#i rlly do just yap in my tags huh
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✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
🪩 Do you have any "good" writing habits you want to cultivate?
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
putting under a readmore bc surprise surprise i’m yapping (also my snippet kinda long)
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
so tbh i am very much used to writing for fandoms / ships no one gives a shit about over the years LMAO + also most of my writing in the last year has been for original stuff, so i’m very used to not getting any feedback hahaha. for some reason, the things i’ve been inclined to write fanfiction for have almost always been stuff that’s not gonna draw much of a crowd anyway. like… in my opinion, one of the best things i’ve ever written (and also most personal, wrote while i was desperately clinging to reality during a psychotic episode and this was incredibly cathartic) was THIS.. full metal jacket fanfiction.. it’s my 2nd favorite movie ever and joker is absolutely a full on blorbo but i know damn well not many people are out here looking for fics about a vietnam war black comedy (tho surprisingly this did get several very lovely reviews)
SO that said it’s been so nice to get input on writing again these days!! i love having my little subfandom gang to share work with 😭
ofc the one that will always feel the most euphoric to me will be comments!! public comments on ao3, comments in tags, personal messages anything!! it is suuuuch a high and i definitely screenshot all of them for a rainy day
but otherwise, probably word count is the main thing i’m rlly keeping track of regularly
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
i definitely do A LOT of my writing on my phone .. and it’s killing my thumbs lmaoo have arthritis in my hands and carpal tunnel on top of it just already not being good for u so. very much that 😩 the reason i LIKE writing on my phone tho is it feels much more organic and easy when i can just do it anytime any place, rather than waiting til i can use my laptop when i feel like half the time when i finally open it, everything in my head disappears. OTHERWISE… i feel like everything else that i used to consider to be a bad writing habit, i’ve learned how to work with in positive ways which is so nice
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
OHHH easiest answer is definitely to finish claw machine, there’s 3 chapters left (the next one has been like one paragraph away from being done for like a month i just keep getting distracted), but i’m rlly excited for the last two ESPECIALLY the final one. i have some random scenes written in both bc i don’t write in order at all, but stillllll
snippet from what will b claw machine ch 7!! what .. could they have possibly been almost caught doing…🙈
“Fuuuuuck,” Wan breathes out finally, dragging both hands back through his hair and laughing nervously. “That could’ve been…”
“So fucking bad,” Raava finishes for him. But then she turns back toward him with her own frayed laugh. The look on her face is closer to exhilaration than embarrassment, which sends his heart rate somehow higher. She rubs her forehead and repeats in awed relief, “that could’ve been so fucking bad.”
“Yeah, so…” he blows out a hard sigh. “That’s your dad, huh?”
“That’s my dad,” she scoffs. “Delightful, isn’t he?”
“Took the words right outta my mouth.”
She grimaces in secondhand embarrassment on her father’s behalf. “I’m sorry for that. I mean him. It’s not that hard to believe you have a fucking job.”
“Nah, it’s cool. I probably wouldn’t wanna see me in my house if I were him either.” He adds dramatically, “some teenage scoundrel alone with my pure, prestigious daughter.”
“That’s a big word for you, Wan.” She gives a small laugh and rolls her eyes, then elaborates, “his pure daughter being defiled by you.”
“Yeah, I am…so sorry,” he says sheepishly. He grins back, but still can’t ease his tense posture. His body is not entirely under his own control at the moment. “I probably shouldn’t have done that.”
Raava’s hands go to the ends of her hair in an unusual show of coy nervousness. “No, um, don’t…” Her eyes dart to the side, then back to him. “Be sorry. I may have...”
He waits in trepidation until she finally finishes bluntly, “I’ve been waiting for you to.”
“Oh.” His eyes practically sparkle at that answer, grinning stupid. “Well…that’s good, because uh…I’ve been wanting to. Obviously. Of course I did.”
She swallows hard and says quickly, “I’d like to do it again. Uninterrupted.” Almost as an afterthought, she finally confirms, “like last time.”
Dazed with shock, he says, “I can…definitely make that happen. Say the word. Whenever you want.”
Raava purses her lips, her eyes darting to the side and back once more, then unexpectedly offers, “do you work on Saturday night?”
Wan is pretty sure his ribs could break with the way his heart pounds. He answers with no attempt to mask his eagerness, “I will trade that shift as soon as I get home. No problem.”
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
that’s a very good question actually… i’m not sure!! i feel like i’ve actually never rlly considered what tropes i DO write (even tho.. i definitely do write in tropes i mean who doesn’t, and i definitely have a few i’m very loyal to). but hm…. imagine if i said “writing something not horny” … i could never
🪩 Do you have any "good" writing habits you want to cultivate?
i think i’ve gotten better about this, but i’d like to become a bit more consistent over all! i feel like i go in bursts of like… writing very intensely constantly for a few weeks-months, then struggle so much to get anything out the rest of the time. i’d rlly like to find some kind of medium - i mean, i don’t wanna ever lose the months of intense creativity THAT is the best. but if i could smooth it out and manage to have a somewhat steady rhythm on the regular, that would be amazing
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
i’ll be chill about it!! part of that is because i don’t rlly have a ton of rigid goals around creativity just because i never know what i might end up fixating on and maybe it won’t be writing at all. ofc there’s still some level of frustration when things don’t go how i want, but overall this is probably the one department in all of life where i’m NOT insanely hard on myself
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Oooh that’s true..I think for me I just thought Nagi would have a different calibration for closeness and since he literally had 0 friends before I can see him having a kinda inaccurate scale of levels of closeness LMAO
Honestly Otoya being the most chill is so funny him balancing it out with being a cheater is WILD HSDHJS
I LOVED cadence always thought she was so pretty!! I lowk liked Luna too (beginnings of angst huh) but also her theme was just gorgeous!! The wedding movie literally was the highlight of my childhood HAHA and the songs??? Don’t even get me started I remember recording the audio so I could listen to it on my phone LMAOO
Also NO STOP I WAS GONNA MAKE A POKEMON REF IN A PREV REPLY but I was like maybe i should stay away from potentially obscure references…do you have a fav game?? I personally love diamond and pearl LOL I can def imagine Otoya purposely grabbing a shedinja or a ninjask or a scyther for the sake of his aesthetic but secretly owning some really cute fairy types or something….like a flabebe or dedene….sometimes I close my eyes and imagine him as a faithful man LMFAO
Actually I found you through peregrine via the nagi tag first LMAO I was lurking a good handful of tags at the time and I was like omg this writing slaps….and then that just led me to your entire page LOL Unfortunately did not find you via the Karasu tag hahahah I remember at the time I was already thinking like WOW this tag a little dry and I don’t see all too much posted that often…imagine my shock when I start checking the Karasu tag like oh boy I did NOT know what dry meant clearly…I actually think I read peregrine awhile ago, didn’t touch tumblr for a bit after I got a bit busy, came back, forgot what happened, and proceeded to reread LMAO I just remember it being like “wasn’t I reading something before I fell off the face of the earth…” but anyways (hoping I’m not mixing up my fics and memory but I do distinctly remember reading peregrine first…I remember it catching my eye because I was like KIRA??? /pos When I clicked on the masterlist for it LMAO)
UGH YUKI BENCHED?? Get bro in the game I’m not going to lie I would’ve preferred seeing the fruits of yuki development over whatever Kiyora crumbs are being thrown to us like pigeons….TABIEITA HEADING A TEAM??? I would die of happiness they would so dominate omg…I think it’s on top of the fact that the have their own egos too and own drives for soccer (and healthy lives outside of soccer (well not the cheating but)) that makes them such a strong duo, like rather than depending on each other they embody the devour concept a lot more…tabieita reunion in u20 World Cup please i beg…
Prepping for a Yap session soon i think the chapter releases like today or tomorrow??? Getting locked in rn
But first IM RUNNING TO READ THE LAST INSTALLMENT I WILL BE BACK WITH MY THOUGHTS!!!! I know im going to eat this up thank you for your service o7
- Karasu anon
nagi to me feels like a character who has a lot of difficulty genuinely connecting w people so it would take a LOT before he considers someone a close friend. i think eventually he will find other friends/people to care abt in bllk but it’ll take a while fs!!
THE SONGS IN THE WEDDING MOVIE PLS CHILDHOOD ME WAS BUSTING DOWN TO THEM!! and omg i am such a pokémon lover…i really liked x but mostly for nostalgia not because it’s the BEST game yk?? alpha sapphire and pearl were also rlly fun. i haven’t played the new games yet but everything pre-gen 6 will always hold a special place in my heart 💖 PLEASEE LMAOO otoya gets pokémon x/y and ofc he has to pick froakie as his starter because greninja but then the star of his team ends up being like clefable or sylveon or smth JDJDSKKS he never lets karasu near his ds because he always gets bullied for his team of cutesy pokémon + greninja…meanwhile karasu only uses pokémon he thinks look cool even if they suck otherwise so if he ever battles against otoya he loses miserably 😭 pleaseee kaneshiro knew otoya would be too strong if he faithful he has to nerf my man somehow 😪
PLSS kira is lowkey villainous in peregrine…i didn’t want to make any actually lovable characters be the ‘second lead’ (said loosely because it’s so obvious nagi is the main guy) but i wanted it to be someone from canon and he was the best fit given what i needed him to do 😫 hehe that’s def a crazy journey but i’m glad you found me 🫡
I’M SAYINGGG yuki had his moment and then vanished bruh…i actually do like kiyora (him in the anime w that coloring is basically exactly what a male animated version of me would look like so i’m biased) but i wish his development didn’t come at the cost of previous characters…bllk has such a huge cast that it’s hard to balance it though fs so i do get it 😔 TABIEITA WILL COME BACK TRUST ‼️ people on social media say karasu won’t make it to the top 23 and i’m like??? he’s kinda carrying pxg atm icl he just has NO help plus he’s against isagi and ng11 kaiser so ofc it’s going to be difficult. overall though he’s one of the few players we’ve seen who actually plays really well midfield/defensively plus they’ve introduced this dynamic w hiori so i’m pretty sure he’s making it…as for otoya he’s ranked like number 10 rn i think he’s safe 😭 but he and bachira might be the only barcha players to make it because they are in fact the only relevant ones 😓
AHHH I’M SO READY epinagi release weekends are like a monthly holiday for me DJDJSJSJA have fun w the next part of fwtkac i hope you like it!!
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