#i think he would have achieved world peace if he'd been able to perform the miracle of giving everybody sushi
sylveondreams · 7 months
i dont think its fair that jesus never got to try sushi
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newsexplored · 7 years
Jeremy Corbyn REFUSES to say if he'd authorise strike on ISIS chief in car crash interview
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Jeremy Corbyn REFUSES to say if he'd authorise strike on ISIS chief in car crash interview
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In his latest car crash interview, the floundering Labour leader dodged a hypothetical question on whether he’d give security services permission to take out Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Despite being asked multiple times on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show on Sunday, the hard-left politician refused to offer a clear answer.
He said: “What I would tell [security chiefs] is give me the information you have got, tell me how accurate that is and tell me what you think can be achieved.”
Jeremy Corbyn refused to confirm whether he'd authorise a strike on Isis' leader
My whole point would be does this help to get a political solution in Syria?
Jeremy Corbyn
He added: “What is the objective here? Is the objective to start more strikes that may kill many innocent people as has happened or is the objective to get a political solution in Syria?
“My whole point would be, does this help to get a political solution in Syria?”
Marr continued to push Labour’s chief, asking whether he thought killing the jihadi leader would help deliver a political solution.
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Jeremy Corbyn appeared in his first major interview since the election was called
He responded: “I think the leader of ISIS not being around would be helpful and I’m no supporter or defender in any whatsoever of ISIS – I’m sure you would concede.
“But, I would also argue that the bombing campaign has killed a large number of civilians, many of whom were virtually prisoners of ISIS, you have got to think about these things.”
The cringeworthy performance also saw Mr Corbyn throw Labour’s support for Britain’s nuclear weapons programme into chaos.
He was asked by Marr what orders he would give to the UK’s Trident submarines, one of the first jobs undertaken by a newly-elected prime minister.
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The Labour leader also threw the party's stance on Trident into chaos
He said: “I'll be saying I want us to achieve a nuclear-free world, what I want us to do is adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.”
As he was pressed again on the question, Mr Corbyn said his instructions would be “follow orders when given” adding: “The issue has to be, we want a secure and peaceful world. We achieve that be promoting peace, but also by promoting security.”
The Labour leader, who is a life-long anti-nuclear campaigner, was also asked whether a Labour government would scrap Trident if successful in June’s election.
He said: “We would have a strategic defence review immediately which would look at all aspects of defence as most incoming governments do.
"We would look at the situation at that time. But we would also make sure our Armed Forces are properly funded and are able to play their part in peacekeeping around the world."
Meanwhile, the Conservatives warned Mr Corbyn would be unable to take the “difficult decisions” needed in the event of a major terrorist attack.
The Tory Party chairman Sir Patrick McLoughlin said it was “blindingly obvious” the UK would be safer under the premiership of Theresa May.
10 facts about Trident nuclear weapons Wed, July 20, 2016
As MPs vote to renew the UK's Trident weapons system, we look at the facts about the nuclear weapon.
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The UK's Vanguard fleet of four submarines carrying Trident nuclear missiles are due to become obsolete by the end of 2020
In an interview with the Telegraph, he said: “There are decisions which prime ministers have to take and those people in authority have to take [which] are sometimes very uncomfortable.
“If they don’t take them, we’re at danger… I know that with Theresa May, she would take them. I’m not sure that Jeremy Corbyn would.
“The man is not suitable to become prime minister of this country. He has been a rebel without a cause in the Labour Party.”
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