#i surely don't but maybe that's becasue i'm ace
unreadpoppy · 1 year
Since apparently the is raphael bad at sex or not discourse is making it's rounds again i'll say this.
I particularly don't care that much about it but I thought it was a lame joke in general. Like yay the devil who's been lowkey manipulating us this whole time is.... bad at sex. I guess.
But also i could be biased because i think this type of joke is generally not appealing to me. The only one i actually found funny was during Fantasy High Season 1 and the whole Johnny Spells doesn't fuck (and he's not contractually allowed to do so). That shit was pure gold.
i like the idea of multiple interpretations of what Haarlep says. That Haarlep is biased because they're an incubus so maybe they have highed standars, or that Raphael is intentionally "bad" at sex only with Haarlep, or that it makes sense that Raphael finished early because he is getting double the pleasure after all.
I think overall this is just a very silly thing to fight over.
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raspberri-iced-tea · 5 years
Hey I know you aren't the authority on this or anything but. Is it okay to call yourself straight if you're like 90-95% attracted to men (and I'm female)? This isn't 100% my case because I'm ace so I'm not straight but is it biphobic to call myself heteromantic even with that little bit? I don't want to give people the wrong idea and call myself bi becasue the amount I am is so small even though I technically am.
Again: Not authority at all. I’d advise talking to an actual bi person about this, but personally? From just what you’ve chosen to share, you might be bi, just for that small attraction to women you still retain. The fact that you even acknowledge you like ladies too leads me to assume that maybe that percentage is a little bigger thank you think. It’s not my life, but that’s how it was for me. For a couple years, I was “85% sure I’m straight”. And uh…y’all know how that turned out.
I don’t think identifying as anything other than bi is biphobic, but I can’t really say for sure because I’m not versed on the things that constitute as biphobia.
My most certain piece of advice: if you’re not sure, there is nothing wrong with choosing to be “unsure” or questioning for a while. I did that for about 6 months while I debated to myself if I was bi or “something else” before I settled on being a lesbian, and became surer and surer of myself as time went on. There’s also no shame in finding a label, and then changing it if you realize it doesn’t fit you.
Finally, this is your journey, and the only one that can define you is you. It’s probably frustrating to hear this for the millionth time, but there’s nothing else I can say.
if anyone has better advice, please help out this lovely anon in the notes! 
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