#i think the lighting looks just as i was envisioning it tho 🤩 i hope it's giving early morning flight lol
matchalovertrait · 3 days
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Nervously but determinedly, Caruso went to Dulce's parents to invite them all to Scotland with him. Noemí and Erick still weren't quite pleased and needed more time to reassess their opinions on him. Several days stuck with a guy they didn't like didn't sound very appealing either. Anyway, it was a generous offer; they could not deny that. It wasn't until Dulce's graduation when they came to the realization she was not a little girl anymore. Noemí and Erick were beaming with pride, especially considering how far their little girl had come and all the hardships she faced. She's ready to make her own choices. They thanked Caruso for the offer but decided that Dulce should go on this trip alone with him. He was willing to make things right, which they highly respected. Now Dulce is ecstatic to visit a new country for the first time ever. Living in Tartosa, she’s always seen tourists coming and going from all over the world. She would spy on them and wonder about their lifestyles, cultures, food, languages, and their dreams. Now it’s her turn to take in new sights. If things go well with Caruso's interview, Dulce is willing to move in with him. There's an entire world out there for her to see. No more boredom and daydreaming!
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