#i see tbis mostly on tiktok shock horror i know but i've seen some insane replies and posts on here too
shopcat · 5 months
i feel like one of the funniest things ever as a normal human being who has been online for one billion years and knows what things mean is when someone's like "you guys always shun/get rid of the canonical girlfriend or female love interest even if she's a cool character just for your stupid gay ship which means you're actually bad people" like not to sound like one of those crazy fandombrained idiot people but when the fuck has pairing characters together or shipping ever been about making sure they're ... single beforehand. in fact isn't most of the entire point of modern shipping being about not liking the canonical love interests as much and preferring the different non-canon dynamic. the entire point is they aren't dating in canon and you want to see them dating. i don't mean in the way of like, obviously fandom misogyny is a thing and that DOES happen, but very much in general the vibe of liking non-canon dynamics is not Implied Infidelity or whatever concoction you've come up with. are you from venus. is this your first day on earth. oh it is dire
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