#i think i'm gonna fall for her like i fell for Haruka
meowunmeow · 7 months
Undead Unluck Chapter 196 Spoilers!!
She seems to be so sure about this fact... Obviously it's because she made her predictions from information already established in the previous loop. But maybe this is trying to say something. What if she's wrong? What if it's not the same people each time?
It's been proven that she's right with the memories she got from artifacts showing Nico, Gina and Void always being in the team. But not the rest. Maybe it's shown like that on purpose.
Juiz didn't predict Billy's betrayal, so it's either that she has never encountered Unfair before or Unfair was a different person back then.
Oh and the chapter title makes me think that the next chapter will be named "Go!!!"
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BILLYYYYYY <3 <3 <3 I MISS YOU (look at this silly man. I love him :]) and Grandpa Isshin with Baby Haruka!! I still love the beard pulling gag lol
Glad we get more in-depth information about Unbreakable. Out of every abilities, this one is the most vague. "Whatever they make that they poured their soul into becomes unbreakable" it's a fully mental requirement. Guess it also requires lots of training...
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BRUH HE EATS SOULS?? Soul Eater lmao
Why is he holding the octopus like that 😭 it's like a squeaky toy that's about to pop
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Top and Haruka :]]
Huhhh does that means UMAs aren't simply personifications of concepts but are rather only closely intertwined? As in, if they're gone so is the concept but they are not the concept itself??
I wonder how many other previously established facts were simply mistakened assumptions...
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"at this moment" that means she only saw it when Beast ate the octopus. Did something trigger it?
And it's really showing the uniqueness of souls. They exist but if you don't believe in them, it's nonexistent to you, example being Victor's "humans only live because blood pumps into their brain" as well as Andy not believing in it until the whole hypothetical timeline in the Autumn arc. It's taking the whole "it's all about how you see it" thing to the extreme.
Also damn Beast that eyeliner's gonna stab me with how sharp it is
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Everytime she calls him her partner I combust into flames I love them so much ughhhhh
"beasts are no different" I suppose souls are synonymous with life then
Autumn arc really was just the two of them learning from each other :((( as well as the first hint of soul, apparently. Fuuko's soul literally got sucked out by Artifact Soul Caliber so it should've been obvious, really.
Looks like Fuuko got it right on the money, based on Beast's expression giving off an "I underestimated the situation" message (Tozuka-sensei's such an awesome artist damn)
Oof looks like Beast's tendency to blabber is being used against him. Not even Talk no Jutsu, he's just overconfident and is falling from his hubris.
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FIRST RULE REVEAL WOOOO (but not First Seat so not much celebration yet)
"born afterwards" that means soul/life begins all. Are UMAs affected as well? Or maybe I'm seeing it wrong.
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Finger guns...???
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BRUH... JUST... BRUH. (this and the following pages deserves its own post. I am NOT letting this get hidden away. what the fuck.)
TL;DR of the post if y'all are too lazy:
1) What the absolute fuck. What the fuck. My mouth has been agape for 30 whole minutes. What the fuck.
2) I think I fell in love with Fuuko all over again.
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allylovesall · 6 years
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Osaki Ichika ( 尾碕真花), portraying as Asuna/Ryusoul Pink in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger
I think I can stick with this girl in a very long time, just like how I fell for Haruka/Umika
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docholligay · 4 years
Story prompt: "I'm bored." Character: Minako - Bonus round: make it super angsty/sad
“You know what I’m sick of? The fucking cherry blossoms.” Mina laid her head on Haruka’s shoulder and licked her lips. “Every fucking year, this country is full of people wandering around and getting in my goddamn way for a bunch of soon to be rotting snowflakes.” 
“I think they’re pretty.” Haruka said softly. 
“Yeah, you would.” 
Mina was generally right about thee sort of things, but perversely, there was no one else here at all, just the two of them surrounded by a grove of cherry trees, throwing off their blooms into the wind. ONe of them drifted across the field and right into Mina’s mouth.
“Ah!” She spit it out, “See? Disgusting.” 
Haruka gave a weak chuckle, but didn’t say anything. 
“You know what your problem is?” Mina closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “Good, I’m glad you’re inclined just to listen to me today. Your problem is that you’re a hopeless romantic, and I don’t just mean in the looking at Michiru with your big goo-goo eyes way, I mean, everything has to be a goddamn oil painting to you.” 
“Yeah,” Haruka gave a small shrug, and laid her cheek on the top of Mina’s head, “That’s probably right.” 
“You want things to be something they aren’t and then you get hurt when they don’t turn out, and…” She huffed, “Life doesn’t work that way. You gotta protect yourself from that shit better. There are no beautiful goodbyes or anything like that.” 
“It’s beautiful here.” She barely whispered it. 
“I mean,” Mina steeled herself, barely shifting her body, “If you want to think of this as something other than a bunch of floral detritus be my guest, but I’m just saying you’re riding for a fall.” 
“I don’t get it.” 
“You know, like,” she tossed a hand to the side, “when you’re riding your horse all stupid and you’re gonna get bucked off. Like that. It’s a common saying, Haruka.” 
“I don’t think it is.”
“I don’t pay you to think.” 
There was a small genuine laugh, even in the dappled silence, surrounded by the pink clusters of that spring snow. 
“You don’t pay me at all.” 
She shook her head, and shuddered. “You have to take better care of yourself. You have to, this is ridiculous, we can’t keep doing this. You have to promise me you’ll knock this shit off. You have to promise me you won’t drink too much, and that you’ll eat, and that you’ll maybe see a goddamn fucking therapist.” 
“FUCKING PROMISE ME!” Her eyes were field with tears, but she couldn’t wipe them away. Didn’t want to. 
Haruka put her arms around Mina, and slowly sat up, resting Mina’s head her lap. ‘I promise, okay? I promise.” 
Haruka was crying. She’d probably been crying the whole time. She could be such a baby about things when it came right down to it. 
“Ruka?” she looked up at her friend, but almost past her, her face blurry at the edges. “I’m bored. Dying is boring.” 
Haruka sniffled. “I’ll remember that.” 
“There’s no reason to be afraid,” she cleared her throat, “of basically waiting for a bus. I think--I think it’ll come soon, though.” 
Haruka stroked at her cheek. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“I don’t want to see your ass for a long time. Name one of your 87 kids after me.” 
“I’ll name all of them Minako.” She wiped at her face. ‘Every single one.” 
“Finally, some sense.” Mina closed her eyes again. “Remember that I love you.” 
Haruka bit back a sob. “Yeah.” 
The cherry blossoms fell around them, and Haruka watched as the light in her life grew dimmer, and discovered that Mina was right. All they reeked of was death. 
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uta-imagines · 5 years
Lost Alice Chapter 1 :
Nope, I didn't announce it, no one asked for it, but I'm putting it here too. The inspo. for this song is [evidently] the song Lost Alice. I hope you enjoy also idk how to enter pagebreaks on the app so.... sorry!!! [The rest of the currently published chapters are on quotev]
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“Alexander the Great was a famed conquerer... are you even paying attention?” Mochi’s friend, Haruka Nanami asked her as Mochi appeared to be staring into space, in her own little world. “Mochi, we need to study for this test. We’ll never pass if you don’t pay attention.” At the mention of her name, Mochi snapped out of her trance, directing her gaze to Haruka. 
The latter sighed begrudgingly, “We have to study. Pay attention, now.” She gave a small smile and pat Mochi’s head. 
Haruka continued with reading their history book, and Mochi paid attention as best she could. Soon she saw a bunny wearing a tan plaid vest and pocket watch running around, exclaiming, “I’m late! I’m late!” The voice was odd, yet held a warmth to it.  
Mochi had to investigate, much to Haruka’s dismay. “What is it?” She inquired. Mochi merely shrugged before walking after the rabbit. She then broke into a run, as fast as her legs could take her. The rabbit sunk into the ground a few feet in front of her, but before she could register what was happening, Mochi had fallen into the hole as well, letting out a shriek. 
“Mochi!” Haruka cried, looking down in the hole and reaching for her friend, unable to grasp her as she fell further down the hole. 
Mochi closed her eyes, bracing for impact... but it never came. A few moments later, she opened her eyes. The entrance of the rabbit hole was now so far away that she could not see it. Unfortunately that likely meant that Haruka couldn’t see her anymore. She looked around, seeing some random objects falling... or... floating, along with her. Speaking of floating, Mochi no longer felt that wind in her hair like she did when she was actively falling. What the hell was happening... 
She saw her hair floating above her, soon slowing as she felt her back gently land on a hard surface. The ground, at last! Mochi quickly sat up, fighting the active urge to smooch the ground. She looked around and stood up, walking over to a small door and gripping the doorknob, turning it slightly and recoiled as it yelled out. Mochi gasped deeply and took a step back, muttering a swear under her breath. 
“Oi! Watch it!” The doornob screeched, a face appearing on the knob. 
Mochi shrieked, kicking the doorknob right in its tiny face. “Hey! Stop that!” The doorknob yelled, prompting Mochi to kick it again. This went on for a while- the doorknob would speak, and Mochi would kick. Eventually she had broken the lock on the door, and the knob was unconscious. She furrowed her brow, examining it closer for a moment before crawling through the tiny door. 
The sickly sweet scent of flowers filled the air she breathed, and Mochi’s head spun. No... I can’t...sleep... She thought, collapsing to her knees before waning off to the side, falling into a deep slumber. 
Mochi regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open to the sight of a azure blue sky hovering above her head. Some fluffy, white clouds decorated it as she sat up, observing her surroundings. 
“How odd...” Mochi absentmindedly placed her hands on her lap, feeling a different fabric than the uniform she was wearing prior to losing consciousness. She quickly looked down and saw herself in a quirky, oddly designed dress. 
“Odd?” A voice calls out, leading Mochi to let out a blood-curdling shriek, looking toward the source before scrambling away from the blond man. “I’m sorry,” He frowns, appearing genuinely remorseful, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He says. 
Mochi caught her breath, sighing in relief, “It’s alright. Where am I?” 
“Where are you? Oh yes, welcome to Wonderland!” The strange man seemed as though he wanted to sound enthusiastic; but he failed terribly. “You’re another Alice, aren’t you?” He asked somewhat solemnly. Mochi furrowed her brows, preparing herself to speak before he elaborated, “You followed the strange white rabbit, and fell into the hole... right?” He asked... no, pleaded. 
Mochi hesitantly nodded her head, “Yes, I did.” Speaking of which, where was the bunny—? 
A loud bell tolling caused the blonde to gasp, immediately grabbing hold of Mochi’s hand and tugging her toward a bush, hiding in it before pulling her inside as well. “Hey, what gi—“ The male quickly shushed her, clasping a large hand over her mouth. She pried it off, giving him a look that was an intimidating mix of confusion and anger. 
“My apoligies, Alic—“ 
“Mochi.” The female replied.
”Mochi... My apologies, Mochi. But I had to shove us in here in order to save us.” He explained. 
“Save us my ass.” Mochi grumbled quietly, crossing her arms as the male let out a short sigh. 
“I’m Natsuki.” He said to her. 
“Pleasure.” Mochi replies, looking back over to the blond and holding out her hand for him to shake. Natsuki obliges. “So, saving us from what exactly?” She inquires, looking over at the commotion. 
“The Red King’s soldiers. He’s a real cranky guy. I’ve heard tell he used to be really affable, good with his people. Then something happened, and I guess he just... snapped.” Natsuki explains, looking over at Mochi. 
Soon enough all of the soldiers had passed by, and Natsuki gripped Mochi’s hand again and he practically dragged her across the clearing. 
Once they were on the other side, Mochi thought it over, “Good king gone bad, a bit cliché, don’t you think?” She said, looking around the corner to see the retreating forms of the Red King’s soldiers. 
“Perhaps a bit, but I suppose it actually happened.” Natsuki replied, and Mochi hummed in response. 
“So, is there a way I can get home?” Mochi asked hopefully, and Natsuki looked over to her with a forlorn expression. She looked back over to him once the soldiers were out of sight, seeing his sad face. “You can’t be serious.” She said in disbelief. That expression was all she needed to understand his thoughts. 
“I’m sorry, Mochi. I wish I knew a way out, but if I did I likely wouldn’t be here.” Natsuki replied, frowning at her. 
“And you’re sure?” Mochi said, scoffing lightly as Natsuki shook his head, “Wonderland isn’t your vacation home?” Another shake of his head, “Getaway paradise?” Another shake. 
Mochi whined, slouching in her spot. “How long have you been stuck here? Have you asked the people around here?” She asked him.
”Time is merely a relative thing here. It barely exists. But I do know it’s been a while. I’ve only asked one inhabitant and they wouldn’t give me a direct answer.” Natsuki said, looking off into the distance. “I’ve actually kind of given up. Scraping for food at the end of each day, living under and actual bridge, that kind of stuff. I’ve gotten used to it.” Mochi frowned at Natsuki’s story, then stood up, helping him up as well. 
“Hey, look at me,” Mochi begins, and Natsuki looked at her with a blank expression. “We’re gonna find a way out. We’re gonna get outta here, and frickin’ get some real food and not have to scrape for it!” She gently slaps her hands onto his shoulders, “We’re gonna blow this popsicle stand, capeesh?.” She finished, and Natsuki nodded firmly. “Awesome. Let’s go!” Mochi gave a small smile and hooked her arm with Natsuki’s, beginning to walk out of the garden. 
“Do you know where you’re going?”
”Not in the least.”
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