#i shrimply donot think. this is doing anything. if i'm being quite honest
water-weaving · 2 days
i feel guilty about wanting to quit therapy because the therapist ive been seeing for about six months is really nice and (i think) very competent but this shit is 1) expensive. holy shit and 2) not really doing anything? i don't really know what i'm here FOR or what it's supposed to DO and i am already hyperaware of all my issues. on account of being The Understander. and i already know and practice all the coping mechanisms and all and i am doing my best to Fix My Life And Mindset anyway so i dont know how one hour of hear-feel-think every two weeks, which costs more than my grocery budget..... really does anything. maybe therapy is just not for me even at its best. anyway i am going to be brave and say that to the therapist later today lol wish me luck
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