#i think she'd be alright with the Takeda tho her formalness would stand out
deathfavor · 1 year
Anonymous said: Kuroko, if you couldn't serve under Tatsuomi anymore but had to choose another grand general to work under, who would you prefer? What would your rankings look like?
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" One of the other grand generals? " Her lips press together in a slight frown of thought. There's many implication to her not being able to serve under him for some reason. She can think of a dozen right off the bat. But it isn't abnormal on occasion for one party to have to join another. Who would she prefer? That wasn't a question she'd ever contemplated.
" That is quite the question. " She doesn't have many direct interactions to pull from in regards to how she might work alongside them. " Perhaps Tsubasa Tokugawa? " Kuroko considers it for a moment. " I would be interested in learning how she approaches her role and how her band functions. I can respect her approach to matters, and while she is often firm in her standings, she is not immovable and can change her opinion or stance as new information comes into play. " So then, where did she go from there?
" Naotora Takeda next. I am familiar with working alongside him after all and he has been of vital help in the past. I appreciate his willingness to go along with my plans and work with me despite not being a member of his band. I think it would overall be fine between us. Third would be...Shishikado Hojo. His knowledge is unparalleled when it comes to Oni and it would be a valuable experience. That said...I am not particularly inclined to those customs. " Or a living castle. That and his sleeping would probably annoy her. " Last would be Soma Date. Not out of any dislike or disrespect. " It's a quick note that she adds as soon as the name has left her lips. " Merely that I feel like I would not be as useful to the Date as I would be to other groups, and I dislike the thought of simply being present and playing no role. It feels like freeloading. " It leaves an appalling taste in her mouth. " Perhaps if he said otherwise, I might adjust my ranking, but as a whole, the Dates are already extremely well trained and organized. " And while Kuroko was known for her strategies, they seemed to be flourish completely fine on their own.
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