#i think we're really really gonna get an announcement next month based on the most recent newsletter
evenstarfalls · 4 months
Thinking about bones ve schwab again
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memphis-mafia-mama · 2 years
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Alright if we're gonna talk about it, let's talk about it.
Austin worked his ass off. That's really the crux of the issue.
If Sophia Coppola was so disturbed by the lack of salacious detail in the Elvis film (which is an educated guess based on her other works, notably the Bling Ring and The Virgjn Suicides) then speaking to Priscilla personally about it would have been the thing to do. She may have done that. But it seems very unlikely that Priscilla would have agreed to run over the triumph of the film she loved so much, about the man she loves even more, with a film based on a book she wrote when she was in a completely different place. She loves him still. She was angry. She's not so much, anymore. And, the most important detail in this news cycle, she LOVES Austin.
The two options we are left with in that case, are these;
1. Priscilla, and possibly Lisa, are not the people the world has known them to be for decades.
2. Sophia Coppola did not ask permission, get consultation, speak with anyone from the family, or do any of the things needed to be done to make this process respectful for the Presley family, Baz Luhrman, or Austin Butler.
Although the irony is obvious to everyone, let's steer the conversation away from the dating life of Kaia Gerber. If not for her sake, then for the sake of Austin, who hates paparazzi and enjoys being as private as possible, let's leave that side out of it. Do him the credit to know that this would be weird news for him no matter who was cast to play Elvis Presley. The truth of this matter is far more insidious than who's ex did what to whom and made this or that movie and why. A film maker took liberties with the life of a living person, who already loved the portrayal offered of her husband. Coppola then decided she knew better.
The less said about the timing of this, the better. The announcement comes before Oscar nominations are announced, one of which will surely go to Austin for his incredible work. This might change the nominations; the academy may hold out and nominate a Coppola film instead. It's not impossible.
The announcement comes the day after the anniversary of the loss of Lori Butler. Without infantalizing a grown man, it is not a stretch to imagine that this is a blow to the actor who's love for his mother bonded him to Elvis and perfected his audition tape.
Maybe Austin doesn't care about all of this.
I think he does, but we shouldn't assume.
If he doesn't care, that's okay. We do. We love this movie. We love Elvis, or at the very least we love Austin portraying him, and we don't want the legacy of this film to be disrupted or harmed.
If you're a longtime Austin fan, the concern might be his first really big acting role wherein he got to show what he could do might not be all it might have been without this direct competitor. It's no longer, "who made the better movie, though our films are about different things?"
Setting aside the fact that Baz Luhrmann also deserves recognition for this masterpiece and Sophia Coppola could take away from that too, this part is relatively simple, at least for me.
The question has become, "Who is the better Elvis?"
My answer, besides Elvis himself, is Austin. No matter who will play him in however many movies over the course of my lifetime, my answer is Austin. I know many of you feel the same. I hope the next few months, and award season, reflects that we are right.
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bakubub · 3 years
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favourite time of year
w/c: 1.2k
written for @kal0psi-a 's halloween collab
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folding the sticky dough carefully, just as the recipe instructed, i try my best to ignore the itching in my nose in a feeble attempt to stay concentrated, but give up when it starts to irritate my eyes.
"eughh, because of you there's flour in my nose," i complain to my boyfriend, who has his chin hooked over my shoulder and very heavily leaning over me.
"hey, don't complain! have you seen my hair?" he asks, stretching his neck to show me. sure enough, his hair is more white than it is black. i rake my hand through it before he can say anything, my dough covered hands clumping his hair together as an avalanche of flour sprinkles all over my chest.
he screeches, jumping back from me and i quickly use this chance to start running, because based on previous incidents, there's a 90% chance he will chase me relentlessly.
his cough from across the kitchen halts my escape plan, "are you happy now? i have flour in my nose too," he complains.
i watch in amusement as a cloud of flour puffs around him in the shape of a mushroom as he sneezes heavily, looking quite literally like a cartoon character and quickly near him to snap a picture. this will do nicely for the autumn section in this year's album.
since we started dating, tetsuro and i have been taking photos of one another, which we organise into albums by year, separated by season. it started when he gave me an album on our first anniversary, now, 6 years later and married, putting together an album of the past year has become tradition. each season we do an activity that correlates with the vibe, and today, we're making pumpkin pie with halloween shape indents because really, what else comes to mind when you think of fall?
i laugh loudly at the photo i took, his face caught mid sneeze, and it seems to flick the switch deep within tetsuro that i thought i had flicked earlier, and his feline gaze snaps to mine, before lurching forward in an attempt to catch me. i move just in the nick of time and run to the other side of the bench. he chases me until we're playing cat and mouse around the bench like children, slowly stalking one another as the other makes it as though they're backtracking but running forward instead.
"give up, wicked witch!" he exclaims, putting his right hand on his heart and holding the other outwards as he closes his eyes, apparently overwhelmed with emotion, "it is i, prince tetsu-" in the midst of his theatrics, i move in for the kill. his need for dramatics is most definitely his achille's heel, i think as i stab him in the hip with my fingers, and he yelps, opening his eyes only to find the mouse catching the cat.
"and the wicked witch of fall wins!" i yell, jumping up and down, getting flour all over the hardwood floors.
"fine, this round goes to you. your reward? a magical kiss from your prince charming," he says, leaning in and halting my celebration.
"the prince kisses the witch? haven't heard this fairy-tale before," i mutter before he silences me by placing a soft but unhurried kiss on my lips. my hands automatically make their way around his neck, and i lean back slightly as his hands firmly hold my waist, providing protection and support even in a moment as miniscule as this. in the glow of the autumn sunset, painting our kitchen with a golden hue, with the man i love in front of me, everything is perfect. we break off, his forehead leaning on mine, neither of us moving away.
"this is our fairy-tale, with its own happy ending."
looking up, I'm met with his golden brown stare, the small specks of gold especially visible in this lighting, practically glowing. his white turtle neck hugging his form nicely, and his raven hair sprinkled with flour, i can't help but wonder if this is what we're going to be like in the future, when we've lived our lives, and grown old together; the only indication of our age being the salt and pepper hair, and the slightly more prominent lines around our eyes from spending a lifetime of smiling.
because that's how it would be, i think, to have tetsuro next to me for eternity, to smile and to laugh every day.
he has to kneel down considerably to reach my lips with his own, to rest his forehead on mine, but the look on his face and the emotion in his familiar, beautiful eyes reflect nothing but comfort and content, genuine even as he says stupid and cliché things. in a way, he’s promising me nothing but a life full of the music of our happiness.
"i love you, witch," he whispers, as if afraid to ruin the moment by speaking.
i kiss him again, before pulling out my secret weapon and dumping more flour over his head. "love you too, prince!" i screech as i run away. i hear his chuckles as he chases after me, muttering empty promises of revenge just as he did before, and every other time, and hopefully, if my luck holds out, every time after.
"okay, nod gonna lie, dis ith really goo-dh" i say, speaking with a mouth full of the pumpkin pie we finally got around to baking.
i watch him snap a photo of me, smiling through my full mouth, knowing full well i have pie all over my mouth and teeth.
“you’ve never looked better, babe,” he says, chuckling, before trying it himself, moaning through his full mouth, "oh mhy gohd." i roll my eyes as he continues, "baby, thth is fudding amathing," he says, taking another, and then another bite.
“slow it down, moron. you’re going to choke and the wicked witch is going to have to ruin her comfy position to give you the heimlich,” i say, my legs crossed on the carpeted floor with my feet nice and warm in my thick panda bear socks.
“how abouth we sthip straighd to the kith of life?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows with a mouth full of pie.
"how about you shuffle the cards, prince? i'll pick a movie," i suggest, or rather order, raising my brows. he salutes sarcastically as he sets down his plate and goes to get our worn out deck of uno cards.
"i thought you were a witch, not a princess," he mutters once he swallows his pie.
"actually, i married the prince so that legally makes me a princess. c'mon tetsuro," i say, pressing play on a random comedy to play in the background.
with the fireplace going under the television, and our pumpkin spice and cinnamon candles lit, the room is cozy, warm and calm.
that is until tetsuro yells his profanities about me placing a 2+ on his 4+.
"since WHEN?! THIS WASN'T THE RULE LAST WEEK!" i scream back, refusing to back down. i am not picking up four cards. "i would never cheat. unlike YOU," i accuse, shoving another fork full of the pie into my mouth in defiance.
he dramatically gasps shoving a fork full of pie into his own mouth, and glares at me. i glare right back, both of us wordlessly agreeing that whoever loses the staring competition loses the uno argument. ignoring the burning in my eyes, i keep my expression neutral as i watch the tears building up in tetsuro's lashline, his right eye twitching and turning slightly red.
"YES!" i scream as he blinks, wiping his eyes and sighing dramatically before beginning to pick up six cards, unable to come up with an excuse.
i laugh mercilessly and we continue the game, which i ended up winning after he picked up another 12 cards, flashing me the 'please have mercy on me' eyes every time he reached for the deck.
"you really are a wicked little witch aren't you?" he mutters as he gets up. i snort in response, eating the last of my pie.
"i wanna another slice," he announces. "you want?" nodding eagerly, i give him my plate.
"i want a slice with a bat," i call out, referring to the misshapen shapes we cut out on the top layer of the pie.
when he came back, he halted at the door as he silently watches me set up face masks and mani-pedi equipment on the coffee table, the entire pie tray with two forks, instead of two slices, in his hands. i raised my eyebrows, and he mirrors my expression towards my makeshift salon on the floor of our living room.
we both shrug and he comes and sits next to me, picking up a face mask packet and reading the description.
"ooh! aloe vera!"
that's how we ended up watching shitty comedies all night with white face masks on and stomachs stuffed with pie.
laying in bed my head resting on tetsuro's shoulder and my hand rhythmically stroking his hair, i bask in the feeling of comfort and my mind being stress free. shielded from the cold night with a million blankets and the massive man sleeping next to me, with my especially cold, numb feet tucked under his thigh, i match my breathing with his easily as i follow after him into a deep slumber.
because that's what the season of autumn is about, really. taking it easy after the adventurous months that were spring and summer, to rewind and become a home-bug again as the weather cools down. and these moments with tetsuro?
these moments are what makes this my favourite time of year.
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ahhh this was so, so fun!! special thanks to @/kal0psi-a for organising this entire collab <3
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
Warning(s): Are they back to bickering again? Like an old married couple ? Bucky Barnes gets a surprise.
Please read the other parts of this book using links from the Masterlist.
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Three more months later,
(Six months ever since you left the Avengers Facility)
Bucky lowered his cap, and so did Natasha, Steve, Clint and Sam as they pushed their way through a swarm of drunk college kids that were dancing to a loud, buzzing electronic music.
"All these years, and I still don't get how this is even good. Buck and I can tell you how a good clubbing was done, back in the 1940s– " Steve was screaming on the top of his lungs.
"God, this is giving me a goddamn headache, why are we here again?" Bucky raised a brow, and fixed a cold, impassive glare on Sam.
"I was born on this day. I have the right to call the shots." Sam pointed out, and Natasha just grinned, her body almost swaying to the beats that were playing.
"God, at least they have drinks. Come on punk. I think the only place the two of us can be is the bar." Bucky nudged Steve and Sam just rolled his eyes while he and Natasha started dancing, Natasha rolling her hips in a seductive way while Sam was just sort of moving his hands.
Bucky, Clint and Steve walked up to the bar and they fixed themselves in a corner, their eyes scanning around as Clint smirked, "Come on, loosen up, grandpa's. What are we drinking?"
"I'm not drinking– "
"We'll have the four roses bourbon– "
Both Bucky and Steve spoke at the exact same time, and Bucky narrowed his eyes as he looked at his best friend, "Really? You people drag me out here and we're not even drinking ?"
"Buck, what's the whole point of drinking when we can't even get drunk?" Steve just shrugged, while Bucky just shook his head.
"It's better than nothing."
"Well I can't win from you. Let's do it. Although I'm not sure I even heard about that before," Steve chuckled and pulled a barstool, so he could fix himself on it as Clint spoke to the bartender.
The bartender placed the drinks on the counter, and Bucky curled his flesh fingers around his drink, lifting it up and placing it to his lips, his eyes watching Natasha and Sam, as they made their way towards them.
"Not fair? You started without us, Cap." Natasha smirked at Steve, and leant against the counter so she can throw in her words to the bartender, telling him what she wanted to drink. Sam just made his way closer to the men, standing next to Clint and slowly turning towards three girls that were standing by the dance floor, their drinks in their hands, but their eyes were on them.
"Well check that out. I call dibs on the one in green. Damn." Sam smirked, and Steve just shook his head in disapproval, and brought his drink up to his lips, while Clint smirked and rubbed his palms together, "Nah, I'm good mate. You can have her. I have a good one back home."
"Hey, she is looking at you man." Sam nudged Bucky's knee using his elbow and he just rolled his eyes in the most casual manner and turned his head to listen to what Sam had to say, when his eyes fell on one of the girls, who was biting her lip, staring at him. Disinterested, he just turned away; back into his drink, staring at the glass when Natasha just blurted out, regretting her words immediately, "lover boy's just waiting for Y/N to come back, bring him the hottest woman on earth now, he would still want her back."
Bucky's grip tightened on the glass, and instinctively, Steve grabbed his flesh arm, to hold him back before he could lose his control and do something he would later regret.
"Barnes, I didn't mean it," Natasha immediately added.
"You women often say things that you never mean, which is why I don't bloody understand the things that goes on in those minds of yours," Bucky brought up his index finger, placing it on Natasha's temple, tapping it twice.
The lot fell silent then, each of them now lost in their own trivial thoughts. Bucky replayed the conversation he had with you in your apartment, and how you had said that you didn't mean it. He just scoffed, and shook his head, a little too obviously and Steve started looking at him, noticing his friend's sudden weirdness before his phone beeped in his pocket and he pulled it out. "Great, Tony wants us back at the towers. Someone hacked into two of the HYDRA bases systems in Kazakhstan and Hungary. It was live for two minutes before they took it off, but Tony managed to get his hands on a few cryptic codes and coordinates." Steve stood up, his broad, bulky frame almost blocking out the lighting behind him, as he slid his phone back into his pocket.
"Well, it couldn't have been the government, or CIA. Does Tony know the potential hacker?" Clint raised an eyebrow, and Natasha crossed her arms over her chest.
"Couldn't be traced. But again, if we can figure out those cryptic codes and coordinates, we will have a lead." Steve called out before turning around to leave.
"Romanoff, you get anything?" Tony called out, while Natasha just grunted in annoyance, not even bothering to crane her neck to look back from one of the computer screens, as her fingers skillfully glided across the keypad, typing here and there. Bucky leant by the wall, eyeing Steve's computer screen, watching him intently as he was struggling to turn the cryptic symbols into something meaningful.
"Bingo, I think I have it," Natasha yelled, and immediately, the four of them flocked around her screen, staring down at the brightly lit screen.
"Eighth Avenue, Tech Laboratories?" Bucky mumbled, his eyes squinted slightly as he leaned over Natasha's back, typing something onto the computer so that the maps came up.
"But those labs have been shut down ages back, illegal animal testing and shit." Tony replied, in a casual tone and Steve just bit his lip.
"That's the whole point, Tony. Whoever this is, whatever is going on, it's illegal, which is why there's this shade."
"Guys I hate to break it to you, the more we stay here talking, we might end up missing whatever is going on out there," Natasha deadpanned giving them a serious look, and Steve nodded.
It didn't take them very long to reach the old, abandoned laboratories that looked stale and dinghy in comparison to the other buildings surrounding it. It was weird and confusing why this building hadn't been taken down yet. Another thing to notice was, that the building, although miniscule, the empty land that was in the boundary of this building was massive, and yet secluded.
Bucky and Steve stepped off their bikes, while Natasha got off hers, with Sam riding pillion behind her. Their hands flew to their gun holsters and immediately, they drew out their guns. Their eyes fell on a black sedan that was parked a few meters away; and they knew that whoever this was, was probably still inside. Steve's index finger flew to his lips, as the four of them, with quiet steps starting making their way into the building, their eyes scanning the vicinity for anything that was off.
"Do we split up or – " Sam begin but Bucky have him a glare, and he pressed his lips shut, " my bad."
The four of them walked in deeper, noticing an intense change in the heat level inside as compared to the outside. The inside of the laboratories were freezing, and it felt like they were inside a freezer. Climbing a flight of stairs, making sure they didn't press much weight to the stairs, not wanting the stairs to announce their arrival, they stepped onto the first floor, and reflexively, they stopped, when they heard a familiar voice.
"Well, does everything look okay to you?"
Natasha's head snapped towards Steve in recognition, and his eyes widened, his own head snapping towards Bucky.
"Hey, why the fuck does the voice sound like Fury?" Sam whispered in Bucky 's ear.
"Because it's Fury, Sam."
Before Sam could speak, another voice reached their ears, and this voice was foreign, and unknown.
"Mr. Fury, this is something unlike I've ever seen. Those cells are multiplying at a rate faster than a normal human growth rate. These bruises, these bruises you see aren't something very common for a six month old fetus, yes they kick and all, but this is– "
"Holy shit, Fury probably knocked up a girl. Boy I think we are just at the wrong place at the wrong–  " Sam began whispering again, much to the annoyance of the others. They all turned towards him at the exact same time, ready to shut him up when a soft, feminine voice started speaking; a voice all of them were aware of.
"Did Erskine's serum cause any damage to my baby?"
James Buchanan Barnes turned white like a chalk. His eyes and his mouth were frozen wide open, in an expression of shock, and although he was staring straight at Steve; he appeared not to notice him at all, and all he could think of was what he had just heard. Steve took his best friend's side, placing his palm softly on his bicep, slightly shaking him out of his daze. Whoever that third person was, had probably left by now, and from what they could hear; it was just Fury and Y/N inside.
"I know you want to go and pull those motherfuckers out of their shitholes, Y/N, I really know you do, but right now, they are going to come after you and try to get their hands on that kid."
"And you think I'd let them ? I'd break every single bone in their bodies. Those pesky rodents, they deserve to be wiped off, you know it," You hissed, through pursed lips, unaware that a set of four eyes were now watching you and Fury from the corner. You were sitting on what looked like a gurney, your feet dangling off the edge. A loose fitting shrug was covering your shoulders, your palms cradling your pretty evident baby bump.
"I'm tired of dealing with your stubborn ass. This is the time to stay hidden."
"I am not going to do anything stupid Fury, not until this little guy's here," You hopped off the gurney, and ran your fingers through your hair, using your shrug to try and hide the bulge of your belly, before you looked towards the back entrance.
"Call me later, I'm gonna use that back door and get the hell out of here."
"Whatever, snarky," Fury smirked.
"Don't get started," you warned, making your way out through the back, your gun resting securely in the waist of your stretchable pants.
Nick Fury waited a few seconds until he had made sure that you had gotten out safely from the back. He then turned around, and casually started walking out; only to come face to face with four semi to super pissed Avengers.
"Fury," Steve was the first one to break the silence; and sensing that the four had probably heard it all, Fury lost the defensiveness in his stance and took a deep breath.
"Yeah, I didn't tell any of you because she didn't want me to," he was eyeing Bucky now, who had a tight squared jaw.
"How long have you known?" He raised an eyebrow, stepping in front of Steve.
"She came to me three months back, didn't know where else to go." He stopped speaking for a split second and then, in a low voice, almost grumbled under his breath, "I told her it is always a bad idea to hook up with a colleague; look where it landed her. First, it got her married to a fucking HYDRA dick, and second, it got her pregnant with a super soldier's spawn. When does she ever listen? And you, don't even get me started. You were the bastard that knocked her up."
"Come on, Fury. That's just harsh," Natasha chimed in.
"Guys, can I talk?"
Steve, Fury, Bucky and Natasha turned towards Sam and they gave him a quizzical expression, while Bucky just glared at him.
"The thing is, those coordinates, that hacked details, what the hell was that?"
Fury's eyes widened and he clenched his fists tighter against his side, stepping closer towards Sam, "What coordinates? What hacking?"
"It looked like someone hacked into the HYDRA system, we found these coordinates, and that's why we found out the secrets that you were hiding Fury," Natasha defended Sam immediately, as she winked playfully at Bucky. This is when Fury suddenly turned, pulling out his gun, and began sprinting towards the back entrance; as quickly as his legs could carry him, bolting down the lab.
"Where the hell are you going?" Bucky followed his pace with his own grueling pace, managing to reach him in a split second, and so did the other three.
"Those hackers weren't hacking from HYDRA. It was most probably HYDRA getting into our systems, the non official ones, to find her. They've landed on a jackpot, a freaking Winter Soldier baby. And if what you're saying is true, they're here already, and Y/N is probably in trouble."
Meanwhile, this wasn't supposed to happen, not again.
No one knew of this place, then who were these men?
You slowly slid your palm into your shrug, pulling out your loaded gun. You were pregnant, but you definitely weren't a damsel in distress, and if need arose, you were going to fight the HYDRA scum. Your mind was already working on the calculations; there were four of them, and maybe, there were more. They had a plus one on you, but yet, you had an edge. They couldn't hurt you, if what they really wanted was your child.
"Никто не должен умирать. Пожалуйста, пойдем с нами, и мы не причиним тебе вреда." One of them stepped towards you, and instinctively you stepped one step back, raising your gun in the air, until you were in a face off.
"Sorry, gentlemen, I don't do Russian, my mum did nag me to learn it, but unfortunately, I never did. Can we switch to good ol' English now?" You hissed, venom in your voice.
"Miss Y/N. Let's not do that, shall we? One squeeze of a trigger from either you or my men, it's going to be a disaster," the man spoke in thick Russian accent, and you rolled your eyes, trying to look through this man's mask. This was where you made a mistake. They had orders not to kill you, but not to not hurt you. You dropped your guard for one second when this man spoke, but just when this happened, the bullet from another man's gun hit you right on your palm and your gun dropped; clattering to the ground with a loud noise, leaving your palm in a stinging, burning pain, blood spurting out of the hole the bullet had made right in the center.
In that frozen second between the stand off you saw the man's eyes flick from you to your belly and a faint nod passed between him and his men, a sort of a signal. Your faces are unreadable, no fear, no invitational smirk, just plain hatred in your eyes, and passiveness in his. One of them suddenly lunged forward, when your reflexes kicked in, and you immediately ducked, this proving to be much more difficult now. You threw out your leg, kicking the man hard in his shins until he hit the floor hard with the blow, when another one lunged at you, trying to grab you.
Punches, kicks, hard blows.
You had lost to them once, and had been unable to protect your son, but this time, you were not planning on letting history repeat. You were going to fight, for your life, and you were going to protect this child, no matter what it took.
The four men and one woman soared through the hallway at the back, their guns blazing as they ran towards the back entrance from where you had just left, minutes back. Gunshots rang out from all around them now, which meant that Fury was right; HYDRA was here and you were in danger. Bucky could feel his heart beat in his chest, pounding, banging, trying to get out. He kept running forward and ahead of the others, feeling as though his blood were on fire. His limbs were moving on their own. He was disconnected from everything but the ever present sound of his drumming heart as he kicked the back door with his foot, watching it fly off its hinges and land a distance away with a crash.
The first thing their eyes fell on were the black uniformed corpses that were spread out evenly on the floor; two with a bullet mark, and two who had a gruesome bite on the side of the neck and the other one probably having had snapped his neck. But within seconds, Natasha's eyes had spotted you in a corner, sitting against the floor, your head resting against the wall at the back, your bleeding hand pressed against your chest.
Your eyes were open, your mind was awake and alert, but the adrenaline of it all was too much. You felt liberated, and free, that finally, you had managed to something you had failed in. You had, for now, saved yourself. And it was all on you.
The rest of the Avengers crowded around you, Natasha kneeling next to you as she shook you gently, her voice soft against your ears, "Are you okay? You took them out yourself?"
"Yea, I'm peachy."
Your smirk reached your eye, and everyone, including Bucky, gave you a smile back; they were all relieved. You placed your palms on the floor, in an attempt to pull yourself back up when Bucky suddenly stepped forward, leaning over you.
Your eyes met his, the second his eyes were face level with yours. The blue in his eyes looked bluer than the ocean. Six months, and you had forgotten how beautiful this man was, how beautiful, yet how broken. You placed your arm around his neck, a mutual understanding passing between the two of you, and the minute he sensed that you were securely latched to his shoulder, his metal arm held you from your waist, pulling you up to your feet until you were back up.
"Buck, we should all get back. Before they come back in more force," Steve commented, breaking the moment between the two of you.
"Well, this was nice," you drawled, absentmindedly, your hand flying up to your frenzied hair as you started curling your index finger against one of the strands. "I should leave."
"The only place you're going now is the Avengers Towers," Bucky crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at you.
"Did I ask you? You don't have a say in this."
"Jesus, not the two of you again." Natasha sighed, in a frustrated way, running her hands through her hair as she walked off.
"Well, that's my kid in there. I won't take a no. Now, you can voluntarily choose to come with me, back where you should be or–" He took a step closer to you, his face bent slightly so he was glaring into your eyes, not with anger, but with a look of determination.
"Or, what?"
"I'll lift you up and carry you there myself."
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thatsjustjk · 3 years
Cruel Summer│JJK
Summary: When summer comes around, all you think about is how much of a dread your upcoming camp’s going to be, well, it turned out to be the opposite.
{strangers to lovers}
Pairing: Popular!jungkook × popular!reader
Genre: fluff, comedy, romance, young love
Word count (so far): 1.3k words
Warnings: none!
Note: Yes, the title is based on Taylor's iconic song, I've been in love with it for a long time now( ꈍᴗꈍ) This is basically one of those feel-good stories which you'd wish happened to you. It's one of those stories that probably wouldn't happen in real life but it did! Not to me though haha, to one of my closest friends, but of course I altered it here and there to make it more of a story.
I'm gonna keep updating it and not post part by part just to keep it all in one place. But I'll put in dividers to make it easier! Hope you guys like it
July 16th                                           
How convenient is it that I had a train to catch in about 15 minutes and yet we were stuck in traffic? It wasn’t convenient at all, it was bogus. Why did the streets have to be so crowded at 11:00 in the morning on a Sunday? God knows.
I really didn’t want to go to this camp, but my parents thought it was going to be educational or whatever.
Some people may say I’m crazy for dreading summer camp but I was supposed to have a big family trip that month and I was really looking forward to it cause’ I hadn’t seen my cousins in so long, god, I missed them.
Anyway, we arrived at the station, thank god, I didn’t want to sit in that car shaped oven for longer. “Y/N! here!” I heard my friends scream from the other side of the track. “The train’s almost here, come on” they said again as I walked over to the stairs quickly, my dad right behind me.
“Okay sweetie, be safe, get along with everyone, and call me every day.” My dad says as he pulls me into a tight hug while the train makes a loud appearance.
I rush down the stairs to reach the other side to where the rest of my campmates and teachers stood. "I'm so sorry I'm late, my dad assumed there'd be no traffic today" I explain in a rushed manner as my teacher in charge- my science teacher struck off my name in a small notebook, keeping track of who's here and who isn't.
Just as the last of us were about to climb in, a voice shouts from the staircase- "I'M HERE, I'M HERE" The voice belonged to a boy with dark, slightly wet hair who sported grey sweatpants and a loose band-tee. I think his name was Kook or something, I've only seen him playing basketball before so he's definitely not in my grade, I concluded all while staring at the boy who made a new appearance.
"Guess I wasn't that late after all" I remark to my friend who was struggling to pull her luggage up with her. I would've usually made fun of her but our suitcases were truly heavy, we were going to a hill station and most of our clothes were just sweaters. After I help her with her suitcase, I was about to haul my suitcase up but another set of hands helped me with a push, what do you know, it was the guy I was staring at. Don't get me wrong, I don't like him or anything, I just daydream when I think about something.
"Thank you! I'm Y/N by the way" I introduce myself briskly as he hauls up his own suitcase. He seems strong, he'd do well in the camp I think to myself when he finally replies "I know who you are Y/N" he says, taking me aback "you're pretty popular, you know" "well, I know your name too, it's kook isn't it?" he chuckles before saying "It's Jungkook but you're free to call me Kook if you want" "Kook! Y/N!" a familiar voice from inside the train calls out to both of us. It was Jimin, I knew him from Spanish class. Oh yeah, he and Kook are on the same basketball team.
I wheel my suitcase towards the busy compartment but just then our teacher interjects "Boys and Girls are supposed to be in separate compartments, sorry guys" she shrugs "We all know you're gonna be together throughout, I was just told to inform you about the sleeping arrangements that's all" I smile to Jimin before wheeling my suitcase forward to the compartment the rest of the girls were in.
The trip was starting to get better than I imagined- I knew most of the people already (since this was a school trip anyway) and made friends with the ones I didn't.
"How many crushes have you had so far?" The rest of us groan. It was 3am and we were supposed to be awake by 4. We had stayed up talking and playing stupid games like Truth or dare and charades. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I get up and slither through the small crowd. "Hey, me too, I need to go to the baño too" Jimin appears from behind. I giggle at his attempt to incorporate Spanish into his sentences like I told him to. "So, what's up? How do you like the trip so far, even though it's just started" "I've been having so much fun, everyone seems so nice" I say as we checked which of the bathrooms were vacant. "Yeah, I've been looking forward to this since the day our club announced it, and most of my friends from basketball are here too so" he shrugs with a grin. "I actually didn't need to go to the bathroom, my leg just fell asleep" I disclose, "ME TOO!"
"FANCY YOU 지금 너에게로 갈래-" "oh my god shut it off!" I shout out to no one in particular. I don't know why anyone would want to wake up to a song like this. Again- don't get me wrong, I love Twice, I know the entire choreography of fancy. "Girls wake up, we're almost there" the familiar voice of my science teacher wakes me up from my slumber fully. I kind of forgot I was on a train.
"you kind of look like a chipmunk in the morning" mina, my friend says as she examines my droopy face. "oh my god! how dare you?" I act overdramatic as I place one of hands on my forehead. I hear someone giggle and I see Jungkook from the side of my eye "What are you laughing at you bunny?" His eyebrows shoot up as he looks at me with a confused but betrayed look "When did I come into this conversation? and me? bunny? don't be ridiculous" he huffs. "Okay, kids! this is the last stop so don't worry about rushing and check for all of your belongings before getting down"
After the teachers confirm that all of us have gotten out, we all trudge along towards the parking lot and then onto our bus. Mina sat with her boyfriend, Seokjin- I never really liked him, mainly cause me and Mina can never spend time together like we used to, and also I never understood his jokes. Jimin sat with his other friend from basketball, Hoseok- or also known as my ex, but it was very casual, we thought we liked each other but we decided we'd rather be friends. But yeah Hobi is a sweetheart, we're still friends but not as close as we used to be, it bothers me sometimes but it was inevitable.
Everyone had found their seats already since I'd been one of the last ones to put my luggage in the trunk "Hey, there's an open seat here" Jungkook calls out to me from the end of the bus. He's sitting with Namjoon, Yoongi, Sona, Taehyung and Rya. I grin as I walk over to the small lot "Are you sure I can fit in here?" I question "Yeah! Of course you can, there's plenty of room for one more person" Taehyung says as he scoots over and motions for everyone else to do the same. I thank him as I quickly plop down next to Namjoon.
"You like Selena too? me too! I've been there since she started wizards of Waverly place!" I scream quietly since half the bus was asleep. We were listening to Jungkook's playlist, and turns out we have the same music taste, he loves all of my favorite artists. "Me too! I loved Alex! She was basically my first crush" he says while scrunching up his nose. "Y/N, please switch seats with me" a groggy Namjoon pleads while looking at me. "Oops, of course, I didn't realize we were being that loud"
After a few hours of listening to music and drooling on my make-shift pillow a.k.a my bag, we arrived at the campsite we were going to be spending the rest of the trip.
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