#i think this also happens in phantom idk it's been a looong time since i listened to phantom
walterdecourceys · 1 year
why are you, as a man, reprising a love song in your emotional darkest hour
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discountskeppy · 8 months
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1. golden wind
2. steel ball run
3. stone ocean
4. diamond is unbreakable
5. stardust crusaders
6. phantom blood
7. battle tendency
honestly, i think i love (or at least like...) every single part, a lot of these are really close together, like if i could id put 5 and 7 both into first place, and then 6 and 4 both in second. but that's not how rankings work! so i had to really pick apart all of them for little details that would make it go above or below another.
putting 5 above 7 kinda hurts because, objectively, yes steel ball run is an INCREDIBLE story. even completely outside of the jojo framework it is genuinely amazing. but when it comes down to it... golden wind just means more to me personally, like its more near to my heart. this could be entirely because ive just known it longer. like i just finished sbr VERY recently so maybe it has to simmer in my mind more but idk. see i was (and still kinda am) one of those people who obsessed over EVERY part 5 character, and something like that... it sticks with you. okay. you never recover from that.
in part 6 and 4 i have the OPPOSITE problem, where i have pretty much equal personal feelings so i have to go off of objectivity. part 6 is just better written than part 4, like factually. what part 4 is really missing is something part 6 excels at, and that's character development. the character development in parts 6 + 7 (and also 8 probably, but im only on like chapter 30) is just incredible, and before that jojo had been... kinda lacking in that regard. and that pretty much is what boosts stone ocean over diu, diu is amazing and compelling and is a really good story, but stone ocean is also all of those things and has more development.
i think if this was a points scale, sdc and pb would have a pretty equal amount of points, both in completely different areas. stardust crusaders is better story-wise, especially compared to phantom blood, but the thing is is i just.... dont care about it very much? i will admit, it's been a minute since i've watched it, on a revisit my opinions will prob change but i've simply fallen out of love with the characters. which isnt something that has happened for the later parts! but phantom blood is boring. it's a much less interesting story, it has much less interesting characters and stories, but i like it more. i can't exactly pinpoint why, i just think about it more than i do part 3. i think generally im really into the parts in the victorian era... they get darker, more gritty and edgy, in a way i rlly like.
part 2 doesnt even come close to the other ones though. not at all. i NEVER think about part 2. it has the same quality as part one, which is not very good but i don't even like it! i neeever think of part 2. thinking about the jojos? joseph never even crosses my mind. thinking abt the jobros? who the hell even is caesar. thinking about the antagonists? i dont even remember kars' personality. it has been a looong time since ive watched part two, but it's been even longer since i've watched part one and i still like it more!! sorry part 2 stans, it is just noooot my thing.
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ariariari-vederci · 6 years
11 questions meme (tagged by @sphealrical thank you and i’m sorry it took me so long to see this ; v ; )
Rules: answer 11 questions, write 11 new questions, tag 11 people to answer those new questions.
11 new questions:
1. How would you describe your writing style or “voice” as a writer?
I tend to be...very long-winded, stylistically. ;; Writing is all about conveying emotion for me, so if I don’t feel like one word is enough to capture that, i’ll use five. (or more. a lot more.) Even when I’m writing from a specific point of view (say, Jotaro or Mista), the diction may vary to fit the character more closely, but my sentences still tend to last forever. I’m a 19th century writer at heart, i guess. </3 my prose is also kind of vague and dreamlike? probably because (again) if i see an opportunity to focus on the emotions of a moment, I may rush through physical actions or skip them altogether. sometimes life is like that: you don’t really pay attention to the things happening around you if there’s too much going on inside. 
2. Do you prefer to write in first person, second person (!), or third person– and why? What about present tense vs. past tense?
I favor third-person present tense, hard. I’m not incapable of writing past tense---in fact sometimes I go back to stuff I’ve already published and wonder if it would have read better in past tense. Mostly I think it’s something ingrained from all those years of roleplaying. 
3. What is one thing that inspires or motivates you as a writer these days?
Let me get cheesy here for a second, and say that my biggest motivation since I started writing again (it’s only been seven months, holy shit) has been spending time around other people in the Jojo’s fandom. I’ve met so many passionate and talented writers (and artists!), and I think seeing them love what they do has really helped me get in touch with what I love, also. <3 Even if I end up moving on from JJBA someday, I hope I can carry this same level of passion in my heart for whatever comes next. 
4. What is one of your strengths as a writer?
Hmm...I’m overly critical of my stuff, so sometimes I have a hard time pinpointing things I think I do well. I guess if I had to pick something...I really put in my best effort to stay true to each individual character. Even if I take a few liberties here and there it’s never so wild as to be OOC. and...idk. sometimes that shows through! so i’m glad for that. 
5. What is something you’d like to improve in your writing?
I tend to favor one-shots over multi-chapter fics, so one thing I’m really keen on learning is how to pace a plot over a long period of time. I’m kind of starting to see Libertine as a practice-run for my other longfic (bless everyone who subscribed to my ao3 just for People in Motion, i don’t intend for it to be on hiatus forever </3); because it’s basically pastiche and runs close to the plot of the original Phantom of the Opera I can compare bits and tailor the pacing where needed. 
Also, of course: conveying more emotion in less words. 
6. What is one genre you enjoy writing in, and why?
I REALLY WANT TO WRITE MORE HORROR STUFF BUT UNFORTUNATELY I’M NOT GOOD AT IT YET L-LOL. there are some bits in Libertine that border on creepy (and even more to come hopefully, yayyy); but Teotl is the only thing i’ve written that was intended to be weird/mildly scary, and I really feel it missed the mark. ;v; but yeah. someday I really wanna write something that’ll creep people out. 
7. What would be the biggest compliment someone could give you about your writing?
“This story made me cry” is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me about my writing---it’s definitely the best compliment I could ever get. Like I said before: it’s all about emotion for me. I want readers to feel the same kind of things I’m feeling as I write. So when that happens? I’m overjoyed.  
8. What is one piece of advice you’d give to a writer who is experiencing writer’s block or who feels “stuck” in their writing?
I’ve gone through looong periods of writer’s block before. Seasonal affective issues are a bitch and sometimes you’re going to go a long number of weeks before you can break free of it. The best thing you can do is to try and coast through it. Even if you only get 100-200 words done over the course of single day---even if it’s not for the piece you’re currently struggling with---just write something, and it’ll be more than you had before. Don’t force it too much, and things will come back to you in time. 
9. What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you first started writing?
Treat your writing like you would your yarn craft. No one is going to see one tiny mistake in a sea of stitches except for you---they’re just going to see a beautiful, intricate piece of knitting. 
10. What is a common piece of writing advice that you disagree with, and why?
I once picked up a book of fiction-writing advice and opened to a random page, and it said “don’t use adjectives.” ---are you joking? What kind of advice is that? We can’t all be Hemingway. 
11. What is one of your writing projects that you’re working on these days?
I’ve got so many projects on the docket right now that it’s hard to pick just one! The first thing on my list (that I’ll hopefully have done by tonight!) is a rarepair one-shot that I wrote for the Discord writing server. If I’m not one of the only people to populate the “Kakyoin Noriaki &(?) Enrico Pucci” tag on ao3 I’m going to be sorely disappointed. 
aaaahh i’ll leave the questions as they are and tag @deeppainpizza and @kao3wauso if they haven’t done this already because i’m a lazy shit (((: 
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