#i swear i'll get around to that quinntana and anger essay
tuiyla · 3 years
re: liking Faberry and Quinntana in fics - do you have any recs? 😃 even if not, what about them would you say pulls you towards reading/enjoying them? are there certain themes/tropes that stand out? i haven't really delved into fics, just a few here and there but i really do appreciate how writers can flesh out certain aspects of those relationships and turn it into something super great
Oh Anon I'm so terrible at bookmarking fics so I don't think I have any Faberry ones BUT I know I saved at least one Quinntana one. Actually, I'm just gonna recommend anything by tellmeagain on AO3 ('tis the damn season) and then:
The O-Axis by HeadCannon
Elements of Style by nirav
I'm sure other peeps have fic recs for both Quinntana and Faberry, please chime in!
As for what I enjoy about them, it really is the fandom being so talented. Like you say, they flesh out such interesting things. With Quinntana, it's funny because I actually rank it relatively low on my Santana ships list but I did want a midgame for them. I suppose I, personally, don't see a ton of romantic chemistry there but there's chemistry of every single other kind and I always want to see more of my girls. Quinntana have one of my favourite dynamics because there's so much there thematically and then of course the way Naya and Dianna played them was just amazing.
With them, I mostly enjoy post-graduation fics. Either set in season 4 or somewhere further down the line. I think they'd need to mature a lot before they stand a chance of making it work. I also love how writers focus on their respective traumas and how differently they deal with them. Quinntana, perhaps more than any other Santana dynamic are two sides of the same coin, processing things in equal but opposite ways and that makes for really juicy stories. I enjoy character studies in fics I read and there's so much potential there for Quinntana. And then of course Quinn's coming out being part of their journey, how Santana would help with that and how this aspect is again something so similar yet so different for them.
Faberry, well. I never quite know where I stand with Faberry but I always enjoy a good fic about them. It's delicious when people take the canon things, like them going from enemies to good friends and the love triangle and make it so, so much gayer. And like, let's be honest it was already gay. I generally tend to prefer fanon Rachel anyway because I do adore her character but the way the show treats and frames her just gets too much for my nerves at times, so fic writers who get her personality right and put her in better situations are my favourite people. I prefer Pezberry in many ways but Faberry fics allow me to still have Brittana and explore Faberry if they were nudged slightly to the right.
As for tropes, well, I'm a sucker for a love triangle ending with two girls pulling a Korrasami lol. Frankly I don't think Finn and Puck deserved Rachel and Quinn, so. That is already an appealing setup. From Rachel's pov, I like that she's relentlessly trying with Quinn and showing her such kindness. And I like my Quinn to be pining, pining so hard from an early stage but being in denial first to herself and then to everyone else until there's no point in lying anymore. Even in the actual show, I think there's a reading where it's Quinn who falls for Rachel first and rejects it at first because of her background and issues. You know what, I do have a Faberry fic rec, I think this was one of the first ones I read but it's quite the canon divergence and please take the content warning seriously. It's Much More Than by CopperTine.
I hope that made at least some sense and was what you're looking for haha. They're both fun ships, especially in fanon! I still feel like I'm new to Glee fanfiction myself, there's always so much to explore.
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