#i saw your steins gate post and i was like??? i don't remember posting this. oh it wasn't me ok😭
glitchcel ¡ 9 months
zero escape fans when we have only one profile picture
Help I thought this was me 😭 Well it's a great one at least
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selfships-in-spanish ¡ 3 years
The Queen of Demons
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Pairing: Erwin Smith x OC, Levi Ackerman x OC
Rating: Gen (the rating will go up as the story advances! But it will totally be explicit ;D)
Warnings: None for now, but sexist and misogynist upbringing (Eva's father is a huge asshole).
Word Count: 2.085
A/N: This is it! The first chapter of the Arranged Marriage!AU I've been working and drawing about! I'll be posting it on AO3 too since I don't know if Tumblr will screw me over again and give me trouble for posting text >_> This wouldn't be possible without @spirit-in-the-library's help, so I got so much to thank my friend for <3 I really hope you enjoy the story, I've got so much written and planned already jajajaja Enjoy!
The scenery before her was breathtakingly beautiful, although it sent her a chill down her spine as she knew she went further into the unknown and her sealed fate. Snow was pretty, but silent and deadly too, and these woods weren’t familiar to her. The serene landscape didn’t calm her as it should have, only sending her nerves into a spiral of never-ending anxiety.
The cold bit at her hands and feet, the carriage did what it could in matters of isolating the cold, and she burrowed further into the thick winter coat, clinging desperately to it. Her handmaiden, Flora, looked pitiful too, her cloak not as thick as Eva’s. They tried to talk to ease both their minds, but it turned out it was better to let silence reign over them and try to enjoy the ride and the scenery as much as they could. Eva had never ventured this far when she accompanied her brothers on their diplomatic missions, Flora always excitedly travelling with her, eager to know the neighbouring kingdoms and people; she was a social hurricane and always ended up making friends with all the other maids (Eva made sure Flora could send letters and gifts, often pulling strings herself to make sure the packages were delivered safely), so both women knowing this was their final travel sent a freezing cold knot deep in their guts.
Eva saw Flora shiver, and with a tiny smile she scooted over, making room for her handmaiden under her cloak.
“Come here, I don’t want you to freeze.”
“Your skirt will wrinkle, your Highness.”
“As if it wasn’t wrinkled enough from sitting here for God knows how many hours. Come here, you stubborn mule.”
Flora snorted but obeyed, not wanting to be in the cold any longer. Eva covered them both, cuddling and letting out a sigh as she let her cheek rest on Flora’s head, looking out of the carriage’s window. She always hated the cold.
Eva probably dozed off while Flora was talking about some silly nothings, lulled by the rocking of the carriage and the shared warmth under her thick winter cloak. She realised Flora put her hood on so she didn’t let her neck stick out for too long.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty! I won’t let Diana know you fell asleep listening to her epic romance with the guard captain’s son.”
“God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Please don’t tell her, she wouldn’t stop reminding me of it.” Eva rubbed her temples, still hazy.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Flora crossed her heart and looked at Eva trying to stifle a giggle. She failed, and both women laughed out loud, picturing Diana’s irked expression and waving hands.
They kept looking out of the window, enjoying the small moments as this one; they both knew they would be sparse now.
The landscape outside the window changed, having less never-ending fields of pure white snow and heavily covered trees and mountains, to more fenced fields with cattle and horses roaming around with some lonesome wooden houses in an architectural style so different from the ones back home.
Eva’s heart thumped painfully in her chest, knowing the carriage ride was about to end as they neared the fearsome warrior’s village walls. Flora squeezed her when the carriage came to a stop, trying to reassure the princess upon seeing the gate guards on the entrance talking with the royal soldiers at the start of the entourage, and the tremendous amount of people running around inside the village as both women peeked from the cold glass. They looked at each other in a silent and mutual exchange of comfort.
The townsfolk stopped on their tracks upon seeing the carriages entering the village, their gazes wary and distrustful,  a contrast to the children shouting excitedly at the shiny armour the royal guards wore. Their mothers stood proudly, in defiance, reminding Eva of the fierce stray cats that roamed the Royal Palace gardens, hissing and standing tall whenever someone approached their kittens. Eva recalled the talk she overheard of Father and his advisors about this nation of warriors, how every single one of them had the blood of a terrifying fighter running inside their veins, how every single member of their society was trained to enter combat. Demons , that’s what her Father called them more than once, The Demons of Eldia. Whether that was true or not, Eva was downright terrified. Hostility was clear in their eyes and postures, not happy at seeing foreigners entering freely their territory. How did Father suppose she could survive this?
The carriages kept going, entering further into the maze of beautifully crafted houses. Flora parted from her embrace with Eva, knowing they would step out of the secluded space soon, and would need to make Eva look as if she hadn’t spent countless hours inside a wooden box; she had to make a perfect first impression. Eva wondered how different the village would look without all the snow covering every inch of it. Would it look as intimidating, but still beautiful, as it looked now?
Lost in her thoughts and Flora’s fussing, the entourage stopped in front of the biggest house Eva saw until now. It was massive, artfully crafted by the best artisans when it was built. Intricate markings decorated the wooden pillars holding everything together, and Eva could tell they had a meaning for these people. Right in front of the steps Eva saw more Eldian warriors, and in the middle stood those who Eva guessed probably were the welcoming party. She wondered how this Chief her father gave her hand into marriage was. Would he be a decrepit old man? A greedy one with lecherous fingers? A barbarian who would only use her for his own gratification? Was this Chief so entitled to himself and his pride that he would not even step down his throne, or the equivalent these people used, to greet them properly? What saddened her deeply was how her brothers, Hans and Friederich, agreed with Father.
Her questions would be answered in just a moment, hearing how the other two carriages, where her older brothers were, opened their doors, their heavy boots falling down the snow with a solid thud. Both women heard voices and movement outside. It was time.
“Remember, your Highness,” Flora began, giving her hands a final squeeze. “You have the strength to proudly hold your head high. The people of Gottesreich are by your side in here.” Flora touched with her finger where Eva’s heart was. “And I will be right behind you.
Eva let out a shaky exhale, a trembling smile on her lips.
“Thank you, Flora.”
The door of the carriage opened and a gush of freezing cold air hit both women. Flora tightened her cloak around her and waited patiently for Eva to exit first. It was Friederich who came to get her, gracing Eva with a tired smile while he offered his hand to help her out. Eva delicately posed her hand on the outstretched hand of his brother, the other pulling slightly up the skirt of the dress so she wouldn’t accidentally step on it and cause a scene. God forbid that happened, she couldn’t afford any humiliating mishaps of any kind. Eva stepped aside as Friederich also helped Flora out, and turned just once to see her sister following him behind, still with her hood pulled up; that was definitely Flora’s doing, knowing how the woman liked the tiny dramatics. Friederich huffed, amused.
Once they stopped just right next to Hans, his stance truly the epitome of a proud and regal prince, a member of the Eldian welcoming party walked over them, bowing their head lightly and making his light brown hair move.
“The people of Eldia welcomes you, your Highnesses, and hope you had a pleasant and safe trip.” The man had a soothing voice, calm, and such feelings carried into his eyes. “My name is Moblit and I’ll be your interpreter throughout your stay.”
“I’m pleased to make your acquaintance, Moblit. I’m prince Hans Stein, heir to the throne of Gottesreich.” The crown prince bowed, right hand on his chest, and waited for Moblit to translate his words into the Eldian language. Looking at each one of the Eldians of the welcoming party, Hans turned to his other two siblings. “This is the second prince of Gottesreich, and General of our troops, Friederich Stein,” Friederich mimicked his brother, bowing respectfully too with his right hand on his chest as Moblit kept translating. “And last, princess Eva Stein, our younger sister.”
Eva felt her hands tremble and not because of the cold. She could feel everyone’s eyes fixed on her although she kept her own to the floor as her father taught her— never look at them in the eyes, only when you are being presented, but then quickly look away, never speak unless you are being spoken and addressed first, never—
She could do this.
Eva raised her hands, carefully lifting the hood of the cloak so it wouldn’t disturb her hair and tiara, and let it fall gracefully on her shoulders. She raised her head to proudly display her long neck, knowing it was being accentuated by the collar of the dress she was wearing, and looked at each member of the welcoming party before elegantly bowing towards the Eldians while delicately lifting the sides of the dress skirt as she was taught as a child. Once done, Eva returned to the position she was before: gloved hands in front of her, clasped together, head slightly tilted downwards and her eyes refusing to meet anyone’s unless she was required to do so. Father would be proud of how well she performed.
Some warriors whispered to each other, and Eva didn’t know if to feel grateful to not know what were they saying. It was just a quick glimpse as she wasn’t able to properly focus, but, where were the horns? The claws? The evil smiles with mouths full of sharp teeth? Her books depicted Eldia as demons, as creatures taking humanoid forms but with grotesque features. Eva couldn’t help but to feel thoroughly confused at the difference. Were the books wrong? Were they waiting for the right moment to show their true selves...?
A deep baritone voice quieted all the murmurs, speaking in a calm and collected tone that didn’t leave room for questioning. Eva would have called it a beautiful voice if she wasn’t being eaten alive by her fear and anxiety. The voice kept talking, and was now joined by Moblit’s translations. It was time to raise her eyes again.
“We welcome you, your Highnesses, and thank Goddess Maria for your safe journey to our land.” Eva briefly looked at Moblit, and was taken aback by the gentle appearance he displayed; she expected a brute, like her books said, but was met with soft amber eyes and sandy brown hair. Her attention was swiftly moved to the Eldians before them as Moblit gestured towards them. “My name is Erwin Smith, Chief of the proud Eldian tribe, and I’m pleased to make your acquaintance too, your Highnesses.”
Eva’s eyes frantically fixed on the man Moblit was gesturing with his hand and claimed to be the Eldian Chief. Her husband to be. Eva was met with an icy blue gaze and intense like the sea she saw once when she traveled with Hans to a southern kingdom, but Eva noticed a hidden cleverness behind the stern glare. The eyes belonged to a handsome face, with sharp and chiselled features like his cheekbones, a beautiful aquiline nose and thick, blonde brows framing his face. His blonde hair was neatly parted to the side and Eva never saw a haircut such as the one he was displaying, both short and even shorter hair, but judging by the other Eldians, it was a common style. He was big, tall, and Eva saw the true poise and demeanor of a proud warrior. The blue war paint smeared on his face and exposed arms made Eva unconsciously gulp down; he looked terrifying. Even if the Chief was wearing thick clothing, there was no doubt there weren’t feeble sticks for limbs underneath them.
The princess was taken aback, unable to tear her gaze away from the Chief’s ones, and going against all her modal teachings. Those blue eyes were hypnotic and unreadable, like his face.
That was the man she was going to marry.
Erwin Smith.
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flurrin ¡ 5 years
Hey, I saw one of your older posts saying how Midna isn't a tsundere, could you maybe explain that a bit more if that's alright. P.S. I don't like the Twilight Princess manga either and I liked your posts about how the manga messed up Midna and Link's character/story. The manga is just...NOT the Twilight Princess I know and love. Not even the Midlink moments can make it up for me (yes, I'm a Midlink shipper don't judge me).
Sure! For those who don’t know (and are rightly wary of googling anime terms), a tsundere is a Japanese character trope where a female love interest is mean to the protagonist because she likes him, gradually warming up over the course of the show to be nice to him even though her feelings were clear from the beginning. (Since I hate the trope, I’m going to go on a brief tangent to plug a GREAT example of a tsundere: Kurisu Makise from Steins;Gate, who is irritable towards the main character because he’s obnoxious to her when they first meet and warms up to him only when he starts acting like a gentleman and/or comes to her for help. Her behavior is also influenced by her experience with physically abusive men, which is a great detail, because it means she puts up walls between herself and the protagonist to protect herself for a very good reason.)
Midna is not this! She has a few of the trappings, of course--she calls Link idiotic, she has a little fang, she’s irritable, etc. But that’s just shallow surface resemblance, and a tsundere characterization here is not an added complexity, it actually makes her a flatter character. In the game, Midna’s character is very clearly motivated: she lost her throne and she wants it back (drive), humans are beneath her or openly against her (hostility), and at the beginning of the game she doesn’t even LIKE Link--she tolerates him because she wants to use him (baiting him constantly), and she admits to that later. Her growth FROM being this character is very important. She doesn’t get sweet and vulnerable just because she grows to like Link. Ultimately her biggest attitude change (but not the only one, if you’re checking for subtleties in the way she speaks) is just before Zelda sacrifices herself for Midna. She’s realized at this point, from Link’s interactions with the children and others, that the people of this world AREN’T stupid or evil, that they’re people just like the Twili, and worth saving, and when Zelda gives her the chance to save both worlds, she takes that responsibility very seriously for the rest of the game, but more importantly, takes on humbled language with Link (a commoner, but her FRIEND!), asking him to accompany her instead of forcing him to.
I can’t give you good examples from the manga because I didn’t continue reading and much of it is, mercifully, wiped from my brain at this point. But from what I remember, Himekawa wants Midna to already be in love with Link near the very beginning of the story, because she wants female readers to invest in that romance (because NOTHING ELSE is interesting to female readers, right) and that just doesn’t fit her character--she can’t be distracted from the horrible tragedy her people are facing that easily, and she shouldn’t be flipping between “It’s not like I LIKE you, b-baka” and “Zant enslaved my people and cursed me” it’s SUCH a tonal problem. Like my other posts says, it’s better for Midna to be monstrous at the beginning so we can see how far she’s come. It’s okay if she’s not likeable or beautiful (THEY SHOWED HER TRUE FORM ON THE FIRST FRICKING PAGE) because Link is the one we’re following, and she’ll be with him for the long haul.
I’m a MidLink shipper too (I’m a multishipper anyway), honestly I think Twilight Princess’s narrative has GREAT potential for romance, but Midna has to be a well-rounded character to benefit from that--she has her own goals and motivations and so does Link and it’s only when they start to work together that their relationship shines.
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