#i thought i could rely on the functional pottery wheel to give me custom animations but it's just woodworking
thebramblewood · 2 months
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Friends who mold clay together stay together.
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Caleb: Your idea of a night on the town is crashing your former campus?
Helena: It’s my happy place, okay? The last time I remember feeling safe I was here.
Helena: Huh. Foxbury has gotten more creative. Still assholes, though.
Caleb: Are you picking the lock?
Helena: Are you an undercover cop? Relax.
Caleb: I just wouldn’t have guessed casual breaking and entering was your style.
Helena: I’ve already done worse things than the old me could even imagine. Committing a petty crime seems hilariously quaint in comparison.
Caleb: Tell me this isn’t about finally getting revenge on some professor who once gave you a poor grade. Clay?
Helena: Ulrike made me take a pottery class with her one summer. I was terrible at it, but for once I didn’t care. It was oddly meditative. My brain was at peace. I could really use that feeling now.
Helena: Caleb, look! [hisses dramatically]
Caleb: [laughing] Stop! You’re distracting me.
Helena: Will you show me the rest of the story now?
Caleb: Tomorrow. You should really try to get some rest first.
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