#i still haven't preordered this game i absolutely need to
ziskeyt 1 year
totk trailer:
finally gave Ganon some fucking water
we get to fight with allies???
there is a man using a bucket as a helmet
we become a flying squirrel
mission impossible music
you can fuse a shield to a sword and it looks so stupid i love it
you can become a taxi
actual development of places!!!!
there is a new clothing item that includes multiple earrings for Link i am going to wear it all the time
my daughter out here dancing while fighting yes absolutely
time travel
Ganon also says no to clothing that covers his chest
Ganon has green skin???? pls no
New beings new beings new beings new beings!!!!!!!
get bubbled, idiot
Game of the year
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mikahorror 6 months
1 version of the cover i made for my newest wip.
here are some of the tv shows/movies or docu/tainment i've been watching that's helping me stay inspired or has a (slightly) similar concept:
Alien Worlds
Hope Frozen: A Quest To Live Twice (because of the concept of passing on consciousness, not necessarily cryogenics)
Our Father (more because of the idea of being a commodity not assault on this scale)
Gods of the Deep - listen this is not a great Cthulhu movie, but i think they may have used some practical effects as well as cgi so that earns it some points
Martyrs (2008) - this will absolutely ruin your appetite/day if you've never heard anything about it & i haven't decided on the gore level for this wip so just trust me when i say it shows a cult and the extremes people will inflict on others while searching for the "truth". i don't think this really deserves its "most disturbing horror movie"....hype i guess but its still uncomfortable to watch.
Keep Sweet Pray and Obey - a docuseries about the LDS church
books - my reading has been for fun instead of finding books that are more like my story. mostly so i don't unintentionally start writing like the authors, but still have themes of growing comfortable with or creating identity & queer religious horror. some of these are also dark romance or high fantasy with...optional plot.......
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Our Satyr Prince by Dylan Drakes
The Prince's Dearest Guards by Beau Van Dalen
Calyx & In The Garden of Echo by H.S Wolfe - i read TGoE because i've been too afraid since i read peaceful in the dark & kept seeing it in my recommendations lol so i read Calyx to see if i was just being a baby and no. no i was right lol
on my tbr:
Exodus 20:3 by Freydis Moon
The Fall That Saved US by Tamara Jer茅e
Reforged by Seth Haddon & i'd preorder the sequel if i could
i need more books to be on Itch.io, googlebooks or any other site that accepts paypal instead of just amazon馃檭
music is an old track arranged in the desktop version of music maker jam
gaming ambience/pomodoro playlist
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bacchanal-if 11 months
Hello, hello!! I just played through your demo for the first time and I absolutely love it so far馃ズ
I have two questions:
1. I saw that we will be able to pre-order the IF, is the option to do so already available? Plus, if we do pre-order, will we still have to pay the full price for the full game once it's finished?:)
2. As a non-native speaker it was a bit difficult for me to understand some of the writing (e.g. during the character creation), will you be adding a glossary in the future? Of course, you don't have to! I just thought I might at least ask:D
Hello! Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed it 馃挏
The preorder is currently available, and comes with perks! You will not need to pay the full release price of $5 when the story is complete, so consider the preorder a discount!
The terminology is something I worried about for non-native English speakers, since there are 18th century terms in some places, so I thank you for your suggestion of a glossary, as I hadn't thought of it! This is certainly something I will work on including, perhaps when Chapter Two releases, but perhaps before. (I haven't decided if I will release the next chapter in two parts or not, because as of right now I don't imagine it will be a very long one, and so far I've been cruising through the writing).
If there are any words you had a hard time with, or would suggest being added to a glossary, please do let me know!
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