#i think part of that might be because chunks of larr nation were prepped for a big breakup and it's clearly not happening
jlf23tumble · 2 years
i agree with everything else you said, but i do think they’re “pushing it”. that’s the whole purpose of it innit? i mean they wouldn’t have done a pda photo op on dwd release day or those pap pics hugging a few hours after mp content (i don’t remember if it was the first teaser trailer or the official trailer? but u probably know which pics i’m talking about) came out. a pr relationship is meant to be pushed, especially one that serves multiple purposes like this one (pr and closeting).
Well, yeah, you're totally right, I said it, too, anyone else in the room can see it, etc., it's PR directly tied to the promo he's doing for two movies that are wildely different--and he's also not interested in being explicitly out at this moment in time, so PDA ahoy. But those points aside, I still think "pushing it" is a somewhat unusual turn of phrase, given that "pushing it" is how promo goes these days. Honestly, I wish people followed ANYTHING with the kind of breathless fervor they do for whatever's connected to Harry Styles, Inc., because this is normal! Case in point: I (TRAGICALLY) now get People magazine because my beloved Entertainment Weekly print subscription died, and you know what I see in that magazine week in, week out? Stars of current movies on their release days, holding hands with each other if they're dating! Eating food! Grabbing coffee! Smoochin'! It's being pushed in real time, aka, this is fresh! That's normal, actual movie promo at this point in time, and I'm not on TikTok, I'm barely on twitter, so I could be missing some other vector that's making it extra extra, but where else is this being pushed so much that nobody can avoid it if they're not observing "average movie promo razzle dazzle" and "in this essay i'll prove why olivia wilde is a thirsty bitch"? And for the record, she is NOT, but again, you’d have to literally look at any other movie’s promo to get that, and that is not what goes on in 1D land
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