#i still don't know how they didn't manage to hug the balloon to death the same way everyone else did
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THE RAMPAGE wins the second relay race in the Battle of Kingdom
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isabella-kr · 2 years
Just read your reassurance fic and fuckin loved it. Absolutely feral for price rn. Not sure if you're still open for requests, but i am a strong believer that price gives the best hugs, holds you to his chest for comfort, problemsolving kinda hugs, but maybe something happened and now its oc/reader's time to return the favour.
This is the first time I've ever made a request so hope I did it right lol. basically I'm starving for fluff. maybe a bit of hurt/comfort.
Thank you so much for requesting!! I'm so glad you liked it!! I agree, he definitely gives incredible hugs and I would kill to experience them at least once. I hope you don't mind, but I made this an F!reader because you didn't specify and it's what I find easiest; however, if you'd like me to change this to gender neutral, let me know and I will edit this :))
Out of Your Control
Do not repost
Synopsis: After a mission gone awry, Price can't help but blame himself for everything that had gone wrong. Hugs won't solve the problem, but they will definitely help ease his nerves.
Pairing: John Price x Female!Reader (Hints of an established relationship)
Genre: Angst & Fluff / Hurt & Comfort
Warnings: Swearing, self-blame, Price cries, reader cries, use of ‘sweetheart’ and ‘love’ 
Word Count: 2k
General Masterlist COD:MWII Masterlist
GIF not mine
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The mission was a disaster.
Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. It was as though the enemy was expecting them, and decided to make his defence ten times stronger, quicker, and more ruthless. It was clear that the mission was doomed for failure from the start, but they prevailed nonetheless; eager to complete their task.
The place was swarming with soldiers who were armed with weapons from head to toe. So were they, but no matter how armed their Squad seemed to be, the enemy soldiers had twice as many guns, and twice as many blades. They were like flies on a hot summer’s day, doubling at speeds that didn’t seem humanly possible, and before long, they were surrounded from every corner.  
Their hushed voices rang out through the comms as they considered their next course of action. Yet as Price was about to tell them to retreat - to evacuate because there was no way they would come out if this mission alive – it was already too late. Loud sirens rang out in their ears, and the rapid sounds of stomping boots made the hairs at the back of all their necks stand up. It went south too quickly for them to even attempt to deescalate the situation.  
Bullets rained down like hail, and it didn’t take a genius to know they would not be getting out of this scot-free, and none of them did. Some of their injuries were worse than others, but they all looked equally beat up, as though they were on the brink of death.  
It was barely an hour later that they were sat in the medical bay, with nurses and doctors running around them like headless chickens. Their frantic movements and hushed whispers made her head feel like a balloon ready to be popped, and she could only assume the others felt the same from the way their faces scrunched up with discomfort.  
Price was nowhere to be seen, having ran out the moment the nurses told him he was free to go. The Captain’s injuries weren’t as severe as the others, and that only seemed to worsen the guilt he was already feeling.  
It was Soap who looked the worst out of all of them, like Death himself was about to knock on his door and take him away. Yet somehow, with half of his face turned purple, and his left eye swollen shut, he still managed to send her a sweet smile the moment their eyes locked together.  
She sent him a sympathetic glance in return, hissing and flinching when a bullet was suddenly extracted from the flesh of her thigh. She almost glared at the doctor who pulled the metal out of her, but stopped herself when an anti-septic was wiped over the open wound, and another wave of pain made an anguished groan leave her throat. She could only sigh and wait for this to be over; to finally leave and get some time for herself.  
“Take this,” a nurse spoke with a sweet smile, giving her three small pills and a cup of water. Once she downed the medicine and emptied the small, plastic cup, the nurse nodded, “Good. Now, you get some rest, alright? You need it.”  
“Thank you,” she nodded, plopping down from her bed to leave the stuffy room. She winced with every limped step she took, but decided she would rather suffer than spend the night in the medical room because of a non-fatal injury.  
She wasted no time before making her way over to her room, welcoming the familiar smell with a smile on her face. The material that was soaked with her sweat and blood was pulled off her tired body, and soon replaced with something more comfortable. The new clothes were soft to the touch and didn’t stick to her bruised skin, making her sigh out in relief. She decided to wear something that would cover her up entirely, not out of modesty, but to hide the injuries from the captain’s guilt-filled eyes.  
After leaving her room and making another stop to brew two cups of tea, she began making her way down a long corridor. It didn’t take her too long to arrive at Price’s office, though the wound in her thigh definitely slowed her down somewhat. His door seemed to be locked shut, for when she pressed her elbow against the handle, it didn’t budge.  
With a small sigh, she knocked on the door with the rip of her boot, and waited for the door to be opened. Yet no sound came from inside the room; no gruff voice telling her to piss off; no sound of papers rustling, and no heavy footsteps making their way across the room.  
She exhaled sharply, eyes closing as she kicked the door harder than before. Some of the tea trickled down from the mugs, the steaming hot liquid burning the skin of her finger. She ignored the burning sensation, instead focusing on the man who she knew was on the opposite side of the door.  
“Sir, I need to speak with you,” she spoke out loud, hoping the sound of urgency in her voice would get him to open up. But alas, the silence continued. “Captain-” she looked around her, making sure there was no-one there to hear her next words, “John… please let me in.”  
That seemed to get him moving, as only a few seconds passed before the door was pulled open. She walked in without waiting for permission, and placed the two hot mugs on his desk. Her eyes were quick to notice the scattered papers on his desk, his handwriting turning frantic on some of them.  
Her eyes soon settled on the bearded man who walked around the desk and sat down in his chair. He had a blank look in his eyes, and she slowly sat down on the chair on the other side of the desk. She moved one of the mugs closer towards him, but he made no attempt to reach for it. His eyes didn’t even glance down to look at it.  
“John,” she spoke slowly. Softly.
He didn’t look at her, and she swore his eyes were avoiding eye contact at all costs. There was a dark bruise forming on the apple of his left cheek, the skin turning a dark purple, mixed with a sickly yellow. A deep gash also decorated his clavicle, the skin red a raw, yet the wound was not deep enough to require stitches.  
She could feel her heart break into a million pieces at the sight of his hopeless state. “John,” she whispered once again, “…sweetheart.”  
This time, his eyes moved to look into hers. They were glazed over, and she could tell he was close to cracking, the guilt eating him up alive.  
“This wasn’t your fault, John,” she told him with a shake of her head.
He let out a humourless laugh. The type of laugh that told her just how deep in despair he was. “Yeah, it was. I should’ve known better.”  
“John, no.” She disagreed, “You couldn’t have predicted this.”  
“No, but I should’ve been ready for it,” he argued, “I should’ve been prepared for things to go wrong.”  
“And you were,” she spoke softly, “But we were all taken by surprise. None of us could have known this was going to happen. No matter how prepared we could have been. No matter what you think you could’ve done, we were simply too outnumbered.”  
With a tilt of his head, he exhaled sharply, “This was supposed to be an easy mission. In and out.”  
She nodded in understanding, “And it would’ve been if the information you were given was correct,” she pointed out. “This one was out of your hands, John.”
He shook his head in disagreement, hie eyes trained on the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. With a small wince, she pushed herself off the chair and walked over towards him. Her fingers curled around his jaw and she moved him so that his eyes were locked with hers.  
“John, what matters is that we’re all alive.” She told him, “You’re fine. The boys are fine. I’m fine. We’re all okay.”  
With a blank stare, his hand moved to her thigh and applied some pressure in the exact spot where the bullet had penetrated her skin. He didn’t do it hard, in fact, he barely touched the area. Yet despite all that, she felt like a thousand needles were stabbed into her sore skin at once.  
She choked at the pain that travelled through her body, and her hand instinctively pulled his away. He stared at her with a look that told her he did not believe a word she just told him. How could he when the soft, and otherwise welcome gesture caused her so much pain.  
“You don’t sound fine to me, love.”  
“John.” She scolded, “This isn’t something that’s never happened to me before. I’ve lost count of how many times I got shot, and I’m sure you have too.”  
He didn’t respond to the accusation, his eyes only closing in shame. With a small, yet deep sigh, she managed to pull him towards her. The non-bruised side of his face was pressed against her chest, and her arms wrapped securely around him. The palm of her left hand cradled the back of his head, whilst the other moved to rub comforting circles on his shoulders.  
“I know you won’t believe me,” she whispered, “But none of us blame you. Not Ghost, not Soap, not Gaz, and most definitely not me”  
Upon hearing her words, he wrapped his arms around her torso and pulled her even closer to him than she was before. A small whimper left his lips, and he moved his face so that his nose was pressing against her. She moved down, carefully not to startle him, and kissed the crown of his head. She kept her face there, only tightening her hold around him when his body began to shake; the dam which he had built breaking into pieces as he allowed his emotions to flow freely.  
His tears soaked through her shirt, and the situation made her own eyes well with tears. She didn’t care when they began to roll down her cheeks, or when his fingers clenched around the material of her shirt and pulled on it. She only cared that he finally let himself feel, without shoving his emotions away until they became unbearable.  
“We would never blame you for this. Sometimes things are out of our control, okay?” She hummed against him, “There’s no point in beating ourselves up over it. It’s in the past. We can’t change it, so let it go. Please, just let it go.”  
A sob wrecked through his body, and his fingers let go of her shirt to dig into her skin. He managed to nod against her, and she felt as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She knew the guilt had not fully left him, and that they still had a long way to go, but this was progress. She was just glad he was willing to try and move past it, and no matter how long it would take him, she would remain by his side the entire time.  
She would wrap her arms around him and hold him close as he let the tears flow freely, just as he had done for her so many times before. She would hold him for as long as he needed her to, even if her arms began to ache, she would keep her arms wrapped securely around him.  
“Just please…” she sniffled, “Don’t beat yourself up over this. We’re all going to be fine. Nothing a little rest and some medicine can’t fix.”  
“And some stitches.”
“Yeah,” she let out a small laugh as her lips pressed against his hair once more, “And some stitches.”  
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 165
Chapter 165: "You Can Fly!"
(I've finally reached that point where those old chapter reviews of mine became consistent, so if there's some deja vu moments with stuff I say from here onwards then I apologize. Might not happen since those were done blindly while I have a perfectly good idea of what happens in the story now, but I'll look back at those posts just in case so I don't become a broken record.)
I find it so adorable that even after so many years, Isabella still thinks of Leslie.
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The hatred I feel for Sarah has grown immensely over the past couple months, so of course now I can't help but feel a bit giddy over her being shipped out. Peter eventually comes in with a comment stating that the farm made the decision based on who, between Isabella or Sarah, would be more beneficial to the farms, and with the impressive results Isabella has made during her time as caretaker, she was chosen as the obvious choice to keep around. And rightfully so. Thank heavens.
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I know this poor woman just wanted to be free from all this hell and while I certainly don't wish to see Isabella suffer under the farm's rules and restrictions anymore, I love her too much to just see her get killed off, so you gotta stick around for a couple more years to help out the kids honey. It'll be worth it.
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As much as I despise the man, I do like the intense shadow Peter gets across him during this panel. It really makes the sinister aura believable with how terrified Isabella looks, and for a woman who's been around death for so long and perfected a strong facade over the years to actually show some kind of fear, that's quite impressive he managed to make her feel that way.
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After all this time and now I'm just getting the feeling that Isabella was crying a bit sometime during that panel of her looking at her number and chip implant in the mirror back at GF. Anyways, I know it was intentional for her to look completely scared upon making this deal with Peter here, but I love that it's all just an act as we later find out in ch170. (also, not important but this is my post so it was gonna get mentioned anyway: absolutely thankful that the second season decided to keep Isabella's hair down during this scene. She may have made the deal with one of the GF demons instead of Peter, but I can forgive the anime for that because Isabella just looked so perfect.)
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Duh, everything this woman does is impressive. Sure, it's real bummer for those kids who had to be shipped out, but at least we learned during 181.7 that she did lower the frequency of the shipments so a fewer number of children were shipped out all together. It was a whole quality over quantity idea that worked out well so good for her. The less lives lost the better.
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I'm certainly repeating myself from somewhere, but the way Isabella was able to successfully rally all the other moms and sisters together in less than a day is just fantastic. Such a power move. I still geek out over it.
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Motherly instincts kicking back in (pfft, silly me, as if they ever left. that's genuine concern on her face). It's certainly a painful way to fix a finger but at least she helped!
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The switch from "mom" to "caretaker" happens so quick it could give someone whiplash. Honey, I know this is all part of a grand performance but I don't like when you openly treat your precious children as food!
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Still wondering how y'all managed to cross the giant cliff in order to sneak into headquarters but whatever works I guess. I'm certain they didn't just cross the bridge since security probably would've been alerted much sooner and I'm not gonna believe they arrived via random hot air balloons like the second season did. Regardless, it was quite a surprise to see Norman armed with a gun but very welcomed. Seeing him in the shelter jacket and pants is a good look for him too.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Oh to be lucky enough to receive a hug from such a beautiful woman.
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dreamingwithbts · 6 years
Life Changing - Chapter 2
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Genre: ForeignAu!; Angst; Fluff
Summary: I finish university and I'm trying to find a job for a while and to be worse I found out my few friends were all fake before thinking that my life could go worse something good happened.
*At that moment they look at the door when they heard someone coming in.
*With Kat*
"Congratulations Miss Adams! You're hired." Bang PDnim says making me shock and happy. "Thank you so much!" I say getting up and shake their hands. "Well come on let's met them." Their manager said and we start walking. "Do you think they're gonna like me?" I ask him. "You yelled at Jimin the first time you saw him. They already love you." He says laughing making me laugh too. And we got to what it seems were their practice room and I saw BTS look at me making me almost faint because it was to many handsome man at the same time.
"Guys! This is your new translator, Kat Adams. Treat her well!" Their manager says and leaves the room leaving me alone with my death. BTS all get up. "Hi I'm Namjoon but I guess you already know us!" Namjoon says smiling showing is dimples. "Hi! Ya kind of ahahaha!" I say laughing and everyone started saying hi and stuff. "You yell at Jimin-Hyung so I already like you ahahaha!" Taehyung says laughing and putting his arm on my shoulder. "Ya! Stop it!" Jimin says starting to run after Taehyung who's running away from him. Then Namjoon gestures me to seet between him and Yoongi. " So tell us a little about you!" Jin says and at this time Taehyung and Jimin join us. "Well, I'm Katherine you can call me Kat if it's easier for you, I'm from Portugal, I don't have a lot of friends and I'm 20 years old. " I say. "Oh you're the same age as Tae and Jimin!" Jhope says. "She's your Nonna Jungkook!" Taehyung says joking with Jungkook making him blush and the others laugh.
"Hey! Time to practice guys!" Their choreographer enters the room making BTS get up energetics ready to dance except Yoongi who seems to get more deep in the couch. "You can do it Yoongi!"I say. "Noooo." He says to me. "The faster you start the sooner you go home." I say making him look at me and sight getting up and pet me in the head. " WATCH US KAT!" Taehyung yells making me laugh and Jimin and Jhope starts dancing funny making me laugh more. "Is not even my first day here and I'm already enjoying it." I think to myself.
Seeing their almost finish practice I go up and leave to get them some water bottles and when I enter I see them some sitting on the ground others laying like their dead all panting and sweating. "Here guys!" I say laughing handing them the water and all of them happily took them like their life depended on it. "Thank you!" "You're an angel Kat!" Jimin says with his eye close smile making me blush.
"I have to go now boys. I still need to unpacked my stuff. So I'll see you tomorrow okay!" I say to them. "No! Don't go!" Jimin and Taehyung both say hugging thickly. "Guys let her go! Poor thing!" Jin says. "Fine...." "Do you need help?" Namjoon asks me nicely. "No need! I'm gonna be fine. But thank you!" I say smiling to him making him smile in return. I say goodbye to them and they all hug me goodbye and I go home happy for this day.
*Days after"
Some days had passed and me and the boys are getting closer especially me and Yoongi, his like the big brother I never had.
At this moment I was with the guys in their photoshoot for Young Forever for some reason they wanted me here so Jin called me at 5 am to go to them at big hit. "We need you! You're our support cheerleader!" He said to me and here I am in the cold for them.
"Ahahaha!Jimin! Yoongi! You look very French guys!" I say laughing making Jimin laugh and Yoongi joking glare at me so he put his hat on me and I went to pose with Jimin making Yoongi laugh with Namjoon and Jin that was watching us.
"What about me Noona! Don't I look cute with my little bow!" Jungkook came to me cutely with that bunny smile. "Of course you look cute my little baby!" I say to them hugging him. "Your baby?" Namjoon asks. "Yes! I adopt him! Now his my baby!" I said making everyone laugh hard even the staff members. "Take that hyungs!" Jungkook says smugly making Taehyung and Jimin run to him making him run away.
They start getting their individual photoshoots and I was watching Jin's turn. "YOU'RE LOOKING HANDSOME MISTER WORLWIDE!" I yell at him making him laugh. "I KNOW!" He says shaking his blonde hair.
"He looks good blonde." Namjoon says staying beside me looking at Jin. "Yes he does." I say looking at Namjoon sensing something there.
In the middle of the photoshoot somehow I felt asleep in the middle on Yoongi and Jungkook and nobody tried to wake us up. And I didn't notice from the entire photoshoot someone looking at me the all time.
Then the guys went to the hot air balloon and they started waving at me.
"YOU LOOK SO TINY KAT!" Taehyung screams at me laughing. "THANK YOU! HOW ARE YOU HOBI! YOU CAN DO IT IT'S ALMOST DONE!" I scream knowing he was scared and it confirmed when he just gave me thumbs up.
When the balloon land on the ground Jhope runs to me kneeling on the ground hugging my waist screaming how good earth felt then everyone starts to hug us and laughing.
Photoshoot ended so now were all in the van going to take the boys to the dorms and I was on the middle of Yoongi and Jimin both sleeping on my shoulders. "Thank you for coming Kat." Namjoon says looking behind at me. "Of course Joonie! You know I can't say no to you guys!" I say smiling at him making him smile and look forward again.
I got home and went to bed very tired and happy for having them on my life thinking what's gonna happen in the future.
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Pt. 7
As expected, it was late when Seyoon wrapped up at work. Guerin told him she'd cook him something if he wanted to meet at her place. Opening her door she found a grinning Seyoon holding a backpack over his shoulder and looking like he hadn't bothered showering after dancing for hours. She found his eager rush endearing and opened her arms as an invitation to hug. He swept up to her, kicking the door shut with his foot since both his hands were occupied with wrapping around her.
"Hi." He said simply, nuzzling against her neck cutely.
"Hi Seyoonie." She laughed squirming against the tickle which caused him to hold her more tightly. When the two separated she patted his still damp hair, "You should take a shower, I'll make something for you."
"You don't like this?" He teased, shaking his hair toward her.
"Would you like me getting all snuggly after a workout?" She countered, pushing his head back playfully.
"Depends on the workout." He winked.
She choked on her surprised laugh at the insinuation and pushed him away for his own protection. One hand covering her mouth the other pointing to the bathroom, "Go shower!"
He beamed shamelessly but followed her order, "Try not to dwell on what's happening in here." He said before shutting the door quickly.
"Yeah right, I definitely won't." She yelled back. It was an absolute lie. She paused a moment, fingers tapping her lips distractedly before shaking her head and moving into the kitchen. She started some water to boil, pulled out a couple ramen packages and began playing some music to redirect her thoughts. She sang along and danced as she cooked up some chicken breast to go with the ramen. She was finishing setting the table when she heard the door to the bathroom open. Still dancing she spun to acknowledge Seyoon.
"Perfect timing! I-" she stopped talking. He was nonchalantly drying his hair, faded jeans low on his hips and fitted to his dancers legs but the most notable fashion choice was a button up shirt completely undone and exposing his torso. "Whaaaaaat are you doing?" She asked in english, completely forgetting Korean in her surprise.
"Are you okay?" He asked, clearly aware of what he was doing as he poorly feigned innocence, coming over the check the table, "Smells delicious Noona." He grinned at her.
She took his shirt and started buttoning it as her brain restarted and gave him a dark expression, "Kim Seyoon you might be a snack but maybe you should eat something before you torture me."
"I'm a snack?" He asked perplexed.
"It's english slang. It means you look delicious." She opted to leave a couple of his top buttons loose for her own enjoyment, unnecessarily smoothing his shirt across his shoulders.
"Hmmm." He looked at the table and stepped closer into her personal bubble, "it looks like you had something in mind. Are we just gonna eat ramen and go?" He continued teasingly.
She groaned and pushed him away from her as she turned her back on him "Kim Seyoon what are you thinking?"
He laughed and hugged her from behind, "I'm thinking I'm having fun with my girlfriend."
She ran her hands along his arms crossed in front of her until they rested on his hands, "You're gonna be the death of me." She tapped his hands to free herself, despite wanting very much to stay, "Let's feed you first then we can discuss ramen." Guerin said offhandedly.
Seyoon hesitated, grinned then sat across from her as she began serving him. They discussed the rest of their day with each other while they ate, Seyoon filling her in on the meeting with A.C.E and Jun's declaration, and Guerin talking about meeting with HEET. Once they had finished Seyoon insisted on helping with dishes and the two worked without much conversation, Guerin singing along quietly to the music that was still playing lowly.
"I like it when you sing, Noona." Seyoon said, drying the last dish. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye with a wry smile. "I mean it. It's cute." He pinched her cheek.
She scrunched her face for a moment in response then relaxed into her normal smile.
"I like singing. I'm not great at it but I really love music a lot. Being a manager is one of the ways I can have that as a part of my life." She walked to the couch with him following and sat facing him with one foot tucked under her. Seyoon nodded but didn't feel a need to respond. The two sat comfortably quiet for a moment as they digested before Guerin reached her hand out and carefully met his fingers with hers, leaning sideways into the couch as he allowed her to take his hand.
"I really had no idea you liked me." Guerin said with a happy smile as she played with his fingers, finding his hands endearingly small for the rest of his frame. "When did that start?" She asked curiously.
"When we arm wrestled." Seyoon responded. "At least, that was when I was sure."
She let out a surprised laugh, "No way! That's hilarious."
Seyoon laughed too, gripping her hand and pulling her toward him into his arms. She automatically shifted to lean against him, laying her head against his shoulder comfortably as she sighed. "Is it really so funny? That I'd like a strong, fun woman that compliments me?" He asked.
She laughed again, "I knew it, it was the compliment. You just want me to inflate your ego."
"Like a balloon." He responded, then mimed his head blowing up by puffing out his cheeks and widening his eyes. She laughed and poked his cheeks, forcing the air out which he chose to turn and blow into her face. Guerin cringed, a small surprised exhale of laughter coming from her nose. He snuck a kiss to her forehead affectionately, softening her up.
"When did you start liking me?" Seyoon asked curiously.
She paused, "I think in the coffee shop when we were messing around was when it started. Definitely by the time we ate on the rooftop together. But I never planned to act on it."
"Why not?" Seyoon asked, perplexed.
"I mean, dating an idol? That's something no one should bank on. I was happy just being friends with all five of you." She said. He nodded silently with her response, his hand behind her moving to stroke idly at her ear and neck like a gentle tickling massage.
"We really should talk about how this is going to work out..." Guerin sighed, "But honestly tonight I just want to relax and have fun."
Seyoon nodded in agreement.
"So tonight... do you want to..." she trailed off, tracing Seyoon's shirt along the buttons temptingly. He felt his pulse quicken and his breath faltered before she continued, "...Play some video games? I have some classic consoles! Or just my switch!" She sat up straight to fully see his expression.
His eyes scrunched shut and his classic smile erupted across his face as he realized she had chosen that phrasing on purpose. "Noonaaaa." He whined, "Why did you do that to meeee?" He reached for her to pull her toward him again but Guerin had gotten up to turn on the TV.
"Do what?" She asked innocently, "Ask to play video games? Gosh you're acting like I walked out of the bathroom shirtless or something."
"Noonaaaaaa." He whined again flopping against the couch and she laughed at his tantrum.
A busy week had passed. Guerin hadn't been able to meet up with Seyoon again as he was busy working on a fan project with Jun on top of their normal work schedule, and Guerin had been to court several times as the prosecutor had finally pressed charges. Guerins part was done and she took her first bit of free time to meet up with Charlie. The two women had met at a cafe for coffee and were meandering along a pretty road by the han river in the afternoon light. She had just finished filling Charlie in on her evening with Seyoon.
"After all that you... played video games?" Charlie asked in disbelief.
Guerin nodded, red lips on her straw as she avoided eye contact, knowing what was coming.
Charlie switched to English, "You're telling me that smokin hottie was barely dressed and your response was to -fully clothe him- and play -video games-?"
Guerin nodded again and cleared her throat, still staring off into nothing, "I left a couple top buttons undone." She responded also in english.
"Listen. My friend. My eunnie. I know you. I've heard stories. Stories -you- have told me. I need you to connect the dots between the friend in those stories and the friend that spent an evening with her boyfriend and didn't even make out." Charlie demanded.
"I- well. We just started dating." Guerin started hopelessly. Charlie's knowing look based on her knowledge of Guerin's history caused her to sigh and continue, "It's kinda those stories too. I've not had to worry about being an idol to slow me down, add on five years experience and... I guess I don't want to rush him."
Charlie's face softened at the confession, the pieces clicking together, "Well the two of you are going to need to talk about it eventually."
"I know. I just really needed a stress free night. And maybe after a talk like that there would be less stress," she couldn't help an immature smile at the comment, "But getting there through that discussion is in and of itself is stressful."
"That makes sense." Charlie sipped her drink, appeased by her friends explanation.
"What about you and Jun?" Guerin asked playfully, nudging Charlie.
"We... ah...." she blushed and he was her turn to avoid eye contact, "We've gotten further than you two. But um... no home run if you know what I mean." Guerin cackled until Charlie shoved her and they both laughed in earnest. They switched back to korean as the conversation continued.
"So have you been keeping track of commentary from netizens over your dating and court stuff?" Charlie asked.
"Hmmm, a little." Guerin shrugged, "Of course internationally there seems to be a lot of support. I've been referenced as the woman 'living the y/n life'. Within korea it seems most Joule's have made a 180 over the legal issue which makes me hopeful. Most Choice seem pretty okay with Wow dating but don't understand why me. It's honestly better than I expected." She turned the question to Charlie, "I did notice more people seem to like you with Jun though! Have you been keeping up?"
Charlie opened her mouth to respond but a large coffee drink landed square on Charlie's chest, soaking her and splattering Guerin. Guerin stepped in front of Charlie, looking quickly to see who had thrown the drink when she caught sight of a young girl, most likely in her early teens, fuming at the two foreign women. People nearby had turned to see what had happened.
"Are you okay Charlie?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the girl.
"Yeah, I'm fine, it wasn't too hot." She sounded shaken despite her words.
"Okay. Let's go." Guerin broke eye contact with the aggressor, took her friend by the shoulder and began walking away briskly, keeping Charlie slightly in front of her, "Our best bet is to just get out of here as soon as possible." Charlie nodded as she walked along.
"YAH! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" The teenager screamed and began rushing after the two women. Guerin sighed, plan A didn't seem like it was going to work.
"Charlie, stay behind me. She isn't big enough to do real damage without a weapon and I think that drink was her biggest threat. Whatever happens don't get involved." Guerin's naturally happy expression had turned cold and serious as she turned back to the girl.
"Say what you need to so we can go."
"You think you can ruin my families reputation and then brainwash an idol into dating you and we'll be fine with it? You're just some stupid, fat, old foreigner you can't come into our country and ruin our lives like this." The girl spit venomously.
"I don't know you or your family." Guerin responded matter of factly.
"My sister! You got her arrested and now she's going to jail and it's your fault." The girls eyes filled with tears as she yelled. Guerin couldn't help but feel sympathetic. She was losing her sister, the things said online had been cruel once the video had been released by the police. It was easy to believe that the family had borne some of the brunt of social shame.
"I'm sorry." Guerin said. The girl paused in shock and she felt Charlie shift in surprise behind her, "I was trying to protect people that are important to me. I didn't want anyone to get hurt."
"Well we did!" The girl started again but Guerin interrupted.
"If you need someone to hate you can hate me. Your sister was wrong in her actions, but you and your family should not have to suffer. I'm sorry that you have." Her words were soft but scolding, and the girl instinctively looked to the ground, her fists clenched and eyes angry but less so than before, "Just now you attacked my friend, you've insulted us. We may be foreigners but we are your elders and like it or not we are a part of your community. You can blame me and hate me all you want. I understand. But you cannot channel than anger into violence without consequences. Can you imagine if we had called the police? What would your parents suffer with if two of their children had legal issues due to violent behavior?"
The girls head drooped further and tears fell from her eyes as she rubbed them with her fists.
"You must love your family so much." Guerin moved forward until she was right in front of the girl, "Seeing them suffer must be the hardest thing you've ever had to endure. You've got to think carefully about your actions if you're going to heal with them, or that pain will grow." Guerin handed held out a small packet of tissues from her purse. The girl glared at them, at Guerin, then took the tissues angrily, wiping her tears and nose.
"How did you find us? Will you tell me?" Guerin asked quietly.
"It was chance. I saw you and recognized you. I got... I got so mad seeing you smiling and happy when eunnie is- while we-" the teenager broke out into sobs and Guerin let her take a moment. She was relieved it hadn't been someone leaking info on their whereabouts. Guerin rested her hand on the girls head after hesitating a moment. She flinched under her hand but didn't pull away. Giving a comforting pat she dropped her hand.
"You can keep the tissues. We're going to leave now." Guerin turned her back, seeing Charlie who still looked a bit shaken but sympathetic. Guerin blinked away the tears in her eyes, unable to help feeling badly about the circumstances.
"I still hate you!" The young girl yelled after them. Charlie glanced back, then to Guerin who didn't stop moving. The two women didn't speak until they reached their bus stop.
"It's not your fault you know that right?" Charlie said, plucking at her ruined shirt in disappointment.
"Yes. Logically I know that. But it's still sad."
Charlie nodded, then leaned her head against her friends shoulder, "You're kind of a badass but you're the squishiest marshmallow in existence, you know that?"
Guerin wrinkled her nose, "Marshhhmaallooww." She sang the iconic Xiumin line, making Charlie giggle before falling into chuckles herself.
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Seyoon sent Guerin the link then tucked his phone away. He glanced up at Jun who had been texting Charlie. Unlike Seyoon his concern had melted into a smile. Wow watched him curiously until Jun closed his phone and looked up to see his teammate watching him.
"Ah," Jun coughed, "How is Guerin?"
"She said she is fine. Charlie?" Seyoon asked.
"She's fine too. She said her shirt was ruined so I'm thinking of buying her a new one. I was going to head over tonight." Jun's complete lack of poker face was evident as he pretended to look down at his phone and clean the screen, ears red and a small smile tugging the corners of his lips.
"Have you..." Seyoon faltered and thought about his phrasing, "Have the two of you..." his thoughts didnt help and he ended with a shrug and eyebrow raise.
"Hyung!" Jun feigned insult, putting a hand over his chest.
"Ah." Seyoon nodded, reading the unspoken No loud and clear.
"I mean we've- well we uhmm..." Jun stammered, now the one suffering with word choice was him, "We've done other stuff. She likes to uhhh... grab my butt and then we've..." his words failed him too, "It leads to more things and... I mean it's only been a week so... wait why are you asking?"
Seyoon shrugged and stood up to head back to the dance room.
"Wait hyung! Have you and Guerin not...?" Jun trailed off, the sentence finishing itself for both of them mentally.
Seyoon shook his head, "We've been busy."
"I'm surprised. I'd have thought she'd be more into that." Jun mused. Seyoon raised an eyebrow at the insinuation, causing Jun to start to backpedal and explain he meant no offense before Seyoon laughed him off.
"I thought so too, honestly. Maybe I'm not as sexy as I think."
"Yeah that's definitely the problem." Jun rolled his eyes.
"I'm going to see her tonight to make sure she's okay. Whenever we do... that... can be something for later. I just want to make sure she's okay today." He started toward the dance room.
"Didn't she say she was fine?" Jun asked.
"She probably meant physically." Seyoon said over his shoulder. Jun was left perplexed.
Guerin had called Jisoo and went straight the PWER offices after getting Charlie home and changing. She hadn't even left when Seyoon sent the article. It had only been a few hours and already something was up. She hadn't seen anyone recording but at a place as picturesque as the Han River people always had phones and cameras out.
The article included some still photos oh the altercation, the drink hitting Charlie, the girl chasing the two as they tried to leave, Guerin handing tissues to the girl and eventually them leaving. Guerin was grateful that because the girl was a minor she had been blurred out so she couldnt be identified. Attached to the article was a video of the altercation, also edited. Whoever had been recording seemed to have been following Guerin and Charlie which gave her chills. The only talking that could be heard was when the girl had been shouting but the rest that contained any identifying details was lost due to the distance of the videographer.
As soon as the clip ended she sent the link to Charlie and Jisoo, then turned and headed back to the CEO's office with a sigh. Knocking on the door, Jisoo called her in. As Guerin closed the door behind her she saw her boss finish watching the video clip with an unreadable expression. Guerin sat in a chair opposite her and waited quietly while Jisoo scrolled through the rest of the article and comments. Finally she closed her phone, rested her head in her hand and stared at Guerin.
"This is actually pretty good." Jisoo quirked a brow and smiled. Guerin leaned her head back surprised and exhausted. "I mean it. Have you read the comments?"
"It's usually better for my mental health for me to avoid comment sections." Guerin said to the ceiling before dropping her head back down to look at Jisoo. "But you think it's good?"
"Sure. There's some of the usual naysayers but by and large you appear sympathetic and patient. A lot of people are really impressed. And given this is a second piece of video evidence of you being targeted with violence it's even started some dialogue about prejudices that foreigners face." Jisoo gestured vaguely, "It would be best if this didn't keep happening consistently but honestly you comforted a child that harassed you physically and verbally."
"She's just a kid. She was upset, what was I supposed to do?" Guerin shrugged.
"Some people would have smacked her around to teach her a lesson. She was disrespectful." Jisoo saw Guerin cringe, "I know, you don't like that. Which I really think made people impressed."
Guerin felt embarrassed. She didn't think she had done anything praiseworthy, "I think the biggest thing that bothers me is that while the kid found us by chance there was someone following and recording us."
"Welcome to dating an idol." Jisoo said matter of factly, "Get used to it. Just keep in mind someone could always be watching. You can join HEET in some of their behavior classes if you want. And we can look into security if you feel unsafe."
"Maybe the classes won't hurt but I think security at this point might be unnecessary." Guerin smiled.
"Okay. You already said you don't want to press charges so we can drop it. We'll write up a statement but coordinate with PR on the message. Also... about being a manager again..." Jisoo hesitated and Guerin held her breath and waited, "I think we can start planning on getting you back in. We'll keep Woojin on as an assistant I think. Your reputation seems to have increased their popularity. You even have fans of your own calling for you to return, saying you're their best protector."
Guerin leapt up, fists in the air, "Are you serious? I can get back to my boys??" Jisoo had startled at the sudden motion and laughed at her friends big response.
"Yes I think so. We can get you on it again within a few days. Don't tell them just yet, I want to be there when they find out. I'll tell Woojin as well. I'm sure he'll be happy to be offered a permanent position."
"Jisoooooo!" Guerin crooned, beaming with tears pricking at her eyes. She moved around and patted her friends head, kissing the top of it before hugging her tightly.
Jisoo struggled unconvincingly, "Yah, don't treat your boss like this."
Guerin squeezed her harder, grinning, "Boss I love youuuuuu."
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ketso · 3 years
I love working for Mthunzi. I love it. I am even at school now. He approved a bursary application for me to go ahead and study. He told me that it is important that I never stop developing myself. Sli and I work extremely well together. A lot of people report into Mthunzi. Well, he is the director of the company. We manage his office and he always tells us that we do a good job. We have met his wife and his son. His wife is a beautiful woman and just like Lydia, she got with a married man and won. But I can see why Mthunzi would choose her. She is beautiful and so humble. She is good to him and he is genuinely happy.
Lydia gave birth to a baby girl. Mr Ramaru sent an email announcing it to the company - that's how happy he is about the birth of his baby girl. Her name is Rofhiwa Phatsima Ramaru and he is a man in love. Lydia also got a promotion. If I wasn't working in Mthunzi's office and I didn't hear him fight people like a crazy man for Lydia's promotion, I'd say she slept her way to the top. But Lydia is amazing at what she does and she paved the way for Palesa to be a managing executive. Everyone says that Palesa drowns without Lydia and it's true.
She is still married to Tom, but they don't have much of a relationship. She has told herself that she is the only Mrs Thomas Ramaru and she is not going anywhere. But she's not happy and every time that Tom and Lydia are in one room, the chemistry is just priceless.
Today, I am sitting on a mattress mourning my husband. His funeral is tomorrow. He died from Covid-19 complications. He healed, but the complications lead him to death. He was back to being abusive again, but I still loved him. His family is here, my family is here and Mthunzi sent flowers and R10 000 to contribute towards the burial from him and his Mrs Msomi. She's pregnant so hey, she can't be around funerals.
Sli has been coming every day and helping out with the cooking and cleaning. Working in Mthunzi's office is a million times better than working for Miles and Jackson. I have so much peace knowing that I don't have them breathing down my neck and being insensitive to my role as a family woman. Covid-19 took everybody, but Miles.
"Makoti, the body has arrived", my mother-in-law lets me know.
We prepare for the coffin to come in and I get comfortable on the mattress. My daughters come to sit next to me and my sons stand next to the mattress. I hear the singing starting and I hear his sisters and mother crying already. It is those sharp cries that make me realise and face, for the first time, that I'll never see my husband again. My emotions overcome me. I will never wake up next to him again. And as horrible as this will sound, he will never lay a hand on me ever again. I start falling apart and I feel my daughters trying to comfort me even though they are falling apart as well. I see Sli standing there looking at me, feeling sorry for me really. She looks like she just wants to hug me.
The coffin is placed right in front of me. The singing gets louder.
"Sisi, you have to come open the coffin", his sister says to me.
I look at her. Is she serious? She can see that I'm not going to do that. She tries to pull me up and I feel paralyzed. I cannot get my mind and my body to cooperate with one another. I must go view my husband in the coffin?
Before I know it, I am wailing. My daughters stand up and open the coffin instead. They look at him for a while as if they notice something different about him. My mother-in-law and sisters-in-law now no longer have patience for my unreadiness to view my dead husband. They carry me up and lead me to his coffin.
He is so... peaceful. He looks as if everything that has ever bothered him doesn't bother him anymore. He looks as peaceful as he was on our wedding night - as if everything that needed to be done has been done and now it is time to rest. Except this time, he is resting forever.
I lean into the coffin and lay my head on his chest. This moves everyone. Even the people who are singing are getting emotional now.
"Rest in peace, my love" I say to him as I lift my head off his chest.
Today is my first day back at work. It is a week after my husband's funeral. Mthunzi insisted that I take the week off. That man is too good to us. My kids are also back at school now. We have a car now - a Polo. It is big enough for my four kids and I. My in-laws have gone back to the Eastern Cape and I'm glad. My focus now is my kids. Sli has helped me get bursaries for Unawe to go to university and one of the bursaries has been approved. She is going to study at Wits and I am very happy about that.
I arrived at work early. Now that I have a car, I get to drop off my kids at school and come to work on my schedule, not wait for the bus and and and...
Sli arrives and finds that I have pushed quite a bit.
"Hello. Welcome back" She says, giving me a welcome back balloon and flowers. This girl is too sweet. I smile at her and ask, "What did I miss?"
"Nothing. Just hard work. The boss is coming in early today and Pearl has been MIA for the past week. No one talks about what's wrong with her, not even Thando. But rumour has it that she has been admitted into a mental institution." She informs me.
"Took her long enough", me.
We both chuckle.
There is more! Read the full insert on https://www.k-pable-c.co.za/episode-23/
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