#i see the knight symbolism in sent's design and i wanna see where it can go
Transformers animated but instead of Optimus being expelled and becoming a spacebridge technician, it's Sentinel Prime. It's Sentinel Prime who ends up leading team Prime on earth, I'd love to see how their personalities change and what stays the same
Will Sentinel not go down the same xenophobic route, will UM give him his own thinly veiled insult? What will being Ultra Magnus's protégé and becoming the leader of the elite guard do to Optimus (... If he becomes that). Are we heading into "it's only this handful of characters who are shattered glass" territory?? Will we see Sents rank stripped actually bc Ngl that's a definite possibility?
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salmalin · 3 years
What If Rasler Were Trans?
I'm never going to find time to write this as a fic, but a while back I got this possibility in my head that Rasler was Trans. Why? Because Ashe and Rasler bonded really quick, canonically, but outright say it wasn't a political marriage... and my brain immediately jumped to, "What if Rasler is trans and allowed to be herself in private around Ashe?"
But then, after mulling it around a bit, I thought of something infinitely funnier.
Rasler is a trans man who was originally sent to Dalmasca to be Ashe's lady in waiting, but lied on his transcripts.
So. Rasler. Trans man extraordinaire. Why not? It's a fun idea.
So imagine Rasler is being sent to Dalmasca originally to be Ashe's Lady In Waiting. He sees this as an opportunity, you know?
This would explain:
1. Why Rasler is the only Hume Dude in Dalmasca not part of the army who covers his chest on the regular. We even see the King's tits.
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Look. Tits. "They've got on the Fancy Armor", you must be thinking. "Surely it's just decorative." Yeah, so is Rasler's. Rasler is also wearing ceremonial armor. And it is covers Everything. "But Sal, he's from Nabradia, not Dalmasca."
I do not care.
More than that;
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Look at that. That's surprise. Rasler obviously wasn't intended to go into battle. He's just wearing the most conservative armor physically possible in the lineup of ceremonial armors. Even the king's got his tits out. It's hot in Dalmasca -- man knows what he's about. Rasler must be sweltering. (The things we do to cover our chests. Binding. Layers. Full plate armor.)
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Even Ashe wears less than him. She's in a tube top with sleeves and he's in full plate armor in direct sunlight in midday w i t h a c a p e. You cannot tell me that's the decision of a man without a reason. If he is cisgender then that is a lot of decisions and they are all bad.
2. Why Vaan didn't know about Rasler.
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Admittedly, this is a minor note.
3. Ashe and Rasler's relationship.
So in Japan you don't really say "I love you." It's a rare thing to say -- they prefer actions over words, to the point where it's a once in a lifetime thing, depending on how you say it. But also I don't think Ashe and Rasler were in love because if you look at the timeline, they don't get much time together. Barely months. More than that, they don't even present it to the people as such.
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Look at that. Look at that dialogue.
Rasler could totally be trans. Admit it. Admit it.
Ashe looks at him extremely tenderly, and he looks upon her as well. Do I think they had a whirlwind romance? Neither of them really seem like the type. They're both impulsive, but that's for jumping into battle.
BONUS: Not a point, but this gives the "That I be considered worthy" line way more significance because trans reasons and that makes me happy. Especially if the King is in on it.
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Followed by an immediate pan to Ashe:
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That is the face of a woman who knows what's up.
(On a side note, the Viera Lady Knight behind her? Her design is what's UP. I wanna know more about her!)
NOW. We're done with the slideshow. (I promise. There's not many more photos I can add, anyways. Thanks, Tumblr.)
The timeline would be thus.
Rasler's Pops would send him to Dalmasca to be the Lady In Waiting and/or Royal Companion to Princess Ashe because Rasler is miserable in Nabradia. They have a long history of friendship and peace between their countries to the point where the people legit only see their relationship as a political symbol between their Kings. That's Some Freakin' Friendship right there. So naturally it's a safe bet for sending your "princess" to maybe get a fresh start and make some friends.
Now, Rasler? Rasler sees this as a Chance. Rasler knows that no one knows him in Dalmasca. He can be Whoever he wants. So what does he do? He dolls himself up, forges his own papers, and goes to Dalmasca in style *cough* full plate armor *cough* and introduces himself a Prince Rasler of Nabradia, who is there to court the Princess Ashe of Dalmasca (because there's only so much he can forge without someone sending a letter back and the "Princess's Companion" is the best cover to keep him flying under the radar as long as possible.)
N O W. Here's where it gets dicey.
So Ashe finds out pretty quickly, probably. He likely tells her, and she's totally on board with it and she's like, "I respect a man who can fool an entire Kingdom for things that are important but also largely harmless. Also I've got several older brothers -- there's no way I'll have to produce an heir." Cue nervous laughter.
So they hook up! Ashe is totally Rasler's beard and confidant, and they bond over stuff. Bonus points if Ashe is gay and practicing her "in love" face when looking at Rasler to fool people. (I imagine she's pretending to look at that Viera guard we see in the "HYAAAAA" scene.)
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(I mean, look at her. She's incredible. The armor. Her hair. The fact that she could rip your face off but won't, has claws, and wears shoes that could double as a deadly weapon in a pinch. What's not to love? But alas -- forbidden love, because this Viera is very likely at least 30 times Ashe's age. But she can dream, right?)
Anywho, Ashe is Rasler's beard.
Maybe a senator or two is send to Dalmasca, and Rasler has the cajones to show up to the meeting and look the senator dead in the eye and smile, daring him to complicate the relations between their countries. And the senator pulls the King aside as is like, "You do realize... the Princess Rasler is wearing full plate armor, correct?"
And the King is like, "This man is not sane. Please send him back to Nabradia and get us a new senator."
So they do. And the senator brings back the news, and this time they send several more senators, and during the meeting Rasler is just sitting. Right there. Staring at them. Smiling.
So they bow and scrape and treat him like a Prince, and then they leave. And they tell their King, who then makes the trip personally.
And you know what?
He lays eyes on his son -- who was so miserable in Nabradia that he sent him to another freakin' country to make friends -- and sees him smiling and waving at people and talking and being active and potentially in love with the Princess of Dalmasca and he says, "Rasler... you are a man, now."
King's just like
Free Treaty; Free Son.
That's chill. Rasler is happy. Ashe is happy. S'all good.
And then Archades gets up on their shit and moves their dick measuring contest to Nabradia where they proceed to swing a spear between their legs at everyone unfortunate enough to be in slashing distance.
But that's a different story.
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artzychic27 · 4 years
Pure Knight/Blood Knight
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As he put his books in his locker, Nathaniel kept staring lovingly at the photo of Marc he kept inside. A few months after the Reverser incident, he and the writer started dating, and Nathaniel couldn’t be happier.
Marc was so sweet, cute, and just thinking about him always left Nathaniel a blushing mess. Especially when he saw that beautiful smile.
And hopefully, he’d be seeing that smile today. Nathaniel had been noticing something off about Marc- he’s more quiet than usual, he’s been wearing his hood over his head more often, and whenever Nathaniel asked if he wanted to hang out with his friends from class, Marc would either change the subject or say he had plans that day.
“Hey, Rainbow-“
He pauses when he sees his boyfriend, clearly upset. Marc was just lying on his bed, and looking up at the ceiling while listening to music on his headphones- Now Nathaniel was concerned. Marc would only do this whenever he was upset.
He walks over to Marc, pauses the music, and Marc turns his attention to him “Marc? Is something wrong?”
“... No, I just...” He sits up “... It’s just something that someone said.” Nathaniel sits down next to him and kisses him on the cheek.
“C’mon, tell me what happened.” He urges “I’m really worried about you.”
Marc smiled at his boyfriend’s concern, “Well, you know Lila?” Nathaniel frowns at the mention of the She-Demon’s name. She’s wronged the redhead too many times to count. Marc notices his expression “Nath?”
Snapped out of his thoughts, Nathaniel focuses back on Marc “Sorry. What about her?”
“I posted a story on Tumblr that I was proud of, but I guess Lila copied and pasted it on her Tumblr, then she told everyone she wrote it.” A few tears stream down his face “And they all believed her!”
“Oh, Rainbow.” Nathaniel cooed, then kissed him on his forehead “It’ll be okay.”
“No, it won’t. When I tried to tell everyone, they didn’t believe me, and Alya said I was jealous!” He wipes a few tears away. “Only Mari, Alix, Rose, and Juleka believe me.”
“And so do I.” He reminded, then wipes a tear off of Marc’s cheek using his thumb “It’ll get better, okay?”
Marc smiles “Okay.”
“Come on. Let’s work on the comic.”
After three hours of coming up with a storyline and character designs, Nathaniel went home, glad that his boyfriend is happy now. But he wasn’t. That lying fox had wronged him so many times, all because he doesn’t believe her damn lies!
“Accidentally” spilling drinks on his sketchbook, claiming to know a writer who could help improve the Ladybug comics, trying to frame him for stealing art she claimed was hers.
He could forget all of that, all of it, but making Marc cry was something he would not tolerate. He wanted Rossi to perish, not just her though, all of her followers. He just wanted them all to...
Nathaniel remembers he’s in Paris right now. A place where having negative emotions would turn you into a monster. So, he breathed in and out a few times and thought about positive things.
Being with Marc
People loving their comics
Mari having people on her side
Alix, Rose, and Juleka
From where he’s standing, Nathaniel glared at the sausage-haired girl sitting on the bench as she told more stories to her clueless followers flocking around her. He almost pitied them... Almost.
Alix sees what he’s looking at, and rolls her eyes “Just let it go, Nath. They’re all lost causes.”
“Yeah, I’ve done everything I could to help them, but they won’t listen.” Marinette says “If they wanna believe that I’m a jealous bully, let them. No more free clothes and food for them.” She folds her arms
He groans “Fine. But if she says one more thing about Marc again, I’m gonna-“ Rose interrupts him and asks “What’d she say about Marc?”
Answering her question, the Akuma class made comments such as:
“I still can’t believe he tried to steal my story!” The Italian whined
“He’s a fake!”
“He wishes he could write like you!”
“As if you could even call that writing!”
Marinette, Juleka, and Rose stared with their mouths hung open.
“Oh. My. Fucking- Ugh!” Alix exasperated “What the hell is wrong with them? That bitch doesn’t even write!”
Nathaniel continued to glare at the Italian, still trying to think about positive things so he won’t get Akumatized again
Being with Marc
People loving their comics
Mari having people on her side
Alix, Rose, and Juleka
“You should give that fake some lessons.”
... Lila getting what she deserves
“I bet that’s not even his work.”
Alya’s tabloid blog getting blacklisted
That lying bitch getting killed by an Akuma.
Those assholes falling off a big cliff!
His anger diminished when he saw Marc, halfway down the stairs. He was visibly crying, meaning he had heard everything they said. Nathaniel wanted to be angry right now, he did, but seeing Marc like that just made the redhead want to comfort him and tell him he loves him
His anger returned once again when Marc ran upstairs in tears.
It was probably enough to attract an Akuma, but he didn’t care. Those idiots deserved what was coming to them... But he didn’t want Marc to get akumatized...
Before Alix, Juleka, Rose, or Marinette could go over and tell them off, Nathaniel grabbed an apple out of Marinette’s lunch bag, silently thanked his parents for making him participate in two years of baseball, and chucked it at Lila while she wasn’t looking, hitting her right in her fat forehead, and ran out the courtyard while his classmates looked for the culprit.
Nathaniel could hear the wings flapping as he ran, and knew an Akuma was after him. The flapping got louder, and Nathaniel prepared to get akumatized once again, but the butterfly flew right past him... Marc!
He picked up more speed and ran right past the Akuma. After about a minute of running, Nathaniel found Marc crying in the art room and ran in to comfort him.
“Don’t cry, Marc, please don’t cry.” He whispers to Marc, hoping to calm him down before the Akuma would sense his negativity. “They’re wrong! You’re an amazing writer! I love you, Rainbow.”
The sound of the flapping of butterfly wings got closer. Nathaniel and Marc saw that the Akuma was in the room with them, and trying to pick which out of the two it would Akumatize. It was so hard for it to choose. Nathaniel’s anger and frustration were tempting, but it has originally been sent to go after Marc.
Being with Marc
People loving their comics
Mari having people on her side
Alix, Rose, and Juleka
“You should give that fake some lessons.”
“I know a way better writer.”
“As if you could even call that writing!”
Nathaniel pushed those thoughts in the back of his mind, got up, and stood between his boyfriend and the Akuma.
“Stay away from him!”
He couldn’t let Marc get akumatized again, he just couldn’t! He tried to keep his negative emotions down, but they were too strong. He kept thinking about his classmates. How they’ve hurt his friends, his boyfriend. How Lie-La made Marinette and Marc’s lives a living hell. The rage consumed him, that was enough for the Akuma to finally chose its target, and go in Nathaniel’s yin-yang necklace.
“Nath!” Marc cried as he saw Hawkmoth’s symbol appear on the face of his boyfriend. “Don’t listen to him, please!”
“What you did for the one you love was very noble of you. Almost like a Knight. I’m giving you the power to protect your love at all costs from those who dare try to hurt him.”
“Get out of my head!”
“You will go by two names. Blood Knight, a rage-filled seeker of vengeance. An unstoppable force to be reckoned with. The other, Pure Knight, protector of the innocent, and the defenseless.”
Nathaniel thought about Lila and Alya. Their smug faces whenever Marinette looked miserable, and the lies they spread about his friends. They would all pay...
“You yearn for justice, and to protect the one you love. In return for this power, you must give me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous’. Do we have a deal?”
“I will protect him with my life.” He swore as the black and purple mist bubbles up from his necklace and surrounded him. When it lifted, Nathaniel was replaced by an armored figure, about a foot taller than him. The armor he was wearing was pure white with blue highlights. The helmet’s visor has a blue butterfly-shaped mark, and the helmet’s comb is a light blue. In his hand is a golden shield with a red and white yin-yang symbol. And around his neck was a necklace with a light blue orb.
Pure Knight heard shuffling from behind him and turned to see Marc has backed himself into a corner. He walks over to the crying boy and kneels before him as if he were royalty.
“Nath?” Marc whispered in horror.
He shook his head “I am Pure Knight. Your protector. I vow to be your shield, and smite those who have wronged you.” He takes Marc’s hand in his armored one
“They all will pay for their transgressions. No one shall ever harm you again, my prince.”
Marinette, Rose, and Juleka were trying to hold Alix back from knocking some sense into their idiot classmates.
“Alix, you said it yourself! They’re lost causes!” Marinette said as she pulled Alix by her arms
“Fuck that! They can mess with us all they want, but when they talk trash about Marc, I get crazy!” She argued, still trying to pull her limbs free, but stumbled when the sound of something metallic rang through the air.
Everyone looked to the middle of the courtyard and saw a large broadsword drop down, the point embedding itself on the floor. Holding the sword was Blood Knight. Unlike Pure Knight, his armor was black with blood-red highlights. The orb on the necklace was black. The same yin-yang symbol that was on the shield is now in the middle of the cross-guard of the sword.
Everyone took a step back as Blood Knight pulled his sword out from the floor. He looked at the Akuma class before his eyes settled on Lila. Then, something overcame him, and he surged forwards, pushing away the others to grab Lila by the front of her shirt and hold her up
“Put me down” She wailed “I didn’t do anything!”
“LIES!” He yelled, “Every word you say is nothing but a lie!”
“Nath?” Alix asked as she slowly walked over to the red knight “O-okay. Look, just put Lila down-“
“I have no quarrels with you, Alix. And unless you wish to meet the business end of my sword, you will let me do what should have been done long ago.”
“OW!” Everyone turned their heads to see Kim, clutching his fist in pain, possibly caused by trying to punch the Akuma.
Blood Knight throws Lila to the floor, then faces Kim. The athlete tries to look intimidating, but fails due to the height difference “...You weak, disposable maggot.” He said as he pointed the broadsword to Kim’s neck “You claim to be a defender of the bullied, and yet you aid one.”
Kim frowned “Lila’s not a-!”
In a split second, Blood Knight’s broadsword cleaved right through Kim. Everyone watched in horror as Kim’s figure disappeared in a puff of red smoke. Many students fled the courtyard, not wanting to be next.
“One down...” He turns to the rest of the class, who are still in shock “So many more to go.” He points his sword to Lila, who’s being held protectively by Alya “You are a danger to my Prince!”
Lila once again brought out the crocodile tears “But he’s the one bullying me!” She added a lip quiver for effect “He steals my stories and claim they’re his!”
Blood Knight growled under his helmet “Speak the truth now, or I will show you no mercy!” He pulled Lila out of Alya’s hold
Bring her reign to an end!
“I’m not lying!” She insists
“... Fine.” Thinking she’s won, Lila sighs with relief “Then your dark soul shall perish!” He raises his sword, the metal gleams in the light. Lila pales, knowing she, for once, won’t be able to lie her way out of danger.
Students look away, not wanting to see this again.
A second before he could bring this lying fox to justice, he felt something wrap around his armored wrist. ‘Who dares to defend this lying witch?’, he thought
“Nath, please!”
Hearing the cry of his prince, he turns his head to see that he’s the one holding onto his wrist. He takes a look at Marc’s face and sees the look of distress.
Kill her. Do it now!
He’s upset. Protect Marc! Keep him safe!
Blood Knight’s armor fades from red to white, and a bright light consumes the sword. When it dims, the shield is in its place.
“I know you’re still in there, Nath. You’d never want to hurt anyone...”
“My prince... I... I...”
Marc smiles, believing he’s getting through to him.
“I should’ve known!” Lila wailed, “You got Nathaniel akumatized so he could hurt me!”
The Akuma class, sans Alix, Rose, and Juleka, start hurling insults at the boy.
Kill them! All of them!
They hurt the prince!
Do you want to protect the prince? Kill them!
Rage consumes Pure Knight, and he becomes Blood Knight once again. Instead of the liar and her posse, he turns to Alix, Juleka, and Rose. In a flash, the blade sliced through them. But instead of them disappearing into smoke, their clothing transformed into pure white and gold armor, and in their hands were gold shields with yin-yang symbols
“Shieldmaidens, dispose of this lying fox!” Blood Knight commanded
“Yes, Blood Knight.” Alix, Juleka, and Rose responded in emotionless voices, then turned to the Akuma class. Before they could strike, Ladybug’s yoyo wraps around Lila’s waist and pulls her towards the spotted and leather-clad heroes, who are at the top of the steps
“I didn’t need your help! I could’ve taken them on myself!” Lila complains
Instead of Ladybug rolling her eyes, she just says, “You know, maybe I’ll just let Blood Knight take care of you, make our jobs a whole lot easier.”
Chat Noir plays along “Yeah, you get akumatized a lot, so this would be a win.”
“Okay! Just get rid of them!”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Ladybug says as she retracts her yoyo. Then she and Chat jump down in front of Blood Knight. Ladybug addresses the rest of the students still in the courtyard “Everyone, get out of here!” The students either took cover in the classrooms or run out of the school.
Marc is about to run but he was suddenly pushed into Blood Knight’s chest, his arm around him in a protective hold
He sighs, “And here I was thinking you two defended the weak!” He turned to the shieldmaidens “Don’t let them leave!” He hoisted Marc in his arms and jumped to the roof of the school as the writer screamed for dear life.
“FOR THE PRINCE!” The three shieldmaidens let out battle cries and surged forward to duel Ladybug and Chat Noir.
One short battle later, and the shieldmaidens are trapped in the lockers with no way of getting out, thanks to Chat Noir put a broomstick through the handles.
They make their way outside where many students and teachers are gathered
“Is everyone alright?” They all nod and say that they’re okay.
Aurore walks up to the two heroes
“Two more students were turned into shieldmaidens, and kidnapped Alya and Lila!” She explained frantically
“This is their fault!” One male student yelled as he pointed to the Akuma class. “If it weren’t for that lying bitch and that damn tabloid writer, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“She’s right.” A blonde girl agreed “I heard the shit you guys said about Marc, that’s why Nathaniel got akumatized! All because you believed some lying skeeze!”
“You’re all idiots!”
“Why don’t we just let Nath kill you right here, right now?!”
The students of the Akuma class who were on Lila’s side got into a verbal brawl with the other students over if Lila is a liar or not, and whose fault this was. As the commotion gets louder, a loud whistle sounds out. Everyone turns to see Chat Noir with his thumb and pointer finger in his mouth.
“You can all this discuss this later! Right now, does anyone have an idea where Nathaniel took Marc, Alya, and Lila?”
“Alya might be live-streaming for the Ladyblog.” A boy calls out “You can see where they’re going.”
“Of course! Someone bring up the Ladyblog!” Ladybug ordered
Aurore did so, and the live-stream was running, showing Alya in the clutches of one of the shieldmaidens jumping on the rooftops
“Hey, viewers! Once again, I’ve been kidnapped by a supervillain!” She said while blowing out some of her hair that was getting in her face “At least this one is less handsy!”
“She’s not the best journalist, but you gotta admire this girl’s commitment.” Chat Noir commented, to which Aurore rolled her eyes.
Alya then panned her phone around to show Marc, now in Pure Knight’s arms, looking terrified from being up so high and flinching every time Pure Knight landed on a roof.
“If this faker hadn’t stolen Lila’s story, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
She phone pans to show Lila, also terrified as she’s hoisted over a shieldmaiden’s shoulder
“Lila, care to comment?”
“Ladybug and Chat Noir, get off your fat lazy butts and HELP ME, YOU IDIOTS!” Lila screamed in response
Alta pointed the camera back to her. Confusion is visible on her face. The superheroes scowled. That girl had some nerve. The Akuma class also looks confused. Wasn’t Lila supposed to be Ladybug’s best friend?
“It looks like he’s heading for the Tower. And before he left, I think I heard him say something about the perfect kingdom for his prince.” Aurore says
We’ll have our kingdom, my prince.
It will be perfect like you.
What about our revenge?!
Justice will be brought shortly.
Pure Knight turned his attention to Marc, still cradled in his arms with his eyes shut tight. Ever since he became Reverser and almost plummeted to his death, Marc had a terrible fear of heights. Pure Knight gently put Marc down, and when he opened his eyes, he found that they were at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Noticing his uneasiness, Pure Knight pulls Marc closer to his chest “It will all be over soon, my prince.” He turns to the shield maidens and gives a small nod. At that, they drop Lila and Alya with an audible thunk
“You clumsy idiots!” Lila screeched
“I’ve had just about enough of you.” His armor becomes blood-red, and the broadsword returns, much to the two girls’ horror
“S-so, Blood Knight. Any reason you brought us to the Eiffel Tower?” Alya asked, pointing her phone to the Akuma
“So all of Paris can witness the downfall of this liar! She’s going to tell everyone who she really is!”
Alya was becoming frustrated “Lila is not a liar! Why does everyone-“
“SILENCE!” He is about to silence the reporter with his sword but froze when he felt Marc hold onto his arm. He looked into the boy’s pleading eyes and sighed in defeat, “You should be grateful my Prince is merciful, otherwise, I would not hesitate to slice both your necks open.”
The sword starts to glow a bright red
“It is time for you to tell the truth once and for all, Rossi!” He yelled
Lila was about to get up and run, but the two shieldmaidens held her by her wrists. Blood Knight approached her with his sword still aglow. He points the tip of it to her forehead, and Lila began to glow red.
The light dimmed, and the shieldmaidens released her. Lila fell to her knees, clutching her head in pain. Alya was about to help her, but she was met with the sharp tip of Blood Knight’s sword and went back to recording.
“Now tell all of Paris, Rossi. What have you lied about?”
“I... I... I HATE LADYBUG! I WANT HER DEAD! I CAN'T STAND HER!” Lila screamed against her will
Blood Knight nearly dropped his sword out of shock, clearly not expecting that.
“When Adrien’s friend got akumatized into Oni-Chan, I tricked Chat Noir into leaving Ladybug so she would face the Akuma alone. That sword should’ve killed her!” Lila snarled “And I’ve been working with Hawkmoth ever since so I could finally get rid of her!”
Alya and Marc’s jaws hung open. Seeing just how dangerous this girl really was, Blood Knight transformed into Pure Knight and held his shield in front of Marc
“Continue.” He ordered
“That bitch ruined my chance with Adrien! So what if I lied about being some stupid fox hero? She should’ve minded her own fucking business!”
Alya scowled and watched as the comments rolled in on the Ladyblog. A few were jabs at her, but almost all of them were aimed towards the Italian
“Then there’s Maribrat! She’s just as worse as Ladybug! I tried to get her expelled, but look how that turned out! God, I just want those two idiots dead!”
Alya shuddered at that statement. She was now starting to regret how she treated Marinette for so long.
“All she had to do was fall in line like the rest of that dumbasses! But she decided to start a war, same for that skater girl, the pink idiot, the freak, that loser artist, and that f*g!” She pointed to Marc, whose eyes widened in shock at what he had just been called
Pure Knight’s armor began to fade from white to red “What. Else?” He growled
“I’ve never been to Achu! Jagged Stone never wrote a song about me, Clara Nightingale didn’t steal my dance moves, I never saved Jagged Stone’s cat!” She yelled
Alya’s confusion and horror morphed into rage. If her grip around her phone got any tighter, the screen would probably crack.
Back at the school, everyone is watching the live stream on their phones. Every student gives the Akuma class smug looks while they just look away, embarrassed and ashamed for believing the Italian’s lies
“And Adrien’s dad hired me to spy on him in exchange for a modeling contract! He wanted me to keep Adrien away from bad influences, and I was trying to isolate him away from those losers so he’d only have me!”
Chat Noir, who was vaulting from rooftop to rooftop scowled as he heard the live-streams from people’s phones. He knew his father was an ass, but this was just sick.
“Then I stole that sissy’s story and claimed it was mine!” She glared at Marc, who was still in Pure Knight’s protective hold “He had the nerve to call me out when I said I wrote his dumb Ladybug fanfiction! If I could, I’d push him off the railing right now!”
Pure Knight let out a yell, and Blood Knight was back in his place, somehow appearing more menacing than before. He’d gotten what he wanted- For all of Paris to know the truth about this wretched girl. Now to do everyone a favor, and deliver a final blow, then his prince would be safe from her lies.
The sound of Ladybug’s yo-yo whizzing by is heard. Before Blood Knight could react, the end of the spotted hero’s weapon wrapped around his wrist, refraining him from using his sword. The heroes land between him and Marc. In Ladybug’s other hand is a tube of lipstick
“You dare to stand in the way of justice?!”
“Nathaniel, this isn’t justice! It’s revenge! Ladybug tried to reason, but to no avail
“Don’t call me that! I am Blood Knight! And as long as I’m here, no one will harm my prince ever again!”
Blood Knight pulls on his sword and flings Ladybug over the railing. She manages to hold on by one hand
“Shieldmaidens, advance!”
The two shieldmaidens surge towards Chat Noir who uses his staff like a sword against their shields. Alya rushes towards Ladybug, making sure to keep an eye on Lila in case she tries anything, and pulls her up
“Thanks, Alya.” Ladybug looks around for any way to use her Lucky Charm
Chat Noir Cataclysms the sword so Blood Knight will be forced to be defensive
Have Marc distract Pure Knight
Take the necklace while Pure Knight is distracted
“That’s it! Chat, cataclysm his sword!” She ordered
“On it, m’lady!” Chat nodded and called out “CATACLYSM!” He maneuvered past the shieldmaidens, knocking them down with his staff along the way, then ran over to Blood Knight and touched his sword just before he could swing it at the hero. The sword disappeared in his hands into black ash.
Ladybug looked over at Marc, yelled, “Heads up!” then threw her yoyo at him. Pure Knight rushed in front of him with his shield up and deflected the weapon. Repeatedly, Ladybug threw the yoyo at the shield, making Pure Knight keep it up.
While Ladybug does this, she tosses the lipstick over to Marc. He looks confused for a moment until Ladybug winks. He gets the message.
Protect him!
They won’t take him away!
“Pure Knight?”
Is the Prince okay?
Help him!
Pure Knight kept his shield steady as he turned his head towards his prince. Marc couldn’t see it, but he was blushing under that helmet. How could he not when his prince looked so... So innocent. He was clinging to his arm for safety, he had dough eyes, and... Were his lips always that shade of pink? He looked so beautiful...
Pure Knight felt the writer’s hand reach up to the visor of his helmet, and lift it to reveal his red face. Marc smiles, relieved to see Nathaniel under the cold armor. He tenderly strokes his cheek and stood on his toes so he could reach his lips.
Pure Knight’s grip on his shield loosened as he kissed the soft lips of his prince. The shield fell to the floor with a thunk as he wrapped his arms around his Prince’s waist, and lifted him to his face so Marc wouldn’t have to crane his neck up.
They were so oblivious to the world around them. They didn’t notice Alya was still live streaming, Chat Noir trying not to squeal, and Ladybug, sneaking up behind Pure Knight, grabbing the necklace, and throwing it to the floor.
The Akuma flew out, only to be caught by Ladybug’s yo-yo.
“No more evil-doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilize!”
The purified butterfly fluttered out of the yoyo
“Bye-bye, little butterfly.” Ladybug told it, then threw the lipstick into the air “MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!”
 The thousands of ladybugs flew around the town, fixing any damage caused by the Akuma. Alix, Juleka, and Rose returned to normal and were standing outside with the other students. Kim was brought back. The other two shieldmaidens reverted back to their former selves. And the truth curse on Lila was lifted.
Black and purple mist engulfed Pure Knight, then lifted to reveal Nathaniel, his head resting on Marc’s shoulder. He looks around, confused
“Rainbow? Where am I?” He asked, but then noticed his yin-yang necklace on the floor, Ladybug and Chat Noir, and realized what happened “Oh my God.“ he looked to Marc, concerned “I didn’t hurt you, did-“ He didn’t finish as Marc hugged him tightly
“Don’t you ever do that again.” He whispered
“I... I didn’t want you to get akumatized again.” Nathaniel said as he ran his fingers through Marc’s hair “I love you, Rainbow.”
”I love you too, Nath.”
“You could’ve gotten here sooner, you know!” Lila screeched “I HATE YOU LADYBUG! HATE YOU!”
“WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE FUCKING CUNT?!” Ladybug cursed, much to everyone’s shock “I AM SO FUCKING DONE WITH YOU! I can live with you getting akumatized five dame times, hurting an innocent student, but I will not tolerate homophobia! Don’t think I didn’t hear what you said about Marc on the live-stream!”
Lila backed away, actually afraid, but bumped into Chat Noir who was snarling
“I should’ve cataclysmed you instead.”
Lila scoffed “Like you’d hurt me! Imagine everyone’s reactions when they see Ladybug and Chat Noir hurting an innocent civilian!”
“You’re just a little dumbass, aren’t you?” Ladybug asked coldly “Did you seriously forget that Alya has been live-streaming this whole time?” Lila paled as she saw the phone in Alya’s hands, and the news-choppers recording the scene “All of Paris heard every. Fucking. Thing.”
Chat Noir places a hand on her shoulder, and dug his claws in “And I’m sure the feds would love to hear how you’ve been working with a terrorist for the past three months.”
Lila tries to lie her way out of this once again “Th-they were all lies!” She claimed as she brought out the crocodile tears “The Akuma made me say them! He was just doing what Marc told him to because he’s jealous-“ She’s finally silence when a fist collided with her face. She falls to the floor with a thud.
Everyone looked at Alya, shocked.
“That’s for turning me against my best friend!” She yelled. No one noticed the touched look on Ladybug’s face
The police arrested Lila, and she was sent to life in prison for working with a terrorist, forging signatures, stealing money from students that were meant for charities, and many more. She went to a prison in Italy, because she was still kinda pissed about being exposed, and Hawkmoth could easily send an Akuma and allow her to break out.
Alya was the first to apologize to Marinette. The bluenette accepted her apology, but it would be a while before she could forgive Alya and the rest of her classmates. Adrien also apologized for giving her such stupid advice. It would also be a while before Marinette could forgive him.
Nevertheless, she still hung out with them, and their friendship slowly rekindled.
Marc and Nathaniel also received apologies, same for Alix, Rose, and Juleka for being treated as outcasts and badmouthed for months. Like Marinette, it would take time for them to forgive the Akuma class.
And Marc made Nathaniel swear to never be stupid and take an Akuma like that again. If the redhead weren’t so cute, Marc would gladly knock some sense into him.
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