#i think that tyrande and jaina had really really good arcs and weren't treated by the narrative as crazy or evil at ALL
trans-zhongli · 2 years
i think ppl forget that the story in WoW from a new player's POV is probably just fine. like, it tells a cohesive story and makes sense with the current way the characters are written. you are of course allowed to criticize and dislike the direction they have taken the characters as you knew them, but you should also take a sec to examine it As It Stands, not as it was. they retcon stuff sometimes for a reason, to make it a better story today, at least how they want to tell it. i think that jaina's story in BFA was really good. i think that sylvanas' arc was pretty terrible, but makes sense when you look at it in context of how the game tells it today.
totally reasonable to dislike what they've changed and dislike the direction they are taking the characters. but i also think that, when you are working with over 20 years of lore, retcons are GOING to happen, because maybe you realize you want to take the character in a different direction, maybe a new writer has a diff perspective on the character, maybe you just need to tell a certain narrative. there are a lot of storylines that people dislike because they remember it being different, but actually stand well on their own. the story has changed, it's fine, just read it again
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