#i think it's why the longer I'm a kpop fan the more i drift into the nugu groups
yonghoonsleftnostril · 10 months
I think my favorite thing about being a multi fan is watching how the different fandoms perceive each other and perceive the treatment they get from artists.
Like not meant in a bad way at all. It's just funny hearing how different the expectations are from solo stans vs people who follow a lot.
Being a multi also makes it harder to be delulu. It's still fun to make the jokes with friends but when you get the same message (nearly copy/paste) from multiple idols on the daily it really makes it easy to remember that while it is a unique industry and there's a dual parasocial relationship not present elsewhere, for sure, but it's not as strong as some fans think.
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alottamoney · 3 years
Hello again.Lisa anon here.
The direction BTS is going in seems to be a pursuit of money.The higher ups are wanting to cash in a large sum in a very short period of time.This is just so absurd that they would pair up with BP of all groups.BTS are legends already!Musically they gain nothing from this endeavour!I...just...can't find any constructive reasoning behind this decision,assuming they really collabs with BP in future.
Your thought about bts using certain catchphrases as fanservice is interesting to me.I have never thought about it that way.It sure makes things simpler for the viewers without getting into the complete dynamics of it all.
I'm curious why you don't feel confident enough to analyze members' relationships but are comfortable with taekook's.I am going off of the same contents that I use for taekook for the members too.What additional media would you need to be able to analyze to your satisfaction?
You expressed your doubts about the nature of relationship between taekook when jikook was promotion mood.That is irrelevant because whether they were in a formal or no relationship,they were always a romantically inclined pair to the members.Moreover, Jimin was known as Tae's bff.Something really doesn't add up here.
Jungkook's involvement didn't bother Tae though.Jimin's did.I can only assume that's because Jungkook saw it as something totally normal while ofc,sometimes I believe he took it too far just because he could.There was also that fighting of Taekook that I talked about.Sometime's it looked like he was serving Tae's pie back to him after Tae left the dorm in 2018.JK did not like Tae moving out.With Jikook ,JK not only got attention,he got someone beside him when he was fighting with Tae.JK is not a person who can be happy with being alone.He needs to have that special one at any point of time.If not Tae then Jimin.If not Jimin then someone else.But it's never romantic with others.With jikook he wasn't romancing,and Tae knew it.His problem was the excessive physical ones and later it became pervasive to the things they would say too.Throughout the 2020, Jk rebuffed Jimin's physical touching.I think Tae must have shared his thoughts with him.Just today memories 2020 dropped.And I already found a clip where jk was standing between vmin and after jimin touched JK's hair,JK looked at Tae and Tae raised his eyebrows at Jimin and Jimin raised it back.When it happened RM also made eye contact with Tae.That was a little gesture.But so many things have build up up until that point that it was already an awkward situation.Tae in 2021 no longer pays attention to jikook.I just think he is observing.
Vmin's degrading bond cannot be attributed fully on jikook.I agree with you on that.But it was too pervasive to isolate from all other reasons.There were professional differences.Personality differences.Work ethic differences.Jungkook with Jimin has a lot to do with his desire to put bts first and put work first,like I said in my previous ask.
Lisa anon,
I think money was always a priority for BTS and their company. I don't think they are too different from any other Kpop companies in that sense. I think a lot of ARMY have deluded themselves into thinking BTS are altruistic or maybe I'm just a cynic. I only say that a collab with BP might not happen because the fandoms are vicious but if HYBE thinks there's something to gain nothing will stop them.
It's not that I don't analyze the members but like I said previously, we don't know enough and the fact that they are actively deceptive makes it a tough task. I have many theories and speculations but I also have enough experience with other groups to know that I could be completely off the mark. If I do a Taekook analysis, I usually stick to things that I can see, less scripted, and edited content like vlives where the reasons for Taekook acting a certain way are contained and can be more or less explained. I also keep an eye out for fanaccounts, sightings and such, not that they can be analyzed but it doesn’t hurt.
You're right and I don't think that Jikook promotion has anything to do with the status of Taekook's relationship just that I as an observer wouldn’t say that Jimin got in the way of Taekook's relationship or the like because Taekook are confusing on a good day without any third party interference.
Something has been bothering me for a while though, everyone (except maybe Taekookers) agree that Jikook got closer after Taekook “drifted apart” and that is amusing because it implies that a) Jikook required Tae to be out of the picture to work and b) That there was a gap to be filled which means Taekook had a relationship that was different from the rest but why Jimin and not any other member or literally just anyone else? I'm not sure where I'm going with this  but these are certain narratives that intrigue me.
Jungkook “serving Tae’s pie back to him” lol I have a similar theory. Jealousy is a polarizing topic among Taekookers: casual shippers are a big fan of the jealousy trope and a lot of supporters seem to hate it. I don’t think Taekook are above it. I can think of at least 2 instances off the top of my head, this past year, where Jungkook pointedly ignores Tae and focuses on Jimin. Although I don’t think Jikook have anything romantic going on the fact that Jungkook chooses Jimin for this is puzzling. Is it because the other members don’t play along or is it because he knows Jikook would annoy Tae more? I have no explanation honestly. 
I don't know if I'd consider Taekook the sort of people who talk things out and have a plan of action because if they did then there wouldn't be so many slip-ups like the disastrous vlives or the continued confusion around Jikook (not including shipper and fandom perception). I don’t know which memories 2020 segment you described, I’ll have to look for it. You mentioned that Jungkook always needs someone, I was reminded of some fans who insist that Jungkook has increased fanservice with other members except Tae since 2020. You seem like someone who keenly observes content, I would like your opinion on this. 💜
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daesungindistress · 5 years
Sorry for bothering you. I have some questions. I'm new in this fandom. At fist I supported Seungri but now I doubt him. Some vips say that he is victim of media, he run only Aori ramen and Kmedia is lying. I see posts claiming that OT4 won't go on without him. There are so much conflicting information. What exactly did he do? If OT4 had problems with Seungri why were they so nice to him during Last dance tour? Again sorry for bothering I just want to know the whole story.
I’m sorry, I’ve gone over this at length so many times over the last six plus months… do I have the energy to hash it out again in detail? It’s true that there is still confusion over his case, let’s face it, there always will be. It’s also true that there has been misinformation spread on both sides, both for and against him. Accusations that came and went, some that stuck, some that didn’t. All you need to know is that right now, based on the results of the police investigation he underwent this spring, he is currently facing 7 charges (from this article):
Solicitation of prostitution (for himself)
Prostitution mediation (for his foreign investors)
Occupational embezzlement of Burning Sun funds
Occupational embezzlement of attorney’s fees
Instigating destruction of evidence
Violation of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (sharing a photo believed to be molka)
Violation of the Food Sanitation Act (this is related to Monkey Museum)
He is also currently under investigation for suspicions of gambling while abroad (which, though few fans seem to have a problem with it, is illegal for Koreans) and violating the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act (raising gambling funds through “hwanchigi,” a term that refers to illegal practices surrounding foreign exchange transactions). So if you see people saying he’s facing up to 9 charges, that’s where that number comes from. The first 7 charges are currently in the hands of the prosecution. Police have recommended indictment on all 7, however, it’s up to the prosecution to conduct their own supplementary investigation and decide whether or not to formally press charges against him (i.e., indict him), after which, if indicted, his case will go to court. This is just a thought, but they may be waiting for police to finish up their investigation on the gambling suspicions so that they can make a decision on all charges at once. In the meantime, it seems his enlistment has been postponed indefinitely.
For the record, most VIPs defended Seungri against the Burning Sun allegations (not gonna get into that here, but it’s pretty horrific stuff). The Burning Sun situation is still murky, and probably always will be, but it’s worth noting that Seungri was never booked or earnestly investigated on anything related to the club besides embezzlement of club funds. Then, in late February the prostitution chats were released – chats which appear to show him and his business partners arranging for prostitutes for their foreign investors visiting Korea back in late 2015 – and he was officially booked as a suspect for that. Then, as if things weren’t bad enough for him already, there came the molka/spycam chats, in which women were filmed in sex acts without their permission and their photos and videos secretly shared among friends. We later learned that some of these women had been drugged and raped. Besides that, the text content of the chats themselves and they way these men spoke about the women they’d slept with was just vile.
Based on the very limited evidence we have available to us, Seungri’s involvement in those molka chats was admittedly minimal (at least when compared to the other chat members, many of whom are currently standing trial on rape charges). However, some of these men were close friends of his, and for many people, his knowledge of their despicable acts toward these women and his complacency (in neglecting to report, or at the very least condemn them for it) was enough. We know he viewed at least one molka video and seemed unbothered by it, even laughing at it. That was the point at which many (I would argue most) people dropped his ass like a hot potato, horrified that he’d had any part in it at all.
Everyone has to draw the line somewhere. For many, that was the line. As for me? I remember the first time I saw that headline, and how my heart sank. I was still on his side back then, perhaps not yet realizing just how serious the situation had become, but even so, I knew in my heart that it was the end for him. And sure enough, it was later that same day when he announced his retirement from the entertainment industry.
His supporters will swear up and down that he had nothing to do with it, but from his own mouth, in his Chosun Ilbo interview, he knew. And not only that, he apparently helped them dispose of evidence when the news broke by alerting them that they were in trouble and instructing them to change their phones (hence the “instigating destruction of evidence” charge). And this is to say nothing of the ridiculous explanation he came up with for the prostitution chats: that he was just providing girls for his female friend to party and go shopping with, an explanation that was shot down by that very friend who he tried to use as an alibi. So when you said “now I doubt him”? Yeah. Us too.
There’s so much more to this saga. So much more. And it’s ongoing. But I’m so tired of going over it again and again and again. The fact is, Seungri asked to have his contract with YG terminated and announced his withdrawal from the industry. So whether you like him or not, continuing to pledge your support to him is just a massive waste of time. Seungri has been a retired singer for six months now, and the cold hard reality is that since March 2019 Big Bang has been four members. G-Dragon, TOP, Taeyang, Daesung. They are still with us. They are who will stand on the stage before us again. They are who will bring us new music and feature in new videos. They are our future as a fandom. If we want more of Big Bang, if we want to see the band continue on at all, we have to express a willingness to support them as they are, now and for the foreseeable future. Otherwise, it’s like Youngbae said during Last Dance: it will be goodbye for real. And who wants that?
Seungri has been locked in an intense media and legal battle for almost all of 2019 – nearly nine months now. And I don’t see things getting better for him anytime soon. This could easily drag on for another three months, until the end of this year. It could go on for six. It could even stretch on for twelve, if he’s indicted on all charges and his case goes to trial. When you factor in enlistment, the absolute soonest Seungri can even think about being active again as an entertainer is in 2-3 years’ time. It has already been almost 3 years since BB’s last comeback. Does anyone really think they’re going to make themselves and us endure another 2-3 year wait (at best!) for a retired member to return to them before they'll release new music again as a group? When they wanted him to enlist alongside them, but he chose not to? And then became the center of the biggest controversy in kpop history? After they begged him not to get in trouble while they were away?
“If OT4 had problems with Seungri why were they so nice to him during Last dance tour?”
I don’t want you guys to think I’m spreading the message that BB ever hated Seungri. It’s more complex than that. I think they cared for him, but I think they were also frustrated with him. I think they wanted what was best for him and were concerned for him. I think they wanted to put their trust in him, knowing that he alone would be carrying the name Big Bang in their absence, but given how distant he’d become and the questionable connections he’d made, couldn’t help being wary of him.
And more than anything? I think they felt they’d lost him. For several years now. And it’s so damn sad.
Somehow, somewhere along the way, to someone (those friends of his) or to something (money and fame, greed and pride, power and envy, you name it), he slipped through their fingers. It wasn’t always this way between them, I’m sure of it. But sometimes people change, often as a result of their changing circumstances. Seungri, unhappy with his present situation (circa 2015, maybe even earlier), found a new passion and a new social circle (a problematic one)… and the closer he grew to them, the farther he drifted from BB. They said they only ever saw him onstage. Said they made plans together but he’d often cancel at the last minute. Said he was always overseas with his other friends and business associates. Said he was “totally a businessman” and that he “didn’t want to work [as a singer] anymore.” They said it seemed that Big Bang had become “business” to him and that all he ever talked about with them was money. I think they felt that though he stayed with them, he did so for all the wrong reasons, reasons that no longer included a passion for music. He didn’t even invite them to his last birthday party before they all enlisted, his big island resort birthday bash in the Philippines (and we’ve all seen that Last Dance tour behind-the-scenes clip in which GD scolded him harshly for it. In hindsight, they dodged a bullet by not being there, seeing as that party was under scrutiny this year for suspicions of prostitution mediation).
Sorry. At this point I’m just rambling. You say you want to know the whole story? Yeah, well, so do the rest of us. But for now, the best we can hope for is that it’s not over for Big Bang. So please, let’s give all our love to the four who remain.
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xonepeacelovex · 4 years
Awh good afternoon^^what's the time in your country as well: morning? Afternoon? Night?🤔
Also also,You can call me starlight!☺️(although I believe that's such big hint to my account and who I am, but who carees)
Yes and I'm proud stay!! Although I had some hard times with being stay lately but yee I'm proud😅 awh we really are!
BRO I work 18hours every day, keeping up is so hard yet so easy😭😂 but you know its not only about keeping up with stuffs. It doesn't matter about how many group you stan. Lot or just a one you're still a kpop fan~
I see, such professional listener of KHipHop.
But honestly, you can literally said any group and I'll be like 'yep I know them'
Hmm..What if it is?👀👀
I'm not surprised anymore..we really are. I bias the leader himself, Channie just decided to still my heart. Who's your bias?🤔👀
Ah writing blocks🥺 I know them very well, I'm sorry you have them. Please no self-doubt, if you do it you can be sure I'll be on my way to love you and cheer you on!^^ I'm so happy I could make you feel like that, after all that was what I wanted from the start. If it just made you smile, everything was worthy for me. Also, there's always no need to thank me for anything~
That's good, I still didn't say anything really sweet😌so I'm glad you're already prepared lmao. Anyway I hope it's okay if I stay on anon little longer, it's always much more comfortable for me👉👈 of course I don't want to spam you with my asks so if you really want me to come off anon I would🥺 -✨
Good afternoon! It’s midnight here already. 🌃
Your emoji makes sense right now. I’ll call you ✨starlight✨ then.
Yeah. Also a proud stay here! Me too because of the recent news about GOT7. 😒 I’m so disappointed with JYPe right now. But hey, Chan is pulling me back again like he knows I’m drifting away. Why are you having a hard time?
Wow! 😳 I’m amazed you can keep up with that amount of working hours. Are you eating well? Where can you get your energy? If you can keep up with a lot of groups while working 18 hours a day, I don’t have excuse not to. Yeah. That’s why fanwars doesn’t even make sense at all.
Do you also listen to them?
That’s great. I’ll listen more to other KPop groups. Maybe there’s a hidden gem. Do you have any suggestions? 🤔
I love you already for referencing 3RACHA's songs. 😘
The leader, Mr. Bang, I see.. Who doesn't love Chan? He’s such a softboi. 🥺 My bias in SKZ changes everytime. But mostly, whoever I’m writing about, he’s my bias for that day. Seungmin, though, have a special place in my heart because I started writing fanfics because of him. And Chan too, as you can see in my masterlist. I wrote a lot of fanfics of him. 😬
Do you also write?
I’ll just insert a meme of Chan here that perfectly expresses my feeling.
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I hope I’m also making you smile even in small ways.
I’m an INFJ so don't worry about that. I love receiving messages like this. And its my first time making a mutual (aka you, pretty and savage, ✨starlight) here on Tumblr. 👉👈 I’m so glad I have someone to talk to about SKZ and other stuff. You can stay as an anon as long as you want to. Don't think I'm rushing you. Just do what makes you comfortable.
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