#i think using hand to hand combat as a knight would be deemed unorthodox or even dirty fighting but he couldn't care less when cornered...
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incandescentia · 4 months ago
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Killian: Violence is not the answer. Violence is not the answer. Violence is not the answer. Violence is not the answer. Okay, you know what? Fuck it. Violence IS the answer *roundhouse kicks you*
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flipthescreen · 5 years ago
I figured I’d write down the full story of Galactis properly so here is it (part 1)
Born towards the end of the first great galactic war, Ja’ Ko was Born to a Notorious sith lord known as Darth Mayhem, who was renound among her peers for her powerbase and power, and an unnamed sith lord. Naturally it wouldn’t take long for the childs affinity with the force to take shape, thanks to his mother he was able to stay out of the sith Academy on korriban until she deemed him ready. During his childhood Darth Mayhem wouldn’t let her son out of her sight, thought he will never admit he has any memory of it as the 2 didn’t actually speak much, being left to his own devices he would try to copy what his mother and her apprentices did with the force, eventually being able to throw soldiers long distances by the time he was 12. Entering into his teen years Darth Mayhem moved him back to her estate on ziost in a bid to stop her main rival, Darth Malgus, from finding out about him and trying to use him as some kind of bargaining chip against her forces and herself. During this time he would find himself messing with the guard droids around the estate whenever he wasn’t trying to copy the various apprentices and loyal sith that also lived at the estate, and due to his aggressive, distant and child like nature a lot of people considered him a nuisance, one of which tried to rat out his existence to Malgus before imperial intelligence stopped him. Eventually at the sith academy overseer tremel was under pressure and threat to find someone to outmatch Vemrin, who was becoming a threat to his continued existence, eventually hearing about Darth Mayhem’s son from one of her apprentices. Running out of options Tremel approached the dark lord about the prospect of her son going through the trials the become sith, now Darth Mayhem had always planned to send him to the academy before he became an adult in order to make sure he excelled when he became sith. After the situation at the Academy with Vemrin being explained to her she begrudgingly allowed her son to be put through to trials, but not before warning Tremel that if Ja’ Ko died she would do much worse than whatever  Vemrin would do to him. Ja’ Ko, now taking on the name of Galactis to represent his desire to be known across the galaxy, soon arrived on Korriban going through the trials, and it didn’t take long for Darth Baras to know of his presence, he may have been unaware for a little longer regardless of Galactis’ actions due to his massive ego and Vemrin’s sudden distaste for basically everyone now. Baras sent Galactis on very unorthodox tasks around Korriban, in order to test his skill against the other powerful acolytes, over the next few days. Galactis eventually became very popular among acolytes who had been pushed around by Vemrin, which was nearly everyone. around this time Vemrin’s girlfriend was finally getting fed up with his shit and decided she wanted to spite him, and approached Galactis and after explaining her own issues with Vemrin and Galactis egar to always get one over on him, and eventually Vemrins Girlfriend cheated on him with Galactis, and Vemrin found out quickly enough and was pissed, only fueling Galactis’ ego with the ability to get under his rivals skin. soon enough Galactis and Vemrin were sent on their final trial, to enter the tomb of Naga sadow and claim a lightsaber in order to become Baras’ apprentice, at this time Galactis had been given the option to have a twi’lek prisoner, vette, help him find where the lightsaber was hidden, whilst in the tombs Galactis’ forcibly removed the shock collar on his companion, his reason being that his own mother didn’t like the idea of owning slaves, as in her words “A slaves loyalty is never guaranteed, a free being serves far more loyally than one that isn’t” and Galactis was just raised in that way. Eventually making their way into the tomb of where the lightsaber Galactis sought was kept they found Vemrin to be tailing them, who Galactis quickly disposed of because Vemrin would not shut up even when he was outmatched. Returning to Baras succesful Galactis was apointed his apprentice and given ownership of Vette, which he quickly renounced, this caught his master’s curiosity. (Baras knew Darth Mayhem had a child due to his close ties with the Dark council but was never aware of their identity) However despite not owning her, on Carrick station Galactis asked her to join him too Dromund kaas, his motivation at the time being an attempt to start up his own power base at the time, vette agreed to the offer as despite not really wanting to hang around a sith, Galactis was her only way of staying safe among the empire’s anti-alien policies. Upon arriving on Dromund kaas Galactis decided to take advantage of his mothers name and introduced himself as “Galactis Mayhem” at Kaas city in order to get passed certain restrictions and get some armour tailored for himself and Vette. Once meeting up with Baras in his office he was sent on a variety of tasks, dealing with a slave revlolt, orchestating an attack against the rogue sith lord Gratham, going as far as to kill him and eventually ventured into the dark temple to help Baras get infomation out of a republic agent. The agent revealed infomation regarding Baras’ personal enemy, Jedi Master Nomen karr, and his new padawan who posed a threat to baras’ agents spread across the republic and galaxy. Without a name or anymore infomation on Nomen Karr and his padawan, Baras sent Galactis and vette to choke out his agents at risk of being exposed, first sending them to balmora to meet up with one of his most loyal servants, Malivai Quinn. With Quinn’s help the 2 dispossed of the first of Baras’ agents with ease and took care of a jedi spy who was on her way to inform Nomen Karr that his padawan was at risk, Baras deemed that his apprentice would need more than quick thinking and power to deal with Nomen Karr, and his own plans to expose Baras, and thus reassigned Quinn to Galactis’ crew. The next stop was Nar Shaddaa to stop an agent under the protection of a sith lord called Rathari, with the help of another one of Baras’ loyal servants, Halidrell Setsyn, Galactis located a quarry with repblic soldiers, right before he took his strike at the soldiers, Quinn stopped him advising to spare the soldiers in order to receive help in a fight against Rathari, to Galactis’ surprise, Quinn’s idea worked, this began giving him some power hungry ideas about his confrontation with Rathari. After besting Rathari in combat, Rathari struck down the agent Galactis was sent to kill, at first he was upset Galactis didn’t take the agent’s life, but the idea to have a reputable sith Lord in his arsenal quickly changed his mood, in exchange for his loyalty, Galactis spared Rathari’s life, Rathari, respecting his power and in no position to try anything, agreed to his terms, warning Galactis of Baras’ history with his apprentices before departing. After taking a moment to breath Baras contacted Galactis and his crew informing them to head to tatooine and seek out a jedi master who could reveal important infomation on the padawan that was causing such a threat to his plans, Galactis suggested the idea of trying to turn the padawan to the dark side instead of destroying them, this caused Baras to point out that Vette and Quinn were growing on Galactis too much and he should bite his tongue when making a suggestion like that before hanging up, this comment pissed Galactis off a lot and he headed out to tatooine feeling very angry. At one point on Tatooine Galactis was forced to view his light side reflection, and struck it down, denouncing the light side of the force, claiming sith or not that the galaxy would fear his power. Upon finding the Jedi master he sought out, he was able to get a name before striking them, and the jedi knight with them down, Jaesa willsaam. After informing Baras of the name, he tracked down her parents to Alderaan, but before Galactis could make it there he had to deal with a republic ship that had been evesdropping on him for Nomen Karr, who had been made aware they were closing in on reaching his padawan, however to his disappointment, Galactis could not confront Karr face to face and left the ship with it’s crew massacred, feeling even more angry than he had been on tatooine. On Alderaan Galactis hunted down Jaesa Willsaam’s parents and killed them off, with no further leads he returned to his ship to relax for once.
And for about 5 minutes he came up with the idea of learning how to cook for himself and right before he was about to try making a pizza the ships holocom began beeping, letting the pizza stay in the oven to answer it, and to his surprise he wasn’t about to be speaking with his master, but rather, Jaesa Willsaam offered a meeting between the 2 in an attempt to stop his rampage across the galaxy, however he left quinn and vette to organize a location because he set his pizza on fire. At the meeting Galactis found out that his luck was not turning out to be very good, as instead of finding Jaesa Willsaam was 2 jedi knights, stationed there after Nomen Karr found out about Jaesa’s plan to meet Galactis, which he promptly murdered. Back on his ship Baras called informing that Nomen Karr had challenged him to a duel to the death on Hutta, Baras took a “cowardly move” as Galactis put it, by sending him instead of going himself. However in yet another idea to expand his power base he could go against Baras’ wishes and turn Jaesa to the dark side. Upon meeting Nomen Karr things went down less than plesant, Nomen Karr became infuriated that Baras didn’t show up himself and with the experience to outmatch Galactis’ raw power, beat the apprentice to a bloody pulp, prepared to kill him in order to force Baras’ hand, however Karr made a mistake and began to monologue about what would happen to the empire once Baras’ network was exposed, and gave Galactis the chance to get back up and knock Nomen Karr out, some soldiers sent by Baras soon showed up to tie up Karr and heal Galactis in preparation for Jaesa’s arrival. After about an hour she did and felt saw Nomen karr’s true self, and began begging Galactis to explain what had happened, which he did, explaining Karr didn’t uphold his jedi code and nearly killed him (to this day Jaesa is the only person who knows this happened) and convinced her the only way to stop jedi from lying through their teeth to the galaxy was to join him, ultimately turning her to the dark side, however he realised he may have made a mistake the second she beheaded Nomen Karr the second he tried to convince Jaesa not to join Galactis. Baras finally took note of his apprentices skill and power despite his oddities and behaviour and made him a sith lord allowing Jaesa to become his apprentice, however Galactis was not prepared by any means to train Jaesa, who, without the restrictions of the jedi code turned out to be a handful, however Galactis saw a lot of himself in her so he let her behaviour slide. One day on Carrick station he was approached by a droid, claiming it had an important transmission for him, Galactis agreed to hear things out and was greeted by a holo of Darth Malgus, who luckily didn’t know who Galactis was outside of being the sith who defeated Nomen Karr, inviting Galactis to help find someone known as the emperors jedi prisoner and to meet with a moff, the champion of the great hunt, Lord Kallig and his Dashade, Khem Val and an agent from imperial intelligence to infiltrate a republic capital ship and take control of it, which they did. Afterwards they were sent to a place called the foundry to take care of the escaped prisoner, finding droids commanded by a unique droid that called itself HK-47, the 5 made quick work, of it, the agent from intelligence, Cipher 9, began going through files to find out who this prisoner was, the only name he could find was Revan, this peaking the attention of the 2 other sith Lords who said they had heard that name from a cult on dromund kaas, The bounty hunter and Galactis had no clue what they were on about of course, eventually the 5 became face to face with Revan himself, Galactis, not a fan of monologues made a pre-emptive strike and was sent flying backwards, and Revan continued his monologue, and the 5 engaged the mad jedi master in combat eventually however they weren’t sure if he died or not as he disappeared in a blinding light. Revan had certainly left a bad taste in Galactis’ mouth, returning to his ship he explained what had happened to his crew members, which prompted Quinn to start lecturing everyone about imperial history (end of part 1)
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What would naruto neji lee and shikamaru think of another style of warrior from another land? Like a Knight or maybe a Mage. How would they handle such unorthodox combat and 'jutsu' (illusions cast without hand signs wtf)? Would they make friends?
Ah I love this request so much! I’d always imagined there’d be other continents out in the Naruto vers. that would have no idea what jutsu was and instead relied on western high-fantasy skills so this was a real treat!
~Mod Whipski
If their style of combat was more traditional swordplay he would most likely compare their techniques to taijutsu. While mages would be linked with normal jutsu. Naruto is the type that needs to rationalize subject matter he doesn’t understand by linking it to something he finds familiar. 
Naruto, of course, if his normal friendly self and would probably buddy up with a pebble given half the chance. He’d have no problem befriending the new guys on the block.
He’d probably be more impressed with those who could use magic then those who focused only on the blade. Though he would also be inspired by those who would still fight regardless of the fact that they couldn’t use jutsu or magic.
The usual ‘fight me even though I don’t understand what you are capable of’ attitude. 
Shikamaru would be more hesitant towards trusting those with strange abilities from a far off land. You don’t become an adviser to the Hokage by trusting anyone who crosses the boarder. 
It would take time and a whole lot of convincing to befriend Shikamaru. His reluctance stemming from his experiences in the past (Looking at you 2nd Movie) and his preconceived notions of ‘Western Abilities’ = a bad time. 
He’d still be rather curios about magic/mages the most. Jutsu without hand signs are usually a limited ability and yet it could provide an edge in battle.   
He’d probably want to study magic and the arcane but lets be honest he never actually would unless  someone could explain it quickly and effectively. Which is, again, probably unlikely.
Lee is more incline to befriend those without magic. Drawn to the fact that they can be considered some of their countries greatest warriors despite not possessing any superhuman abilities.
He’d wonder if maybe he would have the ability to use magic since it does not rely on chakra to work. He’d most likely try and find someone to teach him the basics just to see if he could.
Lee is by nature non-judgmental and hardworking so he would have no problem befriending someone from another land. But he’s also smart enough to understand that they shouldn’t be trusted on sight. As long as they’ve proved themselves to be of good merit with the village, friendship would be easy.
Honestly, Neji would be the most skeptical of the group. He would not be having ANY of these foreigners shit. Jutsu with exceptional power without handsigns? Members that obviously ‘chose’ not to use such an ability? Bullshit. What makes it worse is that he can’t even track their abilities with his byakugan. 
Totally deemed them untrustworthy from the very start. Avoids them at all costs.
If he was going to ever befriend one it would not be a mage. He’d lean more towards the warriors because at least that was he could reason that they were more like Lee or an awful version of Tenten.
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