#i suppose....anyway shadow weaver ur days are numbered she's going 2 kill u and it wont make her feel better at all
adheeles · 6 years
👩‍⚕️ Put pressure on my muse’s wound
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   it was a dull pain in her arm , years of being subjected to the electrical crackling of the electricity had caused her to build up a resistance . she didn’t cry like she used to . she didn’t look up with the pleading eyes of a child like she used to . the only thing in her eyes now was a cold , calculating , anger . the pressure brought on the wound was nothing in comparison to the built up aggression she had towards the ‘ matronly ’ figure . what left her mouth wasn’t a yowl of pain , it was something sharp and cutting . like the edge of a knife . 
   “ Are we done here ? I have places to be . Hordak gave me another mission . ” it was in the smallest ways that she showed her growth ; that showed that she was bigger than shadow weaver could ever hope to be . the way she snatched her arm away , how she walked with her head still held high even after this . there was satisfaction in it . but it would feel more satisfying , she thought , when she could finally rend that woman’s head from her shoulders .
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