#i think it bothers me it was done so suddenly without even asking how we felt
navybrat817 · 3 months
Hold You Tight: Part 3
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Pairing: Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Part 2 | Series Masterlist | Part 4
Chapter Summary: The date is just beginning, but you're not sure if you can keep it together.
Chapter Word Count: Over 3.8k
Chapter Warnings: DARK AU, stalking, coercion, threats (not against reader), creepy and unhinged behavior, possessiveness, manipulation, mental and emotional whiplash, reader is trying to stay calm, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?), more warnings to come.
A/N: More Hold You Tight! Hope you lovelies enjoy and thank you again for the feedback so far! Bucky edit by the beautiful @nixakimbo. ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You took a deep breath and another, but it didn’t stop your heart from picking up in your chest. It was a feat that your legs didn’t give out. Your throat felt rough and raw, except you hadn’t screamed. You hadn’t made a sound. Not until Bucky moved toward you, pulling a whimper from you.
“I thought it would be a nice surprise,” he said, cupping your face with a smile. You wanted to believe there was a warmth behind it or that he had a voice in his head telling him that this wasn’t right. That none of this was right. “Don’t you like them?”
“The flowers. The guy who bought them…” you swallowed, wondering exactly who he was and how he was associated with Bucky. Did Bucky know him well or was he a stranger? Did he bribe him into going into his shop?
“Oh, he’s fine,” Bucky assured you, which didn’t make you feel any better. “Loved the tulips you helped pick out for him. I know his girl will be very happy to get them, too.”
The citrus and woodsy combination of Bucky’s cologne filled your nostrils as you took another deep breath. You expected to stumble back when he suddenly crouched down, but you didn’t budge an inch. Once again, you were frozen in fear. Why couldn’t you move? You told yourself he wouldn’t hurt you. Why bother dragging you all the way to his place for that when he could’ve done so in your home?
Or, apparently, your place of work.
“Why don’t we have some of that wine after I show you around?” He asked, retrieving the clutch you dropped.
“Do you really expect me to just sit and have a drink with you?”
“Not just a drink,” he said, slowly standing and reminding you just how large he was. “Dinner. Dessert.”
“Where’s the bathroom?” You asked.
He nodded over your shoulders. “There’s one right behind you.”
You turned and went into the bathroom, careful not to lock the door behind you as much as you wanted to. He may have broken down the door if you tried. You gripped the sink as you struggled to take your next breath, blood rushing in your ears as you looked at your reflection. A voice in the back of your mind whispered to stay calm when tears threatened to spill over for the second time that evening.
Could you though? Could you play along and get through this night without having some sort of breakdown? You had to try.
Your attention was pulled away by the soft knock on the door. “Is everything okay?”
“Would you care if I wasn't?” You asked before you could stop yourself.
The door opened a heartbeat later, but you didn't dare meet his gaze in the mirror as he approached. Not even as he pressed himself against your back, your body trapped between his and the sink. It was suffocating. He brought a hand up to lift your chin, forcing your eyes to lock with his. The light above the mirror put a spotlight on the intensity of his gaze as his lips brushed your ear.
“I care more than you think,” he whispered, turning you to face him. His fingers traced the column of your neck before he let go. “In time, I know you’ll see that.”
You fought the urge to laugh as he led you back into the entryway. If he cared, he would’ve gone about this whole thing differently. You focused your attention instead on the penthouse, taking in more of the decor as he showed you around. As immaculate as the place looked, it lacked a personal touch. Where were the photos? Trinkets?
“What do you think?”
“It’s a beautiful place,” you answered. And it was beautiful, but it didn't feel like a home or lived in like your place.
“A bit spacious for just me,” he said, glancing at you. Was it his roundabout way of stating again how he expected you to move in?
“Yeah, it’s a lot for one person, but it’s still nice.”
He nodded in agreement. “The couch is comfortable if you ever want to take a nap,” he said, an almost knowing look in his eyes as you stopped at the living room. Jesus, did he know you slept on your couch last night? “Though I’d prefer you sleep in our bed.”
“Our” bed. Not subtle at all. “I know you said this would be my place one day, too, but maybe we should get well past the first date before we talk about sharing a bed,” you said, sarcastically adding, “I hog the blankets, so I hope you're prepared for that.”
He chuckled and you wished you didn't like the pleasant sound. “You can have as many blankets as you want. And I had every intention of showing you the master bedroom tonight, but I think I’ll wait.”
“Really?” You asked, hoping you didn't sound too eager to avoid seeing it. Was there a catch?
“Really,” he said, pulling you close by the hips. Through his clothes, you felt how firm he was. There was strength there you couldn't match. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone else. And when I take you to bed, I’m going to ruin you. That's a promise.”
A shuddering breath left your lungs as he leaned in, his lips skimming yours.
“But I’m not the monster you think I am, which is why I’m going to wait,” he whispered.
It was a relief that Bucky wasn't going to take you to bed. Not tonight, at least. At the same time, what exactly was he waiting for? He made it clear that he wanted you and wasn't going to let go. What game was he playing?
Thinking about it was enough to drive you mad.
“And you won't hurt me?” You questioned. You had to hear him say it.
“I’d never hurt you,” he promised, pulling away at the two knocks on the front door.
He wouldn't hurt you, but what about other people?
“Chef’s here, boss,” the guard’s voice rang out.
“Perfect timing,” Bucky smiled.
He kept a hand on you as he guided you to the kitchen, the guard and who you assumed to be the chef entering seconds later. “Mr. Barnes, so good to see you.”
“You as well,” Bucky replied, his demeanor professional and somewhat colder.
Your eyes went back to the guard as Bucky chatted with the chef. He seemed to avoid your gaze, keeping his eye instead on the two men speaking. Did he know the circumstances that brought you here? Would he care if he did?
“You’re sure this is what you’d like, Mr. Barnes? This is a relatively simple meal,” the chef scoffed, making a show of gesturing to the ingredients. It dawned on you as you looked at them that he was going to prepare one of your favorite meals. Your stomach dropped, but you kept quiet. Of course, Bucky knew.
And of course, it wasn't sophisticated.
Bucky’s jaw twitched as if he sensed your embarrassment. The guard didn't look impressed by the chef’s comment either. “It’s her favorite. Are you insulting my girl’s taste?” he spoke, making you shiver from the ice in his tone.
“No, Mr. Barnes. Of course not! I meant no disrespect.” The chef shook his head, meeting your gaze with a shaky smile. “To be simple is to be great.”
“That’s right. Simplicity is also to be respected,” Bucky said, pointing a gloved finger at him. “And with your reputation, it better be the best meal she has ever had. I’d hate to see what happens if she doesn’t like it.”
“It’s fine,” you whispered. It was better to focus on easing the situation instead of yet another reminder that he knew another intimate detail about you. That and you felt bad as the man behind the counter began to sweat. “I’m sure the meal will be delicious. Thank you for taking the time to come here and prepare it.”
The tension dissipated as Bucky softly smiled at you, a crisis averted for the time being. “We’re going to enjoy our wine on the balcony while he prepares our meal,” he told the guard. “Keep an eye on him.”
“Will do.”
Bucky took you away from the kitchen before the chef could speak another word to you. Fresh air might help you breathe easier. He opened the glass door, the night breeze making you shiver as you stepped outside. The view of the city stretched on and the moon and stars lit up the sky. It was breathtaking.
You jumped when Bucky put his jacket around your shoulders. The romantic gesture felt like a claim. “I hope his comment didn't upset you. If it did-”
“It’s fine. Really,” you assured him, glancing at the two-seater table as he pulled out a chair for you. Two glasses were set out as well, along with what you knew to be an expensive bottle of wine. “This is gorgeous.”
“It is,” he agreed, your cheeks flaming when you saw him looking at you instead of the view.
“Do you spend a lot of time out here?” You asked.
He popped the cork on the bottle and poured each of you a small amount. You almost thanked him for that. You had to keep your wits about you.
“Not as much as I’d like to,” he said, nodding to a small sofa in the corner as he took a seat. “But I do like to read out here.”
“You read in your free time?” You asked, biting back a moan when you sipped the wine.
His eyes lit up and just as quickly darkened when you licked your lips. “I do. Reading has always been a hobby of mine. I even have first editions of some of my favorite books.”
“That’s really nice,” you smiled. For a moment it felt like the two of you were having a normal conversation.
That good feeling went away when he took out a velvet box.
“Can’t forget about the surprise,” he smiled before he handed it over. It looked too long to be a ring box, thankfully, but it wouldn't have surprised you if there was an engagement ring inside. Which was likely why your hand shook as you opened it.
The diamond pendant was stunning enough to make you gasp. Five stones each a different shape, they sparkled under the moonlight. The kind of necklace you could only dream of having.
“Bucky, I’m sorry.” You shut the box and slid it back across the table toward him. “I can’t accept this.”
His gaze flickered to the box before he looked at you again. You wanted to believe he looked concerned, but he hadn’t exactly taken any of your feelings into consideration so far. “Why not? We can pick out another together if you’d rather have something else.”
“I can’t accept it because it’s too much,” you said. Accepting the gift would make the situation more real.
He chuckled after a moment. “No, it isn't. Nothing would ever be too much for me to give to you.”
You reached across to tap the top of the box. “Bucky, this is the kind of gift that you give to your wife or fiancé or girlfriend. Hell, maybe a mistress or a sugar baby. I’m none of those things.” Something flickered in his gaze and that should’ve been your warning to stop, but you kept going anyway. “I’m not your girl.”
He took your hand before you could pull it away, his jaw clenched. “You’re right about one thing. You’re not my mistress or a sugar baby,” he agreed. “You could never be those things because you are the only one I see.”
But why? It didn’t make any sense to you. “But-”
“Girlfriend, fiancé, wife,” he ticked off with the fingers of his free hand. “We'll get to all those phases of our relationship, so you might as well accept this gift now or you'll be accepting much more than this later.”
You swallowed, but didn’t attempt to pull away. His grip didn’t hurt and you didn’t know exactly what he was implying, but you didn’t want to find out tonight. Not when he promised he wouldn’t drag you off to his room. “Thank you for the wonderful gift.”
He smiled and took the box as he stood. You didn't protest as he moved to put the necklace around your neck nor did you flinch when his fingers moved along on your skin. When he sat back down, he sighed and lovingly looked you over. “It's beautiful. Just like I knew it would be on you."
You touched it after a moment, the feel of his fingertips still lingering. “I didn't expect something so nice for a first date.”
“This is only the beginning.” He tilted his head and let his eyes watch you trace the delicate gems. “You deserve so much more.”
“Is this some elaborate joke?” You scoffed a bit. He sounded so sure of himself, that he believed you deserved the world. But why? “You do realize that I'm just a florist. And I don't say that to belittle my career because I love what I do, but I'm nothing special.”
Sadness took over his eyes. “Why would you say that?”
You rolled your bottom lip between your teeth. This wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with the stranger who broke into your home. You didn’t want to have any sort of conversation tonight. “Because I don't own the flower shop I work at. I'm not rich. Hell, I lived with a roommate until last year just to save up and afford my own place. You should know since you researched me,” you said without a trace of bitterness. “I’m not a party girl. I don't turn heads wherever I go. I just want to work with my flowers, go home, and live a simple little life.”
His eyes followed the motion of you biting your lip again before he shook his head. “You think being rich and owning a business are the things it takes to make someone special?”
“No, I don't think that.”
“Then what does?”
You looked around the balcony with a sigh before meeting his gaze again. “Who a person is makes them special.”
“Yet everything you stated has nothing to do with who you are. So I’ll ask again, why would you say you're nothing special?”
You didn't know how to respond. You thought he would’ve just dropped the conversation, so you looked into your lap with a shake of your head. If you were special, wouldn’t you have found someone by now the way Addision and your other friends had? You didn’t want to pour out your insecurities, even if he seemed to hold an invisible knife and was ready to cut them open. “I don't know. I just know I’m not.”
He hummed a little. “So, would someone who is nothing special make homemade meals for her neighbor because she recently had a baby and probably wouldn't have time to cook for herself?”
Your head snapped up so fast you nearly hurt yourself. “How-”
“And not only are you in Addison's wedding party, you offered to have her flowers done so she could have more money for her honeymoon. You're telling me that being caring and thoughtful doesn’t make a person special?”
Goosebumps raised on your skin, realizing just how thorough he was in his research of you. “How do you know all of that about me?” Tears sprang to your eyes and you blinked them back. “I didn't tell anyone about my neighbor or the flowers.”
He cracked a small smile. “That's one of the things that makes you special. You don't do those things expecting anything in return and you sure as hell don't do it to brag. You do them because you care.” He took a second to lean back in his seat, his eyes still on you. “When I see something I want, I give it my all. And I'm not afraid to use my resources. I told you, I like to be thorough.”
You giggled. A hysterical sort of giggle. One that scared you because you had never laughed like that. “I don't know if I can do this,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I shouldn't be here. I should be getting a restraining order.”
Bucky didn't look offended in the slightest. “You could try. Do you think it’ll stop me?”
What little resolve you had left snapped. “Oh, my god. Do you hear yourself? I mean, really hear yourself?!” You snapped, tempted to throw the remainder of your wine on him when he didn’t react. “You know what a first date is, right? It’s two people trying to get to know each other and to see if there’s a mutual connection. You didn’t give me a chance to form a connection with you because you decided it for me after you stalked me.”
His brows pinched like you hurt his feelings. “Doll-”
“You know ‘everything’ about me, but what do I know about you, huh?” You continued, your anxiety bubbling over. “I know that you own a club and that you break into homes and scare the shit out of people. Oh, and that you read. And you apparently have the world at your fingertips since you can send people into my place of work and find out details about me that most aren’t privy to. You could probably use those resources of yours for good or to help others, but you used them to dig into my life when I didn't ask you to!”
“Some people do research before a first date,” he pointed out, not raising his voice.
“Not a full background check! I’m not an employee of yours and I’m not a toy for you to play with!” You huffed as you sat back, suddenly exhausted. How was he unphased? “You really think you have a say in my future? Are you that much of a control freak that you think you can control me?”
The silence stretched on as Bucky considered you and your body trembled as he idly sipped his wine. You weren’t the type to snap and you suddenly felt the urge to apologize for your outburst, which wasn’t fair. He put you in this situation, so why did you want to make it better?
Because you didn’t know what he would do.
“I’m not trying to control you,” he stated, handing you a handkerchief.
“It feels like you are and that isn’t fair,” you said, dabbing at your eyes. Life wasn’t exactly fair though, was it? “And for the record, the only reason I’m not tossing this wine on you is because it’s delicious and it would be a waste.”
His nose scrunched as he laughed. “I wish you could’ve met my mom. She would’ve loved you,” he said so softly you almost missed it, the change in topic jarring to say the least. What happened to her? “I’ve tried traditional dating. It doesn’t and hasn’t worked for me so far. The last woman I dated? She tried to rob me, if you can believe that.”
You sighed, still a bit worn out from your rant. “I can,” you said. There were greedy people in the world and he seemed to have more than enough to provide others with a comfortable life. It wasn’t right that someone tried to take what he earned.
It also wasn’t right what he was doing to you.
“In my line of work, everyone wants something from me. Money, power, favors. It’s hard to trust people,” he said, his gaze surprisingly soft as he took your hand again. “But not you.”
“Because that’s not the kind of person I am,” you guessed.
You were in many ways the opposite of him. While you weren’t poor, you certainly weren’t rich or powerful and didn’t want to use people for your gain. Perhaps that was why he wanted you so badly. You were someone who didn’t want anything from him. Someone like you was easy for him to control since you didn’t run in that kind of circle, even if he said he wasn’t trying to.
Maybe you should have put up a fight instead of making yourself an easy target.
Wait, why were you blaming yourself?
“I know it isn’t,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze. “So, maybe I’m a control freak and maybe my approach is a bit extreme, but I don't want to control you. I like who you are, doll. You’re loyal and caring and real. The kind of person I want and need.”
You took a sip of wine so you didn't have to respond. He needed you, so he said, but did you need him? And why did his praise warm your insides? You didn't want it to feel nice.
“And maybe I like that you aren’t the kind of person who has a hidden agenda and that you aren’t a party girl. Even you snapping at me. I love that fire. I want more of it. Burn me with it if you want,” he continued, sweeping his gaze over you once again. “Fuck, I can’t take my eyes off you. And I can't stop thinking about you.”
The look in his eyes put you on edge. “But we-”
“You’re good for me and you may not believe I’m good for you, but I am. We’re right for each other,” he said. The fierce determination in his gaze almost had you believing it. “And aren’t you tired of being lonely? I know I am.”
Loneliness could eat away at a person. Drive them to do desperate things. It didn't excuse his actions.
“Lonely or not, you can't force us to be together,” you said.
“I’m not forcing us to be together. You chose to be here tonight.”
“You know why I came here,” you argued. He had to know you did this because of his threat. “And I’ll behave or do whatever I need to do for the rest of the night, but I can't promise anything beyond that.”
Instead of anger like you expected, he smiled. Like a wolf flashing his teeth before sinking into its prey. “That’s okay because I have a promise for you,” he began, the flame dancing in his eyes. “You’ll be out of your apartment before the end of the month.”
The balcony door opening covered up the wheeze you let out, but didn't hide the despair written all over your face. He couldn't be serious. “Dinner’s ready,” the guard stated.
Bucky didn't spare him a glance as he stood and kept your hand in his, your appetite gone as his smile widened. “C’mon, doll. Better not let it get cold.”
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Ooh. Will he really have you out of your place that soon? How awkward will that meal be? And who do we think this guard is? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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gentaro-kinniecom · 5 months
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Oh..I think you’re holding the heart of mine..
Characters: Solivan Brugmansia/gn!reader
Cw: fluff, mentions of marriage, crushes, love at first sight (?), mentions of kidnapping, yandere themes…
A/n: This is based off day two of The kid at the back :] hope you guys enjoy!
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(E/c) eyes lingered across the room, trying to distract themselves from the crimson orbs that stared at their figure, drawing it with a smile. Portraits aren’t that difficult when you know how to draw, except, their skills were quite rough, unlike Sol who was nearly finishing it, looking back and forth between y/n and his paper. Blush covered part of his cheeks, placing his sketchbook down while locking eyes with them
“Is it done?” Y/n asked, sighing as the bell rung across the hallway
“Not yet, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow” He responded with a soft smile, one they’ve rarely seen the times they saw him.
Going their separate ways, y/n found their group in the hallway making small talk as they arrived. It wasn’t long until Sol and his friend appeared, chatting as Sol’s gaze landed on them. Feeling a bit curious, Y/n excuses themselves, parting away from their friends while approaching Sol.
“You must be Y/n! Sol’s told me about you..he’s right, you are kind of cute..” The guy before them spoke while chuckling as Sol sighed, blushing while glaring at his friend
“Anyways, I’m Hyugo! We were just about to eat lunch on the roof, would you like to join?” Y/n looked back briefly at their group. Perhaps something different wouldn’t be so bad today. Crowe however, noticed their sudden disappearance, his sad gaze lingered as they left with the two boys walking across the small corridor.
“I’d love to..!” Hyugo chuckled as the three of them headed towards the roof. Upon arrival, Sol handed Hyugo a bento box filled with his favorite food. It didn’t take long for them to dig in as Y/n looked around the roof, admiring the city and the view it provided.
“Have you eaten yet, y/n?” Sol inquired, staring at their hands that fidgeted around their shirt. ‘hm, cute’ he thought. The sudden question returned them back to reality while answering.
“I didn’t get to eat anything but it’s okay, I’ll grab something later-“ Before they could finish their sentence, Solivan had already taken out the other box he had saved for later.
“I made three boxes today, just in case Hyugo’s appetite was insatiable so..you can take it”
“Are you sure? I mean..” Without any hesitation, Sol had already opened up the lunch box, handing them the tasty food he prepared while smiling, reaching for some utensils.
“You made this all by yourself? It looks so good..!” Y/n praised, taking the utensils Sol provided for them as Hyugo chimed in, swallowing his food gently while speaking
“Sol’s cooking is the best! He’d make a good househusband, don’t you think?” Hearing this, Sol blushed after seeing them nod, maybe being a househusband for Y/n wouldn’t be such a terrible idea after all..
“I think so too, maybe even one day, we could get married as well” They half-joked, watching as Solivan’s smile widened, taking hold of Y/n’s hand and bringing it forth, kissing their knuckles gently
“I’d..love that, no one could ever keep us apart.” Y/n’s eyes drifted to Sol’s gaze, watching as he pressed his cheek against their hand lovingly. Hyugo was nowhere to be seen as the bell rang. After packing everything up, Sol’s hand remained intertwined with their own
“Me and Hyugo were thinking of ditching class, he wanted to see a movie..what do you think?” Upon reaching the corridor, Y/n turned, facing Sol’s body that nearly towered over theirs while leaning forward
“I..-” Looking back at the door of their next class and Crowe who had suddenly exited the room,y/n nodded “-Fuck it, let’s skip.” With that, Sol escorted them towards their secret escape place, not bothered by the glare Crowe had given him as they left.
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Due to Hyugo’s request to see the latest movie in theaters, the trio arrived at the cinema shortly after. The movie itself was great, though all y/n could think about was how close Sol was, his arm in their own while sharing popcorn and some small talk. Solivan was over the moon as he walked with them around the nearby park, Hyugo had retuned home afterwards, saying something along the lines of “I’ll leave you two lovebirds be, see you tomorrow” was spoken from his behalf.
The afternoon sun had already settled down, as colder it got, a shiver ran down Y/n’s spine. Sol noticed this, feeling a bit saddened by the fact he couldn’t lend them one of his jackets. Instead, he opted on holding their hand once again until the remainder of the walk to their apartment. Sol already dreaded the look of their place, if only he could take his beloved back to his home, maybe that way he wouldn’t have to worry for any creepy onlookers. As y/n took their keys from their bag, Sol quietly wished for their lips to mest in a kiss before they would lart ways. In that same moment, they leaned forward, kissing his cheek while entering their apartment
“Thank you for today, hopefully we’ll spend more outings like this soon..!”
“Like a date?” He chimed in, making them chuckle while tilting towards him. Their gaze flickered between his eyes and lips
“I wouldn’t oppose to such idea..goodnight Sol, text me when you arrive home” With a nod, Sol bid his goodbyes and left the apartment complex, his heart racing softly while replaying tge memory of their lips caressing his cheek
“Soon..soon enough you’ll be able to see just how much I adore you, my pumpkin”
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bokettochild · 13 days
Linked Universe Enterence p.3
Okay! So I have thoughts!!!!
First off, does anyone remember when JoJo shared those first snippets? How there was a fun little detail that suddenly disappeared when the comic actually became more than doodles?
Yeah, I'm talking about this guy
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(Not the grouchy old man being offended, the owl LOL)
I know there's a chance I'm wrong, a big one at that, but I think it would be really cool if, if only for a short while, JoJo brought him back, even if it's just for this era of Hyrule. Let Time have his owl buddy!
Anyways, to the actual comic!
I noticed that the boys are all still together, so I'm guessing they're waiting until they come to a cross-roads to actually split up like Four advised last time. So we have that to look forwards to in the coming updates!
I love that she's really highlighting the similarities and differences in this arc, showing us who knows what and what they've done, but also the little things; both with owls and the antifairy!
I adore the Owlan reference/appearance!
And Time immediately agreeing about the "long, drawn out lectures part" made me laugh. (His expression, my Hylia!!!)
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That is the face of a man who kept accidentally asking to "hear it again" and regrets it with every bone of his being LOL
It's good to see more call backs to the last comics too! Having Hyrule be wary of the statue because he remembers seeing it before, and Warriors agreeing, but also reminding that it didn't cause harm. The fact that Hyrule keeps his sword pointed at it though, wary, does say a lot about how cautious he's being all the same (Wild ought to take notes)
And of course this whole panel
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Twilight's awkwardly trying to assure the rest without spilling the secret, Sky laughing and turning to look at Legend, and the fact that the vet is just so entirely done with even just the thought of being a rabbit. (I love his face, omgosh).
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Te way I screamed "anti-fairy!" when I saw this, and then was so, so delighted that Legend and I had the same thought (I am unwell about this man).
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I'm equally unwell about the fact that Legend just has to say "ouch" (which you only say at inconveniences and not real, actual hurts) and immediately everyone's turning, weapons out and ready to help him face...whatever. Like, he's fine, guys, but it's sweet you care (now Legend, please take note and realize you belong, you idiot)
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Love that Time hears "fairy" and immediately is all ears. All the more so at the "anti" part. Man was raised by fairies and he absolutely doesn't like the idea of something that would hurt them.
Meanwhile Legend is just being freaking Haku (Spirited Away) over here!
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Tell me you don't see it!!!!!!
Also, his casual use of magic to purify something, to just make it no longer a threat, rather than hurting it. That need to save EVERYONE is really showing through here, huh?
And immediately, everyone is shocked that he did that, but also what it means about fairies. About dark magic. But Time and Wars especially!
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Gosh, just Legend's little worried face and Time's offense at the idea of fairies being corrupted and harmed. Shows a bit about them here too I think. Time is maybe slightly obsessed with fairies (reasonably so) and hates them being harmed, but he shows his worry on the matter in anger. legend, meanwhile, becomes more sombre, quieter: it bothers him too (maybe reminds him of a certain predecessor?)
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Get this man a tiara, he's a freaking Disney Princess over here, good grief!!!! He's carrying fairy food on what? The slim chance he has time to stop and feed them? Honestly, i know he's probably as attached to fairies as Time (although with a healthier relationship with them), but this is just too cute. this man is going to be the death of me!!!
Anyways, here's the bonuses!!!!
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SUN APPEARANCE!!!!!!!! We have a canon Sun appearance!!!!! Like, sure, sleepy student Sky, but it's SUN!!!!
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This smile. Oh my gosh I adore him. He's just so glad he got to help the corrupted little one become normal again.
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JoJo was having fun with Four I see LOL
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Man really said "hang on, let me check my purse, I think I have snacks in here"
Freaking Mom Coded
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asteroshearts · 9 months
Date Night
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Itadori tags along for one of your date nights and wonders how you have a completely different Nanami Kento than the rest of the world.
Nanami x Reader
Tags: she/her pronouns, public nudity?, third wheel itadori
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"Good evening, we apologize for the wait. Thank you for calling Gyomei's Ginza branch. How may I help you today?"
"Hello." You could never get sick of his voice. "I have a reservation for Nanami at 19:00. I know it's last minute, but can we add another person?"
"That can be done: we can add another chair to the table you selected," the hostess responded. Grinning wildly, you turned in the passenger seat and met your fist with Itadori's. "Do you have any special requests for this party member?"
"Don't include the drink course for him," your husband stated. Broken beams of white light from the street lamps came and went across his glasses as he drove by. "He's a child."
"Of course, will this extra person need a high chair?"
A gasp rang in the car.
"That won't be necessary." Quickly shutting off the call, Nanami huffed as you burst out into giggles at Itadori's sputtering.
"Aw, he's our son, Kennie."
"Nanamin!" his pink-haired student cried from the back seat. "Why did you say that?! Now they're going to think I'm seven or something!"
"You are a child." The man didn't even bother to glance at the rearview mirror.
"Maybe we should've gone with the long con," you teased. "Do you think they would've given us a discount if we said that Yuji-kun was twelve? That could save us a bit of money at a place like this!"
"Do you think I'm broke?" Nanami scoffed before pressing down on the accelerator, taking off in Tokyo.
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Itadori hadn't initially planned to crash your date night.
Although they had finished the assignment efficiently, Nanami noticed something was up with the teen despite how quickly they exorcised the curse. From the boy's slouched posture and tucked shoulders, Nanami easily got the boy to confess what was on his mind.
"Oh…it's my grandpa's birthday today…" Eyes facing the ground, his voice suddenly grew quieter. "It's the first time I've ever had it without him."
It would've been so simple to say his monotone condolences, take a step away, and move on with his day. However, one call to you later, you had no problem with inviting Itadori along your night with your husband. In fact, you were even more certain you had married the right man when he asked permission to bring his student and help take Itadori's mind off his late grandfather's birthday.
But, Itadori didn't want to third-wheel at his pseudo-teacher's date, wouldn't that be kinda weird?
Nanamin seemed just, so – well – cold. Don't get him wrong, he enjoyed the man as a mentor, but to tag along for a date? He wasn't sure how the blond managed to score a pretty girl like you as his wife, but he didn't want to spend a night with you while Nanami silently ate at his side.
However, when he brought it up to the group chat that Nanami might be paying for his meal at this place called "Gyomei", Nobara yelled at him loud enough that he could hear it through text. A Michelin-starred and free meal was something a teen boy like him couldn't pass up.
"Um!" Itadori called out to you after Nanami had parked in the underground garage of the high-rise you were going to. "Thank you again for inviting me!" Pink coloring his cheeks, you had mentioned earlier when Nanami picked you up that if they didn't allow reservation modifications, you would just let the deposit go and find another spot to have date night at. Not only were they in the most expensive area of Tokyo, but he knew from Gojo's blabbing that Nanami's coveted date nights were never a spontaneous event. They were planned weeks, even months in advance, to get you to the best venues, restaurants, and events. To think that you had just easily let him drag along…touched him more than you realized.
You chuckled at his attempt to bow in the backseat, folding your legs so you could turn in your seat. "It's no problem at all! It's always so fun to talk with you, Yuji-kun! Good thing they let us add another chair though, I've been wanting to try this place forever."
Although, he wondered why you weren't making an effort to get out of the car. Nanamin had parked a while ago, and you still haven't opened your door. Were you waiting for him to pay for your parking spot?
"Yeah! Gojo-sensei tells me these places usually don't allow modifications for reservations."
"Oh. That." Your shoulders fell before a large smile broke out on your face, laughing at your own joke. "Let me tell you a little secret, Yuji-kun." Leaning in closer and lowering your voice, you confessed, "We lie to Gojo."
"He wants to crash our date nights all the time, but Ken would rather eat rocks than invite him," you said with a laugh. "So we lie and tell him it can't be done."
Door opening on your side, you perked up as light flooded your car and you turned you head up to gaze at your husband holding the door.
"What are you laughing about?" your grumpy husband asked. Although his voice was dull and drab, Itadori wondered how you managed to brighten up so much just at the mere sight of the blond man. He was even more confused at how you only stepped out of the car after Nanami had opened it, so much more different than the blond he knew who was strict and hated doing anything beyond the required effort.
To the Nanami who told everyone to drag their own baggage, this seemed like night and day, yet here you were, not even lifting a finger.
Where was the real Nanamin?
"Not at you," you reassured, slipping out as Nanami stepped back slightly. "At Gojo."
Face souring as if he had eaten a lemon, he quickly told you that he didn't even want to think of the white-haired man tonight, not when it was your night. "If you wanted to laugh at clowns, I should've taken you to the circus instead."
Holding on to his arm, you looked up at your husband. "Well then, good thing we have Yuji-kun with us, right? At least someone will laugh at my jokes today."
Exhaling tiredly, Nanami pushed up his glasses to hide the small quirk of his lips.
"Itadori-kun, what are you waiting for? Get out of the car."
Eyes widening, he jolted in his spot, clumsily opening the door and trying not the hit the car next to you. "R-Right!"
"Aww, maybe you should be the gentleman and open the door for him."
Rolling his eyes beneath his round glasses, he placed his hand over your hold on his bicep. "Do you think I open the door for everyone?"
In the background, Itadori watched as you were eye-to-eye with your husband.
Oh, he realized. It's still Nanamin. It was just that you got special treatment.
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"You were a sorcerer too?!" Yuji shouted in the restaurant, far too loud for your comfort.
"Itadori-kun!" Nanami snapped from beside you, wine glass held up to his lips. Gasping at his mistake, he quickly scanned the restaurant, eyes skimming across lavish tables draped with silky white cloth, dainty lighting up above, and flower bouquets scattered across the room, but thankfully no wandering or surprised eyes from other patrons that were caught up in what he had yelled out.
"Sorry…" he said, dropping his eyes to look at the first few courses in front of him. Sighing, now Nanami was even more glad that he selected the most secluded table in the restaurant, far away from the other booked tables where everyone got an obstructed view of you three, but where he could see everything in the room.
You waved off your husband's irritation and squeezed his hand underneath the table. You waited until his knitted eyebrows relaxed a bit before you even thought of looking away.
"That's alright, Yuji-kun." You had met him before this, but you were sure that you had given off the impression of someone who was pampered and privileged as you opened up the door for Nanami and Itadori that one day in nothing but a simple chemise (that Nanami covered up before the teen's eyes) and your face mask on with your hair up. Certainly not battle-ready. Not to mention, you had introduced yourself as another office worker, leading Itadori to believe that was where you two met.
"You didn't know," you said understandingly before your eyes softened. "That's actually how Ken and I met — Oh, he was so different back then. He actually gave me a whole box of poetry inspired by our favorite emo bands back in — "
"Darling," he said sharply, rather than affectionately.
Laughing off the intense aura Nanami was giving off, you continued. "You know, I come from a pretty old sorcerer family. We were a big deal back in the Meiji period, but we all died off since then." With a shrug, you added, "My mom never wanted me to be a sorcerer anyway, so I guess it all worked out that I ended up quitting after graduation."
"Huh?" Itadori tilted his head in confusion. "If your mom didn't let you, how were you able to join Jujutsu Tech?" With those old coots around every corner, it was harder to get into JJ Tech than leave.
Barking out a laugh, you grinned at the pink-haired teen. "Cause I thought I was sooo edgy back then. I thought I was being so cool." Then, suddenly — you grew pacified as the onslaught of memories hit you. When you spoke up next, your voice was a lot quieter. "I was obsessed with being different and finding myself, I thought…" When your memories conjured up a certain brown-haired boy you had lost once upon a time, you faltered. "At graduation, I realized I ended up losing a lot more than I had discovered."
A large hand landed on your thigh, and you were only called back to earth after Nanami had given your leg a quick squeeze. Nothing suggestive or intense, but as you focused on the warmth of his palm and the feather-like touch of his fingers brushing across your skin, you focused again on the present.
"I was just lucky and landed myself a good job. My brother-in-law was one of the co-founders of a well-to-do startup, and they got me a cushy position, so I'm more than happy with what I have now." Placing one of your hands on top of Nanami's you made sure to point those last words at him, just to assure him. Righting yourself up to push these memories behind you, "And besides, I'm sure Ken has the short end of the — "
When you blinked the splatters from your eyes, you realized what had happened around you. A tripped-over waitress was hands and knees on the ground, three dishes of your lamb roast had scattered across the polished wooden floors amongst shattered plates, and furthermore, your pristine button-up shirt was warm and drenched in dark red wine sauce.
"Shit," you muttered into the quiet air, and that was all you needed for chaos to descend from every corner. Itadori was yelling something in your ear, your husband was quickly trying to pat your shirt dry, the tearful waitress was extremely apologetic on her knees, and all while the owner of the establishment came rushing forward to see what the commotion was all about.
"What is the meaning of this!" the man roared, red in the face before whirling in on the girl. "Hima — !"
"M-Ma'am, I-I'm extremely sorry," she said with her head bowed while she was still on the ground. "I hope that you can please forgive me — "
"Hey," you said easily. The last thing you wanted was for a young girl to cry. "It's alright," you tried to speak up against the overlapping voices.
"Please forgive us," the owner said, head bowed as well while he gave her a nasty glare from the side. "She's new here. I assure you that this behavior is unacceptable here, and I'll be sure to — "
"Hey," you sternly spoke through. "It's fine. Really. Everyone makes mistakes," you said gently, keeping your eye carefully on the young girl. "And it's just a shirt. This will come off." Tilting your head up toward the blond man who was worriedly hovering around you. This was something that he gifted you. "This stain will come off, right?"
Giving you a quick nod, Nanami carefully pulled out the strands of hair attached to the side of your neck from the spill. "If it doesn't, I'll buy you a new one," he said immediately.
Quirking up your lip at him, you said, "That's unnecessary. Like I said, it's just a shirt." Catching the girl's eye contact, you said calmly, "Everything's fine. Please go patch your knee up." You excused her.
The boss seemingly wanted to argue, opening his mouth to argue as the girl thankfully nodded, hidden behind a curtain of her hair before she rushed away, but the sight of your husband's dark stare from over your shoulder, as he stood large, muscled, and broad, shut him up.
"Where's your bathroom?" you asked. Your shirt was becoming transparent and sticking uncomfortably.
The owner looked extremely apologetic again. "It's currently closed for cleaning, but I'll let my employees know — no more than five minutes — !"
"That's alright," you repeated shortly.
"Go get my wife a laundry bag and a towel." The owner certainly wasn't going to argue when your husband stood like a pillar behind you. Holding his clean hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, he breathed carefully. "As fast as possible."
"R-Right away." With a bow, the owner made another uneasy promise of covering your dry cleaning, restaurant bill, and that he would send someone to clean this up immediately.
"Kennie," you called. As the spill cooled, the sauce stuck to your skin and was starting to become oily and coagulated, overall unpleasant the longer it lingered. Cringing, you said, "I don't want to wear this shirt any longer, can you help me?"
No further words were needed. With a quick flash of movement, almost as fast as how he took down curses with his ratio, Itadori watched as the older man pulled his blazer off his body and stood to hold it up around you like a curtain.
The man's large arms were nearly encircling you, muscles flexing as he tilted his body and blazer to give you all the privacy you needed to change. Facing the ceiling-to-floor windows that gave you the grand view of the Tokyo skyline, you began unbuttoning your shirt.
Although Itadori caught a peek of the top of your lacy black bra, he quickly averted his eyes with pink cheeks, both out of shame, and with how Nanami's gaze could've set him on fire.
"You can put your shirt here," Nanami gestured, nodding toward the back of his chair. Nodding, you quickly dropped your wet shirt out of your hands, allowing Itadori to see the LEMAIRE tag poking out from the folds.
You patted yourself clean with the cloth napkins you had around the table, and you thanked Itadori as he handed you his. Once you cleaned off as much of the spill as possible, your bare shoulders finally met with the sleek silk lining of your husband's jacket. As you slipped your arms around the oversized jacket sleeves, Nanami finished helping you button up his jacket.
Taking a knee, the blond man cleaned up your chair before he let you sit down. The blazer was comically oversized on you, giving you broad shoulders from the sturdy padding, and the lapels gave you a low cut where your bra could still be seen, but it was better than nothing.
The blond man let out a deep sigh. If he wasn't in public, no — if you two were the only people at the table, he wouldn't waste any time to tuck his face in your shoulder or rest his head on your lap even.
"Darling," Nanami started, and immediately Itadori was shocked at how the stern and reserved Nanami seemed so soft. "This date's been a mess, I'm sorry — " Weak even, against your presence.
"Why are you apologizing?" you said with a chuckle. "The date has barely even started yet! And now we get free food!"
Giving you a frown he added, "What's the point if you had to be embarrassed like this?" Beautiful brown eyes peered up at you, and you swore you could never get sick of the sight, not even to this day.
"Embarrassed? I've done a lot more humiliating things as a high schooler — willingly too." With a grin, you reached over to pinch his high cheekbone. "And I love wearing your clothes anyway."
"I — "
"Nothing a shower won't fix," you interrupted him by grabbing his face and leaning over to give him an Inuit kiss. "And what's the matter with one 'ruined' date?" Holding up your hand, you showed off your grand wedding and engagement ring. "You locked me down anyway," you said cheekily. "I'm not going anywhere."
Yet the blond man looked regretful anyway. Ashamed that he made your night anything less than wonderful.
You wondered where it all came from, this insane pressure to give you what he deemed as a perfect life — the perfect adulthood, rather. Perhaps it was from how you constantly repeated how much you valued and appreciated him when he was being bogged down by competitive coworkers who walked all over him.
Or perhaps it was from the look on your face as you sat next to Haibara's body in the morgue, as the light slowly dimmed from your eyes.
Heart swelling with true love, you couldn't resist pulling the man forward for a real kiss. One deep and hearty, skin against skin, until space had never existed, and you could get your atoms to touch.
"Um..." Itadori squirmed uncomfortably in his seat.
Did you forget he was here?
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hugz4hoon · 3 months
stargazing (pt.2) - s.j.y.
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read part one here!
summary — you finally come to the conclusion that you need to get over your one sided feelings.
pairing — best friend!jake x fem!reader
genre — fluff and angst
wc — 2.3k
a/n — she's here! it ended up taking longer than i thought because i absolutely hated my first draft LOL so i completely scratched it and restarted it with a new plot hehe but i really hope u guys like this one!!!
It’s been two weeks since you last spoke with Jake. The last time you saw him was when he left you heartbroken on your rooftop. Since then, Jake has regretted not telling you how he feels that night. The only reason he hasn’t called or texted you is because he’s embarrassed about how he acted, and he doesn’t know what to say to you. Meanwhile, you’ve been forcing yourself to get over him by distracting yourself everyday. It’s obvious he’s been avoiding you; it’s definitely time to move on.
You were at the mall with your friends when you saw Jake walking in your direction. It was a bit nerve wracking—you haven’t seen him for two weeks, and suddenly, you didn’t know how to act around him anymore. But, that didn’t seem to be a problem, because when you made eye contact with him, his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. The second Jake saw you, he immediately turned to walk in the opposite direction. And that’s when you saw who he was with… a girl that you’ve never seen before? You watched their backs as they left your eyeline.
Your heart ached with a newfound heaviness. You felt as if your whole world was crumbling down. Who was that? Does he hate me so much that he can’t even look at me? Did he really find a new best friend in the span of two weeks? Or even, a girlfriend? Your mind was going haywire, and your distress definitely showed on your face.
One of your friend’s voices snapped you out of your daze.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just feeling a little tired right now. I think I should head home,” you half heartedly smiled at them. You had to get out of there. If you stayed in the busy environment for any longer, you’re sure you would’ve passed out. Shrugging off your friends’ demands and questions asking whether you wanted company, you called a taxi and headed home.
As soon as you got home, you took a hot shower to collect your thoughts. You didn’t want to be heartbroken over Jake because that would ruin all the progress you’ve made in getting over him. Instead, you decided to take a nap to try to sleep it off.
When you woke up, it was 6pm; you ended up sleeping for around three hours. You wake up to the vibrations erupting from your phone. Before you could see who was calling, the call ended. That’s when you saw the many missed calls adorning your notification center. There are over a dozen missed calls from… Jake? You keep scrolling to find Jake’s text messages to you from two hours ago.
jakey <3: can we talk
jakey <3: i shouldn’t have walked away from u
jakey <3: i miss u
Now you're pissed. Saying he misses you right after ignoring you for two weeks, and walking away from you without so much as a quick hello at the mall, is confusing as hell. Not only is it confusing, but it’s also rage inducing. With anger clouding your mind, you sharply respond to his messages instead of calling him back.
y/n: that’s so stupid
y/n: you say all that but your actions say otherwise
He calls you immediately the second you text him back, but you cannot be bothered to pick up.
[missed call from “jakey <3”]
jakey <3: pick up ur phone y/n
y/n: no. i don’t wanna hear it jake
y/n: i’m done
jakey <3: done? what do u mean by that
jakey <3: y/n please just call me we need to talk
jakey <3: y/n
At this point, you’re so annoyed with him that everything he says pisses you off. You stop responding when you start to feel as if steam is blowing out of your ears, before your head pops off due to built up pressure. As you start to distract yourself by doom scrolling through social media, you get another notification from Jake.
jakey <3: open ur door
Sure enough, he’s at your house now. You ignore the message and continue scrolling, hoping that after a couple of minutes, he’ll leave. About five minutes pass by, when you hear a tap on your window. You jump at the noise, and your gaze immediately turns to where the sound came from. There on the tree branch sits Jake, in all his boyish charm, as he sports that damn quirky and apologetic smile again. Unfortunately for him, this is the first time it doesn’t work in his favour. Honestly, you still don’t want to let him in, but it’s a particularly windy day, and despite your anger, you don’t want him to hurt himself.
With a stern expression plastered on your face, you unlock the window and turn right back to your bed. He watches with sorrowful eyes as you sit on your bed, realizing in his haste to see you, he forgot to prepare an apology.
He hesitantly pulls open the window and enters your room. After closing the window, he awkwardly stands there as he thinks of how to approach the situation. You, on the other hand, are staring daggers into his eyes.
“So, are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?” Jake flinches at the clear irritation in your tone. This is the first time you’ve ever been mad at him, and he doesn’t know how to handle it. He hates it. He hates that he’s the reason behind your disdain. All he wants is to see your beautiful smile again.
He shuffles his feet clumsily as he searches for the right words. “I’m here to atone.” He announces with an uncertain voice. Hm, maybe that wasn’t the way to start off, he thinks as he sees your face change into an expression of disconcert.
Your jaw falls open at his statement. What kind of stupid opening is that? “Jake, if you're not going to be serious, I don’t want to hear it,” you firmly state, while getting up to leave your room.
“No, wait, let me finish!” he spews out before you can leave, which gets you to stop in your tracks. “Sorry, I know that wasn’t the best thing to say, but it’s because I don’t know how to address this,” he mumbles.
“Why? I don’t understand, Jake. We used to be able to talk about anything. You used to tell me everything, what happened? I feel like I’m going insane right now.” Your eyes start to water from the vulnerability you’re showing him.
Jake’s eyes soften after hearing your words. He never meant to make you feel this way, in fact, this is the opposite of what he wanted. The reason he didn’t reach out to you was because he was terrified. Terrified of ruining the friendship you two had built over the years. Jake had spent countless nights thinking about you, replaying moments in his mind, and imagining what could be. He wanted to tell you the truth, but he was paralyzed by the fear of your rejection.
What if you didn’t feel the same way? What if confessing his feelings meant losing you forever?
Jake walks over to you and pulls you down to sit on the bed with him, his expression filled with a mix of desperation and vulnerability. His eyes gaze down at your teary ones as he starts to speak in the most serious tone you’ve ever heard from him. “Y/N, the last thing I wanted to do was confuse you.”
“Well, you are confusing me!” Although you want to hear him out, you can’t help but be angry while thinking about his previous immature actions. One thought in particular crosses your mind. “Who was she?” You whisper as you break eye contact with him, prepared for the worst.
Jake takes a deep breath, knowing he needs to explain everything to you. “The girl you saw me with at the mall,” he begins, his voice steadying, “she's not what you think.”
You raise an eyebrow, still feeling a twinge of uncertainty. "Then who is she?"
"She's a friend from one of my classes.” Jake explains, running a hand through his hair. She asked for help with a project she's working on, and we decided to grab some coffee and discuss it. That’s all it was. I promise."
You feel a wave of relief, but there’s still a lingering doubt. “Why did you walk away when you saw me?”
Jake sighs, his shoulders slumping slightly. “When I saw you, I freaked out. I didn’t know how to face you after everything. I thought you might think she was someone important to me, and I didn’t want to hurt you more than I already had. But running away just made things worse.”
You take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions inside you. "You could have just told me, Jake. I spent these two weeks thinking you hated me or something."
Jake's face softens even more, his eyes pleading. “I'm so sorry, Y/N. I never wanted you to feel that way. To be honest, I was just really scared of losing you. But I've realized that keeping my feelings from you was the worst thing I could have done.”
Your heart races at his words, relief and apprehension filling your chest. "And what are those feelings, Jake? What have you been so afraid to tell me?"
Jake takes a breath, finally ready to tell you what he’s wanted to say for years. It’s now or never. “Y/N, I’m in love with you, and I have been for years. I was scared to tell you because I didn’t know how you would react, and the last thing I wanted was to lose you.” His heart races as the precious words fall from his lips.
You gasp at his sudden confession. You’ve been waiting for this for years and years, and as it’s finally happened, you feel your heart burst with excitement and joy. However, you still feel a fair amount of hesitancy to accept his feelings due to his previous actions.
He watches your face, searching your eyes for an answer. “Jake, I… I’ve waited so long to hear you say that,” his eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the uncertainty in your voice. “But do you understand how much you hurt me by ignoring me for so long?” Your voice trembles with anger and sadness. “How am I supposed to know that you won’t do that if we get into another situation like this? I don’t ever want to go through that again.”
Jake’s eyes fill with regret. “I know, Y/N. I was such an idiot. I thought staying away would somehow protect our friendship, but all I did was make things worse.” He takes a hold of your hands and kneels between your legs, while looking up at you with pleading eyes. “Please, Y/N, I’m so, so sorry. I can’t lose you, I don’t know what I would do with you.”
Your lips part in shock and overwhelm as you can sense the sincerity in his words as a couple of tears slip from your eyes. “Okay, Jake. I believe you. And actually, I’ve loved you for years too. I love you so, so much. But you need to promise me that you’ll never do that again, okay? We need to be there for each other, always.”
Jake’s eyes light up with elation. Under this light, he looks a bit like an excited puppy. How adorable, you think to yourself. “I know, I promise I’ll never do anything like that again. I love you, Y/N. I want to be with you.”
Now that you’re feeling more secure in your relationship with Jake, you finally feel at ease. With him, everything is easy and comfortable. With him, you feel at home. “Well, of course you do. I know I’m hard to resist,” you tease. Jake smiles up at you, happy that you’re back to your normal, witty self. “Yeah, imagine how hard it was for me to hide it for so long,” he replies with a grin.
“Mm, yeah, must’ve been pretty tough,” you nod sarcastically as you gently pull him up by his chin. He beams at you before cupping your face and bringing it closer to him until your lips meet in a tender, soft kiss. You both feel fireworks as your mouths rhythmically move together in waves of passion. The kiss is filled with years of unspoken feelings and promises of a future together.
When you finally pull apart, the room is filled with nothing but sounds of heavy breathing. Jake then rests his forehead against yours. “I love you, Y/N. I won’t let you down again.”
You smile, feeling a surge of warmth spread through your chest. “I love you too, Jake. Just don’t keep me in the dark anymore, okay?”
Jake nods, his eyes shining with love. “Never again. From now on, no more secrets.”
You two lay back on the bed, and Jake pulls you close to his body, letting you rest your head on his chest. You talk late into the night, much like you’ve always done before, the difference being instead of best friends, it’s now a conversation between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. This is all you’ve ever wanted and more.
The sun begins to rise again, painting the sky in shades of pink and gold, just like that night on the rooftop. But this time, there are no unspoken words or missed opportunities. Just the promise of a new beginning for you and Jake, together.
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tags: @breadlover01 @en-chantedtomeetyou @14-hibiscus
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beanwaterontherocks · 3 months
Stress relief (Part 3)
(Hoshina Soshiro)
Pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x gn!Reader (they/them pronouns) Pt1 Pt2 Pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x gn!Reader (they/them pronouns) Summary: Your feelings for Hoshina are becoming harder to ignore, you even find yourself jealous for a man you're not even dating. How dumb is that? There's no way he could feel the same. Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, afab reader, handjob, oral (m receiving), swallowing, p in v sex, marking, biting, slight dom reader, jealousy, Word count: 4489
You put your coffee mug down and sat on the couch. Hoshina sat beside you, it was one of his rare days off and he chose to spend the afternoon with you. The thought made warmth bloom in your chest. 
“Who do you think the killer is?” You asked him, pointing to the novel next to his own cup of coffee. Hoshina hummed in an exaggerated manner and put a hand under his chin. You laughed as you leaned back. 
“I think the sheriff did it, he’s always nervous when they talk about the murder”, he said and you sighed in defeat. It’d taken you most of the book to figure that out before the reveal. 
“Note to self: don’t recommend Soshiro any more mystery books”, you chuckled, suddenly realizing the other officers in the break room were shooting you glances. The man was like a detective, had it really been that weird to say?
Oh, you had called him by his first name. 
You hadn’t even thought about it, but this was the first time you had called him that…outside of the bedroom. Hoshina just smiled, seemingly not phased by it. 
“I don’t mind, it’s fun and ya have good taste in books”, he spoke, making you forget about your embarrassment. You two were good friends, so maybe it wasn’t weird at all. But would a good friend kiss you as warmly as he’d done that morning? Your chest began to hurt, your feelings were bothering you a lot more now. 
The moth-like yoju flew towards you, its mouth wide open and displaying rows of jagged teeth. You never really got over how unsettling kaiju could look. Larger guns were inconvenient against smaller, speedier enemies. You raised your metal staff and shoved it straight down the kaiju’s throat and angled it so that it pierced through its back. 
“Oh nice, the kaiju-kebab!” One of your officers exclaimed as he pulled his knife out of another monster. 
“That’s so lame, I call it the ‘eat it, bitch’, really gets the point across”, another one spoke as she fired her handgun several times into the eye of a yoju. 
You swung your staff and sent another one flying into a wall, splattering it. You pulled out your handgun and shot the Kaiju between its bug eyes. “Don’t name my moves for me” , you said as you felt your earpiece buzz. 
“All yoju have been neutralized, beginning disposal”, Okonogi said from the operation room. 
“Moths don’t even have teeth…or mouths!” An officer complained as he poked a dead yoju with his boot. 
“Usually they aren’t the size of grizzly bears either, yet here we are”, you said as you returned your staff to the holder on your back. You met up with the Third Division as the disposal crew arrived. The crowd had parted and fences were already being set up to block off the area. Hoshina waved you over to him and you joined him. You all walked towards the cars as the citizens cheered for the Defense Force. 
You smiled, they really deserved this applause. You turned to Hoshina: “How’d it go with-“ 
“I love you, Vice Captain Hoshina!” Someone in the crowd yelled, cutting you off. You whipped your head around, suddenly feeling very irritated. Someone had just screamed what you’d been aching to say. You envied them, they could just say it without having to worry about the consequences. 
Hoshina waved at the person who had yelled, making their face flush. How nice for them. You felt a strong urge to grab Hoshina’s hand or lean in to whisper something to him. You picked up the pace to walk in front of him instead. One of your officers put a hand on your shoulder, maybe you had been frowning.
“Come on, Commander! Don’t get all jealous”, they laughed. Jealous? Who was jealous, what was there to be jealous of? “I’m sure you’ll get some fans of your own!”. You sighed and shrugged your shoulders. 
Of course Hoshina would have fans, Defense Force officers were like celebrities here. While Captain Ashiro was one of the most popular, there certainly wasn’t a lack of Hoshina fans. Even just searching his name led you to several accounts dedicated to posting photos of him.
Your browsing also brought you to some…raunchier accounts. You really hoped those weren’t making him uncomfortable. As you continued to scour online, you felt frustration bubble up inside of you. Seeing people fawn over him made you grit your teeth. You shook your head, you shouldn’t blame them, you couldn’t. Hoshina was handsome, strong and, to their knowledge, single. 
No, he is single. You corrected yourself internally, even though it hurt. You weren’t his partner, there was no reason for you to feel like this. But even so, you closed your laptop and stood up. At least you could actually enact the fantasies they were dreaming about.
You caught Hoshina just as he was leaving the baths, he was clad more casually in a loose t-shirt and pants. With that tell-tale look in your eye, you asked him to follow you. He gladly did so and the two of you, once again, ended up in his room. 
“Ya sure are eager today, ya aren’t tired after that mission?” He asked, though his hands betrayed his words as he pulled you close. His skin was warm to the touch and he smelled pleasantly of soap. If only the baths weren’t shared, then you’d definitely join him for one. 
“Please, what kind of commander would I be if I got exhausted from that?” You spoke as you looked at his neck. The mark you’d left was fading, now just a pink patch of skin. But the fact that he wore something that showed it excited you. Did anyone notice and did they wonder who gave it to him? You longed for people to see the bruises and immediately know that they came from you. 
Without hesitation, you leaned in and sucked on his neck, right over the old hickey. Hoshina hummed in delight as his hands went up your back, pushing your shirt up. You reluctantly pulled away, taking a second to admire the new bruise as you pulled your shirt off.
"Ya sure do like my neck", he said teasingly as he ran his thumb over the purple spot, a satisfied smile on his lips. You tilted your head to the side and pointed at the remnants of one of his bites.
“You’re saying that?”
Hoshina's arms wrapped around your waist and he eyed the bed behind you. You realized as your lower bodies pressed together, he was already hard.
“I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about ya in the bath, ya looked so good after that mission”, he admitted breathily. You felt heat spread throughout your body, he’d just sat there, hard and thinking of you. You bit your lower lip, your head spinning at the image as you moved your hand down to feel him. Hoshina gasped, a bit surprised at your forwardness, but it quickly turned into a smile.
“You clearly didn’t do it there, but do you think about me when you get yourself off?” You questioned, palming his hardness through his thin pants. Hoshina exhaled shakily at your touch, but he kept a grin on his face as he whispered into your ear.
“It’s all I think about, all those cute noises ya make, how ya feel wrapped around me and the way ya look when-”, his sentence was cut short as he moaned when you stroked him harder. The heat between your legs was hard to ignore, but you were determined to see this through. Hoshina lifted his head and looked at you, eyes glimmering with mischief as he grinded against your hand. 
“Although it’s never as good as havin’ ya, just what have ya done to me?” He teased, making your heart pound. One hand slid down to the back of your thigh, dangerously close to your heat. A part of you wanted to give in to the seduction and let him have you. But jealousy was still clouding your mind, even if just for tonight, you wanted Hoshina to be fully yours. 
You pulled on his shirt, spinning the two of you and pushing him down onto the mattress. 
“Sorry Soshiro, but I did say it’d be your turn, I hope you don’t mind”, you said as you pulled his shirt off. His pants and underwear were pulled low on his hips, freeing his aching cock. You wrapped your hand around the base and began stroking him. 
“Ya really are spoilin’ me”, Hoshina said, followed by a pleased sigh as you teased the head “What’s the occasion?” You rolled your eyes at his comment as you pumped him faster. His cock was throbbing in your hand, beads of precum leaked out, making things slide easier. 
You faced him as you did it, thoroughly enjoying his expression. His cheeks were flushed as he tilted his head back. You couldn’t help but lean forward and suck at his throat, leaving yet another mark as you tightened your grip. Hoshina caught your lips in a deep kiss, his hand finding yours and he squeezed it tenderly. 
“How do you feel?” You asked, grinning as you sped up even more. Hoshina keened, raising his hand and softly holding the side of your face. His mauve eyes were gentle, his smile soft and sincere.
“So fuckin’ good, you’re so beautiful”, he said, panting at your strokes. Your heart pounded in your chest, this was all so intimate. You wanted to stay there, to keep pretending that this was love, but it pained you too much to remember that it wasn’t. Instead, you moved down his body and licked a stripe from the base to the head. He sighed sensually, still not letting go of your hand, but you didn’t want him to anyway. 
You took the head of his cock into your mouth, going deeper and caressing the part you couldn’t fit. His precum was salty on your tongue and he felt so hot. The sounds Hoshina made were driving you crazy, his bravado from earlier had melted away as he gave in. As you bobbed your head, longing to reach a hand down and touch yourself. You needed to hear him finish first, to know you’d done that to him. 
When you moved the tip of your tongue around the head, he throbbed and you glanced up at him. Hoshina was panting wildly, he wasn’t even like this during high-stakes missions and you were the one making him act this way. You shuddered when you felt his hand on the back of your head, but his touch was soft. 
“Yeah, that’s so good, keep goin’, I’m almost there!’”, he moaned. Despite how close he was, he never pushed you down further. You pulled back a bit and sucked around the head, locking eyes with him. You were acutely aware of the wetness that soaked through your underwear, but you’d deal with that soon. “I’m coming!” Hoshina exclaimed, calling out your name as you felt him finish in your mouth. 
You pulled off, keeping eye contact as you made a show, sticking out your tongue and then swallowing the saltiness pooled on it. His eyes went wide at your display. How did he like the taste of his own medicine? Clearly, he liked it a lot, because you were pulled down to him. 
“Didn’t I say it was your turn?” You asked, though there was no malice in your voice as Hoshina mouthed at your neck. 
“I’d love for ya to do that again but”, he said as he bit at your skin, leaving a stinging mark “I have to be inside of ya or I’m gonna lose it”. 
Who were you to deny a request like that? Hoshina sat up against the headboard and grabbed a rubber from the drawer. You stripped off your bottoms and underwear, feeling the cool air on your soaked cunt. He immediately grabbed your hips when you moved closer and put the tip to your entrance. You sank down onto him slowly, moaning as your hips met. He gripped your hips tighter, his fingers digging into your skin. 
“Ya always feel so perfect”, he mumbled. You leaned against him and rested your head on his shoulder. 
“You too, Soshiro! You fill me so well”, you said, rocking your hips softly. You sighed as you began to move, grinding against him and feeling the way he hit your inner walls. Your toes curled as you felt him thrust upwards, hitting that spot. Hoshina’s arms wrapped around your waist, steadying you as he moved his hips. Your arms went around his neck, his heart beating right next to your own. 
You moved your hips to meet him, both of you moaning together. You pressed your forehead to Hoshina’s, looking into his eyes. You didn’t care if this was too intimate, you just needed to be close to him. You moved your hips in circles, making his breathing hitch. The way he filled you was nothing less than incredible. You raised your hips and sunk down onto him again with a whine. He moaned lowly when you repeated the motion, his hold on your hips tightened as he took over, grinding into you with a steady rhythm. 
“I’m so close already, ya really have ruined me”, Hoshina chuckled, placing a soft kiss on your jaw. He moved one hand down to rub your clit in tandem with his movements, making your legs shake. You felt your heart pound at his words. 
“If you’re ruined, then I’m fucking wrecked”, you gasped, thrusting your hips and chasing your release. 
“I'd love to see that”, he said, picking up the pace and thrusting up into you, going incredibly deep. He groaned in your ear and you gripped his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. Your orgasm washed over you, leaving a sticky mess on Hoshina’s lap. He assured you that it’d just be a bit more. He pumped into your overly sensitive cunt and you felt him throb inside of you. Hoshina bit down on your shoulder, muffling his moan as he finished. 
You panted heavily, looking at the bite he’d left on you. It matched the red crescent shaped marks on his shoulders. You smiled, knowing you had marked him up thoroughly. Hoshina licked the wound softly and pulled out of you, laying you down on the bed. Your lips met in a warm kiss as you began to relax in each other’s embrace. 
The two of you cleaned up and crawled under the covers, spending the night in comforting arms once again. Hoshina hugged you from behind, his arms draped around your waist and his face pressed  into your nape. He placed a kiss just below your ear as you began to feel drowsy. 
“G’night, see ya tomorrow”, he whispered. You loved how gentle he could be, you loved his voice, you loved his jokes and you loved…
Fuck, you loved him. You truly loved Hoshina. 
“I can’t wait”, you said with all your heart. But worry grew in your chest, could you ever tell him how you felt without messing it up? 
'Hoshina didn’t think it’d turn out like this. Oh, who was he kidding? He should have known from the moment he kissed you, that he wouldn’t be satisfied with just hooking up. It was getting harder to ignore these feelings, to not want to jeopardize your whole relationship.
You were a formidable officer and a competent leader. You were always down to joke with him and not afraid to tease him back. Whenever he touched the marks you’d left on him, his chest would feel warm. It was like you’d marked him as yours. 
He wanted to be yours and he wanted you to be his just as much. He loved your smile, your laugh and how you’d hold him. He craved you, he wanted to make you happy and to have you by his side. 
“This just came in today”, Captain Ashiro said as she studied the document in front of her. 
“What is it?” Hoshina asked, snapping out of it and smiling like he always did. 
“A transfer request, another division is asking to recruit the Commander”, she said. Hoshina’s heart dropped at the news. Someone wanted to have you transferred to their team, away from him.
“Which division?” He questioned. The Captain handed him the paper.
“The Sixth Division”, she stated. Hoshina’s grip on the document tightened, curling the edges. Sure enough, it was a transfer request with your name on it. And his older brother’s neat signature at the bottom. He couldn’t help but grit his teeth. Hoshina wanted nothing more than to rip the paper to shreds and throw it in the garbage. He wouldn’t let Soichiro have you, he’d never let it happen.
But it wasn’t like he could just keep you from accepting the offer, he wasn’t your Vice-Captain. This was up to you and who was he to get in the way of your career as a commander? It wouldn’t be fair to keep you if you wanted to leave. He handed the paper back, the Captain looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“You’re acting like they have already accepted it, maybe you should hurry up and confess to them”, Ashiro sighed as she smoothed out the document. 
Hoshina was dumbfounded, had he really been that obvious this whole time? There was no point in denying it though, he had to face it, especially now. If he didn’t make a move, there was a chance you’d slip away from him. He couldn’t bear the thought of that. 
“What’s the plan?” Kikoru asked the other officers. The Commander’s entire platoon was here, along with some of the Third Division officers. 
“Well the goal of Operation Cupid is to get them together”, an officer from the other team spoke.
“That’s still a stupid name”, Iharu commented, earning an eye roll.
“Jealousy is a great motivator, who’s willing to flirt with the Vice Captain?” The officer asked, looking around the table. She was met with complete silence from both teams. 
“How about your Commander?” Minase asked. “That’s not me volunteering to do it though”, she quickly added.
“It's too weird for any one of us to do it, it'd be like flirting with your older sibling”, an officer said, shaking his head. Kikoru looked over at Kafka with crossed arms. 
“Hey, I’m not doing it, I’d like to live!”, the man exclaimed, putting his hands up defiantly.
“I think we need a new plan”, Reno sighed. 
You uneasily paced through the halls of the Tachikawa base. Your limit has been reached, you needed to tell Hoshina how you felt or it’d tear you apart. Today was an odd one though, your platoon was acting strange, randomly embracing you with exaggerated somber looks on their faces. You awkwardly patted the back of one of your officers as he sniffled.
“I’m going to miss you so much”, he spoke into your shoulder.
“Okay, but the vending machines are just over in the courtyard, I’m not going far” You said, were they pulling some kind of prank? Truth be told, whatever this was, it was funny to watch their bad acting so you didn’t question it. It did get your mind off things. 
You waved goodbye to Minase, who had grabbed your hands and thanked you for all the training tips you’d given her. Even the Third Division was acting like this. The courtyard was empty though, but the silence didn’t give you much peace. You sat down on the bench and opened your canned coffee, a second can next to you. If all went according to the plan you didn’t have, you could talk to Hoshina in the evening.
You had to, you didn’t want to keep doing this when you longed for something more. Maybe you were being selfish, he didn’t owe you anything. If he didn’t accept your confession then that was that and hopefully you could still be…just friends. 
“They’re bein’ so weird today”, a voice spoke and you looked up to see Hoshina standing by the vending machine. You hadn’t even noticed that he’d arrived, too in your own head. You focused on your can, taking a sip before answering him. No way you could face him right now. 
“Tell me about it, I’ve gotten so many hugs”, you said, chuckling lightly. Hoshina sat down beside you and you offered him the other coffee. 
“I’ve seen ya get so many hugs, ya really don’t know what this is about?” He asked you, opening his drink. You shook your head, looking over at him. Did he look…tense? The stillness of his shoulders and expression looked out of place on him, you didn’t like it.
“I have no idea, maybe they got into community theater?” You said, smiling at him and hoping it’d make him forget whatever was bothering him. Hoshina sipped the coffee and put the can down on the bench. 
“They’re really bad at it then”, Hoshina snickered, though he turned to look you in the eye. Maybe it was now or never, the two of you were alone after all and you felt ready. 
“I think we need to talk-”.
“We have to talk”. 
The two of you stared at each for a moment, you rubbed the back of your neck. It seemed like you both needed to get something off your chest. What could he want to talk about? 
“You can go first”, Hoshina spoke, his expression strained. You took a breath and turned to face him, leaning closer.
“I…” you clutched the can in your hand, your knuckles turning white, this was it. “I love you, Soshiro, I have for a long time and I wasn’t sure if I could keep going like this if I didn’t-”, your oncoming nervous rant was cut off by Hoshina. 
He closed the distance between you and pressed your lips together. You were shocked, but only for a moment, you melted into the kiss, threading your free hand into his hair. Hoshina sighed into the kiss. His hand went to your nape, rubbing circles into your skin as you kissed. When you pulled away he smiled, not the usual grin he wore, but a true, happy smile.
“That’s so unfair, I wanted to say it first”, he beamed and you couldn’t help but let out a relieved laugh. He loved you too. 
“Well then you better get to it”, you teased, putting down your drink. Hoshina answered by embracing you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I love ya, I’ve loved ya for so long it was driving me up the wall”, he whispered, words just for you to hear.
Hoshina grabbed your hand when you walked back into the building. Holding hands while walking through halls made you feel giddy. You couldn’t help the smile on your face as the two of you walked into the cafeteria. Both a handful of Third Division officers and your platoon were gathered there, a few of them audibly gasping when they saw you. 
“Alright everyone, what was all that bad acting about?” Hoshina asked and you chuckled. 
“Mission failed successfully!” Iharu announced, followed by cheers from the others.
After explaining what they had been trying to do, everyone was given push-ups for trying to trick you. 
“I still think Captain Ashiro was in on it”, you stated as you entered the break room, putting down the cake box. You sat next to Hoshina, who proceeded to put an arm around you. Being affectionate in public like this made your face heat up, but you were so happy that you could do it now. 
“What makes ya say that?” He asked, using his free hand to pour the both of you some coffee. You hummed in response as you leaned against his shoulder. 
“Because I rejected that transfer request yesterday”, you stated, opening the box to reveal mont blanc and a slice of shortcake. Hoshina halted in his movements, his eyes widening a bit at your confession. 
“Oh, I didn’t know that”, he said. You turned to face him and placed a light kiss on his cheek.
“I’d have to leave my platoon behind and…”, you said and cuddled closer to him “I’d have to leave this behind”. Hoshina smiled, kissing your forehead.
“I’m happy ya chose to stay here, I really didn’t wanna let ya go”, he said, your heartbeat quickened, damn him, he knew how to make you flustered. 
“This is your favorite, right?” You asked as you put the cakes onto a plate. Hoshina nodded and took the spoon you offered him.
“I like mont blancs, though I couldn’t eat them all the time”, he answered, tasting the dessert with a pleased hum. 
“I get it, there’s really nothing you can eat a lot and not get tired of”, you said as you dug your fork into your slice. You paused for a second, before grinning at him. You spread your legs slightly and successfully caught his eye, you crossed them again. “Well, almost nothing”, you laughed, shooting him a wink. Hoshina’s hand slid down from your shoulder to your waist and you sighed in delight.
“Careful, maybe I’ll crave some of that later”, he warned, taking another bite of his dessert and making a show out of licking his lips. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time”, you said as you took a forkful of cake, “Do you want some? Say ah”, you said as you put the fork by his mouth. Hoshina answered with a laugh, that cute laugh you loved so much. 
“A day into dating and you’re already pullin’ out the clichés”, he said as he kept snickering. But he ended up taking the bite, running his tongue over the points of the fork, licking up whipped cream as he looked into your eyes. You averted your gaze, suddenly feeling very warm despite the break room AC. “What are ya actin’ like that for? Can’t take what ya dish out?” He teased you as he took another spoonful of mont blanc.
 You turned and caught his lips, pushing him up against the back of the couch. When you pulled away, you caressed his neck with a smile, seeing a hint of a purple mark. 
“You’re right, mont blancs are good”, you said, recalling the sweet taste on his lips.
You realized something as you sat leaned against Hoshina’s chest. 
“Hey…isn’t this technically our first date?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. He put down his coffee mug and hummed in thought.
“Huh, I guess it is, we really got the order wrong”, he said as he grinned. You rolled your eyes and found his hand, holding it gently.
“We did, but I’m glad we ended up like this after all”, you said. Hoshina cupped your cheek and your lips met in a tender kiss.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way”. You heard his heart thump against his chest, the joyful beat of it matching your own. 
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - 2
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | series mast. ♣ prev part | next part
Chapter 2: Lakers, Headlines… New York?
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual pov, famous!reader, actress!reader, mentions of substances, intoxication, mature language, real people. (do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: part 2 of legally binded! I hear yall and I see the comments! This will be a series, got a lot of ideas for this one. But of course, I am open to hearing what you guys think and want to see! A little bonding moment for R and Jenna 😮‍💨
Word Count: 6.3k+ (lol sorry, may have gone overboard!)
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“So… what does this mean, exactly?” Jenna asks for both of you.
“We’re gonna make the two of you the talk of the town. And hopefully get people to back off on the allegations that Jenna is difficult to work with and that Y/N is entering her Justin Bieber phase — and not the good one.” Your PR agent, Liv, purses her lips.
Jenna can’t help the snort that leaves her lips, awkwardly coughing to hide it. But you catch it anyway, throwing her a glare.
“Difficult to work with huh?” You speak up — in faux interest. “Not hard to see why.”
This time Jenna is the one glaring at you. “You don’t even know me.”
“You don’t know me either.” You huff.
“Enough!” Jake yells. Anger steadily rose in the man’s bloodstream.
You and Jenna flinch at his loudness. Sliding down the chair, you feel ashamed again; ignoring Jenna’s piercing glare.
Liv is sighing but opts not to add fuel to the fire. “It’s going to take a few hours to get the paperwork and contract drafted —but once it’s done we’ll have it sent over to you. For now, get to know each other, I don’t know.”
You shoot Liv a scowl. She was making this already awkward situation so much worse.
She catches your look, sighing, “Just–pretend this is another job and you’re new castmates. Anything please. ” She rolls her eyes, already fed up with what disaster this morning has been.
“You can do that, right?” Liv crosses her arms, staring at you two in question.
“Yes.” Jenna mumbles.
“Mhmm.” You hum lazily, changing the subject. “Can we tell people? That this isn’t real?”
Liv glances at Jake and Sarah sharing a silent conversation. They nod at each other. “If they sign an NDA. Only family, your team and us. This cannot leave the room.”
You feel pale. You couldn’t even tell the people around you about this fake relationship without binding them to a contract? Suddenly, the situation starts to feel more real; the carpet of delusion being pulled from under you.
You’re standing up, pushing the chair back with a loud scrape that rings terribly against your ears. “I need some air.”
“You’re really leaving in the middle of a meeting?” Jenna questions with a snip, crossing her arms.
“Sorry your highness, I got better places to be. Liv you can send the contract to my assistant. Ortega, wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you… but well.” You trail off, shrugging.
Liv and Jake are fuming red in the face at your words, but you were still hungover and the comedown was begging to wreak havoc – your irritation getting harder to restrain. 
Jenna’s face scrunches, offended. You walk away, not bothering to listen for a response.
“There’s no way I can work with her…” You catch it anyway.
“I mean can you believe what they’re asking me to do!” You pace up and down your living room.
“Oh come on, I don’t buy the allegations that she’s difficult, you know they love to tear women down when they get their come up.” Link reasons tapping on his phone.
“I mean how can this face be rude?” He holds up a picture of Jenna at the SAG awards and you furrow your brows because you don’t remember seeing her there — you might have been late.
You were just nominated anyway. So you pulled a Beyoncé and only showed up for your category.
“Maybe Jenna’s not so bad?”
“Quit it.”
It was now mid-afternoon and the battering Californian sun was shining bright above clear skies and through your floor-to-ceiling windows. You bought this house in the Palisades for the peace it provided you. Not too far from central L.A. but still tucked away enough for a moment of solitude with a life like yours.
It was your own version of a sanctuary – like a home should be. 
“Okay, that sounds crazy, I agree. But dude, you fucked up. Big time.” Your long-time friend Link said. 
You and Link grew up together and when you got your come up, best believe you took your best friend with you. You offered to help him out while he lives with you as you achieve your dreams but ever the stubborn guy, he refused. Only agreeing to move to Los Angeles with you if he works as your assistant to earn his keep.
He’s a good guy like that. 
Since then, he’s been by your side. Through every disappointment, bad news, great news, red carpets, and movie premieres. You couldn’t do this job without him. 
He’s like your brother.
“I know!” You groan, dropping to the couch. Why the hell did you let your designer choose these couches? They were stiffer than a plank of wood.
“Look at this article online, 2-time Grammy winner and Academy Award Nominee, Y/N L/N’s fall from grace? Sin City indeed! The actress blacks out at a Vegas strip club! Click here to see exclusive mugshots.”
“They’re selling my fucking mugshots?” You lift your head above the headrest horrified, watching Link sit across the room on a bar stool reading his phone. 
“I’m pretty sure they’re public domain.” He refutes.
Falling back, you groan louder – hiding your face behind your palms.
“I don’t see how you have a choice, buddy.” He sighs, placing his phone on the bar top. 
“There has to be another way. Why can’t I just run away? I’ll fly back home for a couple of weeks, and let all of this shit die down. It’s worked before.” 
“Yeah, I told Jake and Liv you’d say that.” He rolls his eyes, walking to you. “I don’t think you can run from this one, Y/N.”
The softness in his voice has you sighing in defeat. He’s right, you know he’s right. This wasn’t just some tiny mistake you can brush under the carpet like all the other ones. This was serious. 
You got arrested. For blacking out with someone who had drugs on them. In a strip club, no less.
What a mess.
Something like this could seriously hurt your career. You could lose roles, relationships, connections, brand deals – the blood, sweat, and tears you poured in; everything you worked so hard for – gone.
“I know… Doesn’t make me wanna do it more though,” You mumble, distantly staring at the high ceiling.
He chuckles, “I know bud. But this is what we signed up for, right?” 
You frown. It’s what we signed up for.
It’s a mantra that you have adopted in all your years as a working performer. It certainly wasn’t the most comforting and loving thing to say, but it works because it’s true and there’s no greater motivator than a slap in the face to reality. 
You much preferred tough love anyway.
“Right.” You mutter.
“Come on, I think Jenna’s manager just sent me the signed contract, they’re just waiting for your signature.” He walks off to his office. 
You close your eyes, letting the sun warm you up through the glass panes. A few moments pass until Link comes back out with a tablet and pen. “Sign here, under Jenna’s signature.”
She has pretty handwriting – you note as you sign the electronic document. 
Call it weird but you had a thing for people with neat handwriting, steady hands and all that. 
But then you remember who the professional signature belonged to and forced yourself to snap out of it.
“Did you even read it?” He arches a brow.
“That’s what lawyers are for.”
He scoffs, “Okay, superstar. It basically says what you and Jenna need to do. Public spottings at first, then dates, appearances at each other's events. Maybe posts on social media, but the idea is to be discreet – we can’t have it seem like we’re using this to scrub away the Vegas incident.”
“But that’s exactly what we’re doing,” You sigh.
“Yeah, but they don’t know that. And it’s your damn job to make sure they don’t ever find out either.”
You rub your forehead; a headache beginning to form. Not sure if it was from the hangover or from all this PR mess.
“Anways,” He takes the tablet out of your hands. “I’ll send these over to Liv. Now as for you. Go upstairs, take a shower because you smell horrendous and then put on what your stylist picked out.”
Wrinkling your nose, you ask, “What, why? I literally just got back, I already have to go out and show my face? The paparazzi will hound me.” 
“We have to beat the Vegas headline with a bigger story, so you need to be seen with Jenna ASAP. That means out for a late lunch at a well-known spot downtown. You have to act like the news doesn’t bother you – like you’re moving past it.”
“Who goes out for late lunch?” 
He sends you a pointed look. 
“I’ll be upstairs…” You mumble, dragging your feet as you ascend the steps.
You tap your fingers on the steering wheel, glancing up at the modest house through your sunglasses.
A mid-modern century house in Glendale. Not where you pictured her to live but whatever. Her front yard was bare but professionally trimmed. No signs of any plant life that made the space look a little… dull. The only signs of life in the house was the humble SUV that you assumed belonged to the young actress.
Your tapping grows impatient the longer you wait.
As if staring harder at the front door will make the actress come out faster. Another five agonizing minutes pass – you seriously consider pulling away to go home and sleep off this hangover but Link stood a good half-foot taller than you.
He’d lock your ass out of your own home. 
Eventually, the door opens and the short brunette walks down the driveway in confident strides. Dressed in jeans, combat boots and a cardigan; those headphones around her neck, again. Somehow, she looked consistently gothic and you pondered if she really was like her character in real life.
You see her scan your Mercedes-AMG GT3 for a moment before pulling the passenger door open; sliding into the cushy seats. “Nice car.”
You blink, “Thanks… you sure took your time though,”
You couldn’t stop the slight attitude that accompanied your words.
She gives you a sharp glance, “why didn’t you just ring the doorbell?”
“You had to unlock the gate to let me in, you knew I was waiting outside.” You huff, staring at her back. 
“Then would have waited in the living room if you had knocked. What difference does it make?” She shrugs.
“That’s not the poi–” You gruff but stop, inhaling a deep breath. The pounding in your skull was begging for you to cool down. 
“I think I much preferred waiting in the car… alone.” You whisper the last bit then shoot her a sarcastic glance; shifting the gear in reverse.
You don’t bother to check if she had her seatbelt on as you aggressively pull out her driveway; leaving skid marks on the pavement.
She jerks forward at the sudden movement. “Shit– a little warning next time?” She glares bracing herself on the dashboard.
“Hands off the leather,” You bite as you pull off her street and to the restaurant Link sent you the directions to. 
She scoffs. “My driveway!”
“Table for 2 under Ortega? Please follow me, can I be the first one to say how delighted we are that you two decided to dine here.” The host enthused a little too much.
“It’s our pleasure.” Jenna answers politely.
You plaster a tight-lipped smile keeping quiet; sliding a modest hand on Jenna’s back when he leads you past other patrons and to a secluded table – heads already turning in your direction. Jenna jumps, sending you a menacing glare and for a moment you feel slightly scared by the fire in her eyes – dropping your hand immediately. 
Okay, no touching. Got it.
“Here we are, the best seat in the house. We have complementary champagne on the table to start your evening. We’ll give you a few moments to get settled,” He sends a tight smile causing his wrinkles to show – definitely trying too hard but you’d never say no to free alcohol.
“Thank you,” You bid, pulling a chair out for Jenna.
She walks to claim the opposite chair, assuming you’re taking the one you pulled out. But she stares as you stand behind the open chair, awkwardly. Only then did she seem to realize that the seat was for her.
Raising her brows, she looked a little surprised but wordlessly and a bit awkwardly (she sends a tight-lipped smile) sits over to the chair allowing you to push it in for her, before taking your own seat across.
The first thing you grab is the bottle of champagne and the flute. 
You miss Jenna’s tracking eyes as you pour a hefty glass. “Is that really the best thing for you to have, especially after last night? Also, it’s like 4 PM.”
“I didn’t know you were the alcohol police and it’s 8 PM somewhere.” You take big gulps of the champagne, savouring the way it burned but also felt cool on the way down.
“Trust me, I’m not. But my ass is on the line here too and there are people watching.” She grits out the last part, signalling with her eyes. You glance up catching two girls from another table with their phones up, no doubt taking pictures and recording you and Jenna. 
Looking away, you place the glass flute down, sitting back in your seat with a slump. “Fine…”
“When are you going to take this seriously?” She whispers, tone: sharp.
“I am taking this seriously,” You fight to keep your face impassive knowing there are eyes on you both. 
“No, you’re not. You couldn’t even sit through the meeting this morning and now you’re acting like a child. Might I remind you, we’re in this mess because of you.”
You clench your jaw, trying your hardest not to blow up in this fine establishment. 
“I’m the reaso—“
“Are we ready to order?” The waitress cuts in.
“Yes, we are.” Jenna turns to her with that large, sweet smile that sells millions.
‘New Gal-Pals in Hollywood, Y/N L/N and Jenna Ortega spotted out for lunch’
It was now the following day after your ‘lunch date’ with Jenna and you wish to say it only got better as time went on but that would be a lie. You two did not get along – at all. How was it possible for your management to find the one person on this planet that you just couldn’t get along with. 
You know difficult, you can handle difficult. You’ve worked with the likes of Shia Lebeouf, Gweneth Paltrow, Michael Bay… just to name a few. You’ve had your fair share of difficult colleagues.
But this girl? She’s something else. 
“Gal pals? Really?” Your nose scrunches in distaste.
“No wait, this one’s better! Wednesday star Jenna Ortega supports new bestie, Y/N L/N amid Vegas arrest.”
“Stop.” But Link’s loud laughter overpowers you.
“Oh! We got one that’s different, Trouble-maker, A-lister, Y/N L/N, will drag down rising-star Jenna Ortega!”
“Okay, that’s just bullshit.” You pique up.
“Rising star?” Jenna voices in disdain.
“Enough!” Liv’s voice echoes from your laptop speaker. “This isn’t the headline we wanted.”
You roll your eyes, scanning the candid photo of you and Jenna sitting at the restaurant.
The images look tame enough and can definitely be interpreted as just two friends out for a bite. News outlets don’t buy it, but the internet is already freaking out; spewing out unsolicited opinions on this new pairing. Some think you two are just friends, some think it’s a date, others think it’s for a movie role.
“I thought I did a good job,” Jenna speaks up on the other line of the Facetime call. 
“Clearly not…” You mumble, but she catches it anyway, rolling her eyes. 
“We need to up the ante, this is not good enough.” Liv sighs and you can hear the trepidation through the call.
“Like what?”
“There’s a Lakers game tonight and you two are making your first official appearance.” She grins with mischief.
“Lakers?” Jenna rouses, sounding excited.
“How would they interpret that differently than before?” Shaking your head.
“I got a plan already, darling. I have a guy in TMZ who’s going to break the first official headline that you two are in the ‘getting to know each other’ stage. Which is where you two come in… after the game headlines of your guys’ date night will be the number one trending topic.” She explains, eyes lighting up in excitement.
Liv loves to lay out her plans to whoever was willing to listen — you’re already tuning her out.
You are sure her plan is genius like she says it is.
“Are they versing someone decent, at least?” You ask tiredly. When were you going to get some time to yourself?
“I’m in.”
“Do you really have to wear sunglasses indoors? Everyone knows we’re here.” Jenna whispers from beside you.
“It’s part of the look.” You retort, sliding down the foldable chair. Why are courtside seats so uncomfortable for all the money I’m paying?
“What look.”
“We got two stars in the Lakers house tonight! Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Y/N L/N and Jenna Ortega!”’ The announcer booms through the stadium speakers. 
Looking up at the jumbotron, you and Jenna are plastered big and bright on the screen. You flash a dazzling smile and force your body to untense – ignoring Jenna’s quip.
You embrace the loud cheers and applauds, waving and sending the camera that dazzling smile you have mastered. Jenna copies your movements.
Eventually, the camera pans away from you two and you finally feel like you can breathe again. 
“God, I think my eardrums ruptured.” She complains, clutching her earring clad-ears painfully.
You laugh, “Oh come on, you don’t have people shouting for your attention at you at every turn?”
She frowns, shaking her head, “Not at this level… I like to think I still have some anonymity.”
Snorting, you say, “Yeah well, just wait. That’ll all be gone — so enjoy it while you can.” 
You don’t see her frown deepen because you spot a familiar face. “Look who’s in the house!”
“Hey!” You stand briskly. Lebron James comes barreling over in large steps; greeting you with a hug and a pat on the back. 
“Feeling ready for tonight?” You ask, smiling up at the athlete. Being a big name in Hollywood definitely came with nice perks like knowing world-renowned athletes.
As much as you complain about your life – this is certainly a perk you can’t deny.
“You know it! We’re gonna mop the floors with your lil Celtics team.” He smirks making you laugh.
“Okay, save the trash-talking for the court... This is Jenna by the way.” You move to the side to reveal Jenna sitting; watching the two of you with a flabbergasted look on her face. 
“Nice to meet you, Jenna. My kids loved Wednesday, I think my daughter might dress up as you this Halloween.” He jokes; shaking her hand. 
It was quite an amusing sight to see Jenna crane her neck to meet the basketball player’s eyes. And you really tried your hardest not to snort when her tiny hands slide into his gigantic palms – her upper arm practically disappearing in his grasp.
They continue talking for a few more moments before the basketball player eventually bids his goodbye to continue warming up. 
“You’re friends with Lebron James?” She asked in disbelief when you sit back down.
“Yeah, is that surprising?” You arch a brow.
“Yes?” She asks like you were stupid for even asking.
You chuckle. “Well, now you know.” 
“Also… a Celtics fan, really? That’s just disgraceful.” She shakes her head.
You scrunch your face in faux annoyance, puffing your chest proudly, “Hell yeah the Celtics! We’re gonna wipe the court with your little Lakers in their own house.” 
“Don’t let people hear you say that, you’ll be stoned,” She laughs heartily. 
For a brief moment, you watch as she shakes in laughter at her own joke – unable to fight the infectiousness of her laugh. Her bangs shake with her movements as she attempts to hide her smile behind her hand.
Were you guys getting along? Nah, impossible. 
“I’ll just use you as a shield.”
“I’m like five-foot, I don’t think I’ll be much help.” She snorts. 
“Pocket-sized shield – makes travelling easier.” You shrug, smirking. 
She shoots you a side-eye but you see the smirk she tries to hide from you. 
Eventually, the national anthem is sung and tip-off begins. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying yourself right now. After the weekend disaster in Vegas, all you wanted to do was sleep away your fuck-ups. But this… isn’t so bad. 
Jenna seems to have loosened up and allowed herself to enjoy the game.
You cheer enthusiastically when the Celtics go on a 12-0 run in the fourth quarter. 
The score is 94 - 90, with the Lakers in the lead. You were standing now, your concession drinks and snacks forgotten under your chair. The energy in the stadium is infectious as everyone cheers for their respective teams.
“This is what I’m talking about, now we got a game!” You clap loudly, yelling.
“$100 Lakers win this one.” The sweet voice shouts over the crowd.
You turn, grinning. “That’s it? $1000, Celtics win.” 
The quiet contemplation is burning bright in her eyes, but eventually, she gives in extending her hand. “You’re on.”
Somehow, your grin stretches wider when she slides her hand in yours to seal the deal. “I can’t wait to be a $1000 richer.”
“In your dreams,” she clicks her tongue, focusing on the court.
“Come on ref, that was a foul!” She shouts at the checkered-shirt man as he runs past you.
She’s not looking at you but you find yourself unable to look away from her. 
Granted, you barely knew anything about Jenna before meeting her yesterday. But you think you like this laid-back version of her more than the one you met at first.
A whistle-blowing breaks your staring before it becomes too obvious.
Eventually, the game goes into overtime with the score being 104 - 104 when the Lakers gets both free throws in. You’re practically shaking in excitement as you watch from courtside.
You are bent over, hands on your knees like a soccer mom watching their kid get a penalty kick. You miss Jenna snapping a photo of the court with you bent over in the corner of the picture.
“Come on, Tatum!” You shout, a vein on your forehead protruding. 
“Did you say a $1000 richer?” She mocks, using your words against you.
“Don’t go on a victory lap yet,” You stand as the last time-out is called, “The score’s even and there’s still 5 seconds on the clock. It’s anybody's game right now.”
When the whistle blows signalling time-out is over, you are tense again. Jenna seems to share your sentiments as she absentmindedly grabs your jacket when the Celtics shooting guard walks behind the line to inbound the ball.
Anticipation getting the best of her.
You ignore the touch – unsure if you wanted to pull away or never move your arm again.
“Shit!” You yell when someone on the Lakers intercepts the Celtics attempt to inbound — sloppily passing it to another player in gold and purple. 
3 seconds remaining on the clock and a fast-break on the Lakers side ensues; green jerseys struggling to keep up.
“Schroder tips the Celtics inbound and manages to pass it off to Thompson, to James! James with a hail mary from half-court with 2 seconds, will he make it!” The announcer exclaims.
It was like the movies when everything goes silent and somehow you see everything in slow motion. You watch as the ball spins high above in the air with the powerful throw from the Laker’s power forward. The only thing you feel is Jenna’s fist gripping your arm, bunching the jacket in her hands. 
You unconsciously lean into her; the intensity of the room bouncing off you. 
The ball continues to spin until it amazingly flies through the basket with a satisfying swoosh and the buzzer rings loudly.
The crowd explodes – bursting into loud cheers. 
“Holy shit!” Jenna jumps, cheering.
“No fucking way.” You groan.
You feel her grab your shoulders to face her, still jumping up and down; a large smile on her face. You find yourself matching her grin despite your team not winning. 
Nodding in defeat, you admit, “Okay, okay… that was a pretty great game.”
“Great?” She shakes you like a rag doll, “That was the best game I’ve ever seen!” 
“Are you turning into a basketball fan, Miss Ortega?” You tease as she pulls away from you.
Still with a grin, she says, “Never… Football will always have my heart.”
“I didn’t peg you for an NFL fan but I guess I’ve heard stranger things.” You tease as she rolls her eyes.
“Soccer, Y/N.”
“Why didn’t you just call it the proper name then?”
“We are not starting this.” She holds a hand up, turning to sit back in her seat. The high of winning the bet, dwindling away.
“This is me…” Jenna says into the quiet night air. 
You shifted on your feet as you stood by your car. The night had been an unexpected…. success. After the game, you two made sure to stick around to chat and take pictures with fans in the crowd. 
The more eyes that saw you two together, the better. 
“Um… this was nice, I guess.” You mumble, feeling a bit awkward now that it was just you and her. 
She blinks up at you, surprised by your admission. “Uh – yeah, this wasn’t bad. Surprising, but not bad.” 
A small smile creeps on your face, “Okay, well I guess I’ll see you later… or whenever our managers say we need to be seen together again.” 
She laughs, nodding, “Yeah…”
A bright flash from your peripheral has you blinking, unfocused. “What the–”
“Paps…” She sighs. “Kiss my cheek.”
“What?” You asked bewildered.
She sends you a pointed look, turning her back from the direction of the flash so they couldn’t see her face. “Kiss my cheek, they’ll take a picture and then they’ll know we’re not just gal pals.”
Jenna is rolling her eyes but you’re still stuck in your spot. “Y/N.”
Snapping out of your thoughts, you clear your throat, “Are you sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Something indecipherable shines in her eyes, but it disappears as she blinks, “You’re not asking for my hand in marriage, Y/N. Just kiss my cheek.”
Blushing, you lean down. Shyly placing your lips on her soft-dimpled cheek – she leans into the contact, placing a hand on your neck. Immediately, a flurry of bright flashes and sounds of clicking interrupt the moment. 
“Goodnight, Jenna.” You say softly once you pulled away; ignoring the goosebumps that rose on your skin.
“Goodnight.” She takes a moment to look at you before walking to unlock her gate.
You wait until she opens the metal door; not missing the kind eyes she shoots you as she shuts the gate. Only once Jenna’s out of your view did you let out a deep sigh, turning around.
“Y/N! Over here! Did you just kiss Jenna Ortega? What about the singer you were with in Vegas? Are you two over?”
You didn’t want to give the paparazzi lurking on her street more reason to stay, so you keep your head down ignoring their shouting and slip into your car.
“How was it?” Her sister’s voice can be heard on her phone. 
“Awful – she’s a menace, Mia.” Jenna replies as she opens her fridge, looking for a mid-afternoon snack. 
It was now Sunday afternoon and as predicted – you and Jenna are the top headline of every major news outlet in America. 
“Did you tell her that you loved her in Little Women?” 
“What? No, of course not! I’m not gonna tell her that.”
“Why not? You watched that movie like five times when it came out.” Her sister reminds.
“Shut up, Mia.”
“Okay, anyways…” She trails off, laughing. “I saw the pictures. You’re smiling pretty wide with her. Also the kiss on the cheek when she was dropping you off? Chef’s kiss. Just perfect.”
Jenna rolls her eyes, “It’s all part of the act. Of course, I look happy.”
“There’s videos of you jumping on her. I can barely scroll through my Twitter feed without seeing an edit of you two at the game.”
“Stop. I don’t want to talk about her anymore.” Jenna snaps.
“Okay, okay…” Mia laughs and Jenna can picture her raising her hands in surrender. “Let’s talk about New York, are you excited?’
Jenna lets out a repressed sigh. With all of this PR mess with you, she hasn’t had time to think about how busy her schedule is about to be. The Scream VI premiere and SNL is inching closer and the Coachella native is feeling the familiar phantoms of anxiety rumbling in her chest. 
“Yeah, of course, I am. It’s SNL…”
“But?” Aliyah, her younger sister’s voice comes out of nowhere.
“But it’s SNL!” Jenna exclaims, “It’s a big deal! What if… what if I fuck up? Or I break character?”
“Okay… let’s take a deep breath,” Mia speaks up. She recognizes her sister’s looming anxiety and knew she had to act before the young actress sends herself into a panic. “You will kill it, like you always do and you won’t mess up. It’s okay to be a little nervous.
“Right, right.” Jenna agrees but the weighted pressure in her chest was still to creeping in.
Mia hums over the line unconvinced, “Listen, the whole family is flying in before your premiere. So don’t worry, we’ll be there, cheering you on!” 
Jenna can’t fight the smile that creeps up on her face. The thought of her family being there on one of the most important nights of her career is all she needs. They always had her back, picking her up when she felt like she couldn’t do it anymore. “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate that.”
“You want me to fly to New York, to what– be her personal cheerleader?” You dead-pan, watching as Link frantically throws clothes and shoes into a suitcase. 
It’s been about a week since the Lakers and Celtics game and news of you and Jenna’s night out in town are still abuzz. The two of you made a couple more subtle appearances over the last couple of days and the media is eating it up shamelessly. Pictures of you and the star are plastered on the front pages; be it grabbing coffee or grocery shopping or walking your dog at the park.
Now, you couldn’t even step outside without someone hurling Jenna’s name at you.
But you couldn’t lie. It was nice to have some company while you run your errands. Only yours though — you hated when you had to do hers. Jenna always thought too hard about which cereal to get, like she’s ever home to eat it.
‘New budding romance in Hollywood? Do we have a new power couple on the rise with Y/N L/N and Jenna Ortega? These two seem to be getting to know each other well… click here to read more’ 
Was the first thing you read when you turned on your phone this morning. 
Of course, it’s never that easy because there are still a handful of nobodies sending hateful messages about your criminal escapades – not everyone was convinced.
Some well-known people on social media – people you personally know are adding fuel to the fire; engaging in discourses of you and Jenna and if you are dragging her down just by being associated with you.
Fake-ass motherfuckers.
“Yes, I think those are the exact words Jake and Liv put in their texts, actually.” He reaches for his phone to read over the message; mocking you. 
“Stop, Link…” You run a hand on your face, “Tell them I’m not going. I have better things to do, Coachella is right around the corner and I literally have a song I need to send to my producer.”
He watches as you childishly cross your arms, scowling. 
If you weren’t his best friend he would’ve said goodbye to the Hollywood life – too rich for his blood. Link wasn’t sure how he still put up with your attitude after all these years. Could you have said those words any more snobbishly?
“Are you done?”
“Well you don’t have a damn choice. Now, take a shower – Marcus will be here in an hour to drive us to LAX. And you can record in New York, no one said you had to be attached to Jenna’s hip.”
“What if I don’t want to.” You stand your ground. 
“Don’t do this today, Y/N.” He sighs. 
For a few moments, you hold your ground; contemplating if you should dig a hole and barricade yourself – metaphorically, of course. But never say never. 
Link raises a challenging brow – daring you to try him today. 
Wow, someone must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed…
Knowing what that look meant, you knew when to pick your battles and accepted the loss, trudging over to the master bathroom but not before slamming the door behind you.
“Don’t be slamming doors ‘round here! I don’t care if the house is under your name.” He shouts from the other side. 
“Fuck off!” You yell back, yanking your shirt off as the water turns hot.
He is such a dad.
“What are you doing here?”
“Hi to you too, Jenna. How was your day? Mine was great, the flight was a bit bumpy but I can handle a ‘lil turbulence. Thanks for asking.” You reply, ignoring the furrow in her brow hidden behind the silky fringe. 
You wonder what conditioner she uses to get her hair looking that soft.
“Y/N…” Jenna sighs, walking past you to enter your hotel suite. Walking into the living room to place her shoulder bag on the coffee table then she turns to face you, crossing her arms still waiting for an answer. “I’m serious, why are you in New York.”
You lean against a wooden panel, crossing your arms as well. “Didn’t your team tell you?”
Her frown deepens, patience thinning the longer you beat around the bush. “Obviously not or I wouldn’t be here.”
“Okay relax…” You warn not appreciating her tone. You literally just landed an hour ago and it’s almost midnight East Coast time. The timezone switch is fucking with you and her attitude is the last thing you need. 
“Don’t tell me to relax.” She snaps. The young actress hated those words, it always made her more riled up.
You scoff trying your hardest not to snap back but controlling your anger has never been your strong suit. “Why do you think I’m here? Liv told me I had to show face for your premiere and SNL episode. Be your cheerleader or some shit.”
She drops her arms, frown still etched on her soft face. What? Ignore that.
“Shit, I think Sarah might’ve mentioned it but I was just so busy with rehearsal and fittings with Enrique that I didn’t see.” Jenna sighs, rubbing her forehead.
For the first time since she barged into your room – you take a moment to scan her. Her face is bare and makeup free but you can see the dark smudges from her eyeliner earlier today just under the lashline. She was dressed in a large sweater and mismatched sweatpants; the sleeves are so long it covers half her hands and her short wavy locks tied into a messy low bun.
Her clothes practically engulfed her tiny stature. You figure this is a pretty rare sight that most people aren’t privy to and suddenly you’re unsure as to why it’s so hard to look away. 
“I didn’t mean to snap… I’m sorry.” She says quietly, looking at you like she was genuinely apologetic. 
“It’s fine…” You shrug and pushed off the wall to sit on the couch. Everyone has their days, you thought.
“I didn’t mean to ambush you. I really thought you knew I’d be here.” You turn on the TV, not being to stand the silence in the large room.
Jenna sits down beside you, tucking her feet against her chest. When did she take off her shoes? “It’s not your fault.”
The sigh she lets out is heavy and something tells you there’s some meaning behind it too. But you didn’t feel like it was your business so you zip it and continue watching the TV drone on about a program you don’t care about. 
“I saw clips of your SNL promo… I thought it was hilarious – you were great and that reporter outfit? So cool.” You change the subject. It gets her to smile as her dimples poke out, a little shy now. 
“It’s so cringy.” She covers her face. 
“Awh, nah… the internet loved it.” You laugh, a little amused that the actress was all flushed by a single compliment. 
Call it big-headed, call it ego, call it whatever you want but you personally relished it when people fawned over you. 
“Of course they did. They’re the whole reason for the meme.” She rolls her eyes after dropping her hands but she still had a toothy smile. 
“I bet that dance follows you everywhere…” 
“Every. Fucking. Day.” She says then raises a brow at you, “How do you know about the dance, though?’
You send her an affronted look, “I’m not a grandmother, Jenna. I know what’s hip with the kids.”
She snorts, “You’re an idiot – I just mean, I didn’t think you were on TikTok like that with a schedule like yours. Also, that app is toxic.”
“Every social media app can be toxic.” You quip, “But get off your high horse, your majesty. I literally just saw a couple of edits on Twitter of it.”
“Uh huh…” She hums, unconvinced, if the side glance she throws you was any indication. “But yeah the writers wanted to do a bit with Wednesday and this is what we came up with.”
“Well, I think it’s genius… from a business standpoint.” You offer up, nudging her shoulder then turning back to the TV.
You miss Jenna’s bothered frown. “Business standpoint?”
“Yeah,” You say off-handedly, “It’s smart, good for you.”
“Are most things a ‘business standpoint’ for you?” She asks, genuinely curious about what you could mean.
“Hmm. I guess I never thought of it like that but now that I’m saying it out loud, yeah, kinda.” You shrug, thinking about it. 
Most of the interactions in Hollywood that you have had are based on transactions and is usually for your own self-interest.
“...That’s kinda sad.” She says getting you to turn.
“What does that mean?” You frown.
“I’m just saying… there’s more to this industry than business deals and brand offers.” This time Jenna offers up a thought but it sounds a bit judgemental to you, shrugging.
You’re furrowing your brows, sitting up straight. “Look, you don’t even know me. Just forget what I said.”
But the laugh she lets out grinds your gears in the most unpleasant way.
Jenna holds up her hands in surrender but it feels mocking. “Clearly…” She emphasizes. “But I’m just saying, there’s no need to get all defensive.”
“Okay, I don’t know what kind of shit you were dealing with today but don’t take it out on me. Don’t come to my room talking about things you know nothing about.” You glower.
She matches your frown, standing. “It kinda sounds like you’re the one dealing with something, actually.”
“I think you should leave.” Your glare turns sharp and cold, standing too.
“Already on my way out.” She scoffed, snatching her bag aggressively off the coffee table then turns to walk to the front door. 
You follow to make sure the door hits her on the way out but she stops abruptly by the hall causing you to trip on your own feet to not tumble over her. 
“I think you should go back to L.A.” She glares up at you, tightly clutching her shoulder bag.
The laugh you let out is humourless, stepping back to create space between you and the other actress. “And get my ass handed to me by Jake, Liv and Sarah? They’re like four horsemen of the apocalypse – just searching for their last member. No thanks. You got a problem with me here? You deal with it.”
She clenches her jaw, “Done. Leave it to me.” Then turns and leaves making sure to slam the door shut. 
Those hotel doors weigh a fuck ton, how did she do that? And what did she mean leave it to me?
“Can I come out now?” Link peeks his head out from the adjoining room; fear present on his features.
tagging who comment so far:
@alexkolax @ladey @jjsmaybank20 @werewoofrobinbuckley
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anticomedygarden · 10 months
Annabeth had a complicated relationship with her hair.
also on ao3
"Ow!" Annabeth whined when Thalia pulled on another messy blonde tangle.
"Sorry," Thalia said, probably for the millionth time. The older girl was kneeling behind Annabeth on the floor of their current hideout and attempting to get the knots out of Annabeth's hair. None of them really knew the last time it had been brushed - probably not since she ran away. "I don't really know what I'm doing here."
"You just gotta unknot it!" Annabeth said. She didn't see why it was so hard; Thalia was 14 and should know how to untangle hair by now. Annabeth did.
Thalia laughed at her, but it sounded strained. "I don't even have a brush, Squirt. Plus, I've never had long hair."
Annabeth's mouth dropped open. "Really?" She thought all girls had long hair at some point.
"I don't really like it. I like yours, though." Annabeth beamed, at least until Thalia tugged again, and she whined.
Suddenly, there was another set of hands in her hair. "Let me help," Luke said.
Thalia put a hand against Annabeth's back, and the younger girl tried not to buck it off. She was independent! "You can try, but I don't know how much better it can get without a wash and a brush."
Luke sighed. "I can at least try."
(Annabeth had never particularly cared about her hair. It wasn't that she didn't like it or anything, she just really didn't have any strong feelings toward it. She liked that it's there, liked the comforting weight and extra warmth in winter, but she'd figured out at a young age that the yellow color did nothing but hinder her in her pursuits, so she didn't bother with it. She could deal with it, but she wouldn't put any extra effort into it.)
When Annabeth left the showers, Percy was waiting on the steps of her cabin, lurking awkwardly.
"What are you doing?" she asked. It was a surprise, to say the least. She would've expected him to be hanging out with Grover or training in the arena. Besides, she had just gotten out of the shower. A blush worked its way into her cheeks.
"I don't know, I thought we could hang out," he said. Then, he caught sight of her fingers tangled in her knotted hair. "What happened?"
Her blush deepened. "It hasn't recovered from the quest yet." And she hadn't had the patience to brush it out in the few days since they'd been back, compounding and compounding the knot until she couldn't get it out if she tried. "I might have to cut it."
"Oh." Percy looked at her funny and stood, then made a move like he was gonna touch her hair. She stepped back on instinct, and he raised his hands. "I can try and get it out."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously?"
"I can work a brush." He almost sounded offended.
Normally, she would refuse, balking at the prospect of someone touching her hair, but after the quest, she found she didn't mind the thought as much as she thought she would. Plus, the knot was really bad, so he couldn't make it much worse, and it'd save her a lecture from Silena. She shrugged. "Fine."
Then, she went and got her hair brush from her bunk and went back out the door and sat on the step in front of him.
"Holy crap, what did you do to it?" he exclaimed.
She turned to give him a disbelieving look. "I went on a quest! When do you think I had time to untangle it?"
He didn't really look like he believed her, but he didn't say anything else.
"All right," he muttered. The first pull through had her jerking her head back and grabbing his hand behind her.
"Don't try and do it all at once, you'll just make it worse," she scolded. "Start from the bottom."
She felt him gently pull the lower half of her hair and start brushing it. "Sorry."
"It's fine."
After a minute, she relaxed, actually kind of enjoying the feeling. It was nice.
Finally, he finished and handed her back the brush. "I'm done."
"Wait, really?" She reached back to feel her hair and sure enough, it was back to its usual wavy strands, unknotted and flowing. "How'd you do that so fast?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. It probably helped that it's wet. Do you wanna spar?"
Mouth still open, she nodded. She'd have to keep that little affinity of his in mind.
(As she got older, she couldn't help but think that indifference was an asset. Quests certainly didn't provide any time or supplies for hair care. Plus, having Percy around made sure it was wet with dirty water half the time, so why try.)
"Remind me why we're out here, again?" Percy asked as they picked their way through the forest.
"Because Tyson said he smelled something funny," Annabeth answered. "And be quiet, you're gonna scare whatever it is away."
Percy stuck his tongue out at her but stopped talking, and they continued walking through the forest until they heard a sound from a ways away.
They froze. One look and they were heading off toward the noise.
It soon became apparent they were heading for nothing as the ground beneath their feet became squishier and squishier.
Then, there was another noise, and she stopped abruptly.
Too abruptly, apparently, because the next thing she knew, she was face down in muddy swamp water.
Groaning, she didn't stay down long and jumped up, knocking Percy over into the water. (He'd be fine.)
"What the Hades, Seaweed Brain?" she said.
He stood slowly. "Why'd you stop?"
"I heard something," she said, reaching up to get some of the gunk off her face. When she touched her hair, though, she paused. It was soaked through with the brackish water. The only thing that could clean it now was a good shower.
Well. It's not like she really cared all that much.
That was her only consolation as they trudged back to camp.
(She didn't think she'd ever want to chop it off; no, it was a part of her, a part she did kinda love on good days, even if it was a nuisance. And she loved having that connection to Percy, and Silena, in a way.)
"Damn, girl, what did I tell you?" Silena said from her spot behind Annabeth's chair. The older girl was attempting to rescue the blonde mass from its latest adventure, and Annabeth was afraid it wasn't looking too good.
"I was kidnapped by a titan, I couldn't exactly take care of it," Annabeth grumbled, wincing when Silena gave a particularly rough pull. She'd been sitting in this chair for years for the daughter of Aphrodite to cut her hair and just generally take care of it, and she still couldn't stand watching herself in the vanity mirror. She looked away.
"Well, I'm afraid I may have to cut it."
"That's fine," she said. It wouldn't be the first time. She looked at herself one final time to mourn the current length and caught sight of the grey streak. "Wait!"
"What?" Silena said, sounding surprised. "What's wrong?"
"Are you sure you can't untangle it?" she asked.
Silena sighed and picked up the knot of hair again. "I can try, but it'll take a while."
"That's fine," Annabeth said definitively. Hair grew at approximately half an inch per month, but Annabeth wasn't sure how the stress from holding the sky would affect the growth rate or the return to its normal color. However, she wasn't going to hurry the process along, at least, not as long as Percy still had his.
Not that she would ever tell anyone that.
So she sat as patiently as she ever had while Silena untangled her hair.
(Probably the longest Annabeth ever went without brushing her hair was when Percy was missing. Without his fingers to run through it or Silena to pester her about it, she just didn't think of it. Or want to think of it.)
"Okay, no. Come here."
Annabeth looked up from the map she was staring at on a table in Bunker 9 to see Piper walking towards her. "What?"
Leo glanced over from whatever project he was working on with a similar expression of bewilderment on his face. Clearly, he didn't know what Piper was talking about, either.
"Annabeth, your hair. When was the last time you brushed your hair?" Piper asked exasperatedly, steering Annabeth to sit down in a chair.
"I was in the middle of something," Annabeth protested.
"You can go back to staring at that map after I fix this rat's nest," said Piper. "Seriously, I know you have a brush. When was the last time you used it?"
Accepting her fate, Annabeth just shrugged. Her hair was rarely, if ever, on the front of her mind.
When Piper attempted to drag a brush through it, they both winced. "Oh my gods, there's a ponytail in here? How long has that been there? And how long has it been since you washed it?"
Once again, Annabeth shrugged. She honestly had no idea, though, come to think of it, it had been pretty itchy lately.
"Okay, well, that ends now." With that, Piper went to work on the knot, attacking it with the brush. "I'm gonna have to cut the ponytail out."
Annabeth startled. "Wait - the hair or the rubber band?"
"The rubber band," Piper said, causing Annabeth to breathe a sigh of relief. She knew it was stupid, but she didn't want there to be any risk of Percy not recognizing her when they found Camp Jupiter. "Your hair is completely wrapped around it."
Without waiting for a response, she whipped out Katoptris and sliced the rubber band out. Annabeth's hair didn't move much.
"Good lord," Piper muttered. "Here we go." The daughter of Aphrodite then went at the knot with the same vigor as Annabeth going at a training dummy. It did not feel good.
Piper was far less gentle than her sister. Piper was far less gentle than Percy.
Annabeth didn't like that thought, didn't like thinking of the dead, and she really didn't like thinking of Percy as missing.
But when she squirmed to try and get away, Piper gripped her shoulder, keeping her from standing. "Piper, I-"
"Hold still."
"I can do it-"
"But you won't, will you?" Piper said, raising an eyebrow.
Even Annabeth had to admit that she was right, but that didn't make it any easier. "I promise I'll-"
"No," Piper said with finality. However, it was what she said next that rooted Annabeth in place. "Let me do this for you, please."
She paused. It had never occurred to her that Piper might be trying to help in whatever way she could, that she didn't have the mechanical skills to help build the ship or the memories to help try and pinpoint where exactly Camp Jupiter was. "Fine."
"Thank you."
So, she sat there while Piper untangled her hair and only winced every so often.
Finally, probably an hour later, she was done, and they both stood. "Now, you're going to go eat dinner, then you're gonna shower, and then you're gonna go to bed."
Annabeth blanched. "I still have so much work to do."
Piper put her hands on her hips. "And it will still be there in the morning."
They stared at each other, neither one willing to relent, until Leo giggled from across the bunker. "Someone's in trouble."
Piper snorted. "I don't know why you're laughing, Repair Boy, you're going, too."
Annabeth didn't have to see his face to know his mouth had hit the floor. "I never agreed to that!"
Piper's eyes narrowed, and she went to grab Leo from his work bench. "I don't care." She pointed at the door. "Now, both of you, dinner, shower, bed."
There was no way Annabeth would agree to that, not when there was still so much work to do on the ship, maps to study, star charts to examine - really, she didn't have time. "How about dinner and bed, then shower in the morning?"
Piper's eyes hardened from where she was dragging Leo by the collar over to the door, then she pushed Annabeth's back until the blonde was also standing outside the door. "Dinner, shower, bed." She turned around to lock Bunker 9 behind them. "And for the love of the gods, wash your hair. Yes, Leo, both of you."
(Annabeth needn't have worried about Percy recognizing her. She probably could have shaved her head and painted her face to look like Iron Man, and he would recognize her, even in the depths of Tartarus.)
"What do you think of me cutting my hair?" Annabeth asked.
Her and Percy were limping along the Phlegethon at the approximate rate of a Zamboni in a swamp. Pain and soreness had settled into every corner of her body, but Annabeth was somehow thinking of her hair tangled at the back of her neck and stuck to her face with sweat, and how the hell she would fix it if they made it back to the mortal world. (When. When they made it back to the mortal world.)
She barely felt Percy turn to look at her. "I think you should do whatever you want with it."
Aw. She probably should have predicted that. "Come on, tell me the truth."
He paused. "You know I love your hair."
When he didn't say anything else, she pressed her fingers against his waist. "But?"
"But," he started. "But it's your hair."
"I know that," she said with more force than she meant to.
If she could see anything in the dark, she would've seen his brows furrow. "Do you really wanna get rid of it?"
She bit her lip. "No." She couldn't bear to let go of everything it meant to her now, the memories it carried beyond just the grey streak: Thalia, Luke, Silena, Piper, Percy. It was hers to care for, hers to maintain, and she hated that it took Tartarus for her to realize that. "I just don't know how it's going to recover from this."
"Hey," he said, stopping them. "It's gonna be fine. It'll get through it." She gave him a disbelieving look, though she wasn't sure he could see it. "Do you know how I know?"
Her hands fiddled with the back of his shirt where they were wrapped around his waist. "How?"
"Because it's so bright that it's one of the only things I can see right now."
She pressed her face into his chest. "All right. If you say so."
He rested a cheek on her head. "I do."
(Then, of course, there were the practical purposes.)
"Okay, I think I'm finally getting this," Percy said above her.
"Thank the gods."
He had been messing with her hair for about two hours now trying to figure out how to do a French braid. Without technology, his only resource was a book he found at the library, and it wasn't like Annabeth knew how to do it.
Though she may want to learn soon for the same reason Percy was. He was gonna have a little sister, one that, for all intents and purposes, would probably grow up with Annabeth as an older sister figure which was absolutely insane for her to think about. She technically had plenty of experience as a counselor and an actual older sister (though that qualification was debatable), but it was a whole other thing when it was Percy's baby sister.
It was very hard not to think of Silena, and even harder not to think of Thalia. If she was half the older sister to the new little girl that Silena and Thalia were to her, she would have succeeded.
But for now, she could help Percy learn to be a big brother.
(So maybe she did love her hair. Just a little bit.)
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blackbirdi · 5 months
One-Sided pt. II
If you haven't read the first part already, the link to part 1 is here
I'm so sorry this took so long, guys, I was struggling with ideas. Anyways, enjoy :)
Brief Description: Sirius begins to notice how suddenly you're around him a lot less than usual. What could he have done to make you want to avoid him at all costs? And why does your avoidance hurt him this much?
Point of View: 3rd Person
Word Count: 2181
Character: Sirius Black x Reader
House: Gryffindor
Year: Sixth Year
Two weeks. It had been two weeks since Sirius has talked to Y/n last, and it's driving him up the wall. The only other time where he doesn't talk to her for that long is during the summer, but at least they owl back and forth non-stop, and now suddenly he hasn't heard her sweet voice in two damn weeks.
And it's not as though he hasn't tried to talk to her. Hell, he's been going out of his way to run into her just to ask what was up with her, but every time she sees him, she runs away. And now she's changed the time of her daily activities (going to the library to read/study, walk in the courtyard, visit Hagrid, etc.) – not that he knew the times she was going by heart before she changed them – so now he can't even run into her then.
Two weeks. Two damn weeks. And he's not going any longer without her.
It was Saturday and the Marauders were all hanging out in their dormitory, and Sirius was itching to find Y/n and beg ask her to forgive him for whatever he must have done to have her ignore him like this.
"Remus," Sirius calls, breaking the silence.
"Hm?" Remus hums, not even bothering to look up from the book he was reading, which only caused Sirius to grow more frustrated.
He closes his eyes before he snaps at Remus, taking a deep breath to calm himself. The only thing that does is cause his eyes to well up with tears. 
Godric, what was up with him? Was Y/n really causing him to get this upset?
When he speaks next, his voice breaks, which causes all the other Marauders to lift their heads and look at Sirius with concern.
"Why won't Y/n talk to me?"
The other three Marauders share a few glances at one another before looking back at Sirius. The pity in their eyes as they look at him causes Sirius to grow frustrated once again.
His eyes, which were previously filled with tears, harden as he wipes them away. His lips pull back into a thin line as he glares down at his own hands.
"She keeps avoiding me! I haven't said anything to her in weeks!" he cries angrily. "And even when I do say something to her, she just ignores me and runs off! Did I do something to make her mad at me?"
"I'm sure you didn't do anything, Padfoot," James tries to comfort him. "Maybe Y/n just needs space for a while."
"Space from what?" Sirius snaps. "What did I do that would've wanted her to space herself from me? And only me! I haven't seen her ignoring you three, or anyone else for that matter! What did I do!?"
“Pads –” Remus starts, but is quickly interrupted.
“Why do you care so much anyway?” James asks. “It’s just Y/n.”
Sirius, Remus, and Peter all shoot James a glare, all three of them knowing that was not the right thing to ask.
“Yeah, Y/n, my friend,” Sirius sneers. “I care because Y/n is one of my closest friends and now suddenly she’s ignoring me! Do you have any idea how much that hurts? Because it does, a lot.”
“We know, Padfoot,” Peter replies, trying to make his voice sound comforting, although to Sirius it sounded more like pity. “I think James was trying to ask why you’re so … no quiet over dramatic about it … but more upset than you normally would be about something like this.”
“Yeah,” James agrees. “That’s exactly what I was trying to ask, thank you, Pete.”
Sirius glares at the both of them, his teeth gritting together as he tries to hold back from snapping at the two of them.
Why was he upset? Really? One of his best friends just straight up ditched him! Of course he was fucking upset!
“How do you twats not understand that I am upset my friend has fucking abandoned me!” Sirius snarls, his voice wavering as he tries to control his anger.
The others share another, worried glance, which drives Sirius even more insane.
Of course, Remus, James, and Peter quickly caught on that Y/n was avoiding Sirius, and were even quicker to catch on why. It wasn’t that hard to see that Y/n had finally had enough of her silly little crush on Sirius and was trying to stomp it out by avoiding him. And of course, Moony, Prongs, and Wormtail knew that avoiding Sirius at all costs wasn’t going to get rid of Y/n’s feelings for Sirius. And of course, Lupin, Potter, and Pettigrew knew that Sirius’s own feelings towards Y/n were developing beyond friendship.
“I can talk to her if you want me to,” Remus offers.
The usual stormy grey of Sirius’s eyes had darkened considerably in anger, his eyes narrowing at Remus in a glare.
“You’ve done quite a lot of talking to her,” he hisses. “A lot more than I have in Merlin knows how long. Do you know how frustrating that is, Remus? To see that Y/n, who suddenly hates me, is still all buddy-buddy with the three of you? Do you know how shitty it makes me feel when I see her talking to you and then she immediately runs away whenever she sees me? Do you?”
“No,” Remus replies, his voice squeaky at the anger in Sirius’s tone.
"That's what I thought," Sirius snarls, standing up from his bed abruptly.
With quick strides Sirius finds himself at the dormitory door, the door opened an inch before Peter asks curiously, "Where are you going?"
"To fucking find her!" Sirius snaps, turning around and facing his friends. "I can't keep going like this, without her. I - I need her, okay? I need her because ... because I love her. I love her. Holy shit, I love Y/n. I'll be back guys, but I need to find Y/n, even if that means searching every nook and cranny of this godforsaken castle."
He's out the door in another split second, the door slamming closed behind him.
Silence settles over the other three as they share glances, confused evident on each of their faces.
"Well," Remus finally mutters, breaking the silence. "He handled that a lot better than Y/n did when she realized she was in love with Sirius."
To Sirius's surprise it didn't take him that long to find her. She was sitting in the courtyard, leaning against the truck of a tree with a book on her lap.
Sirius was careful to approach her quietly, not wanting her to spot him and jump up and run away (like she had been doing for two weeks straight).
When Y/n finally looked up from her book, the first thing she saw was Sirius looming in front of her. Her eyes widened as they made eye contact, scrambling to pick up her book and getting to her feet.
"Y/n, wait," Sirius snaps, grabbing onto her wrist with a vice-like grip before she could run away. "Please, don't run again, please."
Y/n sighs, trying to tug her wrist out of Sirius’s grip before she turns and faces him for the first time since the Quidditch game. Her struggling ceases as she sees the pain behind Sirius’s eyes, the pain that she would’ve caused every single time she ignored him or ran away.
“Please, Y/n/n,” he begs in a whisper, pulling her closer to him. “Please, don’t leave me again. I miss you so much. And I am so, so sorry if I did something to hurt you, or did something that made you want to avoid me. I never meant to, I don’t think I have done anything, but if I did just say the word and I will hold myself responsible for it and I will do anything I can to get back in your good graces because I miss you. So, so much. I hate that I haven’t seen you in two weeks, I hate that I haven’t talked to you in two weeks, I hate that I haven’t heard your voice in two weeks, and I hate that you’ve been avoiding me. I’m not blaming you because obviously it must have been something I did, but please Y/n, please, please, please stop avoiding me. I miss you.”
A wave of guilt washes over Y/n as she listens to Sirius, watching tears well in his eyes as it gets increasingly harder for him to talk without choking on his words. However, she can't help the little flutter her heart gives at his words.
Sirius takes a breath, trying to collect himself as he finally says everything he was feeling.
"And-and I hate how much it hurts that you've been doing this. I shouldn't care, I really shouldn't, but I do. I care so goddamn much, Y/n. It's been two weeks, two fucking weeks! I shouldn't be this effected, but I am. I've missed you more in two weeks more than I've missed anything else in my life, more than I miss the Marauders during the holidays, more than I miss Hogwarts during the summer, more than I miss the heat of the summer during the winter, more than I miss the sun in a rainstorm. I missed you, Y/n, and it's only been two weeks. So please, please, please, please, tell me what I did wrong so I can right it and we can go back to how we were before whatever I did."
A pause, a heartbeat before Sirius adds in a trembling voice, "Please."
Y/n takes a shaky breath, trying to stop the heat from rising in her cheeks and giving her away.
"Sirius," she says slowly.
"Please," he interrupts her, his voice breaking. "Please, Y/n. I don't know what I did, but whatever it must have been, I am so sorry. Please, please, please forgive me."
"Sirius," Y/n repeats, "you didn't do anything. I just... I realized something and I shut myself away from you. If anything, I should be saying sorry to you. I never meant to hurt you like this."
Sirius stares at her, confusion bubbling up within him as he listens to her explain.
"I-I don't understand," he admits in a quiet voice. Her stares up at her helplessly. "Why would you avoid me like you have if I didn't do anything? You haven't avoided the others, just me."
Y/n sighs, her heart thudding in her chest as she looks away from Sirius and finally admits in a small voice, "I'm in love with you."
The world stops, for the both of them.
Y/n can't breathe, why would she admit that!? Everything, everything, has been ruined. She ruined their friendship! Why would she do that!?
Sirius can't breathe, did she mean it!? Everything, everything, is going to change, for the better. She felt the same! But why did she avoid him if she loved him?
After what felt like hours of silence, Sirius responds, "I love you, too."
Sirius's heart pounds against his ribcage. Even though she said it first, it's still so hard to admit it.
Y/n's heart pounds against her ribcage. There is no way in hell that he actually feels the same.
"I – w-what?” she stutters, mouth dry.
“I love you too,” Sirius repeats, dropping her wrist. His hands come up to cup her jaw, holding her face in his hands as he smiles down at her. “I-I was thinking about how much I missed you, everything about you – not just your presence – and I guess that led me to realize that I would never feel this way about someone I thought of as my friend. Y/n/n, I realized that I’m in love with you.”
Y/n mirrors Sirius’s smile, relief flooding through her body as her cheeks flush with pink.
“I-I’m glad,” she whispers. “I was scared that you didn’t feel the same; that’s why I started avoiding you. I thought that if I was around you less my feelings would go away, which obviously didn’t work. But I was scared to say something in case I made things awkward between us.”
Sirius chuckles, pressing his forehead against hers, asking in a soft voice, “How could I not be in love with you? You, Y/n L/n, are the most kind, thoughtful, caring, smart, funny, beautiful woman in the whole world; I don’t know how I didn’t realize my feelings for you sooner. I love you.”
“I love you too, Sirius,” Y/n murmurs back. She closes her eyes, relishing in the feeling of Sirius being this close to her.
A comfortable silence fell over the two as they soak in each other’s presence, two hearts beating as one.
Two minutes. It has been two minutes since Sirius has admitted his feelings for Y/n, and it’s making him feel like he’s on top of the world.
Taglist: @littleshadow17 (who asked for a part 2 a month ago. I hope it was up to your standards lol). And @rosieandthethorns (who didn't asked to be tagged but I figured I should let you know so you can stop foaming at the mouth and writhing on the floor lmao)
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starillusion13 · 7 months
HEY! I saw your thirst ask is open but I wanted to send you a request. Okay, anyways what do you think--who will be more dominant between Jeno & Jaemin? If you are in a relationship with both at once. I am curious about it pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
First of all This is a dominant duo tho...
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Okay so if we imagine these two as the ones you met at the university ground when you were heart-broken because of the sudden news of your boyfriend cheating on you. It wasn't too surprising for you because the way he was ignorant of you, it was as if only you who was trying hard to keep it strong but somehow it crashed in the end.
"y/n, why are you here alone?" of course Jaemin would be the one to have a concern visible on his face and would approach you, with Jeno closely trailing behind him and both of their gazes fixed on your crying form.
and if you hesitate to reply then the other would be repeating the same question with a dark look, "he asked you something so you better reply."
after explaining to them everything, they wont leave your side for the time being, or maybe for the following few days. you have noticed it before that they would always be around whenever there is a little misfortunate events in your life and many doubt that maybe you are sleeping around with them. the rumors frustrates you a lot but them--they enjoy it a lot.
now that you don't have a bf, mostly to their advantage. they are happily hanging out with you more. keeping an eye on you where you are going or with whom are talking to, also always popping out of nowhere to ask if you are okay or there's something bothering you. they would make you feel like a reliable on them.
cuddles with Jaemin is a daily dose for your exhausted day but when Jeno welcoming you in a warm hug, it's as if you have seen a heaven in reality.
but there's something to notice...
Jaemin is the kind and adorable sweetheart of the campus. his bunny smile with cute sparkling eyes makes others drool over him but the buff body with those tight muscles hiding beneath his hoodies and t-shirts are often left unnoticed by his soft look. he has a flirty personality and with a click, everyone will be in a queue for him but in his mind, it's only you---always you. smirk directed towards them is actually on the thoughts flashing in front of his eyes, how to break you down and to what limit he can go until you are begging to him. he would groan to himself with the thoughts of you squirming and shaking with begging him to stop. his sweet smile with those contrast words and actions.
"Oh baby, you are done with this? come on. I know you can do it better. if you were really done then you would have said the word already." even if has made you come a lot of times but he will still be unsatisfied and proceed to do his sweet tortures on you.
Jeno is just the opposite to him in appearance. he is scary, he doesn't give a fuck about others, but yeah sometimes you will find him giving threats and ending with the a eye smile...literally mocking at them. his strong muscled body lining with popping veins is always on display and it's normal to say he is scary with the dark demeanor. his dark eyes on you with his strong grip on your wrist really scares you off sometimes but then suddenly he will direct a eye-smile to you. if he wants you under him, he knows he will get you easily without even trying a little coz it's easy for him to make you weak under him. you are nothing against his whole personality. his words and actions are a perfect match.
"look at you, begging for what? didn't think before going against me that it won't end up well...and it's good not for you but fantastic for me." oh he would also make Jaemin watch you both how you are literally folding into half.
but don't get fooled by their cover...
Jaemin might can be a sweetheart outside but to let you know, even Jeno gets surprised with his thoughts on how to have you. no one not even you who is apparently their girlfriend can't even even imagine who is likely to do the most wild things. of course the first thought that would come across your mind is Jeno might be the one but to your surprise, Jaemin is the one to end something completely.
If you are trying to control them them, buckle your seatbelt because even if Jaemin allows you to have control over him for a night, Jeno would never....NEVER he will let you believe that you can control him.
he will instantly make you on your knees and buries himself deep inside your throat, "say it again. maybe let me see you try again." his dark and furious eyes watching how tears falling from your eyes and how badly you are shaking when he is thrusting deep in your every hole. THE DOMINANT OF THE DUO.
but Jaemin will let you experience your new side and Jeno would tsk beside you. The sweet boy will guide you and ask your list of fantasies unlike the other who just has a thought--you have to like everything he will give you. what a freak! hush he might can hear you.
They will follow your every moves and once they notice that you are nothing except a sub to them. wide dirty smirks display across their face and would fuck you unless you are falling unconscious. but they are soft romantics too, would fill you with lots of gifts and never leave a chance to show you off to others. Jaemin might appear as if he is not bothered someone is flirting with you but Jeno will stare deeply into them to scare them off.
you know getting on Jeno's worst side is a hell for you but getting on Jaemin's worst side means you are on a long ass ride.
"Jaemin, how should we start?"
he will smile and cup your face, "maybe start with tying her up...and then we can have it in our way."
you are not escaping them in this life.
Afterall they were the one to make your boyfriend break up with you in the first place so that they will gain your trust easily. come on, otherwise they would have locked you up anyways for themselves.
[Believe me JENO is really really really a dominant one. HE IS AN ALPHA...and JAEMIN is trying to hide his own ALPHA side not to scare you off]
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ynbabe · 6 months
Bite Me ୨୧ Charles Leclerc x Reader- Vampire AU
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Charles had admittedly done many stupid things in his life, getting turned into a vampire in a club in Monaco was definitely one of them, but at least he has you, but what happens when his brothers see the bite marks on you?
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Was it obvious I was listening to Lana del Rey while writing this?
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You groaned as his teeth sank into your collarbones, blood seeping out into his mouth. Your grip on his shoulders as a pang of pain rolls through your body as he sucks on the open wound, lapping up the warm blood that poured out.
Your nails dug deeper into his bare back as the pain increased, a small groan escaping his lips as you broke skin. Your head fell back as Charles finally let go.
You pressed your hand to your head feeling light-headed, squinting your eyes you missed the look of guilt Charles had.
"I'm sorry, Mon Amore," he kissed your neck, lips still sticky. You could only hum in response. He laid down on top of you, burying his head on your chest.
"Did you get enough?" You asked him, making him nod against your skin.
When you first found out, you were terrified, almost running out of the apartment when he showed you his teeth but his puppy eyes made your heart break. So you stayed.
"Lets go clean up," he whispered in your ears, picking you up.
You showered first, then changed into a simple pair of sweatpants and a tank top, not realising all the old bites that had turned into nasty bruises could be seen easily.
Just as you had tied up your hair, the doorbell rang. "Hey, babe, are you expecting anyone?" you called out.
"I don't think so," he yelled back. You sighed and walked out of your bedroom, going to check who'd interrupted Charles and your weekend bliss.
You had barely opened the door when Arthur came barreling in, a tired Lorenzo behind him, an apologetic look on his face. "Hey, Y/n," he greeted pulling you in for a hug, unknowingly applying pressure on Charles' bite marks, making you hiss in the older man's arms.
"Are you okay?" He asked, gasping when he saw the yellowed bruises on your arms, redder- more newer ones on your shoulders and the still fresh ones on your neck and collar bone.
His eyes widened as he pushed into the apartment, turning you around to see the 'damage', you tried to explain that it wasn't a big deal. It was Arthur's turn to go ballistic, he stopped talking, staring at you with his jaw slacked open. "What the fuck?" He whispered.
"Guys this isn't what you think-" You began but they wouldn't accept it.
Lorenzo furrowed his brows, "Did Charles do this to you?" he asked.
"No, Enzo," you tried to explain, without outing Charles' secret, "Not, in the way you think, he- it's not," you seriously weren't prepared to be interrogated today.
"Oh my god," he looked away, "this isn't right, Y/n, we can help you, I know he's our brother but you can talk to us," he started, Arthur butting in.
"Fuck that, he's hurting you y/n, you get help," Arthur called out. You were touched by their protectiveness but you had to explain before they thought the worst of Charles.
"Guys please," you tried once again but to no avail. Suddenly you were pushed behind the two boys, and before you could ask why you saw Charles walk out, a matching pair of sweatpants on, hair still dripping from the shower.
He seemed shocked to see his brother, especially the anger in their eyes, he moved towards you but they pressed forward, confusing him further.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING HEY US YOU BASTARD," Arthur yelled making Charles flinch.
Arthur pulled you further back, glaring at his bother.
"How could you? You were supposed to love her! Maman raised you better than this!" Lorenzo yelled making Charles' eyes well with tears.
"What- what are you talking about?" He asked, trying to make sense of the whole situation, when Lorenzo pointed at you and all the recovering bite marks.
A look of realisation flashed across his face making him smile in relief, pissing off his brothers even more, "YOU'RE FUCKING SMILING" Arthur barked, throwing a pillow at Charles with deadly accuracy but he was faster, much faster.
"How could you even think I could do something like that?" He asked, suddenly infront of Arthur, "I'm a vamipre, not a monster!" He exclaimed, showing his fangs.
"Oh..." Arthur said meekly before passing out in your arms.
"Your a- a what? Is this some weird sex thing, because I don't want to know." Lorenzo asked with a hint of disgust in his voice.
Charles laughed and nodded no, explaining to his brother how he got into the predicament, providing proof by easily lifting Arthur by the collar with one hand.
"I- uh, I need to-" he pointed at the sofa, sitting down with his head in his hands. Charles placed Arthur next to Lorenzo, while you brought them water, gently waking up Arthur.
You and Charles took your place across them.
"So, you're fine with, whatever this is?" He asked you, waving his hands between Charles and you.
"H-how do you drive? Arent most races in the sun?" Arthur asked, finally waking up.
"Art, it's not like Twilight," he explained, "I just need more sunscreen than usual," he shrugged.
"Does Fred know? Any of the other drivers? Maman?" Lorenzo shot off.
Arthur on the other hand was interested in other questions, "Does your skin sparkle? Do you know any other vampires? How fast can you run? Do you actually drink blood?" he rambled, water long forgotten.
"Calm down, Arthur," You laughed at the younger boy.
"One question at a time guys, but no, no one else knows, not even Maman," he looked at Lorenzo.
"And no, my skin doesn't sparkle, it's not Twilight!" he exclaimed once again, making Arthur roll his eyes, "Yes, Fernando's one, and maybe Lance but I'm not sure, I can run pretty fast now, and yes, I need blood to survive now," he explained each answer making Arthurs eyes grow wider.
"That's where I come in," You raised your hand, pointing to the bite marks on your body.
"Does that hurt?" Lorenzo asked.
"It used to, not as much now," you shrugged, "It heals fast when I drink his blood," You explained making Arthur gag.
"So it's like TVD," he grimaced,
"I mean, yeah, sure," you answered.
A few more questions and finally Lorenzo and Arthur were satiated, deciding to leave. rather than staying for what they had originally come to do.
"I'm kind of hungry, order in?" Charles winked at you making you roll your eyes.
"Bite me."
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Hope y'all like this, as always comments and reblogs are much appreciated! Also, how would y'all like a DC-style Logan fic? I've been itching to write that!
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Honey, I’m Home! ~ Alhaitham x Liyue!Reader
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“Girlfriend?! You?!” Kaveh’s face showed nothing but utmost shock. “I don’t believe a word you say! Nobody would! I mean -- You?! There’s no way any sane woman would stay around you!” “I am not one to respond to baseless provokation, however, I have to point out that you directly insulted my partner intellect and mental well-being, to which I cannot remain silent - Though, I suppose you are intoxicated and there’s little I should care about. No word coming out of your mouth is ever worth taking into account to begin with.” Alhaitham, much to his mate’s irritation, didn’t even raise his gaze from the book he was reading. “Hey, you--! You’re SO insufferable!” the poor architect growled in anger. “Since when? You never told me about her, and we’ve known each other for enough years! You’d have let it slip somehow - Or, at least, your arrogance would’ve!”  “Your impression on my personality has nothing to do with any kind of potential slip you think I might have had. As a matter of fact, the existence of a significant other had never been a secret to begin with. You just never asked, therefore, I had no reason to go out of my way and brag about my perfectly accomplished life, considering not only your living conditions, but your infinitely tragic luck. I did not want to bother with you crying again, out of nowhere.” Kaveh threw a random book at his mate’s head, which annoyingly enough, he masterfully caught without as much as blinking. “GAHH, I HATE YOU SO MUCH!” the man whined, slamming his face into the table. “FINE! TELL ME! ENLIGHTEN ME! WHO IS THIS MYSTERY WOMAN THAT MANAGED TO IGNORE THE INFINITE AMOUNT OF NEGATIVE TRAITS AND THAT STUPIDLY ARROGANT AND UNAPPROACHABLE FACE OF YOURS?! IS SHE BLIND?!” “There is nothing wrong with her eye function. In fact, she often compliments my appearance.” the scribe pointed out. “We have been together since a year before we presented our graduation thesis.” poor Kaveh spit out the beer he was drinking. “HOW LONG?!” he was absolutely convinced he was lying. “There’s NO way that is, in any way, true!” “If you don’t believe me, there are plenty ways to search for proof on your own. The only thing I would have to warn you about is not to use your usual barbaric ways of speaking to her, if you manage to find her. You will scare her away.” Kaveh couldn’t help but glare at Alhaitham, though, considering the amount of unceremonious yelling he just did, he couldn’t refute much. “Fine, whatever - Tell me about her. How you met. Something. Anything relevant. I’ll see after if I believe you.” Alhaitham had to fight the smirk off his face as he hummed in amusement - It was so easy to get a rise out of this fool. “Y/N is originally from Liyue, although you can say, after finishing her Amurta course and graduated, she would spend about half a year back home to take care of her family and help with the medicine aspect of the country.” Kaveh’s eyes suddenly shot open and he gasped. “Hold up! Is this the Liyue friend that Tighnari mentioned? They were in the same Darshan and -- They worked on their thesis together a lot and -- And Cyno too, on enough occasions -- Is that her?!” Alhaitham shrugged his shoulders, though he knew it was the truth. There were a lot of references that one must use in the bibliography, and the practical percentage of her thesis she did on the comparison of Fauna and Flora from Sumeru and Liyue was done for the most part with Tighnari. Y/N often mentioned the fennec boy being her only friend for the many years she in Akademiya. 
Alhaitham knew, no matter how nice of a person you were, if you had a unique brilliance, the common flock of mindless sheep were bound to be rude to you. He was no stranger to the endless amount of insults he received from many, although, in almost the same ponder, he also had many more compliments of all kind, be that on his intelligence, on his work, or... His looks especially. Tighnari and Cyno were no strangers to this kind of treatment, but at least they had each other - For the most part.
Back then, having a new student, from another country no less - A country with a rich history, though not as much focus on studies as Sumeru - A new student that, through thorough examination, was able to start her Amurta studies not from the first year, but skipped about a half of the years required to graduate.
From the get-go, Y/N was a bit of an odd one, and the students of Akademiya were no less lenient with her, nor did they bother teaching her about cultural differences and what not. Alhaitham, too, noticed something strange, but it was different from everyone else. Was it that he never heard her speak, even once? Or that, were it not for the amount of gossips and bullying he witnessed, she’d have been walking the halls of the House of Daena like an invisible ghost, unseen, unwanted, unneeded by all around her?
Or, perhaps, it was that there was a large amount of books that she was reading - Manuals, text-books, works, thesis of all kind, from different Darshan courses even - And for the most time, she’d read them all outside, in the forest, far away from the Akademiya; As far away as possible, if need be.
And despite the awful treatment she received, and the amount of diligent hard-work she was putting into her courses, she never seemed to frown or let things affect her. She wasn’t smiling either, and her tiredness was showing - Still, it almost looked endearing; A brilliant woman, so effortlessly beautiful and graceful in everything she did, wearing a passive, demure smile on her face, even if none wanted to appreciate it.
Were all women from Liyue like this, he wondered? Most Sumeru women he had the displeasure of conversing with were so obnoxious and emotion-driven; Oft times, he even wondered if the inspector examining them did his job well enough, because he himself could see no ounce of anything clever in their bleak, dark minds of theirs. No that the men were any different, but they had the courtesy of avoiding him like the plague, to which, Alhaitham was grateful. He never cared for idle chatting for no reason.
Hence why, he needed to concoct a proper conversation reason, otherwise, there would be no sense to start speaking with the new student.
Luck had always favoured him for some reason, and instead of wasting his time with needless research, it was Y/N herself who came over to him. She nodded her head at him as a courtesy greeting, and introduced herself as Y/N from the Amurta class. She explained that, although her thesis was based on biology, she had plenty of interests in many other areas, and having heard him as the most remarkable student from Haravatat, it was a no brainer that she’d come to him requesting aid for some book and course recommandations.
Though his reply was a simple yet positive one, informing her that, once he gathers some time, he will see what he could do, she offered him a grateful, princess-like smile, and this time, a brief courtesy, before leaving. For a split second, Alhaitham had to wonder if this Y/N had any amount of noble blood in her lineage - No woman could act so perfectly elegant all the time without some proper training from before you even begin breathing into this world.
Regardless, Alhaitham found himself completely abandoning his work for a whole day in search of accommodating Y/N, and when he searched for her with the piles of books he had for her, all of them old, dusty and tattered, she was outside, under a tree, reading a story to a little fox. Such odd behaviour - Though the fox seemed to enjoy it, as it was purring in her lap as it was being stroked. It was quite the sight for sore eyes, he had to admit.
“Ah, so fast, you needn’t! You are far too kind - There is no way to repay you for your kindness. Allow me to treat you to some tea and a meal tomorrow, please.” Alhaitham shook his head, sitting down next to her. “There are few people actually interested in proper research and academics. If someone came to me, willing to learn, there is no reason why I should decline.” he answered simply. “I do not require any reward. Simply put, I did it because I wanted to. However, if you want to repay me, then tell me - Why do you read so many books, when a lot of pointed information can be found out by simply asking through the Akasha terminal.” Y/N smiled at him enigmatically. “That is a question to which I cannot provide an answer. Not because I am unwilling to disclose the information - In fact, it’s quite silly, rather. The reason behind my silence is that... Due to this device you are wearing, if there is anything that I tell you, whether you wish to share this information with anyone or not, the whole network of people using the Akasha device are going to know, by simply asking. The people wearing this device cannot control the information they disclose - It is actually quite frightening, I might say.” Alhaitham’s jade-like green eyes peered deep into her own; They were so gentle and warm, almost resembling those of a fawn, yet even he could discern the tint of sorrow and loneliness pooling behind them. “You almost sound like a criminal speaking like that.” at the faintest hint of a crystalline chuckle, Alhaitham’s heart skipped a beat - Just one, of course, he simply wasn’t expecting such a sound as a response to his words. Was there something amusing in what he said. “Well, I suppose, considering nobody taught me the laws of Sumeru, there is little I can say to refute such a statement. Who knows, perhaps, in my ignorance, I might have managed to stray away from the right path. Regardless, what I can say is - I am forced by conjuctures to personally gather the information I am seeking. Whatever you wish to do with that information, it is up for your own interpretation, and I am unable to either approve or disprove it.” the man couldn’t help but scoff a little, though he came up with an answer easily.
Somehow, this pretty little princess was just about as much of a fairy as he was, and she, for some reason, managed to trick her way into not wearing a Terminal - Or she made it malfunction. Either way, it would make perfect sense.
“Fascinating as it is to guess, I am no philosopher, I am a researcher who bases his work on the factual, not on stories. I will not lose time coming to an uncertain conclusion.” for some reason, his words made the woman next to him chuckle again, for the second time in less than half an hour. Interesting. “Then, may I be so bold as to ask for your aid again, should I require again some kind of help oh some kind?” the woman asked, seeing as he got up, picking up the large pile of books, yet he seemed to have no intention of handing them other. “If the time allows me to take a detour from my work, then I suppose I see no reason not to help.” he answered briefly. As Y/N stepped in front of him, placing her hands over his own, in an attempt to burden the heavy weight of knowledge, he simply stepped past her. “Just show me where to get them. You may be ignorant of Sumeru’s own law code, but I doubt you would be foolish enough to ignore the laws of physics and even delude yourself that you could carry them yourself and reach home without as much as one of them at least being damaged.” he spoke, walking ahead. 
Y/N couldn’t help but blink in surprise at the rather adorable and gentlemanly reaction of the otherwise stoic in inabordable man, however, she couldn’t help but smile in amusement, catching up to his pace and leading the way. “Judging by your your looks, there is no way you weight more than these books, therefore, given their mass, Newton’s law says that an object can only move another if its mass is greater. A single kilogram equals to exactly 9,81 Newtons. With this knowledge, we have to exchange the parameters with actual numbers, in the Law of Force, which says that Force equals the multiplying of the mass and acceleration of said object; And since acceleration is measured in meters per square second --” he continued ranting on and on about the laws of physics and the approximates he took, only to feel a hand powerfully slap the bottom of the book stack, making them all fly aimlessly in the sky - And be caught with the aid of Y/N’s Dendro vision powers. Y/N was smiling like an innocent child, though, with the way she was fighting back a smirk, it only made her look like a playful, mischievous vixen. “Alhaitham --” she said, a hand covering her smirking mouth. “Has anyone ever told you how adorable you are when you’re rambling with no sense?” the man couldn’t help but be rooted to the spot, completely unresponsive.
What did she mean? Him, ranting idly, for no apparent reason whatsoever? That was completely unlike him - Surely, she must be mistaken - He was trying to educate her; There is reason in everything he says. “Come along, I recently brought over some fantastic bamboo dew tea -- Oh, and I suppose, if you’re interested, I have some sweet Osmanthus wine also, the finest batch. Mr. Zhongli himself vouched for the quality, and there’s no other like him, a true connoisseur in everything fine.” with a delicate hand wrapped gently around his wrist, Y/N guided the speechless man toward her home - A pretty, tall house made out of wood, vines and leaves of all kinds, all of it, carved inside a grand tree. With a wave of her other hand, she created a staircase out of liana, allowing them to get up to the top-most part of her house, where her library was. “It isn’t much, but I hope you feel comfortable enough during your stay.” still, Alhaitham couldn’t utter another word as he went to sit down on the couch. Though he couldn’t help himself and analysed every inch of the chamber, he could still faintly feel the slight rise in his cheeks’ temperature, biological and physiological truth which irked him greatly, as it gave away the speed with which his heart beat, and, consequently, the fact that, despite his ration-based life, he was somehow able to be weak before the effortless charms of a woman like Y/N, who made him act like a fool.
But unlike him, Y/N seemed to be his own personal anti-thesis; Y/N seemed so calm and friendly, so warm and with just the right amount of conversation lines that didn’t border on the obnoxious type of talkative. In fact, Alhaitham might even have to admit, he didn’t mind the sound of her voice, in fact, he might as well admit that he found it rather pleasant to his ears. In only she’d know the stimulant effect her presence alone has on his heart’s rhythm, as though someone had secretly injected him with adrenaline... There must be something to be done about this.
As he asked her about her thesis, he swore, he could see sparkles in her eyes - Her infinite amount of love and dedication for the flora and fauna of both countries was insurmountable - Y/N was writing her thesis out of passion of the living beings, not necessarily out of sheer interest in research, though everything that she’s assimilated clearly set her on the right path. In must have been some kind of miracle that his plan on working on a thesis with that good for nothing Kaveh from  Kshahrewar; Simply, he erased his name from it, and moved on to a singular part of the research, though he had to admit, the environmental conditions weren’t the brightest - The subject, at least, was highly fascinating.
“Would you be interested in writing a project together?” he found himself asking all of a sudden. “A senior had previously proposed a thesis subject that interested me, alas, due to differences of opinions and views, the project fell through. The topic of my half of the thesis was the decoding of the ancient runes from the Ruins of King Deshret's Civilization.” “That does sound like quite the intriguing thesis, and I have to admit, I would also be interested in researching the history of the old civilization... But I’m not used to the harsh environment of the desert, I... Am not sure I would be a proper asset to the team.” Alhaitham hummed in understanding - Even Sumeru people had a hard time dealing with the desert, and knowing the landscapes and the weather from Liyue, he could see the reason behind her reticence. Still, he was passionate not only about this project, but about spending quality time with the woman before him, doing what they know best to do - Study. “As long as you’re willing to join the project, I can deal with accommodating you during the practical field research, as I’m more familiar with the country.” despite her skepticism, Y/N couldn’t help but accept, completely uncaring about any risk whatsoever. As long as she was able to spend time with the man in front of her, everything was going to be fine. “Alright, Alhaitham. Let’s make the most outstanding project the Akademiya has ever seen.” her positive outlook was a rather welcome change of pace, unlike Kaveh and his constant wish to either bicker with him, or complain.
For the rest of the years it took for both Alhaitham and Y/N to graduate, they went on a vast number of adventures - Considering the amount of time it took for them to reach the graduation, it was only fair that they extend their thesis for three major regions - Deshret’s desert area, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata’s Sumeru forests and Rex Lapis’ Liyue - Each of them, with their own distinct and fascinating manuscripts, writing styles, flora, fauna and civilizations that have been rapidly evolving throughout the years. Their project ended up truly being one worthy of envy, but not without merit.
The amount of times they got lost in the desert or had to fight mercenaries and treasure hoarders, got trapped inside pyramids, ruins and underground catacombs, had to solve puzzles and decipher codes, decode runes and languages lost to time, found relics and fossils, cave paintings and old manuscripts describing never-seen and never-heard before wildlife from all over the two countries.
“Are we ever going to find a way out of this mess of a tomb? I feel like a grave-robber that’s about to lose her sanity from the lack of food and water.” Y/N dramatically joked as she used her vines to propel herself up to some suspended platforms and activate some intricate mechanism that was going to open up the door - Hopefully, at least. “We haven’t done all this for all our work to be thrown down the drain.” as the door opened, he readied his sword to attack the activating perpetual robotic monsters, and together, they would fight - Yet Alhaitham especially felt a sense of protectiveness over Y/N - Whether it was over the fact that he’s practically responsible for her life, as he got her into the project... Or perhaps it was the fact that he feared anything happened to her. She was a talented healer, and she often used her vision power to shield him from imminent danger or mend some of the wounds he got from direct confrontation against multiple enemies that came in waves at once.
Though they had lots of practical field trips that involved a ton of travelling, the simpler parts of theoretical research was often done in far calmer environments, be it either of their homes, or a neutral place, namely the popular tea house, so they could also catch a bite. Unfortunately, Puspa cafe often hosted a ton of Akademiya students, and that more often than not meant some of their own classmates, that due to exceeding envy, ended up ruining their pleasant leisure time. Just like that one time when a junior from his own Darshan of Haravatat came over to their table - Masterfully and tactically chosen to be the farther-most, retreated from the majority of the people and in a corner away from the prying eyes - And put her hands on her hips, frowning down at them.
“What are you doing here?!” the stranger asked in a rather irritated voice, yet neither of the two even bothered raising their gaze and acknowledge her presence. “Hey - Don’t ignore me, you -- Gosh, you’re so rude.” still, no answer. “Alhaitham~! Why do you waste your time around such a boring woman? She’s no good, y’know? You don’t need to help her with her studies - She’s a plant lover from Amurta - Nowhere near our above-brilliant Haravatat intellect!” the girl whined, hoping to get the man’s attention, yet once again, she was met with no response. Infuriated, the girl threw herself on the couch next to him, clinging onto his arm and cuddling on his side. “Alhaitham~! You are my senior! You promised to help me with research. In fact - Let’s do our thesis together!” Much to her indignance, the stranger was shrugged off the sofa, and received an irked glare. “I have no idea who you are, nor am I interested in your identity, but I would like for you to stop bothering our study session, otherwise I will be forced to ask the patron to kick you out of the cafe for disturbing other customers.” the flabbergast expression on her face would have been amusing, were it not for her disgusting hostility. “Wait, no -- You can’t do that, I -- Alhaitham, don’t you remember me? I’m your Junior, Emiya! You gave me a book about deciphering ancient texts a month ago, remember?” she tried to plead, but was met with a firm, negative reply. “And you -- You have to stop parasiting him already! Do your own work, for once! Can’t you see you’re inconveniencing him?!” Y/N said nothing. “Say something!” “The Phoenix does not lose sleep over the idle chattering of mice.” Emiya’s eyes widened in complete confusion, though Alhaitham couldn’t help but let out a breath of amusement. She fancied herself an Empress, how lovely. “Wh-What?! You make no sense -- Hey, you’re in Sumeru, not in Liyue anymore, y’know? Get it right already.” for the first time, Y/N rose her gaze to meet Emiya’s; the junior shuddered slightly, realising the cold passiveness of her intimidating demeanour. “I don’t know what kind of delusions you like to feed yourself, but I would ask you to leave our table, unless you wish to get permanently banned from Puspa. I would like to return to the research I was doing for our thesis, until you so rudely interrupted our tireless work. Unlike you, we are not so carefree and leisurely.” Y/N curt voice had a frozen edge, intimidating the girl. “Well, whatever! Go back to your stupid grass work. Alhaitham and I have more intelligent research to conduct - And some practical research, perhaps?” Y/N had to turn her head slightly to the side, demurely hiding her mocking chuckle. “I believe it unethical, stealing one’s project partner. Alas, willow blossoms go in dreams, only to find sorrows hidden on the moon.” Emiya’s eyes were wide, and her jaw to the floor - Her mind had gone numb from stupidity. “You pride yourself with being a Haravatat student, yet you fail to comprehend even the most forward of poems. I have no intention of associating myself with mediocre people.” Alhaitham dismissed the tearing up girl with a bored wave of his hand; Y/N and him had to look away from each other to avoid chuckling, “So... I actually found this interesting Zaytun Peach wine recipe -- And I have some Glaze Lily flowers and Sweet Flower to make tea - I’ve got this snow kept for special occasions - I find tea made out of melted snow to have the richest aroma.” Y/N said, disclosing the contents of the book she was reading; The farthest away from being a research-based book. “The history of the Guili plains and the Guizhong ballista are also rather intriguing. I would be interested in finding out the blueprints and the thought concept behind it and its making.” he hummed in acknowledgement, enjoying reading about the past of Liyue and what similarities and differences exist between it and Sumeru. “Do we have any more of that special delivery Dandelion Wine from Angel’s Share?” “Of course! Master Diluc just recently had a few bottles delivered to me through his brother Kaeya, who was on an errand here in Sumeru. He didn’t stay long for catching up, but he brought the goods, so it’s fine either way.” with a shared look, the two got up and moved their leisure reading back to Y/N’s home, delighting themselves with the most quality wine that Teyvat had to offer. “That’s a fine deal.”
At some point, just a year before their graduation, Alhaitham was going to purchase some alcohol to celebrate a massive breakthrough he had in his research - And consequently, escaping yet another death-nearing experience - His ex-project partner, the senior architect student from Kshahrewar, spotted him. This blond man with a volcanic personality ended up shredding his joined thesis in a fit of frustrating rage, only to end up gluing back together out of regret, once he ended up all alone, bankrupt, and realising his once friend’s harsh words were actually viable advices that he should have heeded long ago.
There was no reproach in his words - Alhaitham had nothing to gain out of making Kaveh feel even more humiliated by his own failures, brought upon him mostly by his overly empathetic nature. He had to admit, bit of this precious and rather naive selflessness he could very often see in Y/N, which only made him feel more afraid that there might be some brainless deadbeats upsetting her or taking advantage of her benevolence.
Still, interestingly enough, after getting drunk enough to spill out all of his grievances, Kaveh found himself speaking of some rather interesting rumours. “Ever heard of the flower fairy rumour?” he asked. “They say once a month, at midnight, there’s this mystical being, beautiful as no other woman, and she dances on the sheen of the lake.” “You don’t seriously believe such ridiculous children stories, do you?” Alhaitham scoffed, raising the beer bottle and drinking a bit, yet his eyes never once left the blond. “I believe it more than the Wisdom Seelie, the children of the forest or the Aranara.” the architect grumbled. “How ridiculous.” still, he couldn’t admit, Alhaitham had his own suspicions on who this might be, and his professional curiosity had him want to come to a concludent answer. “Honestly, if that flower fairy is real, she might be the only living being capable of liking someone as arrogant and insufferable as you. No human woman could ever stand you.” Kaveh hiccuped as he sneered at his refound friend. Such a proposition sounded so much like a challenge, that Alhaitham found himself internally accepting.
Thus, every night for a whole month, Alhaitham hid behind a tree and investigated the lake area for any signs of this supposed fairy - And finally, his hard work came to fruition. From the direction of Y/N’s home, followed by an array of forest animals, the glowing silhouette of a gorgeous woman playing a sorrowful tune on the flute piqued his attention. Indeed, it was Y/N, just as he suspected, yet now he could see why she would be mistaken for a fairy. Wherever her barefeet would step, flowers would grow. Her long, light pink dress, flowy and embroidered with the finest gold thread, made her look like a lotus bloom. Her long hair of the most beautiful shade was embellished with royal-looking jewellery, and even her make up, so soft and delicate, yet so feminine, made her face look prettier than the moon itself.
Placing the flute inside her sleeve, Y/N stepped on the mirror sheen of the lake that seemed to sparkle with zircons from the silver light of the celestial body up on the dark night sky, and accompanied by what no doubt was an old Liyue melody, Y/N performed a dance, so enticing, so fluid, like a willow tree in the gentle breeze of spring. Every move she made, every little twitch and tweak of her joint, her body, all of them were perfectly calculated, even the amount of green dendro magic that made her performance even more alluring and worthy of being mistaken with a fictional mythical being.
By the time she was done, Alhaitham was leaning back on a tree, applauding. From the shock of being discovered, Y/N’s cheeks flared red with warmth and embarrassment. “Of course it had to be you who would find me out.” “It was actually a senior of mine who mentioned the rumours of this supposed flower fairy. I had my suspicions, and I felt compelled to have them approved or denied.” the corner of his mouth slightly twitched upwards in a smug smirk. “It seems my intuition hasn’t failed me yet.” “Tian na!” Y/N found herself softly shaking her head, a gorgeous smile gracing her features as she stepped on the soft grass next to him. “Fate sure has the weirdest ways of bringing people together.” Alhaitham found himself scoffing in distaste at the sheer notion of destiny. “Don’t use such foolish words. We are humans, and we create our of path in life. It is our actions and choices that define us, not the biblical or religious concept of a life already chosen and woven for you since before you are conceived and brought into this wor--” before he could continue rambling on about his own views on fate, Y/N reached up to pick his chin, bringing him down to her level, and with one hand on his shoulder to lean up, she captured his soft lips into a kiss that left him speechless from surprise.  “For years we have been friends, yet I cannot tire of how adorable you are when you’re so flustered that you end up ranting over the weirdest things.” Alhaitham wanted to scold her for doing something so uncharacteristic and unexpected, wanted to refute her claim of him ranting over ‘weird’ things - Or simply, the idea of him ‘ranting’ was ridiculous - Somehow, instead of all that, his body moved on his own and his brain took a short break, and the otherwise stoic man found himself cradling dearly Y/N’s form in his strong arms and sharing a much more loving and intimate kiss that seemed to allow the river of emotions to flow and come undone and expose itself in all its glory and vulnerability.
“You are bulshitting me because I’m drunk.” Kaveh growled at his friend. “You just randomly remembered those stupid rumours about the fairy thing and use that against me.” “I already told you, it’s not my job proving to you that I’m speaking the truth.” Alhaitham simply took another gulp of his beer. “But you said the fairy was just a stupid joke! And you never mentioned working on a thesis with someone else! Or having a friend, let alone a girlfriend! Hell, I thought nobody liked you! I still do!” the architect pointed an accusatory finger in his face. “I refuse to bother replying to your ridiculous disbeliefs anymore.” the scribe huffed, ready to take out his headphones and tune out the noise pollution that Kaveh was providing. “HEY, DON’T IGNORE ME! GIVE ME ANSWERS! I DON’T BELIEVE THAT STUPID STORY--” just as Kaveh shot up to his feet, slamming his hands onto the table, the front door was opened, and a beautiful woman entered the living room. “Honey, I’m home~!” her crystalline voice chimed, making Alhaitham smirk smugly and putting back his headphones in his belt pouch. “I brought some Osmanthus wine and moon cakes!” Kaveh’s eyes bulged out of their orbit and his jaw was to the floor, watching the beautiful woman plop down on the couch next to his friend and sharing such a tender kiss with him. “Oh - You must be Kaveh! I heard so much about you! I’m Y/N. Alhaitham’s fiance. I came to Sumeru from Liyue and enrolled in the Amurta Darshan course and graduated with a joined thesis written with him.” “F-F-Fi... Fi... Ance...?!” the blond fell back on his seat. “I-I thought you said... Girlfriend...” “I actually used the word ‘partner’, to be precise. You simply assumed, and I didn’t bother correcting you. If I were to correct every wrong supposition you’ve had since we’ve met... Well, I have better things to do with my time.” Alhaitham declared, his arm around Y/N’s waist, pulling her subtly to lean on his side, planting a kiss on her temple, purposely annoying his friend. “S-So... You mean... She -- And the Fairy -- And Tighnari’s friend -- And your Thesis partner -- They’re all the same person?!” the crestfallen expression on his face only made the beautiful lady hum in amusement. “Yes, I suppose that is me - I should thank you for the nickname - I think being called a Flower Fairy is highly flattering. Here is my gratitude.” with a graceful swish of her hand, Y/N created a flower crown on the architect’s hair. “...You may be lovely, but I swear, you almost have the same kind of mocking cruelty as he does, hidden behind a pretty smile.” Kaveh groaned, getting up and stumbling towards the other chamber, where his bedroom was. “HEY, HOLD UP! IF YOU’VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR SO MANY YEARS, WHY HAVE I NEVER SEEN YOU OVER?!” “No thirds wheels allowed on our dates.” seeing that annoyingly taunting smirk, and the implication behind those words, Kaveh let out another frustrated groan and shot into his room, not wanting to see either of the two anymore. “Perfect timing as always.” Alhaitham praised, pulling Y/N onto his lap. “Yes, well, I have to admit, I was getting cold out there, leaning on the door and waiting for you to finish that story already. Regardless... I think it’s adorable that Kaveh didn’t pick up that the reason you were so intrigued to continue speaking to me was because I fooled the Akademiya not to wear that Akasha device.” Y/N laughed lightly. “One of the many.” he said, bringing her flush against his chest. “Or perhaps, one might say, I was trapped under the charming spell of a certain flower fairy.”
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remuswriting · 16 days
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Thunderstorms used to be your biggest fear. Now it's the feeling you have when someone else wants Tooru.
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TAGS: Angst with a Happy Ending; Self-Esteem Issues; First Kiss; Hurt/Comfort; Male! Reader; Not Beta-Read
WORD COUNT: 4,817 words
NOTES: This comes from this ask I got. It got a little longer than I intended it to be, but I had fun writing it. Hopefully everyone enjoys!
Expect typos in this. I do not have the time to properly edit this. Sorry.
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Thunderstorms have always been an enemy of yours. The way thunder booms through the sky, sometimes even shaking the building from its intensity. How the lightning flashes through the curtains, lighting up a room when it doesn’t want to be. The fear you had as a child only grew into something where you avoided school on days it was forecasted to rain. You now hide under the covers with tightly shut eyes, praying for it to be over soon.
How you feel about thunderstorms is how you feel right now, staring at your boyfriend being surrounded by girls again. You knew before dating him that he’s well-loved, but sometimes you just want to walk home together without being bothered. Most days aren’t like that, though. Today is particularly worse when Aoi pulls out a box from her bag.
“I made you something,” she says, and suddenly, she sounds so shy. She doesn’t resemble the confident class president you’re used to seeing. Aoi extends the box to Tooru, and he slowly takes it. You can just barely see Tooru’s face, but the smile he has is forced.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” Tooru says as he grips the box tightly.
“But I wanted to!” she says with wide brown eyes. She’s so pretty with her delicate features, and you think it’d be better if she wasn’t so pretty. “I read that milk break is your favorite, and I wanted you to feel appreciated, so I baked it for you!”
She baked Tooru milk bread, which is something you’ve never done. Baking has never been something you’re good at, and Tooru has never commented on it. He’s never asked for homemade treats, which you always figured was because you’re both boys. You’ve never thought about it too hard, because you figured both of you were on the same page. What if you weren’t? What if you’ve been depriving Tooru of something simply because you can’t do it?
You stare at the box, and the sight has you closing your eyes so tightly it hurts. It’s almost like hearing the threat of a thunderstorm on the news with how your stomach churns. The worst part is how silly it feels to be upset about it, because this is a constant. Tooru receives love confesses constantly, and although you’ve never liked it, it’s never bothered you like this. Because aren’t you supposed to be the one giving him things? Aren’t you supposed to be the one who stands wide eyed in front of Tooru, gifting him something just because you wanted to?
You don’t want to be here anymore. Watching all of this has you wanting to hide under your blankets and pray for these feelings to go away. When you open your eyes, ready to say you’re going to leave, you find Tooru looking at you with those concerned brown eyes. Guilt floods through you, because he’s meant to be enjoying the gift he received, not being worried about you.
He looks back at Aoi. “Thank you so much for the gift, it’s very considerate,” he says with that warm, genuine voice. “However, Y/N and I have to get going. We have a study group.”
There’s no study group, and you’re not sure why he’s saying you two have one. You don’t say that, though, because if it gets you out of this situation, you’ll go with just about anything.
Aoi pouts a little, and she’d be a good girlfriend. She’d be a better significant other than you are. That thought makes you feel like thunder is shaking the house so violently you think it may be an earthquake. You want to tell Tooru that you need to head home instead, but you know he won’t leave you. His loyalty doesn’t let him do that, and sometimes it hurts just a little.
“Okay, but please tell me if you like them,” Aoi says, and Tooru nods.
“I will,” he says, and then you’re walking away with him as he waves bye. It’s quiet for a moment, just the sound of your shoes against the pavement, until Tooru passes in front of you and tosses the box into the trash.
“Why’d you do that?” you ask, eyes wide in horror. He’s never been one to treat gifts like that. Tooru looks at you, and the sun bounces off him in a way that makes him look magical.
“I don’t want gifts like that if you’re not the one giving them to me,” he says, and you look away from him as your face heats up. The way he says it so casually has you flustered, but his words cause that guilt to come back. If he wasn’t with you, he’d be able to cherish the gifts he receives. He wouldn’t feel obligated to get rid of them.
“You could’ve kept it,” you say as you look up at the sky before tilting your head to look at him. “What will you tell her tomorrow? That you threw it away?”
Tooru rolls his eyes as he lets out a laugh. “I’ll tell her it was delicious, but I can’t have it anymore because of my diet.”
“And if I got you some, would you still eat it regardless of your diet?”
Tooru smiles at you, and your heart pounds too hard in your chest. “I’ll eat anything you get me, regardless of my diet or allergies or whatever.”
It should ease your nerves, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t at all.
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It’s meant to storm after school, which means you’ll be saying you’re sick to skip out on club activities to go home. Your parents used to chastise you about it, but being the top in your year ceased their comments entirely.
You’re preparing what lie you’ll have to give when Tooru drags his desk next to yours for lunch. He has a letter with him, and his name is written on the back in messy handwriting. There’s also a heart sticker keeping the envelope shut. A confession. Someone is confessing to him after school.
“Want to read it with me?” Tooru asks, because that’s what you did. You read them together and laugh at the desperate words that border into cringe territory. It never bothered you before you got together, even when your crush felt so impossibly big. It didn’t bother you in the beginning either, but it bothers you now. You just don’t know how to say that.
“No, I’m okay,” you say, and his brows furrow slightly.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly, trying to make it to where only you can hear it. It’s simply a reminder that to everyone else, you’re just best friends. No one knows that you’re boyfriends. No one knows that the idea of coming out terrifies you nearly to the same extent that thunderstorms do.
“It’s going to storm later.”
Your voice is so soft it’s nearly embarrassing, however, Tooru doesn’t seem to care. His face just relaxes in understanding. “I’m sorry,” he says, and he leans in slightly. You want to lean in too. You want to give him the same level of love back. “You’re leaving early, right?”
“Yeah,” you say, and the confession letter now sits on his desk, forgotten by him. But you can’t look away from it, especially because you now recognize the handwriting. It’s Sato’s handwriting—Sato, who is a boy and your academic rival. Sato, who is charming and handsome and that everyone likes. Sato, who apparently isn’t scared of letting the world know he likes boys.
“Okay, I’ll tell coach that I’m sick so I can go with you,” Tooru says, because that’s what you do. Tooru spends thunderstorms with you, so you’re not so scared and alone.
You look at him. “No, I’ll be okay.”
Maybe it’s the way you say it or just that fact that you said it that has him taken aback. He’s looking at you like he’s trying to understand what he did wrong. You just don’t know how to tell him he’s not done anything wrong. It’s you—you’re too caught up in your head, and you don’t want to involve him in that.
“And if I do it anyway?” he asks, and you look away.
If he was with Sato, this wouldn’t be a conversation. He wouldn’t have to lie to his coach about being sick just to comfort his boyfriend because of a stupid fear. Being scared of thunderstorms is so stupid, and you’ve always known that. Your parents have always made sure to tell you, but now you’re having to tell yourself. This fear is affecting others when it should only ever affect you. Your heart pounds in your chest as your fingertips tingle, and you only ever feel like this when it storms. However, there’s no rain or thunder right now, so you’re just scared without an obvious reason.
“I can’t stop you,” you say, voice shaking. “But you should probably answer that confession first.”
“Not going is an answer,” Tooru says, and he’s serious. Tooru has never missed a confession before, always saying he believes people deserve some form of closure, but he’s suggesting it now. He’s suggesting it because of you—because of a stupid fear you have that you struggle to face alone. It should be romantic, but it leaves you wanting to cry.
“No, you need to go,” you say, because he’ll regret it later on. He’ll feel guilty seeing Sato in the hallway, looking at Tooru with upset eyes. Tooru is too soft to move on from that.
He looks at you, long and hard, before slowly nodding. It’s almost as if he’s seeing through your cracks, slowly noticing something is wrong. You wonder if he’ll figure it out before you do something impulsive.
“Okay, but we leave not a moment later,” he says, and your chest is tight.
“You’re still not going to practice?”
He shakes his head and leans his cheek against his hand as all of his attention is focused on you. “Not when it’s going to storm.”
Guilt continues to eat deep inside you. Interhigh Prelims are rapidly approaching, and you’re taking him away from that. You’re hindering him. You’re being difficult. But you know there’s no point in arguing, because he’s one of the most stubborn people you’ve ever met. So you slowly nod.
“Okay. Do you want me at the confession?”
He smiles, so warm and real. “Yes, or else you’ll run off without me.”
You can’t help the small laugh you let out. He knows you too well, which makes this all a little worse. Shouldn’t he realize how hard this is becoming for you? Shouldn’t he know what to do?
���I wouldn’t, but okay,” you say, and he rolls his eyes.
“Oh, whatever.” He finally pulls his lunch out and divides it in half before offering it to you. You take it as a reflex, because this has been your routine from before you even started dating. It’s easy to see why you fell in love with Tooru. It’s easy to see why other people are falling in love with him as well.
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The sky is gray and ominous when you and Tooru meet Sato at the tennis courts. Sato is pacing around until he sees Tooru. He stops in his tracks, and the growing breeze pushes his black hair into his face. You’ve always found him slightly attractive, but never have there been true feelings there. Maybe it’s because you fight for the top spot or maybe because you’ve never had a moment where you’ve actually talked.
Sato looks past Tooru at you, and his brows immediately furrow. He wasn’t expecting an audience, which you can’t blame him for. You wouldn’t be expecting one either. You’re tempted to run away, but Tooru looks at you, and you know you can’t. If you run away, he’ll just run after you.
Instead, you look away from him and at the sky instead. It’s only getting darker, and fear runs through you at the thought of getting caught in the rain. Fear also runs through you at the fact you have to hear another boy confess to Tooru.
“Sato-san,” Tooru says, and he’s using the voice he uses when rejecting people. You close your eyes, ready for the rejection to come from him, but it doesn’t.
“Please, just listen to me,” Sato says, and he sounds far too desperate. “I know I’m a guy, and this is all weird, but I like you, Oikawa-san. I’ve liked you for so long, but only recently have I let myself like you.” Tooru doesn’t say anything, and you don’t dare to open your eyes. “You make me want to tell people.”
“What do you know about me?” Tooru asks. It takes you by surprise, because in all the confessions you’ve witnessed of his, he’s never asked that before.
You open your eyes, and Sato’s hair is messy from the wind and his eyes are wide. “What?”
“What do you know about me?” Tooru asks again. “Why do you like me so much?”
“You’re smart and talented,” Sato says, and Tooru just stares at you. “Dedicated too.”
“Is that all you need to love someone?”
This is the first time you’ve ever seen anyone who has confessed to Tooru look so dejected. It’s the first time you’ve ever felt bad for them, because you understand Sato. You understand your feelings being so big that you have to confront them. This confession has been far more vulnerable than other ones, because Sato knew he could’ve faced a far harsher rejection. It could’ve been far worse than his crush questioning him on why he likes him.
“I’m sorry, Sato-san, but I don’t feel the same way,” Tooru says, and although he sounds apologetic, there’s an edge to his voice. “I really hope you find someone you truly like, though.”
It’s quick, Tooru turning and grabbing your hand to drag you away. The wind is harsher now, trying to blow through your uniform. You’re nauseous from the sky and how Sato still stands there, staring at you two. It all only reminds you that there are people out there who are ready to be seen with Tooru while you’re not. You fear you’ll never be ready for that, and that only means he’s trapped liking you in the bubble that surrounds you two.
“I’m sorry,” he says once you’re past the school gate. You’re no longer holding hands, even though you need the contact. The storm is quickly approaching, and you’re so scared. You’re scared you’ll get trapped in it, and that it’ll feel like watching Sato confess to Tooru. “We’ll get to your house before the storm hits.”
You nod, but nothing comes out. You hope he thinks it’s entirely because of this fear of the storm when it’s not. The thought of Sato has a different kind of fear boiling inside you, and it’s the fear that Tooru will realize there are better people out there.
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You reach your house right as the rain starts hitting the pavement. The thunder hasn’t started yet, but you’re on edge as if it has. It’s a waiting game at this point, and you’re kicking off your shoes without care as you hurry to your room. Tooru waits for you to change into comfortable clothes before pulling him into your room.  Your blankets are still a mess from this morning, but he fixes them for you.
“Come here,” he says as your room lights up from the lightning. You start counting for the thunder.
One. Two. Three.
The thunder hits, and you can’t move. You’re stuck standing in the middle of your bedroom, closing your eyes as you try to calm your breathing and pulse. It’s funny that even though you’re so scared, your thoughts are slightly jumbled, you wonder if this is what people feel like when Tooru rejects them.
The bed creaks, meaning Tooru got up, and your thick comforter is wrapped around your shoulders before you’re being pulled in to be pressed against his chest. He’s warm and comforting, almost like a second home for you. It’s so easy to just melt into his embrace and try to ignore the outside world for just a second. Until the lightning strikes again, so bright you can see it through your closed eyes.
“I love you,” he says, and then the thunder hits. It’s loud, and you reach out to grasp his shirt to know he’s there. He pulls you closer, and your cheek presses against his shoulder. “I love you.”
It’s all so overwhelming—the storm and the confession. It’s so hard to think clearly, especially with your nerves sky-high. “Tooru,” you gasp into his neck before you start crying.
He pulls you to the bed before sitting you in his lap. You’re both surrounded by your comforter, and this is the closest you’ve ever been. “It’s okay,” he says as he gently rubs your back. “I’m here. It’s okay.”
You melt into him completely, crying into his skin and desperately grasping his shirt like a lifeline. Even with his confession, guilt eats at you as the thunder crashes through the sky. There are better people out there for him—people who are fully ready to love him outside of closed doors. However, he’s so loyal to the point it’s his weakness, and you refuse to extort that, even if that’s not what you’re trying to do. You cry harder, because this is all so unfair—having this realization while a storm rages outside and he’s the one holding you.
“I love you too,” you say through tears. It’s unfair to say it to someone you don’t deserve, but you don’t know for how long you’ll be able to say it. You don’t know how long he’ll believe you. “I love you so much.”
Tooru presses a kiss to your hair, and you try to even out your breathing as the storm rages outside and in your head.
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Mondays are your date days. Other days are spent studying together at home, sometimes eating something together. He’s just always so tired after practice that you never want to push him anymore than he’s already pushed himself. Those days, you go over to his house, where he showers and then you blow-dry his hair for him before working on homework. Today is Monday, though, which means a date. This week is Tooru’s turn.
“We have to go by the clubroom really quick. I forgot my wallet in there this morning,” Tooru says, and you roll your eyes as you follow him. He forgets things there often, as if it’s a second home to him. You imagine it is. “But don’t worry, where we’re going will make up for it.”
He starts going on about a restaurant he and the team went to last week and that he’s been dying to take you to. He claims it’s definitely your style—that you’ll love it. You watch him talk, his eyes bright and his smile unwavering. Is there ever a good time to leave someone? Or will it always feel like you’re putting it off?
“Tooru,” you say, cutting him off mid-sentence. You’re in the privacy of the clubroom now, and he looks at you. “I think we should break up.”
You’re not sure what to expect, because you’ve not wanted to think about this at all. It’s made you sick even barely thinking about it. However, you didn’t expect for tears to well up in his eyes as he let out a shaky breath. “What?”
It’s hard to not pull him in and take back your words, but you manage to not move. “I think we should break up. It’s—It’s just not working anymore.”
Tooru blinks a couple of times, his eyes looking around as he does so. Tears are really welling up in his eyes now. “What are you talking about? We love each other.”
“But you deserve better,” you say, and it’s like a breath of fresh air saying that. You’ve been holding it in for so long, and finally sharing it is a burden lifted off your shoulders. “I’m—I’m not good enough for you. You deserve someone who’s good enough for you.”
He looks at you like he doesn’t recognize you and then tears fall down his cheeks. The sight and his silence hurt, but you can’t look away from him. This is what you deserve.
“What’s going on?” he asks, voice wet. He wipes his eyes, and the sight breaks your heart. “I know you’ve been off, but I didn’t think it was this. I thought—What’s going on?”
It’s been years since you’ve been labeled as shy, growing out of that as you realized the only thing that truly scares you is thunderstorms. Now, at the age of 18, losing Tooru is the thing that scares you most. You’re facing this fear head on, but you wish it was thunderstorms instead. You wish you had never said anything and let yourself hurt.
“You’re so amazing, and I’m just me,” you start, and your throat starts feeling scratchy. You can’t let yourself cry. “I’m not amazing like you, and you deserve someone who is. You deserve someone like Aoi-chan or Sato-san, because they’d love you better than I do. I’m just holding you back.”
“No,” Tooru snaps, and you flinch. “You’re wrong, Y/N. If anything, you’re the one who is amazing. You’re not holding me back—you could never hold me back. I am better because of you.”
“But I don’t give you gifts just because, and I didn’t confess to you ready to tell the world about us,” you say, desperate for him to just understand.
“If I wanted those things, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.” Your breath catches in your throat. “Yes, I’m in love with you.” He takes a step towards you. “I’m pretty sure I was made just to love you, so please let me.”
“But what if you realize it was all a mistake?” your voice breaks from tears, finally crying with him.
He takes a step closer to you, and he’s so close it’s overwhelming. “You’re the only person who gets me,” Tooru says, and your hands are nearly touching. “That’s the most important thing to me. Not if you give me gifts or if I can hold your hand in public. What I care about is that you know me and still love me.”
“How could I not love you?” you ask before wiping your eyes, trying to dry your eyes so your vision doesn’t become blurry.
“And how could I not love you?” he asks, and he takes one of your hands into his. “Y/N, there is no other person I want to love. You’re the only one.”
You want to believe it so desperately that you don’t think he’ll understand. It’s been weeks of this doubt building in your stomach, and you can’t stomach it anymore. All you want is for it to go away.
“But there are other people who are better for you.”
“And I don’t want them. I want you.” He squeezes your hand a little. “I would’ve told you this if you’d just talked to me.”
You cough slightly from how hard you’re crying, because it’s overwhelming listening to genuine words that go against your thoughts. It’s overwhelming trying to let yourself believe it.
“I—I didn’t know how to tell you.” You gasp before going into a slight coughing fit. “I was so scared I’d tell you and you’d realize I was right.”
“So you decided to break up with me?”
“All I want is what’s best for you,” you say, and he’s not crying as hard as you are. It’s unfair, you think.
“You’re what’s best for me.” Tooru brings your hand up to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. “What do I need to do to prove that to you?”
“Stop being so popular.”
He laughs slightly, and butterflies itch at your rib cage from the sound. “Consider it done. I’ll become hated for you.”
“You could never be hated,” you say, and you wish he was kissing you instead of your knuckles. “You’re too good.”
“And you’re better.” Tooru presses his cheek against your hand. “You’re also far more popular than me, but I’ve been too selfish to let you see that.”
Your brows scrunch a little. “What are you talking about?”
Tooru sighs before kissing your palm. “I throw away your confession letters. You’re so mysterious that girls come to me, and I smile before throwing it away.” He’s attempting to be apologetic, but the smile on his face negates that. “I don’t want anyone else having your attention.”
“I didn’t know you were like that,” you say, and he laughs again.
“You make me like that.” He pulls you closer, and your face burns. “You drive me crazy, and I can’t get enough of it.”
Your chests are nearly touching, and you could kiss him. That’s not something you’ve done yet, though, because there’s always been that fear that someone will see. If someone sees, then you may really lose him, but right now, you don’t care. All you want to do is kiss him.
So you do.
It’s awkward since he’s not expecting it, but Tooru recovers quickly by pulling in closer, making your chests press together. You feel his heart pounding, but yours isn’t much better. It’s exhilarating to finally do this. It’s far better than anything you’ve imagined before.
Tooru uses his free hand to hold your cheek while his other hand doesn’t let go of yours. The kisses are clumsy, not used to each other, but you want more. You never want this to end, but then Tooru pulls away. You’re both breathing heavily, and you just want to kiss him again.
“God,” he says, his thumb caressing your cheek. He kisses you again, and it’s so gentle you feel loved. “I love you,” he says as he kisses you.
Although it’s still hard to hear those words, the doubt still eating at you, you smile. You let him love you, even with the fear that he deserves someone else. Maybe the more he says he loves you, the more you’ll start to believe he’s not going anywhere and doesn’t need to.
“I love you,” you say as you pull away. When you open your eyes, Tooru’s eyes are still closed. There’s a soft smile on his face, and his cheeks are beyond flushed. He’s the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen.
His eyes open, and they’re so warm. You’ve always loved brown eyes, but his are your favorite. They’ve always looked at you with such warmth it nearly burns you. Tooru has that effect, though—burning people with his warmth and care.
Tooru laughs a little as he pulls away, pressing a kiss to your forehead. All you want to say is that you love him. All you want to do is prove you love him.
“Let’s head home,” he says, his hand falling from your cheek to his side but not letting go of your hand.
You raise a brow. “We’re not going to the restaurant anymore?”
His smile is so boyish. “I can’t kiss you if we go there.”
“Oh, so you don’t care if I’m hungry?” you tease, and he pouts slightly. It’s so easy to just lean in and press a quick kiss to his lips. He goes to pull you back in, but you pull away slightly as you laugh a little. “We can’t go anywhere if we’re kissing.”
“Maybe we should just never leave then,” he says, and you roll your eyes but your cheeks burn as you look away. “Hey, don’t act as if you weren’t the one who kissed me first.” You push his shoulder slightly, trying to let go of his hand, but he won’t let you. He pulls you closer to him. “Nope, you’re not going anywhere.”
You tilt your head to the side with a teasing smile. “Then how am I meant to get home?”
“Attached to me, obviously.” He kisses your forehead, even though he can now properly kiss you. “You’re not leaving my side if I can help it.”
“Be careful what you wish for,” you say, and his smile is so bright. “You may regret it later.”
He shakes his head as his thumb caresses the back of your hand. “I’ll never regret anything where you’re involved.”
You let yourself believe his words as you press another quick kiss to his lips. When you go to leave, you stop holding hands, but it’s okay because Tooru walks so close to you that your sides keep brushing against each other. It’s just as intimate, if not more.
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ruified · 9 months
❝ a long 𝒅𝒂𝒚 ˎˊ˗
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warnings: alcohol in dazai’s, gn! reader . characters: dazai, atsushi, kunikida, chuuya, akutagawa . synopsis: you had an absolutely exhausting day at work and come home to your partner, who is there to comfort you in their own way ! a/n: guys idk why chuuya’s is so short :(
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DAZAI is strung out across the couch in your shared apartment, his feet dangling over the armrest. He hums a soft tune, matching the one playing in his headphones, while he waits for his beloved partner to arrive home. He is absolutely starving and he cannot wait to have some of your cooking!
He removes his headphones when he sees the door open and greets you with a warm smile. “Welcome home, gorgeous!”
You glance around your shared home and sigh, looking absolutely exhausted. You pinch the bridge of your nose—it’s been a long day, work was so tiring, you can’t help but feel a bit annoyed with any minor inconvenience. This time, you’re feeling a bit bothered that Dazai has been home for who knows how long and hasn’t done anything from the looks of it.
“Dazai-“ You’re about to tell him off but you take a good look at his face and that smile—dammit, he’s charming as ever. You drag yourself towards the couch after dropping your belongings on the floor and removing your shoes. You fall on top of your boyfriend with a heavy sigh, your head landing on his chest.
Dazai raises a brow curiously but wraps you in a warm embrace without objection. He lets you relax for a few moments before asking in a gentle tone, “Long day?” You nod with your face buried in his shirt, taking in that familiar scent that makes you feel safe.
Dazai runs his fingers through your hair, dragging his nails gently across your scalp. “You know what always helps me after a long day? A good pick-me-up! Now, whaddya say we drink some cheap beer and watch a movie, hm?”
You chuckle softly, though it’s muffled through Dazai’s shirt. You lift your head and tuck some of Dazai’s hair behind his ear, smiling at him affectionately. “Alright, that does sound a bit nice as long as we don’t go overboard.”
Not completely expecting you to accept, Dazai beams and hugs you even tighter. “Great! We can order food for delivery too, take some stress off of those pretty little shoulders of yours.” He brushes some hair out of your face and plants a soft kiss on your forehead. “It’s a date, my dear.”
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ATSUSHI was washing the dishes before his partner got home, doing his portion of the chores with a smile on his face. He heard the doorknob jiggle and peeked around the corner just in time to see you come in. A huge grin swept over his features when his gaze met yours.
“Welcome back! I’m just finishing the dishes and then I’ll be right with you!” He called out gleefully as he went back to tending to the dishes.
You yawned and stretched, setting your things from work down near the door. You had quite the exhausting day at work, but seeing Atsushi so happy made you smile, just a bit. You took off your shoes and shuffled to the kitchen to meet your boyfriend.
Suddenly, Atsushi felt warm arms wrap around his waist, he nearly dropped the plate he was holding. He looked over his shoulder to find you with your head buried in his back. He watched the way your shoulders fell as you relaxed, some of the tension leaving your body. His expression dropped to a soft frown and he turned off the sink, drying his hands before turning to face you. As soon as he turned around though, you planted your face right into his chest instead.
“Is something wrong? You don’t look too good…” Atsushi speaks in a gentle tone, almost weary. He begins to slowly stroke your back.
You sigh and shrug your shoulders. “It was a long day at work, I’m exhausted.” With that, his frown deepens and he holds you closer. He pauses for a moment to think then smiles again.
“How about I cook us dinner tonight? You go take a bath and relax, you deserve it!” He gently grabs a hold of your shoulders and pushes you back, his gaze meeting yours.
You frown slightly and put your hands on his arm. “But, it was supposed to be my turn to make dinner tonight, it’s not fair to just push that on you…” He shakes his head vigorously and begins to push you towards the bathroom. “It’s alright, really! What I want is for you to relax and wind down.” A faint pink began to dust his cheeks. “And then we can, you know, spend some time together.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his sweet gesture. You cupped his cheeks in your hands and kissed him softly. “Thank you, I’d love to spend time with you.” He beamed at that.
“I’ll make us some chazuke, ‘kay?” With that, he sent you to the bathroom.
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KUNIKIDA finished writing in his notebook about his day at his desk and closed it, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips. However, his expression soon changed to that of worry, and slight annoyance, as he looked at the time—you were late to arrive home from work, very late. He huffed and went to the kitchen to begin preparing dinner.
When you got home, it was well over an hour past when you usually would and dinner was done. You walked in and alerted your partner of your arrival. “Kunikida, I’m home.” Right on cue, the blonde emerged from the kitchen and headed straight towards you, a rather serious look on his face.
“Why are you so late? Where have you been?” He immediately began questioning you, leaving you feeling rather overwhelmed. You dropped your bags to the floor and groaned, pressing your palm to your temple. “I’m sorry, things got hectic at work and I had to stay longer than intended…”
Kunikida took a moment to scan your expression, arms crossed over his chest. He sighed softly and let his arms fall to his sides. “It’s alright, I understand. You just made me worried.”
You step forward and wrap Kunikida in your tight embrace, pressing your cheek against his chest. “I’m so tired, Doppo.”
A frown tugs at his lips and he hugs you back, stroking the back of your head gently. He glances at his watch for the time and sighs softly. “I’ve already made dinner, so I think, afterwards, we can squeeze in some time to spend together, if that is what you want.”
You look up at him with a wide grin, one that he cannot help but smile back at softly. You squeeze him tighter and nuzzle into him more. “Thank you.”
He pats your back softly and nods. “Of course, my ideals include your happiness, so some adjustments can be made to my schedule in order to prioritize just that.”
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CHUUYA got home later than you had, as per usual. He walked into your shared penthouse, though he was the one paying rent, and sighed in relief, glad to be home. He hung up his jacket and hat by the door, noticing your belongings were also there. He walked inside and saw you sprawled out across the couch with your face buried in the cushions.
He walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder gently. “Hey babe, I’m home.” He paused then knelt down beside you, pushing some hair behind your ear. “You alright there? Ya look dead.”
You turn your head to look at him, an exasperated expression painting your features. A small frown tugs at his lips. “Work was extra rough today…” You tell him groggily.
Chuuya takes off his gloves and reaches for your hand, his fingers soft and warm. “Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight? Get a booth just for us, you can get yourself all dolled up and feelin’ good, yeah?”
Your expression softens and you can’t help but smile, squeezing his hand in yours. “That sounds delightful.”
He smiles in return and stands up, however, you tug his hand gently. “Can we take your bike?” He looks down at you as you lay there, looking up at him through your lashes with those big puppy-dog eyes—he’s a weak man when it comes to you. “Sure we can. I’ll go make a reservation, then the rest of the night will be just us.”
He leans down and plants a soft kiss on your forehead before going to get ready.
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AKUTAGAWA had arrived at your place before you and let himself in—he used to just find a way in until you ended up giving him the key so that the neighbors wouldn’t call the police on him. He sat on the couch and waited for you to get home so that he could greet you. That is, until he received a text from you stating that you would be getting back late because things got hectic at work.
He sighed heavily and looked around, unsure of what to do with himself. He knew what it was like to deal with incompetence in the workplace and he knew how frustrating that tended to be. Then he got an idea.
You return home about some 20 minutes later and drop your things by the door. You step inside, removing your shoes, and make your arrival known. “Akutagawa, I’m home.”
No response.
Curious, you stumble into the living room, where he’d normally be, with one shoe still on. Perhaps he had fallen asleep?
The room was empty. Weird.
You begin to wander around your apartment in search of him until you notice the bathroom door slightly ajar and the light on inside, you also hear water running. The tub? You knock softly on the door then nudge it open and poke your head in.
Inside the bathroom, Akutagawa is kneeling next to the tub with the water running and a box of your bath salts in his hand. He reads the instructions with a rather perplexed look on his face.
You can’t help but giggle at the sight, to which he whips his head around to look at you. His eyes widen for a moment and then narrow as his brows furrow once again. “These, quote, ‘relaxing salts’ are quite odd, I don’t get how they’d make you relax at all. Isn’t this much sodium bad for you anyways?”
You chuckle softly and kneel down next to him, gently taking the box from his hands. “It’s not like actual salt, it just dissolves in water and has extra things in it that are good for your body, you should try it.”
Akutagawa scoffs and rolls his eyes. You look around and tilt your head. “What’re you running a bath for anyways? I thought you hated them.” He shakes his head. “It’s for you. Dealing with difficult situations at work can be stressful, so I figured you’d want to relax. I remember you saying that baths are relaxing for you so I thought I’d prepare one for you.”
You feel a warm smile pull your lips up as you reach out a hand, gently placing it on his. “Thank you, that’s really kind of you.” He stares at you for a moment then looks away, sighing. “It’s nothing, really. It’s a pain to deal with you when you’re in a mood anyway.” You roll your eyes.
You stand up and find your towel then you slowly turn back to Akutagawa. “Do you want to join me?”
He grimaces at your offer and opens his mouth to say something, however, he stops. He stares at your face for a while, taking in your features. He sighs. “Fine. But only because I wish to see how these ‘salts’ work.”
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yokohamapound · 1 month
how ab head cannons of how good bsd men are at taking bras off like kinda ranking them ig
i have my own theories ab it so maybe we can compare them?
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My magnificent friend, @amostimprobabledream, is guest-posting on this one! She's the one who got me into BSD, so this blog is entirely her fault!
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edogawa Ranpo, Tanizaki Jun'ichiro, Kunikida Doppo, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Nakajima Atsushi, Edgar Allan Poe
Contents: Yiddies
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Dazai Osamu
The obvious winner here. The Pro. The champ.
Dazai is a slut, and when they aren't threatening him for not paying back his tab, he's perfectly able to have the ladies falling at his feet. He's definitely got plenty of experience with getting a lady out of her clothing and scoffs at pitiful men who can't figure out how to unhook simple clasps. Fools! Barbarians!
He can do it one-handed. He prefers it when you wear front-clasp bras because he takes it as a sign you're just as eager for him to get at your boobs as he is. Imagine those pretty fingers easily working the little hooks~
He does sometimes wear your bra on his head as a joke. So you know, that's a risk you run.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Listen this man has been around, okay? He almost single-handedly toppled the Port Mafia and Armed Detective Agency, he can handle a silly contraption of cotton and underwiring.
Fyodor doesn't like to tear at your clothing like a beast. He has class, okay? Instead he might as you to strip for him - just picture him lounging back in his seat, wineglass in hand while he watches you with those hungry, purple eyes of his. It's worth it just for that to put on a little show for him.
He likes to kiss you as he does it, distracting you as his nimble, pale fingers get to work. He's so skilled that he can actually unhook your bra without you even noticing and you'll find it discarded on a chair or the floor like a magic trick.
Edogawa Ranpo
Hmph, of course he can take off a bra! Don't be silly!
Ranpo is the ultimate detective, after all. A silly little hook in a piece of clothing isn't going to stump him. However, Ranpo is also lazy when he isn't motivated and while if he's focused on getting you naked, he'll probably whine for you to just take the bra off yourself - you're faster at it, he's seen the way you fling the thing off after a long day like it's a snake, so why not? He just wants to see your boobs!
Don't worry, he more than makes up for it once your bra hits the ground. He's very good with that mouth of his.
Tanizaki Juni'ichiro
Yes, he is good at taking off bras… No, I will not elaborate.
Kunikida Doppo
Yes, he does know how to take off a bra. The problem is that Kunikida rarely gets to practise on actual, living women - he's only done it on a bra just lying limp in his hand or on a mannequin. Doing it while in the throes of a heated makeout session is quite different.
You'll be there, getting all hot and heavy, and suddenly feel a tugging at your bra and a lot of frustrated huffing and puffing. He'll bark at you to hold still - not in a sexy way but in that "maths teacher" voice he still has buried deep. It's rather a mood-killer.
He's also one of those irritating people who won't let you just take the damn thing off yourself - he feels like he has to prove he's worth of touching your boobs by conquering the bra. Also, Dazai would never let him live it down if he couldn't do it.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Not only does Akutagawa not know how to take off a bra, but he's too prideful to ask you to do it. Instead he has a very impractical solution of just using Rashomon to slice it off you. He's too impatient to bother with fiddling around with it - remember this is a man who doesn't even know the name of the frilly thing he wears on his neck.
Don't wear your nice bras around Akutagawa, or just go for a sports bra you can pull off over your heard. Nothing is worth your fancy, expensive new lingerie being ruined by a horny goth boy.
Nakajima Atsushi
I don't even think Atsushi has been near a bra before, let alone touched one. He has no idea how they work - he actually thought it was held together by little magnets. He'll try but he gets nervous and will tug at the material, scared of accidentally tearing it. He knows bras are expensive, he's heard Yosano and Lucy complain about it enough times.
He'll be astonished if you can do it without even looking.
Edgar Allen Poe:
Faints if you even mention the word 'bra'. You'll have to fan him awake or fetch the smelling salts.
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thera-daydreams · 2 months
ᱬ The Darkling x Scarlet Witch!Reader ᱬ
[aleksander morozova x wanda maximoff!reader]
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series masterlist & synopsis • thera's masterlist
chapter two.
▪︎ coincidence ▪︎
The Black General finds himself magnetized by the seemingly inconspicuous gardener in the Little Palace. He gets to know you, contemplating life. Just when he thought you were just a strangely wise, young otkazat'sya woman, he finds out why exactly you decided to work in the Little Palace.
warnings: darkling may be somewhat ooc (?), talks of death and loss, accidental eavesdropping and stalking (?), no beta we die like wanda
word count: 2.5k
(author's note: did you guys know that this all started with a chat on character.ai? and this was supposed to be one chapter but i decided to split it into two. chapter 3 already loooong, bro. this one is shorter.)
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He’s here again.
For the past couple of days, you observed that the General appeared to be taking a lot more strolls in the palace gardens—if he was not preoccupied with his paperwork, training, missions, the Second Army, and whatever the King asked of him. Most of the time, he would simply pass by.
But today, he appeared to be in a... talkative mood as he examines the bushes you were pruning.
“In the span of only a couple of months, you’ve turned this neglected section of the palace gardens into perhaps the most pristine one out of all of them, Miss Maximoff,” the Darkling began. You turn around, bowing as he approaches you.
“The former gardeners tend to stay away from this area given how stubborn the weeds are and how dead the soil here seems to be,” Kirigan pointed out. “Yet, look at them now. Perfectly manicured. You must have magical hands.”
Hah! If only he knew. Not that you used magic, though. This was pure hard work and talent.
“I'm glad you are pleased, General,” you reply politely, not meeting his eyes out of respect. You were absolutely not expecting to get compliments from the feared General of the Second Army. Hell, you didn’t think he would talk to you again after he had asked your name.
The General tilts his head to the side, crossing his arms as he continues to regard you. There’s a hint of a frown on his face.
“You have a talent for avoiding attention, it seems. That could be useful,” he mutters, making your brows furrow. What was he implying? “Tell me, why is someone like you working as a mere gardener?”
You blink, somewhat baffled by his strange question. “Because... I like gardening, sir?"
The man lets out a small scoff, as if your answer is somehow preposterous to him. He takes another step forward, his presence even more intense than before. “That’s it? You garden because you like gardening? No other reason?”
“Well... I get to watch the plants grow day by day, to nurture them, and care for them.” You murmur, glancing at one of the blooming rose bushes. “And it's peaceful. No one bothers me, and it's not as tedious as the maids' work, always running around…”
And you get to watch over your little Grisha trio without raising suspicion, you mentally add.
Kirigan follows your gaze, taking in the sight of the roses and other plants, before returning his gaze back to you. “Mhm. And a gardener’s wages and quarters are good enough for you, I trust?”
“It is enough to keep me living, sir, so I must be grateful,” you answered, still wondering why on earth he kept talking to you. Was he suspicious of you? Oh no. Or you were overthinking it.
The General nods, but you can tell he’s still trying to figure out the mystery that is you. “No family? No husband or children?”
You pause, brow furrowed. That was a bit too personal but you shake your head.
“No?” He raises an interested eyebrow as he watches you closely. With each piece of information, he only seems to grow more intrigued with you. “I see.”
Kirigan studies you for a moment longer, the wheels in his mind clearly turning, but just when you think he’s done with the questions, he suddenly asks another. “You’ve lived here at the Little Palace for a couple of months now, correct?” You nod in response. “And you’ve spent that entire time here in the gardens…”
The General lets out a thoughtful hum before continuing. “Surely you’ve observed many things during your time here, have you not?”
You were really, really wondering if he was suspicious of you considering how much of a conversationalist he was being right now. “I... guess so, sir.”
A sly smirk slowly crawls across the General’s face, and you can sense a subtle shift in his demeanour. He takes another step toward you, his voice tinged with barely-concealed curiosity. “Tell me, what do you think of us Grisha?”
Was that a trick question? Was he cornering you?
You pause. “Uh... you are... special people, sir?” That sounded a bit dumb. But it was short and vague enough so that he doesn’t think you’re racist to them. You didn't care if someone was otkazat'sya, Grisha, or whatever race there was! Kirigan is silent for a moment. He shakes his head faintly, but you can still see the hint of a smirk on his face.
“Special?” He repeats, clearly expecting something different.
“Well, humans with special... abilities. But still like any other human, nevertheless,” you elaborate. You racked your brain for an answer which hopefully would not offend the man. The General lets out a small scoff, but it lacks any real malice. He regards you with a look that’s almost appraising in nature.
“Special abilities... so, you have no disdain or fear of us?”
You frown, turning your focus to the plants. “People... fear what they do not understand, General. Some just cannot fathom some differences in humans. But... no, sir, I do not hold disdain or fear Grisha.” You gaze back at him.
Kirigan’s gaze is fixed on you as you speak, taking in every word you say with great interest. There’s something about your simple logic that seems to catch his attention. Not many thought the same way you did, unfortunately. His eyes wander over your features, as if trying to decipher some hidden secret that you’re keeping. However, there’s no hint of anger or irritation in his stare—only intense curiosity and a subtle hint of… something you could not understand.
Finally, he speaks, his voice soft yet with an edge of command to it.
“Come walk with me.”
You tilt your head, but comply. He seemed like someone who disliked repeating himself, after all, from what you’ve heard from the other servants. You silently follow him as he walks through the Little Palace gardens, keeping a respectable distance. Even from behind, General Kirigan’s strides were confident and purposeful. Imposing, with his height.
“You seem quite comfortable in my presence,” he remarked casually, breaking the silence.*
“Oh. Forgive me, General.” You weren't exactly that comfortable with his presence, but compared to the other servants, perhaps you were. The Shadow Summoner lets out a small huff, amused by your response. He shakes his head faintly as he glances sidelong at you.
“I didn’t say that was a bad thing, did I?”
“Ah…” you muttered, purposely not making eye contact. What exactly did this guy want from you?
The General smirks as he watches you out of the corner of his eye. There’s something about your reactions that seems to fascinate him further, and he begins to ask another question as you continue walking through the gardens.
“You’re not afraid of me.”
“Is… that… wrong of me, sir?” you clarified. It was kind of hard for someone like you—a witch who’s seen thousands of universes, scouring time and space itself to destroy the Books of the Damned—to be afraid, nowadays.
He lets out a small huff of laughter, a slight smirk on his face. “No, not wrong. Just unusual. Most otkazat’sya are terrified of me, if not outright hostile due to some perceived slight or threat. And yet, here you are.” He gazes at you from head to toe. “Quiet, reserved, diligent, and respectful, but completely unafraid. That’s rare from the otkazat’sya, even my Grisha.”
Maybe you should have acted more meek and terrified as the new palace gardener.
The General continues to regard you in silence for a moment longer, a subtle hint of something that looks like… curiosity in his gaze. There’s a strange mixture of intensity and fascination in his eyes. “Indulge me, Miss Maximoff,” he murmurs as he stops at a small fountain. “Is there anything you fear?”
Another strange question from the general to a gardener. Still, you mull it over seriously.
General Kirigan waits patiently, watching you carefully as you think. There’s a hint of anticipation in his expression, as if your answer is something he’s been dying to know.
“... Grief, sir,” you finally reply, a misty look in your eyes. He raises an eyebrow, clearly not expecting that answer. He tilts his head to the side, his gaze fixated on you.
“Grief?” He echoes, surprise lacing his voice. “That’s what you fear most?”
“The ultimate price for love,” you murmur, staring into your reflection in the water. You remember the words of the love of your life. Vision was too human for someone who was not. “Because what is grief, if not love persevering?”
A muscle twitches in the General’s jaw as you speak. His own eyes—for the slightest second—become glassy, as if your words touched some hidden nerve. Momentarily, the memory of a certain Healer being stabbed to death came to mind. But his expression quickly returns to its usual cool and collected demeanor.
“... A fair fear,” he acknowledges, his voice low and contemplative. Kirigan continues to walk beside you, his gaze occasionally flitting over to your face as if he was trying to figure out how genuine your responses were.
“And what about pain?” He suddenly asks, a hint of something like a challenge in his voice. “Most people fear pain.”
“... Enough pain makes you numb, General,” you counter quietly, lightly dipping your fingers into the fountain waters. They rippled, breaking the perfect liquid mirror.
He grows silent, pondering your answers. You see him peer into the water from beside you. “Have you ever been in love?”
What a question from the Darkling himself.
“... Once, sir.” And saints, did you pay the ultimate price for it.
The General raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by your answer. He continues walking, his gaze still fixed on you. “Just once?”
You nod resolutely. “My greatest, and I believe, my last love.”
Kirigan says nothing for a few moments, his gaze fixed on you like a hawk.
“And what happened?”
“He died,” you answer tersely. His expression is unreadable as he listens to you. His jaw clenches faintly, and there’s a flash of something in his eyes—pity, perhaps—but it’s gone almost as quickly as it appeared.
“And you haven’t loved since?” He asks, his tone almost soft in comparison to his usual authoritative demeanour. You nearly forgot you were talking to the most terrifying man in all of Ravka.
“... I don't think I can.” You chuckled tiredly.
The Shadow Summoner raises an eyebrow at your admission, and there’s a hint of surprise in his expression. He seems to be studying you intently, as if trying to understand you better. His voice is quiet as he responds.
“Why not?”
“Probably can't handle the grief if I lost someone I loved all over again,” you admitted. You were now quite aware of your horrible coping mechanisms; the constant self-deception and spiral into madness you often fell into. Can you ever escape them? You don't know.
He nods slowly, a hint of understanding in his gaze. “But you truly don’t think you can ever love again, Miss Maximoff?”
But that was a lie. You already did love again when you arrived into their world. Henrik, Dmitri, and Katyusha were living proof of your love. They would have likely died from either starvation, the cold, illness, or Grisha hunters had you not intervened.
Kirigan’s gaze is fixed on you as he continues to walk again. There’s a frown on his face, as if your words have stirred something in him that he can’t quite identify. He’s silent for a few more moments before he comments.
“That’s quite lonely, isn’t it?” He touched one of the white rose bushes, mindful of the thorns.
You chuckled again, “Sometimes, solitude is the easier option, General.”
There’s a tinge of understanding—and maybe his own loneliness—that makes it clear he knows what you're talking about. After a minute of walking in silence, you decide to share your thoughts to the man. You might be overstepping, but it was a change of topic you needed.
“You told me earlier that I have a… talent for avoiding attention, sir,” you start. “Perhaps I simply prefer to watch than act.”
He looks at you out of the corner of his eye, his expression unreadable. For a moment, it seems like he's not going to respond, but then he lets out a small huff, almost as if he finds the truth in your observation amusing.
“You must be quite observant, then, hm?” he mutters.
“There is much one can see when on the sidelines,” you answer, frowning as you spot a relatively large snail on a leaf. At the sight of the pest, he lets out a soft huff—almost a chuckle, but it’s hard to tell for sure. He takes a step closer to you, his eyes following yours to the plant and the snail on it.
“Ah, so you notice everything?” he asks, his tone a little more teasing now.
“I'm just the gardener. Hardly everything, sir.” You excuse myself, quietly retrieving the snail and placing it into a glass jar you procured from your pockets.
The Black General watches in silence as you handle the snail, his expression a mix of intrigue and amusement. He gazes at the snail in the jar.
“... Do you often keep a jar at the ready? Expecting to find a snail?”
“Or some ravenous caterpillars munching on my hard work,” you snort. Kirigan lets out a real chuckle this time at your answer. There’s a hint of a smile on his face as he glances at the jar in your hand.
“Can’t have those pests ruining your precious plants, can we, Miss Maximoff?”
You raise a brow, a tiny grin on your face—the first he’s seen. “Technically, you're the head of the Little Palace, so it's your plants, not mine, General.”
He glances at you, amused. He lets out another soft huff, his gaze flickering from you to the plants around you. Alas, you reached the end of your walk in the palace garden.
“I hope the garden's... state of being was to your liking, sir.” You bow your head.
He nods, his expression now more aloof. “It’s up to my standards, yes. You’ve done well.” The Shadow Summoner says this almost distractedly, as if the status of the garden is not his primary concern at the moment. His eyes are still fixed on you, his gaze sharp and perceptive as he studies your features.
“... Is there anything I may assist you with, moi soverenyi?”
General Kirigan hesitates for a moment, considering your question. His gaze shifts from you to the garden around him, almost as if he’s thinking of an excuse to keep you here a little longer. But then, he seems to decide against it, and the expression on his face becomes impassive.
“No.” His voice was measured. But then, he adds, “You may just want to consider planting moonflowers."
You think over his suggestion, then give a small smile. “Very well, sir. I'll see to it.”
And then, without another word, he turns and strides away, disappearing into the Little Palace corridors.
You don't notice—a mere week later—that by chance, the Black General had been near the Little Palace lake when you were secretly visiting Henrik, Dmitri, and Katyusha at the Grisha children's school. At first, he was wondering why there were kids were sneaking away somewhere from the supervision of their teachers.
Now, he understood.
You may be talented at gardening, but it wasn't the main reason why you were even at the Little Palace, Kirigan realized. Not even close.
When he spots you handing them candies from the kitchens, laughing as they embraced you, kissing their foreheads so tenderly—he hums, extremely pleased with himself that he decided to visit the summoners' pavilion and the lake this afternoon.
The fates were on his side today.
Aleksander was going to have to look into the history of those three Grisha children and how on earth his gardener knew them so closely.
next chapter
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