation. It was ridiculous to think that a day ago, Laxus had been beating himself up for the idea of having some kind of crush on Freed, and now he was openly calling the guy hot in public. It was a testament to how comfortable Freed had managed to make him, Laxus supposed.
As they walked to the next stall, they noticed how different it was. Whereas the others were open and painted with bright colours, this stall was a small purple tent with dark colours and candles surrounding it. A sign beside the door claimed 'Mistress Cana Alberona's Tarot.' Laxus rolled his eyes.
"You don't believe in fortune telling?" Freed asked, apparently having seen the eye movement.
"Nah," Laxus shrugged, then looked down at Freed curiously. "Do you?"
"No, I think it's absurd. The idea that some cards magically know the intricate futures of everyone, or the fact your personality and what you'll do is written on your hand is ridiculous," Laxus chuckled a little at Freed's dismissal of the subject. "For whatever reason, it seems like everyone I know believes in it though."
"I know," Laxus grinned. "Ever once dragged me to a psychic. We got kicked out when I found her 'one of a kind crystal ball' on Amazon for twelve dollars."
"A merciful escape for you, then," Freed smirked.
Laxus agreed, but was then struck with an idea. He reached into his pocket and fished out a coin, flipping it in the air and catching it quickly. He covered it before he or Freed could see which side it had landed on, and looked to the other man with a challenging smile. Freed looked back at him with confusion.
"Heads or tails," Laxus demanded. "You get it right; I'll get a fortune. Get it wrong, you have to get one."
"Okay," Freed nodded. "Heads."
Laxus revealed the coin, and deflated at the sight of a clear head facing upwards. Freed sent him a grin that rivalled Bickslow's for its enjoyment of suffering, and he had the balls to pat the man on the shoulder in a faux comforting way. Laxus looked at the tent with a pained expression; he really couldn't be bothered to deal with the overly dramatic lies of someone with a deck of cards and an inflated sense of self-importance.
"Have fun," Freed taunted, giving him a gentle push towards the tent.
All but trudging towards his destination, Laxus placed the money in the bucket outside and rolled his eyes at the overly mysterious sounding demand that he enter the tent. He walked in, and saw a heavily cushioned room with a low table, and a woman mainly covered by purple scarves sitting at it.
They weren't scared of stereotypes, it seemed.
"Hello, lost one," The woman greeted, still forcing a weird voice. "Take a seat, my child."
Laxus did as he was told, biting his tongue when he realised that he was probably older than the woman performing the reading. He was glad this wasn't a palm reading, having a stranger grope at his hands would be too weird.
"You wish to have your unlived days laid before you?" The woman asked.
"Sure," Laxus said without enthusiasm, not entirely wanting to play along.
"You don't believe in this stuff, do ya," The woman asked suddenly, her voice a lot more normal now. Laxus, momentarily shocked by the sudden change in atmosphere, took a second to reply.
"Not really," Laxus shrugged. "Made a deal I'd come here though."
"That's fair," The woman said, and started to remove the scarves from her face. She was certainly younger than Laxus. "You don't mind do you. This place is hot enough without the candles surrounding it and the scarves. You have no idea how sweaty it gets."
"No, that's fine," Laxus said, at a loss for words when the woman pulled a beer from behind one of the cushions and took a swig from it.
"Okay, so you don't believe in this stuff, so there's no reason to lay it on thick," She said after taking her drink. "But you did pay, and just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it's not true. So, you wanna do this without all the added on stuff that makes the experience better, get it over and done with?"
"I guess," Laxus frowned. He wasn't entirely sure what was happening.
"Okay," The woman began, picking up her tarot deck and shuffling it like a poker player. "I'm gonna spread these you, you have to pick three. Usually I'd say there's spirit guardians guiding you, which there is but I doubt you'll care about that. Once you've picked them out, we'll turn them over and I'll explain what they mean. First individually, then as a whole."
Laxus nodded in understanding and watched as the woman laid out the cards in a smooth curve. With more care than was probably needed, he looked over the cards before picking three of them at random. Or maybe it wasn't random. Maybe it was a spirit guide.
He almost laughed at the thought.
Watching absently, Laxus saw the woman turn the left most card over, revealing an image of someone in odd clothing standing at the end of a cliff.
"The fool," The woman explained, and Laxus felt slightly offended by it. "Each card has a wide range of interpretations. In its most pure form, it can mean you'll make an ass out of yourself soon," Laxus glared at the woman for that. "But in a more spiritual sense, it speaks of a greater acceptance of the self. You will embrace the fool within you, becoming more of your real self and less burdened by your anxieties. You will find that you don't second guess your actions. You'll be as much a fool as you need to be."
Laxus almost scoffed, and tried to ignore the fact he had been considering just how much his interactions with Freed were devoid of his second-guessing nature. He didn't say anything as the woman turned the next card.
"The sun," She commented. "In its most literal sense, it means brightness is coming to your world. There will be light and growth and nurturing in your future, a new sense of happiness perhaps. But it also means the start of a new cycle. Rebirth if you will. It seems to be that you might be starting a new chapter in your life."
It was annoying, but Laxus found himself wondering if Freed would play a big part in this new chapter. He remained silent as the final card of his choice was flipped over.
"The world," The woman said, and she was smiling now. "This can mean a lot of things. Often it's further a signifier of growth and nature. But it also means that the world is literally open to you. New pathways, new experiences, a new life. That's all coming towards you, and coming soon."
"So, err," Laxus began, embarrassed that he was even entertaining the possibility of this being real. "What do they all mean together."
"I think something big's happening in your life, and pretty soon. It might have already happened. Something life changing. Something that'll open up a whole new world of possibilities, that restarts your life with something new, that allows you to be your true self in a way that you've never been before. Maybe it's an event, maybe it's a revelation or an epiphany. Maybe it's a person. But you're in for some change, and I think it's for the better."
Laxus mind forced him to think of the man waiting outside of the tent for him. The handsome stubborn man that had already had an affect on Laxus that nobody else had. The man who allowed him to have fun, and seemed to energise Laxus in a way he couldn't describe.
Maybe Freed was the change in his life.
He dismissed the thought instantly; this whole this was pointless, and wrong. He bid the woman a goodbye, and started to leave the tent. Even with his surety that fortune telling wasn't real, Laxus couldn't help but notice the similarities of what he'd been told.
Not could he help the smile that those similarities caused.
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umisabaku · 8 years ago
Have you ever thought about making a masterpost on tumblr for the fics you make? Cause I'm not sure if I've read the Company of Wolves AU and if there's anything else I'm missing out on so it'd be cool if you did :)
Anon-friend, you have stumbled upon my (not-so) secretweakness: I am incredibly technologically inept. I would *love* to set up aMaster List for you—I am incredibly honored that is something you would like tosee and above all I would like to make reading my fic as easiest as possible!But I don’t know hooooooooow.
Honestly, sometimes I look at other people’s blogs withextreme amounts of envy because they look so fancy and put together and Ihonestly. Just. Have know idea how those people do that.
Mind you, as has been mentioned before, part of this is mylaziness/short attention span when it comes to things technological. Like, I goin to redesigning this blog with the best of intentions, find out that it takesmore thought than the three minutes I was willing to put into this, and quicklyback track and never try again.
If, by chance, some kind soul wants to maybe explain that to me, Iwould be super happy to do that. I mean, I can try and figure it out on my ownthis weekend, because I really would like to do that for you, anon-friend, butpast experience does not speak positively to this endeavor.
I do try to be very consistent with my tagging though, and Ienabled the search bar on my blog so that hopefully that would help trackthings down. Explaining my tagging system also seems like a think I should do,as I have seen other people do it really nicely, but that is once again anotherthing that confuses me. (Pretty much anything that involves creating a link ona side page on the blog is lost to me. My friend managed to set up the link toArchive before my boredom exploded over everything and no more progress wasmade.)
But anytime I post fic on tumblr, it should have the “tumblrfic” tag. “Company of Wolves AU” is the tag for all mention of that AU, exceptfor the first one, but there’s links to the first one on some of the otherpages. The only other AUs that got their own tags (besides Designation:Miracle) were “Fairy Tale AU” “Reincarnation!AU” and “Haikyuu!Shapeshifters!AU”which are all making their way to Archive. The only one that is consistentlynot on Archive is Company of Wolves AU.
I will try to figure this out for you! I will work on that I promise! Thanks for the ask!=D
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eryiss · 5 years ago
Fraxus Week 2020: Day 4 - Drunk
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Summary: After a crappy post-college first year, Laxus jumped at the opportunity to leave town for a week for a road trip with his friends. He intended it just to be a week away with his friends, but when he meets an unfamiliar stranger, the vacation turns into something much more. [Fraxus Multichapter]
This is the fourth part of my Fraxus Week admissions, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus​. This year I’ve made the prompts into a single multi-chapter fic. You can see all the chapters in the Masterpost linked below. Hope you enjoy.
You can read this on Fanfiction, Archive of our Own, and under the cut. Read the other chapters from this masterlist.
Chapter Four – Out of the Rain
The contrast between the two days was ridiculous.
Laxus almost couldn't believe that it had been a day since he was lounging in the hot summer sun, whereas now he was narrowing his eyes as he drove the RV through the onslaught of rain. The storm had come from nowhere and according to the weather forecast, it would be sticking around for the rest of the night. The clouds were thick and covering the stars, meaning it was almost pitch black on the empty roads.
Unlike the day before, everyone was still awake as evening turned to night. They had spent the entire day driving, trying to catch up for the time they'd used at the water park. Bickslow had driven through the morning and early afternoon, and then had switched with Laxus.
At that moment, Laxus was fighting off sleep. They needed to find somewhere to park soon.
Not that they'd have a good night's sleep, though. The sound of rain battering down on the RV echoed loudly, and Laxus knew that it would sway and creak in the wind. It would be safe, but not anywhere near easy to sleep in. All he could do was hope that the forecast was wrong, and that the storm would end a lot quicker than they had stated.
He also hoped that he didn't fall asleep at the wheel.
"We have some money left over from renting the van, don't we?" Evergreen asked Bickslow, looking up from her phone.
"Yeah, a little over a hundred dollars. Why?" Bickslow asked, yawning into the thermos of coffee he was drinking.
"Well, there's nowhere close that'll let us park up and stay in the truck," Evergreen said, and Laxus cussed under his breath. "But there is a motel at the next rest stop. We should be able to get two double rooms with that."
"Sounds good," Laxus nodded. "Nobody's got a problem with that?"
When everyone agreed it was the best use of their spare money, Laxus got the directions from Evergreen and started to drive towards the motel. It was clearly a good choice, as soon after they made it lightning and thunder started splitting apart the sky, with even heavier rain following it. With his tired state, Laxus knew that it was best to get off the roads as soon as they could. It was certainly the safest thing to do.
Eventually they pulled off the highway and followed the illuminated signs to the motel. It was a nice enough looking place, which probably was a lot more welcoming in the day and when it wasn't a storm. It would certainly better than staying in the RV though the night.
Bickslow, who still had the money saved for the RV in his account, was the one who went to the reception. It took him a short while, but he eventually returned to them all with two keys from two double rooms, soaking wet with the water dripping off him. As he dried himself off with a beach towel they had brought yesterday, he claimed that he wished to share a room with Evergreen for the night.
"Why, exactly?" Freed asked, packing the clothes he would need for the night into a bag.
"Because I've had sleepovers with the two of you and you're both really boring," Bickslow claimed. "Evergreen lets me paint her nails and we gossip. You two just like sleeping."
Laxus was almost certain that it wasn't the real reason as to why he wanted to share his room with Evergreen. Given that both of them knew that Laxus had developed a crush on Freed, it seemed likely that this was some way for them to torture him by making him sleep in a room with him and nobody else. If the room they shared only had one bed, he was going to kill the bastard.
"It is appalling how we want to sleep at a sleepover," Freed commented, and Laxus sniggered.
"And that's the kind of boring attitude that makes me and Evergreen the best friends and you two the boring people on the side-lines," Bickslow grinned as he tossed a room key towards Freed, who managed to catch them without difficulty. It was an annoyingly attractive feat. "Room 203. Top floor."
Apparently leaving no room for argument, Bickslow turned is back and started to pack an impromptu overnight bag. Laxus and Freed shared a glance before picking up their own bags. They opened the door to the RV and winced at the rain they needed to walk to.
Despite the fact it had taken less than a minute to get under the protection of the building's veranda, both men had been drenched by the heavy rain. They quickly found their room and unlocked it, and Laxus let out a small breath when he realised that there were indeed two beds waiting for them. It was a nice enough room, with a small kitchenette – if a coffee machine, mini fridge, sink and microwave could be considered that – and a large enough TV mounted onto the wall. The large beds were rather appealing, given how Laxus had been curled up as he slept since they'd left Magnolia.
"It's better than I thought it'd be," Laxus commented, placing his bag at the foot of the nearest bed. "Kinda nice actually."
"It is," Freed agreed, walking to the bathroom and looking into it. "And a shower that might actually fit you inside of it."
Laxus grinned, mainly at the teasing tone in Freed's voice, and glanced into the bathroom to see that there was indeed a large shower. He reached over Freed and picked up one of the towel's hanging up. He started to dry himself off as Freed shucked off his jacket.
"I think I might have a shower before I go to sleep," Freed commented. "I need to wash my hair, might as well do it now."
"Sure," Laxus nodded, then he chuckled. "I get what Bickslow meant when he said we're boring."
"So do I," Freed said thoughtfully. "It's quite annoying that we're proving him right, isn't it," He sighed, and Laxus couldn't help but smirk. Freed really was quite a competitive person; Laxus enjoyed seeing it. "Why don't we try and prove him wrong instead?"
"How d'you suppose we do that?" Laxus asked with furrowed brows. He expected Freed wouldn't want to prove Bickslow wrong in any way Laxus was thinking.
"Well, our judgemental friend payed for this on his card, and all charges from the room will be his to pay," Freed commented absently as he walked towards the small kitchenette, and opened one of the cupboards. "And this place has a rather well stocked mini bar."
Laxus grinned when Freed pulled out a bottle of tequila.
"Sounds like fun."
"Oh come on," Laxus proclaimed with a slight slur in his voice. "That's bullshit."
"I told you, she's vicious," Freed said with a tipsy laugh. "It's why she always wins her fights."
They had gotten drunk. Well, maybe not drunk. But they had passed tipsy.
After they'd taken shots of the tequila, something that Laxus hadn't done since he was in college, they had both finished bottle of high percentage beer each. That was when they had turned on the TV, looking for something to watch to put off sleeping. That was how they had gotten where they were: sitting side by side on Freed's bed, a bowl of hot nuts, chips, and chocolate between them, watching The Real Housewives of… somewhere.
"She threw a plate at the guys face," Laxus argued. "It's bullshit."
"It's what she's paid to do, be stupidly annoying and start fights with people. It was probably staged anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it," Freed argued, reaching into the bowl of food between them. His head snapped up when the woman on the screen threw a champagne glass at the man she was arguing with.
"Bet that hurt," Laxus said with a grin. He was winning this argument.
"You can't be sure," Freed said indignantly.
"I can throw a mug at your face and we can see if it hurts ya," Laxus threatened with a grin.
Apparently, the alcohol in Freed's body had made the false threat hilarious, as he let out a loud and boisterous laugh. Laxus joined in, watching the shorter man as he almost doubled over as he laughed, the handful of food dropping onto his bedsheets.
"How often do you watch this crap," Laxus asked with a grin.
"Ever makes me watch it. Every night we went to one of our dorms common areas and watched something. Ever got obsessed with it, and then got Bickslow into it too," Freed laughed, shifting himself so he was sitting up again. "I would have complained about it, but Bickslow used to make me watch awful kids' films, so this is better."
Again, Freed started to laugh, and Laxus found himself unable to resist the charm of it and joined in too.
That was how they spent quite a lot of the night, eating the snacks that Bickslow would be overcharged for while watching crappy reality TV. They got a little bit more sober as time went on, as the only thing left in the minibar was champagne and they weren't going to be so cruel as to make Bickslow pay for that as well.
Part way through the night, Laxus had taken note of how close they were to each other. Their sides were pushed together, shoulder to shoulder and thigh to thigh. In his drunken state, Freed also seemed to be just a little bit more physical. He gesticulated a lot more, and Laxus often found himself with the other man's hand on his shoulder when he was making a point. At one point, Freed had even grabbed Laxus' wrist to get his attention, and it sent a thrill through Laxus that set his blood on fire.
On their third episode of rich people fighting, Laxus found his gaze on the man beside him. He was watching the show with contentment, a tipsy smile on his face as he made comments about the people on screen. It was endearing, and Laxus was left with an equally happy smile.
His smile faltered when Freed's did.
For a second, Laxus had thought that the other man had noticed him looking and was uncomfortable with it. But he didn't move away and Laxus realised he was now almost glaring at the TV. Laxus looked towards it to see that they were on the 'next time' part of the show. One of the women was shouting at a man, and it took a moment for him to realise that she was accusing him of cheating.
"He cheated on me," Freed commented, with a smile that was most likely sad. "My ex, not the man on the screen."
"Oh," Laxus mumbled, not sure of what else to say. "Sorry."
"Don't be," Freed sighed, closing his eyes. "I shouldn't be sad about it; I don't understand why I am. I wasn't in love with him, I'm not even sure if I particularly liked him by the end of the relationship. I was actually going to leave him, for heaven's sake. So I shouldn't feel bad that he found someone else, but I do."
"Well," Laxus began again, not sober enough to think of anything eloquent to say. "He cheated on ya. It's a shitty thing to do. You get to be pissed off at that."
"I suppose so," Freed sighed, almost as if he was disappointed in himself. "What does annoy me is how it happened, though. I didn't walk in on him, or find out myself. He just told me," He laughed bitterly at that. "Just sat me down, said he was seeing someone else and that we weren't together. I didn't get to be a dick about it, really. I didn't yell, or really react at all. It just sort of ended, and then I came back home again."
"Should have punched the fucker," Laxus commented indignantly. "Sent him to the other guy with a black eye."
"It wouldn't have been productive," Freed waved the idea off, eyes still closed. "It's a tempting thought though, I must admit."
"You can punch me if you wanna. Get it out of yer system, y'know," Laxus suggested, and it was clear the booze in his blood had made him suggest that. Freed looked to him with a small smile.
"You're far too good a man to be compared to him," Freed commented.
Laxus blushed a little at the compliment, even if it wasn't much. He looked down at the man, who was watching the TV and clearly trying to act like he wasn't affected by what he had just said. But even drunk, Laxus could tell that the man had lost his easy posture and his hands were clenched at his sides. Laxus frowned at this, reached for the remote and muted the show they were watching. Freed frowned and looked up at him.
"I'm sorry the bastard cheated on ya," Laxus said with as much seriousness in his tone as he could show. "I know that you said you wanted to leave him, and that ya think it's stupid you feel bad about it, but the guy betrayed ya. And you didn't deserve to feel like that, or to be treated like that. So, I'm sorry."
"As I said, you don't need to worry about it," Freed said with a sigh. "It's not your fault, and I'll get over it."
"But you shouldn't have t' get over it because you shouldn't have been cheated on," Laxus said with an insistent tone in his voice. "I mean if I were dating a guy like you, I wouldn't even think about looking at other guys. I mean who fucking would. Yer hot, you're and interesting, and know how to make a guy enjoy himself. Who wouldn't want that?"
"Well, it seems that my ex disagrees with you."
"Then he's stupid," Laxus said firmly. "Seriously, this guy is clearly a dick head. Because if he looks at you and thinks he wants something more, or different, then he's an idiot. Cause you're fucking… just look at yourself. Can't think of anything I'd change."
"Oh," Freed said, a little shocked. Was he blushing as well? Probably not. "Well, thank you. That… that's nice of you to say. I appreciate it."
Freed turned and looked towards him, and only then did Laxus realise just how close they were to each other. Their noses were almost touching, and Laxus' mind screamed to him that it would be easy to close the gap and press their lips together.
"Well, I mean it," Laxus shrugged.
With the booze flowing through him, and his good sense all but gone, Laxus listened to the voice in his head. He pushed his face forward, cupped Freed's face, and kissed him.
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