#i still can't tell you what ahsoka was doing in the middle part. carpentry maybe? little of consequence
burr-ell · 2 years
You've never seen the prequel trilogy before??? My dude, you must elaborate on this, I need DETAILS. 👀
confession time: prior to TFA, i hadn't seen any star wars movie in full before, except maybe ANH. star wars has just always been part of pop culture and my brother and dad both loved it, so i sort of absorbed most of it by osmosis. i loved a lot of the ideas of it and i think i even had all of them on dvd, but i'd never actually thought about, like...actually sitting down and watching them the whole way through and paying attention because what am i, a neurotypical?
then @tarisilmarwen started gushing about the obi-wan miniseries and how good it was. i couldn't swing a dead lothcat (it's heavy cultural osmosis) without hitting an obi-wan meta. so i decided to put on my clown makeup, swallow my anti-rodent pride, and pay rickey rat for the privilege.
but see, when you give your money to rickey rat, he gives you an entire menu full of nothing but star wars, having determined based on years of carefully curated market data exactly what you'll do when confronted with a massive library of brightly-colored shiny choices. you say you only wanted one, but did you really? look, it's r2d2! and i, knowing full well i was playing right into his grubby white capitalist gloves, figured "yeah, alright, as long as i'm here". i'm only human, and sometimes the squishy lump of meat housed in my skull desperately wants to binge-watch the five stages of grief as told by laser swords.
so what i didn't do was watch the obi-wan miniseries in isolation. what i DID do was watch the last two episodes of the clone wars, then revenge of the sith, and then the obi-wan miniseries. and then the other two prequels just for more context, and then revenge of the sith again because you can't just end a binge-watch on attack of the clones. (but i freely admit, on that second watch i mostly just skipped to the child murder and cgi sword fights. i came here for angst and i'm not leaving til i get my money's worth.)
i think this is like the star wars equivalent of when you go through a break-up and eat ice cream out of the tub and listen to nothing but lana del rey, except i did all this because i really wanted to see Silver Fox Ewan McGregor being a sad puppy for five hours. i can hear colors, and they sound like lightsabers.
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