#i stole the blanket bc it's 2 hot to not have a fan on but the fan means i need a cover on u feel
bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + favorite christmas movies
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Characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: sorta did this already with ghost but now it’s time for the entire team
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john "soap" mactavish:
what can i say soap is a home alone kinda guy
he fell in love with them as a kid and he just never fell out of love
it's that sorta violent but still comedic and overly dramatized kind of humor that soap likes
plus he's a sucker for montages and you know home alone has a bunch of them
he's a fan of the whole series too
but the first one is definitely his favorite, just because it's classic
definitely gets freaked out by the bird lady in the second one (i think it's the second one)
and yes he's always wanted a home alone situation whenever he was a kid
he would literally pray for a duo of goofy robbers to try and break in whenever his parents weren't home
of course it never worked
but you know
a man can dream
he also knows all the home alone lore
and he freaked out when he found out macaulay culkin was married to brenda song
kyle "gaz" garrick:
so this goes hand in hand with my christmas songs headcanon
but gaz's favorite christmas movie is the grinch (2018)
bc 1. it has a fire soundtrack
2. it's got great animation
and 3. beneficiary cumberbun as the grinch was unprecedentedly good
he also doesn't like the live action grinch
he watched it when he was younger and it really scared him
like im talking it really scared him
he saw it in a hotel while his family was visiting new york for christmas
and then he refused to sleep on the wall side of the bed because he was scared the grinch was gonna come from under the bed in that sorta shadowy area between the bed and the wall and steal him
and yes he still sleeps on the lamp side whenever he stays at hotels now
even though he's a grown man
so yeah the grinch (2018) was a very welcome change to that
i mean the animation is so bright and cheery
what's not to love
plus he really likes how fluffy the grinch looks
and yes he watched it in theatres with his family so there's a lot of good memories associated with that as well
simon "ghost" riley:
so kinda similar to gaz
but ghost's favorite christmas movie is actually how the grinch stole christmas (1966)
for those of y'all who aren't up to date on the grinch movie release timeline that's the cartoon one
gaz doesn't like that one because that smile the grinch does in the beginning (you know what i mean, it's the one where his cheeks literally like migrate to his ears) freaked him out
but ghost actually enjoys that scene
he says it scratches an itch
he also likes the 1966 grinch because it brings him back to simpler times
he first watched it in school right before winter break
and then he went home and made his mom watch it with him over and over and over again
and so now whenever he has the chance he'll watch during the holiday season
it does make him a little sad though
you know since his mom's dead
john price:
price's favorite movie is charlie brown's christmas
he's actually a pretty big fan of the peanuts
is that what they're called? idk
so it's only a no brainer that the charlie brown christmas special brings him a special kind of joy
before he used to watch it on cable on christmas day
and then he got apple tv+ so now he watches it to get in the mood
guys this isn't an ad for apple i swear
he likes to cozy up with a blanket, some nice socks (he's a sock guy what can i say), a cup of tea or hot cocoa, and some biscuits
sometimes he falls asleep before the end tho
but it's not like he's never seen it before so it's fine
yet despite his love for the peanuts he does not have a charlie brown christmas tree
no his tree is always freshly cut down and usually pretty hefty
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright so this one also goes with my christmas music headcanons
but rudy's favorite christmas movie is the frozen franchise
and yes it's a holiday movie
he will fight you on that
in his mind snow + fire soundtrack = christmas movie
so yes goncharov would technically be a christmas movie by rudy's criteria
and yes he will fight you if you bring that up
he also really hates claymation
like really really hates it
it's too uncanny valley for him
like for it to be enjoyable it better be super duper obvious that the characters are clay
but even then it still catches him off guard
he also really likes christmas specials for like a bunch of shows
so after he's done with his frozen marathon he'll turn on his favorite shows and just watch the christmas episodes
and yes he does that for every holiday that has specials
alejandro vargas:
okay so potentially controversial opinion
but alejandro really enjoys hallmark movies
like it doesn't matter which one it is as long as it's a christmas hallmark movie he's down to watch it
he doesn't even know why like he's aware of how cheesy they are
but they've really mastered that feel good formula
even if each movie is riddled with plot holes
but even then that's also part of the fun too
like he enjoys inviting rudy or even the others over so they can poke fun at all the logistical impossibilities of the movie
and really that's what he likes when he watches the movies
the good memories he makes
ig it's true guys
the real lesson was the friends we made on the way
or whatever the saying is idk
he also likes the cheesy romance of it all
and also he doesn't tell anyone that he secretly enjoys the hallmark movies
with everyone else he pretends that it sucks
but he eats it up every time
and yes he always checks to see if the kiss happens at the same time
and so far it has almost every single time
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kimjoongs · 4 years
—road trip with ateez
driver #1
gets stressed out easily so he relies on seonghwa for moral and emotional support
almost broke the steering wheel a couple times bc of how hard he was gripping it
he’s used the “if you guys don’t stop i will turn this car back around” line one too many times in a span of an hour
when hongjoong isn’t driving, he’s either sleeping or trying to drown out the other members by blasting music from his headphones
had to implement a “10 minute rule” at a rest stop bc last time yeosang took almost 30 minutes trying to decide what snacks to buy
threatened to leave anyone behind if they weren’t back in 10 minutes
wooyoung scoffed and said he was lying
he also cried when hongjoong actually did leave him behind luckily seonghwa convinced him to drive back
absolutely refuses to hand anyone the aux cord, especially mingi
yelled at san when he accidentally kicked hongjoong’s chair, causing him to hit his head on the steering wheel
this man is tired and just wants to get to the hotel asap
“it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey my ass, if i have to spend another minute in this van i will explode”
in charge of navigation and also driver #2
is pretty chill throughout the entire trip, he’s patient with the younger members but will pat hongjoong’s shoulder in solidarity
takes pictures of the scenery a lot
“seonghwa that’s just a pile of dirt”
“it’s pretty shh”
he’s the one who breaks up any arguments that happens during the trip
somehow someway he put mingi and wooyoung in time out for 20 minutes
yunho sits directly behind seonghwa and sometimes yunho will feed him a few chips
he has free reign over the aux bc he’s the only one who hongjoong can trust to not play anything weird
doesn’t nap often, but when he does he’s woken up by hongjoong frantically shaking him
“i hate to wake you up but can you please drive the rest of the way, i need to pass out before i lose my mind”
has trouble fitting his legs under the steering wheel bc this man is long
had to slam on the brakes once bc a deer ran across the road and he screamed
sits in the middle row with san and mingi aka chaos just waiting to happen
had to hold san back a couple times bc he want to fight mingi
his favorite game to play is i spy
“i spy with my little eye something that is small”
“alright listen here you little shit–”
whenever the van stops at a stoplight, yunho always waves at the cars next to them or at the people walking down the street
he gets sad when no one waves back
saw a dog once and he was so excited the van almost tipped over
yunho drinks a lot of water so he always has to go to the bathroom
they were nowhere near a rest stop so he considered peeing in an empty bottle but seonghwa threatened to kick him out of he did
he held it in for the next hour and practically jumped out of the van before hongjoong could even put it in park
he’s just straight up vibing
he has his earphones in and snacks to nibble on, he’s living his best life
stole one of san’s pillows and used it as a prop up to watch movies on his phone
he’s pretty quiet during most of the trip, but he gets just as heated when wooyoung pulls him in to play a game with the rest of the 99 liners
didn’t speak to wooyoung for a whole hr bc he lost against san and mingi so they had to buy them snacks at the next rest stop
he sits in between jongho and wooyoung in the back row, so sometimes he’ll grab their hands and just play with their fingers when he’s bored
is torn between jumping out the window or throwing wooyoung out of the van
he gets distracted really easily so he almost didn’t notice hongjoong pulling out of the rest stop until he heard seonghwa yelling at him to get in
falls asleep to the sound of jongho humming next to him
munches on a lot of snacks and is the sole reason why their snack supply is almost depleted by the time they get to the hotel
he was the one who gave yunho the idea to pee in the bottle
originally he was in charge of navigation but it was given to seonghwa bc yeosang accidentally led them to this old abandoned warehouse
he brought like 4 pillows and 3 blankets to cuddle with, hongjoong stole at least 1 of each
he’s pretty giddy during the entire trip, the only one who doesn’t take a nap
likes to make a bunch of little noises while snuggling into his pillows
never ever put him next to mingi ever again bc those two are a ticking time bomb
they’re always playing games and flicking the loser on the forehead
one time san flicked mingi so hard his head recoiled and hit the window, the entire van burst into laughter (even hongjoong cracked a tiny smile)
he asked if he could drive but was instantly shot down by all of the members
he wouldn’t stop pouting
when san’s not messing around, he’s either cuddling into mingi or yunho or maneuvering himself so that he was laying on both of them
he’s fed at every member in the car at least once, holding a chip up to their face until they ate it
his little yells or screams scares the shit out of seonghwa and hongjoong that they’ve both almost swerved off the road a few times
got his mouth taped shut bc of it
“i nwefdd to ooj thu wehwoom”
“i nwefdd to oof thu wehwoom”
“you need to use the restroom?”
“jongho how the fuck did you understand him–”
way way way too hyped
he’s practically squished against the window but is that going to put a damper on his mood? no
would occasionally push himself on top of san just to annoy him
always asks for the aux cord but no one hears him 
when he’s bored he just starts spouting nonsense so yeosang sometimes has to lean forward and cover his mouth
he almost got his mouth taped shut too
likes to wriggle in his seat and it makes the van move from side to side
when he was the first one back to the van at the rest stop, he just kept shifting the car back and forth and seonghwa almost had a heart attack when he saw the van shaking
breaks out into a rap at the most random times
has hit his head on the roof of the van one too many times he’s surprised he didn’t have a concussion
steals snacks from san when he isn’t looking
fogs up the window and doodles little hearts on it
“look it’s a heart!”
“looks like a lump of sh–”
ceo of “are we there yet” and “how much longer”
it’s a surprise he hasn’t been thrown out onto the road
screams so loudly when he loses a game
“you cheated!”
“no i didn’t you just suck!”
they were running out of tape at this point
always asking for something even tho he sits in the very back
“seonghwa can you hand me a bag of chips?”
“hongjoong can you turn the ac up it’s hot back here”
“seonghwa can you hand me a bottle of water”
“seonghwa i’m done with this can you hold it?”
gets sulky when yeosang chooses to sleep instead of playing with him
takes pictures of the other members sleeping
drew a mustache on san’s face when he took a nap and would not stop laughing about it for the rest of the trip
complains about his legs cramping up and yeosang kicked him in response
throws chips and gummies at seonghwa’s head for funsies
completely unbothered
honestly the epitome of well behaved child
hongjoong actually thanked him when they got to their hotel
however he wasn’t allowed the aux cord either because the minute he puts a ballad on, it’s over for all of them
so he just hums quietly to himself the whole time
will occasionally reach over and poke yeosang’s cheek
dude idk what else to say about jongho he’s just chilling
except for that one time he told hongjoong to stop the van only so he could jump out and take dozens of pictures of the sunset
but he looked really cute and excited w his little camera out so no one could really be upset with him
when he takes a nap he either falls asleep against the window or bent over yeosang’s lap
not a fan of sweet things so he’s always snacking on like...takis or beef jerky and downing a bunch of energy drinks everyone is lowkey worried about him
doesn’t have his license yet but was a strong candidate to be driver #2
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babiewonho · 6 years
i was tagged by momo’s biggest fan @iraimomo :D
rules: answer the questions, then tag bloggers you want to get to know better!
i’m tagging @shwhyuk @hackerkyun @ckyun and @jooheonies no pressure feel free 2 ignore this :D <3
name: chloe
nicknames: there’s too many,, chlo, cum guzzle mike...
height: 152 cm... rip   five feet tall
birthday: november 2 
star sign: scorpio 
orientation: lesbian
nationality: american
favourite fruit: D: i love all fruits...strawberries/peaches/grapes...
favourite season: SUMMER!!!!
favourite flower: mm moon flower...hyacinth?
favourite scent: coconut...fresh apple...sunscreen...i luv peppermint...vanilla frosting...cinnamon!
favourite colour/s: pink! mostly pastel pink...and blues
favourite animal/s: kitties...honorary mention my chihuahua :(( he’s schleeping downstairs he’s so liddle
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee but i like hot chocolate too...i can only have tea if it’s with other stuff. like bubble tea/fruit flavored black teas etc
average sleep hours: legiterally anywhere from 3-12
dog or cat person: i have a dog but i’m actually AFRAID OF THEM i’m a kitty person...i love di cats
favourite fictional character(s): raven from teen titans...bloom from winx club...zuko from atla...i havent watched tv in 219408214 years  if they were goth or emo i stanned
lucky number(s): 7
hobbies: studying krn..dancing..making subpar gifs...playing arnd w/ makeup ..sadly one of my hobbies is buying makeup on amazon n i have 2 stop doing that now...
what I’m wearing rn: a sweater and pajama shorts
dream job: realistically my dream job is a translator/interpreter  if we’re being a little silly it’s a backup dancer
favourite food: sushi,, macaroni n cheese, chocolate  i have the palate of an infant
number of blankets you sleep with: one but i Prefer two my mom stole my other comforter...i like the extra weight even in summer
favourite groups: monsta x, shinee, mm exo n nct  i rly like red velvet n i miss sistar...ooh brave girls ! n exid i’m mostly an sm girl </3
favourite solo artist in kpop: taemin! he truly does it all
song stuck in my head: i always ALWAYS have shine by pentagon stuck in my head
last movie i watched: white oleander!!
dream trip: i wanna study in south korea n china/taiwan for my linguistics degree,, n also visit mexico :-( <3
blog created: i dont know when i made this i think i made it a long time ago and just didnt use it...i don’t remember...2016?? and then was inactive for a rly long time
i post: kpop including boy AND girl groups but also sometimes just funny posts/lovecore 
why did I choose my url: bc wonho is the sweetest most lovable babie in the whole world he invented being a babie and everyone takes care of him and loves him and adores him like they wld a babie :D
random fact: i can’t swim D: n i love lip tints
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estinien666 · 8 years
i sleep with a feather blanket that's too small even for me (and i'm like. 4'10) with the fan pointed towards my face bc my feets can get too cold AND too hot
That's the way to sleep you're my sleep goals now I have a small fleece Zelda blanket that I loved to stack on top of my 2 blankets but my dads wife stole it and it was a small one to
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